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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 124 KB, 256x363, Super_mario_sunshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10153946 No.10153946 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this game get a lot of hate? I'm a few hours in and I'm loving it so far. Really comfy, I like the water pump mechanics, it's pretty difficult in certain areas which I like, vacation beach vibes. In my personal experience I'm enjoying it more than Mario 64. I guess a lot of people hate the camera and say the game is glitchy but it's not been so much as to negatively impact my experience playing it.

>> No.10153959

Because it sucks
t. 100%'d it.

>> No.10153972
File: 663 KB, 763x675, mariosunshine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It gives you usually one, singular, small taste of some pretty fun stuff but once you realize everything is spaced out massively in the levels just to waste more time and justify the existence of fludd and the game devolves into tedious gimmicks that solely feel like a chore to complete and the one good thing the game leaves untouched is the underground fluddless levels it introduces retarded gimmicks like chucksters which makes even THOSE miserable to play.

>> No.10153975

Not OP, but the Fluddless levels were by far my least favorite levels.

>> No.10153984

Yeah that has been my only gripe so far. It took me a good 45 minutes to beat the first one and I kept repeating "I pressed the fucking jump button, why did you just fall". Im playing the 3D Allstars collection on Switch and will try Mario Galaxy for the first time after Sunshine, but I've decided not to worry about 100% the game. Seems pretty short and I feel like if I worry about collecting everything that I'll start to get a stale taste for it.

>> No.10154021

I'm pretty sure this is a game where people feel they're obligated to dislike like, just because it's perceived as being the weakest entry of the series. I think this mindset is stupid.

>> No.10154032

Maybe. I was somebody who was eagerly anticipating the game and was thrilled to play it when it came out, but once I finished it I never had the drive to go back and 100% it (despite doing so for pretty much all the major/non rerelease Mario games prior and since). It wasn't terrible, it just never grabbed me like a lot of the later entries. Galaxy and Galaxy 2 were a lot more fun.

>> No.10154082
File: 964 KB, 1600x949, d62acc90-8306-46d4-85c1-2b3ba499fbaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filtered 64 faggots, that's all there's to it.
Now go play Eclipse. It's Sunshine 1.5.


>> No.10154084

this looks terrible

>> No.10154085

Of course the /v/irgin doesn't play games before he opinionate on it.
Go back.

>> No.10154087

It's unfinished and rushed, reuses a lot of ideas over and over without expanding on them, repeated boss fights with no change, full of awfully frustrating gimmick levels, and the controls aren't as smooth as any other 3D Mario game. It's full of charm though.

>> No.10154094
File: 138 KB, 667x337, hey check it out pasinos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10154097

3D All Stars has insane input delay on both 64 and Sunshine due to shoddy emulation.
Galaxy is better due to it being a semi-port. (Only graphics and audio are emulated.)

Best way to play Sunshine is real hardware or emulation.

>> No.10154108

Should have played it on my modded Wii. My brother let me borrow it but it's kinda nice to play portable and I'm already a few hours into the game so I'll just tough it out. Why are these ports always running into issues like this

>> No.10154167

because people are hateful. they don't even need good reasons. they just feel something and then fixate on something with that feeling, and from that hateful fixation pick out things that can be used to channel the expression of that hate.

>> No.10154183

I hate the aesthetics

>> No.10154361

I've played it for a short while and it reeks of third world incompetency + autism.
I genuinely don't get the reasoning behind randomly shoehorning Mario Kart stages into this. Apparently the author lacks the creativity to design stages himself.

>> No.10154495

the gimmick gets tired

>> No.10154624

>I'm a few hours in
stopped reading there

>> No.10154679

>I genuinely don't get the reasoning behind randomly shoehorning Mario Kart stages into this
Yeah totally has nothing to do with Nintendo doing that first in 3D Hurl.

>> No.10154690

yeah cuz it looks terrible

>> No.10154694

>it's okay *because* nintendo does it
nintendelusion is unrivaled

>> No.10154718

Because in any /v/-derived board, everything must be great or terrible. Every series has its peak, and everything else is shit. Every genre has its best series, everything else is shit.

Frankly, Sunshine is pretty decent and not particularly offensive. Hyperbole is just the name of the game around here.

>> No.10156465

>everything must be great or terrible
It's not just /v/. It's the world. This is just how people are now.

>> No.10156467

>Hyperbole is just the name of the game around here.
I thought it was called Super Mario Sunshine

>> No.10156474

Come back after you 100% it. Then you will see why some people dislike it.

>> No.10156491

for me it's that the game was coming after mario 64 and it simply couldn't compare to the mixture of hype and achievement. Moreover, the levels are a mixture of either simple platforming or obnoxious shit. Mario 64 maybe has a few tricky stars to get at most, while Sunshine has numerous shines/etc. that are >that fucking part.

tl;dr N64 was too big for people and many GC follow-ups felt like a misstep by comparison

>> No.10156493

As someone who really enjoys this game and its challenges I do think it's fair to say that this game tries to piss you off

>> No.10156507

I like that the daisy cruiser was made into a stage. It's a nice way to connect the Mario world from the gamecube era together and it even fits with the theme of sunshine and makes me wonder why nintendo didn't make a cruise ship level in the original.

>> No.10156508

low effort cash grabs done by B or C teams without much regard for quality

>> No.10156509
File: 780 KB, 1001x751, Sunshines 4 missing levels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were about four confirmed missing levels.

>> No.10156547

Sunshine only becomes a truly bad game if you try to 100% it, but it's nothing special either way.

>> No.10156571

I loved this game as a kid, I guess some people were a bunch if pussies who couldn't handle what a three year old could handle.

>> No.10156573

I got this game on day 1 and to this day I can't quite put my finger on why I dislike it. I didn't know it was generally considered a weak game though. I just know I didn't get as enthralled by it like I did by 64 and Galaxy

>> No.10156612

Looks dope

>> No.10156614

Mostly indie game devs who think they know everything and are trying as hard as they can to bring down the best games to make theirs look better which it doesn't.

Sunshine is easily one of the best games ever made. Anyone who says otherwise is retarded.

>> No.10156617

Sunshine is honestly one of the most disappointing games I've ever played. It feels like a weird Mario prototype that accidentally got made into a full game somehow.

>> No.10156631

Final level of the game was directing the boat in lava to get to Bowser with zero platforming.

Sunshine is dogshit in every way.

>> No.10156706

cause collecting blue coins sucks

>> No.10156714

Wooden boat too kek

>> No.10156849

I'd like to but I don't have the right .iso file

>> No.10156861

Ok that was clever, kek

>> No.10156869

How'd the lava stay in if the boat is made of wood?

>> No.10157573

this is the worst game I have ever played. the fact that I can't just say that without someone assuming I am being hyperbolic or contrarian is fucking insane. everything about this game is awful, I expected it to be as good as I remembered it being but I was flabbergasted at how everything about it is so terrible. not one thing impressed me at all. every single thing about it was bad.

>> No.10158023

It's just zoomies getting retroactively filtered by the hardest Mario game. It's also a great game btw.

>> No.10158757

Loved this game at release but playing it recently I realized it's mogged by pretty much every other 3D Mario except maybe 3D Land.

>> No.10158824


>I'm a few hours in
The first two levels are the games peak. It's a steep nose dive immediately after that. Anyone who bitches about the fludd or whatever stupid crap being why the game is bad are full of shit. It's because the majority of its levels are flat, too wide and spacious, and make for shit obstical courses to platform around. Once you hit the watermelon beach level with the solar panals, take a moment to really let it sink in how much open, flat area there is immediately surrounding you. It's a slog to traverse through. And if it the level isn't big and empty then it's small and cramped. The hotel level is dense, but gives little room for comfortable free form movement. And the theme park might seem decievingly fun, but most of the rides/platforms are just too slippery and don't offer any reliable footing to confidently jump around in. And are just poorly placed out for seamless platforming to begin with.

On top of that, the game's just rushed and unfinished. Not to the point of being Twinsanity or 06 tier, but enough for me to hate just hate it on for personal reasons. Shipping out something that's unfinished regardless if it's only a select portion of the game is 100% anti consumer, and knowing Nintendo just fumbled this and so many other gamecube titles just generally leaves a bad taste in my mouth. But that's just me.

Anyway, Sunshine does have good controls and fantastic presentation, so it's really joyful at first glance. But once you peel back it's layers some more, you start to see where it begins to fall apart. Go for a 100% run and tell me if you'd rather do that again, or 64's base 120 stars. Anyone who says they did it without a guide or that they enjoyed it is either lying or retarded.

>> No.10158830

>autistic arguments
Nobody cares about 100%'ing a game autie. Back to Vtube.

>> No.10158836

It's zoomies growing up used to Galaxy and then not being to play Sunshine because it's different and too hard for them. Nobody hated Sunshine until zoomers were old enough to go on the internet. Let that sink in.

>> No.10158843

Too challenging for the usual bing wahoo crowd

>> No.10158860

100% a game is experiencing it to its fullest. Especially for Mario. Not 100% 64 is missing out one like a third of the content. Actually content btw, not stupid obtuse blue coins that only actual autism patience would waste their time going after.Imagine simping for a game and not even being able to go to bat for it properly. Where do you get your opinions from?

>> No.10158889

Imagine being a raging homosexual

>> No.10158938

>100% a game is experiencing it to its fullest.
>not stupid obtuse blue coins
It's still content whether you like it or not, retard-kun. Never critique games.

>> No.10158970
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (1) (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah cuz it looks terrible

>> No.10158975

Exactly, so stop getting filtered by it because it's not by daddy tendie.

>> No.10158981

Lmao nerd

>> No.10158982

Yeah it's a great game it just gets a bit repetitive if you try to squeeze all life out of it like this guy

>> No.10158984

>A legally ripped USA "non nkit" .iso of Super Mario Sunshine.
From the GB page
Just head on to the web archive to find it

>> No.10158985

>Le Twitter meme
Do you Zoomers purposely revel yourselves or is this post-post-modernist shtick where you do it ironically as a flex based on your insecurity?

>> No.10158991

What the fuck is Twitter?

>> No.10159002
File: 51 KB, 699x332, ujz0tqx5ob201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10159027

Only zoomers hate sunshine though

>> No.10159030

This is so true

>> No.10161202

Best Mario game

>> No.10161298

It’s rushed, buggy, unfinished, nowhere near as soulful as SM64 or Galaxy, feels too gimmicky with fludd, and the best parts of the game are the levels where fludd is taken away which are few

>> No.10161372

if you played sunshine during childhood, the zoomer is you

>> No.10161485

Nice try zoomer

>> No.10161538

Sunshine felt very rushed, badly directed, and mostly unfinished. It's still a great game by most standards, but it lacks that ambition most Mario games usually have where nintendo goes out to prove they are the best developers in the world. I recently went through all the 3d mario games in a row and by far Galaxy was the most impressive and Odyssey was great too, I think they really learned a lot from the missteps in Sunshine.

The one thing sunshine has going for it is its really fun to just dive around everywhere and slide and move really fast and cancelling your animations, it just doesn't have level design actually created around its slick movement system that takes advantage of it. Mario 64 actually feels like its levels take advantage of all the moves that mario can do and gives you a lot of creativity in how obstacles can be achieved which is why it has way longer staying power in the speedrunning community

>> No.10161553

Good to see Nintendo fans finally admitting there are bad Mario games

>> No.10162238
File: 49 KB, 954x807, Go to sleep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does this game get a lot of hate?
It attracts posts. I always see at least one Sunshine thread on /vr/. Why? Because it's one of the major games of the Gamecube, one of the best consoles and the last truly comfy console as well. Back then there weren't as many 3D Mario games as there are today and it was the last big Mario game before they changed the way they treat the IP. Plus it's a fun game that's fun to talk about.
Anyway it has three great worlds: #1 Bianco Hills, #2 Ricco Harbour and #6 Noki bay. I still being in these worlds a lot.
The other levels are alright, mediocre or bad.

Good post anon.

>> No.10162492

Because the masses are stupid and Mario attracts the masses. Sunshine is an acquired taste, it's better than Sunshine and 64 on so many levels. It has a unique atmosphere compared to other Mario games and no other video game ever replicated it. They picked the absurdist tropical theme and went all in on it. Literally everything you see or hear is part of it. The tropical island vibe goes really well with the overall weird atmosphere the game has, and other Mario games do not have that weirdness. Other Mario games play it much safer and their aesthetic feel much more superficial. Only conoisseurs who see video games as a rising art form truly understand this, and I mean this unironically. With Sunshine Nintendo tried something creative and risky and they succeeded, same as with Wind Waker. But the type of person who posts about video games online is not the same type of person who likes change or innovation. Also it's a pretty hard game and all Mario games after it are designed so 5 year olds could beat it. Levels also feel shorter and the exploration is completely gone. 3D World is one of the worst games I ever played, it was so stupidly safe and easy in all possible ways. But this is what Nintendo fanboys want: more of the same, forever.

>> No.10162496

>it's better than Sunshine and 64 on so many levels
I meant Galaxy and 64

>> No.10162512

>But this is what Nintendo fanboys want: more of the same, forever
Just look at Pokémon for example. Nintendo tried something new with Black and White and people shit all over it. Now we have the same Pokemon game over and over and it will never change because they sell like crazy. The same will happen with the Mario series, once the franchise will inevitably decline (Odyssey was great btw), people will look back and see that Sunshine was the best entry as happens with B&W now. Remember this. And then zoomies and other sheep will pretend they liked it all along.

>> No.10162547

If these are the words you use to describe the redeeming qualities of a Mario game, something is wrong.

>> No.10162736

It's like everything 64 should have been and the 64 butthurts are a vocal minority that constantly look to defend their pile of poop.

>> No.10162846

Sunshine is miles better than the tech-demo that is 64, even with its flaws.

>> No.10163000

Great argument faggot. Sorry I didnt use le soul and hecking kino. Fucking retard.

>> No.10163036

You might as well have

>> No.10163304

Sunshine is the GOAT

>> No.10163449

the water looks pretty good

>> No.10163730

couldnt have said it better myself

>> No.10163739

Okay, now that you're done talking about Super Mario 64, let's get back on topic shall we?

>> No.10163745

Remember kids when you cannot think of an argument to dislike a game just say it's unfinished.

>> No.10163913

Galaxy feels weird to me anon, I guess I'm just familiar with playing it on wii.