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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10164062 No.10164062 [Reply] [Original]

>be almost 40
>still feel mostly jovial (I do sports, engage with young people all the time so I have the talks, etc)
>meet cute young girls who are into retro
>their dads are my age or at most, 10 years older than me
It just feels weird, man.
When I was in my 20s, I suffered because no girl gave me the time of the day. Now that I'm older, young girls give me a lot of attention, and women my age WISH I gave them attention.

>> No.10164067
File: 30 KB, 600x360, 928d8a9a57515320068a2c339e88fd28-2773612904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That late 30s boomer who talks to jailbait girls about console wars.

>> No.10164073

Have you ever met a female console warrior?
All of the girls I know who like video games don't have that mindset, I think it's a male thing.

>> No.10164089

>babby's first whores
Those girls are just being friendly and possibly acting like whores, but they will not actually put out for you, they are teasing you. Plenty of girls are like that, especially to older guys. Cause if you was getting bitches like that you wouldn't be here on the /vr/ board talking about zoomer girls being so attracted to you and trying to somehow shoehorn it into being on topic for /vr/ because they like retro?

>> No.10164090

>meet cute young girls who are into retro
I fucking hate Brisbane, we don't get them here because this is the lowest common denominator normie capital of the western world. Everything is safe and effortless. Nobody is eclectic, well-read, or well-anything, so obviously retro is way out of the fucking picture. All my life I've felt love at first sight online from countless girls from other states or other countries, but QLD women? I don't feel any happiness towards them. It's not just a population thing either because I've seen more women on my wavelength from fucking Tasmania or small European nations than this state of 5+ million people. God fucking dammit I hate QLD women. If you want the boring tradwife archetype who will marry and cook straight away, come to Queensland. If you don't want to beat your wife thereafter however, stay clear of this place.

>> No.10164092

>SNES outfit
>even she can't even think of enough good SNES games so she has to put Mario 3 on there
Fucking pathetic console with shit library.

>> No.10164095

>meet cute young girls
OP just outing himself as a paedo.

>> No.10164098

What are you doing on a thread about biological females, auster? Back to your speccy autism and being a khv forever.

>> No.10164109

Skill issue ugly

>> No.10164118

Show me a girl in a Mega Drive outfit, you can't

>> No.10164130

No woman your age wants the attention of a 40-year old who plays games.

>> No.10164135

If the 40-year old who plays games is handsome, yes they want.

>> No.10164137

>meet cute young girls who are into retro
I was born too early. Funny that the old games which were once associated with being a nerd are now trendy.

>> No.10164140
File: 225 KB, 2048x1366, sega-atlus-tgs2020-online-cosplay-contest-mokorosu-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario 3 is on SNES, though (Super Mario All-Stars)

That was easy

>> No.10164157

>Ameriburger SNES colors
No thanks.

>> No.10164170
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>not owning both NTSC models

>> No.10164172

Name a game that was once associated with being a nerd that is now trendy.

>> No.10164176

Mario Kirby Zelda Sonic D&D

>> No.10164180 [DELETED] 

Any non-current game. No normalfag was still playing, or even pretending to like games more than 8 years old at most, in 2005.

>> No.10164182

Any non-current game. No normalfag was still playing, or even pretending to like, games more than 8 years old at most back in 2005.

>> No.10164183

Those were always popular though. Maybe not as big as Madden or 2K but still popular enough to get their own cartoons

>> No.10164190

nigga said jovial

>> No.10164192

Based. I can't wait to start destroying gen alpha pussy in about a decade

>> No.10164195

Oh boy the obligatory SHE WAS 20 YOU SICK FUCK types. Eat my balls.

>> No.10164196

I hope this is obvious sarcasm.

D&D actually was considered a bit nerdy though and I also doubt it's trendy today - trendy doesn't mean one or two attention seekers.

Kind of see where you're coming from now. So you could say games were once considered trendy, then associated with being a nerd and now considered trendy again. Still a little hard for me to think of games like SMB3 or NBA Jam ever being associated with being a nerd though.

>> No.10164204

That sounds delicious

>> No.10164206

I wouldn't know. Console warring never really comes up in irl conversations, I only ever see it on the internet. Who knows if some of the posters are female or not.

>> No.10164207

>be me mid-20s, gamer and socially awkward
>gf of 4 yrs cheats on and dumps me (probably because I lost my job and had to move home)
>no action, at all, for 2 yrs, stuck in another going-nowhere job
>Decide to fuck it all and buy a 1-way ticket and visa to 'nam
>travel the world working legally and illegally, meet loads of people locals and backpackers, forced me to get better socially
>loads of people I met travelling are really in to vidya, still speak to people I met 10 years later
>met my now wife whilst away, she's not in to vidya at all
Otherwise life is great. Can't have it all as they say. Also sage for blog thread.

>> No.10164216

I have a big one but I'm ugly

>> No.10164226

What are anime/gaming fan groups like in the west nowadays? I remember back in my teens and twenties they were 90% loser-ish guys with a tiny smattering of either obese or mousy fujo-ish girls.

>> No.10164231

>I also doubt it's trendy today

>> No.10164280

He said young, not 20.

>> No.10164284

Spoiler: they're never handsome.

>> No.10164290

Everyone in them is a porn-addict, most cons are just camgirl meet-ups. It's that and a lot of gender ideology.