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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 174 KB, 800x790, cyber-troopers-virtual-on-oratorio-tangram-dreamcast-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10171282 No.10171282 [Reply] [Original]

This game kinda sucks

>> No.10171315

Still better than MARZ

>> No.10171316

I like the original the most

marz sucks so fucking much

>> No.10171325

you shut your whore mouth

>> No.10171326

Play the PS2 version. Go to control layout and change from "Standard" to "Twin Stick". Now leave.

Also, camera rotation is useless. It's supposed to be used to fine-aim attacks, not to recapture enemy lock-on. You know how to recapture lock-on? Easy! Just push the jump button twice. Is it retarded? Yes! But if you watch a few replays, you'll see the CPU does the same thing.

Ok, now you may leave.

>> No.10171682


>> No.10171685
File: 115 KB, 640x1104, 8701_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also ended up preferring the original game, despite the impressive visuals in the Dreamcast game. This is one of the very few instances of me preferring the Saturn over the Dreamcast

>> No.10171791

They expanded on the original in ways that no one wanted.

I played Virtual On as much as possible in the arcades. To the point that I probably could have afforded a Saturn to play it. Of course by the time it came out on the Saturn it was old hat.

Being a adolescent I had dreams about the game. Specifically the sequel. Large open playfields but the players had to keep a certain minimum proximity.

Also I had weird retarded stuff in the dreams like unlockable NPC mid bosses and challenges. The theme in my mind was very dumb because I was just beginning to read Lovecraft. So there were monsters and shit in the game.

>> No.10171925

>Just push the jump button twice
If you bothered to play with dual stick controls then do it properly and jump by pulling the sticks apart and land by pushing them together.

Turning is very important in Virtual On not because you have enough turn speed for target acquisition but because your VR needs to be pointed reasonably close to where you're shooting to both not waste half your shots turning and eat a horrendous recovery cooldown.

>> No.10172557

Is the VIRTUAL ON on the 360 a remaster of one of these games or a new one? Never quite understood it

>> No.10172941

Virtual On Operation Moongate has been on Arcade, Saturn, PC, PS2, and PS4
Virtual On Oratorio Tangram has been on Arcade, Dreamcast, 360 XBLA, and PS4
Virtual On Force has been on Arcade, 360, and PS4
Virtual On Marz is a PS2 game and is never spoken of again (except for Hatter)
Toaru Majutsu no Virtual On was on PS4 for about 5 minutes

More specifically the Dreamcast version of VOOT was MSBS 5.45 (which is a port of arcade's 5.4 version with some console specific features) while arcade was later updated to 5.66 which wasn't on consoles until the 360 version, which you could in some sense consider a remaster as it has widescreen, HD resolution, and later got a new lighting system. Force got the same stuff as well, along with a different single player way to unlock VRs and I think they might have added one or two new VR aesthetic variants.

>> No.10173054

/ourguy/ game sack just posted a model 1/model 2 video which covers this!!!!!!

>> No.10173290
File: 155 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Play the PS2 version. Go to control layout and change from "Standard" to "Twin Stick". Now leave.

Dreamcast actually did have a Twin Stick controller for Virtua On. Which I have never seen sold in any stores around me. But I knew it existed through magazines and online websites.

>> No.10173330

if you don't like robots you aren't a man.

>> No.10173397

Spotted the Switch owner

>> No.10175489
File: 710 KB, 2592x1944, I_main_a_girly_mech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still like it, but the two Fei Yen models of the original got nerfed from that point on to generic Fei Yen KN units. The movement is not as fast in Oratorio like the non-KN versions in the original. I guess it is more of a fairer fight with others, but the game is still great with added air dashes.

>> No.10175827

Original Fei Yen is only in the PS2 version though, and Fei Yen KN would way outperform regular first generation Fei Yens in the same way 707 shits on 10/80.

>> No.10176005
File: 158 KB, 694x800, 2163194-kido-senshi-gundam-extreme-vs-playstation-3-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your new Virtual On you fags wanted. It still sucks

>> No.10176579

>Play the PS2 version. Go to control layout and change from "Standard" to "Twin Stick". Now leave.
you dumb fuck, why would anyone play the blurry low res version of this game when they can play it on the dc via vga and with the dcs twin stick

>> No.10176635

YOU suck OP, you are a fag, hahaha

>> No.10176649

Why would you play VOOT 5.45 at peasant 480p when you can have 1080p 5.66 on PS4 with the Hori twin stick then

The game in OP isn't even on PS2 by the way.

>> No.10176708

>Why would you play VOOT 5.45 at peasant 480p when you can have 1080p 5.66 on PS4 with the Hori twin stick then
because this is vr

>> No.10177936

>I still like it, but the two Fei Yen models of the original got nerfed from that point on to generic Fei Yen KN units. The movement is not as fast in Oratorio like the non-KN versions in the original. I guess it is more of a fairer fight with others, but the game is still great with added air dashes.

I have a copy for the Dreamcast. I never owned the saturn game, but it was one that I would rent a lot on weekends. To be honest, I would rent Virtual On, Fighting Vipers, and MegaMix for the Saturn a lot. CyberTroopers is still one of my favorite 3D fighters for the Saturn. Even without the twin sticks, I thought it played well with a Saturn pad.

>> No.10178084

>I played Virtual On as much as possible in the arcades.
I did whenever I got the chance. I'd always play as the guy with the two laser special attack. Would always start a fight with a new opponent by doing that attack immediately since most people would rush towards you for some reason. Didn't work so well against AI, but 80% or more human players would fall for it the first round.

>> No.10178324
File: 2.08 MB, 4624x2084, 20230822_104200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have three other kits, one built, one in progress

>> No.10178328
File: 1.36 MB, 2005x4448, 20230822_104109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't decided a paint scheme for Kage yet. Very fiddly build, fragile parts. Enjoyed it a lot.