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File: 52 KB, 323x309, Armored_Core_Master_of_Arena_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10124561 No.10124561 [Reply] [Original]

Please consider talking about Armored Core in this thread.

Possible topic suggestion: I want to play a PS1 AC title, and don't know if I should bother with the original, or just skip it and go to Project Phantasm or right to Master of Arena. I'm leaning towards the original as I've never played it, but the last time I played PP or MoA was sometime after their release, so they're all fresh to me.

>> No.10124608

100% the original for the unlimited weight limit human+ power, then carry over your save file to Phantasma, then carry it over to Master of Arena.
Human+ runs are more fun than non-human+ runs.

>> No.10124624

Everything that this anon said; armored core is like the dark souls of mecha games, but I do love me some tactical front mission as well.

>> No.10124626

Human+ is literally cheating and if you do it, you did not beat the game

>> No.10124640

Just play in order so you can transfer saves. Using the human+ cheat is a cringe way to entertain yourself I guess, but I suggest gitting gud from the start.

>> No.10124645

i've always liked gundam and i always wanted to like these games too.
i remember renting one of them for the ps2 and being pretty disappointed, can't remember why though.

>> No.10124867

Play AC1, it's neat and you can get the Karasawa and Moonlight for the other two games.
I'd say do a normal run but there are abilities you are permanently locked out of by not going Human Plus (see: wave attacks for blade swings). It's more rewarding to not do it, but do whatever you want. Hell, most people who tell you Human Plus is cheating played through Gen1 with Karasawa/Moonlight which is *the* cheese build for the entire trilogy.

>> No.10125058

i always take advantage of H+, but never overweight because it feels uncomfortable totally ignoring the game's rules like that

>> No.10125061

nah, you're just retarded. human+ is based
>Hell, most people who tell you Human Plus is cheating played through Gen1 with Karasawa/Moonlight which is *the* cheese build for the entire trilogy.
or 1000 ammo machinegun-using fags

>> No.10125150
File: 2.96 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fun game

>> No.10125167
File: 299 KB, 1527x2173, 81TXQfyLPmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was the game ditched the tank controls and introduced dual analog, was it turning point of the franchise or the downfall?

>> No.10125175

My favorites per console:
PS2: AC3
PS3/360: AC4

There are so many reboots in the series that you really don't need to play them in order. AC1 is by far the GOAT especially with the H+ enhancements, probably the first game that lets you New Game + by sucking at the game. Each of them has a very distinctive aesthetic.

>> No.10125225

Based and correct


>> No.10125261

>waaaa, must enjoy bideo game only the way I say
>all other fun be prohibited waaaa

>> No.10126105

The control scheme is really awkward even when you're used to it, that's probably why. They didn't start using the standard analog stick control scheme until the later PS2 games.

I've been playing these games for years and I still hardly use the shoulder buttons to adjust my aim up or down, I just make little adjustments once in a while depending on how the enemy is behaving.

>or 1000 ammo machinegun-using fags
>nooo don't use a high DPS gun that actually has enough ammo to go through a mission with more than 8 MTs for bad guys noooo

>> No.10127450
File: 208 KB, 401x493, 1606511549269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFW you realize Armored Core wasn't talking about the mechs, but the fortified underground bunkers humanity now has to live in close to the planet's core.

>> No.10128301

>people getting offended by being called casuals for using human+
doesn't matter what you think, you got BITCH-02 tattooed on your forehead. it's a legitimate way to play but you still are renamed to BITCH in all caps. it's like doing the deadbeat dungeon in kamidori where the MC gets a DEADBEAT stamp stuck on his head for the rest of the game for doing it.
... no, the mechs are quite literally called armored cores and they're named that because the chest part is the most important part of the mech.

>> No.10128820

At best its a double meaning if you want to stretch that the planet's core is armored with bunkers. But the ACs literally stand for Armored Cores.

>> No.10128914

Never played on of those. Where do I start, Armored Core 1? Should I skip any of the games? There are a ton.

>> No.10128920

You start at 1 and work from there.

Next you'll ask, "how do I play this?".

>> No.10128924
File: 255 KB, 630x630, 1686743516141101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather ask how many times did your uncle had to abuse in order to become such a jerk.

>> No.10128926

Sorry you're such a pussy.

>> No.10129005

relax, anon. it's just a video game lol

>> No.10129014

Human Plus is the game buffing you for failing though, it's basically a fun way of you not being locked into a corner through accruing debt in-game.

>> No.10129120

AC1 is really good

>> No.10130951

>Non-human runs
You can play as an alien in the first gen AC games? Or is it something else

>> No.10130960
File: 262 KB, 512x511, 1637935156514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YOU ARE A Pussy for playing the game in a way I hate! REEEEEEEEEEE!
OK retard /v/ermin

>> No.10131215

Anon, the issue is he can't even play the game.

>> No.10131218

Human+ is when you go beyond a point of failure the game restarts you with a locked name and removes certain restrictions, it makes the game easier.

>> No.10131615

human+ basically turns you into a robotic demigod, does things like remove weight limit and basically give you infinite energy, it's like a hidden "journalist difficulty," which like >>10131218 says is why it's unlocked by doing really bad and essentially bankrupting yourself

>> No.10131626


>> No.10131980

I admire the perseverance of anyone who found Human+ organically. Eating shit in missions over and over without giving up the game.

>> No.10131993

You should definitely play the first one. The first is really fun and fucking crazy. In fact, there's a later Armored Core game on PS2 that recreates quite a few of the missions in the first game iirc. It's so sick.

>> No.10132146

>a later Armored Core game on PS2 that recreates quite a few of the missions in the first game

Which one is that? I played all the Armored core games up to 3 and never noticed any recreated missions but that sounds cool as hell.

>> No.10132190

Armored Core Nexus has a second disc full of missions from the PS1 games. It is fucking awesome and to make it even cooler they remixed the epic Raven Nest theme from the PS1 games:


>> No.10132350

It's a cool system honestly, it basically rewards experimentation and failure (deliberate or not) and prevents anything like a total lockout. Never used it personally but to be honest I've been playing and its sequels vanilla for this long now.

>> No.10134354

Interesting indeed...
Anywho, does anybody here other than me notice that not only on Amazon, but also very often on Ebay as well that 1st, 2nd and up to the 3rd generations of Armored Core games are SO DAMN FUCKING EXPENSIVE!?
I understand the PS1 AC games but why Armored Core 3 and Silent Line as well, and sometimes Nexus? WTF!?

>> No.10134762


>> No.10134827

>does things like remove weight limit
NOPE! wrong. you only get weight limit removal from 100%ing ac1 and ac2. and in ac2, the weight limit removal doesn't even carry over to ac2aa

>> No.10134838

These games were all cheap as fuck before the AC6 announcement because nobody generally gave a shit about Armored Core. I was absolutely beyond shocked seeing the price spike. Got copies of every single PS1 and PS2 game during 2019 and early 2020 and the most expensive one I paid for was $40. Fucking bought a sealed copy of MOA for $60 and now it's going for $300 last i checked. lol Noobs should be happy emulation exists because these sellers are beyond delusional.
I'm sure the prices will die down a bit after the hype does.

>> No.10134840

>and the most expensive one I paid for was $40. Fucking bought a sealed copy of MOA for $60
>>10134354 My mistake on the immediate contradiction. Some important info got lost in the middle of my rambling rant.

>> No.10135032

Gen 1 lets you remap the controls, so you could e.g. map movement to the d-pad, aiming to the face buttons, and combat functions to the shoulder buttons.
Still kind of awkward though, especially the strafing since it doesn't feel quite the same as modern titles.

>> No.10135107

>Gen 1 lets you remap the controls,
they all do. not just gen 1

>> No.10135148

It will probably drop after game releases. It's what happened with Drakengard anyway.

>> No.10136256

If you did not use humanoid legs, you did not beat the game in style