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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.96 MB, 2000x2683, Shadowrun-SNES-2000x2683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1015115 No.1015115 [Reply] [Original]

We all know what are the typical RPG themes: medieval age, warriors, wizards, knights, king and queens, evil dude who want the kingdom or the princess... And stuff like that.

Did you know any good RPG with a tottaly different theme?

Pic related. Shadowrun: RPG with gangster and zombies. That's cool.

Another I can think is Famicom Jump, featured on a Arino's Challenge chapter. It's a shame there will be no translation for that one...

>> No.1015193
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>The game is set in the post-apocalyptic New Jersey-New York-Pennsylvania Tri-state area, where the player controls a team of off-beat and often useless superheroes who battle a number of strange enemies, most notably the evil Dr. Entropy, a human jack-in-the-box with plans to bring chaos in the world.

>> No.1015201

Is it good? It sounds like it might be juggling a tad bit to much

>> No.1015216
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Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden

>> No.1015217

I think the "Monster Capture" RPG are very common too, these will be forbidden to list too.

>> No.1015223


Not /vr/, even if it had the sensibilities.

Saging and posting for no real reason. I lile beer.

>> No.1015230

it's kinda like goldbox games. lots of annoying puzzles and some hard battles

>> No.1015235

The two World of Ultima games:
Savage Empire is based on pulp and stuff like Lost World with various tribesman and dinosaurs. There's still a princess to capture though.

Martian Dreams is based on the World's Columbian Exposition from 1893 and contemporary science fiction. You can meet your favorite characters of the era like Tesla or Edison. It's more adventure than RPG.

>> No.1015238


>> No.1015251
File: 436 KB, 2424x1628, Ultima2_Big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultima 2 is unfortunately very poor gameplay wise but the setup is pretty cool.
It's set on Earth in four different time periods, Pangaea, 1423 BC, 1990 AD and the post-apocalyptic 2111, the time of legends. You can launch a rocket in the KGB remnants in 2111 and travel the various planets of the solar system with their weird inhabitants.

>> No.1015253


Not traditional themes? Dude, D&D's planescape universe is different, but as trad as hell.

Can't really think of any CRPGs that are that different, but the JRPG "Live a Live" on snes was a pleasant break from the norm moreso than earthbound

>> No.1015258


Also, if you like story more than levelling up, go for some poont-and-clicks. They broke from tradition a lot more

>> No.1015260

Phantasy Star II: Government agent ordered to investigate irregularities with the planet's AI-run climate control and environmental systems.

>> No.1015261
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Albion. You start on an industrial spaceship and then find yourself on an alien planet with feline creatures and living buildings.

>> No.1015275


>> No.1015302
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It resembles to Pokemon somehow. You didn't match your opponent by yourself, you send your customizable robots.

>> No.1015312


Like a turn based custom robo? Sounds fun

>> No.1015325
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Welp, Shin Megmi Tensei series are an obvius pick for a non-traditional RPG. I find hard to you know don't know this series, but I put in here anyways.

>> No.1015335


i'll take any excuse to post/look at that cover.

>> No.1015386
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>> No.1015389
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>> No.1015417


Not /vr/, but cum on my tits what a fun game

>> No.1015464
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>cum on my tits

Hmmm, please elaborate

>> No.1015506
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>> No.1015707

>gangsters and zombies
lol bro shadow run is a lot deeper than that and it freaks me out how some of the shit that went down in that universe almost parallels real life. Corporations forming huge conglomerates to control everything where people become only a mere resource to the means of production. Magic has also returned to the earth and blessed itself upon my native kin. So once I get my shaman powers I'm kicking your fucking whities all back to europe lololol

>> No.1015736

How about I wreck you with my troll dick you scrawny human faggot?

>> No.1015745
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>this entire post

>> No.1015751
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Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines come to mind. A bit action RPG in there but still.

>> No.1015753

people on reddit are social democrat retards kthx.

>> No.1015762

>Did you know any good RPG with a tottaly different theme?
I'd argue Darklands because i actually runs with those themes straight and turns out very unique as a result.
There's also King of Dragon Pass which is partly strategy about running a bronze age magical viking tribe.
Megatraveller, Starflight 1&2, Whales Voyage for the Science Fiction.
Fallout 1&2 and Wasteland for the post-apocalypse.

>> No.1015767

See? You do belong. Now fuck off.

>> No.1015776

oh troll muh nigga, trolls are my friends. Im gonna start up a nice cave loaded with arcade games. You won't be eating my flesh troll we will be homies trust me, I'll burn you to dust otherwise

>> No.1015782

Why don't you fuck off? Having a nice dicussion about shadowrun lore before you showed your ugly fuckin face in here.

>> No.1016594

Well...technically the first 5 or so Might and Magic games are really sci-fi. Fantasy elements are there, but the plot and a good deal of characters and items are sci-fi.

In the first game you play a group of six heroes out for glory, when you run across a crashed spaceship. The aliens tell you they have an escaped prisoner situation, and you gotta stop the alien criminal Sheltem. Once you beat him, he takes off on an escape pod to another world, with you in pursuit. Turns out the planet you were on was actually a spaceship habitat. And you go to another spaceship habitat in the 2nd game. In the second game you do time travel, then after re-writing history you have to hack the central control computer to prevent the spaceship world from crashing into the sun, after which you pursue Sheltem to a third spaceship habitat.

It just keeps going like that. But I do think you finally wipe Sheltem out in the third game or something. I also remember something about the plot of the 6th game involving aliens.

>> No.1016706
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From what I can figure out about Lyndbaum it's pretty interesting. It's populated by creatures summoned into it with no built in return mechanism, leaving it to be influenced by lots of extra-planar cultures, including a "nameless world" (never explicitly said but clearly "real world" Earth).

>> No.1016796

Final Fantasy Legend I, II, and SaGa Frontier. There is no real defined setting. You go among different worlds which can range from the typical medieval setting to futuristic areas, more modern places, cities, under water volcanoes, and so on.

>> No.1016819

>Welp, Shin Megmi Tensei series are an obvius pick for a non-traditional RPG
They are "Wizardry III: The Anime", and if Wizardry is not one of the most traditional RPGs...

>> No.1016825

This thread is talking about themes. Going through a ruined Japan using computers to summon demons to fight for you isn't a traditional theme. Or at least that is what I think.

>> No.1016830

There's a lot of tabletop RPGs with lesser done themes, but most of them don't get made into video games, sadly. I can't think of any that got made into retro games, except for your pic.

>> No.1016912

Long time shadowrun pen&paper player here.
I like SR but seriously, it's just super goofy.

On another note, Dark Earth was interesting.
It's more like an action adventure than an rpg, but it's based on a french pen&paper rpg.

The setting is a mix between post-apocalypse, steam punk and dark fantasy.

>> No.1016913

Doom Troopers for Snes is based on the swedish rpg Mutant Chronicles.

>> No.1016935


There was a Blades of Exile scenario (so everything in it is fan made) called "Masks" which was set in Sub-Saharan Africa. Among other things, you try to deal with the bizarre politics of several competing tribes, shut down a group of poachers, and go hunting.

the toughest fight in the entire game is when you stumble across an elephant herd's burial ground and they attack you. Goddamn elephants. Having mostly stone weapons don't help either.

>> No.1016946


Holy shit, I played that. It was one of my favorites, was nice to have a scenario outside of the standard fantasy setting.

>> No.1016956


It was one of the better ones; although I'll fall victim to conventionality, I absolutely adore the Arc, which is in a much more classical Greece inspired setting.

Did you ever play Isle of Boredom and Revenge? That had a weird setting too, although it was ostensibly medieval Europe, but once you got to the Kuja island...... post apocalyptic swamp all the fucking way to glory.

>> No.1016960
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>> No.1017127

bump for interest

>> No.1017150


sci-fi game but with a plot that's so unpredictable and absurd you won't believe what you're playing.

Quest for socks, planet joining your party, suddenly comix zone, etc.

>> No.1017202


Shadow Hearts 1 and 2. Set in an alt-world early 1900's

Chrono Cross. Set in a tropical world around someone who interacted with a machine from the future built to stop an entity from the past from being born and destroying the planet

Xenosaga; set in an atheist future where spirits called Gnosis and scientists who think they've found a special door to the other side called Abel's Ark as well as dead people who aren't staying dead are fucking with their perception of reality.

>> No.1017223
File: 161 KB, 640x911, lagrange point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lagrange Point is awesome, there weren't really that many sci-fic RPG's on the Famicom.

The plot involves a biohazard leakage in a space colony, and you can have stuff like cyborgs and robots in your party. Also, the music rules since it involved a special sound chip made just for it.

>> No.1017249

Canadian currency, Mexican super hero, luchadores, non-human mob boss...

The game doesn't even take place on, or anywhere near, Earth.

>> No.1017276

Also the mouse pointer is the digitized personality of your dead secretary who gets really annoyed because the protagonist can't pronounce her name right.

>> No.1017290

Holy shit man, I must play this. Thanks for unearthing that.

>> No.1017361

And in the minigame for using the planet's special ability your cursor is a floating head that must talk down members of the council of this planet before they can bring up arguments against using that ability.

>> No.1017506
File: 104 KB, 252x306, Thief_II_-_The_Metal_Age_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't a traditional RPG but the Thief series borrows heavily from role-playing games, particularity tabletop ones. Being an immersive sim, the games actually have more in common with Deus Ex and System Shock then Metal Gear Solid. The games are a blend of dark fantasy, Medieval Europe and steampunk. Particularly the second stands out with its Victorian feel and steam powered mechs.

>> No.1017696

I truly fail to see where's the "RPG" in Thief

>> No.1017747

Look for Unreal World. The game which teached me the best game you can hunt is the human game.

>> No.1017771

zeppelins and orcs flying in planes

>> No.1017825

It's not an RPG. You can't even raise stats or anything.

More like first person stealth.

But yeah, that anon is on crack.

>> No.1020405

What's it called when the description sounds amazing but then you see it and it's like
>unfortunately very poor

>> No.1020428

A blunder?

>> No.1020712

Wasted potential. For an 82 game it had other cool stuff like 50 NPC dialogs that formed the basis of a story.
But the game has too many random elements and annoyances and the plot is almost impossible to follow.
Richard Garriott or EA should have remade it instead of making another Ultima Online.

>> No.1021275

>Ultima Online
They only made one UO. And it was not so bad, until EA decided to sell it to the people who would never buy it, instead to their actual base...

>> No.1021317

Wrong. UO2 was in the making, but it was scrapped.

>> No.1021325

The fact that you said not typical instead of atypical irritates me.

>> No.1021320

Rpgs don't need stats, they just need a roleplaying element.

Regardless, thief isn't an rpg.

>> No.1021330

>Richard Garriott or EA should have remade it instead of making another Ultima Online.

I can only imagine how awful it would be with EA's hands all over it. Remember how pagan and ultima 9 turned out?

Better it remain flawed, but with it's dignity intact.

>> No.1021348

Nowadays, richard garriot wouldn't do much better with anything. His main goal is just getting as much money as possible to go back into space because he's fucking insane, so he makes phone games now.

>> No.1021367

Isn't he developing some RPG as well?

>> No.1021383

EA made Ultima Forever and LB is making Shroud of the Avatar.

>> No.1021387

You got that backwards. RPGs don't need storytelling, they just need a levelling system.

>> No.1021451

>UO2 was in the making
And Ultima X also, and it got scrapped. And none of them had anything to do with UO except for being Ultima and Online

>> No.1021565

I don't think you understand what "roleplaying game" means.

>> No.1021598

I have played PnP RPG since the 80s and computer RPGs since the early 90s. You probably started later when people started to care about plot and depth beyond killing monsters and taking their stuff. Roleplaying game means it's a wargame where you control a single unit that fulfils a particular role.

>> No.1021691

Its goofy but tries its best to be realistic too, of course magic isn't going to return to the earth. If you don't think corporations are being granted the same rights as humans in this day and age you are wilfully ignorant. America is one step away from corporations asking to arm and defend themselves, when the corporate assets out value human life. Of course if you've got the hood pulled over your face you still believe in a free market so SR is just goofy as fuck.

>> No.1021719

Um, that's Cyberpunk dude.

SR is just Cyberpunk with trolls and elves thrown in for no reason whatever.

>> No.1021737

What are you trying to say? Honestly that was in no way related to what I said. Like you just point out the obvious and think thats a reply? No reason what so ever? Yah so Natives werent inbued with special powers from their creators and reverted back to their ancestral form. Fuck you man, I know its fake I'm just saying its fake in the most believable way you fucking derp.

>> No.1021739

I wish there were more proper high-fantasy rpgs instead of all these shitty "oiginal" takes. We've been continuously flooded with shitpunk, vampire, postapocalyptic americana, darrrrkkkk fantasy, and whatnot. Give me a proper heroic fucking D&D campaign where I travel the world and right wrongs, for fuck's sake, just one, only one good classic fantasy rpg is all I ask.

>> No.1021743

No, you foaming retard, it is in every way related to what you said, which was to imply that the other anon was saying in any shape or form that the ideas and themes behind the cyberpunk genre are somehow goofy.

Even though it should be pretty damn obvious that when someone refers to the goofiness of shadowrun they're referring to the fact it's just a weird and confused genre portmanteau.

>> No.1021756
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>> No.1021759

oh sorry yeah I was confused, my apologies sir

>> No.1021760

So you already played through all the 10,000 and one high-fantasy rpgs that aren't shitty "oiginal" takes?

>> No.1021781


>> No.1021783

>What are you trying to say?
He is saying the literal truth. They took another RPG called Cyberpunk and just added elves and trolls and dragons and magic for no good reason.

>> No.1021789

I'm yet to play an actual, good high fantasy rpg. All of the games we have tend to be special instead of good. They're all with a difference. When was the last original rpg that called elves elves?

>> No.1021797


>> No.1021827


>> No.1021828

So, 20 years ago.