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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10139293 No.10139293 [Reply] [Original]

Let's hear'em.
Keep it retro.

>> No.10139298

Sonic was always good.

>> No.10139303

I don't care much for Final Fantasy games after X.

>> No.10139324

Even if you used savestates, you still beat the game

>> No.10139331

most video games are trash, especially retro shit.

>> No.10139335

Sega CD should have gotten a Game Genie, as should the n64 and Saturn.

>> No.10139340

5th gen of hardware and software has aged a lot less gracefully than both gen 4 and gen 6.

By gen 4, developers had a really good grasp on what ideas worked in 2D and delivered more ambitous and polished titles, many of which are still revered today and deservedly sit on Best game of all time lists.

Gen 5 had to throw all of this out and start from scratch using 3D hardware that wasn't quite there yet and start thinking about how to design "fun" in three dimensions. As a result we get cameras with shitty implementation, platformers that either are just 2.5D games (Begging the question what the hell the point of 3D even was) or 3D "platformers" that actually are disguised collectathons with very little in the way of actual platforming and mechanical mastery, and graphics that while fully 3D are often less artistically satisfying compared to the polished sheen of the 4th gen. Its a very interesting period that was exciting at the time, but going back to it today most of the games on it aren't really that fun.

Gen 6 ends up being a repeat of gen 4 but with 3D now "figured out" and as a result we get an incredible amount of great games that are still a shitton of fun today.

There are of course outliers with genuinely timeless games and gen 5 as a whole was a necessary growing pain generation as the industry moved to 3D, but on the whole any random game you'll pick on gen 4/6 has a much better chance to be far more enjoyable to play today as opposed to most of the gen 5 library

>> No.10139341

Boomslops don't wanna hear it. Zoomlets don't wanna know it. The PS1 has nowhere near as important of a library as the PS2. Yes, series like MGS, GT, GTA, RE, Tekken, THPS, etc etc etc, all have their origins on the PS1, but those series' (and the rest) were perfected one way or another in at least 1, or more, PS2 title in their respective series.

>> No.10139343

Final Fantasy VII is underrated in the year of our lord 2023

>> No.10139346

2D Zelda are better than 3D Zelda

OoT has no business being called the greatest game of all time today and isn't even remotely the best Zelda game

>> No.10139347

Ok sure. Now go be artsy on >>>/i/, DA, >>>/ic/ or >>>/mu/

>> No.10139371

2D games became significantly better AFTER 4th gen because devs finally realized trial and error gameplay is not fun.

>> No.10139379

Best Final Fantasy:1,2 and 8
Best Dragon Quest: 2

TMNT2 NES is great but the arcade version is shit

Majora's Mask is a steaming pile of shit

Code Veronica is so bad it doesn't exist in my eyes

The only remake worth playing is Dragon Quest V (PS2) and the only remasters worth playing are Natsume's, every single other remake is inferior to the original and the majority of modern "remasters" are scams

The captcha for posting on /vr/ should be a proof that you can beat Contra 1CC without cheating

>> No.10139398

OoT is one of the greatest gaming experiences of all time, but only if you are playing it as a young boy coming of age. Its like a perfect "kid goes on big adventure" experience, but it probably wont resonate as well with those outside that age range.

>> No.10139430
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Never cared for pre-rendered backgrounds or get the overwhelming love for them.

Not saying they're ugly, just this infatuation with them over the years is bizarre, especially when trying to sell the idea they looked AMAZING and STUNNING on a fucking CRT, which I can only amount to my gen desperately trying to prove to Zoomers and Normalfags who've otherwise seen then on a worse format. Guess I just don't appreciate them enough over hand drawn (spites or otherwise) and fully rendered environments, like Saga Frontier 2, Legends of Mana, Xenogears and Vanillaware's titles.

>> No.10139443

I'm beginning to think /vr/ and /v/idya adjacent boards as a whole just do not grasp the concept of an "UN"popular opinion.

>> No.10139445

gen 1 > gen 2
original red and blue(green) > gba remakes

link's awakening > link to the past
ocarina of time > majoras mask(not sure if the culture has already shifted but there was a time where oot was considered incredibly overrated and majora the second coming of christ)

banjo kazooie > mario 64

sonic R > mario kart 64

og resident evil > REmake

starcraft vanilla > starcraft brood war

>> No.10139493

The Metroid Prime series was boring after the first game. Dark Forces is better than Doom. Dreamcast was a bad console. Warcraft is better than StarCraft. Most games are about reflexes not skills. Goldeneye 007 is better than Halo.

Girls never liked games, they were just pretending so they could get close to you and you never picked up on it!

>> No.10139523

I still play them but your parents were right about video games being a waste of time.

>> No.10139536

ALTTP is boring and ruined the series
t. zeldafag

>> No.10139580

Pre-rendered backgrounds are the liminal spaces of gaming. They only started coming back in vogue when the backrooms started becoming a thing.

>> No.10139581

zelda series is overrated

>> No.10139591

Not unpopular

>> No.10139593

Reddit and twitter have rotted your brain

>> No.10139608
File: 35 KB, 223x349, ching chong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESL? I wasn't giving my opinion, I was stating why they became popular out of nowhere. Normies think pre-rendered backgrounds are cool. They think they are cool for the same reason they think backrooms is cool. Ebin old stuff so uncanny valley XD

>> No.10139614

I can appreciate what Riven tries to do but it's such a miserable gameplay experience.

>> No.10139616

mario 64 is only fun for autistic guys.

>> No.10139617

King Kong and Star Wars Battlefield 2 on the PS2 are more enjoyable that the entire NES, SNES and GBA/GBC library. Stop and think. It only hurts because it is true. It may not be a popular opinion but it is true.

>> No.10139634

It wasn't until they started getting lazily ported remasters along with AI upscaling projects were becoming a thing is when people started to appreciate them more, seeing what they could potentially look like when properly upscaled to HD.
I can't even think of a port of an OG title where the assets weren't 100% intact and upscaled/redone by hand WITHOUT AI upscaling.

>> No.10139636

Rather WERE 100% intact without AI upscaling.

>> No.10139639

doom is boring and overrated

>> No.10139654

I don't think anyone ever disagrees with this opinion.

>> No.10139663


Tell me you're a cum guzzling ignorant zoomer without telling me.

>> No.10139686
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>Unpopular Opinions
OP is not a faggot

>> No.10139696

Not who you're replying to but. I was that group. Other games game me more of that feel. Also prefer the 2d art.

Just because u don't much love OoT doesn't mean it's not an important game or "good" in sake of quality. Just not my cup of tea.

Even the steps in final fantasy 2 (nes) is bad nothing rewarding about that game remaster or not.

Final fantasy 5 is under rated.

Mortal Kombat was never good and sold on its edge to this day.

>> No.10139710


There are a lot of games I like and love that use them, but look wise I do much prefer them full 3D (even if it's basic 3D) or fully drawn, particularly with adventure/action adventure games.

>> No.10139715


The Ratchet and Clank Trilogy is the best 3D platforming series. It's better than Mario 64.

>> No.10139727

Resident Evil 2 is an amazing game until it literally jumps the croc; after that it's generic, boring and the more actiony nature of it doesn't suit its tank controls.

>> No.10139731

>Dark Forces is better than Doom.

Outlaws>Quake>Dark Forces>Doom

>> No.10139734


Absolute blasphemy. Maybe you've never tried going without it. Save states leave you hollow

>> No.10139740

Super Mario Sunshine is better than 64.

>> No.10139747

This, but after VI

>> No.10139761
File: 25 KB, 640x480, yellow-snes-plastic-640x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SNES is garbage. The games are all trite Nintendo IP's or Squaresoft RPG Maker shit from before they hit their prime on the PlayStation. Outside of that, it has nothing to offer. Every other 16-bit platform is leagues ahead, both technically and in terms of games library. This is currently still an unpopular opinion, though I find more people agreeing with it now than ever before, and it pleases me to see people are finally acquiring taste.

>> No.10139790

The best Mario games are spinoffs

Zelda games can be legitimately difficult when you're playing them blind for the first time and don't know what the usual puzzles are

Tidus and Vaan are good characters

Random encounters are not an inherently bad mechanic

>> No.10139824

>2D Zelda are better than 3D Zelda
Came here to post this.

>> No.10139831

2D Metroid > 3D Metroid

>> No.10139839

They're fine, if only as a substitute for leaving the console on, I'd say

>> No.10139880

>5th gen aging badly
>ps2 > ps1
these are IGN-tier mainstream opinions

>> No.10139891

The whole series is like that. URU is underrated imo tho and Riven has some brilliant environments

>> No.10139908

I agree with this. The Mario games on SNES are completely unimproved at best compared to the NES ones, and the Sonic games of that time are better. Mortal Kombat and Wolfenstein 3D are heavily censored. Castlevania 4 isn't as good as Bloodlines or the NES ones. Doom on SNES sounds like farts. The consoles saving grace in my opinion is that DK Country and Star Fox are excellent, I'll give it credit for that.

In general though if you don't like turn based JRPG's then there isn't much for you on SNES, and even then the PS1 did it better. The only console more overrated than the SNES is the PS2, but I would still consider the PS2 to be the better of the two.

>> No.10139921

>looking up a build for an RPG, a loadout for an FPS, a decklist for a TCG or anything else like that is the same as using a guide or walkthrough.
>cheating is binary (you either are or aren't) and glitches/exploits while impressive are still just cheating with extra steps.
>platformers are bland and easy games for children and acting like beating one as an adult is a badge of honor is just pathetic.
>1CCs runs while possible and impressive if done were not the original intention of the manufactures as there would be zero profit in arcades otherwise.
>japanese game companies (especially the big ones) get away with too much of the same shit that people crucify western game companies for doing.
>most retro games are easy and the only reason you remember otherwise is because you played them at a time when you didn't know any better.
>retro FPSes & CRPGs (while most of them are good games in their own right) are heavily romanticized by grognards and the zoomers who listen to them which has lead to serious misconceptions about both genres.

>> No.10139926

Most NES games suck

>> No.10139929


Myst was perfect for my 11 year old pea brain to figure out. The lighthouse puzzle/compass stopped me for a bit, other than that not too bad.

Riven is 5 discs, and apparently 5 times as difficult. Never even got close to finishing it or even making progress. Never even played the rest after getting brick walled.

>> No.10140078
File: 19 KB, 1052x283, QOL_fixd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classic/retro gaming will always refer to gen 4 and back, anyone that lacks interest in classic gaming design but wants to feel included in the fake social accreditation will insert their later games with newer design philosophies into the conversations until a critical mass of anons whom prefer newer design philosophies are seen as the default "retro game" anon. If you describe games as "janky", having "aged poorly", being "repetitive", etc, I'm inclined to think you are trying to convince yourself you still like classic games despite the apparent fact you cannot enjoy classic game design without cheapening your experience through modern QOL hacks rather than picking games you find interesting, giving each title a fair chance, and making up your own mind on them.

If you exclusively have a curated list of critically-reviewed titles you may as well stick to watching walkthroughs online instead, your experience will be about the same only you won't waste any time having to learn anything about the games while getting maximum enjoyment from the music and art design. You could even go full little brother mode and pretend to play the game with a disconnected controller.

>> No.10140224

>If you describe games as "janky", having "aged poorly", being "repetitive", etc, I'm inclined to think you are trying to convince yourself you still like classic games despite the apparent fact you cannot enjoy classic game design without cheapening your experience through modern QOL hacks rather than picking games you find interesting, giving each title a fair chance, and making up your own mind on them.
stuff like this is retardedly silly to me because it just boils down to "i played this as a kid therefore..." and then you're arguing the game in your head vs the actual game.

sometimes a game is just bad anon. your childhood memories don't magically fix this.

>> No.10140237

He's got a point. I mean, shitty games existed back in the day and a game being old doesn't make it immune to criticism, but some criticisms are pretty bullshit and basically amount to a younger person just not being able to appreciate something that has design philosophies from before their preferred games

Basically, old things can be bad, but if someones criticism ultimately boils down to it's bad because it's old, they're just full of shit, because a good game doesn't "age poorly", nothing does if you're capable of understanding and appreciating beyond the superficial

>> No.10140240
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I forgot, you can only pick games you're interested in, give them a fair shot, and make up your own mind on them exclusively when you're a kid. What a well-measured response, you should write professionally.

>> No.10140260
File: 164 KB, 2048x1084, 3DO-FZ-10-Console-FL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've grown a sort of fondness towards the Panasonic 3DO. It's easy to write off as obsolete e-waste since it has a lot of silly shovelware FMV games, a lot of its best titles were ported over to PS1, and a few were also ported to Saturn, but the fact that it basically came out in the middle of fourth gen is what interests me more.

It also shares a lot of similarities with my favorite system, the SEGA CD, even down to its controller. It's like they saw what SEGA was doing and wanted to make something similar but more powerful, even if neither of them ended up very successful in the long run.

N64 had GameShark, I had one as a kid and it rocked

>> No.10140284

>I forgot, you can only pick games you're interested in, give them a fair shot, and make up your own mind on them exclusively when you're a kid.
i mean if your going to be a snobby priss about it yeah you could've back then. it's not like the resources we have now existed back then. all you had was word of mouth and the occasional gaming mag.

>> No.10140287

Breath of Fire 2 was the best one

>> No.10140305

I genuinely find the zelda games shit and a little repulsive. For me they have a pedo feel fine for kids otherwise not so ok.

>> No.10140309

>nothing does if you're capable of understanding and appreciating beyond the superficial
You're right. It's the mechanics that do IE.) Camera systems

>> No.10140319

It's this way for all Nintendo IP's. Imagine a grown man playing Mario. Fucking putrid disgusting.

>> No.10140332
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Just like right now, where your feelings of nostalgia will not affect your opinion. Nice reading comprehension.
That's an example of what he's referring to by "superficial". If you can't play a game that you want to play because of some superficial control issues, you're only pretending to want to play that game for whatever anecdotal reason.

>> No.10140337

Gen 6 is actually when games became shit. Towards the end every game had to insert muh heckerino rpg elements to pad content which started to make games feel like a chore and a grind.
Arcade-style games based purely on skill are the best

>> No.10140340

The series is better than Jak and Dexter.

>> No.10140360

Sega Dreamcast started the PCfication of videogame systems. I continued to evolve without them.

>> No.10140417

RE: Gun Survivor is fun. Its only sub par because RE, 2, and 3 are all amazing. The par is fuckin high

>> No.10140426 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 274x200, F925477C-8942-4EF8-A657-E6A19149F366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can't play a game that you want to play because of some superficial control issues, you're only pretending to want to play that game for whatever anecdotal reason.
I never argued otherwise, just stating a fact. Don't be so slow. *poke*

>> No.10140432

I don't really like Mario games other than the RPGs.

>> No.10140512

I respect zoomers more than millennials. Millennials literally can't tell good design from nostalgia apart and will try to make you believe literal turds like the Sonic Advance series, or the Star Wars prequels, or pretty much anything they grew up with are secret masterpieces. Like yeah I'm sure little zomie probably had a lot of fun with Toy Story 3: The videogame when he was 4 but he's not trying to convince me it's great, nor making a 7 hours long video essay on why everyone should love it too.

>> No.10140568 [SPOILER] 
File: 14 KB, 300x300, p8612028_i_v8_aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you clearly didn't understand what you were responding to in the first place.
>nothing [ages badly] if you're capable of understanding and appreciating beyond the superficial
>You're right. It's the mechanics that [age badly] IE.) Camera systems

I suggest you take it slow next time.

>> No.10140573

>in terms of games library
Name some, if you're so great.

>> No.10140579

Extremely true statement. Most people don't even know anything about FF7 these days, they've maybe just seen the movie or some clips from the "remake".

>> No.10140595

>japanese game companies (especially the big ones) get away with too much of the same shit that people crucify western game companies for doing.
Such as?

>> No.10140596

That's likely on account of not hanging around zooms and hanging around a lot of mills. I've had a zoom try to convince me Sonic 06 was the best game in the series, this was after Generations came out by the way, I told him he was allowed to feel that way. Just like adults with rose tinted glasses, people are allowed to have shit taste and there will be tons of people from every generation with shit taste. It's just a fact of the industry, common denominator shit sells and everything else created is effectively funded by those shit IPs.

It's tangential to your point but I'd like to point out that video essays are made about anything anyone would care about. Not to the exaggerated length you describe, but they're out there. You just don't see as many on more modern titles because zooms generally can't be bothered to teach themselves video editing unless they're making tiktoks.

>> No.10140609

No. If you can't think of good 16-bit games, that is you're own problem, and a pretty sad problem to have, considering the abundance of excellent 16-bit games to choose from.
>comes into an unpopular opinions thread
>"how dare you have an unpopular opinion! I demand that you defend this opinion to my standard at once, so that I might shit on the games you like!!"

>> No.10140612

>I've had a zoom try to convince me Sonic 06 was the best game in the series
Damn, I've had this exact same thing happen to me. I was honestly flabbergasted that there was anyone who enjoyed that game.

>> No.10140615

No, I just wanna hear your input on this. Someone with an opinion that strong should have something to back it up, otherwise they're just spouting shit for attention. I love a lot of games on the Genesis as well.

>> No.10140628

RPGs like DQ, FF, and anything like that are boring and a huge waste of time even for video game standards. The stories are at best "good for a game" and the presentation usually isn't making up for it for a 20+ hour slog. Gameplay is about watching numbers grow and menu navigation. It's not that far off from gacha. RPGs don't deserve the gross, geeky renown they receive as "masterpieces" and are best remembered fondly as childhood past-times. The music is fine or good but like all vgm it's basically a catchy jingle or simple composition that's meant to be pleasant in the background. The real appreciation come from it's association with the childhood memories.

>> No.10140630

I honestly thought he was joking at first, it's like saying your favourite classic sonic title is Labyrinth. I'd like to think he was just being contrarian so I can sleep properly.

>> No.10140635

I don't care anymore, enough of fake smiles buckwild I go, tried it on but it didn't fit me so found a better pair of shoes to walk even in defeat, hold my pride, never gonna talk

>> No.10140636

>7 hours long video essay on why everyone should love it too
>brought to you by a 27 year old man on the topic of his favorite children's digital entertainment
shit like this is why they're so lame

>> No.10140637

Accuracy is the absolute gayest reason to buy an original console or MiSTer (or conversely avoid emulation). Basically a reason meant to fend off autists on the internet by being technically correct. Yes, accuracy is desirable, but it's such a gay main motivator for buying hardware or avoiding emulation. Grow a spine and just say it's fun to own this stuff, you like having a dedicated box, you speedrun, you like no-fuss solutions, etc.

Also game artists always have and will be fags. I don't give SHIT about their intention and will always display a game in whatever way looks good to me or is easiest. I can't believe anyone could take "artist's intention" seriously.

>> No.10140639

I think God of War 1 and 2 are pretty solid action games.
There are good ROM hacks out there.
Picking fights over emulators is foolish.

>> No.10140641

Polygon graphics look like shit, and have always looked like shit.

>> No.10140645

>gen 1 > gen 2
>original red and blue(green) > gba remakes
Litteral reddit tier normie opinion
>link's awakening > link to the past
Literal zoomer TikTok opinion
>ocarina of time > majoras mask(not sure if the culture has already shifted but there was a time where oot was considered incredibly overrated and majora the second coming of christ)
Schizo literally making up a universe so he can spout normies shit
>banjo kazooie > mario 64
>sonic R > mario kart 64
>og resident evil > REmake
Do you guys even know that the fuck unpopular opinions are

>> No.10140650

>>gen 1 > gen 2
>>original red and blue(green) > gba remakes
>Litteral reddit tier normie opinion
Nah, gen 1 is shat on by normies, since OG pokemon kids are nerds, it's later gen fans who are normies who like it to be quirky

>> No.10140651
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Its association with childhood memories are a result of pressing through the game at regular intervals which you're still fully capable of doing now. You're not going to remember a game if you either mindlessly grind or use cheats to clear areas faster than was intended, what will make them memorable is keeping a memopad to take lots of interesting and informative notes as you take in the areas and continually push through them. This is my unpopular opinion: If you're grinding in RPGs to become overpowered then you're trying too hard to complete the game and are entirely missing the adventure part of the adventure game. Stop trying to always discern the right decision when you have no way of knowing, just make your own decisions and learn from them. Die sometimes. Peril is a part of the satisfaction of winning.

Basically if you think note taking or restarting is a chore you should avoid playing adventure games altogether, however if you have to see the contents of a game which you can't be bothered to earn yourself for whatever reason, you can always watch a walkthrough.

>> No.10140659

>Reading comprehension
>Thinks you can't respond to part of a statement separate from the point being made
Honest question: Are you in the spectrum?

>> No.10140669

>Nah, gen 1 is shat on by normies
What universe do you live in? If gen 1 pandering didn't work it literally wouldn't still exist. The only reason the franchise is still around is because once a year Nintendo likes to go "ha ha remember Pikachu" and then everyone onions's out and buys the new Pikachu shit they're shilling

>> No.10140681

i play with rewind bound to the left trigger to beat games faster ^_^

>> No.10140682

>admitting he's ignoring the point being made
Tacit concession on your part, the conversation is now over. Feel free to have the last word since apparently you need it.

>> No.10140683

Some emulators are just plain dogshit. Having the original hardware for the sake of accuracy is objectively a good reason.

>> No.10140695

>Its association with childhood memories are a result of pressing through the game at regular intervals which you're still fully capable of doing now
ok I can see how that contributes to the memory making side of it. Personal problem but when I put down an rpg now it doesn't get picked back up. I either really get into it and beat it in about a week or less (most recently Radiant Historia), or get to some tedious part and put it down. MAYBE I try picking it up months later after I completely forgot everything (Bravely Default, SMT3). If you're wondering why playing a game has to be such a time-limited experience for me, it's because I start feeling guilty when I play games for too long. I know I have better things to do or whatever and it ruins the experience for me. I really appreciate terse, concise games.

>> No.10140696
File: 73 KB, 498x441, where indeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are currently on a site initially meant for people who have a common interest in a specific type of animation from a specific country, on a sub-board dedicated to the discussion of the state of a by-gone period of what was intended to be a child's past time.

If you're not on the spectrum, I'd sincerely question how you even found this site to begin with, and why you are still here.

>> No.10140701

>If you're not on the spectrum, I'd sincerely question how you even found this site to begin with, and why you are still here.
as the kids say, I'm down bad

>> No.10140705
File: 73 KB, 780x469, sonicwacko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah yes, time to make popular things seem much more obscure and esoteric than they really are!

>> No.10140707

Blame Project '06.
They think that's what the game COULD have been when in reality it's a glorified fan mod that started development in 2015. There's a supposed mod that patches the Vanilla game to work as intended, but even with said fixes it can't hide most of the shit that still plagues the game and even with said fixes the game's just mediocre.
>Boss fights are a slog
>Atrociously BAD load times
>Everyone apart from Sonic, Shadow and Blaze feels underutilized, sluggish and downright terrible to play as
>Mini-games were an afterthought and downright suck
>Hubs are bland, empty and uninteresting to explore
>NPCs have zero personality aside from 1 guy

>> No.10140709

There are no good games made before 2005.

>> No.10140710
File: 305 KB, 853x1280, 482B83AC-B5CC-4E35-B315-F06248A72C31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s wrong with you? Should of stopped after typing1.

>> No.10140712

It happens. There is some autistic Mortal Kombat youtuber who just goes on and on about how the 3D era Mortal Kombat was the pinnacle of the franchise and that people who like the older games are just nostalgic, not realizing the irony of his own nostalgia for something often disliked

>> No.10140714

Again, I understood the point, but that's not what I was responding to. 5th gen camera's are terrible and were vastly improved upon with later iterations. Cry moar.

God shut up...

>> No.10140717

>I really appreciate terse, concise games.
Play Hotel Dusk if you haven't already. Gritty late 70s noir crime drama surrounding a mysterious buttfuck-nowhere hotel, its guests and its staff while you chase the shadow of your ex-partner as an ex-cop-turned-salesman. Pretty solid writing, a lot of care was given to each character having their own cadence. The puzzles are not difficult, but you might need to set it down for a bit every now and again to let your subconscious chew on the given information.

On that note, I understand the sentiment of feeling like you're burning time if you're not making progress. The best advice I can suggest for that without digging into your personal history is to smell the flowers. It's okay to enjoy your own time on your own terms, fuck every other rat-racing money and fame chasing sycophantic tryhard that tells you otherwise. Well that's how I feel about it at least. I digress.

I'm pretty bad for leaving games behind simply because I'm pretty impulsive, so I make sure I'm picking a game I have a genuine and complete interest in, not some game advertised as being some great achievement in the genre. Maybe it is, but if it doesn't grab me I don't bother. Yes, I'm tacitly remarking on the FF series. Anyways, good on you for trying things that you may not like. Too many anons can't challenge themselves like that, myself admittedly included.

>> No.10140723

Yeah, and hardly anyone disagrees with that, it's a pretty safe take. Why people disagree with you in this specific exchange is because despite camera controls not being optimal, a player will stick with the game if they want to play it regardless. If you quit because of something as extraneous as camera control you're better off watching walkthroughs and skipping the controller altogether.

So again, I kind of doubt you understand the actual point being made. You seem to think it's
>Games never age badly
When it's actually
>Games never age badly when you learn how to handle them

>> No.10140728

Pokemon has always been shit. Any adult who insists that x retro gen was when the series was still good is fooling themselves.

JRPGs aren't generally good at storytelling or gameplay, they mainly just work when it comes to world-building and atmosphere. This is controversial in certain circles but normal in others.

>> No.10140729

you, to the mirror.
idk what that means. i guess you pretend to like shitty games as a substitute for whatever it is you're lacking.

>> No.10140731


>> No.10140734

It's about as bad as the '80s Millennials who claimed anime was gay, but say Chrono Trigger was their favorite game growing up or ignored that Akira was widely influential within that timeframe.

>> No.10140737

台灣冰淇淋 射精

>> No.10140740

Fuck -- I KNOW, retard-kun. I fucking get it what they were saying and no, I'm not saying that just so you'd shut that gapping cock gobbler of a mouth of yours, I understood it and AGREED. No need to grade my writing since this isn't part of the broken educational system in Murrica known as English.
Just shut. Up.

>> No.10140743

Saying Pokemon is shit is kind of like saying Power Rangers is shit. It's like ya, most of us other than the most diehard autists know, it's about nostalgia and it's something you only get if you grew up with it.

>> No.10140745

>Fire is hot
>>Actually plasma is hotter!!
Duly noted

>> No.10140761
File: 112 KB, 407x405, I like all anime, as long as it's DBZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go ask 1,000 people what their favorite SNES or Sega Genesis game is and then ask if they played it on original hardware. The amount of people who have actually played these games when they came out and still do are vastly out numbered by the ones who only know of/play them due to emulators.
That, in itself, is proof of the obscurity of retro gaming as a hobby.

You're on an anime site on a board for games older than you are.

pic related

>> No.10140762
File: 12 KB, 197x255, AE65DEC3-5293-452B-AC6D-A7769259E0B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forget, who's the one who wanted the last word because they "apparently needed it" here?

>> No.10140764

>The amount of people who have actually played these games when they came out and still do are vastly out numbered by the ones who only know of/play them due to emulators.
>That, in itself, is proof of the obscurity of retro gaming as a hobby.
No it's not, it's proof that multiple generations have passed since these games were new. If you rounded up people explicitly between the ages of say 30 and 40 years old, I'm sure most people will have played these consoles

>> No.10140776
File: 909 KB, 600x422, StopPosting.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be you, obviously.

>> No.10140779

>Hurr durr the amount of gamers in the 80s vs 20XX means the former was obscure!!
No more please. You're actually killing me here.

>> No.10140782

>Oldfag le ironically shitposting
Next you'll tell me he's Australian or worse, a Mod slacking on the job. How embarrassing! Bet it's Naemuti. Autistic tranny fuck.

>> No.10140791
File: 33 KB, 607x379, Words can have more than one definition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>played these games when they came out and still do
>and still do
This is the key phrase here.
I do not mean to call the ones who have only played the games with emulators, posers. But there is a definite difference in perspective and understanding between the people who have experienced that period themselves and those who have only played the remakes and rereleases. So much gets lost through each iteration and retranslation, things get removed and change to the point where it's no longer the same game.

The obscurity comes in when there are people that simply don't understand why someone would want to OWN the console or the games themselves when they can just emulate.
That's what makes retro gaming an obscure hobby.

see pic related, I've even highlighted it to compensate for your apparent ADD.

>> No.10140806

So what you're saying isn't that retro games were obscure, you're saying it's currently obscure to be into the hobby of collecting physical hardware for retro games specifically

That makes more sense, but it's still not terribly obscure considering post AVGN world and all where it is somewhat trendy to collect old games in "geek" circles

>> No.10140817

You see that's how you get the last word. Well done figuring it out all on your own.

>> No.10140828

And yet people still argue every day about which generation was the peak. If someone acknowledges that it's just nostalgia then that makes the entire argument moot.

>> No.10140852

>but it's still not terribly obscure considering post AVGN world and all where it is somewhat trendy to collect old games in "geek" circles
That's a fair point, but I'd argue that collectors aren't truly a part of the hobby purely on the basis that they do not actually play the games that they buy.
Much as how a classic car enthusiast is distinguished from the classic car collector purely by their understanding of and willingness to interact with their object of obsession.

>> No.10140863

FFVI is just okay, there are much better SNES rpgs for the time (DQ5, FE4, CT, etc.)
IV and V are fun but FF only started getting really good with VII

>> No.10140865

Nah, because it comes down to preferences in things. Just because Pokemon might not be the greatest games of all time and their replay appeal as an adult lies a lot in nostalgia doesn't mean people can't still have preferences for the differences that do exist among the gens, such as gameplay elements, character design, story elements, overall tone, etc.

>> No.10140867

NTA but I like the metaphor. Just recently picked up some wireless OEM PS2 pads and they were still covered with that cool-then disintegrating-now rubberized coating. I cleaned them off with some iso and made them feel not nasty to hold, which is the difference between someone that wants a display piece and someone that wants to actually use and enjoy the things they pay for.

>> No.10141006

>a good game doesn't "age poorly", nothing does
Everything ages. The design principles for 5th gen games are completely different to design principles for games now, because the early 3D era was a chaotic landscape of developers trying all sorts of shit to see what they could do with the new tech. Some of those things worked out and got carried forward into the principles behind subsequent generations. Some of those things didn't work at the time, or didn't hold up across generations, and the games built on those principles are typically said to have "aged badly". Every game is a snapshot of the time it was made in, one way or another, and time moves on.
Of course there's a lot more nuance to the whole "games aging" thing, but it's all a very relative and semantic argument which will never be accepted by people who can't tolerate their childhood comforts being attacked.

>> No.10141009

Cloud skipped elbow day

>> No.10141020

Nah, that's just dumb "new = good" thinking, the same logic that allows people to say something objectively shitty like the nightmare on elm street remake is "better" than something good like the original, cause "the effects didn't age well"

>> No.10141035

>that's just dumb "new = good" thinking
No, it's not, and it would only look that way to someone incapable of evaluating things in terms outside of "good" and "bad". You're making shallow assumptions about how the people you're interacting with are thinking and getting upset at them based on things they didn't actually say.

>> No.10141060

>difference in perspective and understanding between the people who have experienced that period themselves and those who have only played the remakes and rereleases
I'm not sure what being there at the time has to do with wanting to collect physical things. I've had a NES and a Mega Drive when growing up, I have no desire to collect any physical media, I lost both consoles a long time ago and I just don't care, I emulate.

>> No.10141070

Ganon's Dungeon in Zelda 1 is harder than the Great Palace in Zelda 2.

>> No.10141082

5th gen > 6th gen because 6th gen was full of ugly interlacing. 7th gen was the first good 3D gen.

>> No.10141110

schizo moment, who are these normies you imagine in your head, 0 people ive met have said anything about pre-rendered backgrounds ever.

>> No.10141114

Nah, I remember back in 2009-2014 people shat on OoT plenty and Majoras mask was the "underrated gem" of the duo.
Never cared for MM myself.

>> No.10141130

A lot of old games are dogshit, especially the first two Zelda games.

Fucking retards saying that BOTW going back to Zelda 1's roots like it is a good thing makes me want to throttle Nintenyearolds.

>> No.10141138

Mario, Zelda and Metroid all died when they went 3D

>> No.10141447

>The music is fine or good but like all vgm it's basically a catchy jingle or simple composition that's meant to be pleasant in the background.
No way fag.

>> No.10141470
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This board is for appreciating "aged" games, nobody is forcing you to declare great merit from age alone yet comparing against modern design standards will only hinder your experience. Yes, the less popular design choices didn't carry forward. That doesn't mean you're incapable of understanding or appreciating them on their own merit.

>> No.10141529

The NES literally killed any chance of videogames actually progressing until the late 90s.

>> No.10141594

The NES is the main reason video games progressed

>> No.10141610

Nope, Nintendo held back the industry then and they continue to hold it back now.

>> No.10141612

Nah if you missed the whole trend of millennials rethinking shitty early and mid 00s products you might as well live under a rock. Zoomers might do it on an individual level, dunno, but mills do it everywhere and all over internet.

>> No.10141636

I can tell that you’re under the age of 25 just by how hard you’re trying to fit in

>> No.10141741

Arcade games are often terribly designed, with blatant bullshit sections to squeeze your coins. "get good" isn't an argument. Those sections don't become less bullshit, your ability to tolerate and navigate that bullshit gets better.
Collateral: Arcade games didn't die because people wanted long experience at home, they died because people's tolerance for that bullshit ran out. The most popular games right now are basically arcade styled, in that they want to be short hop-in-hop-out experiences. Fortnite, people get into a match, shoot people for 10 minutes, get killed, get into another match, shoot for 15 minutes, etc. The difference is that they don't have to deal with some boss that is vulnerable for a single frame, jumps out of the screen, and lands with a one-hit kill smash that hits everything on the screen.
When people got sick of the bullshit, they turned to long games because that was the only alternative available at the time.

>> No.10141758

Doom 1's level design sucks.

>> No.10141764

I'll add that games didn't really start getting good until there was enough space to make something with more depth than an arcade game. There are some exceptions, especially on PC, but most pre fifth gen games are basically shitty arcade ports

>> No.10141765

>nobody is forcing you to declare great merit from age alone yet comparing against modern design standards will only hinder your experience
I never said anybody was. It's just retarded as all hell to get bent out of shape over people saying a game has aged one way or another when it's a perfectly valid statement when assessing how it's weathered the passage of time.

I'm not trying to make the argument that a game which has "aged poorly" is inherently bad, just that most people use that terminology to describe a very real phenomenon, and most people understand what is meant by it without needing to feel personally affronted. Don't make up arguments which were never made just for an excuse to be angry, anon.

>> No.10141786

It cost 25 cents to play most arcade games. Let's assume for a moment that inflation doesn't exist and compare the price of a Breakout cabinet to the home cartridge. You pay $20-30 for the latter up-front for infinite plays, but realistically if you fed 80+ credits into the machine you'd probably end up being just as good, if not better than those who bought the cartridge. This is the problem with the whole "blatant bullshit" argument people bring up all the time. Really ask yourself if you would still get fucked up by BS sections in arcade games after three dozen attempts. You wouldn't, because the entire mindset of gaming in arcades is to make each credit count, to learn through experience instead of treating it as a quick rush of dopamine. Also keep in mind that, at least in the old days and especially in Japan, people didn't sit at cabs all day long and grind the same games. They would step in before and after school or work, wait for their turn, get some practice in and go about their merry way. What I'm trying to communicate here is that you are stuck thinking of "arcade" as its own genre when it is an entirely different paradigm of gaming alien to modern audiences. Once you get your first 1cc everything changes, your whole perspective shifts and you realize the industry has no idea what players actually want.

>> No.10141787

Arcades haven't even fully died yet in Japan, a country renowned for long-form RPGs. Arcades in America died simply because home consoles caught up and it's a pain in the ass to go somewhere when everyone's spread out. Notice that the few true standalone arcades that still exist in America are in old cities like Chicago, the entire east coast, and SF. Post-war suburban sprawl and rural areas are simply not conducive to arcades.

>> No.10141792

Rpgcodex is right, there is no good game after the 90's and this board will be better if we follow their standards.
The real boomers.

>> No.10141823

My arcade experience was always the novelty of finding other kids who liked video games and getting to share the hobby with them. I think if people were honest that's all they really liked about arcades, same goes for conventions, no one wants to be in a loud, noisy, dark room filled with sweaty nerds. It was simply something you put up with to network.
What killed arcades was both the hobby becoming more mainstream, and online play becoming more accessible. If you disagree, find an arcade (even if you have to hop a plane to Japan) and go there by yourself. Within five minutes you will feel like shit and want to leave

>> No.10141829

When I was a kid, 50c or even 1 dollar arcades were already a thing. I'd always play the older 2d games for this reason because they only cost 25c, though I liked their graphics better anyway.

>> No.10141859

I somewhat I agree with that. The NES had some great games that were very polished, but very few of them could be called innovative. Just check the "most influential retro games"-thread up right now, there's hardly any NES games, the majority are either computer games or arcade games.

>> No.10141952

Everyone praises SNES sound quality it's literally reverb and more reverb to a general midi soundfont, doesn't have the punch Genesis sound drivers could deliver. Streets of Rage OST alone rapes all SNES games OST. Did I mention reverb?

>> No.10141972

I guess I'll start filtering 'boom' and 'zoom'. No one who has used these terms in the last two years has had anything interesting to say.

>> No.10141991

It samples whatever midi device you want it to. And when the SNES was released, being able to sample midi was a new and impressive thing.

>> No.10141992

>posts a high res upscaled image
FF9 did it best with the low res/low poly mix because their texture artists were god tier. It works significantly less well high res because all the characters stand out like sore thumbs.
I like all sorts of game art though. I wouldn't stack one above the others. It's mostly how their utilized.

>> No.10141996

Zoomer detected. God of war is not retro, go back to /v/

>> No.10141998

I could see quake, but the rest is silly.

>> No.10142002

Pre-rendered backgrounds allow the artist to dictate the scene in the most aesthetically pleasing manner. Free camera often has the player staring directly at low res textures, or clip through geometry.
Now, any fixed camera game can do this, but many pre-rendered games had stunning setpiece backgrounds. FF7 comes to mind.

>> No.10142008

Try riven again, but use something with auto disc swapping. It's my only complaint about the game. Riven is the best one, and it might hit you better now.

I think scummvm can auto swap discs.

>> No.10142024

With only 64 kbs, there is little else it is capable for sampling aside from MIDI sounds.

>> No.10142036

>Streets of Rage OST
You have no eardrums. There are good soundtracks on the Genesis, Streets of Rage isn't it.

>> No.10142048

This thread is for unpopular opinions, not being fucking wrong.

>> No.10142067

PS3 is the greatest console ever. It has an amazing library and you can play both the 5th and 6th generation of PlayStation flawlessly in it, be in homebrew, native emulation or ports made to the system.

>> No.10142068

My unpopular opinion: Super Mario All Stars and Super Mario World is the best cartridge on SNES.

>> No.10142072

PS2 emulation on PS3 is fucking trash, worse than PCSX2.

>> No.10142081

No, YOU ARE WRONG, Dr. Dipshit.

>> No.10142184

These are not unpopular opinions

>> No.10142189

In terms of purely retro stuff:

>Mario Party was never good
>Dragon Quest > Final Fantasy
>While a game's presentation can "age", the gameplay cannot
>Linearity in games is not an inherent flaw
>Mega Man 7 is an amazing game and I genuinely don't get the hate it gets
>Virtua Fighter is the best 3D fighting game series
>The Dreamcast is a 5th generation console, not a 6th
>The Atari Jaguar was a good system that was simply marketed horribly
>Boss-majority games like SotC & Alien Soldier suck ass
>Crash 3 is the worst of the PS1 trilogy
>Inversely, Spyro 3 is the best of the PS1 trilogy
>Pulseman is the best game Game Freak has ever made, and it's a 7/10 at most
>The greatest Nintendo girl of all time is Ayumi Tachibana from Famicom Detective Club

>> No.10142205

It's much better. You need the custom configs and shit but I guarantee, it's the absolute best yet.

>> No.10142245

>Schizo literally making up a universe so he can spout normies shit
you must be new to the internet

>> No.10142259

>There are good soundtracks on the Genesis, Streets of Rage isn't

WTF gtfo stupid zoomer

>> No.10142281
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FF used to be COOL man
what happened.....

>> No.10142290

tank controls are fine

>> No.10142297 [DELETED] 


>> No.10142309

It can't even get the speed right in the first 5 games of Samurai Shodown Anthology. So yeah, big doubt, anyone claiming it's better probably doesn't know what to look for and just guessworked the accuracy.

>> No.10142550

Yeah, the PAL CECHC 60GB and CECHE 80GB NTSC PS3's don't have native PS2 parts like the launch models do. The PS2 emulation is somewhat hit and miss typically, mileage will vary depending on the PS2 game you insert.

>> No.10142623

RPGs adjust the difficulty to the player.
If you clear a dungeon in one go, you exit faster than a player who takes multiple trips. But if you take multiple trips, when you do finally finish it, you'll be at a higher level.
When these two types of players reach the next dungeon, it will be harder for the player that beat the last one quickly and easier for the player who was struggling.
Essentially what I'm saying is that if you find RPGs boring it's probably because you're playing badly. If you play them well, they keep getting harder and harder until they finally catch up with your level of skill.
With RPGs the onus is partially on you to make your fun. If I played Sim City, never tried to build a city and just stared at the empty hills and rivers and said it was boring, I would be rightfully called an idiot.
What you put in is what you get out, which is both a bad and good thing. In something like Mega Man you're forced to put in effort or you get game over'd. In RPGs you can always get to the ending, no matter how bad you are. Your skill instead determines how fun the trip is.
The next time you play an RPG, try playing aggressively and doing everything as early and as quick as you can. Use every resource at your disposal and every dirty trick you can come up with. You might be surprised how intense they can become.

>> No.10142798

I dislike FF8 and FF9

>> No.10142823

Mario 64 isn't good past the first 2 or 3 stages

>> No.10142835

>Le passive-aggressive retort :)
Just off yourself you troglodyte fag.

>> No.10142836

>Some of those things didn't work at the time, or didn't hold up across generations, and the games built on those principles are typically said to have "aged badly".
And why do those things not hold up?

>> No.10142845
File: 3.17 MB, 520x390, tumblr_220ab57b45a67b7141e63b50ff8562a6_0a73ba89_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is especially true for Nintendo and SEGA. Genesis and SNES aged way better than N64 and Saturn, and SEGA especially didn't get really good with 3D until the Dreamcast it seems. Gen 6 also gave us the GBA which has aged more gracefully than both the N64 and to some extent the GameCube imo

>> No.10142873
File: 7 KB, 410x372, Mega-Man-Game-Gear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virtual Boy was actually not that bad, it just needed a better form factor. Even though I personally prefer the Game Boy, the Game Gear outperforms it in several areas, mainly its Mega Man game which resembles an early Genesis game (though whether or not it's better than MMV on Game Boy is up for debate). NGPC and WonderSwan/Color also had pretty impressive hardware compared to the GBC even though they were unfortunately really limited by their small libraries.

The MSX was arguably better than the NES in some areas, especially later MSX2 games that featured FM audio. Some SMS games also had this feature I think but I don't think many games made use of it.

>> No.10142885

Hear, hear, anon.

>> No.10142889

Akira Kitamura should have held on longer to being the one calling the shots regarding Megaman until about early-midway point development of Megaman at least.

>> No.10142909

>And why do those things not hold up?
Nta, but it's because while they were innovative with some even continuing into future game development, they're implementation was sometimes finicky while later later revisions of those mechanics were iterated upon in future games, like OoT/MM and SM64's camera.

You can appreciate them for what they were trying to do, but it's dishonest to say they were perfect and didn't need tweaking/improvements despite the game being designed around limitations.

>> No.10142987

2nd gen consoles are more fun than 3rd gen consoles.
The 2nd gen games were forced to have a clear vision, most are simple concepts with engaging gameplay, there was a huge variety of new ideas, and arcades were the predominant inspiration for gameplay. If a game lasted a long time it was because the game was good and you were good at the game.
Third gen games were able to be complex enough to be absolutely fucking awful, like having enough rope to hang yourself. Perhaps partly to blame may be that the consoles were just powerful enough for boring garbage PC game design to seep into the libraries. Some focus was still put on arcade ports, but they were usually not significantly mechanically better than 2nd gens arcade ports, and still not at the graphical level of arcades. Gimmicks out the ass, bizarre console variations and addons. Some devs were seemingly not playing their own games.
I'm not saying there aren't a select few 3rd gen games that are better than almost anything 2nd gen could have dreamed to produce, but the overall odds of picking a game at random and getting something you would enjoy for at least a few minutes are much lower overall. After you play the good 3rd gen games and still have the rest of the two generations' libraries staring you in the face, you'll start to notice which bag you'd really rather reach into.

>> No.10143017

I agree. You have to pass the part, you have to kill the boss. It just cut the bullshit of having to repeat forever and when you are no longer a child, sometimes you don't have the time or the patience to keep repeating until get good, but I understand why some people disagree with this tho. As long as you're having fun who gives a shit anyway?

>> No.10143051

no i'm not
t. dr dipshit

>> No.10143063

to be fair 4chan contrarianism is so rampant that an unpopular opinion on 4chan is just a normal opinion

>> No.10143067
File: 63 KB, 609x553, WABOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem comes down to the posers who're dishonest about their experience with a game's difficulty, getting insecurely defensive when backed into a corner either having been caught or openly admitting to save scumming because of the dishonesty. Depending on the player and the game to a degree, it can cheapen the intended experience.

>> No.10143074
File: 73 KB, 800x450, 1686456008541372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't consider it contrarianism. Just people who are not entertained by most mainstream bullshit. We get shunned and cast aside for our opinions, so we seek out places we can converse about what we actually like and bash all the other shit that Normans compulsorily consume. But now 4chan has become more of a place normies go to, to feel like they're part of a secret club, just fucking go back to Facebook and Twitter. Why do you need to to infest your monotony here, you don't. Stop with the fomo, homos

>> No.10143098
File: 396 KB, 560x560, 1633392072813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Ain't that the truth.
I mostly write it off as insecurity because depending on how they come off, it's just ironic shitposting or to follow the herd.
That's a bit of projection on my front, since I was like that 10 years ago on here.
Rarely will you get the dedicated local autist(s) who're so stuck up in their own ass, vehemently trying to prove they are INDEED the correct and enlightened ones while the rest are peasants: ACfag, Juxtafag, Jimbodehobo, Barry/XV-kun, an autist I dub Plot-kun thinks the entirety of OG FF7, from the characters, plot, narrative, themes, makes no sense, nitpicks the fuck out of it and is willfully ignorant to evidence that's blanently answered in game that proves him wrong. He needs a better name., the list goes on.

>> No.10143104

4chan hasn't been contrarian or against popular opinion in a loooong time.

>> No.10143124

>Just people who are not entertained by most mainstream bullshit.
Appealing to popularity is gay. Having an opinion just to have one when you haven't otherwise touched the thing tons of people like or that fact that it's popular in general so you'd fit in and feel you have a moral authority on the subject is poser central.

>> No.10143137

>the Sonic games of that time are better
Sonic fucking sucks. Good character and style, shit fuckin game.

>> No.10143147

Sonic is fun, Mario isn't. As an action/fighting game fan, Mario games can't hold my attention because they are so boring and infantile.

>> No.10143150

>Outside of that, it has nothing to offer.
Then you barely looked.

>> No.10143175

thats because if you read the rest of my post it says that 4chan has basically been infested by the average joe because it makes them feel naughty.

unfortunately a majority of people are posers. we ride the shoulders of giants and slide along their coat tails in hopes of having a little bit of genius rub off on us, but we only know what the most intelligent of us figured out. everybody else is just a midwit (me included). though, i just have a weird taste in entertainment.

>> No.10143251

>cheating is binary (you either are or aren't) and glitches/exploits while impressive are still just
I will argue against this. Doing some speedrun strat that completely skips 90% of the game, of course. But figuring out a blindspot in an enemies programming or animations, figuring out an in built mechanic that can be spammed to stun lock something or finding an area of a room that isnt going through the environment or something that helps negate an effect can hardly be called cheating when you are using the tools provided by the developer and your own experimentation let you figure out. It can be a bit of a scale of acceptability perhaps. Like pause trick in megaman vs infinite 1ups in super mario.

>> No.10143254

>>The Dreamcast is a 5th generation console, not a 6th
how so

>> No.10143264

Is it the later stages themselves you don't like, or is it that the levels weren't made with the same amount of care past those first few, or does it get repetitive and uninteresting, or what?

>> No.10143265

Super Mario Bros 2 is a shitty romhack of SMB 1.

>> No.10143270

If you mean the jap one then this is a correct opinion
If you mean mario madness you're insane

>> No.10143318

>The videogame when he was 4 but he's not trying to convince me it's great, nor making a 7 hours long video essay on why everyone should love it too.
You definitely have not been paying attention.

>> No.10143325

>If you mean the jap one
I think the whole Mario industry would be dead right now if they had attempted to release that in the USA. Even now I have a hard time rationalizing playing it. It isn't even fun.

>> No.10143338

>Star Wars prequels
No one defends those. Stop making boogie man's in your head.

>> No.10143352

You're a dumbass. The people who defend everything bad from the late 90s aren't Millennials, it's zoomers. They were like 1 years old, but they don't care. They see Millennials having nostalgia for 90s shit and they want it too, so they overrate everything from the late 90s and early 00s no matter how garbage it is.

You've literally got it backwards. When you see somebody hyping up The Phantom Menace, Limp Bizkit, Nickelback, Batman & Robin, etc, it's zoomies or at the most, the youngest millennials/millennioomers who were basically babies when this stuff was out.

>> No.10143363

>That's a fair point, but I'd argue that collectors aren't truly a part of the hobby purely on the basis that they do not actually play the games that they buy.
This is such a BS oppion echoed by tards on this board. Yes, maybe the purely "REEEEEESELL VALUE!!!" autists or those needing it for their geekhole shelf, but i guarantee those who were buying games and hardware pre 2010s have played more games then the vast majority of emulator users, simply by the fact that they had interest in the stuff in an era long before it became "kewl" to be into and had enough legit want to find and play this stuff that only those truly deep into a hobby would do.

>> No.10143372

Sounds kinda autistic to me.
Looking back on things and playing a lot of games in an emulator, there are a LOT of games that just plain suck and don't stand the test of time. Metroid 1 is one of them.

>> No.10143378
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>Once you get your first 1cc everything changes, your whole perspective shifts and you realize the industry has no idea what players actually want.

>> No.10143385

>and every dirty trick you can come up
So grinding?

>> No.10143390

There are "arcade" games.
And there are"game center" games.
They're not the same type of game even though they are both coin operated.

I won't elaborate.

>> No.10143392

I've played more SNES than even most SNES fan's, desperately combing the library trying to find something worthwhile, and I've always came up empty handed. The games are just so insufferably slow and boring, it's so obvious the bottlenecked hardware just cannot keep up with what game developer's wanted to do. Any SNES game you name, I can name at least one better alternative on a competing 16-bit hardware.

>> No.10143431

>Any SNES game you name, I can name at least one better alternative on a competing 16-bit hardware.
Super Metroid, please tell me so I can break free of my Ninshackles

While you're at it, tell me a good Zelda equivalent, cause Crusader of Centy and Beyond Oasis were unfortunately amateur crap

>> No.10143457
File: 208 KB, 1200x822, DnBnLhrU8AAv0UD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Linearity in games is not an inherent flaw
I agree with this, never understood complaints about linearity in games like platformers. I feel like after a certain point it's literally just apples vs. oranges, not every game has to be like Mario 64 or Banjo, or Metroidvania whatever

Not that anon, 1999 was the same year we got games like Ape Escape, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater, and Super Smash Bros. Obviously the Saturn had already come and gone, but the 5th gen was still kind of just getting started for Nintendo and Sony. It shared more games with N64 and PS1 than GameCube, PS2, and Xbox, which interestingly most people consider the Dreamcast's successor despite also being sixth gen.

>> No.10143467

Wild Guns. Dont say NAM on NeoGeo, cause its not.

>> No.10143470
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Almost forgot, the PSone also released in 2000, which at the time kind of felt like Sony's answer to the Dreamcast. It even had the PocketStation just like SEGA's VMU

>> No.10143474

pokemon and Kingdom hearts are shit

>> No.10143476

the PS2 is extremely overrated and doesn't deserve all the popularity it has

>> No.10143490

The DC is definitely 6th gen, the only reason its argued against is because its lifespan potential died right as its competition was also rolling out. Intergenerational ports are nothing new, nor is hardware competition between genz.(famicom vs pc engine)

>> No.10143492
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>Crusader of Centy and Beyond Oasis were unfortunately amateur crap
This is the problem with trying to discuss these things, by all objective metrics both of those games mog Zelda, along with Landstalker on the Mega Drive, or Neutopia II and Valkyrie no Densetsu on the PC Engine, or Marchen Maze on the X68000, but of course, because they're not Zelda, they don't benefit from being put on you're holy pedestal of worthwhile games, because the only thing you are interested in playing is whatever overplayed and trite Nintendo IP's.
>Super Metroid
This is a waste of breath, but Flashback: The Quest for Identity and Generations Lost on the Mega Drive, or Skeleton Krew on the Mega Drive or Amiga are both far superior environmentally ambient action games, but I really do not see what you people see in Super Metroid to begin with, wandering empty hallway's with zero enemies was never my idea of fun. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night was where that formula actually became good.
>NOOOOO THOSE games are SHIT!!! Nintendo games are WAY BETTER!!!!
You don't actually like games, and sadly, you probably never will.

>> No.10143496

Street Fighter have the worst character designs of any fighting game and are only considered "good" because of them being the first and most iconic.

>> No.10143498

>Dont say NAM on NeoGeo, cause its not
NAM on Neo Geo, because it is. Space Harrier II on Mega Drive, or Space Harrier on X68000, which actually have depth and movement. You tendies are so desperate to have decent action game's, it's quite funny.

>> No.10143503
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What do you mean you dont like strawberry? Its exactly the same thing you like about chocolate!

>> No.10143508

>by all objective metrics both of those games mog Zelda
They do not. They can't even get basics right, such as hit detection and a visual perspective that makes sense. They're very poorly made games, and I say this as somebody who would prefer to never play anything from Nintendo, but they did win sometimes.

>Flashback is a Super Metroid equivalent
It is not dude.

>> No.10143507

Thanks for a worse option and two games that play nothing like it and one of which is a shitty port. I will be sure to ignore your trash oppions in the future.

>> No.10143509

There's no such thing as chocolate, bird

>> No.10143513

I have absolutely zero nostalgic connection to OoT, I played it for the first time as a 24 year old adult, and even I have to say it's still a masterpiece to this day.

>> No.10143534

>NOOOOO THOSE games are SHIT!!! Nintendo games are WAY BETTER!!!!
You're shit SNES is what you deserve. Play a real game sometime.

>> No.10143539

>objective metrics
I find the idea of reducing games, or any art to number games is something I'll never understand or get behind. Stuff can be better or worse than the sum of its parts and youre critique reeks of (somewhat justified) brand rejection.

Contra is better on Megadrive, Aladdin is better on SNES, people who never touched PC Engine are missing out. I like both Castlevania 4 and Bloodlines, Rondo's overrated and mostly liked for its artistic merits imo. Videogames have more to them than cold metrics, and ignoring them is how you get to compare Flashback to Metroid.

>Space Harrier
Every console port of that game is worse than the original, and Space Harrier 2 is shit. Why anyone would wanna touch any of those console butcherings when nowadays arcade emulation of the amazing original, and that awesome 3DS port are readily available. Same deal with those awful Final Fight SNES ports.

>> No.10143540
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Take your own advice; I didn't claim you were making that argument and you were personally affronted by your own notion that I was making up arguments. How ironic.

This is a board for aged games, saying certain games here "aged badly" is a ho hum nothingburger of a statement less substantive than posting "this" in response to posts you agree with. You may disagree, but you'd be blind to think saying something aged badly is being used in any other context than a negative one on this board. "Man this game aged so badly, I am having a blast" - Total non sequitur.

I'll point something out: When a new design philosophy becomes popular but it sucks ass, we don't say it aged badly twenty years after the fact. We simply say it sucks right then. What makes you think this isn't the case with games that "aged badly"? They were always mediocre, the difference is whether or not someone remembers that mediocre game fondly simply because they stick with it and enjoyed it for what it is. If something "aged badly" then you can dissect and discuss why, which is a far more interesting conversation to have than using dismissive catchphrases which add nothing in the context of what makes classic gaming fun nor does it give any insight on why someone would enjoy playing a mediocre game.

If someone can't appreciate antiquated design, why are they even here? Honestly it seems like shitposters intentionally use meaningless inflammatory language as an excuse to create some human interaction in their otherwise asocial lives.

>> No.10143545
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Not that anon, Dungeon Explorer II is probably a bit better than ALttP. I'll give you Super Metroid, Genesis has MWIV and Popful Mail but they aren't quite in the same category. Gunstar Heroes and The Terminator for SEGA CD have the run and gun gameplay and sci-fi elements but lack the nonlinear map and more atmospheric style.

I always liked the anime but I could never get into the games, aside from the two on GameCube. I feel like I would probably enjoy the manga or something. Honestly a Bandai Pokemon game or something probably would've been really cool

>> No.10143547

I see, you would be saying Bubsy is better than Sonic if Sonic was Nintendo and Bubsy was Sega. You can't be objective.

>> No.10143559

Im sure better games exist, but you are incapable of recognizing quality based on your suggestions.

>> No.10143562

And there you have it, folks. The bad faither shows her true colors.

>> No.10143563

I fail to see why that was necessary but I'm sure you felt a little better writing it, I'm glad for you. Like, on your behalf

>> No.10143564

Didn't read LOL

>> No.10143565

>I like both Castlevania 4 and Bloodlines, Rondo's overrated and mostly liked for its artistic merits imo.
Literally me

>> No.10143568

>Honestly it seems like shitposters intentionally use meaningless inflammatory language as an excuse to create some human interaction in their otherwise asocial lives.
Thanks for proving the point, >>10143564

>> No.10143570

Xenosaga Episode 3 sucks and I hope it does get remastered so Xenoblade fags can see just how trash it is. Don't get me wrong it has a great visual style, but the gameplay is filled with endless trite dialog. It makes disc 2 of Xenogears look good.

>> No.10143572

Ironic you say that anon wants the last word yet you keep coming back with these snide, Twitternigger style clap-backs. Someone's bored.

>> No.10143578

Who? >>10143572

>> No.10143579

Cry moar. Games age poorly by the fact that their mechanics were later iterated upon going forward.

>> No.10143580

>golden eye is better than halo

>> No.10143582


>> No.10143584

The only way a game ages poorly is if it was broken to begin with, and that means it didn't "age" poorly, it means it was never good and that people may have just had a tolerance to it

But when something isn't actually a problem, but people make it out to be a problem just cause later games make it easier, or in the case of graphics more refined, that is what you call a personal problem

>> No.10143601

You seem to be mistaking preference for merit.

>> No.10143602

>Oh sure old cars ran on literal shit and the fumes smelt real bad compared to cars that don't today, but that doesn't mean they were a problem.

>> No.10143607

2000s FPS are ALL TRASH. Growing up being blown away by the games of the 90s on PC & console, including the many great FPS, I was a hopeful seeker of new experiences thoroughly addicted, which led to a road of suffering through all the shite of the 2000s. All the time spent playing retard-tier 2000s FPS is one of my biggest gaming shames & regrets. The people championing them in this thread I assume either don't know better or are simply retarded. Something I find fascinating is there is not a single FPS in the 2000s that meets 90s gameplay standards. Just endless linear, repetitive, braindead shit. You'd think there would be one exception, but no, all the glory completely abandoned. There is but one exception that came close, and that is the Stalker games, though they're still not quite my ideal. Yet they're the only ones I consider remotely monocled of that decade, and worthy of a gaming historian's time. 90s FPS glory: -Genuine Challenge -Resource management (health, armor, ammo for 10+ guns, often minor inventory) -Non-linear level design that requires a little brainpower to navigate, as well as allows for multiple approaches. -Environmental hazards and puzzle elements -Platforming and climbing -projectile-based combat. 2000s on the other hand all hitscan hell. -Notable degree of environmental interactivity. -Huge enemy rosters with diverse behaviors, not just all human enemies and maybe a few extras if you're lucky. -Sometimes even entire optional/secret levels. -Swimming, or even freeform flying. (this is of course without going into the other side of the monocle coin with 90s realism-based tactical shooters, like System Shock, Deus Ex, Rainbow 6 or whatever).

>> No.10143609

Each 90s game had a twist on this formula, either small or a big twist, but retained the core standards defined by the mighty doom (for the most part).
Quite the design formula that made FPS a great genre. Prestigious. Actually demanded something from the player, moderately deep gameplay. FUN in abundance. All turned into linear shooting galleries with zero substance, graphics & realism emphasis over gameplay, laughable attempts to tell a story. To enjoy this shit you have to have a simple mind.

Certain ignorant people love to blame consoles for the decline, but that's horseshit when PC devs were largely the trend setters of the genre (Valve, id & Ion Storm were basically considered the kings), 90s console FPS were largely great too (NOT Goldeneye though it was ok at best), and there's not a single 2000s PC FPS that retained old gold standards, whether multiplatform or designed specifically for the PC. Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Unreal 2, Call of Duty, Quake 4, Bioshock, just endless SHIT.

Outside of Stalker, I cannot happily recommend a single 2000s FPS among all the trash I played. I could recommend a select few in the 7-8/10 (at best) range, but why bother when there's many better games to play?

And yes, Deus Ex is technically a 2000s game, but fuck off that game is 90s through an through, pretty much the culmination of a particular breed of 90s design standards, spent the majority of its dev time in the 90s. It's the ultimate end-game 90s game to top off the golden decade.

>> No.10143612

Do you run modern PC vidya on your potato to simulate inconsistent framerates like on retro hardware?

>> No.10143613

Anon, people still collect and maintain classic cars. Nobody is forcing you to drive and maintain one yourself. So dramatic.

>> No.10143614

The decline was so bad that the 2000s was Third Person Shooters's decade. There are many legit good TPS in the 2000s by comparison, before Epic games ruined it all towards the end of the decade with Gears of War. I consider them far more worthy to talk about:

Duke Nukem: Zero Hour
The Punisher
Dead Space
Max Payne
Max Payne 2
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
The Saboteur
Destroy All Humans 2
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Red Dead Revolver
FF7: Dirge of Cerberus
The Suffering
The Suffering 2
Syphon Filter 2
Mafia 2

Even the fucking 50 Cent game was more interesting than the majority of 2000s garbage FPS.

Sure some of these are rather mediocre too but 2000s TPS > 2000s FPS. FACT.

>> No.10143617

Make playing the following 90s greats

Duke 3D
Shadow Warrior
Doom 1/2
System Shock 2
Deus Ex

An absolute priority for peak first person gaming, then branch out from there once you have more acquired taste & understanding (Arx Fatalis, Unreal, Half-Life, Turok 1 & 2, Doom 64, Quake 2, Heretic, Descent, Ashes 2063, System Shock 1 and on and on).

Half-Life would be in the required playing list but it has a habit of making people retarded, resulting in them desiring realism, graphics, set pieces & storytelling over monocled engaging deep gameplay (this is relevant because gameplay is ~95% of most game's running time, therefore if it is shit and you enjoy it you should be questioning your life choices or reevaluating your intelligence). It is required playing because it did those things very well while still offering a *decent* gameplay experience, but not required before experiencing the real deal and gaining perspective.

>> No.10143619

Non sequitur. I play modern PC games on my modern PC and I play retro PC games on my eMachine.

But to better answer your question, yes, you need to throttle your CPU speed to run old DOS games properly on modern systems and it's been like that for decades. You didn't know?

>> No.10143621

Allow me to paint you a picture. Somebody saying 90s Street Fighter games didn't "age well" because it's harder to pull off moves. They thing it's come a long way in "fixing these problems" because it's easier to do in modern games.

The modern games have just given you more leeway to fuck up but still do the attack, there was nothing wrong with the old ones other than you being bad.

>> No.10143637

In some ways that's better. Having a car that could run on shot and fumes would save a lot in gas. Joking aside, old jeeps could run on dirty oil, that's pretty efficient even if the byproducts are less than savory. Our cars may be more energy efficient, but we need specialized fuels for them to run, which is more synthesization of petroleum product's. My point is, your analogy is bad pong is still smooth to play, pacman plays smooth, asteroids plays smooth as fuck, super Mario Bros is still smooth, daggerfall is smooth (go play it, it's like butter), doom, quake, frontier elite ii, sm64, are all smooth. Its not the age it's the developers ability to make games... Well, and the constraints and deadlines developers had to deal with, which in some cases created diamonds and in others coal.

>> No.10143659

You sure did.

>> No.10143712 [DELETED] 

With each new post, a window closes.

>> No.10143719

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.10143726 [DELETED] 


>> No.10143729

>Is it the later stages themselves you don't like, or is it that the levels weren't made with the same amount of care past those first few, or does it get repetitive and uninteresting, or what?
Well, yeah. You got it. Most later levels are too weird or boring. And honestly the novelty of 3D movement runs out real quick.

>> No.10143730

>He's still replying

>> No.10143740

Why wouldn't I?

>> No.10143748

>This is a board for aged games, saying certain games here "aged badly" is a ho hum nothingburger of a statement less substantive than posting "this" in response to posts you agree with.
Let's not pretend we're all on the same page larping like we're in The Truman Show.

By that logic, being able to feely control 3D Zelder cameras makes the games even more casual baby shit than they already are.

>> No.10143750

>He's still participating/instigating a flamewar

>> No.10143754


>> No.10143770

So, you don't know what substantive means, and from the look of it I'm not sure you understand what you replied to at all. Why are you talking about casuals and movies?

>> No.10143778

Conversations aren't flamewars, you're just being obstinate.

>> No.10143782

It's not hard to understand: Finicky aspects in old games makes them a little dated by today's standards.

>> No.10143787

>Playing dumb
Still participating.

>> No.10143790

Yes you are dr.dipshit. A Dr. dipshit is not something to aspire, dear retarded fuckwad

>> No.10143791

Calling something dated on a board dedicated to dated games is a meaningless statement.

>> No.10143794

>Describes his own post
If you don't want to converse anymore you can stop posting. Did you not know that was an option?

>> No.10143802

You're really immersing yourself, anon. What time period did you pick to post from?

>> No.10143807

>Still playing dumb
>If you don't want to converse anymore you can stop posting. Did you not know that was an option?

>> No.10143809

There are a lot of us, and what should be all of us who think modern games suck and only play games from the 90s. You seem to be in the wrong neighborhood.

>> No.10143810

>What is retroactive appreciation?
It's when you can appreciate something as it was in the past while in the present.

>> No.10143817

see >>10142909

>> No.10143821

The difference is that I'm still on-topic because I actually want to converse. Your veiled threats are telling on yourself.

>> No.10143830

>The difference is that I'm still on-topic

>> No.10143837

You're referring to games having flaws and calling that a case of retro games only having flaws because they're old, when really, it's just that they have flaws, like modern games as well. There is a reason there are plenty old games that get played overall more than their modern counterparts.

>> No.10143839

Great example, only problem is that no game is truly perfect so it would be ridiculous to ever make that assertion. That said,

>You can appreciate them for what they were trying to do
>you can appreciate something as it was in the past

We're effectively agreeing, I just don't believe saying something "aged badly" is an interesting statement. There was an approach of criticism by calling 3D Zelda cams finnicky, I'd like to know how specifically so. I only ever had the standard early 3D camera issues, where it'll get hung up on geometry and whatnot. I didn't find them to be especially bad in any particular way, but perhaps you feel differently.

>> No.10143845

You clearly don't want to converse, which is why this line of conversation died.

>> No.10143850

>You clearly don't want to converse
>Constantly replies with off-topic posts

>> No.10143865

>Super Metroid
>Maximum Carnage
>Zombies Ate My Neighbors
>TMNT Turtles In Time
>Mortal Kombat (All of em)
>Street Fighter (All of em)
>Super Mario World
>Yoshi’s Island
>Donkey Kong Country (All of them)
>Knights of the Round
>Killer Instinct
>Bram Stoker’s Dracula
>Mega Man X (All of em)
>Joe & Mac (All of em)
Fuck you SNES is the best

>> No.10143873

>Thinks you can't respond to part of a statement separate from the point being made

>> No.10143878 [DELETED] 

>This window will close in 3 seconds...

>> No.10143883

Not getting into this autism, but i will say if games with akward controls or elements that you deem "outdated" stand in your way from getting into old vidja, then this probably isnt the best past-time for you to engage with.

>> No.10143887 [DELETED] 

You've conceded, again. I'll let you have the last word, since you apparently need it.

>> No.10143891 [DELETED] 

>You've conceded, again.
>I was merely pretending
see >>10143719

>> No.10143902

Then why are you still posting? The conversation ended.

>> No.10143908

>Then why are you still posting?
I'd ask you the same thing.

>> No.10143913
File: 50 KB, 343x89, ATTITUDE FOR GAINS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Creditfeeding arcade games is the first step to learning them and is a lot faster than cycling through game overs.

>> No.10143925

You sure had. Feel free to read the thread to recap

>> No.10143926
File: 323 KB, 378x521, EE8F6764-9A0E-403A-AC99-0272425C370E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s just meh

>> No.10143940

Feel free to stop responding.

>> No.10143947

But I still want to discuss the topic.

>> No.10143974

>Still playing dumb
Then stop replying to me.

>> No.10143992

Do you not know what a conversation is? That would explain a lot.

>> No.10144001

>He's still shitposting

>> No.10144134
File: 96 KB, 612x602, 1684507765079985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fucking retarded? It's not ironic, are you incapable of understanding there are others that will never fit into the little box you're ego dwells in? Be awestruck, simpleton and leave your drab "ironic" "unironic" Daria esque quips back in the 90s. Can you rebutt anything I posted or did you just need to say something opposite of me cause it rubbed you the wrong way?

>> No.10144189

Didn't ask.

>> No.10144224

So yes, then.

>> No.10144507

Shut the fuck up

>> No.10144534

>Unpopular Opinion
Op is not a shitposting homo

>> No.10144649

Squall is best FF protag
Zidane is worst FF protag

>> No.10144886

8bit games are ugly, I can't play them. 16bit is as old as I can go.
>hurr durr you have to have been there
I was. Everyone in my town had an 8bit nintendoclone and only few rich bastards had a megadrive. I have no desire to go back to that time.

>> No.10144942

>tendie IP
>better on Mega Drive
>better on Mega Drive
>better on Mega Drive/arcade
>better on Mega Drive/arcade
>better on Mega Drive/PC Engine/arcade
>tendie IP
>tendie IP
>tendie IP
>better on arcade
>tendie bootleg of Mortal Kombat, see above
>is this what you really consider a "good" SNES game?
>generously I'll grant this one, despite the horrific slowdowns
>tendies are really out here trying to put Claymates on their pedestal, that's just sad
>laughably bad on SNES, far better on PC or even 32X or Jaguar
>better on Mega Drive/arcade
>better on PC/Amiga
>"Fuck you SNES is the best"
As much as I hear this claim, it's funny how pitifully little there seems to be to back it up. Not only does the SNES lack the specs compared it's litany of more powerful competitors, but it lacks the games library too. What do you people see in this shit?

>> No.10144962
File: 100 KB, 640x447, 50618_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It used to be my favorite but was surpassed by the CD add-ons for me, but I still wouldn't say it's garbage lol. Still has plenty of fun platformers, shmups, RPG's, and puzzlers (probably a slightly better puzzler selection than Genesis imo). It gets even better if you delve into the Super Famicom library with games like Parodius, Cotton 100%, and Umihara Kawase.

Amiga is not leagues ahead, neither is Super A'Can. Neo Geo has better tech but I prefer SNES's library, same with CPS-1 and CPS-2. So that leaves X68K, Genesis, and TurboGrafx (technically 8-bit but w/e). Honestly these are all good choices, even if we put SNES in fourth place it's still far from garbage imo.

I will say I do kind of wish Nintendo had adopted CD tech for the SNES or N64 somehow, even if it meant throwing Philips some more money to develop an actual proper add-on. I also agree that Square and a lot of other devs really hit their prime on the PlayStation when CD and 32-bit tech was available.

>> No.10144984

It could pump out some quality soundtracks with the right MIDI's (DKC trilogy comes to mind), but still no match for actual CD's. Even the N64 suffers from this, imagine something like Banjo or OoT with a fully orchestrated soundtrack (like what we got in N&B or the newer Zelda games)

>> No.10144989

I don't really give a shit that the N64 doesn't have many RPGs, because they suck.
I'm more disappointed it had no pinball games.

Spyro is lame, and Medievil is a better PS1 franchise.

Rockstar were better when they were still DMA, and they were making quirky, creative shit like Lemmings, instead of endless games where you play as a criminal, and shoot old women in the head, because you have an underlying personality disorder.

The best Nintendo games are either Pikmin 2 or Wario Land 4. Most of their SNES entries are kind of overrated. Metroid Fusion is also the best one.

Silent Hill is plain shit, and it's fans are pretentious faggots who think they're playing the "intellectual" horror series, when compared to Resident Evil.
Bro, you're playing a Jacob's Ladder/Stephen King rip off. Shut the fuck up. Resident Evil is like fifty times a better franchise, because it doesn't play like shit, and take place mostly in interchangeable looking hallways.

Tetris is just okay. I'm not really sure why you would play Tetris when you can play Puyo Puyo or Puzzle Fighter or Taisen Puzzle Dama, and I put it down to ignorance of the genre.

Turok is a better franchise than Quake. Turok has cool lore and a real sense of adventure about it. The Quake fanbase is mostly just nerds masturbating over game engines, and broken ass multiplayer tech that's supposedly fun.
I think Doom is neat, but I have never beaten Doom, because it gets samey after the first episode, and then it's just like "what's the point?".

>> No.10144990

If you don't like the concept of getting good, you shouldn't be playing old action games

If you genuinely think "more advanced tech = better game", you shouldn't be playing old games, period

In other words this entire hobby is filled by people who don't really appreciate the games, like coomlectors, nostalgiafags, and people just following trends, and this phenomenon is just getting worse and worse as the years go by especially considering most corporations catter to these point of views.

In a few years there will be nobody left enjoying the games the same way people used to enjoy them.

>> No.10145010

nta but Bram Stoker's Dracula is fun, albeit with some mild eurojank level design. What really shines is the soundtrack which plays better on MD than SNES. Just the intro alone proves this considering the SNES has missing thunder SFX:

>> No.10145012

The SNES does have Pocky and Rocky, however.
And that sick ass game on the cruise ship where everyone dies.
And that one George Jetson game that they remade with an anime girl.

>> No.10145013

Super Metroid was the last good one
FF7 was the last good one
Majora's Mask was the last good one
Mario is still good

>> No.10145016

Armored Core was shovelware, but GOOD shovelware

>> No.10145020

Literally the only way Fusion isn't better is that it lacks the grapple beam. I entirely mean that.
>but muh characters talking
Oh, you mean a good addition to the series, that actually added a sense of narrative weight and intrigue?

>> No.10145024

>These are not unpopular opinions

Maybe not but perhaps they should be.

>> No.10145026

>If you genuinely think "more advanced tech = better game", you shouldn't be playing old games, period
I agree with this. It's why I still play Famiclone handhelds from time to time or straight up LCD toys instead of the more advanced handhelds. Also because they're cheaper but w/e

>> No.10145138

Fusion's story is trash and the art style looks like a shitty western comic

>> No.10145146

There are people who hate and love old things just because they're old. It's very low-IQ and people should properly approach a piece of work on its own terms, while also considering its cultural and historical context.

Basically, treat games the way that people have treated every other form of creative output for millennia.

>> No.10145165

>the way that people have treated every other form of creative output for millennia
>repeating hearsay, misconstruing data, embellishment
Surprisingly accurate. In all seriousness though there's a reason historians have jobs albeit typically as tour guides to varying degrees.

>> No.10145287

>Schizo literally making up a universe so he can spout normies shit
newfaggot. that period was very much real

>> No.10145318

>it's trash because I say it's trash
It's like ten times better than "chase the dragon".
You get to see Samus in a real position of vulnerability. you get intrigue, and mystery, real horror vibes, and a sinister undercurrent of conspiracy within the Federation.
It's the best the series ever got as a narrative thing.

>> No.10145405
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I find it hypocritical that most of the people that claim Sonic Adventure hasn't aged well and that it isn't a good video game anymore, despite the excellent reception it received at release, are usually the same that claim the original Legend of Zelda also hasn't aged all that well, but it's still a beloved classic that should be appreciated and respected, which I agree with, I just don't get the double standards and why one of them is ridiculed and treated like garbage while the other one gets a pass.

>> No.10145413

Quake as a series sucks, but Quake 1 is twice as good as any Turok game.

>> No.10145509

I think that's the vocal minority anon, most people seem to like the Adventure games, especially SA1. I think Zelda is held in high regard for historical reasons, at the time it was huge despite obviously not being as polished as ALttP or Link's Awakening/DX. It's hard to really compare the two. Now if you want to compare Zelda to something like Crystalis or Neutopia, that's different lol

>> No.10145638
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>I think that's the vocal minority anon, most people seem to like the Adventure games, especially SA1.
I think you're right, anon... it's just that, with Sonic specifically, there seems to be almost a rewriting of history that I don't see with any other IP. I recall when most agreed that up until Sonic '06 and Shadow, Sonic's video games were mostly good, then Heroes started getting more hate, which I guess is fair, and then the Adventure ones suddently began getting more hate aswell, the crowd that claimed "Sonic never worked in 3D" was always a thing, but not like today... and then we have the "Sonic was never good" crowd too. It feels like hating on Sonic is just the cool thing to do now, what makes you seem smart and really knowledgeable about video games, about how Adventure hasn't aged well and how 2D Sonic is fundamentally flawed and was all about marketing or something, it just feels off.

>> No.10145660

Fusion is a worse game with worse gameplay, graphics, and sound
>muh story
actively drags down the gameplay, and all the best most memorable parts of the story like Nightmare and being stalked by SAX were shown not told, just like was done by the superior Super.
Everything else was a children's story pasted on with approximately the same elegance and relevance to the true value of the medium as stock photos pasted into a Tolkien book.
I also don't see what grapple beam could have done for it, even in Super it was a silly tool that you can do without entirely just by performing a simple trick as part of a spare Crocomire run.

>> No.10145678

True, recently replayed it and it's still a master class on pacing and music

>> No.10145746

I still need to play it, same with OoT, which interestingly also seems to be eclipsed by BotW and TotK now

>> No.10145750

Duke Nukem Nuclear Winter is a perfectly fine game. Most of the complaints against it could just as easily be laid against Duke It Out In DC, which everyone is supposed to love.

>> No.10145761

>it's for children

>> No.10145769

I'm not claiming it "hasn't aged well", I'm claiming it was a highly flawed game from the get-go.
Pretty much everyone always agreed: playing as Sonic is fun. Every other gameplay mode is underbaked, and a couple of them actively drag down the experience of the game.
I felt this when I first played it in the early 2000's.

And the original LoZ has aged well (it has aged better than ALttP, which is boring).

>> No.10145808

When a franchise keeps releasing average-to-shit games for over a decade straight, this kind of thing happens. The franchise has been shit for longer than it has been good and the shitty part is more recent. The shit overflows and it colors people's opinion of the past games, especially new players.
Many series learned from this mistake. Assassin's Creed has been shit for a while? Take a break and come back with Origins. Sometimes you just need to stop to go forward. And maybe reshape people's perception of you. Sonic gotta go fast, he couldn't stop.

>> No.10145840
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rent free

>> No.10145969

As an anon just grazing through the thread, I want to mention: this is an extremely well-written and remarkably exposing post describing the nature of RPG games.
Nice work, Anon, I appreciated reading this.

>> No.10146019

Despite the things it tries to tack on at the end about humanity, it was a B-horror movie mashup with evil alien doppelgangers and naughty science experiments narrated by a bitchy computer (that acts like a human whoaaaaa) while you play as someone that already decided genocide was necessary several games ago.
It was as if they took all the interesting parts of the previous games' plots, and condensed it into one story where you're the unquestionable good guy no matter what you destroy.

>> No.10146034

The one thing I can say for certainty when it comes to console wars on /vr/ compared to /v/ is you can tell it's all legit with next to no side falseflagging as the other and, to me, Segatards are comparable to Sonyponies, or "Snoys" as they're called now, in terms of obnoxiousness and hatred of 'tendo.

>> No.10146057

That's not in conjunction with the point he was making, cherrypicker.

>> No.10146074

Samus was never a particularly morally ambiguous character. Nintendo doesn't even like the idea that she gets paid for her work. She hunts down threats to galactic peace because she's a hero, and that's all there really is to it.
>dude, she commits genocide!
Of parasitic bio-weapons, sure.
Even then, she takes pity on an infant, the second it fails to attack her.

>> No.10146112

The whole backstory of Fusion was that there are consequences to genocide, ecological meddling, and people trying to control things they know could end worlds.
...and they did absolutely nothing with it when it came to the actual story, doubling down instead.
Nintendo not knowing what "bounty hunter" means and accidentally creating character depth only further highlights the childishness of Fusion's story where they make every attempt to dumb it down and quench the parts of the story that were actually interesting just like they did with the sequence breaking.

>> No.10146118
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It's hard for me to hate on any of them when it comes to retro games. They were all legitimately at the top of their game in the 90's, no weird gimmicks, no movie games (unless you count FMV games), no day one patches, DRM, on-disc DLC etc. Even the 32X and Virtual Boy both had some pretty solid games for their time.

>> No.10146148

If you think that's bad and haven't played Other M, then it gets much, MUCH worse.
inb4 "But muh Jap script!"
Nope. Game still sucks cock despite that.

>> No.10146229

Bringing up Other M is like bringing up Sonic 2006. Like everyone already agreed it's shit, let's talk about the ones that are more divisive with people genuinely liking them.

>> No.10146389

I grew up playing Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and Square soft games. Can't begin to understand why people like Mario and Zelda Ips. Shits retarded.

>> No.10146415

I would agree on the whole Metroid isn't a particularly heady franchise, but it is good pulp sci-fi, and Fusion is in no way more childish than a game where the plot is that a dragon stole your jelly fish, and you have to get it back.
Honestly I'm not really sure what your problem is with Fusion's storytelling. It didn't do enough? What would have satisfied you?

>> No.10146424

FFVII sucks, and there has never been a good Final Fantasy game.

>> No.10146540

>sometimes a game is just bad anon
Maybe you're just bad, anon

>> No.10146580

I thought Duke Nukem 3D sucked and Duke Nukem Forever was the better game. I'll never get tired of slapping those wall titties.

>> No.10146584

Well the nes versions of those games are much better and less hand holdy, in fact the first 2 Zeldas are nothing like what comes later in terms of difficulty and hand holding

>> No.10146587

It's actually the only worthwhile final fantasy game. Every other ff either is a generic jrpg or trying too hard to ride the coat tails of what kinda of happy accident ff7 is.

>> No.10146590

>Can't begin to understand why people like Mario and Zelda Ips. Shits retarded.
I actually don't like Zelda because Zeldas 1 and 2 were awful, in my opinion. I thought Metroid sucked as well because I couldn't figure out what I was supposed to be doing or where I was supposed to go.
That being said, the SNES game known as "Super Mario All Stars + World" is pretty good if you ignore the Japanese version of SMB 2, which was probably the inspiration for the "I wanna be the guy" game.

>> No.10146648

Don't they also shit on N64 at times?

>> No.10146687


>> No.10146694

Xenogears should have been on the N64
>but teh anime cutscenes
64DD expansion with Compilation equivalent to the Perfect Works

>> No.10146704
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>mfw there's a Other M dicksucker in the Sonic Adventure 1 thread
God, these faggots just never played anything else aside what was on the Wii

>> No.10146706

Post the other volumes if you're so great

>> No.10146720
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A small screen without backlight is not just a slight issue that can be worked around, it's unbearable and makes the whole point of handhelds, both it being convenient to play anywhere and also more comfortable to play at home, a complete waste... you keep trying to adjust the angle and lighting so you can actually see anything... GB, GBC and the original GBA are all garbage handhelds even with their solid libraries and hardware, because of this single issue which makes playing on them a true chore, just uncomfortable and quite an annoyance more than anything else, I recall owning the GBA and feeling miserable trying to play it, while other kids had the GBA SP and could actually see what they were playing... Nintendo were lazy because the competition was too expensive and had poor battery life, but at least playing them felt nice, the fact it took Nintendo almost 15 years to do a backlit screen is ridiculous and I hate them.

I'd rather play a Game Gear than ever touching a GB, GBC or original GBA, I know the battery will last about 3 hours, but I'll enjoy those 3 hours, instead of being miserable for dozens...

>> No.10146726

It's the most beautiful Samus and my coombrain don't care about the rest of the game, story or gameplay or whatever.

>> No.10146803

The problem is the execution of the storytelling in relationship to the gameplay and atmosphere. They bent it into something that progressed in a slower and more restrictive way than the prior games so they could make their narrative plan work. However, most of the story was no more complicated than the prior games, and didn't require being beat over the head with it by a computer outright telling you about everything. I think it's possible the reason it was done that way was because someone wanted to make some weird computer ghost relationship thing happen with this character you've never heard of before. It adds up to a lot of restriction and breaks in gameplay for not much added value, and even if it was on significantly better hardware than GBA or SNES it wouldn't have been a better game than Super Metroid.
Also if there's a game where a dragon steals your jellyfish, I want to play it.

>> No.10146857

Only good Quake game is the first one. 2 and 4 are hot shit and 3 is just whatever.

>> No.10146861

Zelda and Metroid were both held back by obscure bullshit paths needed to progress. I had guides so it wasn't an issue for me, and it's hard to imagine trying to beat them without knowing a couple of hidden paths from guides, friends with guides, or having a huge amount of spare time, and boredom. They're far from being the only games with that problem on NES, they just happened to be most interesting, and later had better sequels.

>> No.10146870

FF7, FF8 and FF9 have no replay value, unless you are an amnesiac. Almost the entire playtime is taken up by cutscenes. Fine the first time you play it, but when you decide to play it again you realise you've already read all of that and there's no way to skip or fast forward it. The SNES titles take up the same amount of time to finish, but that time is actually spent mostly on gameplay.

>> No.10146904

>I grew up playing Street Fighter
I too grew up playing Street Fighter, but one thing I can't fathom is why some people autistically insist that the series has cool characters, when every other of the major fighting game series mogs it in this regard. I'll play Street Fighter games above most others, but other series are far more interesting in terms of cool factor

Street Fighter games are at the top because of the gameplay, and that's it. Everything else about them sucks from the character design to the world, but there are some people who are so obsessed with being a Capcom fanboy that they can't admit this loss that in no way changes the gameplay, which ironically they will say is the only thing that matters. So if that's true, why do they lie and pretend like SF is "cool" in terms of characters?

>> No.10146960

I'll say that most of them are lame, but when SF got it right, they got it REALLY right. Like Juri, Karin, or G. So I think that people call SF characters cool (despite lower average "coolness") because the peaks are just Mount Everest.

>> No.10147073

Do you hold this sentiment about books or movies?

>> No.10147385

If you have an imagination that allows you to become immersed in virtual worlds even if the graphics are pixelated, you will not find a more immersive experience. I pity those who can't astrally project into the world of a 90's JRPG at will.

>> No.10147584

Please take a nappy, Spoony.

>> No.10147773 [DELETED] 
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jaks are for faks

>> No.10147802

Finally someone gets it.
>Stop trying to always discern the right decision when you have no way of knowing, just make your own decisions and learn from them. Die sometimes. Peril is a part of the satisfaction of winning.

>> No.10147804
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Metroid was never very good and Super is overrated.
Zelda was never good and has never had a well designed installment.
Final Fantasy was never good and has only gotten worse after each installment.
Mega Man 4 is still the best game of the NES releases but it's not a good game.
Sonic 2 is the worst 2D Sonic game.
Mega Man X1 isn't that good, and X3 is the best in the series.
Donkey Kong is massively overrated and that one fake quote about gamers preferring graphics over gameplay is true.
Hyperstone Heist is better than Turtles in Time
Mario games have terrible physics and feel like shit to play.
All post-Rondo Castlevania games are bad.

You all know I'm right.

>> No.10147839


>> No.10147851

Mario sucks and so dies Donkey Kong and 2D Zelda. Sucks like sweaty tramp balls tier. For me at least.

>> No.10147878
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N64 continuing with a cartridge format wasn't a completely arbitrary decision and was actually smart considering the rampant piracy on the PS1, Dreamcast, and early PCs. Load times and performance are superior, gameplay should matter most to an interactive experience. The small ROM size forced developers to focus on what was actually important to the game reducing bloat and padding, or otherwise showcased skilled programmers in their ability to design and overcome direct limitations.

The GameBoy Advance is one of Nintendo's worst handhelds due to the sheer amount of low-effort flash tier games on it.

>> No.10148057

i have no need to aspire to dr. dipshit, because i am already dr. dipshit.

>> No.10148060
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>> No.10148063

I had my fill of waiting for games to load on PC. N64 not having load times was a huge plus.

>> No.10148082

I think crt is wayyy overrated. You can get the same gameplay experience from an hd tv without needing it to look perfectly how you remember through your nostalgia goggles.

>> No.10148116

because /vr/ is more fun than playing most video games

>> No.10148131

Your desperation for human interaction has very little to do with the discussion of retro vidya.

>> No.10148139

it has a lot to do with this entire board's existence, autist

>> No.10148142

The NES isn't, and wasn't, that great. The saving grace of the NES was that it had a few great developers that made a few great games, which carried the entire platform. The vast majority of NES-games are just a slight step up from atari-levels of bleeping and blooping, something to pass a few minutes while you and your mates are drinking at a bar and decide to put a few quarters into an arcade machine, that type of thing. NES came in at a time where there was a NES-shaped hole in the american market specifically, and this stroke of luck catapulted the platform into extreme success, and the resulting broad nostalgia is why the NES-games are so cherished even today. Granted, I had a NES growing up and I have fond memories of the good NES-games that we had (which are the same as what everyone else had because the library of actually good NES-games is so small), but as soon as I layed eyes on something better (Megadrive, Amiga, early DOS-games on the PC) I dropped the NES as the primitive and limited system that it was and is. Sorry Americans, but the reason you all love and cherish the NES so much is because it is what you had at the time, not that it was the greatest gaming system at the time, NES did not reach the same levels of success outside of the US, which proves my point.

>> No.10148145 [DELETED] 

Lost the plot

>> No.10148149

I said "your" desperation.

>> No.10148159

and i extrapolated 'your' to 'our'.

>> No.10148209

Savestates only keep someone from gitting gud. If you're shit at a platformer you'll still be shit. Having a shit party in a jrpg won't improve stats with savestates.

>> No.10148213

Decline of Spyro started with the second game, not Enter the Dragonfly.

>> No.10148245

desperate illiterate.

>> No.10148256

Resident Evil 1 is the best in the series.

>> No.10148259

irony in action

>> No.10148265

>Super is overrated.
I see you're a Mega Man fan, and that's why you think that. Because everyone who can't see why Super Metroid is good in my experience are people who expect it to be Mega Man just because it's another robot-ish character with an arm gun.
>Sonic 2 is the worst 2D Sonic game.
Sonic 1 is the worst, people only say it's good as a veiled way of saying it's better cause it's like Mario, but since you hate Mario you seem to just be a contrarian here
>Mega Man X1 isn't that good, and X3 is the best in the series.
I find this very hard to believe as X3 feels very sloppily designed and is not very cohesive of a game at all
>Final Fantasy was never good and has only gotten worse after each installment.
This is simply wrong, the earliest Final Fantasy games are pure garbo

>> No.10148273


>> No.10148296
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foocking SMT had gone to Personahell, 2000's Meguro is my master, Kaneko is my god

>> No.10148320

Precisely. Back in the day, I left the console on if I wasn’t near a save point (and to beat games with unlimited continues but no saves, like Castlevania) and that’s exactly how I use save states. I pretty much save the state only when I close the emulator, but with kids running around the place, I can’t always play until the next save point.

>> No.10148325

Most games on any platform suck

>> No.10148340

I'd rather play a game whose initial hours of playtime are KINO even if the rest is bad/unfinished, than a game that peaks lower but is more consistent all throughout. If the rest is bad, it doesn't invalidate the fun of the first hours. Also I find most games peak in their early part, the rest is just patterns repeating.

>> No.10148368

[your favourite game] isn’t good. It’s soulless and the world is empty. It’s just not a good [game franchise] game. The older ones are much better

>> No.10148382 [DELETED] 

No need to take things personally, anon

>> No.10148413

Same for Dynasty Warriors, especially the Gundam versions

>> No.10148424

[Game/system that was a proven commercial, technical and critical failure] mogs all the others because of [technicality that literally no one cares about]

>> No.10148731

Silent Hill 1 isn't that good. The gameplay is nothing impressive, the story is not bad but not the masterpiece some people claim. Its biggest merit is achieving to build a 3D scary atmosphere despite the technical limitations.
SH2 isn't much better. Sure, looks better, but they managed to make the gameplay even worse. You can watch some of those "full game movie" and then go to listen Akira Yamaoka's work and you get to experience everything SH2 has to offer.
Shooters killed gaming
Solid Snake isn't a great protagonist by his own
There isn't a single JRPG with good gameplay. People who like them is just because aesthetics and/or story
Obsessing over how is the correct way to enjoy a game is retarded

>> No.10148740

What the fuck is wrong with this image? Is it some sort of sleeper agent trigger?

>> No.10148742

>SH2 isn't much better.

The polygons and the mist have improved, nothing else. The game is locked at 30fps on all ports.

>> No.10148769

>Solid Snake isn't a great protagonist by his own
People only like Snake because of Metal Gear Solid 2, the first and last game where he wasn't a grunting retard asking basic bitch questions he should know the answer to. This is Kojima's fault for treating the player like a mental invalid, and assuming every single game is the player's first. Part of the reason I liked the Big Boss games, as unnecessary as they were, was because they finally let you get on with the mission. If you wanted verbal codec diarrhea you had to seek it out yourself

>> No.10148889

Funny cause when I played it in 2020 I thought it was a steaming dung pile of overrated gayness. Nintendo boys have objectively inferior taste and are stricken with Peter pan syndrome.

>> No.10148895

>sh1 isn’t that good
>shooters killed gaming

Hello retard, hope you feel better now

>> No.10148932

He's right. Silent Hill is not very good. I do not understand the acclaim for that series. It's clearly the lesser Resident Evil.
>bunch of respawning bats chasing you around the streets
>too many corridors that look exactly the same

>> No.10148940

It's better than RE because it's not zombies.
Straight up, zombies are lame, zombies are not horror.

>> No.10148951

The first few years especially were very primitive with mostly arcade ports of stuff like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong, Not necessarily bad but no where near as great as the stuff we started to get by the late 80's, and by that time the TG-16 and Genesis were already available or around the corner, as well as the Game Boy which was like all the fun of the NES but portable.

>> No.10148972

>og resident evil > REmake
That's actually a pretty popular opinion among zoomers like you

>> No.10149298

It's a significantly worse video game, and the zombies are only ever low level threats in RE.

>> No.10149396

Absolute brain damage

>> No.10149440

Posters like this just need to be permabanned at this point because it's an open admitle to just shitpost. I see this all the damn time of /v/ where some faggot up and admits they don't play vidya and only go to /v/ to talk about politics. Fucking sickening.

>> No.10149513

I realized this like 20 years ago. The core gameplay of Spyro was the best part and it was only diluted by the inclusion of minigames, more cutscenes and more NPC dialog.

>> No.10149676

i didn't admit to not playing video games, and i haven't said anything about politics, hitler.

>> No.10149921

Yep. Enter the Dragonfly wasn't even a decline, it was the rock bottom

>> No.10149942

Ah but you didn't NOT mention to playing video games. You may be able to fool /vr/, but you can't fool me.

>> No.10149959

i kneel to your superior intellect

>> No.10150441

He said the same thing you did lmfao I swear most anons here have shit reading comp

>> No.10150612

Legend of Dragoon is better than FFVII

The only good FF game is Tactics, but Ogre Battle beats it out.

>> No.10150632

irony in action.

>> No.10150637

Multi-Disc games are not a bad idea in and of themselves.

>> No.10150649


>> No.10150724


>> No.10150738

Someone's bored.

>> No.10150742


>> No.10150881

Yesn't. FFVII currently pends on pop culture and Remakes/Spin-offs rather than the game itself. On the other hand, their biggest rivals, FFVI fans have been louder than ever in the past few years because of this, and funnily enough, IX has been rightfully praised

>> No.10150884

The Alone in the Dark series fucking sucks and fans need to stop being butthurt that RE ripped them off because ultimately Capcom made better games as a result. The best AitD is New Nightmare, the game that went full circle and is just straight up a REmake clone.

>> No.10150898

I'd love a remake on RE engine. And I feel bad that the fanmade remakes (Both the source one and the 3rd person one) are dead projects. The story premise and gameplay is pretty cool actually, and Sheena Island is a pretty cool place to explore

>> No.10150947

NtA, but did you like Alundra by any chance on PS1? Sorry it's not previous generation, but I'd like your opinion

>> No.10151013

I’ve had countless Zoomers try to convince me that RE6 is the best Resident Evil game.

>> No.10151094


>> No.10151126

This, but the NES

>> No.10151129

Halo does literally everything wrong and ruined the entire FPS genre for 20 years.

>> No.10151139



How do you feel about FFXI

>> No.10151516

Simcity 3000 is overrated and had worse aesthetics compared to SC2K. The latter had an interface that looked fitting for a game about city management while the former looked like an overly patronizing toddler toy UI.

>> No.10151529


>> No.10151680
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>RPG game

>> No.10151691

People who's idea of entertainment is hours of television every day, don't get to judge.

>> No.10151703 [DELETED] 
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NDErs say that we are eternal and will go to heaven unconditionally when we die and that we live infinite lives in eternity. So thankfully, if we miss the opportunity to play OoT in our youth, we can play it in our youth in a later lifetime.

And NDEs are more real than this world. For instance, NDErs report expanded intelligence. One NDEr said that the greatest supergenius who ever lived, with the help of the greatest supercomputer of all time, would be immeasurably dwarfed by the intelligence she had access to while in the light, so much so that it would be closer and fairer to compare the intelligence of Einstein to that of an ant. Literally and seriously. And as another NDEr described their cognition during their life review:

>"I looked up, and saw four translucent screens begin to appear - and form a kind of gigantic, cubed box all around me. It was through this method that I was shown my life review. Without ever having to turn my head, I panoramically saw my past, present, future - and there was even a screen behind me that displayed a tremendous amount of scientific data, numbers, symbols and universal codes. I was in complete amazement because (as all of this was occurring) I realized I understood absolutely everything I was seeing - even in the most microscopic detail! There seemed to be no limit to the thoughts I was able to think or the ideas I was able to absorb. In this space, what we tend to think of as a limited comprehension or single-mindedness here on Earth, becomes truly infinite and limitless here! I kept thinking over and over how true it is what they say: that when we go back home - we all really are of one mind!"

From here: https://youtu.be/U00ibBGZp7o

Another way NDEs are more real is how one NDEr said that he saw more than 80 new primary colors in the NDE world, compared to the 3 primary colors we have here.

From here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mysteries-consciousness/202204/does-afterlife-obviously-exist

>> No.10151742

Quake 1 singleplayer was boring as fuck

>> No.10152262

I don't like Nintendo games outside of some of the Zeldas and Metroids. Fisher Price videogames.

>> No.10152320

Grunty's Revenge mogs the first Banjo

>> No.10152328
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>generic DoA chick #56457
> the most beautiful Samus
Submit yourself to AI if you think cookie cutter trash is beautiful.

>> No.10152354
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>the vast majority of early 3d games (ps1, n64) are unapproachable and unfun garbage
>hudsonsoft is at best a C-tier developer
>Sonic 1 is the best in the trilogy
>zelda 1 is outdated, boring, and mogged by metroid

>> No.10152438

There is not a single good Pokémon game

>> No.10152445

>IX has been rightfully praised
FF9 has been praised since the day it came out. It reviewed well. It sold well. All the kids in class were talking about it (while I was still talking about 6 and 7 because that's what I had on PC, with no access to a Playstation). Online perception of it has always been positive.
The idea that FF9 hasn't always been a well loved classic is revisionism.

>> No.10152456
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>>generic DoA chick #56457
>posts literally Helena Douglas

>> No.10152463

A lot of SNES games suffer from slowdown on the original cartridges and in rom form, and they actually benefit from a fastrom hack. It's like using software to overclock some of these games from 2.68 mhz to 3.58 mhz. I don't actually enjoy dying in games because the game chose that random moment to introduce a bunch of lag.

>> No.10152516

Fucking based

>> No.10152532

Go ahead and have at it. I will say this, though: DAMN, has Doug lost his charm.

>> No.10152568

>mogged by metroid
Super Metroid is the only 2D metroid worth playing.
Yeah, I said it.

>> No.10152625

If the PS2's library relied on the PS1's game series, then obviously the PS1 was important.

>> No.10152770

Armored Core continuity is typically more interesting than Zelda continuity.

>> No.10153734

>The idea that FF9 hasn't always been a well loved classic is revisionism.
Fair enough!

>> No.10154042

ZSNES is the best snes emulator.

Dragon Quest 1+2 GBC is the best way to play either game.

>> No.10154958

>It's like ten times better than "chase the dragon".
Except that isn't Super's story. And telling almost all of it sans (bad) dialogue like Fusion might make it difficult for people like you to understand, but it elevates the experience for me and my esteemed peers.

>> No.10155097 [DELETED] 

NDEers just experienced a DMT trip and conflated it with their egoism. You'd know the Christian heaven is a perversion of the "afterlife" if you ever experienced a trip yourself.

>> No.10156183

-Playstation controllers all suck, none of them are good. Analog sticks on the PS one and two controllers feel cheap and imprecise, and provide poor grip for the fingers. The analog face buttons result in an unattractive squishy feeling incapable of significant precision anyways, and much less clear point-of-input than basiaclly any other controller. The plastic shell is a lightweight cheap I clamshell and groans slightly when gripped tightly, the entire controller stinks. For PlayStation one games I would much rather use an SNES controller with a second set of bumpers and for the PlayStation 2 I would rather use any modern controller at all.
-I cannot tell if this is unpopular or not because I only hear about them on this website and this is a website known for outwardly vocal minorities but all CRT shaders I have ever seen look God awful, I don’t get why anyone uses them. I think some people have been convinced they’re good enough because they’ve seen comparison images between the shaders and the CRT screen… Displayed on their LCD screen and have determined that they look remotely similar when they don’t. You’re not getting the glow, you’re not getting the warmth, you’re not getting the ways that extremely light and dark colors create different heat signatures and warp the image, and you’re certainly not getting the decreased input lag.

>> No.10156294

you are stating a fact about yourself, not an opinion of a piece of media
stopped reading this shit thread after 2 replies

>> No.10156391

JRPGs are archaic and boring. Glorified menu hopping simulators with nary a story to tell. Half-Life showed how a story should be told- through gameplay. Yet the Japs never really caught up.

>> No.10157098

This is an unhelpful grammatical nitpick, he’s clearly saying that he doesn’t think games after Final Fantasy 10 are good, that’s his opinion. good lord, are you autistic?

>> No.10157108

Half Life 2 is meh.
Half Life 1 enemy AI was better.
Call of Duty did the whole FPS narrative thing a year before HL2 came out.
The physics engine is the only thing in HL2 worth remembering.

>> No.10157187

The first Baldur's Gate isn't very good. The voices are edutainment-tier, the maps look mushy and shit blends in, music plays only when it wants, the combat feels somehow less responsive than turn-based, it's as if the character stops for a few seconds to throw a dice. Also, my god, that fucking tavern/inn music in the beginning is unpleasant. It's well made, but something about it just annoys me.

Also, while the game isn't exactly a cake walk, it really isn't that difficult. I'll keep pushing for a bit longer, but to be quite honest, I'm rather bored so far.

>> No.10157192

Every round is 6 seconds. When your character acts in this 6 seconds is affected by their weapon speed.

>> No.10157257

Appreciated, now I know better. Still feels like shit, but it's good to know that it gets better.

>> No.10157482

HL2 wasn't really even a game. It was a tech demo for the Source engine disguised as a game.

>> No.10157563
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plum > peach/daisy/anyone else from mario

>> No.10157642

2D gaming peaked with early 5th gen after 2D was fully matured and before 3D slop became popular

3D gaming peaked with early 7th gen after 3D was fully matured and before COD FPS slop became popular

>> No.10157656

Cod being popular literally predates the 7th gen.
3D gaming also peaked somewhere between Half Life 2 and Resident Evil 4.

>> No.10157684

cod became popular with 4 or WaW around 2008. early 7th gen was 2005-2007

>> No.10157728

CoD 2 was already a huge deal.
And Halo was CoD before CoD. The Halo fans mostly just jumped ship to to CoD somewhere between Halo 2 and CoD 4.

>> No.10157741

>CoD 2 was already a huge deal.
yeah but CoD 2 didn't really start the "brown and piss military shooter" aesthetic that COD 4 did. It's why I said COD 4 or WaW is what let to the military shooter that killed off variety in the late 7th gen.

>> No.10157757

That was Halo though. Halo established the whole two guns and regenerating health with heavy amounts of auto aim formula for console shooters, which people got hooked on like crack.

>> No.10157784

I guess it's a slow transition. the whole regenerating health military FPS genre started with Halo but got huge after COD4

and I was saying this in the context of genre variety. Halo still coexisted with fun colorful games like platformers and JRPGs and all that, whereas COD 4 just turned the whole industry into FPS slop.