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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.93 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10129945 No.10129945 [Reply] [Original]

My setup is kinda shit right now because I don’t have much space, but I wanna look at other peoples cool shit.

>> No.10129950

this nigga ceiling is carpet lmfao WTF

>> No.10129953
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Sorry about that
Fixed image for non Aussie cunts

>> No.10129959

this nigga floor is carpet lmfao wTF

>> No.10129978

I don't normally associate that style of carpeting with a dwelling, but I like it.

>> No.10129980

in the UK, we call it Paccers

>> No.10129984
File: 1.22 MB, 3254x2806, retrosetup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old pic, but my garage retro setup. I mostly play my retro games on my hacked mini consoles on the big 4k TV with stereo sound, but sometimes it's fun to play it on the real thing.

>> No.10129991

Seems like hotel carpeting, but then again I like hotel carpeting so eh

>> No.10130004

I was going to say that it looks like OP has his setup in a hotel room or a convention hall.

>> No.10131841
File: 652 KB, 2592x1944, Forgot_to_enable_game_mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. Housing costs are so high. I have been considering a 2nd job so I could have enough room to enjoy playing games in a comfortable manner.

>> No.10131853
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i approve of this
although its 100+ defgrees here so i cant do that
i do have many comfy memories of summer nights "with the boys" kek
smoking, drinking whiskey, playing on the crt in the garage
playing cards etc
late nights

i wish i could go back
you dont realize its the good-old days until they're gone

>> No.10131882

Fuck bro... met too.

>> No.10131941

Normally when people hook TVs up to the ceiling, they make sure the TV is not also upside down.

>> No.10131950
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posted mine last thread too lazy to find the image i posted before heres a picture i took too seconds ago
been cool with it my old cracked ffviii case? replaced that shit looks brand new little spring cleaning rips fucking ass pee you

>> No.10131953

don't know if i'm having a moment of clarify among all the smoke but holy shit the spelling on that post was unbelievably bad
should have taken too seconds to proofread

>> No.10131972

Was Morrowind's font original to that game? Because seeing that alone makes me nostalgic for the early 2000s.

>> No.10131983

bruh deadass lmfao

>> No.10133067
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This is my neet shed

>> No.10133781
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>> No.10133872
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>> No.10133878

thanks doc
comfy, only thing I don't like is the ultrawide

>> No.10133897

>only thing I don't like is the ultrawide
Why's that? After having it I'm not sure I could go back to 16:9

>> No.10134748

>based pin fan
>Mars Attacks

I hope you got a good deal on that, anon. Jealous either way. Wish I had room for some pins.

>> No.10136778
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Don't die.

>> No.10136781

I wouldn't call the fucking floor a battlestation bro

>> No.10136893
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going to bed now. will post a few more tomorrow if the thread starts dying

>> No.10136907

you fellas think it's worth it to buy an adapter to emulate from a computer to a TV?

>> No.10136969
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still comfy
reminds me of my gramps computer room
he always had random stuff stacked to the ceiling and in the closet
the wii era ironically had some of the best memories
still an emu beast over 240p too
albeit with some quirks
i've hunted locally for some pinball to refurb
everything was expensive kek
my pops has a star trek pball
i told him to have william sh. sign it at a convention
i played a lot of pinball on nes\windows xp
as previously stated
its simply too hot where i live
my poor band was always so sweaty ;_;
take me to the tv stand store at once!

>> No.10136976
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depends on the adapter
your "tv" might have some issues if its not a crt
its not impossible but worth researching first anon

>> No.10136987
File: 2.82 MB, 1080x1449, literallyHADtomove3muchstuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Housing costs are so high
the hidden tax is inflation
irresponsible money-printing fiasco at the federal level
it feels good at first when they overprint
but we all pay the price eventually
spending power becomes weak
informed populace = only cure
before i moved; my roommates used to make fun of how much vidya was stacked in there kek

>> No.10137159

Oh I should have specified, I meant an HDMI to RCA adapter to plug the computer into a CRT TV

>> No.10138618


>> No.10139913

second bump

>> No.10140118
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>> No.10140119
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>> No.10140125
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>> No.10140129
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>> No.10140143
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>> No.10140384
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no idea what this says about me but that setup looks cozy

>> No.10140395
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Legendary setup, saved for posterity

>> No.10140759

I never knew Pikmin 2 was one of the 4 games this guy had, I just assumed it was Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Melee and Super Monkey Ball

>> No.10140841

I don't know why but standing a console horizontally makes me uncomfortable

>> No.10140849

My man that console is vertical

>> No.10140851

I'm retarded

>> No.10141124

Lmao you losers looking for compliments. This is the male version of "does my bum look big in this?".

>> No.10141289

what's to the right of the Dreamcast?

>> No.10141593

Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9

>> No.10143148

i see youre using lk99 for your setup. very fashionable

>> No.10143154

you're gonna have a bad time
those cheeseball hdmi>av adapters have severe latency issues
for rpg it might be serviceable but i doubt it
i have one and barely can use it for low fps cartoons

>> No.10143334

Would be comfy if not for the goyslop

>> No.10143337


These guys collated all the images from the original 2005 Neogaf thread


>> No.10143398

What causes Australians cameras to be upside down?

>> No.10144024

>that motion blur

>> No.10144082
File: 1.62 MB, 4080x1836, 20230811_013026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just moved to new place, still getting setup, but got my PC battlestation going. CRT monitor is new-old-stock, never been used before I hooked it up the other day. My old laptop is serving as a video player at this point.

>> No.10145041

The land down under and exif data

>> No.10145889
File: 47 KB, 464x619, IMG_20230811_121449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got new furniture after getting tired of my poorfag speaker on floor cope, should look better soonish as I have a cool nail-on dimmable light fixture with a vintage bulb, but i have to wire in the dimmable socket as chang's wasn't dimmable out of the box. So ignore the cringe light from the flash.

>> No.10146493
File: 1.21 MB, 1047x590, im-IM-gonna-consOOoooOOooOOm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10146521
File: 1.40 MB, 1289x745, huehuehuehuehuehueahembwhehehaheam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10146605

This setup lacks personality. It gives me a weird vibe. And why are the seats so tiny? It's like a non-gamer built that setup. He paid more attention to the shelves than the games or consoles or decor or seats.

>> No.10147064
File: 2.60 MB, 3072x4080, PXL_20230801_134717278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little Hydro Thunder

>> No.10147076

>Video painter
my nigga

>> No.10147086
File: 1.20 MB, 4080x2043, IMG_20230811_194800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Little more of my setup

>> No.10147161
File: 451 KB, 2048x1536, 1691720765878985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10147668

y'all don't have to dust this shit? looks like a fucking nightmare

>> No.10147682

that looks extremely easy to dust and clean

>> No.10147702

bro what? guarantee those shelf liners are fucking knee deep in mites

>> No.10148047

I want to play Sega CD on that setup. Prolly the Space Adventure for laughs when Cobra calls someone an asswipe and then some half nude woman struts around. And then Sengoku cuz it’s fun and I’ve beaten it on Sega CD & Neogeo. And then the Third World War because throwing nukes around is funny.

The wood paneling and carpet remind me of better times hanging out with friends at their parents’ houses.

Those speakers aren’t vintage looking but whatever. Playing snes on that Sony tv must be fun.

Oh look, it’s mr moneybags right here! That Sony Wega, speakers, and cabinet is a dream setup. I hope you use it and that friends enjoying multiplayer games on it too.

This bare bones setup will get you through the tough times as a young hero. Kitty for company and he can of course impart wisdom, mattress for resting before your journey, and snes for meditation. I know this pic from an earlier thread.

>> No.10148053

That’s the Genesis/Megadrive version of Devil’s Crush, right? I love it. The best pinball video game ever made.

>> No.10148085

Mr Moneybags here, my setup gets used daily. Mostly coop with my kids

>> No.10148134

I’m proud of you, anon. That’s an amazing setup! I’m guessing you’re an awesome father too.

>> No.10148271

I try anon, lot of the time it's tons of fun. We boot up Mario party like once a week to play 4 player with my 2 kids, my wife, and myself. My oldest is old enough to play hard as nails nes games. He just played Chrono Trigger and it was great talking about the story with him

>> No.10148508

This is not comfy at all. It feels cold and claustrophobic. And what's up with the colors?

Did someone with autism design this?

>> No.10148840

Too much crammed in there.


The lighting and paint makes it looks like a crime scene or horror movie. There's no seats in there either. Is this a game room or just decoration? Shelves are bad choice too. Everything clashes. No sense of style.

Very nice.

Very solid setup. Not too full. Not too empty. Just right.

Monk mode. I respect it.

Too high. Put some of that in storage bro.

9/10. If you had a real Neo Geo arcade cabinet then it would be 10/10

Perfectly spaced. Great chair. Not too cramped. Not too empty. Perfect balance.

DIY garage setup? I respect it