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10128961 No.10128961 [Reply] [Original]

PSX or N3DS?

>> No.10128983

one is retro other is not
where do you think you are? if you have to ask then >>>/v/ is over there

>> No.10129001

re-releases of retro games on modern consoles are still retro games

>> No.10129021

No one has ever beaten this game though.

>> No.10129029

I did. The psx version.
Looking for shards felt like a chore at times. I enjoyed the game at first but it was too long for its own good, specially because you keep hearing the same songs and seeing the same graphics over and over and over. The game also had quite a lot of back-tracking.
Haven't played the 3DS version, but apparently it has better pacing and looking for shards is easier, so unless you really like inspecting everywhere, it seems to be the best option.

>> No.10129078

I just started the 3DS version, because I love the childish graphics and variety doesn’t hurt with I-VI all looking the same.

>> No.10129087

It's a complete remake, not a re-release

>> No.10129096

Emulation is a blessing for some games. I usually don’t mess with emulation speed, but for some JRPGs with a lot of backtracking (especially when backtracking is combined with trivial random encounters) it feels mandatory.

>> No.10129107

persona 2 is unplayable to me without turbo button
just animations take so fucking long, and all the card farming

>> No.10129258


3DS looks like shit

>> No.10129263
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Not retro, but
You have no taste

>> No.10129268

looks like shit, as expected from a game on nintendo hardware

>> No.10129390

I wish every game looked like this

>> No.10129437

i've owned PSX version since it was released and bought the 3DS version on release as well. the 3DS version is nice but having to hold the god damn thing in my hands all the time eventually took it's toll on me and made me not finish the game. not having to do the long beginning section, some qol, and internet functionality (which i never got to participate with other players in) couldn't keep me engaged long enough. the PSX version i can only recommend to players who want something that is going to take the span of a year to complete, somewhat cryptic, easy to get off track or lost, then it might be the right game for you. i cannot suggest playing both versions. pick one and just finish it. my vote goes for playing the PSX DQVII on the couch over the course of two years.

>> No.10129442

You can hold a controller in your hands but not a 3ds? How weak are you?

>> No.10129448

It’s way past 2018, so playing the 3DS version on the couch is feasible as well.

>> No.10129449

I played the 3DS version, which supposedly removed some of the bloat from the PSX version and it still felt padded as hell. Tons of backtracking to dungeons you literally just left because an NPC forgot to ask you to pick up something that wasn't there before, etc.

>> No.10129458
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How about 8? I don't give a shit about graphics, do the other changes make it better or worse? JRPGs being on handhelds are a big plus for me.

>> No.10129464

i didn't claim it was too heavy i just said holding the 3ds took its toll on me. most of the time i would get distracted or fall asleep while i was playing both of which are on me. i don't expect anyone to play the PSX to be honest. it really is a sleepy ass game but i really like it flickering on the television screen with it's crunchy 3D world. if you want to blast through the game then definitely pick up the 3DS version if you wanna smoke past the game and move on but dont take my word for it considering i haven't finished it entirely and i don't know when and if i'll ever get the interest to pick it back up when push comes to shove i'll just pop in the PSX disc and go back to what i did until they rereleased it.

>> No.10129469

Just gameplay wise the 3DS port is much better. You just really have to not care about graphics as you claim.

>> No.10129470

3DS emulation is good if you have a decent PC. I built mine like 7 years ago at this point and can run games at much higher resolution than the actual 3DS at least.

>> No.10130474

3ds has worse audio but random encounters were removed, making it the best version. Also you a new party member

>> No.10130580

3DS. By the way anon, I'm telling you now, this game is fucking glacial. It takes hours to get to the first battle, even the 3DS version trimming down the prologue has this problem. I played this for hours and took it back to the store for a refund because there was literally no gameplay at the beginning. I'm no stranger to slow burn games, being a fan of Megaten and Wizardry/-likes, but this tested my patience to its limit.

Even if you took the most optimal, perfect route to get to the first battle as fast as possible, including skipping all dialog and using teleport items, it'll take you nearly an hour to reach the first goddamn fight. I can literally complete the first DMC in that time.

>> No.10130606

I'll admit this is the first game to filter me. It is so fucking slow in the begging I put it down for a few years and came back to try it again and I was still at the beginning even after playing it for like 45 minutes from where I left off, I quit even after saying I'd get though it this time. What the fuck? Seriously.

>> No.10130685

Either way, the localization is going to be difficult to tolerate. PS1 gets poorly-translated and typo-ridden word vomit, while 3DS gets the usual bad puns and worse accents that have plagued the franchise since DQ8. Best option is PS1 in Japanese.

Kind of glaring that in the part of the game where the original four party members get locked away in prison, Red and Morrie are conveniently mentioned as having stayed with the boat and avoided arrest so that the script doesn't have to rewrite the scene to account for them.

>> No.10130686

i am fortunate in that i bought this game on vacation and had nothing to do in my grandmas house for two weeks so figuring out the first part of the game is something i just had to do. i forgot my memory card at home too. i cannot count how many times i've had to do it.

>> No.10130708

Random encounters are better than Dragon Quest's visible encounters. Visible encounters in Dragon Quest have enemies that allow you to walk past them with no aggression, so you can just mosey through entire dungeons without ever getting in a fight that you don't want to get in while the enemies just kind of stand still and watch you do all the puzzles and open all the chests. if that sounds like a fun adventure for you then go ahead and play DQ8 3DS but i think it harms the atmosphere.

>> No.10130740

>if that sounds like a fun adventure for you then go ahead and play DQ8 3DS but i think it harms the atmosphere.
i would go further and recommend DQ9 because that's THE fucking game for it

>> No.10130778

The unique sense of melancholy and existential dread isn't present in the 3DS remake. It's such a tedious affair. The overall concept is good, but it's sullied by such shameless padding. Maybe if you don't care about how long it will take you to beat and you play it over the course of several months. PSX feels less compromised while the 3DS forsakes vision for playability and I would argue looks better overall but it also, as stated, diminishes the tone/mood of the original.

>> No.10130819

>Visible encounters in Dragon Quest have enemies that allow you to walk past them with no aggression
Really? In VII-3DS they chase you, and most of the dungeons don't really give you room to get away from most of them, that's only easy on the overworld

>> No.10130831

There's a patch for the orchestrated music.

>> No.10130842
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Play both like a real man.

>> No.10130850

3DS version has a shard locator that starts flashing if there's one nearby. You'll never miss one.

>> No.10130856

It's like a bunch of mini rpgs put together and the overarching story doesn't even present itself until about 50 hours in. VII is for hardcore fans of the series only.

>> No.10130882

>it harms the atmosphere.
what does this even mean

>> No.10130890

It's the one I started with.

>> No.10131489

>The unique sense of melancholy and existential dread
Hardly unique since the DS remakes look the exact same.

>> No.10131925

not really it depends on the emulator.
for example i was testing duckstation and all i can say about that emu is "is a piece of shit" it works worse then other emus not even joking,i was hoping something great yet if it works like that, it didn't live up to be hyped so much.

>> No.10132028

you know is bad when psxfin plays the games better (last rel 2007)

>> No.10132561

I spent like 20 hours with the 3ds game and lost my save while upgrading my sd card.

>> No.10132702
File: 823 KB, 1920x960, DQ8-decrypted-220825-113058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3DS version of 8 looks a LOT worse than the original, you can see props pop out when you get two feet away from them, sounds a lot worse too (audio quality is worse + no orchestral OST + worse voice acting), some questionnable changes like the item making not requiring time anymore or getting rid of random encounters, also it's censored and the PS2 version has widescreen support
But the extra content is good though the changes make the game a lot easier too

Stick to the OG version as a first playthrough unless you're a retarded zoomer. The graphics, musics and VA are the most important parts to enjoying this game. And removing random encounters is for casuals.

>> No.10132704
File: 1.38 MB, 1024x896, gsdx_20220723162457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10133232

The censorship and music can be restored with a patch.

>> No.10133763

wait... why is it 3D??? i thought we talking about dragon quest... a game that ripped off ultima series on pc... which neither were 3D
is this another case of final fantasy where needlessly went 3D for no good reason

>> No.10133881

that's one hulking sandwich

>> No.10134185

dragon quest 7 had 3d environments.

>> No.10134216

yeah, even Dragon Quest took the deadly 3D pill, unfortunately for everyone involved

>> No.10134262

>mentions problems on emulator
>never used a 3DS
you know that the so called orchestral is just a lie,most if not all dragon quest use orchest music by the tokyo symphony.

>> No.10134268

i bet you play on the sony gay station.

>> No.10135664

What problems are emulator specific? I beat it on the 3DS and it has all of those issues, including being over brightened.

>> No.10135672

>What problems are emulator specific?

Literally none, it's just that "real hardware" autists tell themselves emulation magically makes the game look worse and create game breaking issues

Handheld platforms are what benefit from emulation the most.

>> No.10135762

Looks best on the PS2 with a high-quality component cable. It's more enjoyable on a TV than a handheld system.

>> No.10135856

3ds version of 8 is so shit its unreal
>low resolution
>awful coloring
>areas have ambience ruined by so many enemy models walking around them
>beatiful symphonic score replaced by midi
>game actually ruins its own plot with an optional ending only retarded coomers wanted
Ps2 is a beautiful experience. 3ds version is a baleful excrement. The comparison for dq7 is quite similar.
The original is slower paced but the tone and translation are much better for psx. The class system is also MUCH better in the original. It doesn't even take that long to finish. I beat it in about 2 weeks with occasional use of speed up. The silly bullshit modern dq translations arent worth putting up with for a rushed experience with a worse progression system than the original.

>> No.10135864

The only DQ re-release that is actually better than the original is DQ5 PS2

>> No.10135874

>the tone and translation are much better for psx.
The PS1 translation is a total grammatical mess due to having so much text, too little space, and using an inexplicably-large English font.

>> No.10135885

Yeah that's 100% fact. That fan translation is a blessing. The presentation and music for the ps2 version drive dq5 into the top tier for me. Shame they didn't do the same for 4. The ds remake was tolerable but the lack of party chat and the dumbass localization are disgraceful. The ds remake of 5 was totally unnecessary and entirely inferior to the ps2 version. The snes remakes of dq 1-3 are pretty good as well all things considered. Especially 3. The sprite art is gorgeous. I'd say they have a 50-50 track record with remakes which has been worse in recent years.

>> No.10135894

Remakes have been allowed for a long time.
You will never be a janny, tranny

>> No.10135895

The PS2 remake has all the exact same garbage as DS except the third bride, and has uglier 3D models on top of it. Just play the original and get the four-man-party patch put in.

>> No.10135897

Other than a few spelling errors I never noticed any issues with the text in the game. Do you have any egregious examples?

>> No.10135910

Pretty much every major name being shoddily transliterated from Japanese or a heavily-compressed abbreviation that comes out as incoherent babble. At least the NES games localized everything to sound like they were proper words. Whoever did DQ7 must've been on the GBC games where such compromises would be expected, but that doesn't fly on a full console game.

>> No.10135914

As far as I heard it was a pretty faithful remake. The models all look decent enough. It literally just looks like a 2d dq with 3d models. The proportions and perspective are intentional. The improved music and the presentation are worth playing over the nes or snes version.

>> No.10135932

SNES was more soulful with how it only barely looked and sounded better than the NES games, yet still managed to be a fan-favorite. The remakes only ruined the charm and the balance.

>> No.10136658

Always have FF on a shoulder button to cut back on the deadtime. Makes these long old rpgs a lot easier to stomach.

>> No.10136821

let me guess you don't like the "get a wife and have children message" on the game
and this is why mentally ill people is promoting new gen gaymes.

>> No.10136835

Apparently you can marry Jessica in the 3DS version. That was almost enough to make me buy it, but I didn't want to pay full price for a game I already owned on PS2. How much does it cost these days?

>> No.10136851

No you fucking retard I didn't like the fact that they sloppily added jessica as a love interest at the very end when the MC is set up throughout the entire plot to be with medea.

>> No.10136917

>>areas have ambience ruined by so many enemy models walking around them
Monsters are supposed to be roaming around. Do you think the random encounters just pop off the ground? And it's a staple of all the new games by now.
>>game actually ruins its own plot with an optional ending only retarded coomers wanted
If you don't like it you can just ignore it. Many people appreciated the new ending since they found that like many of Horii's "canon brides" (Bianca *coff* *coff*, Gemma *coff* *coff*), Medea has the personality of a plank of wood.

The audiovisual downgrade is unfortunate, but the extra content makes up for it. Especially the boss gauntlet dungeon provides a postgame challenge much superior than the dragons.
Of course the ideal would be Squeenix releasing an definitive HD version with all the content and upgraded visuals, but I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.10137054

0 dollars if you have a hacked 3ds

>> No.10137070 [DELETED] 
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for the sweet love of Christ almighty can someone please tell me where the last land shard is for the central pedestal

I've been walking around for an hour and I fell like I'm going insane

>> No.10137154

but jessica was available as love interest in the original yet you missed that retard.
besides you have the slutty girl as wife option in several draquest.

>> No.10137161

and i mean the japan version,i still don't get why it was removed for the international release (no reason to have the wedding dress armor for jessica in the game files)

>> No.10137385

>muh japanese version
I've never heard anything about jessica being able to be married in the japanese version. They probably just gave her the armor for fanservice sake like they always do. Even IF this was in the original game it's still a shit thing to have since the game HEAVILY sets up medea. All of that foreshadowing about the grandparents and then the parents promising their children be married. It's some sweet fairy tale type shit. The two characters even grow up together. They literally come to love each other and find out at the end of the story that it's meant to be. The "UUUUUUUUUOOOOOOHHHHH I WANT THE BIG BOOBIES GIRL" crowd just can't appreciate that shit. Having her as a marriage option shits all over the established lore. I also think it takes away from Jessica's character a bit and her dynamic within the group(foil to angelo).

>> No.10137735

Her model is inferior on the 3DS version. Also I think they removed the boob juggle.

>> No.10139302

nintendork detected

>> No.10139805

They only added the Jessica ending because her and the Hero's Japanese VAs got married in real life.