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File: 94 KB, 640x480, sonic-3d-saturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10151636 No.10151636 [Reply] [Original]

Here's your answer to Super Mario 64 bro

>> No.10151642
File: 773 KB, 477x800, nights-into-dreams-sega-saturn-front-cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's this one.

>> No.10151645

Needs a 3D analog controller, it's terrible to control with the dpad.

>> No.10151647

It's a pretty fine game, no contender to Mario 64 at all, but good for its own league. Haters gonna hate

>> No.10151661

but it's not a platformer

>> No.10151669

It's fucking astounding to watch gameplay of NiGHTs knowing that it's Sega's big Saturn exclusive then realizing it came out in the same window as the N64 itself and looks a whole generation behind Super Mario 64 and Star Fox 64

Sega didn't stand a chance

>> No.10151707

That was the answer to Mario RPG though.

>> No.10151714

Some anon once called it "A platformer without the platforms" and it blew my mind.
It was bad, but it wasn't that bad. A whole generation behind would have meant it looked like a Genesis/SNES game.

>> No.10151715

>whole generation behind Super Mario 64 and Star Fox 64
No? The visuals in Nights were so good Miyamoto wished he was the one who made it.

>> No.10151719

>Miyamoto said a thing
Are these stories ever true?

>> No.10151724

If the person in question is Japanese, never.

>> No.10151725

Even if he didn't, are you really gonna sit here and tell me Nights looks bad for 1996 game? Specially on a hardware known for sucking at 3d?

>> No.10151739

I mean, it looks aesthetically very appealing.
It does not look cutting edge for the time though.
There were all kinds of 3D flight games going back to the 80's in some cases, and this is a game that's idea of free flight is to lock you on a 2D axis.

>> No.10151750

Saturn was not supposed to be an answer to Nintendo 64. In case you don't understand chronology: Saturn came first, by two years. You're comparing an older 32-bit console to a 64-bit one. Of course they aren't going to be the same. Of course Saturn has nothing compared to masterpieces like Mario 64. This is just silly to suggest.

>> No.10151756
File: 37 KB, 396x633, P3n8CCl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that, as an answer to Super Mario 64, this doesn't cut it, and SEGA messed up so many things during the Saturn era... but Sonic 3D Blast's still a fun time, and since it essentially goes out of its way to function as a Collect-A-Thon, it ends up feeling like a response to Super Mario 64 even if that wasn't the original intention, but the formula works for Sonic more than I could've ever thought it would. I'll admit that control is subpar unless you're playing on a good controller with the option of using a good analog stick, but looks and sound are stellar as always, the Flicky collecting, while trying to find Tails and Knuckles to get the Chaos Emeralds, it's a fun Collect-A-Thon because level design was genuinely excellent and that made it fun to explore while looking for all of these things. I really wish I could give the Saturn version a go, I know it's mostly just a graphical update, besides the special stages now being the half pipe from Sonic 2, but good this time, however they're nice graphical updates, and the new OST is sweet too, but Saturn is a pain to emulate... anyways, I definitely recommend Jon Burton's Director's Cut, it's phenomenal.

>> No.10151801

If Playstation were able to get its own answers to Mario 64 (Spyro, Ape Escape, etc.), why couldn't the Sega Shiturn?

>> No.10151854

Let me correct you OP: Here's your answer to Super Mario RPG bro

>> No.10151976

No it's not.

>> No.10151990
File: 80 KB, 512x445, sprite_stuff__fake__super_mario_rpg__sequel_4_by_sxgodzilla_d9e2yzh-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only.
I rather a Sonic RPG by Traveler's Tales than fucking Biobreak (Bioware)

>> No.10151991

Maybe we can convince the guy behind the Director's Cut to make it, hm?

>> No.10151996
File: 11 KB, 320x224, Sonic3DDirectorsCut_TitleScreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the superior version, you nonce.

>> No.10152002

Faggot, don't you tie your shitposting with my message spreading.
I don't hate Sonic 3D Flickies Island either, definitely needs a DX version.

>> No.10152005

>Star Fox 64
Oh look the other Nintendo franchise that fell even harder than fucking Sonic and F-Queero.

>> No.10152029

Having answers =/= being genuine competition.

>> No.10152030

I’d play this.

>> No.10152087

Because PS1 had a longer life, better devs, and slightly better hardware.

>> No.10152416

Don't care. Fuck 3D shit, it killed Sonic and all of gaming. Should have did what Capcom told Shitny to do, eat shit with no Resident Evil if they can't make 2D Mega Man kino on it.

>> No.10152425

He don't mean literally you retard, he's saying it looks like a tech demo released as a full game, basically shovelware, compared to the complete Mario 64.

>> No.10152437

>If Playstation were able to get its own answers to Mario 64 (Spyro, Ape Escape, etc.), why couldn't the Sega Shiturn?
Because it cheated, nigzoomer. It used Nintendo's tech to make its OWN system. It was originally the Nintendo Playstation until shit happened and Sony moved on

What you should be saying is why did SoJ denied the merger of Sony and SEGA when SoA wanted to? Then SEGA would have won against Nintendo and you wouldn't have to be in here sounding like a underaged uneducated retard.

>> No.10152449
File: 13 KB, 320x224, Sonic3D-SS-SONKNUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fun game. Nice graphical upgrade from the Genesis version and the OST is legimiately cozy https://youtu.be/uVVb8hOyQnQ

I actually really like NiGHTS' soundtrack too, and the story is kind of heartwarming if you make it to the end

Hey anon, try Mednafen or Beetle Saturn core in RetroArch if you are on PC. If you have an Android device you can try Yaba Sanshiro 2, if that does not work try downloading an older version. This is how I got them to play on my Fire TV 4K Max, isn't perfect but it gets the job done for Sonic, NiGHTS, SEGA Ages Vol 1 etc. Saturn is not a bad console

>> No.10152662

>Hey anon, try Mednafen or Beetle Saturn core in RetroArch if you are on PC. If you have an Android device you can try Yaba Sanshiro 2, if that does not work try downloading an older version. This is how I got them to play on my Fire TV 4K Max, isn't perfect but it gets the job done for Sonic, NiGHTS, SEGA Ages Vol 1 etc. Saturn is not a bad console
Will do!

>> No.10152716

I played it on my Pentium back in a day, my child brain was having difficulties also I couldn't speak engrish

>> No.10152735
File: 24 KB, 640x480, sddefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot you could also just play the Windows 95 version as well. Basically the same but with some pretty sad looking Special Stages instead of the cool Saturn ones

>> No.10152753

I don't think you even remotely understand how consoles are developed. Usually the creation process is subcontracted to electronics manufacturers. For example, Sony helped build parts the SNES hardware in the first place. The fact that Sony built a prototype machine that Nintendo rejected does not mean they "cheated", this is just absurdly retarded to suggest. PlayStation is a machine that was created by Sony, with additional support from American computing companies, that's it. Sony/PS1 did not have any inherent advantage over Sega, outside of the fact that they were an established electronics company, and they certainty didn't steal Nintendo's technology or whatever shit you're implying. Especially since Nintendo 64 was developed much later mostly by Silicon Graphics.

>Then SEGA would have won against Nintendo
Oh, I wasted time talking to a stupid fanatic. My mistake.

>> No.10152808
File: 153 KB, 1077x1077, 1621350525802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh, I wasted time talking to a stupid fanatic. My mistake.
I don't think he's a fanatic at all, the argument wasn't bad, of course it's possible that 90's SEGA, due to their track record, could've messed up even something like the PlayStation, but had they agreed to partner with Sony and release the PlayStation instead of the Saturn, more or less the same way Sony did, with decent price and way before the Nintendo 64 came out, they could've taken that generation all for themselves even without Sonic. I'm glad things happened the way they did though, as much as I love SEGA, I don't mind that we got the Saturn and Dreamcast, they were solid in their own way.

>> No.10153870
File: 157 KB, 1000x1159, Sad_Turban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaze did a whole showcase of romhacks today and none of them was Super Sonic RPG

>> No.10153874

I dunno, it gives a nice Sonic 1-ish melancholic vibe

>> No.10153917

>Must defend Segayness failing by saying F-Queero and getting mad at Star Fox 64
>Sega ends up developing F-Zero

>> No.10153997

>No, it's this one.

> NiGHTS into Dreams (came bundled with the Saturn 3D pad): July 1996 (Japan), August 1996 (NA)
> Super Mario 64 (launched with the N64): June 1996 (Japan), September 1996 (NA)`
> Crash Bandicoot (released on the one year anniversary of the NA launch): September 1996 (NA)
> Tomb Raider (released on Sega Saturn first in the UK) : October 1996 (UK), November 1996 (US)

Sega of America really wanted Sonic Xtreme to be out on the market around the same time as Mario 64, but the game was going through so many development issues that this became an impossibility. I feel like they had to rely on NiGHTS to fill that spot, but they really didn't know how to market the game well. Sonic 3D Blast was original put into development for the genesis/ Mega Drive and was apparently ported over to the Saturn rather quickly, probably so they could make some claim that they released a '3D' Sonic game on the Saturn before Christmas season of 1996. Meanwhile, Sony was hyping Crash Bandicoot as their big competitor to Mario 64. Sony aimed the original Crash Bandicoot ads directly at Nintendo, with those 'guy in a Crash suit' commercials, with Crash driving to Redmond Washington To yell at Mario in the front parking lot of NOA HQ.


Sony basically used the same tactics that Sega used with Sonic the Hedgehog originally, back in 1991. It worked for Crash. Both Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot overshadowed NiGHTS into Dreams.

>> No.10154031

>> NiGHTS into Dreams (came bundled with the Saturn 3D pad): July 1996 (Japan), August 1996 (NA)
>> Super Mario 64 (launched with the N64): June 1996 (Japan), September 1996 (NA)`
>> Crash Bandicoot (released on the one year anniversary of the NA launch): September 1996 (NA)
>> Tomb Raider (released on Sega Saturn first in the UK) : October 1996 (UK), November 1996 (US)

>Sonic 3D Blast (Sega Saturn,Genesis): November 1996 (NA)

It really just felt like desperation on SOA's part to get a Sonic game released on the Saturn. Since Xtreme failed to materialize. They had a whole marketing campaign of 'Blue is Back', and I don;t think the Genesis game sold badly. I had a copy. But it clearly didn't light the Saturn on fire. I don;t even think it's a bad game. Just not the Sonic game that people were expecting to see on the Saturn. By November 1996, Wave Race 64, Killer Instinct Gold, and the first batch on N64 games being released in NA. By December Mario Kart 64 and Shadow of the Empire were released. Tomb Raider also became a big hit, it sold well on all platforms, but sold the most on the PS1, to the point where Sony money hatted console exclusivity. I almost feel like they should have held off on the Saturn release until after Christmas.


>> No.10154089

>I feel like they had to rely on NiGHTS to fill that spot, but they really didn't know how to market the game well.

The only commercial released for NiGHTS in the North American market:

Really the commercial doesn't build NiGHTS up at all as anything. It just shows this footage of a jester thing flying around. With voice over by Phil Lamarr telling you that the 'Plaything can't do this because it only has one processor". Sega in the past had a whole series of advertisements building up Sonic. They had a really calculated advertising campaign.


Crash had a whole series of pre-launch commercials, with the character driving around looking for Nintendo HQ and at a diner in Washington state, where they look at him funny. The only real promotional thing for NiGHTS was Christmas NiGHTS that was given away at retail outlets to any new Saturn owner. Nintendo didn't even have to advertise Mario 64. It advertised itself. There were 'Got Milk?" commercials featuring Mario 64.

>> No.10155256

SEGA AMV2 ended Nintendo's career by doing the impossible and left the franchise cripple for decades.

>> No.10155430


>> No.10157865

It's not a platformer, it doesn't appeal to the same kind of audience that Mario or Crash do. Apples and oranges. The only reason it's brought up in those kinds of discussions is because Sega desperately needed SOMETHING to make people buy Saturn at the time and it was their best kid-friendly game.

>> No.10157897

I tried it out last night, it plays like shit?
Or am I not understanding it right.
Imagine getting this for chistmas while the rest of us get Mario or Crash

>> No.10158227

how is this even feasible. There's no way Knuckles can glide anywhere reasonably far while carrying Sonic like that

>> No.10158256

Using the analog stick with the PS2 port feels much better, but it's still digital movement.

>> No.10158260

I kinda like Sonic 3d desu. You just need to get used to pretty jank controls

>> No.10158282

I want you to look really closely at the photo in the post you replied to

>> No.10158485

Saturn was only 32 bits so technically it was a generation behind.

>> No.10159324

Conker's BFD felt like it was using more next-gen capabilities than Sonic Adventure, despite being on far weaker and older hardware.
>real-time dynamic shadow on the player
>More sophisticated character environment interaction (water, etc)
>better and more effective uses of dynamic lighting
>good animation, including on facial/voice synchronization

>> No.10159739

The remake even looks like a 4:3 Xbox 360 game

>> No.10160260

The bonus stages look good, but play awfully. Has the same problems from Sonic 2 and the devs didn't even bother to improve it. In the end, it seemed that all they cared about was to let the player briefly control a polygonal Sonic.

>> No.10160392

and you reread my post

>> No.10160402

Saturn could never

>> No.10160427

xtreme coming out in the state we were shown wouldve murdered sonic and made him just another 90s mascot platformer trying to rip on mario's success. the dreamcast wouldn't have even come out if xtreme released. what sonic team shouldve done is focus on adventure first and nights later so sonic wouldnt have even needed to be handed over to SoA.

>> No.10160445

>xtreme coming out in the state we were shown

This video aired in a segment on a show called The Anti Gravity Room in Canada and Sci-Fi network. It was one of the few times Sonic was shown playable publicly. I think this was filmed maybe June or July 1996. The PR lady says the game would be ready for holiday 1996. But the game demo looks like a single boss stage with a non-working Metal Sonic boss. The whole Segment is an event at Sega of America where they show off multiple games. Again, this was filmed 5-6 months before the Holiday season. The game looks like a ringer.


>> No.10160467


The very same episode, the same host goes to Nintendo event and plays a pre-release of Super Mario 64. Super Mario 64 was released September 1996. This segment was filmed and aired maybe a month or two before the N64 NA release. Comparing Mario 64 looks complete compared to SOA's Sonic Xtreme demo that claimed to be out November-December 1996. The Sega of America segment is 24 minutes in.


>> No.10160927

I actually really like flickys adventure island featuring world famous sonic the hedgehog

>> No.10160951

Neither could the ps1, n64 or Dreamcast, or gc or Xbox or PS2. Fucking retarded zoomer

>> No.10160974

It's similar to Super Mario 64 DS then, I used the analog stick for 8 way digital movement, it was alright.

>> No.10160982

>not the superior Megadrive version

>> No.10161003
File: 126 KB, 640x448, sonic-jam-sega-saturn-review.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a brain exercise. Saturn Sonic(called Sonic 4) is basically a bunch of Sonic Jam stage areas with speed ramps/loop de loops connecting to other stage areas/boss arenas. Thoughts?

>> No.10161009

Sonic world is only possible due to the VDP2 flat ground layer.
Sonic R would give a better idea on what that would look like in a real game setting.

They should've gone with a Crash style corridor gameplay

>> No.10161027

"Saturn Sonic" already exists and is called Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast

>> No.10161087

They play well. In fact, they are a bit too easy. I managed to get every emerald on my first try. Your post seems a bit delusional.

>> No.10161115

Greatest Sonic intellectual

>> No.10161121

That's good for you, but I didn't feel that way. Sonic is still heavy and finicky to control and mines pop out from nowhere. I liked the bonus from the Genesis version better. Guess we just have different opinions.

>> No.10161141

The difference being that the shiturn couldn't do anything unlike all the other consoles, you dumbfuck tranny.

>> No.10161169

Ok /v/irgin.

>> No.10162975

my idea was something similar to this, but i imagined it with the giant ring that appears after you beat all the missions taking you to a small cutscene and a boss. after you'd beat the boss you'd get sent back to the hub world, which would have NPCs you can talk to and would give you hints on the game, as well as access to the next stage. kinda like in adventure since its basically the same game idea but on dreamcast. each action stage would use the same mission structure as jam, but with more content and things to do, and the worlds would have more things like slopes and loops scattered around. the world would still dynamically update, so for example after you complete a mission telling you to destroy 5 enemies, the 5 flickies released from the robots would still fly around even after you left the stage and came back. you'd be able to redo missions from the peppermint wheel and selecting them mario 64 style. the speed would obviously be cranked up slightly though not enough to trivialize the level design. of course corridor levels would be better for capturing the spirit of sonic in 3d, but i think a game in that style could be fun on its own as well.

>> No.10164770
File: 252 KB, 800x1000, 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it did the whole Super Mario 64 thing, the Collect-A-Thon, and in a pseudo 3D environment where you could finally play with Sonic freely in 3 axis of movement... I'll agree that it doesn't even come close to Super Mario 64's quality, but it's not a bad video game, and for SEGA Saturn owners that were starved for some Sonic action, and who had just dealt with the blow of Sonic X-Treme's cancellation, this was probably the most optimal way for SEGA to fill that gap at the time, it was better than giving SEGA Saturn owners nothing, and I'm sure many kids who got a copy of Sonic 3D Blast, or Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island if you prefer, under their tree in 1996 for their brand new console, that didn't have Sonic before this, were pretty happy... I'm also sure many of them were not, and that's to be expected with the quality standards Sonic himself set in the past, but for the ones that enjoyed it, I'm sure it was a special and crucial port... still can't believe how Sonic just wasn't a top priority for SEGA in their new console launch, the character that helped them, at least for a moment, take over the US market from Nintendo... what were they thinking?

>> No.10164831
File: 419 KB, 558x585, willy3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Willy Wombat is the true Saturn Mario64vania.

>> No.10164837


>> No.10164838

You know. Sonic Xtreme always seemed like a shaky idea to me. I owned a Saturn back then, I knew it was advertised as coming for the platform. But, I was always kind of skeptical about the game. But for me, the bigger loss was Sonic the Fighters. Which was planned for the Saturn, and was put in development. But cancelled.

>> No.10164845

Starfox looks like crap, wtf are you talking about? Even sm64 isn’t as vibrant as nights. Nights 3d engine was good for what it was and what it was developed on. If sega wasn’t completely fucking retarded they could have polished up the nights engine just a bit and had at least a passable 3d sonic on Saturn (linkrel). I’m not a big nights fan, so you won’t get an argument from its janky controls, but I think sf64 is slow and janky compared to the controls of elite frontier 2. Nothing about nights looks like its from a previous gen, though sf64 does compared to computer flight sims and space sims.


>> No.10164875
File: 168 KB, 500x414, JOBsuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tries to make a Sonic game for the Saturn's launch, ends up becoming Bug!
>Another attempt at a Saturn Sonic at launch, ends up becoming Chaotix for the 32x
>Third attempt at a 5th gen Sonic, it gets cancelled
I don't know what's funnier, the fact that Sega fumbled 3 times at making a 3d main line Sonic game or that Naka had a hand in 2 of those cases.

>> No.10164885
File: 3.83 MB, 387x283, 1539624049709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>12:20 - 15:00
This is not the sonic I wanted, but I want it now. It's janky but it's a tech demo and that music and vibe at the end. Fuckin Sega, we couldve had kino sm64 and comfy Saturn sonic.

>> No.10166023

Never played the saturn version, what's the difference?

>> No.10166031

Take a look for yourself https://youtu.be/Q5hnBsUWmAI

>> No.10166207
File: 202 KB, 680x680, 16573_jp-Sonic-3D-Flickies-Island-2267490506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the genesis version is awful compared to the saturn

>> No.10166638
File: 298 KB, 524x518, menhara melancholy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could emulate the Saturn version properly, but this might be the most frustrating console to emulate I've experienced so far...

>> No.10166650

Mednafen emulates Saturn games the best of anything right now. It's command line only but you can use a frontend like Mednaffe or use it through Beetle Saturn in Retroarch.

>> No.10166653

Good character art. Basic as fuck game.

>> No.10166664
File: 89 KB, 736x659, 1691991433980768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried both of them, on my laptop and my phone, respectively, and nothing ran well, maybe all of my hardware is potato level, I can't run PS2 in any of them well, but PS1 works fine, Dreamcast is a mixed bag, I guess Saturn's out of the question until I get better hardware.

>> No.10166679

Well yeah that just means your hardware is currently quite potato.

>> No.10166723

Naka didn’t develop any of those games, you sound confused. Also, Chaotix began as a Genesis game and was only briefly considered for the Saturn before being moved to the 32X. It was never designed to be a 3D Sonic game, either.

>> No.10166737

>Sonic world is only possible due to the VDP2 flat ground layer.

How are there recessed areas, like the creek, which go down below that layer in Sonic World?

>> No.10166759

I said "had a hand" as in "He was somewhat responsible for the game not comming out".

>> No.10166802

Use Kronos, it's a very easy one.

>> No.10167439
File: 377 KB, 590x594, Screenshot_20221218-194807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is it possible for one post to be so utterly wrong?

>> No.10167456

I like the Genesis's music better than the Saturn's. Not in terms of audio quality of course but the actual compositions.

>> No.10167471
File: 14 KB, 300x300, Hideki-Sato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With disu hit...we will destroy our enemies Nintendo and Sega of America in one fell swoop

>> No.10167475

Nintendo didn't even make their OWN 3D hardware, fuckwit.
They hired British developers to make the SuperFX2 chip and do all the programming on Starfox, and they licensed the N64 technology from Silicon Graphics.
The PlayStation is based mostly on off-the-shelf technology to keeps costs down, which is also why the PS1 was a bit shit.

The Sony/Nintendo deal was to make a CD upgraded version of the SNES.

How can you call other people retards and dishonour your retard nature, your retard parents, and the long retard line of fuckwitted retards who inbred down to you?

>> No.10167486
File: 331 KB, 532x567, Screenshot_20230819-043603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10169682
