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10151769 No.10151769 [Reply] [Original]

Saw someone in another thread ask for a mod for GT2 with the Japanese soundtrack and I just made one: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GmExnz0zhX5HhuWixf0ikvLwts8u5Y0W?usp=sharing
I had to cut some songs off and do a fade off since the flags in the ntsc version only allow for a certain length. There were only two songs that were too short (hot tin root & never let me down) and I decided to just leave the remaining seconds blank until the loop.
Here's the link I found that had all the resources and a tutorial to do it if you wanna make it your way, but keep in mind this tutorial was written by some ESL guy. Don't use awave, just use audacity and you don't have to save the XA file after changing the songs, it saves automatically you can just close it.

>> No.10151774

Forget to link the tutorial:
Here's the guy that made it:

>> No.10151825

Hey OP, for what its worth I was the anon that asked for it and thank you, was just randomly browsing catalog today and saw this forgot to go back to the old thread. You should consider posting this to a romhacking site or something, I am not the only person whos been asking for this and have seen several threads on other forums about it, I think you should get credit for your work where it's due.

>> No.10151863

Absolutely based
Spread it around, this is great

>> No.10151879

I mainly credit the guy who posted the tutorial, since he compiled all the resources to do it and explained how it works. I hesitate to post this to a romhacking site since I feel there's probably a better way of getting this to work than I did, someone with more talent in audacity could loop the songs better instead of simply fading out/cutting them like I did. But I might share it on gtplanet and see what they think

>> No.10151880

Glad you found this thread though, since I was always frustrated by the American soundtrack for this game too (and other really good racing games having shitty, mediocre dad-rock tier soundtracks)

>> No.10151882

I actually like the shitty late 90s early 2000s dude rock (you'd see it in shit like all the vampire movies at the time too) but it has to fit the game.

A series where that fits in my mind is the ATV offroad fury games for example. There a jazzy soundtrack would genuinely make no sense to me.

>> No.10151885

Have another (You) for being an absolute legend

>> No.10151932

I made another post on gtplanet which gives some troubleshooting advice if anyone struggles trying to do this themselves:

>> No.10152045

Thank you so much man, I've been waiting for a patch like this for the last 5 years

>> No.10152108

I'm surprised it took this long for someone to do it. All the apps I used to do it are almost 20 years old and I've literally never modded anything before. The tutorial was made in like 2021 I guess no one thought to do it.

>> No.10152113

Actually 2017. Crazy.

>> No.10152519

i asked for this too, thanks. still a really mindboggling decision on sony's part.

>> No.10152535

iirc some other guy did try it but i think he ran into the length limitation you mentioned and gave up and that might've been for GT1

>> No.10152537

Is the Japanese soundtrack considered to be better? Does the franchise have a history of doing region specific music?

>> No.10152538

Almost every GT game has region specific music. Of course, it's always a matter of taste but I think Jazz Fusion instrumentals that were made for the game fit it better than I AM I AM I AM

>> No.10152569

GT2 western ost is garbage.
GT1 on the other hand is great and fits the atmosphere very well

>> No.10152659

Yeah it would be cool to be able to play the full songs but I think fading out the last few seconds is better than nothing.

>> No.10152772


>> No.10154357

thanks OP, I was just looking for something like this last week

>> No.10154370

Japan is NTSC too

>> No.10154396

really not into the disrespect toward dragula I'm seeing itt

>> No.10154434

>I had to cut some songs off and do a fade off
why isn't a straight replacement possible? appreciate the effort

>> No.10154586

Good idea that these are being modded now to feel more like an arcade racer

>> No.10156165

I suppose you should upload this to https://cdromance.com/
There are plenty of other GT -related mods.

>> No.10156225

The songs are hard coded into the length of the bin, if you try to change the length of the song by choosing the second option in xa audio converter when replacing a wav track it won't work and will keep playing the original songs when you load up the bin files.

>> No.10156285

I wonder if you could fix that with some hex editing.

>> No.10156448

Would you consider doing this for the combined disc hack?


>> No.10156459

You could probably follow the steps he posted if you want to DIY. All the music is still in the same place even in the combined disc.

Emulation is really the best way to go for this game.

>> No.10156463

wtf I just tested this and every song is an endless loop of anon screaming.

>> No.10156478

holy shit, i was just searching for a mod for GT1 like this just a couple days ago

i was about to ask what's the difference between the arcade and simulation bin/cues, but i see now that it's a two-disc game. nice.

>> No.10156539

I can confirm that merely swapping the MUSIC.DAT file between versions using mkpsxiso doesn't actually work. I think I'm hearing the racing music in-game but it's very distorted.

>> No.10156958

wouldnt it be easier to just port the english text over to the japanese version?

>> No.10156974

that's a lot more hacking