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10144486 No.10144486 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best version of Resident Evil?

>the PlayStation version.
>the Sega Saturn version.
>the Director's Cut version.
>the Windows version.
>the Nintendo DS version.

>> No.10144521

Director's Cut > Dualshock Edition > Longbox
DS version has skippable cutscenes and door transitions, but also has a rebirth mode, some touch screen controls, and the knife doesn't take up a spot in your inventory.
Saturn version has worse load times, textures and can't do transparecy, but besides that it's the longbox version with new enemies, secrets and game modes.
idk about the windows version

>> No.10144526

each version has its pros & cons but the PC version with Rebirth patch is the closest to best

>> No.10144571

There's no definitive version. I prefer the PC one because there's no delay between camera cuts.

>> No.10144593

semi-related but do 2 and 3 have definitive versions?

>> No.10144594
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>> No.10144619

I really like the DS version, is super comfy

>> No.10144656

PS1 non-dualshock director's cut

>> No.10144660

The Windows Sourcenext version with REbirth patch.

>> No.10144667

>skipping door transitions
way to kill the suspense

>> No.10144670

3 doesn't

>> No.10145019

PC+Rebirth >>> PS1 Director's Cut > PS1 Longbox >> Saturn = DS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PS1 Dual Shock

>> No.10145032

PSX Longbox is the only correct answer. Auto-aim just makes the game too easy (especially after Hunters roam around).

>> No.10145050
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There's a ridiculous amount of versions of the original RE - even beyond the basic Original, Director's Cut, and DC Dual Shock releases, there are regional variations which make things even less obvious as to which version is the definitive version.

>> No.10145096

The original US release for the PS1 for your first playthrough

>> No.10145302

Does Capcom still have the original film for the intro?

>> No.10145308

Yeah I love not being able to shoot at things I need to slowly turn around while they maul me

>> No.10145310

Deadly Silence so you can poke Jill’s butt

>> No.10145371

it's pretty simple if you consider any and all censorship to be non-definitive (black and white, cigarette, gore)
technically "i got a shotgun" would be definitive as well, though personally i think its a mood killer and prefer the megaman music at the end instead

>> No.10145382

Does it jiggle?

>> No.10145530
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>it's pretty simple if you consider any and all censorship to be non-definitive (black and white, cigarette, gore)

That's just the FMVs though, there are also gameplay variations such as zombies feeding on your corpse, decapitated zombie heads and arms not disappearing when they hit the ground, Plant-42 death scene, etc

I'm convinced that Director's Cut was such a rushed hack-job they simply forgot about those things.

In Resident Evil 2 when you headshot zombies, their t-shirts are supposed to get bloody, but that only happens in the PSX version and it's missing in every other version (even the Rebirth patch afaik) though I think that is a glitch rather than censoring.

>> No.10145539
File: 2.76 MB, 1280x960, RE1 Saturn Zombie Eat.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10145691


>> No.10145754

Did anyone ever make a uncensored re1 that boots on real ps1s?

>> No.10145759

As a kid I always thought the use of black and white was a stylistic choice.

>> No.10145778

Yes it's on romhacking.net

>> No.10145797

For me is the DS version, graphics took a hit but skipables cutscenes is a gift and having the ability to pull the knife at any time is cool as hell

>> No.10145802

Link it please

>> No.10145809

Check cdromance.
The prepatched isos are there.
I played the whole thing from beginning to end with Jill and Chris. No issues.

>> No.10145813

skipable door animations aswell

>> No.10145818

She goes AHHHH

>> No.10145891

What are the differences between remake GC/Wii and HD REMASTER?

>> No.10145892

Ds has multiplayer and you can touch Jill's ass and tits with the touch screen.

>> No.10145990

Same here, but arguably it was a way to tone down the impact of the gore.

>> No.10145997

The same game except the original GC/Wii version looks a bit better

>> No.10146009
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There's some other weird releases too. I know there's a US PC release that only works on PowerVR cards. It was rumored to be the best looking version but that's probably bullshit.
My favorite is the Japanese B&W intro. Reminds me of Night of the Living Dead and smooths over some of the low budget practical effects.

>> No.10146373

The HD remaster is the GC remake with higher resolution textures and an overall darker color scheme, plus some extra controller options that make it a lot easier

>> No.10146379

I like the Saturn version because the Saturn aesthetic is superior to the PlayStation aesthetic, and the battle mode is cool

>> No.10146401

Jesus christ this is such a cope thread. REmake is far and away the best version of the game, and possibly the best game in the whole series.

>> No.10146428

Japanese original. For international releases it's the (non-dualshock) Director's Cut.

This is incontestable. You're welcome

>> No.10146514

OP asked about the original game...

>> No.10146531

cringest take itt

>> No.10146596

I'm pretty sure all of the things you listed are in the PC Mediakite version. That, along with the uncensored FMVs, and the fact that it has both the Director's Cut AND longbox difficulties make it definitive. I can't think of a single thing it's missing from any other version.

>> No.10146616
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>the Saturn aesthetic is superior
Do you also prefer the Dual Shock soundtrack?

>> No.10146639

Saturn version has the best extras. Precursor to mercenaries

>> No.10146651

Learn japanese

- uncensored cinematics
- the real difficulty (like director's cut)
- the only version where when you read notes and shit it's shows a prerendered background of it instead of a black screen

At the end of the day no other version has all this so it's undeniably the true version. If you disagree you're simply coping. It is what it is.

>> No.10146667

t. uninformed retard

>> No.10146689

how so?

>> No.10146737

Rebirth PC version has all of that, and get this: you don't even need to learn Japanese!

>> No.10146750


>> No.10146787

I wish it had a toggle for autoaim. I don't know how hard that would be to implement though.

>> No.10147156
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The people saying DS in this thread forgot that the music sounds like ass in that version:

>> No.10147189

I'm not a fan of how they messed with the enemy AI in it either. A lot of enemies have weird new animations that give you way more time to dodge their attacks. Hunters also had their i frames cut back and you can easily stunlock them to death with the shotgun by just holding down the fire button. Its fire rate is perfectly synced with their animation for getting up off the floor and you'll knock them down again the instant they get back on their feet.

>> No.10147258

Why would I prefer that wack ass So*y drivel? Your assertions are about as wobbly as your textures bruh

>> No.10147262

Windows version

>> No.10147267

Director's Cut has the worst soundtrack.

>> No.10147279

PC version is almost perfect but a few things trigger my autism, like the ECG being a bit fucked in the status screen and the shotgun texture also being fucked

>> No.10147285


>> No.10147286

Dualshock is the one with the meme OST
Director's Cut has the same OST as the original version

>> No.10147484

I don't know about the hunters. Their swipe attack seems to be faster than the player's "aim gun" animation (or maybe just Chris) in the DS version. I'm always forced to relocate if they're too close.

>> No.10148120

So should I get a PC copy of the orginal Resident Evil Trilogy with classic rebirth patch or stick with duckstation emulation?

>> No.10148129

For RE1 it's debatable because PC has a few visual bugs (even with rebirth) probably because it never got a Sourcenext re-release, but RE2 and RE3 are definitely better on PC. Just remember to also get high quality audio mods in addition to rebirth because for some reason the vanilla audio is low quality on PC. Some anon made a pack with the whole trilogy prepatched with rebirth, audio mods and all. Lemme see if I can find it in the archive

>> No.10148130

i like some of the bonkers music in the dual shock version. it still scares me.

>> No.10148138
File: 130 KB, 600x800, 1676772423468223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archived post from the Anon who made the pack:

>> No.10148147
File: 120 KB, 558x659, Thumbs up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon

>> No.10148363


what about the japanese version? it is said is the only one without any censor, for example, the hunters decapitation fatality is not censored there.

>> No.10148370

That is wrong, the only hunter decap scene is "uncensored" only in a very old prototype version. I also don't think it's censoring as much as the whole thing looked really silly.

The Japanese Saturn version however has all uncensored gameplay

>> No.10148372

>hunter decapitation
I thought they just decapitated you in the PS1 version and slashed your neck open in remake, did they do more in the originals?

>> No.10148378

Thank you, baseduck

>> No.10148381


Funnily enough the Hunter animation remained the same in the final version, as after decapitating the character it just looks at its hand with nothing in it, which makes it look like he's all
>Daamn this hand is awesome I didn't know I had it in me!
or at least that's my interpretation

>> No.10148387

damn that's cool as fuck, although I saw a clip of this in the DS version, where it looked like it was holding Jill's head in it's hands

>> No.10148393

I agree.

>> No.10148473

>some touch screen controls
you make it sound like it's good thing...

>> No.10148484

PC Mediakite w/ Classic Rebirth, Seamless HD Project, and high quality audio mods


>> No.10148494

PC with mods because you will have access to every exclusive content of the other versions the DS version is also unique but you have to fiddle with NDS controls and poor performance

>> No.10148497

Correct answer

>> No.10148534

>>the PlayStation version.
Duh. This is a retro board not some revisionist board. Its a playstation game. You want to play them get RE 1/2/3 and a PS1

>> No.10149020
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>> No.10149023

>This console is your savior?
>You say this FAILURE is your savior?

>> No.10149025

elaborate pls

>> No.10149337

Japanese original but Rev 1

>> No.10149451

I don't know about the EKG, but there's a texture bug that makes the shotgun use the same texture as Chris's hair when you play as him. It doesn't happen to Jill. I thought there was a patch to fix it but I can't find it anymore.

>> No.10150231
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Again, it's just a little bit fucked and it's not the end of the world but it still triggers my autism

>> No.10150278
File: 70 KB, 542x178, ekg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting that it almost looks like some of the screwy behavior you sometimes get with Line Renderers in Unity. I honestly never noticed that it looked different from the playstation version before.

>> No.10150871

PS1 for your first play through then DS for later runs. Being able to shoot and knight without having to pause to switch weapons is a great change and normally I’m against quality of life changes. It doesn’t make the game easier just removes the need to pause mid combat. Skipping doors is nice too.

>> No.10150873

why use the knife at all?

>> No.10152779

>normally I'm against quality of life changes

Those are literally the only changes that are worth doing. What a retarded thing to say. You think OoT is a better experience with slow text and no dpad boots?... Its not.

>> No.10152785

3 has a rebirth patch when applied to the japanese sourcenext version, making it for many the definitive version.

>> No.10152789

and yet that is still based on the PC version of the game which has a glitched Nemesis fight with Carlos and uses non final textures in many cases; plus not everything in uncensored

>> No.10152824

Does anyone have a 100% save for re3?

>> No.10153293

I do.

>> No.10153557

Can I have it please?

>> No.10153653

Man I was gonna say no, but you asked nicely so I feel bad now.

I never had the save anon. I was just fucking with you. You can easily find saves for games on Google though, that's why I was going to fuck with you. Just Google RE3 saves and find one for the right platform with what you want.

>> No.10153686
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>> No.10154230
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Anyone can explain why this is a thing on the Saturn? I've noticed it in every single 3D game that's both on Saturn and PS1. The colors on Saturn are always much more saturated and dark

>> No.10154596

when a anon posts a whole ass cringearooni am i right

>> No.10154898

Yeah like your post you reddit fuck.

>> No.10154909

It essentially comes down to the differences in how the Saturn handles blending. This guy goes over it in autistic detail: http://www.davidgamizjimenez.com/inpositivegames/sega-saturn-al-limite-iv/

tl;dr: VDP1 does additive blending but doesn't treat black as alpha, which produces darker results than the PlayStation.

>> No.10156449

I never played the DS version but I don't like how you have those first person screen transitions where you have to knife a bunch of zombies. Who the fuck thought it would be okay to add such a shitty addition to the game?

>> No.10156452

only correct answer

>> No.10156458

>Who the fuck thought it would be okay to add such a shitty addition to the game?
they probably just wanted to show off the touch screen and stylus, a lot of games on nintendo platforms do this now, especially early on in a console's lifecycle.

>> No.10156510


>> No.10156745

it really does shit right over the whole feel of the game.

>> No.10156851

It's only part of Rebirth Mode, but yeah it is shitty.

>> No.10157416

>best version of Resident Evil?
Saturn of course.

>> No.10157513

forgot to put my flame suit on before that epic take down!

>> No.10157531

Nintendo was known for enforcing their gimmicks early in the console lifespan. Early Wii games had to have wagglan, it was a mandatory rule, and early DS games had to use the touchscreen as well.