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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10176637 No.10176637 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on shmups?

>> No.10176656

tranny genre, worse than speedrunning

>> No.10176669

Pure video games, like platformers. I like them.

>> No.10176674
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I tried for ages to get into them and until it dawned on me I only like rail shooters
Even the worst of the bunch are more enjoyable to me for some reason

>> No.10176730

I'm not very good at them

>> No.10176746
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The only surviving series does so by appealing to casuals.
Think what you want of it.

>> No.10176751

They are neat, but I wish so many were not 1 hit kills. Yea yea, "gitgud", but as a genre, I totally get people not wanting to have to restart an entire level because they touched something one time. Either a health meter or just instant respawning with a new life after being hit are always the supperior options. Keep the 1 hit kills as an optional mode. Likewise, I really like games with a suicide bomb mode instead or normal lives. I was going to say there is probably a risk/reward system going on there over if you use the bombs instead of keep them as HP, but i suppose the most logical course is to just never touch them and if you get hit they go off anyway. Maybe making a system where they represent your HP, but you can also use them would be neat, but they dont explode when you get hit.

I also vastly prefer games with actual stage design hazards as opposed to just bullet and enemies waves.

Personally, my favorite game of the genre is Eco Fighters. I like playing it on a gamepad because it works great as a "twinstick" shooter. The fact it has actual melee type weapons is really cool.

>> No.10176756

8-bit and 16-bit shmups are best /thread

>> No.10176780

Fun genre if you ignore the crazies who treat it as a substitute for real life achievements.

>> No.10176790

1CC men in dresses are coming, you’ve alerted the horde

>> No.10176792

What a disgustingly ugly game. It's such a shame what has become of the genre.

>> No.10176793

Good in small doses. A side dish, not a main course.

>> No.10176795

Zombie genre after Tyrian mogged everything before and everything after it

>> No.10176805

they're alright

>> No.10176814

I like shmups once in a while. I never have any desire to keep playing and beat them after a game over though, after that i've usually had my fill. Haven't found one that can keep me hooked until I finish it.

>> No.10176819

Why do shmup fans have a hateboner for bullet hells again?

>> No.10176823
File: 35 KB, 866x605, 1cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do these three characters cause shitters to seethe in boiling rage?

How can you even consider yourself a fan of shmups or arcade/retro games at all with zero clears? You're just a poser shitter.

>> No.10176834

It's just a small handful of very loud, and very persistent autists who frequent shooting game threads here, most likely the ones who start them. They come from /vg/

>> No.10176835


>> No.10176951

I liked them until people started calling them shmups and now I don't like them

>> No.10176962

Indiferent, aside from that one series that cant be named because it makes shoot em ups autists seethe and rage to no end, I like that one.

>> No.10176969

Stay away from bullet hell shooters and don't go down the 1CC rabbit hole.

>> No.10177028


I really like Dodonpachi. It inspired a lot of other great games but it’s the one I keep going back too.The casino jackpot sound fx, lowbit butt rock, tough-but-fair difficulty coupled with simple mechanics. I get why it’s so popular. It certainly is a retro genre though, as it doesn’t seem like there are any actual new games on the horizon. Majority of the players seem to want to just play the classics so the genre is definitely dying. That’s okay of course.

>> No.10177050
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>Hot fucking girls, strong freaking dudes, cool looking baddies
>Looks like it's gonna drag you into an adventure that lasts for hours, high replay value too

>it's a stupid little top down/sidescroll shmup


>> No.10177052

>shitters no clear shitters shitter shitter clear zero clear clear
The new ChatGPT's looking good.

>> No.10177056

I want to have wet anal fun with all of them

>> No.10177101

They're fun and have room for great aesthetics. No games give you the feeling of traveling through space and passing through/over bizarre alien worlds quite like the Gradius series.

>> No.10177119

The average bullet hell fan is a zoomer who's jerking it to Touhou fanart all day while looking down their noses at trad shmups. These people need to be ejected from the community.

>> No.10177216

>1CC rabbit hole.
Rabbit hole? Lmao

1CC is babyshit bare minimum. It's basically the lowest bar for general competency in a game. Then you get into multiple loops, no miss, no bomb, speedplay, scoreplay, hardest dips, etc. But 1CC is basically just basically that you "beat" the game.

>> No.10177230

>all this babble
>he's never even cleared a single arcade game on original hardware, just baby MAMEplays

>> No.10177234

I don't like 'em very much and have given up on them as a genre.

>> No.10177237

New shitter cope just dropped.

>> No.10177239

Post Clears.

>> No.10177241

Not my full list, but I would rate my hardest clears as

1. Sonic Wings AC 2all nomiss
2. Tiger-Heli AC 2all no-miss
3. Metal Slug 2 AC nomiss
4. Sunset Riders AC 2all nomiss
5. Sengoku Ace AC 2all nomiss
6. Makaimura AC 2all nomiss
7. Batsugun Original AC nomiss
8. Metal Slug X AC nomiss
9. R-Type AC 2all nomiss
10. Metal Slug 3 AC nomiss
11. Metal Slug 1 AC nomiss
12. OutZone AC nomiss nobomb
13. R-Type Leo AC nomiss
14. Sapphire PCE nomiss
15. In The Hunt/Kaitei Daisensou AC nomiss
16. Silver Surfer NES nomiss nobomb
17. Shock Troopers AC nomiss nobomb
18. FixEight AC nomiss (JP)
19. Contra Hard Corps MD nomiss (no damage)
20. Darius 2 AC nomiss
21. GeoStorm AC nomiss

>> No.10177243
File: 14 KB, 348x320, wan mirrion troops wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no game design in bullet hells, you're just playing a puzzle game. Younger japs are infantile and love excess.
>wan mirrion burrets wooow

>> No.10177251

That's a really good summary of it.

>> No.10177252
File: 38 KB, 1000x195, Uhoh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this kills the MAMEbaby

>> No.10177261

The problem in question is usually like a single effect is slightly off. Meanwhile original hardware you have to deal with bullshit like slowdown which is 10x worse

>> No.10177265

Raiden is the only one I like and I can't even pass the 4th stage.

>> No.10177274

>making things up on the internet

>> No.10177303
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lol @ this guy. Since when do you need to beat a game to appreciate them? I've gotten to the final stage in a bunch of tough arcade games that I've never beaten.

>> No.10177309

You proved my point with your post.

>> No.10177496

That's rfk bro, western superplayer

>> No.10177528

Are there any cute shmups where you control something other than a plane, spaceship or robot?

>> No.10177542

have you heard of parodius, touhou, cotton, mamorukun, or castle of shikigami?

>> No.10177690

they fun

>> No.10177701


>> No.10177724
File: 137 KB, 640x1224, 45047_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might like 3DO. It has Burning Soldier, Starblade, and Total Eclipse. I still need to try Gamera 2000 and the Star Fox games at some point

>> No.10177740

i love them and i suck at them. played a ton on fightcade

>> No.10177871


>> No.10177989
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I love the genre, but success and failure feels pretty random.
I mean obviously over the long term it comes down to skill, strategy, and practice. But there are so many ways to make one tiny mistake that spirals out of control that whether an individual run is great or terrible feels like it's out of my hands.
I honestly think I prefer games like Shoot The Bullet where you have a bunch of short stages you just have to beat once. Although you do lose out on some of the sense of going on an epic journey with those.

>> No.10177996
File: 654 KB, 816x638, 2023_08_22_13_46_51_スーパースイーツスクランブル_Ver.1.010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Sweets Scramble is really cute.

>> No.10178036

Vertical scroll are superior. Personal favourite is Twin Cobra. Genetos also gets special mention. Each stage takes you through the evolution of the genre.

>> No.10178240

You're right dude. I should get arcade boards instead. Let me just check how much my favourite shmup DoDonPachi costs...

Oh look at that. 2 grand.

I'll stick with mame.

>> No.10178254

Opposite of the truth as always here

Most masculine genre other than fps and sports

>> No.10178296

That's not a SHMUP, that's a meme hell

>> No.10178413

That's not panorama cotton is it? What is that?

>> No.10178680
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x720, 1674983391786772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rainbow Cotton, it's considered weaker than Panorama but if you can get over the fact she literally covers your cursor it's pretty fun

>> No.10178684

Thanks for recs, I'm sold on Total Eclipse's ost alone

>> No.10179220
File: 127 KB, 709x709, 4412696-darius-gaiden-sega-saturn-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /vr/ think of Darius Gaiden?

>> No.10179246
File: 84 KB, 495x700, tumblr_l4z7kav9yZ1qzo5d8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Genuine masterpiece and the one shmup that's almost guaranteed to hook a casual into trying out the genre.

>> No.10179402
File: 570 KB, 720x352, ultispamc3ups.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best genre.

>> No.10179860

Just 1CC'd Raystorm. First truly hard shmup I've cleared, this game is fucking evil.

>> No.10179871

Prefer Konami cute 'em ups

>> No.10179887

look for "cute 'em ups"

>> No.10179893
File: 135 KB, 500x663, MV5BMThhMDUzYmItNGVjMC00MDA5LWJiOWEtNDY2NDRlOGY2YjdiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzg5OTk2OA@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the autofiring tranny touhou addicts.

>> No.10179935

what does autofire have to do with touhou you absolute retard?

>> No.10179956

It's a new australia-kun style shitposter. Ignore it.

>> No.10180357

Oh nice, this thread is for me - I just got a swivel monitor. What are the best vertically oriented shmups I can emulate /vr/? Bonus points if the gameplay isn't all bullet hell like, I'm getting old.

>> No.10180363

Sengoku Ace
R-Type Leo
In The Hunt
Gradius 2
Strikers 1945
Darius Gaiden
Out Zone
Salamander NES
Gate of Thunder

>> No.10180374

no I didn't; that's why I asked

>> No.10180415

Based, thank you anon. Definitely saving this list and giving it a spin soon.

PS. Unrelated, different genre and all, but I was looking through some MAME vertical games and holy shit does Gaiapolis look interesting, never heard of it before.

>> No.10180468

They're alright I guess, but I don't really enjoy autoscrolling screens. Run n gun games are absolutely amazing though, I love Commando, Shock Troopers, Alien Syndrome, basically shmups but you move the screen at your own pace, the level design is approached differently too compared to an autoscroller

>> No.10180931


>> No.10180945

Is there any bullet hell game that enemy bullets literally have no pattern?

>> No.10180950

It's almost like they're different genres

>> No.10180952

>Thoughts on shmups?
I prefer to call them shoot 'em ups. Shmups sounds retarded. Shoot 'em up already sounds a bit retarded but shmup goes too far.

>> No.10180965

Until you adjust the dip switches to the hardest difficulty, your 1cc means nothing and you didn’t beat the game.

>> No.10181065

Silence coping shitter. Post those clears

>> No.10181087

Raiden DX
It's (((fun)))

>> No.10181091

I cleared Dariusburst CS in ez route and that game where the girls clothes break when their ships are rekt, but that was the power of penis.

>> No.10181093

Caladrius Blaze, that's the game

>> No.10181215

Every genre that takes a lot of repetitive dedication will lend itself to autistic nerds with a massive amount of free time and most troons are autistic internet nerds with a massive amount of free time. Caring about what they like is stupid, they will like a lot of good shit. They aren't just going to take shmups, anime, JRPGs, and Linux away from me. I liked this shit way before any of these retards started shooting up hormones. You shouldn't let people you dislike choose what you can like for you. It's as dumb as people letting "nazis" take certain memes or media away from them. We used to mock this sort of thing here but troons tend to make the average user of this site completely shortcircuit and turn into the biggest hypocrites you'll ever see.

>> No.10181328
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Hell yeah, brother.

>> No.10181624

I'd say they are even more pure video games than platformers. They also work as an amazing casual filter.

>> No.10181657

Recently got a saturn and dreamcast, been playing any Shmup I can find. Any recommends?

>> No.10181738

>thinks his 1ccs on basic bitch default settings matter
lmao coping faggot.

>> No.10181740

Literally google it

>> No.10181753

I love them, but I'm not that good at them. I used to play the fuck out of the Strikers 1945 cabinet at my local mall.

>> No.10181760

I really don't like the Darius series. Galactic Attack is my preferred Taito shooter

>> No.10181767

Darius Gaiden

>> No.10181823

>no autofire

>> No.10181835

Honestly based take, I refuse to let anyone “push” me out of a hobby or interest, and I can’t imagine the mental fortitude or lack thereof of someone who does

>> No.10181937

>nazis take memes
they make memes, libs can't meme

>> No.10181986

Post clears shitter.

>> No.10183390

Game Tengoku has a pig, loli, UFO, car, and baseball player.

>> No.10184315

Here's a link for the official /vr/ shmups and arcade discord btw if you're looking to share clears, discuss the games, or looking for co-op partners


>> No.10184407
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Are these atrocious?
I don't have a pc, and wanna play them games, plus it looks cool.

>> No.10186724


>> No.10187818

STG/Danmakus and Rally games are the only thing I play. Repeating over and over again until I get close to perfection is the most rewarding
how right

>> No.10187835

Is it just me or SHMUPs have the best presentation out of any genre? They always look and sound so good

>> No.10187837

Soundtrack wise, one of my faves

>> No.10188065

There's basically an unwritten rule where shmups need to have good music.

>> No.10188470

I call them stgs

>> No.10188472

I love how they dont waste your time and just go straight to the point, its so distilled you can taste the gameplay

>> No.10188565
File: 178 KB, 570x800, 96378-advanced-busterhawk-gleylancer-genesis-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jxn6UiXFQk This one's for my Gleylancerchads

>> No.10190410

I like it when they're not too hard. They're a good genre for getting in the zone but I don't wanna be like fuck this shit

>> No.10190487

you're not a japanese.

>> No.10190524

lol you fucking retard

>> No.10191509
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It's just boring. The games are very short and the only challenge is 1CCing them, but in order to do that you have to grind for hours and hours, repeating the same stages all over and over in training mode until you got everything memorized. To most people this kind of experience is just not fun, it's a chore, the skill needed to enjoy these games is not skill acquired through learning, but skill acquired to memorizing. Take fighting games for example. There's a lot of memorization involved, but memorization can only take you so far, it's not what makes you good, fighting games are all about reading your opponent, changing your own patterns and learning how to control space and these can't be learned through memorization alone. The same is true for all sorts of games as well such as chess, mahjong, Dark Souls, etc. Shmups on the other hand are all about memorizing the stages and the pattern of the bullets.

>> No.10191517

There's a very small group of Shmupfags who complain about their niche genre not being more popular but it's nothing compared to the RPG fags and their "important" games.

>> No.10191520
File: 80 KB, 691x960, 2367725-a2600_millipede_au.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the really old arcade shooters like Asteroids, Space Invaders, Galaga, Milipede, etc. Most of the modern scrolling screen games don't interest me. I also prefer the "survive as long as you can for the high score" style of gameplay.

>> No.10191727
File: 24 KB, 320x200, tyrian.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyrian 2000 is the only shmup I come back to and play.

>> No.10191792

This only applies to bullethell shit.

>> No.10192617

I call them shpoops

>> No.10192684
File: 529 KB, 1117x1433, 1687108261981824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually the opposite.
Most dadshmups are designed around catching you offguard, you have to have inhuman reaction times or know the levels beforehand to beat them

>> No.10192689

I look for games that are fun to play and just try to get as far as I can, repeat next day and see if I can get further. Once I start beating them, I will go for score runs and see if I can get a new record each day

>> No.10193193

you don't learn patterns in dadshmups. They are much more like traditional action games in their design.

Post clears shitter.

>> No.10193280 [DELETED] 

bruh, where do you think the term 'memorizer' came from

>> No.10193290
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>> No.10193292

Holy shit you move so slowly. Who would want to play this?

>> No.10193293





It's funny because 100% of the trannies online I have noticed are into anime and JRPGs.
But not necessarily Linux or shmups.
Really makes u thinks

>> No.10193296

Donkey Kong
Ms Pac Man
Donkey Kong 3
Donkey Kong Jr
Burger Time
Congo Bongo
Astro Blaster
Jumping Jack
Mr. Do!'s Castle
Pandora's Palace
Satan's Hallow
The Tower of Druaga

>> No.10193304

>memo bad
retard moment

>> No.10193306

I like them in theory but find them to be too repetitive. I also suck at them and abuse credits to beat them so that's a factor too.

I am wondering, do most people play with a particular controller? stick? keyboard?
I recently got a Sega Saturn controller and really like the feel personally. Might actually beat DoDonPachi now

>> No.10193334 [DELETED] 

I didn't say it was bad. But the fact that there is memorization proves there are patterns you have to learn just for basic survival.

>> No.10193341

You don't memorize bullet patterns in classic shmups nonplayer.

>> No.10193728

you don't have to think very hard about that at all. JRPGs and Anime are passive entertainment while shmups are niche and challenging and Linux is turbo sperg autist shit. In almost any demographic more people will be into anime and JRPGs, it takes no effort to be into those and they're both mainstream.

>> No.10193803

2hu and programming socks are synonymous with nerdy troons. Not sure where you're looking. Everyone likes anime now too, even real girls.

>> No.10193834

there are many shmups easier than jrpgs that take less effort to 1cc than a jrpg takes to simply beat.

stop the fake news cope

>> No.10193839

Still niche and appeals to a more specific type of person compared to JRPGs. Most troons only like Persona and Fire Emblem anyways. And once again JRPGs are simply more mainstream. Way more people in general like them. Normies have no clue what the fuck shmup mean.

>> No.10193869

>Way more people in general like them.
specially jap shmup superplayers.

>> No.10193929
File: 68 KB, 750x1000, 1687418189621798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this website is beyond saving but, imagine thinking that only trannies can like [thing] and you're no longer allowed to enjoy if you do not have the axewound. Are you going to abandon dadshmups as well if they start playing them, because trannies play them too?

>> No.10193932

caveslop and touhou have gayshit that directly appeals to tranny sensibilities, girl pilots and dressing up as little girls

>> No.10193942

Yes Anon. I'm sure the majority of Cave's playerbase has been troons since 1995

>> No.10193948
File: 25 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-916159418-612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has there ever been a western shmup that could be considered a spiritual successor to Tyrian? Jamestown was so close to being perfect, yet noone iterated on it. Please respond.

>> No.10193950


>> No.10194521

I just tried touhou 8 because I heard it's the best shmup/bullethell for beginners to learn the fundamentals from.
Holy cringe. I just can't get over the little girl anime pedo shit.
Where are the cool ass sci-fi ships and robots to blow up?
Miyazaki was correct, Anime was a misatake

>> No.10194540

Play the original DoDonPachi

>> No.10194550

>specifically choose anime moe garbage with a community of weeb pedos who don't even play the games
>shocked when there is anime

>> No.10194825

>pedo shit
The creator is just retarded at art, most characters are not kids and not in like a 9000 year old way. Just all of his art is shit because he's mostly a music guy and so they all look young but only because the art itself looks like it's drawn by kids kek. Also the idea that it's pedo shit just because they look like kids is retarded and you have internet brain worms. Is Stranger Things "pedo shit"?

>> No.10194841

Honestly, as much as I love cute anime girls, if you have a well-designed game in your hands regardless of genre, you don't need to cover it with them for people to like it. It's a telltale sign that you're compensating substance with tittilation.
Is it an STG that happens to have some cute girls here and there (which is welcome if it makes sense), or a box of cute girls with an STG as a bonus mcdonalds toy included?

>> No.10194848

Anon, in a Venn diagram the circle of "shmup players" almost fits entirely in the "raging weeaboo" circle. There aren't more than 10 "muh spaceship" guys on Earth. Anime girls isn't tittilation, it's knowing your market (and attempting to reach more people).

>> No.10194861

>There aren't more than 10 "muh spaceship" guys on Earth
Make that 11, then. I don't play that many in the genre but even the simplest shmup in space feels novel, like a living example of how curious people were about the mystery, the promises and the future adventures of the final frontier that is outer space back in the day.

>> No.10194878

If by "shmup players" you mean exclusively zoomer posers who "play" touhou and CAVE.

Classic shmup players don't want that soulless moe garbage.

>> No.10194882

It's a genre I've always wanted to go get more into, after having the Snes romset as a kid and emulating a few.

I like them, I just don't tend to play them.

>> No.10194903

A decade ago, I got an arcade stick and got really into shmups. I didn't go crazy, but I played a couple hours a day, every day of the week. I was at the point where I had 1CC'd DoDonPachi, DoDonPachi DaiOujou (first loop), DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu (first loop), Mars Matrix, Ikaruga (easy game), 1942, Samidare, Imperishable Night, and a ton of others I'm forgetting.

If you don't want to play for score, you don't need to. That's where I drew the line. I didn't want to memorize precise paths and the location of every enemy. I consider a 1CC as "beating" the game. (The second loops of DoDonPachi basically require memorizing paths, so I consider a first loop 1CC as beating it.)

My "white whales" are Hellsinker and Radiant Silvergun on level 1 arcade mode. Holy shit, those are hard. Never could beat them.

I bought an arcade stick on Amazon last week and started playing again. I suck, and that's sad. Not retro, but I tried playing DoDonPachi SaiDaiOujou... that is the hardest arcade game I have ever seen in my life, holy fucking shit.

>> No.10195090

Bullfucking shit you didn't 2all DDP

>> No.10195164

Right, I 1CC'd first loop only.

I don't enjoy memorizing exact pathways or the location of every enemy in the game. That's what you need to do for high score runs, which I've never done. In DDP games, you also need to memorize a precise route to survive, you cannot possibly clear that with a "blind read."

>> No.10195170

*You need to memorize an exact route and every enemy location to survive the second route. Not the first.

>> No.10195364

>Is Stranger Things "pedo shit"?
You clearly have never been to /tv/.
Good on you.

>> No.10195430

>I didn't go crazy, but I played a couple hours a day, every day of the week. I was at the point where I had 1CC'd DoDonPachi, DoDonPachi DaiOujou (first loop), DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu (first loop), Mars Matrix, Ikaruga (easy game), 1942, Samidare, Imperishable Night, and a ton of others I'm forgetting.
That's pretty good. DOJ alone is a legitimately hard clear. Radiant Silvergun I've heard is very demanding too.
Keep practicing, I did stop playing for a year too but I recovered my skills pretty quickly.
Raystorm is my white whale clear btw. And Metal Slug X if that counts.

>> No.10195436 [DELETED] 


>> No.10195473

This is why I brought up internet brain worms. Pedos like all kinds of shit. That doesn't mean it's for them or should be considered "pedo shit". If you see one of the most popular shows on TV about wholesome kids solving mysteries as pedo shit you probably either hang around pedophiles or are a pedophile. The show might appeal to them but it has nothing to do with them. Tons of media is about kids, most of it isn't "pedo shit". When you see a modestly dressed normal kid doing normal things and all you can think about are pedos there's something extremely wrong.

>> No.10195513

Metal Slug X 1cc shouldn't be too bad. It's much easier than Metal Slug 2, and 1cc is much easier than no death.

>> No.10195854

What rally games anon-kun? Do you own a wheel?

>> No.10196013

As I said, no more than 10 of them on the planet.

>> No.10196015


you're literally me, can we be friends?

>> No.10196030 [DELETED] 

Shoot 'em ups, lap 'em ups, and stack 'em ups truly is the holy trinity of retro vidya.

>> No.10196381

>Raystorm is my white whale clear btw
based. I kind of lost interest in the genre earlier this year, but occasionally want to come back to it just for this one game.
never actually played it, but Rayforce was nice and Storm looks a cooler and harder version

>> No.10197306

What are some of the highest selling shmups in the genre?

>> No.10198180

Space Invaders
Star Fox

>> No.10198458

Mobil 1 Rally Championship (PC), Richard Burns Rally (PC), Rally de Europe/África (PS1)
request accepted. In the next few weeks you will receive a card, a certificate and a couple of stickers that accredit you as my friend
It's true, I also love Tetris The Grandmaster series and puzzle games in general

>> No.10199080
File: 449 KB, 1386x1080, tf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heard Thunder Force IV is meant to be the best shmup of its generation... Sorry bros, but I dropped it at Stage 8. The music and graphics are amazing but too many of the bosses are about waiting for them to reveal their weakness. The kickass music of Stage 8 is totally incongruent with the actual experience of playing this level, it's not fun. Might enjoy it more if it had infinite continues like Gleylancer, but I'm not replaying the first 7 levels so I can practise the worst level so far; I'll just assume the game has already peaked, and from what I've seen it's far from the best shmup on the Mega Drive.

>> No.10199426

Musha is so fucking good

>> No.10199434

Gate of Thunder is Thunder Force but better imo. But honestly MD has some really weak shmups lineup as its best games are just watered down arcade ports

>> No.10199613

I was like you, but I just had to save state practice stage 8 to get it. Helps using the thunder force. Stage 9 is also pretty brutal but very fun. Same with stage 10. The game is a bit overrated but still fun.

>> No.10199704
File: 42 KB, 500x495, 811D5F1D-77FD-4A62-B715-091CD682BBDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>165 replies
>no Einhander
You zoomies make me sick to my stomach dude.

>> No.10199906

Finally beat Raystorm on the switch m2 collection. My hardest clear by far.

>> No.10201234

einhander is one of those games that always comes up by non players

>> No.10201246

Not even a top 5 PSX shmup

>> No.10201247



>> No.10201345

layer section
sonic wings
metal black
sengoku aces
are some of my favourites on Saturn
heaps of good ones on the dream cast too.

>> No.10201371

you get powerups to speed up but the point of the webm is that in gradius games, once you die it is nearly impossible to recover, especially mid to late game.

>> No.10201470

Play Musha on genesis, I'm surprised no one has mentioned it in this thread

>> No.10202165


>> No.10202447

T. doesn't play shmups

>> No.10202678

not even in the top 100 shmups of all time

>> No.10202683
File: 322 KB, 1024x576, downloadfile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git gut, faggots.

>> No.10202718

wtf is that? why?

>> No.10202747
File: 231 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called danmaku/bullet hell. It's the most autistic subgenre. It's fun.

>> No.10203625

Bullet curtain

>> No.10203884

>Might enjoy it more if it had infinite continues
So you admit to being a casual pleb?

>> No.10204080

I don’t get how these jap gook kids can even play this. It’s too much for me.

>> No.10204213

>165 replies
>no Einhander
You zoomies make me sick to my stomach dude.
>Oh my God! It says Squaresoft on the cover so this must be an absolute masterpiece and even though I haven't played it or know anything about the genre I will be posting it on every site I go as a hidden gem incredibly overlooked by thousands and thousands of ultimate genre players The ultimate game of videogames that has the most dedicated gamers (Patricians) unlike me who is a pedantic and retarded casual 'gamer'.

>> No.10204264

Probably the same fag fucktard but I’ve beaten it… multiple times. Something about the controls is soo smooth especially with the speed control during gameplay and the weapon options are pretty amazing. The music isn’t all that but the futuristic artwork is gorgeous. I can’t get enough it. I own a physical copy. So I don’t understand why you niggers are butthurt about this masterpiece and yes it’s by Squaresoft. Probably cause you guys had your ships shot tf down by those sick mecha bosses like a bunch of newfags.

>> No.10204293

because einhander is too popular for a shooter, it's an excellent one but it's lauded for too many people even mainstream media as "the best shooter" when there's other amazing games which they say have sub par quality.

>> No.10204298

>The music isn’t all that
Really now.

>> No.10204312

yeah i'm a casual pleb because i want to practise the hard parts instead of going back and playing the parts i'm already good at again

>> No.10204716

Get some vaccines to level up your autism, then try again.

>> No.10206083

extremely incredibly fucking rare that anyone that uses this board has ever shown proof of any 1cc of any fucking game. no screenshots? no video? no wolfmame captures? never happened.

>> No.10206105
File: 2.31 MB, 817x1079, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> gets directly hit by bullet
> doesn't die
do you have a video where the player isn't blatantly cheating?

>> No.10206130

>watered down arcade ports
Hellfire is better on Genesis than Arcade. Better graphics and has the Hellfire cannon.

>> No.10206216

The bullets have tiny hitboxes, just like the player.

>> No.10206361

the hitboxes are usually about a pixel big. A part of the skill is understanding these hitboxes. Some bullet hells have a practice mode or option where it shows this hitbox while playing.

>> No.10206513

Most people playing games for fun dont feel the need to record their progress. Go to actual shmoop boards if you want to find that kind of dick wagging "evidence".

>> No.10206641

Any nonshitter will at least keep track of their runs. You are just a shitter whose only "clears" are 5CCs and save stated runs which is why you don't.

>> No.10206686

>Any nonshitter
only the insecure ones

>> No.10206694

And yet you have no clears shitter, curious.

>> No.10206704

I have a feeling nobody finds these games fun, they just play them to appear hardcore on the internet
it is such a repetitive genre, it's like 90% memorization

>> No.10206714

Many people enjoy playing shooters, particularly older console shooters. Mushihimisama on Expert is not really representative of what people like or play.

>> No.10206723

They're fun. Even the memorization is relaxing, though maybe you need to be a bit autistic to find pleasure in it.

>> No.10206734

why do you keep giving (you)s to the /shmupg/ vermin

>> No.10206784

Wag that dick harder, im sure some other subhuman will eventually give a shit.

>> No.10206794

>Any nonshitter will at least keep track of their runs
So just knowing i beat a game 1cc should be good enough then, right? Maybe use a notepad if I have shit memory. There is no need to be an autist that has to prove they beat a video game by going through the sperginess of recording their entire playthrough just incase another acoustic online doesn't believe them, right?

>> No.10206973

The point is this is all just rhetorical questions and hypotheticals because you don't have any clears. Now just leave shitters

>> No.10206986

woah now anon
if you get rid of the shitters, there would be only me and you left

>> No.10206995

Why do fags who demand to see clears never post their own?

>> No.10206997

I have posted clears before here shitter. If you know you know.

>> No.10207012

>Refuses to post proof right away
I'll give you some time to finish editing your fake evidence.

>> No.10207116

Oh so it's just gatekeeping faggotry

>> No.10207128

The fact you have no means to prove anything you post here is even from you means about as much as someone posting saying they cleared any number of games. You also seem to completely miss the point that everyone else is shitting on you entirely because you act like a sperg. Its no wonder nerds got beat up.

>> No.10207429

>no means to prove anything
I have the means to prove it, I just don't feel the need to prove anything to shitters.
>everyone else is shitting on you entirely because you act like a sperg
there's nothing sperg about it, you just have to gatekeep shitters or they overwhelm and ruin the community. Don't try to act like you are something you aren't, retard

>> No.10207435

Is the guy going on about 1ccs and "proofs" while not posting his own the same tard who challenged another anon to Vampire Savior and never showed. kek.