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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 896 KB, 1920x2223, NuMidium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10148658 No.10148658 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10144370
Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~

https://rentry.org/vrbin (NEW!)

(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more):
More /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/







OUR SRB2K SERVER (Kart Game in Doom), more info here:


>> No.10148660
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Rules: https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/9611263/#9611406

FORE/VR/ ALONE (Submissions closed)
Link to BETA3: https://files.catbox.moe/u9smv4.zip


=== NEVER EVER ===
94 Protons Of /vr/ Weapons Demo >>10144443

=== NEWS ===
[8-10] Quake II Kex-based remaster released

[8-10] Quake II 25th Aniversary Collaborative Unit - v1.0 released

[8-10] Q-Type DM (Q1 Themed DM Pack for Doom 2)

[8-10] Deathmatch Dimension added to officially curated Q1 mods

[8-10] BTSX E3 demo released

[8-10] Titan 1.0 released (Doom 2016 weapons)

[8-09] Tribute Quilt released

[8-08] The Rotting Jam for Quake is out

[8-08] Doom RL Arsenal Extended 1.1 released, with new classes and unlockables.

[8-02] Peril, Quake mod based on Arcane Dimensions, releases after 3 years in development

[8-02] DBP60: Eldritch Voyage is out now

[7-31] Rise of the Triad: Ludicrous Edition released

[7-22] Voxel Doom II release trailer

[7-20] Episode 2 demo of Doom Refired out

=== PREVIOUS ===

>> No.10148670


>> No.10148671

I'm loving the Quake 2 remaster, guys.
Having the Strogg being a real threat and doing actual damage is all I ever wanted, plus maybe muzzle flash and they gave us that too.

>> No.10148680

I'm hoping it'll lead to a resurgence in Quake 2 mapping and modding. We barely got anything in the past decade compared to the other games

>> No.10148681
File: 52 KB, 220x556, Q2berserkerslam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy went from a joke to an Ogre/Fiend on crack.

>> No.10148684

Same with the Gunner, the grenade spam is tough to deal with now.

>> No.10148696

w-wrong game anon...

>> No.10148702

more like Full-Dead lmao

>> No.10148704

I love how much infighting they cause and partake in. Normally you couldn't just beef up an enemy that much without seriously fucking up encounter balance, but making them prone to infighting and good at it to boot really evens it out.

>> No.10148712

With Bethesda owning id and Crosoft owning both? I wonder if id still has control over their ips?

>> No.10148715

It's funny to me how the justification for the Strogg infighting compared to demons from hell or nightmarish lovecraftian horrors is that they're incredibly short-tempered

>> No.10148726

how long until people start abusing the knockback from this?

>> No.10148728

all they need is a proper sound now and a reskin

>> No.10148729

oh yeah, for next thread: there's a Perfect Dark source port (but the guy nuked his own posts?)
discussed here I guess? >>10145524

>> No.10148732

cannot forget this one anon's waifu map >>10143090

>> No.10148738

>there's a Perfect Dark source port
nice i never played this game
>but the guy nuked his own posts?

>> No.10148752

The Strogg in 4 always looked so generic to me

>> No.10148763
File: 71 KB, 690x517, imgur_gQUnZ_012_lssGuhX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone post that album full of Ritual's wacky concepts, I know one of you Q2 fags has it

>> No.10148765

>massive black

>> No.10148791
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(oh wait, it's in the filename)

>> No.10148820
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>> No.10148832
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>> No.10148848
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I used to laugh as these guys because they were the most pathetic enemies in Quake 2. I don't anymore.

>> No.10148853

>getting pinballed around by berserkers and brains together
i want to get off mr carmack's wild ride

>> No.10148854

Do they turn you to stone now?

>> No.10148862 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10148869


>> No.10148871
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>> No.10148873

>The Chad Wall-E

>> No.10148879
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Linuxbros how are we playing the new Quake II?

>> No.10148884
File: 28 KB, 446x82, Screenshot from 2023-08-12 09-32-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works perfectly through Proton. I'm a bit annoyed that Kaiser doesn't put out native builds for his KEX ports, but whatever.

>> No.10148887

yamagi wants to know at his github about making a port for it as long it is compatible with the old stuff

>> No.10148892

>annoyed that I'll have to do it the inconvenient way because I support GOG and there is still no Lutris script
>remember that I already have Quake II on Steam for more than a decade

>> No.10148905
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I don't know why this anon has been drawing attention to mine specifically, but I want to add that there were two updated maps from other contributors earlier in that thread.

>> No.10148912

how tf do you use doom builder with map that has really complex geometry? first person gets laggy as fuck

>> No.10148923

>first person gets laggy as fuck
One way is to decrease render distance in the settings (can't recall offhand where that setting is right nyaow.) Otherwise, you'll prolly just need a hardier GPU.

>> No.10148930

I feel like the Doomwiki page for Fore/vr/ Alone is a bit premature tbqh fampai.

>> No.10148969
File: 2.49 MB, 1280x720, 2023081214324100-557DEC2417FA53D2AFFB286C955DB86D_1_1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>10148786 #
>3 rail shots to kill
>Hard and Nightmare

>2 shots to kill in original Hard+

>> No.10148971
File: 4.00 MB, 1280x720, chacha.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Cha cha slides in your path]

>> No.10148975

Is the credits up to date?
I think even the credits readme image is missing some names since some ports by the project lead even listed some authors

>> No.10148983

Yeah... that's complete shit. I can forgive the awful outdoor lighting and Berserkers being annoying now, but you can't just nerf one of the coolest guns in the game like that.

>> No.10148984
File: 198 KB, 597x585, msedge_qZOqCN4AjY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turok 3 remaster confirmed by Kaiser

>> No.10148987

Muzzle flash is a big one. There were already means of playing with improved Strogg AI (playing maps through the expansions and mods) but it was esoteric for people getting into it.
They seem dumber. Basic guards don’t even have chest armor anymore. The gladiator is fine but I think that was adapted from some fan model. They really started to lose their identity in the concepts here >>10148791

>> No.10148993
File: 606 KB, 1500x1500, Thelonious Monk Underground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10149021

is this the latest author list?

>> No.10149031

I came.

>> No.10149037
File: 85 KB, 500x500, a2008570434_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is the hardest cover art ive ever seen

>> No.10149046
File: 159 KB, 1079x465, Screenshot_2023-08-12-12-51-53-62_572064f74bd5f9fa804b05334aa4f912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS Q2 maps were finished but not in time to be added. Will be released in some form at some point.

>> No.10149057

>a fucking leaf

>> No.10149069
File: 42 KB, 578x582, 1543832176_Cr6bM8BWgAQHYjq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, not every day you find new music through /vr/

>> No.10149070


>> No.10149078

Is it me or did they get rid of the Carmack's head room in the Palace? Or maybe I forgot where to find it, it's been a while.

>> No.10149084

where is that?
also is possible to ask them about Zaero, Oblivion and such?
or the cinematic models as modder's resource?

>> No.10149090

Ask them to return the railgun to its proper power.
I love this remaster, but that's a disrespect that needs addressing.

>> No.10149093
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>> No.10149094
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It's there, map city3, behind the red brick wall. It is probably the most obtuse secret in the game though, which is part of the reason I've loved it since I was a kid.

>> No.10149098

The Beta-class were no joke. They really took advice from them.
Also, when I was a kid (or at least near my teenager years) I always wanted to make a remake of Q2 with the Q4 engine and these guys would be haning on the roof of the maps and they'd use their tendrils to catch unaware marines

>> No.10149103
File: 219 KB, 1920x1080, file3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While on the subject, is that a Ferrari F355?

>> No.10149106

>Zaero, Oblivion
They don't have the rights to do that sadly.

>> No.10149109

How do you get in there again? I blew open the wall and got red armor and nothing else.

>> No.10149112

Why people have problem with the berserks now?
I have no problem with them, they're more fun to fight now

>> No.10149116

Those 2 are freeware

>> No.10149117

I thought Zaero was open sourced at one point.

>> No.10149118
File: 232 KB, 1920x1080, file4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a tiny rock sticking out by the toxic pool you have to press. It'll open a passage under the slime leading to Carmack's room

>> No.10149119

I know the MIDI for Robutt was sourced, but was left blank on the page. Also once my buddy finishes helping me with my map, credits will need updated to include him.
I guess it's no big deal since anons can contribute to the page, but I wanted to at least draw some attention to it.

>> No.10149123

He said there won't be any add-ons like the other releases because every mod has to be rebuilt to work with Remaster and it's just too much work and QA testing etc etc

>> No.10149128


>> No.10149131
File: 318 KB, 1597x900, nugg0000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you supposed to get onto the ship on map13 in fore/vr/ alone?

>> No.10149132

and the cinematic models as resource? the lack of remastered adrianator and strogg ships ingame unlike the cinematics is meh

also it would help a lot with the community remaking those into remastered and even having the assets for the cinematics

>> No.10149134

I feel ashamed to say that I forgot the locations of some of the secrets

>> No.10149139

Also just noticed the Eto map isn't properly credited, prolly since the author added his name later. I dunno if the text file included with the current beta is 100% accurate, but it's certainly more authoritative than any post in these threads, to my awareness.

>> No.10149140

You're the lead?
Just wondering because i think you're the only one whose map isn't there
I was going to say the goblin chick one but it's not represented in that artwork with the characters

>> No.10149145

That's not how that works in cases like this. They need to at the very least make sure that there's no copyright infringement and contact original creators of mods to get a greenlight from them.
Also >>10149123.

>> No.10149146

>You're the lead?
Nah, I'm the Madokafag. The lead's map not being finished is the main reason I mentioned the prematurity to begin with.

>> No.10149165

the archie is there for a reason

>> No.10149172

you could also... just tell me?

>> No.10149180

Are you, perhaps, an idiot? Can you not deduce that you need to archvile jump?

>> No.10149182
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>> No.10149186

My bad, I read "archie" as "archive"

>> No.10149203

And what of the asssets? the community can sort this out, also it is obvious that Q2R may had brought the dead back to life

>> No.10149206

Ah, so this is one of those unannounced projects... Is the other project going to be Rage Wars?

>> No.10149231

real smooth

>> No.10149234
File: 21 KB, 411x211, carmack ferrari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a Testarossa
Carmack had a red one, Romero had a yellow one

>> No.10149245

it's literally the same picture

>> No.10149247


>> No.10149253

i was confused by your phrasing

>> No.10149256

The N64 version seems a lot tougher than the main campaign, but in all fairness part of it comes from not knowing where the secrets are and the enhanced AI being very aggressive.
They aren't too damaging alone, but they'll throw you into a death pit at least once or twice now.

>> No.10149257
File: 22 KB, 320x240, romero testarossa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Romero's

>> No.10149259

Turok 3 is trash. Is one of the worst of the bunch.

>> No.10149260

lol it looks like a fancy lawnmower on that pic

>> No.10149265

it's more Turok for me doe.
i kinda like all of them even if 1 & 2 are goat in their own respect...

>> No.10149270

>zerkers being as cheeky as they were in the M64 mod
It’s amazing how realize this is, fucking a
Maybe I’ll finish the 2nd one finally. I wasn’t able to fully appreciate and enjoy the first without a few mods and 2 was dragging on.

>> No.10149273

*realized this is, fucking a.
Sorry too excited

>> No.10149280

It's the best Turok what are you talking about

>> No.10149282

>2 was dragging on
i have to admit, and the mantids hive is kinda weak and disorienting level

>> No.10149291

I wish that he'd dump his updated Lazarus sourcecode that promised an on-the-fly monster modding before PlanetQuake got its plug pulled by IGN...
The only way this gayness can be ameliorated if the Railgun attack gets reclassified as an energy weapon, so that it ignores armour values for damage calculations (if only because I love using it against the Brains and Daedalus monsters who come with a power shield).

>> No.10149318

Transformers doom when? I want to run over some enemies as optimus prime

>> No.10149331

Holy fuck you guys, Id just published the source code for the Quake 2 remaster:

Prolly doesn't seem like much, but maybe this could mean Id might finally post mod tools for Doom 2016/Eternal? I mean, this happened despite Id being owned by Bethesda, which has been notoriously bitchy about releasing mod tools for anything not Bethesda thanks to Zenimax. Correct me if I'm wrong but if not, this is huge.If Real™.

>> No.10149351
File: 18 KB, 320x180, get_off_my_lawn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turok 1 is Doom
Turok 2 is Goldeneye
Turok 3 is Half Life

>> No.10149352

>Prolly doesn't seem like much
you're right, it doesnt. at least this might make YamagiQ2 adding in remaster support easier.

>> No.10149353

What? How does quake 3 have that many lines of code? What does it have that q2 doesnt?

>> No.10149367


>> No.10149374 [DELETED] 

For the last time, there is no good fps sequel.

>> No.10149391

One thing that kinda irks me about the Quake 1/2 remasters, as good as they are, is that there's no option of an "own frag" announcement on your hud. I've gotten used to not having "You Killed X" show up when I kill someone in the remasters, as opposed to whatever source port I used for MP Quake 1/2 in the past, but it's still kind of annoying to have to look in the upper left corner to see if you made a kill or if someone else stole your kill. It's a touch easier in Quake 2 with the hitmarkers, but still kind of annoying.

>> No.10149393 [DELETED] 

Good thing Quake II is not a sequel then, it's actually Wor and a Quake game in name only

>> No.10149406 [DELETED] 

Fuck back to /v/ Alfweather.

>> No.10149421 [DELETED] 

Hexen II
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
System Shock 2
Delta Force 2
Quake II
Quake III Arena
Aliens versus Predator 2
Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix

>> No.10149423 [DELETED] 

Nobody asked now and nobody will ask the next time you will post this.

>> No.10149427
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>> No.10149430

i could see some modders re-using new AI

>> No.10149459
File: 421 KB, 640x480, tenor(2683).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently updated some of my old Blood maps if anyone is interested. For Best Results™ these maps should be played in the DOS version of Blood as that is what they were designed/tested in. Pic not related.


>> No.10149464

How many cultists are in there and how much tesla ammo?

>> No.10149472

Cultist placement is moderate and Tesla ammo is 0 because this is a Napalm Launcher neighborhood.

>> No.10149476
File: 925 KB, 3840x2160, 20230811133854_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they say why they didn't do a horde mode this time around? Seems like it would be an obvious thing to pad out the features, and it was pretty fun in Quake 1.

>> No.10149489

Horde was not on Q1R on release. Who knows what they might add. They said that there won't be curated mods, but that doesn't stop them from adding stuff.

>> No.10149496

Are there any Nintendo wads/mods? Preferably Zelda themed.

>> No.10149501


>> No.10149508

>And what of the asssets? the community can sort this out
That's obvious, yeah. I'm not all that familiar with Quake 2, but you would still need to deal with getting a proper approval from original creators of mods. id/Bethesda (whoever deals with Add-ons on DOOMs and Quake) can't just take any episode they want and put it on their platform. There's a reason each new release there is accompained by an interview.
I might totally imagine things, but I believe that people behind Zaero, Oblivion and such were all MIA from the Internet? Besides, from the aforementioned official explanation for the lack of Add-ons suggests that they simply don't want to bother with including curated stuff for Quake 2 as it requires too much work in comparsion to other re-releases.

>> No.10149512

Works perfectly with NotBlood. Good stuff.

>> No.10149517

>but maybe this could mean Id might finally post mod tools for Doom 2016/Eternal?
You might want to think more cynically: If they release “mod tools” for a new Doom they would use it to help sell the newest one at full price. I also don’t know how much of the “new Doom community” is even interested in the idea.

>> No.10149518

The best one is Rage Wars.
Here's hoping for a remaster with a C/S networking on PC.

>> No.10149523

I don't know about oblivion but lots of people that worked on zaero are still in the game industry.

>> No.10149540

Look into Metroid Dreadnaught, and Space Hunter if you want Metroid, Combined_Arms has an extensive Zelda weapon set.
Don't bother with Legend of Doom, it's dogshit.

>> No.10149543
File: 236 KB, 800x600, SCREENSHOT SATURDAY BITCHES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10149547
File: 944 KB, 1280x768, quake2ex_gog 2023-08-12 15-21-58-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor fella.

>> No.10149548

if they could release the models of the cinematics as modding resources it would be great.

Also Zaero isn't MIA, Zaero was curated and released by Dumptruck_ds the creator of trenchbroom and former lead dev of team evolve, He worked on that And the Red Odyssey MP for battlezone.

>> No.10149550

Thanks bro. Glad you like it.

>> No.10149553

Mime gag got a chuckle out of me, good flow and use of respawning enemies.

>> No.10149562

it's not the engine source code

>> No.10149573

If they don't include Rage Wars as the multiplayer component I'll be a little bit sad because it'll be hard to justify it as a single package

>> No.10149595

Hopefully it will some post release support like the PS1 levels, horde mode and Zaero.

>> No.10149603
File: 439 KB, 1920x1080, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are we having?

>> No.10149613

I like coke more because it burns more

>> No.10149615

Violent Rumble anon, could you fix statue Death Knights using Knight pain sounds? Unless you consider that to be a feature.

>> No.10149620

Is the N64 invisibility powerup also included?

>> No.10149623
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>> No.10149625
File: 236 KB, 500x400, bab91e87eddc762324adfad6bfa594bd6930334d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can i get a fuckin uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mancubus meal with a fireblu pie and large caco cola

>> No.10149631

Please confirm if the obscure "hand grenade super-suicide" bug is still preserved in the remaster due to nobody being autistic enough to know about it.

>> No.10149650
File: 640 KB, 900x948, pestiscruento.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Just finished the first map on well done with a controller and got absolutely rekt.

>> No.10149654

He got disintegrated desu

>> No.10149660
File: 64 KB, 128x256, waterTileTest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried my hand at creating a waterfall texture using doom's palette for some potential maps. While it's kinda redundant with what's available these days, I wanted to give making some textures a go. Needs a bit more alteration to hopefully blend it in better with the default textures.

>> No.10149661

>Check page history
>It was made by the same moron who posted HFFM to doomworld when it was still in beta
This nigga has a premature ejaculation problem

>> No.10149662

There was one in the first level of the included Quake 2 64 campaign. I played a few levels but didn't find any more after that. I wasn't looking super hard though.

>> No.10149663

If it was Quake I'd ask for a Mellow Yellow Armor, but a Caco-Cola will suffice.

>> No.10149664

Most likely doing it intentionally to make the project look bad to annoy those who work on the project.

>> No.10149670

1.Quench the public thirst.
2.Refresh the innocent
3.Uphold the stock.

>> No.10149673


Dr. Enforcer

>> No.10149679

>Dr. Enforcer
>not Dr. Pentagram

>> No.10149686

I'll have a Dr Gib

>> No.10149687
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, 2020092416471900-F65F44A7BFF14572C94961995C9B608E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take one ice cold Cock please.

>> No.10149693

>the boys
>a cold one

>> No.10149701
File: 124 KB, 1920x1080, aac20230812005922_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That new machine campaign is pretty damn hard, turns out when you throw a shitload of enemies into the fray at once it starts feeling more like Doom with how frantic you are trying to move around and dodge projectiles and avoid enemies.

Berzerkers are definitely the big winners in the enemy behavior upgrade, The nightmare fuel Mutants that I used to be afraid of feel like quant little puppies that just chase blindly after you and leap once in awhile. Though there are some set pieces that use them pretty well.

>> No.10149712

What the shit is that Iron Maiden skin?

>> No.10149718

clean your room your aunt is coming for diner

>> No.10149721

>i want to be murdered like in HD
>but i want to never cease murdering unlike in HD
Have you tried using a Vulcanette? Nothing comes close to deleting entire rooms on your own like a portable rotary hand cannon shooting as fast as an MG42.

>> No.10149729
File: 104 KB, 640x480, sg_bitterman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will someone port QC weapon models into md5 now?

>> No.10149736
File: 29 KB, 425x349, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a skin for an edited Purgatori player model. I dunno exactly where it might be found these days

Viscera Cleanup Detail working 24/7 behind the scenes.

>> No.10149753

>lots of people that worked on zaero are still in the game industry.
>Also Zaero isn't MIA
Okay, I must've been mistaken then. At least there's something to start of off. Then again, there would be no proper Add-ons for them and I highly doubt they would bother with putting in those mods within "official selection".
Like, even PlayStation campaign's fate (>>10149046) is up in the air since whoever worked on that seemingly did that as their personal project.
>release the models of the cinematics as modding resources
They might be able to, I suppose. Even though I'm honestly not sure how you would even utilize these... Did anyone made custom cinematics for Quake 2? Not machinimas, mind you: full-on cinematics.

>> No.10149758
File: 27 KB, 379x568, 176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on Security Annex rn, this feels really slaughter in a good way with all the guards you can turn into mince meat. desu this could be the best thing the old-school shooter revival brought and it absolutely redeems Quake 2 for me. im even leaning towards it being better than Ground Zero. sooooooo fun.

>> No.10149759

The guy who made the remake intro at Youtube was hired to work at Nightdive, he made all of that stuff and id also still had the original assets which they updated.
it is on the quakecon vod, they really loved the remake intro.

though i still wish they updated the skyboxes to be animated

>> No.10149761

I mean, yeah cool, I get to complete the trilogy! But Turok 3 was kinda boring as piss even in its attempts to mix 1&2 with something more narrative/setpiece-driven like Half-Life or the like. I dunno if I'm inherently happy about it, but might as well finish the work, right?

>> No.10149768

zoom zoom

>> No.10149771
File: 115 KB, 465x255, UT99-Redeemer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up, dweebenheimer.

>> No.10149794

I don't plan on playing this since I did not like Turok 2 (the first one was cool however) but it's nice that they're doing things like this. Now I want the RTCW console content officially ported.

>> No.10149801

I'd rather lick the dust behind them

>> No.10149803

Good to hear that everything is working as intended lol.

Yeah, I tend to get trashed pretty bad in that map on that difficulty too if I dont use ALL of the hidden life seeds. Nice to know I'm not the only one to play it with a controller too.

>> No.10149821

Well, Turok 3 got it's own multiplayer too, which is fun... or would be if not for the game struggling to run on the console.
Think about it this way, they can make a short SP component themselves with the guns and characters of the Rage Wars. Perhaps, using some ideas from GBC version?

>> No.10149825

nta but they probably will merge rage wars elements in the multi if there is one

>> No.10149830

I just hope that Turok 3 doesn't omit multiplayer from the Switch version like Turok did.

>> No.10149834

Prime 4 dropped boys

>> No.10149845

Like Turok 2 did.

>> No.10149908

That would suck extremely hard, because it's entirely different game. Might as well merge Turok 1 and 2 then too, and release Turok 3 as an addon.
Honestly, even the bot campaign in Rage Wars is fun enough.
They just cutted it out? Damn, that's rough. Should've at least keep the splitscreen one then.

>> No.10149926

>That would suck extremely hard, because it's entirely different game
i never played Rage Wars, just assumed it was a tournament/arena version of 3

>> No.10149932

>They just cutted it out?
It was patched in eventually, but only online multiplayer. No splitscreen.

>> No.10149940

Nope, even more different than Unreal Championship 2 from Unreal Tournament 2004.
Well, that's something at least.

>> No.10149949

>Unreal Championship 2
i completely forgot this existed

>> No.10149981

i remember it being pretty good for an Xbox game and aged way better visually than UT3. too bad that PC port didnt get fixed.

>> No.10149986

It was fucking great but it was a mix of third person shooting and melee, the fact it was never ported to PC is a damn shame.

>> No.10149992

the leak still exists but there are audio issues related to the xbox sound drivers, so pc gets no audio at all

>> No.10149997
File: 2.12 MB, 500x400, 1618605558651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored. Anyone wanna kart?

>> No.10150002

Playing Temporal Tantrum, on Map 30. I'm at the third or fourth arena with the three flying masterminds, and when you hit all switches they get crushed. However, nothing else happens. Is this a glitch? I'm using DSDA, mbf21 compat. I'm just stuck in this room unless there's something else I'm supposed to do.

>> No.10150014
File: 1.03 MB, 984x878, 1647776493509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what i wouldnt give to time travel to peak quakecon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vhtpm3lgoCY

>> No.10150050
File: 997 KB, 1280x768, quake2ex_gog 2023-08-12 19-31-30-98.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10150054
File: 405 KB, 1150x1150, Word cloud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10150057

Please turn off texture filtering.

>> No.10150060

looks a lot emptier than I thought it would be
kinda comfy tho

>> No.10150062
File: 1 KB, 85x26, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10150064

Because >>10144509 wasn't me, also I ctrl+f'd "cloud" and "word cloud" and found nothing so I just assumed no one else had posted one.

>> No.10150074

It's the way ID intended it. Voodoo 3D accelerated special fx only cool expensive cards could do. Fuck off Minecraft pixel nigger

>> No.10150076

Kill shamblers. That's what I do.
Is my deadline for work tomorrow and I have nothing ready? I kill shamblers and the problem is solved.
Have I had my phone stolen? I kill shamblers and the problem is solved.
Is the police giving me a fine for speeding? I kill shamblers and the problem is solved.
Is it my son's birthday next week and I have no money to get him something good with? I get him some shamblers for us to kill them together.

>> No.10150084
File: 392 KB, 1425x615, disguisesquadgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third person shooting
That's something I wouldn't mind seeing in the new port.
Let others filter and play how they want. I'll admit though that it's weird how often they high five each other in here.

>> No.10150089

The implications are welcome, but this map kinda sucked.

>> No.10150109

is there any way to zoom the player skin while choosing like the idvault stuff?

>> No.10150110

I like how the Berserk and Gladiator look in Q4

>> No.10150112

funnily though, you can mod them back in md5 and make a entire new map using it.

>> No.10150117

>re-release whatever
>play game q2 original

>> No.10150119 [DELETED] 

its kinda unfortunate that after SiN ritual's output was really medicore, they genuinely had a lot of ambition and creativity. even that blair witch game they did had a really unique setting (occult colonial america) and was radically different from the other two volumes (combat oriented with spells), but is let down by just having 90% of the enemies be just zombies. why not also port more monsters from Nocturne?

>> No.10150126

its unfortunate that after SiN ritual's output was medicore, they genuinely had a lot of ambition and creativity. even that blair witch game they did had a really unique setting (occult colonial america) and was radically different from the other two volumes (combat oriented with spells), but is let down by just having 90% of the enemies be just zombies. why not also port more monsters from Nocturne?

>> No.10150137
File: 52 KB, 700x737, Cursed_Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10150150 [DELETED] 

>there is only good game of this series (that i never played), the rest suck
Why are /v/tards like this?

>> No.10150153 [DELETED] 

>Why are /v/tards like this?
/v/tards dont play video games

>> No.10150159
File: 3.91 MB, 640x360, tnk4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I knew but I haven't even checked the vault. Did we find a cvar for the damage direction indicators yet?
Those guys and the "squad strogg" are fine even if the amount of skin the berzerker has is silly. Gunners are okay but I found the original design to be perfect. The tanks are a huge downgrade.
I don't think I prefer any Q4 weapon or marine design over what's in Q2.

>> No.10150172
File: 441 KB, 772x442, i kill shamblers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10150180

So it is possible to dodge the berserker shockwave? I'm seeing people trying to defend how silly this is by saying "But it does no damage" while ignoring the fact that it doesn't seem possible to dodge.

>> No.10150198
File: 364 KB, 800x880, Strogg-Set-Gladiator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talking about Stroggs, what do you guys think about the design of the strogg in Quake Wars and the strogg that appears in Quake Champions?

>> No.10150205

if anything, i would dig a strogg player skin or enemy like >pic

>> No.10150213

The same way you dodge the old parasite tongue or a hitscan attack

>> No.10150214
File: 762 KB, 640x360, q2ezerksmash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't found out how to dodge but more how to trigger: Being at that right range and backing up. But damn wow I didn't realize how it hit for absolute baby damage even on hard+.

>> No.10150229
File: 61 KB, 1208x658, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soulless. Looks like that Sith from the TOR trailer.

>> No.10150234

I've been able to throw him far enough away with SSG knockback when he jumps from level ground and above.
If he's jumping from below (up stairs for instance) you're fucked.

>> No.10150237
File: 181 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the other strogg skins from that game look better from a quick google search.
way more stroggy

>> No.10150245

i think he voice is funny and i like it because it is funny :)
haha space pirate cartoon villain man :)silly voice :)

>> No.10150249
File: 3.77 MB, 498x280, Malgus 1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darth Malgus is Based.

>> No.10150250

Day 3 Railgun Status: STILL pointlessly nerfed into uselessness.

>> No.10150257

It feels like a ETQW skin
Isn't he supposedly one of the class from that game?

>> No.10150259

Yeah there was decent customisation. I had complete robot legs on my stroggo. Kinda like the metal leg dudes in Q2

>> No.10150263


>> No.10150264

Its a Lost Art

>> No.10150265

How is it unuseful? I still takes same amount of shots to kill all enemies that have less hp than tank.

>> No.10150267

Qw strogg are just humans with a bit of metal here and there

>> No.10150271


>> No.10150272

They are contrarianism in a human form. Wait 2 years when Q3R releases, and they will say that Q2 was the best Quake game and Quake 3 ruined their lifes and raped their moms.

>> No.10150274
File: 1.26 MB, 1843x831, asssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

21st map of muh megaWAD, I'm only making very slow progress currently, because it's hard for me to work on freeroaming maps with different paths and triggers + natural rock formations are a bitch to make. Maybe one day this will get released, but it's more likely I'll get run over by a truck.

>> No.10150282

That skin looks like a combination of a Tank and Enforcer

>> No.10150284


>> No.10150286

Yeah, the character is a class from QW I think. He has a skin which is a QW strogg class also

>> No.10150292

I'm gonna beat your ass after I'm done beating Nigdive's ass.

>> No.10150294

Well this is no good. All feedback should be directed to Nightdive, so they can fix it back. More feedback the better. Positive thing howerer is that, Yamagi will eventually implement the expansion/q64 compability, gz fixes and ai improvements, so we all eventually get the good stuff without the bad stuff, even if Nightdive doesn't fix it.

>> No.10150296

This. Plus it'll probably run better too.

>> No.10150297

I'm not your enemy, dude.

T. >>10150294

>> No.10150302

you are literally their PR guy you tell them holy fuck

>> No.10150304
File: 204 KB, 1046x1032, 1660081227786163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna hang out in that place
and also play through it
>Yamagi supporting expansions + custom maps
>Q2kex fixing support for things like based Sonic Mayhem
Compatibility race begins
would be could if KMQ2 did something because it has fun 3rd person support

>> No.10150314

Didn't realize that was happening. Putting the statues in was one of the first things I did, so I'm not surprised something's not right. I'll have a look.

>> No.10150315

i think you should be able to surf the damage in the direction you want if you approach their shockwave at the right angle/distance and jump at the right time
like how in tf2 if a soldier shoots a rocket at you from midrange and you time your jump just right relative to its angle you can fly toward him to close the distance, or escape some other direction
basically add more player agency to this concept so they don't always knock you into hazards with no recourse, and make zerkergroundpoundjumps a speedrun strat

>> No.10150318

You don't need to get this emotional over a discussion of game. Yes, I was wrong about railgun before watching the video. I do want you to give feedback to Nightdive, because more people wanting the railgun dmg restored back to normal will increase the change of it happening. Talking about it here is a good start, but it might not help, if Nightdive does not get the negative feedback.

>> No.10150328

i am not installing discord
drag them here
teach them how to read every archived thread since the 9th

>> No.10150330

This just looks so dumb and makes them feel weightless. If anything should lunge at you like that, it's the parasite.

>> No.10150335 [DELETED] 

Fairweather and his butt buddies are shitting the Q2R thread, and they are coping claiming that the Q1 community is "friendly" and open, which is a post quake one forums death lie.

They are working on that right now

it will take some time, also knightmare will look at that soon.

then neck yourself, you are nothing bug a gigafaggot scared of reaching the fucking devs about an issue, and crying for others to do your job.
stop being a lazy nigger and do that by yourself.

>> No.10150338

They are on Twitter, and I have no connections to Nightdive, neither do I have discord. If you don't want to do anything to change things better, why even complain? It's useless then.

>> No.10150343

my ideas will spread the more i shitpost and eventually reach their intended ears
such is the nature of causality

>> No.10150345

>they changed it so now it sucks
It doesn't work that way anon

>> No.10150401

Play Dukem Nukem 1 and 2

>> No.10150402

Some dude literally just asked the dev who made it if he could add a jump dodge and the dev said he'll add it to the patch notes meeting.

Personally if that add a dodge it should have a tight window. Then it's a skill dodge. Cus if you just have to jump at all then you make the leap useless.

>> No.10150408

I have. I love both of them. I actually think Duke 1 is a slightly better game, but the sheer variety and spectacle of Duke 2 is to be fucking marveled
Though I play Duke 2 on the Rigel Engine, I like the widescreen and faster framerate, it means I can shoot faster.

>> No.10150424

>make q2 even easier

>> No.10150431

Of 2d games that feel like first person shooters, Abuse will always be the greatest, but I think I'm dangerously crossing the line to off-topic.

>> No.10150432
File: 2.12 MB, 1920x1080, q2esew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does "jump dodge" mean, an invincibility frame/invuln button? I also hope someone over there is aware of the damage change and hitscan/grenade launcher origins from the player and if we can get their original behavior.

>> No.10150450

I mean jump in the air to avoid getting hit by berserkers new slam attack. There's no way of avoiding getting hit by it. A guy suggested jumping to avoid the slam.

>> No.10150453
File: 1.20 MB, 440x404, shambling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10150457 [DELETED] 

Allegedly you can jump off the ground to evade it?

>> No.10150465

Shambie on his way to completely fuck up your 25 year old games lore

>> No.10150473

>in a week ND will announce trilogy special pack

>> No.10150485
File: 3.78 MB, 2560x1440, notreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's board relevant and controls like a shooter.
That sounds fine. I was assuming the worst there. I agree with the window too, not like "suddenly floor is lava".

>> No.10150486

what's your favorite shambie model /vr/?
i like the new one but the OG is still the creepiest to me.
the one in AD is great too i guess

>> No.10150502
File: 818 KB, 1232x1080, teen shambler squad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choose shambler
We got the original, the upper'd original, the AD one, and the new one.

>> No.10150512

Hate the toes on the AD one, but I like it's warped take on their musculature.
Not a fan of the modeled teeth on the remaster.

>> No.10150514

what i like about the one from AD is his elephant like feet. it makes sense i guess. new shamblie's 3D teeth are a nice addition

>> No.10150515

kek total opposite of me

>> No.10150517


>> No.10150526
File: 128 KB, 611x387, bottom ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the feet and really like the attention of detail to the soles
Wonderful so you can tell which one I like the least

>> No.10150527

I like the AD lack of neck, like its head is bulging out of the torso rather than a defined head and body looking like some hunchback.
Modelled teeth are cool, but any version but the blurry original are an improvement.

>> No.10150545

>Bethesda makes another Doom sequel
>Shamblers were behind the Dark Lord all along
>and also the Nazis

>> No.10150547

How deep could this possibly go?

>> No.10150549

>I like the feet and really like the attention of detail to the soles
i almost spat out my coffee from my nose

>> No.10150550

Nazi Shamblers

>> No.10150554

shambler keen

>> No.10150556

Shamblers were already canon to Doom.
quit messages

>> No.10150564
File: 1018 KB, 1415x2000, a3a347e217d342026bdcec24381d8784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update for the Fore/vr/ Alone map "Hope for Tyranny" (it's in an edited version of an old beta; it's the MAP12 lumps, no texture changes; don't ask why): https://files.catbox.moe/xkfx2p.wad

>Various tweaks, bug fixes, and cleanup
>Big-ass fight added after grabbing the BFG

Credits changes:
>Authors: RancidSam & BiZ
>Music: "Sweet Dream" by Jim Andron; "Starless" by King Crimson

I still don't have a computer, but I watched BiZ playtest it and it should be kosher, unless some last-minute changes borked something.

>> No.10150568
File: 382 KB, 1350x906, Screenshot_2023-08-13-03-01-01-76_e4424258c8b8649f6e67d283a50a2cbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lego shambler

>> No.10150569

>A shambler is Commander Keens mom

>> No.10150570

God dammit I forgot to mention
>Implemented difficulties
Might not have multiplayer starts.

>> No.10150574

Does in this case.

>> No.10150581
File: 8 KB, 174x162, Adolf Lovecraft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy this is getting good

>> No.10150582

>calling strogg food "stroylent"
>instead of calling it "strogganoff"
Missed opportunity.

>> No.10150583

What do you think about Shambler's Castle for D3?
I think that they shouldn't have used the Painkiller music, but otherwise it would have been awesome to keep having more levels

>> No.10150586


>> No.10150614
File: 114 KB, 405x410, 2596e74140c974543554bbbbba4dc43e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make a new beta with the patched maps later this week (probably when I'll have some free time on Monday)
If coop starts are missing I'll add them, it's not a big deal.

>> No.10150628
File: 34 KB, 360x610, shambler-coverall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10150648

Are coop starts required? I can add some in my map if you want

>> No.10150651
File: 115 KB, 209x389, Stroggdanoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10150671
File: 22 KB, 310x512, 1675625869865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished Call of the Machine. surprisingly it isnt as hard as Ground Zero despite the greater amount of high-tier enemies, but i found it consistently more enjoyable. great sense of pace, tons of carnage, some fun platforming and enough new sights to make up for quake 2's bland techbases. i really hope it results in a renaissance of custom maps.

>> No.10150672

I haven't thought about that album in a long time, or hip-hop in general.

>> No.10150680

>nothing beats it!

Ahhh, that was a good pop.

>> No.10150681

kool keith fuckin rules dude

>> No.10150684
File: 3.31 MB, 1920x1080, q2eairsite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still going through the Reckoning. Fun to finally play this with some more gameplay changes. GZ, N64, and Machine is the order I have planned after this.

>> No.10150691

>PAMP EET (full of lead)

>> No.10150692
File: 1.15 MB, 1920x1080, varietal_rumble_1_2023-08-12_19-55-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow and steady.

>> No.10150703
File: 122 KB, 1000x972, 1676788857435204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quake thing bad

>> No.10150704

>bullshit rocket fight

>> No.10150705
File: 267 KB, 1743x981, 4dd1fb179b5661b962e46210e2ec645f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If coop starts are missing I'll add them, it's not a big deal.

>> No.10150708
File: 54 KB, 896x736, 1579547733769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope you enjoy anon

>> No.10150712

Yeah First Come First Served was my shit but I think I got less impressed with the ego side of music in general which hip-hop is 99% about.

>> No.10150723

I literally can't

>> No.10150726

>re-release whatever rather sounds hope

>> No.10150727
File: 34 KB, 591x210, AAGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i keep getting this crash on ND Quake when i try to launch SoA.
>tried verifying the files
>deleting folder and reinstalling
it's not my main port so it's not like i absolutely need it but anyone got any ideas?

>> No.10150729
File: 3.93 MB, 640x360, q2erecknin1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw yea its great
Cute motion blur but I'm probably going to turn it off for now, and still don't know how to turn off indicators

>> No.10150731

>ND Quake

>> No.10150735

only thing i turned off was the fog

>> No.10150736

>and still don't know how to turn off indicators
Accessibility or gameplay options.

>> No.10150743

i realize i should've said KexQuake

>> No.10150753


>> No.10150758

in my timeline there was a shambler in that video

>> No.10150761

>I think I got less impressed with the ego side of music in general which hip-hop is 99% about
i think that its all in good fun and is part of why i like the genre. i think it was only until recently with the Drill scene that people started to use hip-hop as a vehicle to express actual hatred and desire for violence, with shit like Notti Boppin and Who I Smoke. that i dislike. even 90s hip-hop made by confessed gang members like like Bloods & Crips i can consider "unethical" in the same way i'd consider Pleasure Escape by John Duncan (don't look it up) to be unethical.

>> No.10150762


>> No.10150764

Shamblick and Shorty

>> No.10150775


>> No.10150778
File: 1.54 MB, 1920x1080, mge3m2_2023-08-12_20-33-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This room is hilarious in Dimension of the Machine. I've died five different times due to its trap nature.

>> No.10150801

No you misunderstand, I sorta got over that that's what most of the genre is. I think it's fucking amazing that you can talk about how great you are in billions of different combinations of rhymes and beats, but as far as I'm concerned I got what I needed out of the genre with Kool Keith, Atmosphere, EL-P, Freestyle Fellowship, etc.
>Pleasure Escape by John Duncan
I forgot about that goddamn.

>> No.10150809

>No you misunderstand, I sorta got over that that's what most of the genre is. I think it's fucking amazing that you can talk about how great you are in billions of different combinations of rhymes and beats, but as far as I'm concerned I got what I needed out of the genre with Kool Keith, Atmosphere, EL-P, Freestyle Fellowship, etc.
thats cool. while i like El-P's production i havent listened to any Atmosphere and only know him because of the Tony Hawk's Underground 2. maybe i should change that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNkXgcKESdE

>> No.10150816

>doom probably based

>> No.10150818
File: 1.03 MB, 3840x2160, 2320_20230813005246_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see jack shit here

>> No.10150820

But that's good. My q2r doesn't look like that. Settings?

>> No.10150827

Just one of the e3 demos

>> No.10150849
File: 3.57 MB, 3840x2160, 2320_20230813010513_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some neat maps ideas that didn't made it into the final game

>> No.10150850

The Zaero 1.1 source was published so you can convert it pretty trivially, it's fixing the maps that'll be shit. If you don't do anything any transparent objects will be at max brightness and very high opacity, which you can fix by running the latest version of ericw's light.exe on them, but that also makes them extremely bright a lot of the time. Ideally you need both map source and DLL source to properly convert any mod.

>> No.10150860
File: 3.24 MB, 1920x1080, mge4m1_2023-08-12_21-05-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still going through Dimension of the Machine, which is has honed my years long opinion that Quake's enemy roster is weak to I think really I just don't like shalraths. Quake's rhythm of gameplay is fun; dancing between death knight projectiles, dodging ogre grenades, running up to shamblers to do the tango only to realize some death knights were nearby so you gotta account for multiple partners is fun, but shalraths? They completely stop gameplay in unfun ways. I can't like them. They're boring to fight and feel like a chore to deal with. I think they should have been made into a floating cousin of the scrag and their projectile shouldn't have homing, then they'd be enjoyable to fight and enjoyable for the mapper to USE. I like fighting them in mods like Drake because I have weapons to decimate them or health not to give a fuck about their projectiles.

Other than that and the realm of the blacksmiths being really unchallenging, I think it's fantastic that official and unofficial content tries this hard to create fantastically realized dimensions and realms. P.S. I sincerely believe it was a missed opportunity that the Quake Remaster didn't officially incorporate Quoth monsters. In another life perhaps.

>> No.10150882

It's a glitch. Sometimes the boss death flag doesn't trigger properly with crushers. It can also happen on MAP23 of the same wad and in E1M8 of Double Impact. Just noclip through the wall that's meant to lower.

>> No.10150887

Love how disabling view bob in quake 2 doesn't freeze your weapon in place. I wish that was less common.

>> No.10150890 [DELETED] 

objectively worst classic fps games ever made in order worst to least worst

>quake 2
>dr. radiaki's whateverthefuck
>nerves of steel
>depth dwellers
>hexen 2
>kingpin: life of crime
>unreal 2
>blood 2

>> No.10150894

>I sincerely believe it was a missed opportunity that the Quake Remaster didn't officially incorporate Quoth monsters
They'd have to track down everyone who worked on them, get permission, and probably have to pay them.
The real bizarre thing about the new expansion was they they didn't use any of the mission pack enemies or weapons. It's not like they can't all be used at once (see: Violent Rumble), but I guess if they didn't even bother to update their models and textures then that was out of the question.

>> No.10150903
File: 2.11 MB, 1920x1080, mge4m2_2023-08-12_21-36-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mission pack monsters
I forgot about the mission packs to be honest. You're right that should have been A1 priority. Just a shame, these could have been so much more. Also this map being an upside down hellish version of the previous one is disorienting in a very pleasing way. This is really cool.

>> No.10150905
File: 2.72 MB, 1920x1080, lovely SOE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great time when used right and a horrible time otherwise, especially on vanilla nightmare. I'm also fine with some mods changing or nerfing how their projectiles work which then gives designers an excuse to be more liberal in placing them.

>> No.10150906

what is the best helmet hud mod for doom by that i mean the one where your visor can get all fucked up

>> No.10150912
File: 3.35 MB, 2005x2318, shy shams failing to hide behind a tiny pillar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quoth ain't AD. it's just 3 people, and the content isn't a mishmash of Hexen 2 and Daikatana. and they got Kell on board with curated Contract Revoked already.
though Quoth is some kinda 94 Protons type thing, they won't release the source code as they are still supposedly not finished working on it (previous release being 15 years ago). anything from Quoth that is in AD, Mjolnir or Violent Rumble is either from before Quoth, or a result of decompilation and reverse engineering.

>> No.10150916

>as they are still supposedly not finished working on it (previous release being 15 years ago)
The fuck.

>> No.10150928

Even the worst FPS games from the list (Nerves of Steel and Unreal 2) are merely mediocre.
Unless you want to defend some of the worse PITS3D and 3DGS games.

>> No.10150943
File: 728 KB, 720x720, the macron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who wins? The Stroggdanoff or the Macron?

>> No.10150948

>mvg faggot

>> No.10150950

Odd that this remaster has no addon section at all. I personally think they should just add workshop already.

>> No.10150958

see >>10145849
mod menu and curated downloads are primarily for consoles, and console manufacturers are not gonna allow you to download and run arbitrary code.

>> No.10150976

>just add workshop already
Nah, the momentary convenience of Steam Workshop for Steam players isn't worth it. I'd hate to see another XCOM 2 situation where anyone who got the game from GOG or elsewhere is cucked out of most of the best mods because authors happened to converge on only bothering with Workshop.

>> No.10150980
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, mge5m2_2023-08-12_22-19-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hah this ogre was just cooking some chili. These last realms really stepped it up.

>> No.10150983

ironically last realms were made by first timers iirc
sewers, bunkers and stroggs were by established vets

>> No.10150987

The Quake II remaster really just shows me how much I dislike Quake II's gameplay in general, even the major improvements in the remaster don't quite do it

Any mods that goes even further?

>> No.10150993
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1080, mge5m2_2023-08-12_22-24-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've done an excellent job.

>> No.10150997

I feel the opposite. Not perfect, but I find it much more enjoyable than it once was. Music and compass help quite a bit though.

>> No.10151000

no that's how I feel, but the problems are still bad enough that it's kinda "eh" overall to me, maybe I should move down a difficulty bc I'm dying too much

>> No.10151001

well, whatever map it was that used Q2 textures. had this giant cord hanging over a chasm and some kinda cyber contraption at the end.

>> No.10151015
File: 2.70 MB, 1920x1080, mge2m2_2023-08-11_17-03-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was pretty fucking fun for all the shit I said about shalraths. Goddammit.
This one? Didn't feel very stroggy. Or maybe I'm on it now and haven't reached the end yet.

>> No.10151026

yeah that one. I've only really played it the one time, maybe perception got skewed. I think it had the most prominent use of Q2 textures, anyway.

>> No.10151050
File: 8 KB, 425x420, SIGNL0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parias got through 1/8th of act 1

>> No.10151057
File: 2.97 MB, 1920x1080, mgend_2023-08-12_22-57-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit. I wonder if there's some blueprint somewhere for what is implied by dopa and now dotm. "The oldest planet", the ship of prisoners from said planet, Shubby's room in dopa and a room in dotm that's somewhat modeled like shubby's room. Probably nothing at all, but neat to think about.
I didn't recognize any myself but I haven't played much Q2 of late.

>> No.10151083

>original thing better
>kill mods
>devs dumb

>> No.10151089
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>> No.10151135
File: 164 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20230812_235610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Experiment might be getting too wild

>> No.10151163
File: 247 KB, 1920x1080, 20230812224330_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is gmdoom allowed

>> No.10151167

graf mall doom

>> No.10151187
File: 1.27 MB, 1858x1057, Screenshot_Doom_20230813_012911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This flash looks cooler in action than I thought (of course, that's because I didn't sprite it)
I still need to make an ammo indicator to make it really playable. Some huds use SBARINFO, some use ACS, some use zscript, so it's hard to tell what's a good example to work off of and what's a hacky mess

>> No.10151191

What IS this project anyway? I've been curious about this for a bit.

>> No.10151220
File: 117 KB, 320x200, nakunaruSSG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm porting 11 or so weapons from synthetik that can be pigeonholed into doom's weapon slots. I don't know how many mechanics to replicate to the letter but reload cancels are in since that's the inspiration for the whole thing, picrel
the elephant in the room is all guns technically being fast projectiles means things fire just under the cursor and it's easy to cuck yourself on 32 high walls and it's a little tiring to constantly look up to compensate

>> No.10151225

>/v/ kek
>the strogg that appears in Quake Champions?
His backstory with following Bitterman throughout Quake 2 and being dumb enough to not undestand what Makron meant by talking about runes and magic is rather curious.
Basically, all evil comes from furries.

>> No.10151258

I was wondering if it was Synthetik from the HUD face. I would say don't be shy to make a weapon a hitscan if it means better combat within Doom maps.

>> No.10151268

>things fire just under the cursor

You could solve this by putting Player.AttackZOffset 13 in your playerclass. But then all the projectiles come out of your face and not the gun.

>> No.10151274

It was an issue as far back as 1997 but I seem to be the only one to ever notice or be bothered by it.

>> No.10151307

>the elephant in the room is all guns technically being fast projectiles means things fire just under the cursor and it's easy to cuck yourself on 32 high walls and it's a little tiring to constantly look up to compensate

If you're not using ZScript, ignore this post. I don't do DECORATE so I don't care to find out if it's possible with it.
This is an absolute angle. Example:
>let plr = PlayerPawn(invoker.Owner);
>double shootPitch = DSCore.GetShootPitch(plr, plr.Height / 2 + plr.AttackZOffset);
>A_FireProjectile([...], pitch: shootPitch);

I don't remember if A_FireProjectile's pitch argument is relative or absolute. In case it's relative, you can do
>double shootPitch = DeltaAngle(plr.Pitch, DSCore.GetShootPitch(plr, plr.Height / 2 + plr.AttackZOffset));
Might have to slap a minus in front of that if it's inverted. Getting angles right on the first try in GZDoom is a bit of a crapshoot.
If you end up using this, you should move GetShootPitch to your own "helper" class or put it on the base weapon class to avoid potential conflicts. Either works fine.
Keep in mind this does have a few side effects in that occasionally, under very specific circumstances, a projectile won't fly towards where you'd expect it to, but those instances are rare enough to safely ignore them. At least it used to. Don't remember if I addressed that or not.

>> No.10151313

Based zscript anon

>> No.10151338

Are those feet all hoofed or not?

>> No.10151397

shamblers have wool
they're also born with tails, but shubby cut them off
quake dreams of electric sheep

>> No.10151404
File: 22 KB, 166x240, CHNWHP3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am late to this but I'm working on the chain upgrade for Blaz. This'll look better in motion but I need to get around to implementing it. Once you get this upgrade, lashing things with the chain will give you just a little bit of sword energy (I need to give that a new name at this point, might just call it Focus Points or some shit)

But what'll make the upgrade particularly good to have is it'll freeze the gauge from decaying even after you fill it up and activate the powered up mode.

>> No.10151443
File: 81 KB, 1272x596, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, this area right here from mge2m2. You're an absolute poser if you can't tell from the textures

>> No.10151449

>I haven't played much Q2 of late
I played it a lot when I was 17 or 18. I pirated a copy that didn't even have the ost. Then I played through it again with Quake 2 Evolved if you remember that. I really loved the parallax or the bump mapping it introduced and how much darker the lighting was, but Q2E never got a modern port and it doesn't work now without glaring issues. After that I would touch it on and off but get bored. I would never have recognized those textures from the time I played over a decade ago.

>> No.10151453

he did post the exact contraption that I meant though. not everyone maps or jacks off to Q2, give the guy a break.

>> No.10151454
File: 227 KB, 462x515, a354ddb839dc5930955b99c5fadbe151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't specify they were required, but it doesn't hurt to just pop them in for those who want to try the wad in coop.

>> No.10151458

I thought more people would be able to appreciate it with some changes I’ve been exposed to by the few mods out there as well as expansion AI improvements. The new port is that and more.
>His backstory with following Bitterman throughout Quake 2 and being dumb enough to not undestand what Makron meant by talking about runes and magic is rather curious.
I was wondering if someone would mention this. It came across as some retrofitted silly Stanley Woo diary nonsense made for lootboxes but then again it is just a wacky arena game.
I think “elephantlike feet” makes the most sense all around.

>> No.10151475

qc making strogg have free will was lame

>> No.10151483

I think they always did to some weird extent. This is from the manual:
>Political System
>The Strogg civilization is governed through a system of Warlords. Each is given strategic locations to command and control. A single leader, called the Makron, is chosen from the Warlords. He commands Stroggos from within the palace city located at the northern end of Cerberon. Losing him would leave the Strogg confused and in turmoil as the Warlords battle internally to determine a successor. This would remove any chance Stroggos has for creating a well-organized strike or defensive position.
They’re not full on “mindless cyborgs”.
The entries in QC felt more like filler.

>> No.10151492

They were mindless cyborgs in Q4, which did its share of retcons. And then some more retcons happened in QC. It's your choice what lore you want to agree with, I think we already know what modern id is going to say.
>all of it is true lol

>> No.10151502

Even Q3, now that I think about it, had TankJr, which I guess is more of a continuation of the joke from the end of Q2 than a serious attempt at changing some lore.

>> No.10151514
File: 266 KB, 454x501, Glad_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me? It's the gladiator. Such a cool enemy.

>> No.10151525

These guys work the best when they're stationary. That way they don't waste time trying to walk up to you and just constantly fire their railguns at you so to bait their claw attack you have to approach them instead.

>> No.10151531

4 was a big mess in general with being torn between wanting to be a more traditional FPS, or more like CoD while released under the weight of CoD2 anyways, and filled with silly body horror to step-up with D3.
>It's your choice what lore you want to agree with
“Less is more is rule” leads to Q2 being the winner.

>> No.10151537

I dunno can't it be both? A section of the strogg that have no minds of their own, and strogg that do. Am I crazy for considering that

>> No.10151549

Do they say "TRAITOR!" when they spot you? How am I the traitor when they're processed humans who turned on humanity?

>> No.10151550

Don't they just say DOYEETU

>> No.10151579

Appealing to everyone maybe? I’d keep it simple and I find it less interesting if I’m shooting more mindless drones.

>> No.10151591

>I’d keep it simple and I find it less interesting if I’m shooting more mindless drones.
Because you're thinking too simple. Some platoons are outfitted with special hivemind chips that link them up to a platoon leader that serves as a particularly sadistic miniboss because he had to shove the hivemind chip into the humans' brains himself, demolishing their personalities brutally. Gotta use your imagination anon.

>> No.10151602

they say "КTO ЭTO?"

>> No.10151606

list of sapient autonomous strogg

list of strogg that only have free will on a case-by-case basis, as some individuals are noncompliant and must be assimilated into the hivemind
>iron maidens

list of sapient autonomous strogg that can be controlled remotely

list of strogg that control hivemind strogg and can take manual control of heavy autonomous units
>makron (large scale)
>brains (on a local level)

list of hivemind strogg

>> No.10151607

So what you're saying is that if you have sex with an iron maiden, there's a chance you're actually fucking the entire Strogg collective?

>> No.10151608
File: 93 KB, 1024x713, media_F2qkebRWAAAWESg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been playing the Quake II update and honestly I don't remember Quake II being that damn good and fun. In my 14 year old teenager memory it was kind of boring and stuff happened randomly while going from point to point and I had to force myself to power through the last stages to see the end. But now all those years later I'm having a blast playing it, I understand everything going on, the missions, how one area relates to another, how to approach each different challenge. I guess I was just retarded.

>> No.10151609

>I dunno can't it be both?
It can if that's what you want, that is the modern id approach that I mentioned already.

>> No.10151612

Q2R also heavily overhauls the gameplay to make it much snappier.

>> No.10151616

>Some platoons are outfitted with special hivemind chips that link them up to a platoon leader that serves as a particularly sadistic miniboss because he had to shove the hivemind chip into the humans' brains himself
Yeah that just seems like the most blatantly and unimaginative thing to do when having some Strogg factions be mindless and some not as touched on with >>10151537 I don’t think it warranted a further explanation.
>Been playing the Quake II update and honestly I don't remember Quake II being that damn good and fun.
Even the expansions get different with the enemy AI, but not many wanted to give them a chance after trying the base campaign.

>> No.10151617
File: 3.29 MB, 5728x3216, collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always loved Q2 even before Q2R since it was one of my first childhood games so it makes me happy to hear that some people are coming around to it.

>> No.10151625

>and some not as touched on

>> No.10151629

oh you were just missing a comma.
>Yeah that just seems like the most blatantly and unimaginative thing to do
i think its fine. you okay man?

>> No.10151632

>you okay man?
Yep, just some silly phoneposterey

>> No.10151654
File: 67 KB, 460x400, cutebot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm fine with that
I'm fine when it's just towards things like these cute lil fixbot buddies

>> No.10151662

Well if you strogg yourself, it's just a higher level of masturbation.

Also iron maidens seem to have their vaginas and assholes removed, so sex might be out of question. Boobjobs are fine.

>> No.10151667

Yea, Ground Zero is actually fun now.

>> No.10151672

The berzerker change alone makes this better than any other sourceport version of Q2 and nobody can change my mind. From an absolutely useless enemy to a fiend+ level danger where you can't relax your brain if you want to avoid damage.

>> No.10151681

>The berzerker change alone makes this better than any other sourceport version of Q2 and nobody can change my mind.
Mission 64 zerkers were cool and the enemies could similarly trolldodge. Also the zerk smash will need a huge damage boost if they plan on making it avoidable in a coming patch.

>> No.10151682

They're planning on making it avoidable? Fucking trash.

>> No.10151698

I could never play Ground Zero without remaster again
>i have hard time imagining gz without distruptor anymore, absolutely fun weapon
>etf rifle and chainfist aren't useless on remaster
>turrets and stalkers have received their much needed nerfs, which means you can play gz on hard or nightmare and still have fun
I don't like the railgun nerf, but eventually the remaster content/changes will be ported to Yamagi and others.

>> No.10151701
File: 3.92 MB, 854x480, q2eparaparty.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As >>10150214 it's actually just kind of fun to get hit with right now if you're not at crazy low health and armor. It doesn't hurt much at all. I'm also still with >>10150402 where if there is an ability to "dodge it" to a small window as well as that damage boost I want.

>> No.10151720

really hoping Machine Games doesn't retcon magic out of Quake like they did with Wolfenstein. also Doom's demons are not "Aliens"

>> No.10151726

Was the Phalanx Gladiator nerfed? I never played the Q2 expansions before but I did read the wiki a while back.
It said they could do 100 damage per shot and be very tanky but on the remaster they weren't very threathening.

I also noticed the railgun got quite the nerf on damage too.

>> No.10151730

>when you've played too much Doom Eternal

>> No.10151737

It's the 25th Unit weapon switch changes you're looking for with the backpack reloads and refire cancels.

>> No.10151738

>pls put QTEs in my quake

>> No.10151741

not those anons, but essentially what they're asking is the equivalent of being to dodge a jumping fiend in Q1, rather than it homing in on you, doing aoe damage and throwing you into the lava.

>> No.10151746
File: 48 KB, 450x350, Stroggos is in Shambles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It came across as some retrofitted silly Stanley Woo diary nonsense made for lootboxes but then again it is just a wacky arena game.
That's fair. I can be a lore autist at times and currently trying to enjoy stuff for what they're/could be as opposed to beating it down.
In other words, cherry picking bits and pieces to have fun in my own way. Dumb shit like this is actually somewhat inspiring. Maybe I'll end up doing some Quake mapping & modding.
The most obvious explanation for "mind/mindless Strogg" to me would literally be a brain of each individual: dead brain = no will, and so forth.
>really hoping Machine Games doesn't retcon magic out of Quake
Doubt that. They did had like six runes in Dimension of the Machine.

>> No.10151752

>They did had like six runes in Dimension of the Machine.
they'll find a workaround like it's nanotechnology and quantum entanglement.

>> No.10151758

>also Doom's demons are not "Aliens"
They technically are, they're not from Earth.

>> No.10151761

No. They're demons. Stop it. From hell.

>> No.10151762

>dodging the point with semantics

>> No.10151778

id themselves called them carbon-based lifeforms in Doom 3. That's not very demon-like.

I agree with you, I'm just shitposting.

>> No.10151779

Counterpoint: Living on Earth is hell so therefore they're domestic.

>> No.10151786

railgun niggers deserve to hang
hope they nerf it in q3 remaster too

>> No.10151791
File: 175 KB, 579x927, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hope they nerf it in q3 remaster too
they already did

>> No.10151796

I actually wouldn't mind the railgun nerf if it only applied to multiplayer, or in the context of Quake 3.
But in singleplayer, you don't take a weapon that fucks and make it fuck less.

>> No.10151798

There won't be a q3 remaster until id finally accepts that qc is a failure

>> No.10151808
File: 3.87 MB, 640x360, q2ebetag.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was the Phalanx Gladiator nerfed?
They have way less health

>> No.10151810

It's clear from these changes that they wanted to make the gameplay more like Quake 1 which was a souped up Doom: Encouraging the player to be more daring and in enemy's personal space. A post last thread or so highlighted this, lemme find it.

>> No.10151813
File: 8 KB, 254x172, railgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Railgun is literally the coolest weapon ever made and if it isn't powerful, it isn't as cool

>> No.10151814

I wonder if that has anything to do with not using Iron Maidens in the new episode.

>> No.10151818
File: 20 KB, 270x306, railgun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In fact railgun is so cool Makron wears it for a head. If they nerfed it then might as well give him another head.

>> No.10151820

>lemme find it.
Can't find it, but it was an anon praising how the remaster AI changes made anon do exactly what I said: Get in enemy's faces to the point where the gameplay felt more like Doom.

>> No.10151827


>> No.10151829
File: 3.88 MB, 640x360, gladchange.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the gladiators that was already rewarded with how easy they were to get stuck in a shambler styled dance loop. The biggest improvement to both gladiators through the new port is making this harder to do.
The railgun changes overall make me use it less. Still not a big fan of that. Mostly positive changes though.

>> No.10151832


>> No.10151834

Q2R is the definitive edition.
No argument thanks for the concession bbckes.

>> No.10151837

Yes, arguments, that's right, I am supposed to have an argument with you, my bad.

>> No.10151838
File: 638 KB, 949x631, 1756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's okay but you missed your chance. Pic related is me. If you can't tell, I'm a woman's man with no time to talk (argue).

>> No.10151839

>The railgun changes overall make me use it less
Can it at least still fire through multiple enemies?

>> No.10151841


>> No.10151842

It can, they even have some Doom-y densely packed monster closets in the new maps to do just that.

>> No.10151845

That's a shame.
Originally is what made them so dangerous and scary

>> No.10151846

Nah, it was too much. They were bullet sponges. Also phalanx is less scary than rail

>> No.10151848
File: 2.07 MB, 2560x1440, q2e brightmapoverload.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course. It's also still killing things like gunners, technicians, and parasites in the same amount of shots. I no longer like using it against gladiators, berserkers, or flyers with higher healthpools.
Also jesus christ I thought I was the one with an unhealthy brightmap addiction.
Not with those shambler dance moves. I'm more wary of a potential damage nerf. That one in the 25th Unit pack fucked my shit up immediately.

>> No.10151850

How'd you get your viewmodels so low?

>> No.10151852

Strogg computers are so fucking cool

>> No.10151860

If you're not going to raise it back to 150, at least give the railgun 120 damage so it can still kill a berserker in two shots.

>> No.10151865
File: 2.23 MB, 2560x1440, q2e beepboops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Messing with gun_x, gun_y, and gun_z values. It's less glitchy in this than in the other ports too.
Similar for Quake 1 sourceports except it's moving the player camera: scr_ofsx, y and z.
They really lit them up in this.

>> No.10151868

Do you do that in console, or by modifying the game files?

>> No.10151873
File: 23 KB, 383x107, cvars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right there through the console

>> No.10151891

Oh, so it's for every weapon. Neat.

>> No.10151917
File: 203 KB, 500x471, consider the following.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how you can use those codes to essentially make the viewmodels properly centered, but if you choose center viewmodels through the settings it just makes them invisible, regardless what port you're using.

>> No.10151926
File: 3.84 MB, 1912x2154, 2320_20230813123024_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the flashlight used in the new episode?

>> No.10151927

Interesting. With the new AI the Quake 2 expansions are easier. Enforcers don't shoot the moment they see you now, same for guards.

>> No.10151931
File: 195 KB, 1920x1080, reckended.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reckoning done, GZ next
I've been trying to figure out how to bind a key to do two different things: Switch to a weapon and change the gun_x value. I'd like to have the shotguns centered while something like the rocket launcher stays to the right.

>> No.10151934

Yes, but it's scripted.

>> No.10151936

Now that's a full inventory if I've ever seen one. You saving all that for the Pope?

>> No.10151937

Would "bind 3 "use Shotgun; gun_x -4"" not work?

>> No.10151943

In all fairness, outside of Quad Damage and the occasional rad suit Q2 items are kind of useless. I don't think I've ever used an invuln in my decades of playing the game.

>> No.10151945

just tested the give all cheat to see if they added something else

>> No.10151946

I really only care about those bullshit turrets apparently being fixed, they stopped me from replaying GZ which is otherwise really cool. Hopefully The Reckoning isn't too much of a cakewalk though

>> No.10151948

I never played regular Ground Zero, but there are still some hitscan turrets.

>> No.10151949

Don't underestimate the power screen, which at least in the original is OP as fuck. I haven't tried it out in the remaster yet but hopefully they nerfed it since it made damage to you inconsequential unless it was laser/cell damage

>> No.10151953
File: 318 KB, 3840x2160, 2320_20230813124323_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my first encounter with the Brains, they both raped me without hesitation.
So far I was killed by an enemy out of me acting dumb, but this time I almost couldn't do a shit

>> No.10151954

Power screen has saved my ass several times. Or at least didn't took that much of damage while using it

>> No.10151956
File: 2.20 MB, 642x360, 50506.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does, actually. I was trying it with two separate quotes. Thanks.
It was still pretty strong near the middle of the original campaign. It went down much quicker near the end but that could be more from enemy changes like poor >>10151953 just experienced.

>> No.10151958

What were they even thinking with these guys in the base version of the game? They're a late-game enemy and yet they're less threatening than a light guard and can't do anything. Were they only meant to be bullet sinks?

>> No.10151961

I'm going to have to do that for the blaster, because it just sits way too high on the screen for my liking.
Can you make individual binds for the expansion guns? Because I want to put the chaingun and machine gun on the same key, but that prevents me from using the ETF Rifle.

>> No.10151965

They were shipped broken.

>> No.10151970

Just type in console "bind <KEY> use chaingun; use machine gun" and "bind <KEY> use etf rifle", at least going off memory.

>> No.10151978

so was quake 2 always good or did the remaster actually make it good?

>> No.10151979
File: 10 KB, 292x257, shamblrhatchn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like the idea they start out as just dumb balls of fluff that can still bite through bones.

>> No.10151980

reminds me of my ex wife

>> No.10151986

It was always good

>> No.10151987

I played it, no there was not. I don't remember there being a hitscan turrets in the original either.

>> No.10151995
File: 264 KB, 853x640, DO YOU FIND IT AMUSING THAT WE&#039;LL BE TALKING ABOUT LEVEL KEYS, TUROK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10152006

Zerkers: massive buff, went from worst enemy to a decent enemy

Drones: big ass buff, flying enemies ai all rewritten, way faster and they swipe at you very aggressively with their blades

Parasite: nerfed lol what a pussy now, went from a real pain to a little baby

Grenade guys: decent buff, fire over enemies, smarter choice when to fire grenades, smarter overall

Everyone else feels much the same or not any significantly different. I wish the big frog dudes where stronger. They've always seem janky and barely working.

>> No.10152010


>> No.10152012

Oh, the power screen.
Yeah, I activate that the moment you get it.
It's almost a god mode cheat for how OP it is. I swear the moment you get one I never die outside of death pit fuck ups.

>> No.10152013

It went from a solid 6.5/10 to a solid 8/10

>> No.10152014

It was always good.
The remaster just made it slightly better in some ways and slightly worse in others.

>> No.10152015

How was the parasite nerfed? Not seeing any change

>> No.10152019

Tanks are smarter with their rockets now. Sometimes they hold fire and wait for you to come out of cover if you duck behind a wall when they get the launcher out.
I've also seen Enforcers shoot while running and dodging (rare)

>> No.10152020

You can vey easily dodge his tongue now. It's a projectile where it was a hitscan before. And if you dodge it it can even get stuck on a wall and he's completely vulnerable trying to rip it off the wall

>> No.10152021

Its probe is no longer impossible to dodge. If it fucks up it's stuck for a few seconds trying to pull it out of the wall.

>> No.10152023

It was middling before but now it's worth playing.

>> No.10152024

Yeah enforcers should do that more often cus they're still not much of a threat.

>> No.10152026

Even one fired his missiles at me when I was on his back

>> No.10152038
File: 17 KB, 320x200, skin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the shit in the beta footage looked really cool.

>The original rusty shotguns looks cool
>actually better chaingun
>The berserker used to launch you straight vertically upwards like 15 feet and the camera would go WOOOOOOAH all disorientated when launched.
>2D sprite explosions which looked, even as early placeholders, better that ugly 3D explosion shit we have to look at in the final game

Wish we could get these back as mods. Also, the classic pain faces in the HUD.

>> No.10152043

Tanks always did that.

>> No.10152052

They did but in the mission packs only I believe.

>> No.10152053
File: 100 KB, 805x540, 1691258626226784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

self-bump for my Quake 1 remaster crash issues

>> No.10152084

FPS = movement + weapons + enemies + levels
all 4 used to be bad, now weapons and enemies are pretty alright

>> No.10152086

>2D sprite explosions which looked, even as early placeholders, better that ugly 3D explosion
I know we're on /vr/ but that's ridiculous if you're talking about the same sprites that I'm thinking about. Pic?

>> No.10152092

Not that anon btw

>> No.10152093

Same here. It just feels right to play in this order.

>> No.10152094
File: 69 KB, 173x245, HappyMan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be very unnecessary and frankly stupid. I doubt that if MachineGames ends up handling Quake (which is kind doubt, honestly), they would go out of their way to contradict whatever is set up in Champions and I think both Death Knight & Galena cover the magic side of the original game there.
Personally, Quake 2 was "okay for one playthrough only" game to me. I just couldn't get back into it when I tried: reaching the end of Outer Base and I was done.
Now, however... It's actually kind of neat to replay the original campaign. Will cheese expansions for achievements and rush through both 64 and Call of the Machine.
We were robbed.

>> No.10152098

That's what I remember seeing. Yeah I guess you could say we were robbed (ironically) but it just doesn't look good in a 3D game at all

>> No.10152105

That doesn't look good at all.

>> No.10152110

Oh and also explosions sent enemies flying across the screen. It looked really fun.

Better than the 3D shit. And they obviously weren't finished. Just placeholder. Better quality sprites would be better than the shit we got

>> No.10152112

Besides the Quake 1 remaster extra chapter, is the other episode released before the remaster by Machinegames any good?

>> No.10152114

>whatever is set up in Champions and I think both Death Knight & Galena cover the magic side of the original game there.
good to know. Wolf The Old Blood tried to science zombies with fungus but Spear of Destiny had a literal demon and well the spear so it gets dumb sometimes. even RTCW has a necromancer...

>> No.10152115
File: 440 KB, 1920x1080, wtf_is_wrong_with_this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a weird thing to get hung up on

>> No.10152118

DOPA is good.

>> No.10152120
File: 519 KB, 1920x1080, EXPLVER1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Duke Nukem 3D style explosion wouldn't look good.
They should have done the same thing as Q1's explosions and improve it

>> No.10152126

it's alright. some tough fights and better than average ammo economy, but a bit bland looking. it's just one guy though, not a collaboration, unlike DotM

>> No.10152134

I can count on my fingers how many times I've bothered using the sword throw and the chain so it's a good change even if I'll miss saving 5 power swings for some surprise popup demon

>> No.10152137

3D explosions are one of the things i like the most about 2

>> No.10152224

Software render + enhanced models would be the definitely visual experience

>> No.10152225

Dopa? If you enjoy the vanilla episodes, you will love it.

>> No.10152227

This. Weird fetish, but what are you going to do.

>> No.10152228
File: 2.57 MB, 1920x1080, 9oqn9en.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is discord related news but I think it's worth posting about, however I'm foregoing replying to the newspost:
>I would like to invite you to the Map-Center Discord server.

>This server functions as a community platform for our upcoming map-center.com website, which aims to bring you all user-created content for Quake II and whatever else the community desires. Many valuable resources and websites have been lost throughout the years, but thanks to a lot of contributors, we’ve managed to collect hundreds of maps and mods for the game.

>We strongly encourage players and creators to join us so that we can build the single largest resource for Quake II on the internet together. You can join or invite other people to join using the following link: >https://discord.gg/vSvqwys5hB

>> No.10152231

Mjolnir patch is late, a few bad bugs were discovered. Apologies.

>> No.10152239


>> No.10152240

Sonic Mayhem prepping a making of Quake 2 OST.
He also has a bunch of other posts about Quake 2 over the last few days:
>I'll do a video soon talking about some of the things we did on Quake 2. One thing I'll never forget is that we stashed a massive amounts of amps in my bedroom and covered them with carpets. The neighbors prob still hate me. ;)

>> No.10152242
File: 2.70 MB, 424x498, 1691419298876219.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my hands are full of Quake i can wait

>> No.10152243
File: 343 KB, 640x475, bz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always been good when you regard how fun the multiplayer was and how much the expansions helped realize the enemy roster. I do the same thing for Doom: I don't just compare things to Doom 1, it's everything they pulled off from Doom 2 and Final Doom as well.
Colored lights are a huge part of 2's aesthetic.
No biggie, still a nice time. Love how Keep came with all those organized model folders.

>> No.10152248

>Colored lights are a huge part of 2's aesthetic.
Sorry, but I played as a kid with software render only, on a 320x240 resolution.
I still prefer it more since it has a more cold feeling, a perfect combination with the machine and metal theme

>> No.10152260
File: 24 KB, 765x570, The Casali Effect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw Q2 pays tribute to Plutonia before 94 protons does

>> No.10152264
File: 65 KB, 600x804, 1664385885576786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q2bros, it's finally our time. Our perseverance against the constant persecution is finally paying dividends.

>> No.10152268

I would looooooove to see a Quake 2 renaissance the same way Arcane Dimensions propelled Quake 1 in 2015.

>> No.10152270

I'm sad to say it, but I don't enjoy Call Of The Machine as much as Dimension Of The Machine. Megacorpse IV had some best Q2 gameplay I've seen. It felt like a Skillsaw wad. But the other units after it have felt like an afterthought. I haven't finished them all yet, but so far they have felt like a filler. And this is coming from an anon, who even enjoyed some parts of Juggernaut. Railgun nerf doesn't help it all. Slaughter parts feel very grindy, because you lack that powerful weapon that you previously had. I find myself even preferring Super Shotgun to Railgun now. It seems like Machinegames designed the maps before Nightdive implemented the railgun nerf. Very bad decision.

>> No.10152271

>Wolf The Old Blood tried to science zombies with fungus
Oh, so that's what it was? I never view/read anything about The Old Blood fully, but just assume there was some magic involved out-of-context.
I actually remember trying to look into current Wolfenstein's canon and it fels like a mess: Wolf3D did supposedly took place in New timeline, but with some alteration. Namely, Blazkowicz wasn't able to kill Hitler and those Wolf3D level easter eggs are his actual in-universe nightmares about the whole thing.

>> No.10152274

>It seems like Machinegames designed the maps before Nightdive implemented the railgun nerf. Very bad decision.
That's an interesting thought. I haven't gotten around to COTM yet but I'll keep this in mind.

>> No.10152278

I like that new Quake 2 episode acknowledges that original high-energy soundtrack could have greater effect if used sparingly, during moments that demand it. You know, like Half-Life. I'd even argue that hearing OST on loop gets old really fucking fast, but that's just me.
Going through "Operation: Firewall" unit now, it's especially good at that. A steady crawl through the base with some ambient (from Q2 64, I guess) at first, then shit hits the fan with like 5 tanks, 4 medics and other shit - only now they turn up "Operation Overlord". Nice.

>> No.10152279

>It felt like a Skillsaw wad.
Damn, that's rough.

>> No.10152281

Are you planning adding more maps on the patch like more of episodes or the remastered Tronyn map sets?

>> No.10152286

>Wolf3D did supposedly took place in New timeline, but with some alteration. Namely, Blazkowicz wasn't able to kill Hitler and those Wolf3D level easter eggs are his actual in-universe nightmares about the whole thing.

>> No.10152289

That's interesting because I'm the opposite - without the music it just doesn't feel right, especially if you complete the main objective and everyone is dead. I wouldn't it if it even swicthed to an ambient track instead.

>> No.10152291

It was positive thing for me. Fast, arcadey, powerful weapons, lots of cannon fodder enemies and interesting encounter design. I can't see anyone hating Skillsaw maps unless one wants to go full contratian.

>> No.10152301
File: 536 KB, 734x863, AAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was working on that monster randomizer for Drake mod
>Couldn't include gaunts, gugs, or drones since they're quoth QC and quoth never released its source code so I didn't think it was worth it anymore
>Dig through my files
>Find very obscure Drake qc folder I had buried that includes gaunt.qc, gug.qc, and drone.qc
Mother FUCK guess I'll try again next weekend.

>> No.10152303

I played a Q2 rip as a kid that didn't have the soundtrack and I got used to playing it that way. It's fascinating how the music completely changes the feel of the game. I think it's a shame that the music is so heavy metal all the time that it drowns out the ambiance

>> No.10152306

As someone who played Q2 (and Q1) without any music at all for most of my life, I think it's not that bad, but for the most part I agree with you.

>> No.10152310
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, rlaunchreckoning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how I played through it first as a kid too. When I went to my big bro's house he let me install it on his better PC and I was blown away by the colors and texture smoothing. These days I prefer unfiltered textures most of the time but love those colored lights, especially the orange hue for the outside areas. wish I could only filter the sky textures
Is it a confirmed nerf or a fuckup? I can't see someone thinking it's overpowered without also changing the absolute rapist of a weapon known as the ion ripper.
Playing it with Aubrey's music is an experience. At the same time so is playing Q2 64 with Sonic Mayhem jams. They both work.

>> No.10152314
File: 134 KB, 751x676, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One single thing i will give to m$ store over steam is that you get desktop wallpapers for completing cheevos

>> No.10152319

Maybe I'm a retard but I cannot believe they didn't nerf her tits in this year of our lord. Even Japan has started kowtowing to western values.

>> No.10152323

I will concede that the radio chatter puts chills down my spine, helps add to the feeling you're part of something bigger and stuff is happening elsewhere and the music can detract.

Apropros of nothign to do with that I'm running the remaster on an integrated gfx chip and to get 60fps I have to use resolution of 800X600 and I've convinced myself it looks better that higher res. I'm not sure if its delusionary cope or not but I don't care.

>> No.10152325

It's probably because the iron maidens are so fucked up with all the tubes in their bodies that they're not sexy even with tits so it's all ironic. Their moans are kinda hot though

>> No.10152329

>It's probably because the iron maidens are so fucked up with all the tubes in their bodies
I knew some lads that were unironically into this shit

>> No.10152332

>they're not sexy
I disagree.
t. /d/oom guy

>> No.10152334
File: 2.82 MB, 1920x1080, fas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you can download these pics and use them as wallpaper

>> No.10152336

......which are sprites.

>> No.10152335

You don't mess with Boomer tits. They don't give a fuck if you call them sexist, which nullifies 99% of the tit-fearer's arsenal.

>> No.10152337

I'm kinda dissapointed that they didn't improve their ai too

>> No.10152339


>> No.10152343

Can you post them?

>> No.10152347

Lunatic bored me. Only reason I stuck with AA is aesthetics. Heartland is the only great thing from him, but more for Eternity features and setpieces, rather than the gameplay.

>> No.10152349

in fact, I believe they even nerfed the iron maidens in the reckoning.

>> No.10152352

Don't they have homing missiles there? Or is that in GZ? I swear a version of them exists somewhere with homing missiles

>> No.10152353

Brains also got buffed

>> No.10152356

ya they have homing missiles in the reckoning. In the vanilla game the homing is pretty ridiculous but in the remaster it feels like they toned them down quite a bit.

>> No.10152362

To be fair, it does kind of fit that timeline. And William did put up a good fight:
>"It is time to quell the insidious rumors claiming that I was badly hurt by the terrorist and that he managed to escape. They were fabrications manufactured by our enemies. Everyone who is found to repeat these lies will face trial as traitors of the Reich."

>> No.10152368

This, but with Redneck Rampage.
Unironically eerie game without psychobilly blasting in your headphones.

>> No.10152371
File: 95 KB, 315x400, 1666706548827592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're not sexy
you're just not trying hard enough

>> No.10152382

...with particles
I dunno why they took off the particles, it made the explosions more brutal

>> No.10152384

They had a weird compromise where the more woke devs working on the new expansion refused to use her, but they kept her in all the other modes. So machinegames are left looking petty and childish in a minor way.

>> No.10152392

Are you really gonna use a stink just because a certain enemy isn't used?
I think a far more likely scenario is that they wanted to avoid crashes like in the Steam version of the game where Q2 crashes if a medic and an iron maiden are both part of the same level, I think it happens when the medic tries to resurrect her

>> No.10152394
File: 19 KB, 600x321, 2925748294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, in my timeline he's kaput

>> No.10152397
File: 60 KB, 357x500, paulsteed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PAUL STEED STILL LIVES! https://youtu.be/6raOGEx3Ib8?t=59

>> No.10152401

Yeah, you now need to throw explosives their way while peeking around corners or they do a Scorpion GET OVER HERE attack and start slapping you around.
It's a good change, endgame enemies shouldn't be a joke.

>> No.10152403

I don't know how to unlock the Hornet and the Super Tank, which are the other two left on Steam.
About the Iron Maiden, I think that I saw it somwhere else, but I can't remember where

>> No.10152406
File: 286 KB, 1440x810, gdx_015_45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always a big place in my heart for Aliens and Valiant.
I think it suits the level progression better as well. Some quick sound replacements also help.

>> No.10152409

Look, I'd normally give a dev the benefit of the doubt, especially in the case of a faithful remaster like this. But it's known that machinegames are as woke as they come and are the ones who made the only units without that enemy. I'm just putting two and two together.
Does it ruin it by removing them? No. They're not exactly the best enemy in the game. But they clearly ignored them for silly reasons, and that deserves ridicule.

>> No.10152410

>I think a far more likely scenario is that they wanted to avoid crashes like in the Steam version of the game where Q2 crashes if a medic and an iron maiden are both part of the same level, I think it happens when the medic tries to resurrect her
Then fix it

>> No.10152421
File: 9 KB, 256x256, 1302344250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based Steed poster

>> No.10152423
File: 85 KB, 737x850, 1514260954095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But they clearly ignored them for silly reasons, and that deserves ridicule.
that and considering how fucked up their faces and legs are i wouldnt even consider them tittilating. more of a mix of sensuality and horror thats been proven to make people uncomfortable, like some of HR Geiger's stuff. its been like 3 years since The Citadel came out and that proven that there are far worse ways to depict the female form in a shooter.

>> No.10152426


>> No.10152442
File: 42 KB, 268x216, 15599651853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've seen pretty ladies get butchered way before we needed to reference non-retro games, anon

>> No.10152446

la creatura...

>> No.10152457

Weak sauce. You're supposed to play RR while drunkenly singing YOU CAN'T KILL ME along with the voice in the speakers.

>> No.10152474
File: 2.93 MB, 298x328, Iron Maiden.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10152490
File: 3.83 MB, 640x360, 2023060316261201-77337DF3FBB55CF9C4FC70C24104DBEF (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10152494

I will now play your game.

>> No.10152503

>gifs you can hear

>> No.10152539

Wait, are those metal pieces not grafted to her boobs? Whats the point of it then

>> No.10152541
File: 1.70 MB, 3840x2160, 2320_20230813160703_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that they updated the Big Gun map even if it's only to give it more details.
It was way too empy and too unfinished

>> No.10152545
File: 1.81 MB, 3840x2160, 2320_20230813160314_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the updated model they are attached to her boobs.

>> No.10152548

Confirmed nerf.

>> No.10152552


>> No.10152558

A girl's gotta have some secrets

>> No.10152559

Big Gun was scary to me as a kid because of the countdown. I also didn't have auto run enabled and I didn't even know you could run so making it to the exit in 30 seconds was actually challenging.
They should've made it more difficult though because now I can reach the exit before the countdown's even started.

>> No.10152561

>tries to kill microsoft edge
Good gunner.

>> No.10152564

Just the nips, Iron Maidens are constantly being milked for calcium while you're fighting them.

>> No.10152579

I know it's done so there aren't bare G cups flopping around everywhere, but it's funny to think that in universe the Makron saw the Maidens being processed and suddenly screamed "NO! COVER THAT SHIT!" at the sight of a nipple.

>> No.10152580
File: 404 KB, 959x1080, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me: Since this guy trooned out, they've replaced his devroom portrait with the bugwall texture he made for QIII

>> No.10152583

Kek, they made him into a monster. It just goes to show that Nightdive aren't having any of that "progressive" nonsense in their products, as if the iron maidens don't already prove that.

>> No.10152584

lmfao, he must've done it because he got brutally mogged by that handsome devil on the left

>> No.10152590

Iron Maidens are used just sparingly in one map of GZ and only on few maps Reckoning (only in one unit). Does that make those expansions woke?

>> No.10152601

Yes, indeed. Truly, this so-called "progressive" tripe or garbage of this day and age is largely trash that adds nothing.

>> No.10152608

I mean, it really doesn't. It's just there for the people behind it to pretend to be good people and cast judgement on anyone who points out how absurd they're being. It achieves nothing but tribalism.

>> No.10152613

"We had to replace Jaquays image in the remaster because beta testers were constantly asking why we put an image of a mangled Strogg along side the developer headshots."

>> No.10152614
File: 295 KB, 1920x1080, scrn0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least this guy's still here and very much cisgendered and heterosexual.

>> No.10152619

Why is he so smug?

>> No.10152624

>Original id room
>Amusing jabs at each other and interesting metaphors
>New dev room
Good remaster, but bloody hell.

>> No.10152629

This is the worst torture the stroggs have ever done. They give a man two sex hungry big boobs iron maidens and yet they cut off his dick when they made him into a tank. Come on Makron, that's too harsh.

>> No.10152634

No idea. He shouldn't be. He's got two huge pairs of tits but no hands to fondle them with. He should be groaning with frustration and doing a robotic Strogg voice version of "Kill me! It hurts!"

>> No.10152639
File: 81 KB, 689x439, main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most dev teams no longer look like this sadly

>> No.10152640

I think you're assuming he has no penis under incorrect pretenses. He's smug BECAUSE the strogg gave him a big strogg dick.

>> No.10152642

Doesn't a cock and balls literally flop out of one of the original members mouth?

>> No.10152643

lmao he's an irl storgg

>> No.10152648

Well then I'm happy for him.

>> No.10152654

isn't that more the equivalent of those who ask to their parents to destroy their all of their pre-transition photos?

>> No.10152656

so what if nightdive can get a hold on Unreal Gold and UT99?

>> No.10152657

Doesn't ruin my day or anything, but I remember even as a kid back in the day, I thought they looked really weird and awkward.

>> No.10152668

the original iD room was a product of animosity between devs. you might think cute animals are cringe but its far better than a fag like Willits trying to disparage and backstab the rest of iD.

>> No.10152669
File: 298 KB, 1280x720, strogg pp maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10152671
File: 10 KB, 272x354, filterfags btfo by shitty uv maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look a lot better when you turn off the goddamn filtering so you don't have these grotesque seams.

>> No.10152673

Hold on guys, do we REALLY need to take the fight to the strogg homeworld? Can't we hash something out?

>> No.10152683

Epic would never allow filthy outsiders to sully the good name of a series they’ve completely forgotten about to the point where all but one of the entries have been delisted off of every digital marketplace

>> No.10152686
File: 89 KB, 560x800, TankJr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta keep the lore consistent

>> No.10152687

stardate 2060 was cool
stardate 2070 was kino
shame the author switched to making artsy fartsy 'puzzle' maps since then

>> No.10152694

>Rebecca Heineman
Fuckin what.

>> No.10152715

i really need a Quake 3 remaster bros.
with a campaign.
in my veins

>> No.10152719

you really can't have a campaign with Q3, it's too wacky

>> No.10152725
File: 36 KB, 921x694, 1691957412748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get reskinned nu-doom with multiplayer that reuses assets from qc

>> No.10152727

>with a campaign.
Just give me the SP tournament with updated bots that actually know how to move.

>> No.10152728

Sorry you get Quake Live

>> No.10152734
File: 40 KB, 182x164, ogre.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10152736

i haven't even finished Turok 2 yet, if anything really needs GPS button, it's that game instead of Q2

>> No.10152739


>> No.10152742

Only if they get rid of the ugly UI. And the ugly weapons. CESS Rifle can stay.

>> No.10152748

I mean the remaster does have the option to turn on quest item indicators, but I locked myself out of progression in Lair of the Blind Ones because I didn't get a key when I should've and I got stuck in a perpetual loop of the level with no means to access it. Such a shitty map

>> No.10152749
File: 484 KB, 1412x1250, ...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10152752

That's Burger Bill.

>> No.10152757

my thoughts exactly

>> No.10152758

Just use the map lmao

>> No.10152767

I remember when i tried to play quake live on win10 and it just crashed on startup, but after deleting firefox it started working perfectly
weird game

>> No.10152774

>Dude...what if Quake 2...but Quake 1?!
Not gonna lie, Call of the Machine ended on rather disappointing note. And it's not like I'm against the idea, it's just that execution is rather poor.
Last unit is rather simplistic compared to others. Linear, less detailed, and I'm not sure about texture set. The final boss(es?) is fucking disappointing.

>> No.10152780

Will there be an SNS today?

>> No.10152795

>rather rather rather
Holy shit, sorry for my ESL.
By the way, while writing this post I had Q2 Remaster credits rolling. They are STILL going. I 'love' modern AAA publishers.

>> No.10152801

I didn't even notice you used rather three times anon considering they were apt uses.

>> No.10152804

Not every game can be conceived, produced, directed, programmed, written and designed by Hideo Kojima

>> No.10152810

>it's just that execution is rather poor.
I'm going to offend someone again, but that is the norm for Machinegames.

>> No.10152814

Not him, but I absolutely loved dopa and doma.

>> No.10152818

The chthon fight in Dotm is great.

>> No.10152832
File: 3.27 MB, 3000x3000, a41682054aa69919252c4c3816f89f61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick fix for "Hope for Tyranny" for Fore/vr/ Alone: https://files.catbox.moe/mzm8vv.wad
There was a S1 action that should've been W1.
Also, I don't know why the fuck I thought that/this was a whole beta, that's my cock-up. It's just the map in question, my guy did it right, I'm just rarted.

>> No.10152835

The original game's credits consists of 44 positions. Not sure a remaster should bloat it out THIS much.

I liked their Q1 campaign and most of Q2 campaign (except the ending). Hate new Wolfensteins though.

>> No.10152841

>a fucking Chthon fight for the millionth time
Anon pls.

>> No.10152847

>The original game's credits consists of 44 positions. Not sure a remaster should bloat it out THIS much.
There have been multiple surveys over the years in western countries that conclude middle management positions are useless but companies continue to staff them because nepotism and friends.
It's a great fight. Am I bummed it's the red big guy 4u again? A little, but I'm less bummed and more pleased with how the fight works.

>> No.10152850

Man does he look silly.
Why doesn't his goofy ass have an idle animation anyway?

>> No.10152870

Chton is ok. Usually you're required to perform different set of actions to put him down, depending on the map. That alone puts him above Icon of Sin.

>> No.10152873
File: 220 KB, 373x409, seriously1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first level teleports you right up into a cyberdemon's face with no weapons or cover

>> No.10152875
File: 188 KB, 444x442, 1588773330330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more NYX
That's no monkey paw my friend

>> No.10152876
File: 92 KB, 386x540, 23490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's dead there as well by this point, but Hitler is probably going to die multiple times if they follow through with time travel or reality hopping.
Epic is too cheap for that. Besides, those re-releases would've been an EGS exclusive, so they might as well be console-only projects.
>with a campaign.
An original or Revolution one?
>I had Q2 Remaster credits rolling. They are STILL going. I 'love' modern AAA publishers.
They just have to include everyone and their dog in the credit. Meanwhile, they would still occasionally forget about some QA tester, outsource worker, translator, etc.

>> No.10152879

Ancient Aliens?
It put me off for years until I tried it again and realised that even a shitter like me can easily do it. You just treat him like an active rocket turret and let him do all the work for you.

>> No.10152883

Doesn't change the fact that it's bullshit and absolutely unacceptable.

>> No.10152889

Just dodge the rockets.

>> No.10152896

What does this even mean? Why do mapmakers have to follow what you want?

>> No.10152898

Let it shoot itself until it dies

>> No.10152902

>An original or Revolution one?
a real one with monsters. just shove Q1 and Q2 monsters in there

>> No.10152904

Romero SEETHING at Q2R

>> No.10152907

Nah, it's great. An obvious obstacle meant to be avoided until it can be dealt with later. Little more than a well-executed combat puzzle; not only acceptable, but charming as a MAP01 challenge.
I don't really care for AA, but it's got a solid 7/10 opener.

>> No.10152908


>> No.10152913

Nah, you're thinking of Zelda.

>> No.10152915

Maybe that wad just isn't for you.
There's no shame in not playing wads.
I don't enjoy slaughter, so I don't play slaughter, easy as.

>> No.10152921
File: 1.06 MB, 919x720, 1627568000379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does he care? He left...

>> No.10152927

>start megawad with a simple challenge which can be solved by not standing in place
>probable player reaction: lol this is fun and unexpected :D
>real player reation: this is BULLSHIT >:(
Mapping is hard.

>> No.10152930
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x720, Q2Ex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also not much of a foundation for singleplayer content, everything that currently exists was balanced around multiplayer.
Sure shows the strength in a name. I don't think there would be much interest in connecting the two if they weren't titled the same.
That's the kind of attitude of someone that doesn't walk past the cacos in Hell Keep. Also AA's first map turns the cybie into a mancubus on the lowest skill.

>> No.10152931

Good Doom players usually have a pretty high tolerance for bullshit in encounters.
Bad Doom players try to kill every enemy they meet immediately, and get mad when such a feat is impossible at the current moment.

>> No.10152934

My unrattled map did this more or less
What's the problem anon just punch him to death

>> No.10152936


>> No.10152943

That setup was placed there specifically to clue in players as to what would be in store for the rest of the levels. Looks like it's working

>> No.10152947

Him and the two Carmacks need to stop being giant faggots and start a new gaming company together already.

>> No.10152953
File: 83 KB, 1545x1544, Tribute_Quilt_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time our attempt at quilting failed, but we can try again something that's agnostic to participant numbers. /vr/ quilt would be fun.
On the other hand, actually managing this made me long for death.

>> No.10152958

that top right square so kino

>> No.10152959
File: 289 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Romero's Doom Guy, who's Quake Guy?

>> No.10152964


>> No.10152965

To do what? Plus Romero was supposed to be working on another shooter with Hall a few years ago and that was abandoned quickly.

>> No.10152968

Difficulties are there for a reason. If can't uv or even hmp, don't complain that the wads should be dumped to down noobs such as you. Play on hntr. Noob.

>> No.10152972

Romero is working on Sigil 2, he confirmed that in 2021. It's using Doom 2 as a base which is pretty exciting.

>> No.10152976

how big is each square?

>> No.10152980

it better be fucking longer than Sigil 1...

>> No.10152981

Sigil 2 is for Doom 1. Then he makes the yet unnamed Doom 2 megawad.

>> No.10152983

Has he said how many maps?

>> No.10152984

Are you sure? I'm pretty sure I'm sure, so how sure are you?

>> No.10152985

9 maps.

>> No.10152990


>> No.10152991

100% sure. There are interviews somewhere. But yea, he did change his mind. First Sigil 2 was supposed to be Doom 2 megawad. Now it's the sixth episode. It releases december at Doom's 30th birthday.

>> No.10152992
File: 408 KB, 1143x610, 1631814110278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandy really plummeted in my eyes after this dropped

>> No.10152994

Yeah I thought so.
Confirms it's Doom 2.

>> No.10152998

Why? I can't imagine that he hates the changes, given that his prefered Doom source port was Doomsday, just a decade ago.

>> No.10153000

This one is 1024x1024

>> No.10153002

>Sandy casually dunking on weebs

>> No.10153004

>romero is reading this thread i can feel it

never meet your heroes.
and stay the fuck away from official discords...

>> No.10153007

Posting Discord screencaps is a shameful act, be better than that in the future, Anon.

>> No.10153017

Don't tell him what to do.

>> No.10153028

Don't tell him what to do.

>> No.10153040

SNS is going up. The original Community Chest with ISur, because I like to torture. Password is Dik-assassin

>> No.10153058

Last attempt was probably too rigid
Maybe we should just have mappers submit a 1024x1024 map with 4 doors (based on a template) and have the project lead figure out afterwards how to fit them together
Would probably be a lot of work for the project lead, though

>> No.10153063

That's old. Later he said it's for Doom 1. Check out Romero's youtube channel. He's mapping e6m4.

>> No.10153071

So it's true. Damn shame. I am an order of magnitude less excited about Sigil 2 now.

>> No.10153072

If you load hpbad20 before vrsounds it breaks vrsounds

>> No.10153074

>Maybe we should just have mappers submit a 1024x1024 map with 4 doors (based on a template) and have the project lead figure out afterwards how to fit them together
Yeah. This is how the picture worked.
>Would probably be a lot of work for the project lead, though
That was pretty rough.

>> No.10153078

I have soft spot for Doom 1 wads, so I'm still excited.

>> No.10153091
File: 966 KB, 1280x768, quake2ex_gog 2023-08-13 18-43-06-69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10153103

After you play Quake 2, you need to ask yourself this question, especially if you are a super-critical 3D shooter nitpicker:
What game have you played lately that was better than Quake 2?
I predict the answer is none.

>> No.10153110

Q2R is great, it's true. I'm enjoying it as much as Quake 1. I thoroughly enjoy the changes and honestly don't care about the railgun nerf.

>> No.10153116

Looks like you need to keep some ammo for hitscan weapons available for them.

>> No.10153125

If we're talking FPS then none, but then again I'm one of those weirdos who always liked the game

>> No.10153143
File: 652 KB, 1488x1040, qbj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FINALLY beat brutal jam(apart from two maps)
Overall not terrible but the quality level varies wildly sometimes with first time mappers put alongside way more experienced maps.
Forbidden Brutal Religion is the figurative and literal peak of the jam.
Conqrete Citadel was alright but a softlock stopped me from beating it.
Organ grinder can go fuck itself, 600+ dogs and not enough space or ammo to deal with them all
Playing on brutal made some of the maps frustrating at times but it was pretty good for most of the jam.

>> No.10153146

>save all my items for makron, invincibility adrenaline etc
>reach him
>activate quad
>shoot him with bfg 2 times
>he dies without landing a shot on me
i don't know what i expected

>> No.10153151

id bosses are always the worst part. The black widow spider in GZ is the only one in Q2 that isn't a pushover

>> No.10153159

It's one of my least favorite jams in terms of maps too even though I like the theme.
Personally my favorite was qbj_stickflip (Entombed in Concrete). Loved the design and atmosphere

>> No.10153160

>try to kill every enemy they meet immediately
That's literally THE GAME. Everything else is NOT THE GAME.
>That's the kind of attitude of someone that doesn't walk past the cacos in Hell Keep.
What kind of a pussy cuck does that?!

>> No.10153171

How did you lower the viewmodel?

>> No.10153172

It's a quote from another weirdo who always liked the game: John Romero.

>> No.10153176

I think V.A.B. and Vortex of Trapezoid were some of my favourites. Weighted Authority was nice until I realised it was just a one to one copy of an area in control

>> No.10153181
File: 28 KB, 375x381, a_positive_guy_venera787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10153184

If you liked VAB play Twilight Meridian and Temple of Teuthis, they're all connected. Awesome series.

>> No.10153187

He looks like a big chicken

>> No.10153196

are they also part of jams or are they just one shot maps?

>> No.10153197

it's very subjective

>> No.10153204
File: 143 KB, 1920x1080, sewerjam2_zbidou72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twilight Meridian is part of Sewer Jam 2, Temple of Teuthis is a separate release on Quaddicted

>> No.10153219

>Forbidden Brutal Religion
This was the only one I didn't do.
At first I noped at the enemy count. Then I tried it and managed to lock myself in an area near the start by jumping over some lasers. It seemed pretty tedious so I just gave up there.

>> No.10153227
File: 230 KB, 1737x692, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of my thoughts

>> No.10153236

Anyone else that got filtered by Re:Mobilize? Do I really suck at platforming or are the new mechanics just shoddily implemented? I thought the tutorial map was fine but everything else has been a frustration

>> No.10153245

Play the Quake explore jams. Ponder on the differences between them and re-mobilize releases. You are likely to find your answer within.

>> No.10153253
File: 137 KB, 600x488, rangercomp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't keep notes quite as detailed, mostly just "great", "shit", "too short", etc.
Forbidden Brutal Religion is an appropriate penultimate map, lots of set-piece type fights and sequences and plenty of nice secrets. It isn't perfect, there are a few times where the map throws 150+ monsters at once at you sometimes in a cramped environment and you're expected to literally jump over the enemies to grab a quad to get through it.

Hoover dam looked nice but the enemy placement felt kind of whatever? Like the mapper just wanted to make hoover dam then realised he had to put enemies in it and just sprinkled some stuff in and submitted it.
Got real confused by Peculiar Investigation, I guess I couldn't figure out how to access the actual combat but I finished the level I think? I guess it lived up to the name.

What did you use for note taking? Probably better than just using an actual notepad

>> No.10153258

>they won't release the source code as they are still supposedly not finished working on it
Hey Kell, if you are seeing this, you know how to solve the so-called problem with bob? Make the model and hotbox larger. The best weapons to use against it are the shotguns, especially on maps without much cell or rocket ammo, and the small size (and mobility, but that shouldn't be changed) means you're wasting too many shells.

>> No.10153259
File: 998 KB, 1280x720, rem951444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The movement mechanics have been fine. The fights so far have been cramped and tough and took some adjusting to.

>> No.10153260

>never meet your heroes because they always suck due to [having different views on thing that you enjoy)
Fuck that bullshit. "Never Meet your heroes" is not always valid in every damn way. Don't be like the Taylor Swiftsimps of Beyoncetards.

>> No.10153261

Peculiar Investigation is such a good-looking map and without question the best at capturing brutalist architecture, it's a shame it's a no-combat map. You didn't miss out on anything, it's just a walking simulator map with a pseudo-story that pretends to be deep but isn't

>> No.10153268

>>What did you use for note taking?
Sublime Text

Has the mapper for that done anything else noteworthy? They definitely managed to capture the atmosphere perfectly.

>> No.10153270

Yeah the huge brutalist office was the highlight, I guess because it was the only thing of note. Threw me for a loop when I just actually signed the document and fucking left.
Probably would have been better as like a prologue to the jam itself where the exit takes/teleports you to the start map.

>> No.10153272

>be playing a game
>do something anon doesn't like
>suddenly playing a different game
That's a wicked God complex right thur. GGWP
I think you'd like Grove.wad :^)

>> No.10153280
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, ctsj2_hrnekbezucha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one submission for coppertone jam 2 that I know of which also has brutalist architecture but is much uglier imo. So in terms of what I liked, no, that one is it

>> No.10153283

You did find the blue keycard right? There's more to explore than just the office if you don't sign the document.

>> No.10153287

>On the other hand, actually managing this made me long for death.
Do some self-care, VB. You've more than earned it. Your efforts are appreciated. Much love <3

>> No.10153292

I'm looking right now and can't see anything anywhere.
Do you need to go to the office but then go back to the start elevator?

>> No.10153298
File: 165 KB, 1715x1172, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10153304

Non-spoiler hint: the keycard disappears if you sign the document so matter what you do, just don't sign it.
Spoiler hint: It's inside the office room itself, inspect every nook and cranny and you'll see it eventually

>> No.10153308

>>10153304 (Me)
Oh, it seems I remembered incorrectly and even if you sign the document the keycard's still there. So disregard that part of my advice.

>> No.10153312
File: 515 KB, 1354x1055, MEGASTRUCTURES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found the keycard
Fucking awesome shit visually, no idea why the mapper seemed intent on most experiences seeing almost none of it

>> No.10153323

Why are your screenshots different resolutions.

>> No.10153328

Cus I just snipped the screen, didn't feel like doing a full screenshot

>> No.10153330

Having so much of it hidden away generated some buzz I guess. I remember last time we discussed this jam in this thread we were eventually talking about this map again since it's such a tough find.

>> No.10153334
File: 18 KB, 624x310, 62b0ada86fddaf0012d1f1ba-624x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't feel like pushing a button?

>> No.10153346

but you can use the snipping tool to automatically select the entire screen...

>> No.10153348

mb anon, I didn't realise I had to screenshot in a certain way
I'll schedule myself in for re-education

>> No.10153357

If you didn't know, you can hit alt+printscreen to immediately capture your active window.
I found recently in Linux Mint I can hit ctrl+shift+printscreen to immediately get a rectangular selection tool to screenshot shit, fucking incredible.

>> No.10153358

I don't think we have to go that far, unless you like having your prostate tickled by a hog's tongue covered in chili. Just be wary of doing foolish acts in the future.

>> No.10153363

That is disconcertingly specific.

>> No.10153364

You can literally just press alt+F4 and the game will take a screenshot and post it to this thread automatically

>> No.10153369

Even better yet, you can just delete syswow64 and you'll never need to take a screenshot ever again.

>> No.10153370
File: 422 KB, 748x576, EkE639iWsAISlUb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disconcerting times call for disconcerting measures.

>> No.10153374

Okay I think I fixed things.
I shall be creatively doodling all future screenshots.
Man I wish my computer had syswow64, mine only came with syslame16

>> No.10153376

>Highlighted the 2 in the footnote
>But not the II in the article title
excellent work google

>> No.10153379
File: 85 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay I think I fixed things.
>I shall be creatively doodling all future screenshots.

>> No.10153380

I like it
Feels like those pics from old video game magazines

>> No.10153383
File: 428 KB, 1732x1014, Fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naturally I forget to attach the screenshot, maybe I should have used alt+f4 to auto post the image
thanks eddy

>> No.10153386


>> No.10153394


>> No.10153398

that was Bing through DuckDuck but yeah.
also maybe the fact he's now listed as priority from the advertising algo

>> No.10153405
File: 144 KB, 838x846, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10153413
File: 5 KB, 419x249, wIwhjsk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10153417
File: 102 KB, 617x769, QuakeIsShitAndThisIsProof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good stuff anon

>> No.10153423

I think it just didn't have any other good results for both Quake and composer that also have a two in them. It does give you Quake II after but that doesn't contain composer. You probably would have gotten the same result even before the remaster.

>> No.10153425
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x768, quake2ex_gog 2023-08-13 20-24-46-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10153426
File: 115 KB, 801x820, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Startpage remains the only de-shilled search engine.
I've found it's the only one that actually blocks porn with safe search enabled as well.

>> No.10153427
File: 95 KB, 1354x1055, opposite of gain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gotta be careful with how you take screenshots, you want to make sure to use a lossless compression method.

>> No.10153434

thanks anon i switched

>> No.10153439

Nice thanks for telling me about this.

>> No.10153454

why are ogre hitboxes so large fucking hell

>> No.10153457

can i play dimension of the machine in vkquake/with real nightmare mode yet
if not what mods do i need to make kexquake feel like vkquake and have unbutchered nightmare

>> No.10153458

Both ironwail and vkquake are coded to use dotm's 50 health nightmare.

>> No.10153463

how do i unrape it

>> No.10153470


>> No.10153476


>> No.10153481

also quake 2 remastered railgun fix


>> No.10153483

>This reverts the damage of the railgun to 150 so that everyone can shut up about it.
One of you fucks made this didn't you

>> No.10153491

guy seemed upset on the steam discussions that people were upset about it
incomprehensible really but if it works it works

>> No.10153497

you're hitting their ego

>> No.10153510

That's great. Gladiator died in three hits just now.
I wasn't too offended with the change but it should be an option like so much else.

>> No.10153513

>tfw I don't give a fuck so I'm just gonna play it as is
life is so freeing

>> No.10153525

No thanks.

>> No.10153532

what is the command to change vertical sensitivity in Q2R
the fucking menu only lets you go in 0.5 increments
"sensitivity" only affects horizontal sens
google is useless per usual and nobody else has asked this specific thing on the steam forums
help fuck i need 2.4 not 2.5

>> No.10153552

should tell Night Dive

>> No.10153559

Isn't there a console command that lets you see all console commands?

>> No.10153578

figured it out
the command that controls VERTICAL sensitivity is called "hsensitivity"

>> No.10153613

can you tell me what that command may be? once again every search engine and wiki page in existence is fucking worthless
i remember reading that Q2R has the capability to modify enemy damage scales, so now i'm looking for the means to double it
if there is a command that just shows me all the commands that'd be wonderful in the future
why are games such a pain in the ass to set up

>> No.10153656


>> No.10153658

Maybe /list? Otherwise try this.

Modifying the enemy damage stuff I'm not sure. I know it's possible in Half-Life by editing the .sk files with any text editor.

>> No.10153661
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>> No.10153662
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Are we free from this torment?

>> No.10153663

So what does SNS do? Deathmatch, minigames, co-op? Ghoul's Forest 2 co-op?

>> No.10153664
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map killed the server

>> No.10153669

Friday is deathmatch, Sunday is co-op.

>> No.10153684

Oh my GOD, they didn't just egregiously fuck up the direction rockets originate from and go, but they added INTERPOLATION before they fire, so the RL doesn't even fucking shoot from your current position, rather where you were like 100-200 milliseconds ago. It NEVER goes on target or toward the crosshair if you're moving fast, you HAVE to stay still or move in a straight line for it to work properly. IN SINGLEPLAYER. WITHOUT PING AFFECTING YOU.
Compound that with every single enemy ducking direct shots, and splash damage not being enough to kill even a Light Guard, and you have 3-4 separate sources of retardation DESTROYING all muscle memory.
This is horrible. Quake 2 cannot be saved, all efforts just make it worse. Cursed game, worst FPS ever made, worst remaster ever made, fuck you all.

>> No.10153694

lmao dork

>> No.10153695

uhhhhhhhhhh BASED

>> No.10153698

Not if I fuck you first.

>> No.10153721

Lol, lmao even.

>> No.10153749

Quake 2 sisters not like this

>> No.10153751


>> No.10153752

Finally someone tells it like it is.

>> No.10153758

hello anon do you have time for an interview? simply reply to begin

>> No.10153762

At least you can still shoot the floor, GL got fucked even harder.

>> No.10153764

Like with Q1 remasters, the source ports will get the good stuff without the bad. Remaster is already revitalizing the mapping scene. Don't be dramatic. There was no bad outcome on this.

>> No.10153795
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>> No.10153802
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>> No.10153821

what the hell, bobs are perfect. the only nitpick is that they're loud in groups.
now, gugs. in theory it's an artillery monster, but placing it at artillery range is a huge gamble (and a potential softlock) due to through-walls quake attack.

>> No.10153834
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What in the world is all that nonsense above?

>> No.10153838

I like Bob
A lot of other people don't. Sock famously dissed them.
And they mindbroke Kell into thinking they are bad as well. A size increase would not stop the complaining, nothing will, but would actually solve the problem the complainers have.

>> No.10153845

is that why the almost harmless UFOs in alkaline can house a couple shamblers?

>> No.10153848

VRanon I have some questions about func_monster_spawner. You can set a "wait" between monsters spawning, but what if I want to disable the time between monsters spawning and control when monsters spawn using a counter trigger (not trigger_count) or a trigger_relay loop or a trigger_multiple? There's no info on these possibilities or maybe I'm looking in the wrong spot?

Also what's style2 for if randomflags exist? It says style2 overrides style and selects random monsters, but the randomflags already do that. And are the options for style2 0 and 1, on and off?

>> No.10153849

I have not played much Alkaline, I have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.10153885
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haven't played it since 1.0 and alkjam myself, but I meant these. and they're from Malice actually.

>> No.10153932
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>Quake soundtrack on spotify and the remastered vinyl sound like the allegedly "pre-emphasized" version
>ogg files in the remaster sound de-emphasized
was this a myth caused based on wrong flags on the CD?
how did it get perpetuated to nu id?

>> No.10153967
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might just be trolling the audience, as with shambler fur.
I think the de-emphasis idea got spread through that one steam guide primarily. which got popular because it had no soundtrack at all.

>> No.10153968

I don't get why you guys are so amazed by the 'serker sidestepping non-hitscan shots. I thought you learned you lesson in Ground Zero and supressing it with Machinegun/Chaingun, Shotgun/Super Shotgun and traps was the way to go. If anything, the QIV-like ground stomp is complete bullshit.

>> No.10153992
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No Fur Chads where we at

captcha MOG 8D

>> No.10154002

I need a hot minute to digest what this code is doing but I figured somewhere within the depths of zscript it was possible to retrieve the actual location the cursor is pointing to

>> No.10154005

To force them to use the larger of the literal two (2) collision models that Quake 1 has so they aren't clipping their arms and head through shit.

>> No.10154006
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>> No.10154012

someone spiked the punch bowl with bath salts didn't they

>> No.10154015

that's the pathfinding limitation though, hitbox isn't limited by that, as far as I know. you can make them voreling-sized in AD and they'll be dodging shit for days.

>> No.10154046

Well you can change the height of the hitbox without it changing collision model, but width will absolutely mess with it. I guess you could have a seperate, invisible entity that follows a monster around and redirects any taken damage to it as a custom hitbox. AD might be doing it that way, but id would probably have been concerned with entity numbers.

>> No.10154057

It fires a trace at where the crosshair points then checks what the pitch is between where the projectile would originate from and the hit location. In the case of A_FireProjectile, since I assume the pitch argument is relative, we need only the difference beetween the current player pitch and the required absolute pitch, hence the DeltaAngle. The projectile is then angled slightly upwards based on this difference to make it hit where your crosshair is without changing its spawn height.
For the record I don't use half of that in DS because the use of a custom projectile firing method essentially reduces it to just
>projectile.Pitch = DSCore.GetShootPitch(shooter, z);

>> No.10154060
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I'm sorry, what the fuck was all that talk about parasites' attacks being nerfed, and dodgeable, and not hitscan with the remaster? Are you faggots not playing on Hard+ or something? It's absolutely hitscan. I couldn't dodge it if I tried. Is it just trolls making shit up to be mad about?

>> No.10154063

Hard Fast Faggot Units

>> No.10154064 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah, I completely forgot that plr.Height is different from plr.ViewHeight by default so I recommend using the latter instead, otherwise the trace would originate from above your cursor, as the camera position is slightly below your height.

>> No.10154065


>> No.10154098

Botched my previous reply lmao. Player height is different from the player camera height by default (ViewHeight property), so if this is only going to be used on players I recommend using ViewHeight instead in GetShootPitch or else the trace would originate from above your cursor. I didn't use it in DS because the convention is that Height == ViewHeight so it doesn't matter, but here it probably will if you didn't touch the default value. Don't forget to cast the "shooter" pointer to PlayerPawn when using ViewHeight or you wouldn't be able to access it.

>> No.10154109

this is true, they only cases where I "dodged" them on nightmare was when there was a height difference (including their first appearance)

>> No.10154110

Is Hedon worth playing on the bearzerk difficulty or is that just a silly gimmick?
I really like the game and finished it on Brutalizing before, but I crave more cute orc amazons.

>> No.10154129

did a quick check and you're right: every bbox override in AD conforms to the two possible widths. doesn't even have the shub/cthon 128x128 as an option. didn't look into qc, but I guess this is just how they are initialized.

>> No.10154160

func_monster_spawner is a bit of an awkward frankenstein entity from how much I've gutted it under the hood from the original Progs Dump one and I should probably clarify the FGD a bit...
>You can set a "wait" between monsters spawning, but what if I want to disable the time between monsters spawning and control when monsters spawn using a counter trigger (not trigger_count) or a trigger_relay loop or a trigger_multiple?
You can set wait to an excessively high number like 9999999 and just keep triggering it however you like.
>Also what's style2 for if randomflags exist? It says style2 overrides style and selects random monsters, but the randomflags already do that.
Style 2 in Progs Dump selected from a small, predefined list of monsters to spawn randomly. Using any randomflags overrides that list with your selections.
>And are the options for style2 0 and 1, on and off?

>> No.10154162

>There's also not much of a foundation for singleplayer content, everything that currently exists was balanced around multiplayer.
That's not stopping Doombringer from trying the same thing.

>> No.10154171

I only got filtered by Echoes of Repercussions (the Honey-like level) because platforming hard.

>> No.10154182
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>Using any randomflags overrides that list with your selections.
That's really fucking cool.
>You can set wait to an excessively high number like 9999999 and just keep triggering it however you like.
Sweet. Just what I needed to hear. Thanks a bunch.

Genuinely feel free to ignore this next bit: Zerstorer comes with a devkit, including all its QC...including the bitching drum magazine shotgun, the cool multibarrel lightning gun, and the hitscan chaingun. Food for thought hint hint.

>> No.10154218

>Food for thought hint hint.
I get what you're saying, but there's already a fair bit of redundency in Violent Rumble's weapon set, and Quake has hard limitations in how much shit the player can carry over between connected levels. I'd rather focus on new and unique things for now rather than outright copying stuff from older mods, though I'm certainly eyeing some things for inspiration.

>> No.10154231
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Appreciate you even replying man. Cheers. QuakeC some more cool shit like the hoverboard.

>> No.10154269

Play on lower skill settings. UV is not for you.

>> No.10154272
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You don't need a weapon to handle a Cyberdemon.

>> No.10154343

Italo doom must be right up your alley

>> No.10154426

You do put them out of their misery right?

>> No.10154435

Q2 fag seething that a version of Q2 multiplayer exists that's isnt 100% rockets+railgun only viable

Oh no, the games actually fun to play now using other weapons. The horror

>> No.10154442

NTA, but the problems described affect singleplayer.
I don't give a fuck about unmodded Quake 2 multiplayer, it's long been completely supplanted by Quake 3 / Live.

>> No.10154448

It fucks with the singleplayer though.

>> No.10154549

Did anyone ever end up getting around to making Q1remaster-style weapons/enemies for the Q1 expansions?

>> No.10154571
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Works fine for me.

>> No.10154629


>> No.10154632

Andrew Hulshult is unironically better and knows more than generic heavy metal guitar riffs so I don't see the issue

>> No.10154637

gr8 b8 m8 8/8

>> No.10154656

>Turns your competitive MP into a +back simulator
Nothing personnell kid

>> No.10154670

>it's long been completely supplanted by Quake 3 / Live
Which is a shame since map control used to be a pretty big part of Q2 multi. Nothing is as satisfying as stacking up multiple spawn kills with the railgun after you take over the mega room in q2dm1

>> No.10154671

As far as I know the game runs at a higher tick rate. So the rockets coming from the moment you fire rather than dragging with you is probably due to a higher response time in the game logic, yes?

It was like 10hz before now it's 40hz. What you're "feeling" wrong is that you got so used to the games lower tick/slower response time.

>> No.10154680

i thought he was baiting

>> No.10154704

>watching a stream of Romero
>complains about lost souls


>> No.10154705


>> No.10154709

>Download Ironwail because it says it supports Quake Kex content
>Open it up
>no enhanced models and lighting is noticeably shittier
>but performance is way better
Is there any way to set up Ironwail to look as good as Quake Kex?

>> No.10154726

if it's installed in its own folder and not in Quake it should at least give you enhanced models after asking you if you want to launch the remastered or original iirc.
it detects steam installs

>> No.10154729

I got telefragged by a spawning lost Soul in doom 64 once. From the brown meatball not the red one.

I was like, oh now that's not very fair, forces of hell!

>> No.10154735

Yeah, I still get the prompt for original or remastered but when I select Remastered, I'm still getting the original models and maps.

>> No.10154737
File: 36 KB, 773x73, Screenshot_2023-08-13-21-49-38-63_572064f74bd5f9fa804b05334aa4f912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quake II 64 does not have crouching.

>> No.10154745

my bad, the models are the originals but i got the fog and colored light on mine.
i don't usually use this version sorry

>> No.10154764

Literally unplayable

>> No.10154767

Brutal anal fisting.

>> No.10154785
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I just wanna get a closer look, game.

In that Machine mapset mode in the remaster I finished that Junkyard map using cheat mode (single player with coop respawning) and man, the last few particular segments kinda sucked ass. It's a good thing I had carried over a quad from earlier because a tanky hitscanner boss that spawns annoying shit and flies? Fuck me. What's the point of giving me a BFG if the boss will just infinitely shit out more adds that soak every attempt to land a clean hit, give me ammo or powerups instead. Speaking of ammo, lots of railguns but no rocket launcher. There are like two or three railers in the area, I can't akimbo that shit. Stick a rocket launcher there.

Also, the next stage had a Commander that fired revenant homing rockets lol surprise. After respawning I discovered you get one shot at the boss in coop because unless you set squad mode you respawn underneath the elevator so you're stuck there forever.

Overall good fights, quite challenging without being mind numbingly difficult, except if you're going to have a boss that shits out spawns then please add a spawner that shits out occasional health and ammo too. Maybe set up so its visible and exposed so there's recognition of its purpose by the player as well as risk involved in grabbing it. Also dont use elevator intros without a failsafe exit thanks.

>> No.10154797

Look at this guy with his accessibility-mode text.

>> No.10154801

That junkyard fight took me probably an hour to complete, because I forgot to go back for a quad damage I left and had no way of returning for it.

>> No.10154806

bruh my boomer eyes aint getting any better, i can't reeead shit no more

Jesus. I feel somewhat more vindicated in my feeling that is a trash fire of a fight now, thanks.

>> No.10154821


>> No.10154823

ironic because that's exactly how his remixes sound

>> No.10154838

how else is he supposed to know that you can't crouch in Quake II 64????

>> No.10154841

thank you baker senpai
i think that was the joke

>> No.10154861

Generic metal is the only thing Hulshult knows, which is why his remix of Rise Of The Triad came out as metal, when it's really not a metal soundtrack in any sense.
It's not bad for what it is, genuinely, but it really misses the mark of that soundtrack. Sonic Mayhem's soundtrack for Quake 2 however is pretty bog standard heavy metal sounding stuff to a large part, so Hulshult should have no problem doing it justice, but the question is why he's even needed considering Quake 2's original soundtrack already is a recorded heavy metal soundtrack which sounds good and fits the game, it's not like it's dated.

Not to disparage him or anything, I'm glad he can make a living on doing something he likes, most people don't have that fortune.

>> No.10154864

Telefragged? Lost Souls actually have an explosive radius when they die in Doom 64 (which is why cockblocking the Pain Elemental doesn't work anymore), you must have been killed by that.

>> No.10154896

>considering Quake 2's original soundtrack already is a recorded heavy metal soundtrack which sounds good and fits the game, it's not like it's dated.
the soundtrack is genuinely great, and i say that as a Q1fag and not usually a big fan or rock soundtracks

>> No.10154901

rott 2013's soundtrack is just as grand as the original as far as i'm concerned, but it's also the only thing he's done that makes a blip on my radar.
most of his soundtracks are just chugga chugga "riffs" with flat synths. his tone/texture/syncopation/blending of metal and machine is always, at best, slightly off the mark of being memorable, and at worst, trips over itself awkwardly. it's weird. i can't help but think maybe he's intentionally not bringing his a-game for soundtracks cause he wants to do something proper in a real band later on.