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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10115101 No.10115101 [Reply] [Original]

does any other system even come close when it comes to the quantity of garbage shovelware?

>> No.10115104


>> No.10115114


>> No.10115138

neo geo AES

>> No.10115145

Oi! Me Amigger!

>> No.10115157

anyone have good USB joystick reccomendations for c64/ameeger emulation? Seems like all the options on amazon have middling reviews.

>> No.10115190

Any 360 or Dualshock controller will do. Those Amiga meme joysticks like the Competition Pro are pretty unergonomic.

>> No.10115194

The wii maybe
the amiga games are so bad nobody is even bothering to preserve most of them

>> No.10115202

They're all preserved by TOSEC

>> No.10115230

Yeah I've got controllers I just wanted a true joystick as I feel those games were designed with one in mind, oh well. Glad to hear I didn't make a mistake by not biting on the competition meme.

>> No.10115251

there wasn't really a quality standard. from what i can tell it was a lot of young programmers just having fun with a platform that could do things others couldn't.
that said, yes amiga games suck donkey balls

>> No.10115274

If you look at it from the perspective of an owner of an Amiga at that time I really feel like they don’t.

Most of the games worth playing were ported to other systems though. Like what worthwhile Amiga games are left that you can’t play on console or dosbox ?

>> No.10115434

>quantity of garbage shovelware
Are tendies really incapable of discerning the high-quality games with effort and production put into them from the obvious money grabs, poor ports, and simple projects by young hobbyist coders? And, more importantly, why does the Amiga live rent-free in the heads of tendies? Is it because even the Amiga, despite being 5 YEARS older, has a CPU wholly 3 TIMES faster than their shoddy and flawed SNES? Are they that jealous of games such as Turrican 3, which the 2.68 mhz SNES simply has no chance of ever running? Is it our highly superior version of Sim City?

>> No.10115461 [DELETED] 

are people even larping as auster now

>> No.10115462

Not even close. Something like Superman 64 wouldn't even be remarkable on the PS1, as far as shovelware goes.

>> No.10115470 [DELETED] 

he wishes.

>> No.10115802 [DELETED] 

He’s right, there is consolefag hate towards micros in general on here and those zoomer faggots deserve a shotgun blast to the face. You’re talking large (for the time) production teams versus two chavs in a broom closet writing spaghetti code in between eating bangers and mash and losing teeth. If you can’t discern the different environments that these games were manufactured in and how that impacts the game you probably wear a helmet when you go outside. It’s gotten worse with 6th gen being introduced but this board is more console obsessed zoomers than ever before, you can barely discuss computers of any kind unless you hardcore samefag the thread but there’s always Sega vs Nintendo obsession on the front page day in and day out

>> No.10115824

>muh mhz
Say any of that to my face and I'll show you what mega hurts.

>> No.10115836 [DELETED] 

>this board is more console obsessed zoomers than ever before
I love PC games. The Amiga just doesn't have any good exclusives

>> No.10115841 [DELETED] 

My post was less of an ameeger defense and more that *any* computer or micro discussion is usually shit up on this board or flat out ignored, I actually agree and am more of a dosfag myself although I keep c64dreams installed just for the sheet fun and convenience of it

>> No.10115854


>> No.10115859 [DELETED] 

>I love PC games. The Amiga just doesn't have any good exclusives
Mr. Nutz 2, b*tch.

>> No.10115895

N64 has barely any shovelware, because it was pricy to distribute games for the N64. There weren't a lot of companies just shitting out an N64 game for some quick money. Almost all of them at least made an attempt at legitimacy. There is no Bob the Builder for PS1, or Cheggers' Party Quiz on the N64.

>> No.10115905

It's basically impossible to preserve every Amiga game. Anyone could make games for the Amiga.
You may as well try to preserve every Flash game. There's going to be a lot of shit that was on a specific obscure corner of the internet between so many years, and no one even knows it existed.
People search for lost Amiga games, and catalogue them, but it's a never ending job.

>> No.10115913

The good Amiga games mostly ended up on other platforms, and aren't really considered Amiga games anymore. Worms, Lemmings, and Another World are amazing.

>> No.10116012

ArcadeR is pretty good or Monster for a more arcade style.

>> No.10116023


>> No.10116057

>Are they that jealous of games such as Turrican 3

no, because it's a downgraded port of the genesis version

>> No.10116439

This board if full of larping zoomers. They look up "amiga exclusives" and try to build a fucking argument. Are you fucking retarded? I fucking wish there would be retro board with age verification. Tell me you played Street Rod 2 on your ms-dos computer and not on your amiga. You don't even know this masterpiece without looking up. You talk about kino, but will never know the fun of playing sensible soccer or speedball with your friends.

>> No.10116459

Some of my Amiga faves:

Deluxe Galaga
Project X
Eye of the Beholder
Another World
Stunt Car Racer
BC Kid
Pinball Dreams
Speedball 2
The Sentinel
Cannon Fodder
Alien Breed
Rick Dangerous II
The Pawn
Saint Dragon

You see back then nobody gave a fuck about exclusives. I don't even remember that coming into the lexicon until around the time of the PS3 when sonyfans were coping at the fact that X360 had a fuckton of better and more fun games which happened to be on PC as well.

>> No.10116525

NES, PS1, Wii

>> No.10116531

No that would be the PC for which the term was invented because of the copious amounts of shareware and freeware.

>> No.10116559

You either buy a system because it has certain exclusives you want to play, or because it has the best hardware, and a high end gaming PC has kind of won the race in terms of good hardware, so console wars these days amount to a lot of hen pecking over whether shitty ass prestige game is better than other shitty ass prestige game..

>> No.10116576

As a kid that often played on a friends amiga I thought the amiga was clearly superior to what was offered on NES/megadrive/DOS at the time. The games were more diverse, they had better style and graphics, better music and were just generally more interesting

>> No.10116580

Sir benchod sir where's Moonstone?

>> No.10116651

How does this work? I get this giant hdf file from archive and install it in an Amiga emulator?

>> No.10116656

Back then you played what you had.

>> No.10116657

Pretty much. I have it installed on MiSTer.

>> No.10116710

I had a SNES and Amiga, they both had their charms. The Amiga for me was more than games I used it for music and text editing, then BBS and Internet.

>> No.10117034

Both Amiga and Mega Drive enjoyer's get to experience Turrican 3 or Mega Turrican. Meanwhile, tendies have to pretend their Super Turrican is any good, when it's not even in the same league. Sad.

>> No.10117039

The AMIGA computer is known for its advanced graphics and sound capabilities which made it a popular choice for video games during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Its custom chipset and dedicated audio processor allowed for smooth multitasking and high-quality graphics and sound compared to other personal computers of the time.

However, it may not have been as good as Japanese consoles like the Nintendo Entertainment System or the Sega Genesis in terms of popularity and sales. Despite this, the AMIGA still has a devoted fan base and is considered a classic gaming platform.

>> No.10117040

Based GPT poster

>> No.10117079

The AI knows what's up

>> No.10117839

It had good shit, but it was just ported elsewhere most of the time, and you wouldn't think of them as Amiga games. euro games are generally not that strong, though, even when they're good

>> No.10117885

Super Turrican 2 is maybe the best one. Not to mention Rendering Ranger, which is Manfred's magnum opus.

>> No.10117924

>He’s right, there is consolefag hate towards micros in general on here and those zoomer faggots deserve a shotgun blast to the face.
I think it's more than just zoomers. It's because 4chan is predominantly American too. Micros were never big in the US while the NES got an early start there because of their earlier console tradition with the Atari and Intellivision etc. In Europe it took until the early 90s for the NES to get big since the micros were already dominant here.

>> No.10117935 [DELETED] 

Yo, listen up, y'all, I got a story to tell
'Bout an old man who couldn't accept the new swell
His name was Australia-kun, and he had a passion
For ZX Spectrum and Amiga computers, a true fashion

He couldn't stand the fact that the Japanese took over
Their consoles more popular, it made him feel sober
He stuck with his old games, they may not be great
But the nostalgia was strong, and he couldn't relate

Australia-kun, oh, why can't you see
That there's a new wave, technology has to be
Going strong, just like you in your young age
But now it's time to turn a new page

He spent his days in his room, with his computer mates
Playing endless hours, avoiding the new fates
His friends left him, they went on to Nintendo and Sega
But he stuck with his Sinclair, refusing to bega

Australia-kun, he was a stubborn man
He refused to accept that technology had a plan
He wanted to stay in the past, keep the memories
But the world keeps spinning, and time's our adversary

Australia-kun, oh, why can't you see
That there's a new wave, technology has to be
Going strong, just like you in your young age
But now it's time to turn a new page

Don't get me wrong, I know it's hard to let go
Of the things that make us feel whole
But change is inevitable, it's just up to us
To move with the times or be left in the dust

Australia-kun, oh, why can't you see
That there's a new wave, technology has to be
Going strong, just like you in your young age
But now it's time to turn a new page

Australia-kun, it's time to see
The world's moving on, and so should we
Embrace the change and move with the flow
Or be stuck in the past, never to know.

>> No.10117936 [DELETED] 

>anyone who doesn’t like what I like is le boogeyman

Actually embarrassing

>> No.10117940 [DELETED] 

Nobody is saying that everyone who likes the Amiga is auster. But don't get mad if people post auster memes on an Amiga thread.

>> No.10117956

Amiga was a great system. Is this another of these spammed say something bad randomly about something that is not a nintendo threads?
The Amiga had games like populous and sim city and civilisation. This entire thread is people having a flamewar against a system they never owned and never used which with teh Atari ST were the premier systems of the late 80s and early 90 for gaming. This upsets people obsessed with children's products like the NES/SNES

>> No.10117958

Most console libraries have heaps of garbage on them that you'd never play
A third of the N64 library is just sports games. Phoenix released more shmups on the PS2 than every other publisher combined. There's close to a hundred fucking pachislot games on PS1 alone.

>> No.10117963

Amiga was a great computer, but for games it was just OK, IBM compatibles thoroughly mogged it with Doom.
Japanese consoles had better overall quality games that aren't just sims.

>> No.10117968

I don't know who this >>10117935
anon you are obsessed with is but I know I love retro gaming and NOTHING has fucked this board up when it come to that then the relentless shitty nintendo spam. I actually took my nes/snes shit and threw it in the thrash including zelda carts because even though I worked on some of Nintendos shit back in teh day it I did not want to even have it in my home anymore seeing what the current day nintendo userbase is like.

>> No.10117971

Sports games and shmups aren't shovelware though. Those are legit genres targeted at an enthusiast market.
Shovelware is the fucking Tellytubbies game that you sell to parents of five year olds, that has about a half hour of content, and that's if the game doesn't just break when you boot it up.

You not liking a game doesn't make it shovelware. I don't know what people don't get about this.

>> No.10117972

>I worked on some of Nintendos shit back in teh day
Uncle!? Gramps told me to tell you to take your meds.

>> No.10117974

>Japanese consoles had better overall quality games that aren't just sims.
I'm sick of reading your fucking posts. I was a coder who in the 80s. I'm sick of reading your bullshit. I was writing games for systems like these consoles before you were fucking born. These were computers with disk drives and your think some shitty console without even a keyboard matters more? Just fuck off. I threw all my old nintedndo dev shit in the thrash because of people like you.

>> No.10117978

>lying on the internet
and if you're honestly not lying... damn, it must be a very sad life to be old, washed up, alone, and spending your last days seething about japanese companies.
if you're honestly a monkeycoder, then it's sad knowing that you ended up shitposting here, on a shitposting board full of 20 year old kids whose first console were PS2 and Gamecube. Nobody cares about your shitty microcomps, geezer. NES and SNES are still popular tho! lol

>> No.10117979

The Atari fanbase? Great people! The Amiga/Commodore fanbase, great people! The Amstrad/Spectrum fanbase! Great people! The Nintendo fanbase? The worst (and often most tech illiterate) human beings in the world. It really is that simple.

>> No.10117980

Holy based

>> No.10117981
File: 157 KB, 828x553, 1675188696401639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Amiga had games like populous and sim city and civilisation. This entire thread is people having a flamewar against a system they never owned and never used which with teh Atari ST were the premier systems of the late 80s and early 90 for gaming. This upsets people obsessed with children's products like the NES/SNES

based anon telling how it is

consolefags seething

>> No.10117982 [DELETED] 

Go fuck yourself. I've done more in my life than some nothing like you can even dream off. I shit on you from such a height you can't even see my ass

>> No.10117986 [DELETED] 

Australia-kun is in fact the famed developer of Horace and the Spiders.

>> No.10117987 [DELETED] 

>being old and seething about japanese companies because nobody cares about your childhood britjank shit in 2023 is being in "such a height".
Yeah, a mountain of shitware from Spectrum.

>> No.10117992

I don't care about old Japanese consoles but the pc88 mogged the amiga game library so hard its not evwn funny

>> No.10117994

That's the cool Japanese computer.

>> No.10117995 [DELETED] 

Japanese PCs vs Western PCs was actually how australia-kun first started shitposting on /vr/. He became more "famous" on Castlevania and Nintendo threads, but his first forays into /vr/ mental illness comes from the old PC generals.

>> No.10117998

>Sports games and shmups aren't shovelware though. Those are legit genres targeted at an enthusiast market.
A genre does not a good game make.
Clearly you're not familiar with Phoenix Games. Their entire business model was making trash on the cheap on the basis that publishing literally anything was profitable. They turned out to be correct about that.
As for sports games, the vast majority of them are either as basic as it gets, or simple roster updates.
There's 12 different NFL games in three different series on the N64. 11 officially licensed NBA games. That's 6% of all N64 games. You really figure not a single one of them is a shitty cashgrab?

>> No.10118000

Muh weeb retardation No one fucking bought it, The MDX was a commercial failure outside of japan. Yet there is (you. The Amgia and ST are vastly more important to the history of gaming and computing) The MDX is a relatively unimportant sidenote

>> No.10118006

>There's 12 different NFL games in three different series on the N64. 11 officially licensed NBA games. That's 6% of all N64 games.
They're not shovelware. They're products competing on a market space.

This is shovelware

>> No.10118009

>that ONE amiga fanboy in the local retro game group gathering who always forces people to play games on it
I can admire passion and stuff, but I swear the local amiga guy on my local group is insane.

>> No.10118012 [DELETED] 

I wrote games for pretty much every mainstream system and console and you have used the stuff I created if you are sitting in front of a computer. I was talking with an industry friend recently and we both a agreed that popular computing for and the internet for all while worthy goals were ultimately a disaster because they facilitated worthless bitchy mindless lying thrash like you more than actually achieving any social good.

>> No.10118014 [DELETED] 

You've never written anything or invented anything in your whole sorry life and you never will.

>> No.10118016 [DELETED] 

>auster is now trying to make people believe he was a game developer
Well, even if you WERE a game developer, you were westerner, and you praise western games and shit on japanese ones, so... I can only imagine your skill at developing games, lmao.
Seriously now, auster... it's med time.

>> No.10118018

You call that shovelware? This is true shovelware

>> No.10118020 [DELETED] 


>> No.10118024

Shovelware exists in proportion to the platforms popularity. Obviously that makes PC #1.

>> No.10118025

Fun fact. I know someone who designed the NEC chipset for that. Kanji fucked it. It really is that simple. Nothing has held Japan back as much as Kanji which has been a huge detriment to the Japanese people.

>> No.10118026 [DELETED] 

Show us ya games!

>> No.10118031 [DELETED] 

Website needs a Nintendo board, literally both /v/ and /vr/ would be so much better off. Funny how we had to do that with Pokémon too, I guess they’d find some other way to move back in and continue ruining discussion.

>> No.10118034 [DELETED] 

In his dreams he'd see pixelated sprites
Of games that gave him such delight
But now he grumbles every day
"Won't Nintendo just go away?"

He longed for the days of ZX Spectrum fame
When UK games held all the acclaim
But now it's all Mario this and Zelda that
And he just can't stand where gaming's at

Then came a girl with a heart so bright
Her love for Nintendo was a shining light
She introduced him to a whole new world
Of simple fun that made his toes curl

Yet still he grumbled, still he moaned
"Why can't we all just play at home?"
But the girl was patient, kind and true
She loved her Nintendo, through and through

Soon enough, that young girl found love
A Nintendo fanboy, sent from above
Together they played, side by side
With joy and laughter they couldn't hide

And as the seasons wound their way
The bitter old man found his days
Were filled with memories of a time
When games were kings and he was in his prime

And when his time had finally come
He passed away, feeling undone
But the young girl he once had met
Knew that she could never forget

For as she played those games she loved
She knew that he was up above
And in his own way, he had shown
That love for games was all his own.

>> No.10118035 [DELETED] 

You people would literally have nothing to talk about without Nintendo posters around, because all you do is bitch about Nintendo.
I never see you talk about games you like, unless it's in the context of trying to one-up Nintendo.
>Oi, Brian the Lion is well better than Mario mate!
Yeah, I'm sure it is. And you play it all the time, and not once when you were ten.

>> No.10118038 [DELETED] 

Yeah you’re right 12 Zelda threads a day are better, glad you helped me see the light Speedrunner-Kun, are you wearing a mask as you type this

>> No.10118040 [DELETED] 

Yes, because those people like Zelda. You don't like anything. You only like being mad at Nintendo.

>> No.10118042 [DELETED] 

NTA; but why don't you make 12 threads about Snoggy the Bong Kid or whatever? See if there's people interested.
People are gonna talk about retro games on a retro board, m8

>> No.10118045 [DELETED] 

is posting chatgpt spam supposed to be durr hurr now?

>> No.10118047 [DELETED] 


>> No.10118049 [DELETED] 

I'm literally more open to talking about cool Amiga games than these people are, and I'm not even an "Amiga kid".
I dare all of them, start a thread about Bloodnet, and actually discuss it as a game. Don't just say "way betta than the snez innit, m8". I would actually like to see that on the board.

I've tried to start those threads in the past, and they fall of the catalogue. No one wants to talk about cool Amiga games.

>> No.10118051 [DELETED] 

your mental illness surfaces, osto.

>> No.10118054 [DELETED] 

I'm impersonating him.

>> No.10118081

can't i just make a thread about how shit amiga games are without attracting a bunch of autistic megaposters?

>> No.10118082
File: 36 KB, 367x357, 1685992235304157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Downloaded a 4gb romset with like 3950 whd images ready to go, and everytime I feel like I'm in the mood for some amigger, I go through this archive and there is mostly shit. Like Lucasarts games or other MSDOS conversions, shitty jump'n'runs with fancy graphics, some neat point'n'clicks that have aged like milk gameplay wise.
Actual gems are quite sparse.

>> No.10118089

I've come to the conclusion that 'Shit on system X that is not nintendo' are just a mix of bait and troll threads to up the post count on a dead board because without them you would just have samefag zelda threads where a handful of schitzos talk to themselves.

>> No.10118093

Fuck off and play populous then, or sim city or elite because you just seem like a lying spammer honestly.

>> No.10118101

It’s speedrunners since they only want to discuss the same 3-5 games, and you know I don’t need to say anything more for you to form an exact picture of what that looks like

>> No.10118106

It's factually correct that the Amiga has an absolute flood of shovelware though. That's true of every computer, because there's no barrier of entry to stop people making and selling that shovelware.
I don't see that as even some scathing critique of the Amiga. It's just true.

>> No.10118110
File: 2.76 MB, 520x293, 1685059041313374.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried Populous and it's shit. Couldn't figure out what to do, all buttons did nothing. Sim City is better in SVGA in every way, and Elite+ on Amiga has the worst control scheme ever. Oolite with Archimedes skin is the way to go.

>> No.10118113

I don't know why you perceive people actually liking games as "schizos talking to themselves".
And we have Doom threads too, you know.

>> No.10118114

amigasisters?..... it's not over yet, right?...

>> No.10118119

Sometimes we talk about Sonic the Hedgehog as well.
All kinds of crazy shit can happen, when your experience is not filtered through the "be mad at Nintendo" filter.

>> No.10118123 [DELETED] 

You're lying... LYING! it's all nintendo people, it's shigery miyamoto's fault!.... my....my...... AUGHCHK

>> No.10118126

>I tried Populous and it's shit. Couldn't figure out what to do
> nintendo people

>> No.10118131 [DELETED] 

In the land of Nintendo,
Where the people live and play,
There was a dark and gothic tale
Of those who were tech illiterate, they say.

They roamed the streets in ignorance,
Alas, they could not keep up,
With the technology that moved so fast,
They fell behind and suffered, cups.

The clang of CRTs and clicking keyboards,
Echoed through the halls of old,
As these poor souls tried to keep up,
But ultimately could not hold.

Their dark and gloomy world,
Was filled with ancient gadgets and wires,
As newfangled technology
Left them marooned, to their dire.

They longed to see beyond their screens,
To witness the world outside,
But alas, they were trapped
By their own ignorance, they never tried.

Oh, how they mourned for their lost days,
When pixelated games were king,
But now they were lost in the dust,
No longer top of the techy world, such a thing!

So beware those who are tech illiterate,
In Nintendo's land and beyond,
Or else you may fall victim
To the same fate, not quite so fond.

>> No.10118135 [DELETED] 

>is posting chatgpt spam supposed to be durr hurr now?

>> No.10118141 [DELETED] 

I chuckled, friend. Ozzies mad

>> No.10118142

Half the midi sequencing done in studios was done using the ST and Amiga either Bar & Pipes Pro / Blue Ribbon Soundworks.or Cubase. They drove the music of the 90s including most of teh drum and bass tracks on later gen consoles.


>> No.10118152

Amazing that Cubase still supported the ST in 1999. What was so special about the ST that a midi-interface card for a PC couldn't do?

>> No.10118157

>Amiga either Bar & Pipes Pro

>> No.10118159

>Amazing that Cubase still supported the ST in 1999. What was so special about the ST that a midi-interface card for a PC couldn't do?
Actually at that stage the PC had the edge mainly because of the AWE64 SoundBlaster which had its on slots for simms to expand memory onboard and load sound fonts, essentially brining the synth fully into the computer. It of course had a MIDI interface as did the ST and Amiga allowing the synthesisers and drum machines to be connected. Virtually all game soundtrack's were authored on the ST or Amiga for nearly a decade though as well as the majority of house/race/dance/techno etc

>> No.10118160 [DELETED] 

Schizo terminated, based mods

>> No.10118181

By the way, this stuff is why I say that comparing stuff like the SNES is just retarded. These machines were so far out of the league of what consoles could o that anyone even making that comparison knows nothing about computing at all.

>> No.10118182

Actually enjoying this music....

>> No.10118219

People like the SNES because it had a very good library of games though.
Dick measuring over tech doesn't make games happen.

>> No.10118243

Don't worry the games on the amiga, st and even the spectrum were far better. You see they could use modems and access BBS systems and they had disk drives, tape and mirodrive storage, serial interfaces and modems even comparing a nes/snes means your retarded. For example two amigas could play multiplayer games over a null serial cable (you know that that is right...) and did for race games, people on 8 bit computers were playing multiplayer muds and your shitting on about your fucking kiddie toy console and denigrating the systems on which the future was built. Mouse interface RTS did not start on the fucking snes...

>> No.10118286

>our games are better, but I'm not going to name any

>> No.10118456

I already have. Its not like replies matter in these threads given that the people denigrating systems like the amiga or spectrum or whatever have never even fucking seen one in person or played any games on them when they were release or now. Its just the same toxic cult shitting up the board and every retro system they can think of except the one they fanboy for. Populous was first released on teh Amiga. Its the first RTS ever. Fantastic game, very important game and all you get is people from the cult shitting on it mindlessly and the amiga. Beyond help.

>I tried Populous and it's shit. Couldn't figure out what to do
>t. Cultist tard.

>> No.10118487

RTS games are just so boring. I'm sorry.

>> No.10118515
File: 25 KB, 256x294, Midwinter_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine never having played Midwinter or Populous and thinking you know anything about retro games because your obsessed with some stale kids shit on a NES

>> No.10118537

Doom didn't come out until the Amiga was almost dead. During the 80s there was no comparison, PC was a joke compared to Amiga.

>> No.10118642

Miidwinter was so good. The strategic planning is still unequaled to me, in its freedom and uniqueness, the way you could take the individuals' strengths and weaknesses and relations to the other characters into account when making decisions. And the whole skijaeger guerilla warfare setting. Great game.

>> No.10118696 [DELETED] 

>does any other system even come close when it comes to the quantity of garbage shovelware?
Is this the shittest and worst moderated board on 4chains?

>> No.10118715 [DELETED] 

Fair equally true of the ST They owned the late 80s and very early 90s
Amazing game
Shit board.

>> No.10118783 [DELETED] 

Its a genuine question, there are thousands of amiga games and like 3 of them are worth playing

>> No.10118797 [DELETED] 

Tendie board just like /v/, this is what you get with no containment board for bings and wahoos

>> No.10118837

ST was also a great platform that was pushing Amiga's shit in until Commodore ripped off the ST form factor and made the A500 affordable. One must wonder what Jack Tramiel would have done with the Amiga chipset if he had managed to land it.

>> No.10118860 [DELETED] 

Auster, even if you could somewhat delete Nintendo from existing, people would still prefer japanese games over britjank. Sorry.
Keep having nintendo inside of you, thoughever

>> No.10118864 [DELETED] 

Not auster I'm American, but I'm not an weeb faggot either, keep coping and thinking everyone you dont like or agree with is one person though

>> No.10118871

Considering how much it cost to produce and actually make the game cartridge itself, this is an odd take.

>> No.10119272

It's nice to see the Assembly Language Larper is still, years after the fact, seething in a shitposting rage about having been born in "le wrong generation."

>> No.10119510

Moby games has articles or stubs for 3,911 amiga games, the Wikipedia list of amiga games has over 3000 entries
I will be generous and say 20 are worth playing
Does anything even come close to this?
Thats .005% of the library that isn't shovelware

>> No.10119545

PC has 78,000 titles on Mobygames only counting the Windows games and I'm guessing Mobygames doesn't include all the Shareware, Freeware and Beerware etc. available either (it doesn't have Stone Mist or Dragon's Shard for example).

>> No.10119547

There are 0 NES games worth playing according to me, and I'm being generous by calling them games. Which means 100% of the NES library is shovelware and you cannot deny this.
See how retarded that is?

>> No.10119628

Amiga was the patrician gaming platform of the time. Anyone who says otherwise was either a babby or a drug smoker.

>> No.10119656 [DELETED] 

>Tendie board just like /v/, this is what you get with no containment board for bings and wahoos
You are right, shit board. Literally a rancid badly moderated chris chan tier nintendie safe space. Shame retro games are great but this board is SHIT

>> No.10119664

Well, they did try to release a PS version and even announced it on magazines.

>> No.10120114

If by "patrician" you mean being completely deprived of all the japanese games that actually defined retro times, sure.

>> No.10120331 [DELETED] 

You've done nothing but waste your adulthood complaining about Nintendo on 4chan. You are less than 25 years old, guaranteed. No one over that age would dedicate their lives to hating some shit console company. They'd be too busy being an adult

>> No.10120414 [DELETED] 

I’m in my 30s, successful with multiple degrees and a good career, married, and I love shitting on Nintendo on multiple boards because there’s few things that guarantee manchild replies like that, other than pol drivel but I genuinely refuse to cross that line it’s so uninspired

>> No.10120426 [DELETED] 

Post your timestamped degrees

>> No.10120434 [DELETED] 

Genuinely good one, could have made a 1CC crack also. I won’t even post pictures of a tv screen on here, sh*rtyfags are too good at finding shit to dox with

>> No.10120448 [DELETED] 

You've done nothing and know nothing

>> No.10120449 [DELETED] 

K, post yours time stamped first and we’ll see how tough you are

>> No.10120451 [DELETED] 

You can't brag about your imaginary degrees and lifestyle and refuse to lost proof. You've done nothing. You know nothing

>> No.10120456 [DELETED] 

I accept your concession, looking forward to getting guaranteed replies from you about Nintendo products for the next decade

>> No.10120458 [DELETED] 

I accept your concession that you are a larping millennial wog

>> No.10120469

Why did they change the name from MegaAGS?

>> No.10120475 [DELETED] 

Take your meds you schizo freak

>> No.10120492

This. Nearly every single 80s PC gamer seem to have been some kid whose dad had an IBM-compatible at home for work stuff. Most of those machines didn't even have any audio aside from a tiny speaker that was primarily intended for diagnosis during boot.

>> No.10120503

Relying on single-button joysticks for so fucking long was a huge problem for the Amiga platform, having to move a joystick upwards to jump is atrocious. Unlike the Atari ST the Amiga could support more buttons, there were 2-button joysticks and the CD32 had 7 buttons through multiplexing, and it didn't require any hardware upgrades so these buttons work on all Amigas as long as the software supports it.
Commodore should have introduced the CD32 pad with the Amiga 500 at least, and included one with every computer along with schematics for how they work to encourage cloning.

>> No.10120542

Elite+ was never on Amiga.

>> No.10120554

Up to jump was fine. I agree about more buttons though. I remember there were C64 games which used the space-bar as a bomb button, or worse used the C= button, which made it pretty awkward playing with a joystick unless you had one with suction cups and trigger button on the stick so you had your second hand free.

>> No.10120558

>One must wonder what Jack Tramiel would have done with the Amiga chipset if he had managed to land it.
This is something I've been thinking about too. I doubt it could be any worse than what Commodore did.

>> No.10120685

buy a speedking and a db9 to usb adapter

>> No.10120698

Being 100% honest without any nostalgia for the system and with an open mind I can say the Amiga has probably the worst library of all time.

>> No.10120714
File: 2.03 MB, 1440x1080, EliteAdvanced_v1.2-230802-203047.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, just checked, it's called Elite Advanced, my bad. DOS version is still better.

>> No.10120750 [DELETED] 

>if you call out the board's resident schizo and laugh at him, then YOU are the schizo!
not how it works, aust.

>> No.10120767

Really, worse than the jaguar? Worse than the supergrafx?

>> No.10120769

Supergrafx has a good port of Dai Makaimura which is more than you can say about the Amiga.

>> No.10120779

So one port invaldiates everything good about the Amiga, especially considering the time and enviroment in which it existed, based console enthusiast

>> No.10120789
File: 17 KB, 744x600, toki_amiga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but Amiga has a solid port of based Toki, the greatest monkeformer of all time.

>> No.10120791

How did they lose to the Gameboy? Did Amiga have the worst devs in the 80s?



>> No.10120832 [DELETED] 

You are the resident schizo. I'm not bothered by some retarded troll, but your fucking obsessed ramblings in every fucking thread when someone share the same opinion as your boogyman are the most fucking annoying thing in the entire board. Do a world a favor and off yourself already.

>> No.10120857 [DELETED] 

hahaha really hit a nerve with that one

>> No.10120858 [DELETED] 

kek, if you're not auster and you get called auster, that speaks volumes about the quality of your posts (and your IQ)
>b-but boogeyman!
okay, auster.
Look, I'll trigger you: Nintendo

>> No.10120876

That's some hacked version, it was just Elite.
Elite Plus (not DOS version of Elite which was different) abandoned the classic Elite flight controls which alone makes it just about the worst version of the game on any platform.

>> No.10120887 [DELETED] 

why does Nintendo live rent free in the heads of so many posters? it's insane. you know you can make a thread for your favorite studio too?

>> No.10120896 [DELETED] 

Because it's invariably the tendies shitting on all the other hardwares or studios. We would happily live in peace, but you won't let us.
Just try to make a constructive Amiga thread. It will be overridden with bitter and angry tendies instantly.

>> No.10120907 [DELETED] 

>so many posters
Are you sure? it's just australia-kun.

>> No.10120915 [DELETED] 

The fact you equate criticism with living “rent free” is making everyone’s point for them.

>> No.10120941 [DELETED] 

>only one guy dislikes nintendo, saturn and likes european games, no one else is allowed to have these opinions
>in fact you are allowed to talk shit about every single other brand and publisher except these ones or else you are my boogyman troll
Seriously, seek profession help.

>> No.10120989 [DELETED] 


You can barely type dude, can your software really be that good?

>> No.10121093

rendering ranger is very boring, it has very basic gameplay with ok effects, at least the other turrican games had different guns and different skills which RR completely removes for effects made on all consoles at the time, super turrican is the same as mega turrican.

>> No.10121102

the RR effects are present on the other 16 bit turrican games one way or another as well.

>> No.10121301

Tard rage

>> No.10121410

STe had special ports for Jaguar controls.

Pretty early on in my Amiga life I took a SMS bootleg controller and rewired the second button to be up, which worked pretty well for racing and platform games.

>> No.10121764


>> No.10121775

>how dare based boomers who still enjoy posting on random forums shit-talk my favourite Japanese company

>> No.10121784

>how dare people who like video games make fun of the objectively bad brit shit

>> No.10121797

Also great ports of New Zealand Story and BC Kid.

>> No.10121803

Shovel port from ST.

>> No.10122418
File: 2.99 MB, 4600x2600, Commodore-64-Computer-FL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Commodore 64 had an estimated 10000+ video games released for it. Even if half of those quality, that's still more shovelware than the entire library of the PS2.

The Commodore 64 wins again, once more claiming the title of king.

>> No.10122425

>I go through this archive and there is mostly shit. Like Lucasarts games or other MSDOS conversions
LucasArts games are fantastic, you clearly just love the taste of dogshit in your mouth. You'd be much more at home playing something like Persona 2.

>> No.10122432

Any Platform whose library primarily comes from Europe has this problem.

>> No.10122498

>an estimated 10000+ video games
Does that include bootleg copies of games as separate titles?

In Italy for example, conterfeit copies of games were sold openly in newspaper kiosks and toy stores:
>When C64 games started becoming slightly more complex, with multi loads or requiring more than one cassette, SIPE and Edigamma instructed the crackers to cut up single levels from longer titles in order to make several games out of one. For example, The Last Ninja 2 came out as 6 or 7 different games, which were almost impossible to piece together. This also meant that the ending sequences were removed altogether. In the single titles, the game would just freeze after reaching the end.
>[...] Perhaps one would think that, at least, the “pirated” title would stick and that SIPE and Edigamma would at least follow THEIR OWN naming convention. Nope. Not only every company used different names for the same game, some of them would release levels of the same game under different titles. It was basically useless to check the titles before buying a compilation, as to avoid buying duplicates or trying to make sense of one game, even if they were released by the same company.

>> No.10122989

"There have been approximately 10,000 commercial Commodore 64 games since the computer's release in 1982"

>> No.10123092

>10,000 commercial Commodore 64 games
Interesting thanks. If we assume that that doesn't mean bootleg games, than if one were to take those into account as well the number would be even higher!

>> No.10123306

Depends on what you consider a "bootleg". A lot of games are just re-skins of other existing games, equivalent to Mrs Pacman.

>> No.10123938
File: 24 KB, 872x480, poorly coded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of coure Lucasarts games are fantastic but why would anyone want to play them on Amiga when you can have 256 colors and MT32 music?

>> No.10123956


Yeah for me the platforms I enjoy are:

Atari 8-bit computers as they tend to have some fun games and the best versions of a lot of Atari games

C64 for sheer library size

Most Atari st and ameeger games have superior DOS or console version so I typically play them there

The rest DOS or 3.1

Some speccy bong shite especially homebrew, there’s probably some amstrad or other platform gems I don’t know about. And of course the jap computers although I really only bother with some x68000 shmups

>> No.10124013

Loom looks better with old graphics

>> No.10124234

still think the amiga might be unsurpassed in the world of shovelware

>> No.10124420

Yeah, only the later models. The original versions only supported 1 single button because it was wired the same way the Atari 2600 was.

>> No.10124423

The Amiga version of Maniac Mansion is the best actually, but a lot of clueless people seem to think the second PC version is the best despite it having less colors.

>> No.10124432

for me it's the original C64 version. Same with Zak McKracken.

>> No.10124493

The FM-Towns version of Zak is the best.

>> No.10124667

I prefer Amiga music to MT32 which just sounds like elevator music.

>> No.10124691

Back then most PC players were kids on their dad's computer and would have played their games like this:

>> No.10124697

>This entire thread is people having a flamewar against a system they never owned and never used
>children's products like the NES/SNES
You almost had me sympathetic until you pulled out this pants on head shit. The overwhelmingly loud minority of console warring Euro PC owners on this board is the exact reason why everyone shit on your systems.

>> No.10124819

>jimmyrustled tendie

>> No.10124881


>> No.10125218


>> No.10125361

Autistic people don't understand that if they want you to like a thing they like, they probably shouldn't start by barging in and calling everything you like shit.
The Amiga is cool. These people are fucking bellends.

>> No.10125612

...the idiot posted in a flame thread talking shit about Amiga, probably started by some nintendo kid.

>> No.10125620

It's factually correct that the Amiga has a metric tonne of shovelware though. Do you disagree?
Why are you offended by this statement?

>> No.10125627

It also has a huge library of awesome games.

>> No.10125628

>Seethe at company that lives rent free in his head (and unrelated to the discussion)
Some of you faggots need to let go of Nintendo and just go outside and do something else

>> No.10125642

How does the OP post imply that it doesn't?

>> No.10125660

I own an Amiga 500 and have two cases full of pirates floppies. The three of you are fucking idiots and the reason why no one takes you seriously is because these are the only arguments you have to support your system. “Amiga is way better than the consoles only CHILDREN PLAY!” is the mentality that stays in the playground with childhood. I’m a grown ass man and enjoy games on ANY system, including Nintendo AND Commodore systems, because I’m not a braindead, corporate cum-guzzling fuckstick fighting a war that literally anyone not stuck in a state of emotional arrested development could possibly ever care about. Yes I am mad. Fuck you.

>> No.10125685

I’m going to go out on a limb here and simply say: based.

>> No.10125726

I have no patience for simulation or strategy games so just end up playing the first level of action platformers anyway. Laughs.

>> No.10126075

>Back then most PC players were kids on their dad's computer
This is something I've noticed as well, meanwhile Amiga players often had their own computer even if it was in their early teens. The PC was mainly a spreadsheet machine until the mid 90s.

>> No.10126325

>probably started by some nintendo kid.
OP here, Nintendo sucks, you cant even compare retro console games to retro computer games since they were generally so fundamentally different

>> No.10126349

>y-you started it
Yeah it definitely wasnt burgers shitting up every thread about European games and having a meltdown when you say you don't care about nintendo

>> No.10126358 [DELETED] 

I don't see any games being discussed, only people talking about nintendo for whatever reason

>> No.10126396

That's the DOS version though, not the Amiga version.

You're aware that the Amiga 1200's normal video mode was 256 colors, right?

>> No.10126406


The cognitive dissonance is off the charts.

And how else do you expect PC-chads to act when this board is spammed non-stop 24/7 by nintendy autists who make the same threads about Mario and Zelda, endlessly, and then consider any threads outside of their nintendy purview to be some gross violation of conduct?

Just the other day in another thread a poster got banned/had his posts deleted (rightfully so) because he was whining about how the ZX Spectrum threads should be moved to /g/.

They brought this onto themselves.

>> No.10126451

I am also mad that we can't discuss the pros and cons of video games, without you overgrown baby retards showing up in every thread, and trying to revive some playground shouting match you had thirty years ago(which is where your mental age seems to have stalled).
People like you literally destroy entire online communities. You're insufferable. You need to be told that you aren't welcome sooner or later.

>> No.10126646

>You're aware that the Amiga 1200's normal video mode was 256 colors, right?
Afaik none of the Lucasarts conversions ever used 256 colours on Amiga. Monkey Island 1 was 32 colour optimized by hand.

>> No.10127090

I seriously could not give a shit who started it. Cut the fucking console warring like a goddamn child.

>> No.10128493

PS2 hands down has more shite games and licensed rubbish than the amiga.
>the amiga games are so bad nobody is even bothering to preserve most of them
All the commercial releases have been preserved, multiple times, by multiple release groups over several decades.

If you're talking about homebrew, then no system has every single homebrew game "preserved".
People here only check out arcade ports and platformers when they try out amiga games coz they're ignorant and don't want to do a bit of research. And yes most of those are crap.

But it had plenty of good games in other genres.

>> No.10128497

No there's about 3 or 4 thousand.
The rest are garbage made in peoples bedrooms that only got sold in extremely limited quantities in stores in places like germany or sweden.
The classification of "commercial" there is extremely flimsy.

>> No.10129204

>Yeah it definitely wasnt burgers shitting up every thread about European games and having a meltdown when you say you don't care about nintendo

>> No.10129239

Superfrog, Project X, Wizkid, Knightmare, Harry the Haddock

>> No.10129445 [DELETED] 
File: 2.88 MB, 946x720, life is cruel sometimes v.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You need to be told that you aren't welcome sooner or later.
>without you overgrown baby retards showing up in every thread, and trying to revive some playground shouting match you had thirty years ago(which is where your mental age seems to have stalled).

Again, cognitive dissonance.

This is all you babby-brained nintenyearolds can do, repeat the same flippant lines without any sense of irony that you are exactly what you are claiming to hate. Listen here sweety, these threads are GOING to continue, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. No one you can cry to to get them deleted, no one you can appeal to to listen to your bitching and moaning. You're the one that is being told what's happening, YOU'RE the one being told here that you're not welcome, just like when you were told 6th gen consoles were allowed you autism-spammed the board because you can't take the fact that the world doesn't revolve around you.

Cope, seethe, dilate, and enjoy the Amiga thread, faggot. Because you have to. And enjoy being batted down like the petulant child you are by the jannies when you try and act out of line thinking you can tell us to move elsewhere. Fuck you.

>> No.10129454
File: 114 KB, 625x834, ef8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that Video game crash that went completely unnoticed by home computer chads? Commodore bros played safely through the 90s.

>> No.10129460

The only shouting babby retard ITT is you.

Also, it's a fact that the NES and SNES were designed and aimed at children. The Nintendo Seal of Approval was implemented in order to make sure all games were appropriate for the specific demographic that they were appealing to.

Right now, you're the one being shouted down and told you're not welcome here because you get offended at the idea that the NES is a children's toy, which it is by design, because YOU are the one re-living your personal nightmares of the console wars where you were told the NES was for babies. Grown, mature, non-autistic adults realize that yes, it was for kids, but so are a lot of things, like Disney movies, which adults can also still enjoy.

I thought you were referring to the posters who were flinging shit back at the sega/nintendo posters who were bashing the computer platforms, but now I realize you're just an insecure little cunt who thinks being told facts is "console warring" lmao. I change my argument, it's not a reaction to spam by console retro enthusiasts, it's us laughing at your sperging stupidity.

>> No.10129471

>The rest are garbage made in peoples bedrooms that only got sold in extremely limited quantities in stores in places like germany or sweden.
So, then they were regular games?

Akalabeth: World of Doom was made by Richard Garriott while he was a teenager still in high school.

>> No.10129487

Yeah the video game crash was a solely American event. Almost no one cared about the Atari 2600, Intellivision or Colecovision in Europe. I think Atari did ok in Germany though and the Videopac was somewhat succesful, but it was nothing compared to the microcomputers.

>> No.10129506

Kek, OP triggered Auster.

>> No.10129587

It depends what you mean by quantity.

If you mean total number than whatever system had the most game will have the most shovelware since most games are shovelware period. If you count the PC as a system than we probably get more shovelware released in a month than most consoles did over their entire lifespan. There are 50+ games released just on a steam alone per day. Most of those are shovelware. And theres games released outside of steam.

If you mean shovel ware as a percentage of the game's library? Thats a harder question. It's effectivily asking what system has the least interesting library. So I assume it's something like the n-gage or some 1970s system that no one remembers the name of. Its not a very interesting question since you are asking what system is the least interesting.

Well there's your complete answer. What was the point of asking this?

>> No.10129739

Amiga and quantity, two words combined that can't make sense

>> No.10129758

>Lemmings isn't a game for children
>Clock Tower is a game for children
>Populus and Sim City weren't literally on all of the consoles at the time
It's a nonsensical criticism.

The best you can argue is that one of those devices was advertised primarily to children, and one was advertised primarily to like 15 year olds(because it was more expensive), and I don't care about that. I care about getting my hands on games that are fun to play, because I'm not tragically insecure, despite being a middle aged man.

>> No.10129906

>Amiga and quantity, two words combined that can't make sense
3,916 games on mobygames, the Wikipedia list of amiga games has over 4,000 entries. It eclipses any home console from before the digital release era.

>> No.10129928
File: 1.12 MB, 1023x1022, 1688830818713724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers control the entire historical narrative. Console is called the Mega Drive around the entire planet? Sorry, it's historically known as the Genesis

>> No.10130065

What was this? Video was taken down.

>> No.10130128

And there was no game crash in Europe because games were cheaper on computers. Anyone could make games on a computer. If you had an 8-bit computer you could literally start coding in basic two seconds after turning on the machine. There was no difference between end-user and developer. And you could buy cheap budget games for a few dollars if you didn't outright pirate them. Meanwhile in the US, an Atari cartridge with E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial cost $39.95 on release, that's like over a hundred dollars in today's money. No wonder they got disillusioned and stopped buying games, and then saw the japs as knights in shining armor who saved them with quality control. In Europe, if a home computer owner found a game he didn't like, he just shrugged and tried another until he found something good.

>> No.10130593

that's the best you can spin it? The massive amout of garbage euro pcx games were slightly cheaper so that makes it okay?

>> No.10130715

Well yes, C64 and IBM PC shovelware outnumber Amiga shovelware by far. Even if you count only DOS games for PC.

>> No.10130754

Obtuse barely supported joysticks are part of the micro computer experience

>> No.10131052
File: 88 KB, 1162x611, 1691347250573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the amiga slapmatic 5000 joystoc

>> No.10131097
File: 379 KB, 1800x1350, t_1800x1350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks comfy and you can rest your hand on it.
Pic related really hurts my hand after a while. But the microswitches sound so satisfying.

>> No.10131106

PS1 and PS2 had infinitely more shovelware than amiga
most other cheaper computers of the time did as well, since cheaper computer meant larger potential market, so the shovelware faggots would target those computers

>> No.10131120

How does it smell?

>> No.10131127

The amiga had 500+ more games released for it than the ps2, and nearly 1200 more games than the PlayStation

>> No.10131174
File: 12 KB, 284x177, Midwinter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me, or is this game - and the equally underrated but less impressive sequel to it - are legitimately too big and complex to faithfully remake in the modern era?

>> No.10131210

And 3000 of them are DOS ports

>> No.10131263

Ah yes, the C64.

>> No.10131324
File: 2.64 MB, 480x360, Midwinter (1990).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10131328

try Hunter

>> No.10131367

what's best on Amiga between:
Dungeon Master
Eye of the Beholder 2
Lands of Lore
Wizardy 6

>> No.10131519
File: 99 KB, 456x640, IMG_3316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a ZipStik Super Pro on my Amiga. I'd probably get a real one and one of those demonbite Genesis adapters as Amiga joysticks have the same connector.

>> No.10131535

Dungeon Master.
Pretty sure there's no Lands of Lore on Amiga...?

>> No.10131713

>I don't even remember that coming into the lexicon until around the time of the PS3 when sonyfans were coping at the fact that X360 had a fuckton of better and more fun games which happened to be on PC as well.
Finally someone fucking said that.

>> No.10131769

>Oolite with Archimedes skin is the way to go.
Can you give me a quick rundown on Oolite and its expansion/modelk/whatever packs? I want to try it for a long time but i am overwhelmed by the amount of content.

>> No.10131875

>It's factually correct that the Amiga has a metric tonne of shovelware though.
As opposed to what? To fucking what, my dude?

>> No.10131916

Yeah, it is totally ok when 'tendie zoomers shit up every microcomputer thread with reddit tier OI ME AMIGGER memes. It is also completely fine for them to spew bullshit about their library being overwhelmingly shovelware because every shareware variant of tic-tac-toe written by a 13 years old in his bedroom, that ended up on some magazine's cover disc, technically counts as commercial release. They make it near impossible to have a thread about anything except ultra mainstream gaming of 20-30 years ago, but the people who call them on their bullshit are the ones that need to
>cut the fucking console warring like a goddamn child
Fuck no. If it is the only way of even having a thread about anything that isn't Nintendo, SEGA, /doom/ or shmups (God bless the sheer strength and autism of those two fanbases that keeps shitters away), so be it.

>> No.10131934

Why do you faggots never understand that a computer is not a console, so at the time we are talking about computer games were a scene flourishing on the devices that were meant for different purposes, not a consumer oriented industry that console games were?
t. other anon

>> No.10133141
File: 109 KB, 945x945, nmwc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10133201

It started off as an Elite clone for modern hardware but quickly included all quality of life enhancements and other fixes from various Elite ports. The base game without mods is a good start but you might want to change the cockpit/hud to a more modern looking one.
Some mods add various sounds and 2D gfx from other versions of Elite, but if you never played those, they have no nostalgic value.

The formula of Elite/Oolite is a little simplistic these days. If you want to play a nice clone of Elite 2+3, try Pioneer. It's free and open source as well.

>> No.10133206

>It's a nonsensical criticism.

They censored alcohol in Punch-Out.
The censored the nudity out of the Eye of the Beholder ports.
Every reference to guns, alcohol, and sex were removed from the Deja Vu port.
They completely changed the characterization of Edna for the Maniac Mansion port to make her way less horny.
Green Beret completely removes the hostages.

>I care about getting my hands on games that are fun to play, because I'm not tragically insecure, despite being a middle aged man.
Sounds like it if you're making desperate arguments about how it wasn't marketed specifically towards kids because computers had kids games on them as well. I mean, did the NES have any equivalent of Leisure Suit Larry? No. Were games artificially censored specifically because of content related to drugs, sex, and violence? No. Because the PC platforms were largely independent and did not have a corporation monitoring what did and didn't go on the platform.

I mean, I like Pokemon Crystal, that doesn't mean it isn't a game that was designed for children.

>> No.10133210

it's over guys, we can't enjoy Punch Out anymore because they censored the alcohol. Better go and play Adventures of Willy the Egg-shaped Lad on Amiger.

>> No.10133240
File: 2.62 MB, 3306x1684, tidizzy-Amiga-Front.png.99721b7956545a6d7946b9b9d45ff54a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adventures of Willy the Egg-shaped Lad on Amiger
Actually it's called Dizzy

>> No.10133248

Are there any games on the amigger that weren’t ported and are worth emulating?

>> No.10133251

>it's over guys, we can't enjoy Punch Out anymore because they censored the alcohol.
You're the only one saying that, because you're an insecure autist. Facts are facts, don't know what else to say.

>> No.10133260

Does the Amiga have a game as good as Super Metroid, Rocket Knight Adventures, or Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, or Metal Slug?
I don't care if you think they're "for kids" or not. They're impeccably designed video games.

Leisure Suit Larry is a so-so adventure game for masturbators.

>> No.10133264

Westerners can't make good videogames, if they do make a good videogame it is by accident, no surprising western platforms have weak libraries but hey at least the Amiga isn't the Spectrum

>> No.10133270

>Leisure Suit Larry is a so-so adventure game for masturbators
But Anon, it's a video game WITH SEX JOKES

>> No.10133273 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10133310

Secret of Monkey Island.

>I don't care if you think they're "for kids" or not. They're impeccably designed video games.
One of them is a quarter-muncher arcade port, another is just a generic hack and slash, one I haven't even heard of, and then there's Super Metroid. Could have used so many other examples but you instead resort to picking eclectic titles to seem more well rounded, but coming off as deflated and middling.

>I don't care if you think they're "for kids" or not. They're impeccably designed video games.

>Leisure Suit Larry is a so-so adventure game for masturbators.
It became a sleeper hit and is considered to be a classic in the genre.

>> No.10133352 [DELETED] 

>not surprising western platforms have weak libraries

The irony in that statement, considering that the Western PC platforms had far better libraries than the Japanese PC platforms.

>> No.10133386

>a game as good as
QRD on the good scale please. It sounds pretty relative.

>> No.10133485 [DELETED] 

>Oblivion: 94

Picture discarded

>> No.10133807

Thanks a lot, man!

>> No.10133815

Reductio ad absurdum. Try harder.

>> No.10133835

Out of the the ones that i played myself, it is Ruff'n'tumble, Superfrog, and to the lesser extent Breathless. I personaly like F17 Challenge, though i don't think there are many fans of that one around.
You are already emulating, and downloading .adfs or .whds. doesn't take more than couple of seconds, so there is nothing stopping you from just browsing any database you like and trying anything you find interesting. "Official" lists made by nostalgic brit boomers aren't always the right place to get recs.

>> No.10133884

>Does the Amiga have a game as good as Super Metroid
>Rocket Knight Adventures
The fuck that even is?
>Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
>Metal Slug?
Turrican. Jim Power in Mutant Planet. Ruff'n'tumble.

>> No.10134059

Heroquest 2 is choice, and it is literally only playable on an Amigger.

>> No.10134085

I briefly read Ultima III as "Ultimall" and imagined that there was some bizarre mall-owner simulation which was in some way unhinged (perhaps in the style of Paperboy with absurd things happening to stores or patrons). Kind of sounds like a cool game desu

>> No.10134132

I don't even think that there was ever a good supply of cheap computers for kids and teens in the US anyhow. Nobody was rushing out to buy an Apple or IBM or Commodore for their kids; Such a thing was expensive and seen as a business or work tool. The notion of giving one to a kid was ridiculous. I bet if the US had gotten something like the spectrum widely available before the NES happened, then perhaps one would have took off. I feel like it still would have been very different, however, if for nothing else than the massive size and poor public transport of the US leading to it being very difficult for people to trade games, to interact, and to work together on software, as was the case in Britain for contrast. Internet access could have certainly helped foster it however, so maybe I overestimate the importance of closely packed associates.

>> No.10134137

you say that, but imagine writing and reading moon without it. Plus you get that super-concise labeling of stuff once you do know it.

>> No.10134209
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>this faggot actually got so butthurt about my comparison chart of WRPG's getting better ratings than Jarpig slop he reported it

Holy fuck anon, you really got butthurt-btfo'd, didn't you? That's okay, have another.

>> No.10134212

>no surprising western platforms have weak libraries but hey at least the Amiga isn't the Spectrum
Amiga and Spectrum have stronger libraries than any Japanese PC equivalent. Way to shoot yourself in the foot.

>> No.10134246

Are you high? The Commodore 64 was insanely popular and sold more units than the Master System.

>I bet if the US had gotten something like the spectrum widely available before the NES happened, then perhaps one would have took off.
You're off your rocker. The NES was insanely popular because of its simplicity. Kids would not have been attracted to it like they were the NES.

>I feel like it still would have been very different, however, if for nothing else than the massive size and poor public transport of the US leading to it being very difficult for people to trade games
If anyone wanted to understand the absolutely alien logic behind bongs, then this would be it. New York City has more metro stations than anywhere else on the planet, and public transportation has absolutely nothing to do with the ability or inability to trade games, interact, and work together on software, since everyone has a fucking car, but also exemplified by the fact that there were far more video game developer upstarts in the US in contrast with the entirety of Europe.

One of the funniest things I find is that bongs complain about public transportation in the US because none of you own a fucking car, apparently, and you somehow think that it's a desert of a distance between places, and that this "massive size" (disregarding the fact that it's irrelevant thanks to planes, trains, and the fact that companies are all located in major metropolitan areas to begin with which have massive public transport systems anyway) is some "anti-productive", ignoring the fact that the UK is the 9th largest manufacturer, compared to the US which is the 2nd.

>> No.10134408

>The Commodore 64 was insanely popular
Yet it declined in popularity very quickly compared to Europe. It didn't have the same lasting appeal.

>> No.10134428
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>bongs don't even know what Rocket Knight Adventures is and unironically think Turrican is a top tier masterpiece
I guess you can't blame people for thinking shit games are good if they've never played anything better

>> No.10134531

>people don't even know about the internationally released game that i praise
>that means it is superior!
Have a hint: they know, they just aren't impressed.
t. not even bong

>> No.10134538

Nigga if they think Turrican is impressive I guess the shittier a game is, the more impressive they think it is

>> No.10134585

Amiga bros I'm trying to use WinUAE but I'm far too dumb. It won't seem to properly scan the directory I placed my roms (Kickstarts? This is all new to me) in. I want to try out a bunch of games and see if I might want to get a refurbished unit, it's one of the coolest vidya machines I've ever seen.

>> No.10134691

RKA is a top 10 Australia-kun game, though.

Here's his full top 10 retro games list:

>> No.10134695

>anon learns what a pc is

>> No.10134806

You made that list just to bait, though. Most likely you never played any of these except for the Master system ones and sotb which you probably enjoy unironically since your taste in gameplay is abysmal

>> No.10134837

What is wrong with Turrican, though? BTW it was able to get ported to the OG Game boy, Sega Genesis/ Mega Drive, NES, and the Turbografx 16. It wasn't exclusive to the ST, ZX Spectrum, or Amiga. the 2nd one even came out on MS-DOS computers.

>> No.10135070

>Internet access could have certainly helped foster it however, so maybe I overestimate the importance of closely packed associates.
Modems and file trading via BBS were a thing before the internet, not that the average kid had access to that either.

>> No.10135081

Just to be sure you understand, a Kickstart ROM is like a BIOS, it's needed to start the computer. There's a dropdown somewhere in WinUAE where you have to manually select the ROM. 1.3 would be a common version to use for the most common Amiger model (500)

>> No.10135095

And for the zoomers, a modem originally was a device to connect two computers over a landline.
A "BBS" was a computer permanently set up to receive calls on a landline with software that enabled things like file trading and message boards and sometimes rudimentary online games.

>> No.10135304

87% of people in the US still recognized the brand name in 2011 when asked about it.

It was still popular in the US up until MS-DOS started supplanting everything.

>> No.10135348

Then why didn't the US have any big demo scene like Europe? And why didn't they have as much piracy? Were American software piracy laws stricter?

>> No.10135546
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so you think turrican is impressive? ok but is it as impressive as super metroid?

>> No.10135567

Why compare two different games that released four years apart on different systems?

>> No.10136323

>Turrican, Lion Heart
Man, I even like those games for what they are, but fucking no, lol.
The SNES and Megadrive also had superior Turrican games.

>> No.10136379
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Basically which ever platform was the most popular at the time.

>> No.10136559

PC-88 “games” are literally just pictures of porn with text underneath, you fat, smelly, disgusting mouth-breathing coomer

>> No.10137976

because someone keeps bringing it up as if its as impressive and I wanna know where this thinking is coming from.

--- >super metriod
------> turrican

>> No.10138007 [DELETED] 

The US had a bunch of stupid retard shit going on back then with ad campaigns funded by the government.

We had to sit through this fucking gay ass retarded shit in school:

Also, the Demoscene in general was never huge in the US. Demo-scene was more of a European thing in general. Americans tend to chase fads, hard, so the moment something new comes along it tends to get immediately exploited/adopted.

>> No.10138016

The US had a bunch of stupid retard shit going on back then with ad campaigns funded by the government.

We had to sit through this fucking gay ass retarded shit in school:

Also, the Demoscene in general was never huge in the US. Demo-scene was more of a European thing in general. Americans tend to chase fads, hard, so the moment something new comes along it tends to get immediately exploited/adopted. Sometimes something sticks around for a lot longer because of just how popular it was, which was the C64, but it got over-shadowed by DOS and other systems, because they were simply faster and more versatile.

>> No.10138021

> the pc88 mogged the amiga game library so hard its not evwn funny
Peak historical revisionism. The Amiga shat all over the PC-88, since the Amiga actually had a market beyond its borders. Was also technically superior.

>> No.10138043
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anon dont feed the trolls

>> No.10138140

The US had a cracking scene though.
But yeah, it was smaller compared to the European one.

>> No.10138187
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>better than super metroid

>> No.10138192

>The Amiga shat all over the PC-88
And the SNES shat all over the Amiga

>> No.10138197

Super Turrican 2, maybe.
Not the ones that actually came out on the Amiga. They were still too rooted in that dull, euro style of platformer design, where you walk around in big box environments, picking up tokens.

>> No.10138264

Most unplayable game I've ever seen in my life. Used to fap to the magazine reviews cause it showed the bare titties of the female characters, but the game itself was hot garbage.

>> No.10138707

And Windows shits all over every single Japanese console ever made, all rolled together in total sales. Your point?

>> No.10138721


>> No.10138729

> Elite BBSes on the other hand were private and usually required you to have references to gain access. Another sign of eliteness on BBSes were the type of download credit systems pirates were placed on. A credit system was needed in order to prevent leeching (the art of obtaining pirated software and returning very little in trade). Many BBSes gave users two blocks of download credits for every one block uploaded.
Interesting how similar it sounds to private trackers today.

>> No.10138740
File: 463 KB, 1080x648, 1591416686247.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when I pirate the private trackers offering pirated content

>> No.10138782

based gentleman thief, only stealing from other thiefs.

>> No.10138784

Wtf is this real?

>> No.10139559

You need to load a configuration with a kickstart ROM, and for that to be possible, place them in the default kickstart folder in "paths" tab. Or change the dir.
If you are piuzzled by the interface, try fs-uae.

>> No.10140249

Ahhh, a fellow mratio user I see.

>> No.10140526

Windows drops a big steamy log all over every other western computer, too. Touhou wasn't even a meme before it was on Windows, something the PC98ers, Amigers and Speccers couldn't attempt to replicate as they lost the market to the most glorious tiddy system of them all with the highest amount of shovelware of any system known to man, rivaling the Android and J2ME phones like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.10141558

>seed multiple gb's over an entire day
>ratio is still at 0

Fuck those retarded tracker sites, they have no idea what the fuck they're even doing.

>> No.10141582

>>The Amiga shat all over the PC-88
>And the SNES shat all over the Amiga
SNES is a pre adult gaming console not a computer. Its not even a comparison. Amiga was a computer with a full keyboard. I never thought much of the nes/snes. Its some sort of board joke that a piece of crap like a nes/snes is comparable to a piece of computing history like an Amiga? get real.

>> No.10141595

If you're not auster baiting (and I guess not, since you actually say NES and SNES instead of Nezz and Snezz), then it's sort of a board joke to make fun of an autistic spammed that people call "australia-kun", he has a fixation with Nintendo specifically (but also hates japanese stuff in general, like japanese computers, or japanese-centric systems like the Saturn), and he's a brit/euro computer guy who gets angry when the average person in current year doesn't care about games on Spectrum, but NES games are still well remembered.
The Amiga is actually a nice computer for things like audio and video editing, but the truth is, most of the best /vr/ games are japanese. Amiga had a few good games but most were ported to IBM PCs or stuff.

>> No.10141601



>> No.10141609

anyway I'm not anti-western games either, I like some (especially golden era arcade stuff), I was merely describing the modus operandi of australia-kun and why is it a board joke to make fun of the speccy and other western old computers.

>> No.10141632
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Look at the grading of licenses from the Saturn.

>> No.10141642

for an anonymous site this board sure loves to reverse namefag anons. Just like when anyone defends P.N.03 there's always some anon who has to go "hurr you must be Sybb! it's just one guy! No one else likes this game!".

>> No.10141675

It's pretty obvious it's the same guy defending P.N.03 though. He posts the same webm's, with the same emphasis on her booty-shaking ass.

>> No.10141679

Sure but it happens in threads by other anons too, and to other anons (me included) talking about the game.

>> No.10141743

I don't know about the PN03 guy, but australia-kun is a known local shitposter. There's archives and you can tell it's him because of same topics, same reaction image, same keywords.
>nooo it's other people impersonating him!
He's not even funny to warrant impersonating him, it's just a weird mentally ill guy.
Also this happen to every board. There's always -fag's and -kun's.

>> No.10144418

Fire & Ice, unless you count ports for other micros and, curiously, Sega Master system (that was significally simplified).

>> No.10144423

The game is really shit though, and if the main character was a guy then even that pn03 guy would stop defending the game

>> No.10144452

>Jim Power
Fucking lmao. I have an A500 and this is insanely bad cope. Seriously, you are damaging your system of choice’s reputation by trying to sell these middling games as superior to games that are constantly heralded as some of the best of all time, literal genre-defining titles. Seriously, what the fuck man.

>> No.10144464

>and why is it a board joke to make fun of the speccy and other western old computers

The reason is literally that most of the board are americans and didn't have Amigas and so on at the time, therefore they pick the side of whatever they had.

>> No.10146289

I'm an Amigger and this is making us all look bad m8.
Turrican lmao

>> No.10146712
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>they pick the side of whatever they had
Biggest issue I have with this board ist that there is so little actual interest in old video games.

People only want to be nostalgic for THEIR childhood.
It's not about games.
Most don't want to find out about old games they didn't know about.
They want validation for their memories. Everything else is a distraction.

I used to make a couple of amiga threads that were mostly about the games.
Didn't respond to shitposts, just talked about games and posted images and webms.
And it always went the same way:
90% of the thread were just me hurling shit into the void.

Pretty much nobody here gives a fuck about games. Less so about old games.
They just care for their own nostalgia boner.
Should rename this board to nostalgia thundercunt bonanza. It's depressing as fuck.

>> No.10146721

Is there a website I can use to play Amiga in-browser?

>> No.10147259
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PN03 is shit though. I tried it at launch when I was 12 and I thought it sucked, then I tried it again recently to give it another chance but it turns out it wasn't me being a dumb kid, the game just sucks

>> No.10147486

Its just a shit board anon most of the anons on it know almost nothing about old games and just want to talk about the same nes/snes topics circularly. For me the amiga was populous and the first RTS
>>and why is it a board joke to make fun of the speccy and other western old computers
There are some systems you can't make fun of though, right?

>> No.10147502

the reason people make fun of the amiga is because a sober review of its library without the rose tinted nostalgia goggles of people that had it as children is that there are a lot of shit games on amiga. The ability for anyone to make games and sell them on cassettes didn't lead to a renaissance of exciting and interesting projects but instead a load of garbage.

>> No.10147503

It did not ship on amiga either so why are you shitting up the thread with your off topic spam?
>for an anonymous site this board sure loves to reverse namefag anons.
A small clique of anons don't like the fact that there are a lot of anons who like things other than them and decided to call anyone who was not in their clique Australian.

>> No.10147509

No that's not the case at all, what you are doing there is simply trolling as a simple example the Amgiga games did not ship on castette like the ST they shipped on disk. However you post this
>. The ability for anyone to make games and sell them on cassettes didn't lead to a renaissance of exciting and interesting projects but instead a load of garbage.
Simply because you can have the board censored and spammed even though you know nothing about retro games or hardware. Board needs a new mod or should just be deleted

>> No.10147512

Reddit seems unironically a far better place to discuss retro games than this board. I've never used it but this board convinced me that if you are really interested in something like retro games chans stopped being the place to discuss them

>> No.10147534

So you just come to this board to spam off topic noise into threads about things you know literally nothing about because otherwise you would have zero human interaction in your life?

newsflash a lot of people are sick of weeb shit and there is way more than one anon sick of your disruption shit when any anon tries to discuss anything other than Nintendo. If you never played the games or used the system then fuck off with your worthless lying noise. Make this Australian the board moderator. he sounds fucking based.

>> No.10148385

>the reason people make fun of the amiga is because a sober review of its library without the rose tinted nostalgia goggles of people that had it as children is that there are a lot of shit games on amiga
I know this is weakass bait, but this argument is just so logically bankrupt, it's truly amazing.

EVERY sytem library under a "sober review" is full of shit games. Some fucker made a 15+ year carreer ranting about how shit nes games are.
The 80/20 rule exist for a reason. And it applies to all.

If you truly believe in your "reason", you believe that everyone has just as much right to shit on every other system as well. Probably even a duty to do so.
Which, I'm sure, is the ultimately goal for the shitposter. Fuck off with your shitty religion.

>> No.10148392

t. australia-kun

>> No.10148446

If he's everything that the clique here attributes to him then I take that as a compliment

>> No.10148493

Bad NES games are basically still just average Amiga games though.
It's the nature of any of those computer systems that didn't have a barrier of entry for publishing games that anything good is mired in a metric tonne of shit that's barely even playable.
That's not necessarily a problem, and even lends the system some charm, if you're into grunge, but it is the truth. I don't know why people are so eager to fight that.

Also, like half of the games AVGN reviews aren't even that bad, and he was always exaggerating for the sake of comedy.
Even Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, is basically just mechanically confusing for a child. It's still a perfectly sound product. I've played it. It's alright once you understand what's happening.
An example of a bad Amiga game on the other hand would be a Polish adventure game, made by a child, with amateur graphics, and an almost certainty of getting soft-locked.

>> No.10148541

You'd find people are a lot more receptive if you don't always come out of the gate shitting on the "weeb shit", when you want to strike up a conversation about Dangerous Streets, or whatever the fuck.
You've decided to start a fight, and then you get confused when people show up to fight you.

>> No.10148546


>> No.10148552

Don't get actually mad when people tell you Super Metroid is better than Turrican then, because it is.

>> No.10148560

Your Amiga (but good), sir

>> No.10148709

>a sober review of its library without the rose tinted nostalgia goggles of people that had it as children
Is that even possible though? The Amiga sold what, 4,000,000 units worldwide? And the SNES sold 49,000,000. So for every person who played Amiga during their formative years, there's 10 people who played the SNES during their formative years and who will judge new experiences as an adult in relation to how they experienced games as a kid on the SNES.

>> No.10148741

Lots of people played Amiga games as kids, just without knowing they were ever playing Amiga games.
Lemmings, Worms, Another World, Populus. Those were all good enough that they got ported to other things. Even James Pond, which frankly is kind of shit made it onto everything.
People aren't biased against the Amiga style, as much as they're unimpressed by games that stayed on the Amiga, because they were sub-par.

>> No.10148761

So do you think the amiga would be held in higher regard today if those games had remained exclusives?

>> No.10148771

That's still like five games amid an absolute flood of nothing.
The difference would be people wouldn't even care about those games.

>> No.10148778

>The difference would be people wouldn't even care about those games.
Like I said, because so few people played them as a kid.

>> No.10148783

There are loads of great games for the Amiga. Your posts are just trolling and and derailing the thread. Why do feel the need to smear shit all over the board and derail any thread about retro games that is not about Nintendo? Are you mentally ill?

>> No.10148792

Populous was ported to everything from the PlayStation to the PC. Civilisation, the settlers, dune all wonderful Amiga games

>> No.10148795

But people don't just like games they played as a kid.
I literally never played SNES as a kid, because I grew up slightly too late. I played Streets of Rage on Megadrive a few times, and that was about it.
I played like no arcade games, because I didn't grow up around arcades, but I can clearly recognise arcades as the peak of video games in a lot of ways. You play a really good arcade shmup, and it's like a religious experience, you play the best shmup on the Amiga (which is Apidya), and it's still kind of just a pale immitation of what was happening in the arcades, and on consoles like the Megadrive.

All things are not equal, and nostalgia is not everything.

>> No.10148798

Most of the posters in this thread criticising the Amgia have never owned one or played any of the games and they don;t know much about it, they are just trolling. The settlers on Amiga was the inspiration for warcraft Orcs and Humans. RTS was basically born on the Amiga and ST.
This board is full of retards who don't know much about retro games.

>> No.10148805

No, there are loads of "good-ish" games for Amiga, that still aren't as good as what was happening in arcades, or on consoles, or on DOS slightly later.
Second Samurai on Amiga is like peak sidescrolling action. On Megadrive, it's a C tier game, after all of the great Japanese sidescrollers.

>> No.10148808

I agree. And I agree about the shmups too. But I'm also into slower more thoughtful computer games as well as arcade-style games, so I like the Amiga's library too.

>> No.10148809

Maybe if you had one as a kid, your opinion is worth less, because you can only view it through a lens of nostalgia.

>> No.10148814

forgot to add, I never had an Amiga as a kid either, but I did have a c64 though and played a lot of PC games later.

>> No.10148821

Why do you spam nonsense to try and destroys any thread which is about anything other than nintendo? Its not a debate, RTS was born on amiga with settlers and populous.

>> No.10148828

I hate RTS.

>> No.10148831

Great games great machine
because its this board you know OP is someone obsessed with NES that just spams shit in every other thread

>> No.10148836

RTS is a genre for people with small man syndrome.

>> No.10148943

Well I'm sure you have lots of boring irrelevant thoughts like that, then there are people who actually like retro games beyond spamming bait and shitting nintendo turds on systems and games they know nothing about.

>> No.10148947

like 3/4 of the ms-dos games

>> No.10148956

Amiga shits all over systems except the PC and until the PS1 was released, sound cards in PCs were still an accessory at this stage

>> No.10148967
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>> No.10149009

Atari 2600, NES.

>> No.10149153

Stonkers was an RTS for the Spectrum released in 1983

>> No.10149160

Another world was lovely on the Amiga

>> No.10149174

>Stonkers was an RTS for the Spectrum released in 1983
Fair comment but it never had the typical base building resource harvesting mechanism that settlers and populus have and most people associate with RTS core mechanics

>> No.10149492

On the other hand it had selecting and moving units around using a cursor which Populous and Settlers didn't have.

>> No.10149581

Is there a PC program that is equivalent to Deluxe Paint?
Is there a PC program that would allow to make mod music?

>> No.10149618

Dpaint 2 is available for PC since forever.
But I prefer grafx2, an amazing Brilliance clone.
Tracker software I think kids use these days

>> No.10149624

There's also this for music:

>> No.10149635
File: 20 KB, 457x306, pipi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon.

>> No.10149714
File: 209 KB, 1050x1572, DSCF1785-col.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This man is smart, and likely good looking.

>> No.10149818

There's also Deluxe Paint Animation for DOS if you miss the animation features from DP3.

>> No.10151295

There is quite a lot of it on the eShop and Steam these days

>> No.10151334
File: 2.86 MB, 585x500, e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10151357

Any genre that didn't take form in the arcades is for Melvins who'd rather sit behind a desk and pretend to be Napoleon, than go outside. I'm tired of pretending I have to respect this stuff.
I like Sega, SNK and Taito more, if anything.
I'm not going to pretend there's anything wrong with Nintendo though. They've made plenty of good games.
>unironically coming at me like Super Frog and James Pond are classics, and pretending to be above Nintendo

>> No.10151395 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 500x277, numb54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>10148943 (You)
>Any genre that didn't take form in the arcades is for Melvins who'd rather sit behind a desk and pretend to be Napoleon, than go outside. I'm tired of pretending I have to respect this stuff.
>>>10148967 (You)
>I like Sega, SNK and Taito more, if anything.
>I'm not going to pretend there's anything wrong with Nintendo though. They've made plenty of good games.
>>unironically coming at me like Super Frog and James Pond are classics, and pretending to be above Nintendo

>> No.10151398 [DELETED] 

You're a nerd, and I'm done pretending I have to respect you.

>> No.10151424
File: 103 KB, 841x392, 1643107337145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any genre that didn't take form in the arcades is for Melvins who'd rather sit behind a desk and pretend to be Napoleon, than go outside.
Yamauchi is that you?

>> No.10151426

Does sound like a cool game, zniggy time?

>> No.10152375

It would be cool to see what games Japan might have put on the Amiga.

>> No.10153145

but nintendo

>> No.10155029


>> No.10155417

Based shovelware microjank thread

>> No.10156446


>> No.10157638

page 11 bump