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File: 26 KB, 600x584, ffxworldmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10132205 No.10132205 [Reply] [Original]

Does Final Fantasy X have the worst world map of any RPG?
>The entire world is basically just one large landmass (despite the game's aesthetic being based around island cultures)
>almost every notable area is in a straight beeline
>polar south is a tropical paradise

>> No.10132212

>polar south is a tropical paradise
This guy doesn't know about axial tilt.

>> No.10132268

I'd rather have FFX's than the plethora of RPGs that just treat their world maps like big labyrinths using walls of mountains or trees.

>> No.10132296
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I wasn't crazy about how linear the map is, but given the entire game is a journey to a single destination and the pitstops along the way, it makes sense

>> No.10132302
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FFX is an unofficial sequel to Waterworld. There's only one continent because it's the only continent still above the water level. Everyone can hold their breath under water indefinitely because they're muties like Kevin Costner

>> No.10132318

>The entire world is basically just one large landmass (despite the game's aesthetic being based around island cultures)
There are clearly several dozen islands there.
>almost every notable area is in a straight beeline
A straight beeline? So, not straight? OK.
>polar south is a tropical paradise
Axial tilt

Just admit you got filtered and move on OP.

>> No.10132342

Since you don't have to travel on said overworld the layout was an afterthought.

>> No.10132543
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you're fucking retarded

>> No.10132547
File: 270 KB, 529x465, ff1_cornelia_map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Xfags unironically trying to defend this excuse for a map
>see, it's fine because the map is an afterthought
>it's fine if the overworld is an afterthought
>it's fine if the map is bad because the entire game is also just as linear!
lmao. meanwhile FF1 has a better map, overworld, city AND you can fucking go in any direction you want.

>> No.10132550

too bad FF1 fucking blows

>> No.10132625

what a dogshit opinion

>> No.10132651

Doesn't matter, it's just a picture of a map, not an real map you can move across. The actual map is a collection of corridors and yes they are horrible.

>> No.10132691

lmao not even gonna type cringe to bait this salty

>> No.10132692

David Eddings, author of the Belgariad, once said "All good fantasy stories start with a map".

>> No.10132693

agreed, its horrendous

>> No.10132694

Why do you even try? Do you think anyone's going to take you seriously? You lost the shitposting game lol

>> No.10132843

Maybe not universally true but in novels shows attention to detail in world building. In games I think it enhances the aspect of exploration as well. Nothing like discovering some secret area tucked away on a game map in a location you didn't have to visit other than for sheer curiosity. Without a map, secret areas are prone to being just some room with a door hidden behind a goddam rock or other visual obstruction. Boring.

>> No.10133034

>anyone who disagrees with me is only pretending
kill yourself immediately you solipsistic retard

>> No.10133225

I like to think that the entire landmass of FFX is just one island in a vastly larger world. That would explain why you can walk across it in just a few weeks. Walking across an entire planet would take years.

>> No.10133256
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Getting rid of the world map and replacing it with consistently scaled areas packed with secrets, minigames and optional dialogue is one of the best things FFX did, and everybody who whined about muh corridors and having actual content to engage with are the reason FFXII exists.

>> No.10133274

The point of the game is being on a pilgrimage. It would make no sense if you were just going all over the place, however the game is chock full of secrets. Being able to choose to go to A or B first does not instantly make a game more interesting or fun. In an RPG it mostly leads to the difficulty curve being broken. Openworld games also often suck ass and have very little memorable areas or progressions because the balance and focus is almost always broken. Game being restricted made them better gameplay wise. MGS1 and 2 play better than 3 and 4 due to everything being controlled and you not being able to exploit the large environments and unbalanced options to cheese your way through. RE had tight gameplay until opened it up too much and it became too easy to deal with encounters so you had to fight tens of thousands of zombies.

>> No.10133316

They knew they didn't have to try making a good world map because you can never free roam it in an airship anyway. You really weren't ever intended to know how small the map actually was to begin with.

>> No.10133398

>chock full of secrets

>> No.10133401

I've seen worse, it's absolute trash though. But what's really bad about it is that it poisoned Final Fantasy for decades.

>> No.10133405

people didn't whine at the time
ffx was fellated by everyone
and they went right back to corridors for 13 which was meant to come out on the ps2
your revisionism makes no sense

>> No.10133425

>pathetic seething ragepost
lmao get a grip dude
you're literally giving yourself an ulcer trying to shitpost "le one of best games ever is... le bad!!"

>> No.10133445

nah, FF1 is just trash
pretending FF1 is good is just hipster shit, like when /mu/ pretends a bad album is actually great

>> No.10133452

Not sure what you’re disagreeing with him on, once you get the airship there are tons of places to go explore. X has a fairly robust endgame and post game. The Al Bhed coordinates leading to secret treasures, two secret Aeons, the monster arena, the Omega Dungeon, the celestial weapons, Blitz Ball recruitments, and in the international version Dark Aeons and Penitence. Sure some of the areas are retreading areas you’ve been, but that’s not the point he was making.

>> No.10133475

>packed with secrets, minigames and optional dialogue
The fuck are you talking about, there's a whole lot more optional stuff in the PS1 games. And you had to actually find that stuff instead of being presented with it in those tiny ass areas

>> No.10133480

nah, you're wrong
pretending FF1 is bad is just zoomer shit, like when /mu/ pretends a zoomer album is actually great

>> No.10133606

What was always funny to me is the fact that any summoners that start in Besaid have an objective advantage that is never brought up, since starting anywhere else will force you to backtrack at some point.

>> No.10133952
File: 408 KB, 1920x1080, kilika jungle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people didn't whine at the time
lol nerds bitch about literally every difference they notice. FFX's lack of overworld was criticized when it was new because it was different from FFVII, VIII, and IX. That criticism was valid to FFXII's design team because they designed a very large overworld that you're free to start exploring at your own pace after completing the tutorial. Even then, how the overworld is executed is FFX style corridors just much much larger and with more exits. The super-deformed overworld of the older games didn't jive with the graphical fidelity the PS2 and newer consoles had.

XIII's corridors are much worse than FFX's imo, there were lots of big areas to explore in FFX. I never felt annoyed moving from point A to point B in FFX, but in FFXIII it was always fatiguing.

Didn't Braska arrange for Yuna to be relocated to Besaid?

>> No.10133972

I don't think any of you have that strong of an opinion about it, but feel the need to argue for/against it just for arguments sake, OP especially.

>> No.10133978

Goddamn phone posting zoomer tourists shitting on games they've never played. Can't wait for summer vacation to end.

>> No.10134027

It's a map in a 20 year old softcore porn game, are people supposed to be seething about it?

>> No.10134629

I love FFX. The map is shit tho. Its just not a wander about kinda game. You are pilgrimigin.. Ride the story rails

>> No.10134665

I played Chrono Cross before Trigger and was surprised to learn how small the 'world' of cross is.

>> No.10134694 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 740x416, 1688682588909459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How big Spira is compared to some Earth continent or country?

Also how long did it take to travel from Besaid to Zanarkand? Weeks? Months?

>> No.10134708

How is it worse than X2?

>> No.10134737
File: 157 KB, 1024x704, 450412-D-D0441-0087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's right

>> No.10135403

>everybody who whined about muh corridors and having actual content to engage with are the reason FFXII exists
I thank those unsung heroes for giving us the last good FF game.

>> No.10135426

who the fuck is that

>> No.10135442

David Eddings, author of the Belgariad.

>> No.10136197
File: 98 KB, 600x598, map[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me is Final Fantasy II
>Big expanses of nothing you can't really explore because everything kills you right off the bat.
>Even the beaches are full of roided critters due to a programming oversight.
>Most of the early exploring is done by paying ship fares. Counter-intuitive, especially for the grindfest FFII is.
>When you can stand on your own feet you realize there's not a lot to find on your own; you got the masks, explored the cave near Mysidia and there's no optional dungeons or sidequests to complete because everything is oddly streamlined.
It's like standing over a cliff where you can see something shining in the bottom, and by the time you get your gear, the knowledge and the courage to go down there you find nothing but a piece of mirror someone dropped by accident.

>> No.10136230
File: 312 KB, 850x762, rikkux2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a coomer, so X-2 gets a pass for any of it's flaws

>> No.10136414

>Nothing like discovering some secret area tucked away on a game map in a location you didn't have to visit other than for sheer curiosity
Rarely ever happens though.

People are in love with the nostalgic idea of a world map, the reality is that the majority of them had nothing to do (open world shit comes directly from this idea) and most of them only allowed you to go to the next story location anyway until the end of the game, effectively making them linear games anyway.

>> No.10136423


>> No.10136775


>> No.10137032 [DELETED] 

>I played Chrono Cross before Trigger and was surprised to learn how small the 'world' of cross is.
I'm not sure but wasn't Chrono Cross setting just an archipielago rather than the whole world?

>> No.10137104

>start up FFX
>get introduced to some announcer out of nowhere talking about Blitzball when he walked home one afternoon.
I laughed.

>> No.10137110

Yes...in fact the entire place was a sea besides Gaea's Naval.


>> No.10137124

What the fuck, FFXII has nothing but corridors as well. It's the exact same shit, but on a grander scale.

>> No.10137228

FFXII was a big step down in interactivity. Its programming didn't support things like swimming/blitzball, dodging lightning, and chocobo training, just straight walking and menus. But it's hard to see that as a negative given the shittiness of FFX's minigames.

>> No.10137247
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>After earning his Master's, Eddings worked as a purchaser for Boeing, where he met his future wife, then known as Judith Leigh Schall.[6] They married in 1962, she taking the name Leigh Eddings, and through most of the 1960s, Eddings worked as an assistant professor at Black Hills State College in South Dakota.

They adopted one boy in 1966, Scott David, then two months old.[9][10] They adopted a younger girl between 1966 and 1969.[10] In 1970 the couple lost custody of both children and were each sentenced to a year in jail in separate trials after pleading guilty to 11 counts of physical child abuse.[11] Though the nature of the abuse, the trial, and the sentencing were all extensively reported in South Dakota newspapers at the time, these details did not resurface in media coverage of the couple during their successful joint career as authors, only returning to public attention several years after both had died.

>> No.10138397
File: 139 KB, 1600x1043, chrono-cross-kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FF X is a failed Chrono game. They took scraps from Cross and made it FF.