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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10178312 No.10178312 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10178321

F Zero and Hangtime

the list goes on

(don't lie and say that one jetski game either and ya maybe I'm leaving out some other racing games)

>> No.10178330
File: 445 KB, 1239x905, asdfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the n64 thread?
what have you been playing on the console?
I've bee playing this and Asteroids Hyper 64, fun games.

>> No.10178359

Get N or get out

>> No.10178390

Mario, Ocarina, Majora, No Mercy, Conker, Goldeneye. It's a short list for sure but it's good.

>> No.10178396

Goldeneye is alright. Pass on the rest.

Revenge has a better roster than no mercy.

>> No.10178416

Banjo Tooie, I just beat the Canary Mary race (both of 'em) in Cloud Cuckooland. Kneel.

>> No.10178420
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>> No.10178432
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>> No.10178435

> It's a short list for sure but it's good.
>half of the games have better vr ports and the other half of those games run and look lile shit

>> No.10178438

These Raegan created rappers always crack me up. Theyre just run dmc in different clothing.

>> No.10178454


>> No.10178460
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>> No.10178478

are you retarded? every game on that list is an n64 exclusive

>> No.10178483
File: 10 KB, 236x214, Z(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the n64 is pathetic

>> No.10178520

Is there anythinf more cringe than the N64 hate bandwagon?

>> No.10178531

emulated, not ported.

>> No.10178567
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>> No.10178568

You do know that the GameCube "ports" of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are the worst releases of those games, right? Even the Switch versions are better

>> No.10178582

>You do know that the GameCube "ports" of Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are the worst
no they aren't, cope more

>> No.10178583

call it what you want but its better than playing it on the n64

>> No.10178586

the n64fags trying to defend it

>> No.10178591

why not just enjoy video games instead of whining like a bitch everytime you see an N64 thread?

>> No.10178593

OoT on Gamecube has horrible analog sensitivity/deadzones that makes aiming difficult. Majora's Mask crashes all the time, in a game where saving is done every hour or even after several hours.

>> No.10178598

>why not just enjoy video games
who defuk enjoys playing 3fps games that have puke texures and look like shit and have the worst controller

>> No.10178603

>OoT on Gamecube has horrible analog sensitivity/deadzones that makes aiming difficult.
lmao why are you playing with a bigben controller

>> No.10178608

Alright mr funny pants, you had your podium to share your thoughts. go do something more productive and kindly fuck off

>> No.10178613

Maybe you should leave the thread

>> No.10178614

sorry i reminded you of how shitty the n64 is, i hope you find a better console in ur life, but since n64fags only play the n64 and nothing else, thus thinking its the best console ever made, i doubt you will ever enjoy a crisp and solid 30fps game on the ps or saturn

>> No.10178617

no u

>> No.10178628

Projecting much? Just because you limit yourself to only the PSX (or Saturn) doesn't mean the rest of us do either.

>> No.10178636

sorry i only play on good consoles

>> No.10178654

i tried to play ocarina but it was taking too long to be a game instead of a very ugly visual novel so i played a better pc game instead

>> No.10178715
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I still haven't played Rakuga Kids or any of the JP exclusives on N64 besides Animal Forest. People think only Saturn had JP exclusives for some reason, but N64, PS1, and Super Famicom had a lot, too.

>> No.10178719

>OoT on Gamecube has horrible analog sensitivity/deadzones that makes aiming difficult
This is true for all N64 games that aren't played with the original N64 controller.
I couldn't believe what I was missing when I actually got a copy of Sin and Punishment and played on original hardware VS having played it prior on the Wii with a GC controller.

>> No.10179031

You're talking to a /v/tard, he probably doesn't even play video games.

>> No.10179037

Might as well not talk about console libraries at all since almost every retro game is ported to PC or can be emulated.

>> No.10179096
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>> No.10179109

ahhh... just as I remember in the 90s :)

>> No.10179437

a few i can think of are shiren 2, custom robo and v2, super robot wars 64, puzzle bobble 64, puzzle dama 64, dezaemon 3d, bangai o, j league eleven beat, bomberman 2001 and the doraemon games.

>> No.10179610

Is it good? I remember the PS1 version being awful for perfectly replicating the quarter-stealing mechanics from the arcade version (even with CPU Assistence turned off). Midway really dropped the ball after NBA Jam TE.

>> No.10179621

Why was it so bad?

>> No.10179636

>no games
>low frame rate
>bad controller
>bad res
>bad texture
>no cd quality music
>memory card uses a battery
>70% of games have better ports on the ps and dreamcast
>more: no lightgun game, no good 2d game, no good racing game, no good fighting game

>> No.10179660

Even with all of these issues, I couldn't call N64 bad. Not as good as other consoles for sure, but still not bad.

>> No.10179664

best version of the game is on N64.

>> No.10180641

Nushi Tsuri
super robot wars
Kiratto Kaiketsu
Virtual Wrestling
Pro Yakyu King
super battle phoenix
Hamster Monogatari
Jikkyo GI Stable
Jinsei Game 64

i also like the mario studio games in a mario paint sort of way, and the music in one of the menus may as well be beta acgc music

>> No.10180734

-ine good games total on the entire system

>> No.10180740
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They're fucking shit and if you're not playing on original hardware, any re-release aside from the 3DS version is completely useless since modern emulation on PC is better than Nintendo's official emulation. Emulation with paraLLEl-RDP makes Nintendo look like jewish hack frauds

>> No.10181308

The N64 has a smal library compared to the PSX and was really hurt by sticking to carts.
It should really be a 2nd console next to PC or PSX really.

But I do not get complaints like 'fog' and 'low framerate'

The PSX has lots of games with terrible draw distance as well, just look at Silent hill, Tenchu or Ape Escape
And games where it tries to be more ambitious it also runs into (severe) framerate issues e.g. Soul Reaver, MSG in 1st person mode, Driver 2, FF8 battle scenes
These are the games I'm most familiar with, no idea about others.

Do people only play PSX on emulators or something?

All of 5th gen was just not powerfull enough overall to let developers go really wild, wasn't until the PS2 came around that things started to open up more.

>> No.10181335

>>bad controller
Only way you can think this if you are a zoomer, have an AIDS-affected brain, or are a desperate Sega/Sony fanboy.

>> No.10181338

He's a segautist, I've seen that post in old threads, he's that guy that gets butthurt if you talk shit about sega consoles (specially the dreamcast) but he spams n64 hateposts like crazy.
If you wanna laugh go check him sperging out at the sega touring car thread, shit's funny.

>> No.10181353

>>70% of games have better ports on the ps and dreamcast
Dreamcast? Really? That thing was a massive flop.
They went from the super comfy Saturn controller to that piece of shit Dreamcast one
Also the games library is underwhelming even when compared to the Saturn (and the Saturn is meager at best)

>> No.10181392
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>Dreamcast? Really? That thing was a massive flop
So was the Saturn outside of Japan and literally 75% of it's library is JP exclusive with a good portion of that being shitty VNs. The amount of actually good Saturn games is probably lower than the N64.
If you could have only one library for the rest of your life you'd have to be retarded to choose the Saturn over the Dreamcast

>> No.10181417

>Dreamcast > Saturn
>Source: my asshole

Dream on, for as limited as the Saturn software was, it was still miles better than the Dreamcast

>> No.10181454

>Dreamcast? Really? That thing was a massive flop.
it wasn't a massive flop, and commercial success=/=bad console
also heres an example of a game that got a better port on the dreamcast, hydro thunder

>> No.10181456

>The amount of actually good Saturn games is probably lower than the N64
imagine believing this

>> No.10181457
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lmao cope more, look at this shit, its so dumb and badly build that every comtroller has a broken joystick now, and why the fuck is it a trident

>> No.10181460

>But I do not get complaints like 'fog' and 'low framerate'
then you never played the n64, i had games like extreme g where i shit u not the frame would drop to 5, and that made the game unplayable and the n64 is just a bad console. also its blurry and low res

>> No.10181487
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The N64 is the console that benefits the most from emulation.

>bilinear filtering
>retarded controller
>retarded button layouts due to retarded controllers
>flashcart barely supports any game

those issues are GONE with emulation

>> No.10181495

SoulCalibur alone mogs the entire Saturn library

>> No.10181521

Poor taste as its barely a top 10 fighting game on the Dreamcast
Yet Virtua Fighter 2 remains a classic to this day

>> No.10181569
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Completely delusional. Yes VF2 was popular when it released but everyone stopped giving a fuck about Virtua Fighter in general when better 3D fighters like Tekken 3 and SoulCalibur came out. Nobody has given a single fuck about VF since 1998

>> No.10181597

people still play vf to this day, just because niggers and beaners preffer tekken and soul calibure doesn't make it better

>> No.10181895
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>> No.10182784

Dreamcast was ultimately a flop but during its short stint it had good games and it was liked, if Sega hadn't gone broke they could have kept supporting it and easily rode it out the entirety of 6th gen. One can only wonder what they would have tried to do for 7th gen, but sadly Sega had made a lot of very poor decisions after the legendary success that was the Genesis, and it caught up with them.

The Nintendo 64 was not a fantastic success for Nintendo, compare to what a roaring phenomenon the NES and SNES was (the latter which could only be matched by the Sega Genesis, let's be clear, nobody else came anywhere close), but the NES and SNES had made them such incredible wealth, and the Game Boy line was such a continuously profitable venture which they managed to revive and get going again with Pokémania, that Nintendo could simply afford to mishandle the Nintendo 64.

That said, the Nintendo 64 had its hits, Super Mario 64 was a fantastic game which sold millions. It was the pack-in game, but a lot of people were looking for the N64 to get that pack-in game, and other titles like Goldeneye 64, along with the Zelda, Pokémon and Mario Party games, which were also pretty big draws.
The Nintendo 64 had very strong first party titles, but it kinda falters with third party ones, the console was essentially held up almost completely by Nintendo themselves and Rare, with third party releases being more modest and sparse in comparison, which limited the overall financial prospects. There's some very good third party stuff, but compare to the expansive and varied library for the Playstation, and it looks very limited in comparison.

One could claim the Playstation was a little quantity over quality, and there was some of that, but there was good stuff on there which Nintendo just didn't offer, the N64 had extremely little for RPGs, while PSX had lots, and some very good ones, and the N64 only received one Resident Evil title.

>> No.10182860

>One could claim the Playstation was a little quantity over quality, and there was some of that,
Whoever said such this would be lying out of envy and frustration, because PSX had both quality and quantity.
If you had an N64 and you wanted jrpgs, tactical games, survival horrors, rythm games, games focused on narrative, car games, infiltration games, fighting games, 2d shooteumps, 2d action games... you were fucked.
If you just needed some fucking variety and you didn't want to spend a whole generation with almost nothing but Nintendo and Rare games, and the extreme homogeneity and repetitiveness in terms of genres, characters and presentation that comes from such endogamous scenario, if you just need some edge, some passion, some intensity instead of the safe games from Nintendo and Rare that would always avoid risks... you were fucked.
I started the generation with an N64 and I had to buy a PSX later because I couldn't just pretend I didn't like anymore all the genres and companies that were missing. All the fun and emotions that I had experienced playing Life Force, or Ghoul's n Ghosts, or Samurai Shodown or Ragnacenty or Mega Man X or Alone in the Dark or Thunder Force IV or plenty of awesome games made by multiple companies... I couldn't just tell myself that all these great experiences were actually meaningless. I couldn't just claim that I never had fun with these games, that those are false memories and they don't matter so long as one know them for what they are.

>> No.10182864

Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark, Starfox, Pokemon Snap, Pokemon Stadium, Battletanx Global Assault, Mario Party games, OG Super Smash bros, Goldeneye, Extreme G, Kirby 64

>> No.10183095

I got a Cube for xmas and it had the Zelda collection, it was shit
It was okay for the Zelda 1 and 2

>> No.10183770


>> No.10183835


>> No.10184005

It's probably good compared to most other sports games. It has blitz too on it

I'm sure theres a few more (gauntlet?) but really thats about it

>> No.10184009

Ya it does, fzero, blitz and hangtime

3 games total

>> No.10184610

>Saturn was better than the Dreamcast
Why? Outside of VF and some Shining games the console had an awful library.

>> No.10185428 [DELETED] 

The N64 was a console for people who had friends due to all the 4 player party games, something that's an alien concept to console warriors.

>> No.10185518

Besides those it also had
Legend of Oasis, Astal, Bulk Slash, STCC, Rayearth, the better Daytona, Radiant silvergun, and many, many more.
Saturn was just more fun.

>> No.10185597
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I just beat the shit out of this game 3 times over the summer. Good game, but fuck Raid on Sullust. Working on F-Zero X on Master now because I'm bored and have no life.

>> No.10185613 [DELETED] 

>le epic frens argument
such a pathetic argument

>> No.10185616


>> No.10185619

>playing the n64 on a flat screen tv
n64 bros...

>> No.10185658 [DELETED] 

no friends post

>> No.10185661
File: 66 KB, 481x554, robotron64labeleu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, been playing Robotron 64 myself, yesterday i reached level 100 so i have 100 more levels left, game gets insane after you reach level 50.
Good luck on F-Zero X, you're gonna need it.

>> No.10185748

quick question. I'm emulating N64, am I supposed to map the Z button to L1/L2 or R1/R2 on my controller? I tried it on the right side, but R is used often, so it's not very convenient. I read you're supposed to press Z with your left hand, while your left thumb is on the analog—is that correct?

>> No.10185757

I use both triggers for the Z Button whenever I emulate

>> No.10185789

I barely managed the Queen Cup. I can't get the Jack cup for the life of me. Anyway, I've been playing Goldeneye trying to get 00 Agent in between F-Zero sessions. Is Robotron good? I've never heard of it.

>> No.10185797 [DELETED] 

>no friends post
>friends would come over and play tekken 3 at my house
sorry my friends weren't retarded

>> No.10185839

>is Robotron good
Absolutely, is a great game if you want some fast-paced arcade action, the first 30 levels are piss easy but they're mostly fodder to get extra lives for the later game, which gets crazy like I said before.
There's also a hard mode that's even bonkers, could only get to level 72 out of 200 levels.

>> No.10186174

That's cool. Glad you and your brother liked that one game. Meanwhile, all four of me and my friends were playing Goldeneye, Smash Bros, Bomberman 64, Gauntlet Legends, Quake 2, Mario Party, Mario Kart, DK64, Perfect Dark, all of which were 4 player splitscreen mayhem.

>> No.10186187 [DELETED] 


>> No.10186227

>no bad res
>no blur
>better sound quality
>better controller
>doesn't use battery saves
>better frame rate
n64fags be seething hard

>> No.10186237
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>blocks your path

>> No.10186243

also all those games run and look like shit lmao

>> No.10186283

Crash team racing, bomber man, the list goes on...
>bitching about retro games looking bad on a retro games board
I accept your concession, in/v/ader.

>> No.10186294

dont reply to touringfag, he has the n64 living rent free on his brain.

>> No.10186331
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>legend of mana, micromachines, vigilant 8, worms, fifa
>muh v
n64 games look like shit, and thats a fact

>> No.10186371 [DELETED] 

>n-n64 games look like shit! Don't they know the glory of 60fps online multiplayer action? H-how can somebody enjoy games that look like vasoline? Fucking Nintendo! How can these uncultured simpletons not BASK IN THE GLORY of Sega's latest, hottest, untranslated JRPG Miku Kawaiidesu peepeepoopoo KaiBUNGA on the SEGA SATURN? I'll show them one day... I'll show them.
Said anon alone in his dark room playing medal of honor, while his little brother and his friends from school were enjoying 4 player Goldeneye deathmatch in the living room, mom providing them with all kinds of snacks and beverages.

>> No.10186380 [DELETED] 

>heres my fanfic of my life
idk why n64fags resort to that, its already a pathetic argument but why push it?
also n64 sucs , sorry

>> No.10186395 [DELETED] 

Based post, touringfag btfo.

>> No.10186431 [DELETED] 

>Racing games
>fighting games
>soccer games
PS1 was the most normies console ever and wasn't uncommon for people to get together and play.

>> No.10186435
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>> No.10186457 [DELETED] 

>>Racing games
>>fighting games
>>soccer games
All on n64 (with guaranteed 4 players!)

>> No.10186537 [DELETED] 

>All on n64
and they suck

>> No.10186542 [DELETED] 
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Sure they did bucko.

>> No.10186550

What a heftychonk rat, I want to cuddle it

>> No.10186567

>people still play vf to this day
where? no, really? in Japan? there was barely any community for VF in the states until VF5 for PC came out not long ago. I know VF4 was somewhat popular back in the day on PS2, and that's pretty much it.
and also, Tekken 3 was huge pretty much everywhere, including Japan.

>> No.10186603 [DELETED] 

kek, never thought i'd see this one posted again

>> No.10186628 [DELETED] 

No they weren't.

>> No.10186647 [DELETED] 


>> No.10186648
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>> No.10186753

Get N or get out

>> No.10186760 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10188713

>The N64 is the console that benefits the most from emulation

duckstation removes the ps1 wobble