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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10130562 No.10130562 [Reply] [Original]

Games don't age, you just refuse to get into the right mindset when playing retro games.

>> No.10130565

There just isn't any need to bring age into it. Talk about the fucking game, not when it came out. That's irrelevant to its quality

>> No.10130568
File: 593 KB, 573x570, Screenshot 2023-07-15 at 21-20-33 056.jpg (JPEG Image 1200 × 2000 pixels) – Scaled (47%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10130570

>twitter meme template
Go back, right fucking now

>> No.10130574

>Twitter invented The Simpsons and memes
take your meds

>> No.10130579

op btfo

>> No.10130587

I think about it differently. If something "aged poorly", it has always been shit to begin with. People simply put up with it for reasons—fads, critics opinions, they had nothing better, etc. Or, it wasn't all THAT bad, but it got absolutely obsoleted a year later by a much better thing.
Metroid 1? OK game, but Super Metroid ran circles around it. Virtua Fighter 1? Got btfo way too hard by VF2. Anything Atari? Got btfo by later gens and games having graphics (and gameplay). Star Fox? Breaking news: tech demo from 199X doesn't impress anymore. the list goes on. they all aged badly.
you want further proof? games could also age amazingly well. lots of 2D fighters are like this: Super Street Fighter 2 is still played today as is, and many modern games are basically same 90s games but with bigger roster and better graphics. StarCraft, Heroes 3 haven't been topped years later. Super Metroid and Monster World 3 are arguably more relevant today than they were several decades ago. SMB3 was so good that everything afterwards in the 2D Mario series was more like an afterthought. and so on. these games have aged like fine wine.
so yes, GAMES DO AGE. if it offends you, I don't care. it's just the truth and you can stay butthurt about it till your head explodes. I will keep saying "X aged badly / well" precisely because it makes you butthurt.

>> No.10130595

>acknowledges that "poorly aged" games were always bad
>still thinks games age

>> No.10130614

boils down to familiarity boys.. i grew up playing atari and NES so to me that WAS top of the line.. of course things change.. new tech worked into old.. but the familiarity is there. Youd be hard pressed to play FF1 on NES as a younger person and see it as anything but trash.. They dont see the wizardry it takes to pack hours of gameplay into a file smaller then a modern txt message.. a shame but perhaps is also why they cant make modern games worth a fk anymore... infinite filespace now... but so few wizards.

>> No.10130618

smt, dq and ff were all wizardry and ultima ripoffs
not very mind blowing huh

>> No.10130627

Please go an play Xenogears without the instant text patch. You are so fucking stupid. 10 more hours of gameplay because of "mindset". You even created a thread because your ego is fragile. Just patch stuff out of the game that was horrible and have fun. Why would you be such a elitist and stupid.

>> No.10130632

>10 more hours of gameplay because of "mindset"
Yes, patience was a thing before the dawn of smartphones. It's literally a matter of mindset. You're like the typical guy who throw his toys out of the pram when reading old books because of words he doesn't understand or heavy sentences.

>> No.10130638

Aging is a poor analogy for video games and people rightly call you out for using it. The Atari games didn't age, there are simply better alternatives on different systems. There is no point playing the 2600 version of Pac Man, for example, when you can play a port of (or emulate) the arcade version on pretty much every system after the PS1

>> No.10130639

Do people not understand colloquialisms anymore? Clearly a thing's age is relevant to whether or not an element that was once standard is no longer used. Actors in films no longer act in that pre-method stage play sort of way so if you watch an old movie from the 1940s you convey this by saying "it aged." It's not that grandpa's fashion sense changed, either. He stayed the same but the world around him moved on. Unless we're talking about deliberate throwbacks like Stranger Things I don't see how a movie/game/song's age isn't worth bringing up if the topic is about whether or not it still holds up under the new standards of today. We have the opposite expression, too. We say something was "ahead of its time" when it did something not appreciated when it was new but would grow into fashion long after.

>> No.10130653

Milhouse isn't a meme

>> No.10130654 [DELETED] 

No. Kids between the internet plus skyrocketing rates of autism and a failing education system and lack of media literacy and dropping IQ and extremely high immigration and ESLs online nuance and figurative speech is dead.

>> No.10130659

Movies don't age either. You're using the wrong colloquialism which is why everyone keeps having this arguement. The correct colloquialism is:

>this [media] has shown its age
>this [media] is dated

Milk ages bitch

>> No.10130662

lol I play OTB chess so stfu talking about patience. I guess you are fucking zoomer NEET. Have fun watching at text scroll slow. I guess a idiot like you also recommends to play snes jrpgs on psx, because the loading screen times are twice as long because of "patience". Fucking idiot.

>> No.10130675

>this [media] has shown its age
>this [media] is dated
How do those have a distinct meaning from
>this [media] has aged

>> No.10130936

You're getting worked up over a low quality shitpost akin to "Fun is a buzzword" without the context.
Just report and hide the thread.

>> No.10130954

It's still a shit meme that only twitter and reddit faggots use, go back.

>> No.10130974

>Ignored shitty game mechanics

No. Thank god Romhacking.com is a thing.

>> No.10131307

Games don't age, but not all games are as good as people remember (ie they were never that good).

>> No.10131309

that sounds like a cope when it's said about a game everyone loved back in the day

>> No.10131318

get a job

>> No.10131323

When you have no games to play you'll play anything. I played a lot of RTS and point and click adventure games as a kid. I hate both genres, I just had nothing else to play. Games were not as widely available and there just weren't that many of them in the first place

>> No.10131340

>my experience was universal

>> No.10131351

Yes all of us universally couldn't download games from Steam in one click in the year 1985, and we couldn't play games released after 1985 in the year 1985. So universally, we had fewer games, and less access to them.

>> No.10131352
File: 79 KB, 482x658, 1690335908315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that sounds like a cope when it's said about Super Mario Sunshine everyone loved back in the day
>that sounds like a cope when it's said about Twilight Princess everyone loved back in the day
>that sounds like a cope when it's said about Wind Waker everyone loved back in the day
>that sounds like a cope when it's said about Donkey Kong 64 everyone loved back in the day
>that sounds like a cope when it's said about Banjo-Tooie everyone loved back in the day

>> No.10131364

I rented new games every week. What shithole do you live in that didn't have a rental store?

>> No.10131370

I thought "video game didn't age well" meant that it good for its time, but the features that made it good have since been improved upon to the point where the flaws in the original are more obvious.

The Final Fantasy ATB system is a good example of a mechanic that hasn't aged well. At the time, it was considered revolutionary for the genre, but in retrospect the games that use it very rarely take advantage of it.

>> No.10131372

>I played a lot of RTS and point and click adventure games as a kid. I hate both genres
So which genres do you like that didn't exist back then?

>> No.10131419
File: 78 KB, 500x452, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought "video game didn't age well" meant that it good for its time, but the features that made it good have since been improved upon to the point where the flaws in the original are more obvious.
Bingo, retard!
You just solved a forced flamewar shitpost meme based around semantics.

>ATB system is a good example of a mechanic that hasn't aged well.
>it was considered revolutionary for the genre, but in retrospect the games that use it very rarely take advantage of it.
Before anyone throws a fit, take a look at Grandia in comparison to FF's ATB. It keeps the concept while innovating on it.

>> No.10131430 [DELETED] 
File: 821 KB, 1126x1126, 5BCBE025-A771-4CCB-8702-43DF8436CF6A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing that an off-topic thread gets deleted after several days and me banned ONLY AFTER the Zoomer Mod gets BTFO during an argument while this thread and NO OTHER POSTS are deleted in the meantime.

It's astounding how easy it is to see right through you for how much of an insecure little niglet you are when you do stuff like that.

No I will not take your advice and leave.

I will continue to post on /vr/ while calling our your shit moderation for propping up low quality thread WHICH YOU'VE SHOWN YOURSELF TO HAVE PROPED UP for SEVERAL DAYS.

>> No.10131482 [DELETED] 

I was in that thread.
He seemed to assume you were the anon crying about Zoomers when you're someone completely unrelated who's supposedly gone around whining about the board going under.
What gets me is he ADMITTED to have been lurking the thread for days, yet kept it up despite not being related to the board. Ironic that he tells you and by extension the rest of the users too probably to "lead by example" in improving the board's quality when he chimes in participating in the low quality thread while leaving other thread that are genuinely, low quality ones that I've reported proper and still no action taken untouched.

>> No.10131492
File: 1.54 MB, 498x278, i-dont-want-to-play-with-you-anymore-toy-story.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The game doesn't age the player does.

>> No.10131501

>to play fucking videogames
you kids are retarded I swear

>> No.10131524

>the Twitter expert telling others what from there dying shithole
Nonetheless, i agree OP.
This happens quite a lot if you're Smash fan. Hence why there's so much secondaries not actually playing the games

>> No.10131546

Patience is a virtue, what you are describing is wasted time. Literally the guy who made that patch saved more time from his life by making the patch than just playing the game.

>> No.10131550

>three years ago anons would've bullied anybody suggesting that games age
>now anons wolly support the notion that games do age
I guess allowing discussion of 6th gen systems really did a number on this board huh

>> No.10131629 [DELETED] 

>I guess allowing discussion of 6th gen systems really did a number on this board huh
So leave. It's all doom and gloom anon, nothing can save it now. Yet here you are on this sinking ship, you're so enlightened to see this but rather than leaving, you stay.
You're not even trying to bail water out of this sinking ship, you're standing there with your arms folded, thinking you're so goddamn smart that you seeing the writing on the wall. I fucking hate people like you. Improve your posting habits and lead by example or fucking leave.

I'm not doing it ironically, and I know I'm taking your bait you little shit. I've been lurking this thread and I'm calling you out for being a cunt for constantly crying this board's doomed, and now that I've engaged with you now we're gonna go in circles over stupid shit until we both get wiped for off topic. But I don't really care at this point, at this point if anons check the deleted posts they're going to see a sperg that's tired of seeing cunts like you.

>> No.10131668 [DELETED] 

>I guess allowing discussion of 6th gen systems really did a number on this board huh
So leave. It's all doom and gloom anon, nothing can save it now. Yet here you are on this sinking ship, you're so enlightened to see this but rather than leaving, you stay.
You're not even trying to bail water out of this sinking ship, you're standing there with your arms folded, thinking you're so goddamn smart that you seeing the writing on the wall. I fucking hate people like you. Improve your posting habits and lead by example or fucking leave.

I'm not doing it ironically, and I know I'm taking your bait you little shit. I've been lurking this thread and I'm calling you out for being a cunt for constantly crying this board's doomed, and now that I've engaged with you now we're gonna go in circles over stupid shit until we both get wiped for off topic. But I don't really care at this point, at this point if anons check the deleted posts they're going to see a sperg that's tired of seeing cunts like you.

>> No.10131715

is liek those that make runs of modern games liek "dark souls no hit" yet if you ask them to make a rockman game or other old game with "no hit" they will shit themselves saying the game is the problem.

>> No.10132587

It's true but we hardly need another thread just for the purpose of inciting the zoomies into stirring up another engraged flamewar. Just report their shitty obvious bait threads, don't reply to them, and then make GOOD threads about video games.

>> No.10132783

God, I love when some retard screencaps his own attention whoring safe opinion trash and frames it as if it's some kid of revelation. Imagine smelling your own farts like this.

>> No.10132942

The phrase 'aged badly' says it ages, which is a phrase we only use for things that age and change due to time. Humans and animals age. Wine ages. Games just feel different due to our perspective