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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 224 KB, 276x361, RevolutionX_arcadeflyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10117114 No.10117114 [Reply] [Original]

This game gets dogged on a bit nowadays, especially for having Aerosmith be the leaders of a rebellious youth movement but I think it's pretty fun. It's over the top, violent and filled with secrets. It's also the very last arcade game I remember seeing absolutely everywhere - mall arcades, grocery stores, bowling alleys etc. I can't recall any single arcade game since then that had this kind of coverage.

>> No.10117142

Area 51 was everywhere

>> No.10117152

they just picked such a shitty band. Can you imagine how cherished this game would be if they got somebody like Megadeth or Slayer or literally ANYBODY more relevant in the 90s?

>> No.10117174

t. didnt actually experience the 90s
megadeth was completely irrelevant, slayer was just the metalocalypse of the day. the only american rock band bigger than aerosmith at the time is arguably the red hot chili peppers

>> No.10117184

only ever found this game at weird hotels, which was very fitting.

>> No.10117196

Gen X counterculture is really funny to revisit considering how invisible that generation has become in the war between boomers and millennials. I guess their disaffected cynicism won out and they peaced out of the conversation.

>> No.10117508

this or t2? which one is better?

>> No.10117810
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I mostly just remember this, and Rampage machines as a kid. Could be that memory is conflating the two kaiju arcade games in some way, but either way they're really the only games other than the typical shooters I remember seeing multiple actual machines of

I mean it is kind of an odd pairing, Aerosmith and "revolution" don't exactly go together....they're not exactly The Clash or RATM or some other social activist shit, Aerosmith was more a drugs sex and rock n roll band, and I don't say this to be derogatory because I hate activist rock.

Megadeth and Slayer also weren't doing that horribly at the time. Slayer was never like a band who had a "mainstream breakthrough" anyway so for them they were fine, and even though Youthanasia is not one of the fan favorite Megadeth albums I'm pretty sure it was a decent success for the band. Aerosmith was bigger though, they managed to have a bit of a revival in the grunge era while the thrash bands were more like trying to stay afloat, but they weren't necessarily unsuccessful like you put it.

>> No.10117857

>I can't recall any single arcade game since then that had this kind of coverage.
Big Buck Hunter
San Francisco Rush
Police Trainer

>> No.10117861

As a concept, the game is pretty great - it's silly (in a good way) and has nice graphics. The gameplay though is more irritating than anything. Mounted machine gun games just aren't a whole lot of fun when compared to point and shoot lightgun games, and RX and T2 ultimately feel like a slog where you have minimal control over how well you're doing (as evidenced by them both being impossible to clear on one credit - and this isn't a 1CCfag thing, but if a game is effectively impossible for a human to clear without continuing, that's a good sign that it is intentionally programmed as a quarter sucker first, gameplay second affair).

>> No.10118337

It's unfair Midway trash, but Tyler tossing you the keys through the screen was kino and I want to fuck Helga.

>> No.10118382

I think that originally they were trying to get AC DC but that didnt work out to they went with Aerosmith.

>> No.10118471

Tons of nostalgia for this game, but haven't played it in over 20 years. It was at my local nickel arcade so even though it was a coin-eater it didn't matter for 5 cents a play

>> No.10118479

what's a nickel arcade?

>> No.10118491

An arcade where cabs are set to $0.05 per play as opposed to the usual $0.25+. Generally you'd think of them having older games, which is why they could charge less (buy used cabs from flashier arcades when that arcade is looking to replace older games with newer ones).

>> No.10118496

Why were where never any dime or dollar arcade machines?

>> No.10118571

One I went to had a cover charge, but it was like 3 bucks a person.

>> No.10118583

>and I want to fuck Helga.

>> No.10118597

>I guess their disaffected cynicism won out and they peaced out of the conversation.


>> No.10118604

t. experienced the 90s through his mom's car radio lmfao

>> No.10118638

The guy wants to fuck Helga. Big deal. Are you a fag or something?

>> No.10118646

You're right it was mom music, but they did have a few mtv videos with that kike bitch in the early 90s. I forget her name.

>> No.10118653

liv tyler, steven tyler's daughter

>> No.10118663

Her and that Silverstone girl.

>> No.10118674
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>> No.10118709

warren davis had some interesting insights on this game in his book. I recall he said the band members were real good sports and pleasant to work with, also super health-conscious in terms of food provided. Also, he makes a cameo as the nerd who chucks grenades at you, the one you have to crush by shooting the sign above him. Davis said that was part of his idea, same as the van level in T2; Apparently it was often a point he made to have even action games get a break where you had to think a little, and do more than just blindly shoot everything that moves.

pretty sure Helga is played by the same chick that played Sonya Blade.

>> No.10118795 [SPOILER] 
File: 15 KB, 400x350, Revolution X - Final boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10118828

as a kid i had ever slayer album up to god hates us all and every megadeth up to crypic writings, and thought aerosmith sucked.
now i would rather listen to them, even the desmond child stuff over slayer and shit, big 4 thrash is so cringe.

>> No.10118890

I remember going with my grandmother to Wal Mart on Christmas Eve morning to do some last minute shopping and some kid was in the process of beating this guy. I remember him spinning around with lots of gore and entrails flying everywhere. Really contrasted with the holiday.

>> No.10118952

yeah kerri hoskins. midway used her for everything: nba jam, mk3, blitz, all sorts of promo videos, etc
shes in her mid 50s now and completely mogs instagram hoes half her age

>> No.10118968

Who played the dancers? She had a nice ass.

>> No.10119046

also Golden Tee

>> No.10119396

My local arcade had this game and it was out of order for like 10 years then they got rid of it.>
Yep Area 51 was in every arcade that had more than like 3 machines.

>> No.10119729

I think that's Hoskins as well.

>> No.10120736

>megadeth was completely irrelevant, slayer was just the metalocalypse of the day.
they were always huge if you were a metalhead. outside of that? no. it was rare to see their music videos on tv or hear them on radio in my country. you kinda had to go out of your way to listen to them in the 1990s.

t.metalhead in his late 40s.

>> No.10120787

The game probably would have been better with Guns N Roses but they broke up before the game came out.

Aerosmith was absolutely huge in the 90s. Look at the sales figures for Get A Grip. Every single on that album is in heavy rotation still today.

>> No.10120910

Yeah I remember there was a period when it felt like MTV was showing nothing but the Get a Grip videos on repeat.
I'm still waiting for the VR experience of riding a motorcycle and making out with Alicia Silverstone btw.

>> No.10120942

You missed the opportunity to respond with "whatever."

>> No.10120958
File: 224 KB, 1433x1573, 1679798471021450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game was fun then and I still find it fun now. It was literally on every game console. The SNES version translated surprisingly good considering all that was chopped out of it and the Genesis version is like a completely different animal. The PS1 is the closest to the arcade version and the game disk doubled as a CD that let you listen to the game's arranged sound track. Game aged surprisingly well all things considered and scratches a weird itch considering rail shooters are barely a thing anymore and to a person who never played this, they'd still find it enjoyable albeit they didn't experience it when Aerochads were still huge.

>> No.10121004

Maybe it's relative from where you live, but almost all the generation fights I've seen are between gen x and everything and everyone younger. What's your timeframe for gen x? I consider it late 60s through the 70s. The boomers I know just nag a little, but, overall, are pretty invested in their own lives and pay little attention to "kids these days".

>> No.10121350

>are pretty invested in their own lives and pay little attention to "kids these days".
They don't need to anymore. The way they voted they insured they would never have to pay attention to any kids ever again be it their own or their grandkids, but they're still going to reap from benefits their descendants will never know. They spent their time bitching out their own kids and their relationships with their grandkids are superficial at best kind of in the same vein as you think a Hallmark card with money in it equals a healthy relationship even though the irony is it's like giving back the money and wealth they stole from you and called it a gift.

t. Gen X dude who watched Boomers leech multiple generation's prosperity to extend their own cursed existence

>> No.10121364

Didn't GNR have an arcade game too? Or was it just a Pinball machine?

>> No.10122042
File: 1.48 MB, 2402x1558, guns n roses jjp flyer both pages jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've had TWO pinball machines. Slash is a pinball fan and he contributed design ideas to both. I listened to an interview with the designer of the first one and he said that he was surprised how good the ideas were.

Data East and Jersey Jack Pinball.

>> No.10122047

Tough to say whether any of his gameplay ideas were used in either though. I feel like they might have been in the first one.

>> No.10122068

This, I would just prefer a light gun. I didn't touch this cab much. Also I do have "Get a Grip" on cassette 1' away from me right now. Also Aerosmith was neo-retro in the 90s those Get a Grip music videos gave kids boners.

>> No.10122701

>especially for having Aerosmith be the leaders of a rebellious youth movement
Yeah that was a weird choice, but if you google "best bands of the 90s" nothing really screams "youth movement!!" to me, people tend to forget that a lot of the 90s bands were all about this proto sadness, so Nirvana singing about how sad he is, and same with radiohead and the cranberries..

I guess maybe Metallica could have worked, they were getting pushed big time by MTV around that time, though yeah.. not really appealing to the ladies I guess.

Maybe in the end they should have gone with Red Hot Chilli Peppers, they were young enough and also pretty big due to MTV pushing them.
but Aerosmith man, they were fucking huge during the early 90s, so I get it. but they still dont really invoke a rebellious feeling inside of me, their 90s style just seemed more aimed towards young women.

>> No.10122850

The 90s weren't really the time to sell "sadness". Things were pretty upbeat. If Nirvana didn't have a heavier sound, they would be lumped as "alternative" along those proto-sadness bands and mainstream success would be way more limited.

Anyway, for quite a long time (many decades), and still today, "youth movement" is basically a synonym for "teenage angst". In that vein, any teen-approved band would work well.

>> No.10124783

out of all the arcades (or places with arcades) in my area that came & went growing up this game never showed up at any of them as far as light gun games it was always either terminator, area 51, house of the dead, lost world or that police academy game. i didn't even realized this game existed until i saw a cinematech episode.

>especially for having Aerosmith be the leaders of a rebellious youth movement
>Aerosmith and "revolution" don't exactly go together....they're not exactly The Clash or RATM or some other social activist shit, Aerosmith was more a drugs sex and rock n roll band, and I don't say this to be derogatory because I hate activist rock.
rock has kinda always been synonymous with rebellion since arguably elvis. if it wasn't aerosmith it would've been someone else regardless of if they fit or not.

>> No.10124785

Mounted gun game suck donkey dick

>> No.10126265

>"Eat the Rich"
>Steven Tyler is rich
How tasty would he be?

>> No.10126296

In 1994, when Rev X was released, both Green Day and The Offspring became popular. Maybe if the game was released in 1995 they'd go for punk rock instead.

>> No.10126483

He's a bit leathery, so like jerky I guess.

>> No.10126492

Welp... I'm not one to waste food.

>> No.10126523
File: 96 KB, 400x254, kekspring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might have worked..

>> No.10126678

Boomers and millennials don't fight in the same way Silent Gen and Gen X did. With Silent/GenX it was pretty much Breakfast Club. "These damn slacker kids" vs. "You don't understand us, man." With boomers it's more insidious because they literally do not know what the fuck is going on.

The Silent Generation wasn't necessarily wrong about Gen X. They really were kind of dickish and squandered the economic boom of the 90s to willingly live like poor bohemians out of some nebulous desire to stick it to the man. They were fundamentally just bored with relative peace and prosperity that came through juuust in time for them to be around college age and liberated from their parents, and decided to develop a generation wide martyr complex. They DID think they knew everything and their parents were all out of touch.

Boomers and millennials it's reversed. Millennials will show literal math proving that they can't afford to pay rent even though they have a full time job and Boomers will talk nonsense like "pull yourself up by your bootstraps like I did! I paid my way through school with a paper route!" They demand millennials get jobs but then refuse to make room because unlike past generations that would retire in their 60s, boomers everywhere have decided they'd rather die at their desks. They also seem to still think millennials are like 21 years old complaining about entry level jobs instead of nearly 40 and trying to claw their way out of poverty while being under the thumb of usurious student loans and ever increasing living expenses while wages stay stagnant.

>> No.10126849

Dude, financial planning basic rule: loans are a no-no, should be used *only* in real emergencies, after careful consideration and scrutiny. Life is hard as it is without something sapping away your money and people still go after loans with no real necessity? Unwise.
>B-b-but... My college... Better wages...
If I was to gain 10X and lose 9X, I'd be better off gaining 4X and losing 2X. Focus must be on "net", not "gross". If you get more stable in the future, and still want to, then you can enroll in college. This time, with your own money, without worries. Depending on your country, there might be even options for attending college for free.

>> No.10126885

this exactly for me too

>> No.10126938

Aerosmith definitely had far more mainstream success overall than Megadeth and Slayer.

>> No.10126978

All that would be true if the issue didn't arise until AFTER those loans were disbursed. On top of millennials being actively lied to by the boomers raising them. Sure, finger wag 30-somethings today for not knowing what the future would look like when they were 18 after being told "don't worrry about the loans because your wages will outpace them way more" by people who ostensibly knew what they were talking about since they also went to college (yes, boomers did go to college en masse, it was their parents that largely didn't). The issue is that you're also damned if you do, damned if you don't. Sure, college loans suck. But if you DON'T go to college, that also sucks because your options are even more limited and rent doesn't magically go down because of your education level. "Go to a trade school!" Sure...for some people. Trade work cannot sustain an entire generation of Americans now that we're not a manufacturing economy anymore. Millennials are the first generation that won't be economically more prosperous than their parents in a century. The point is that taking loans out and going to college both sucks ass and is the LEAST odious of your options. There's almost no economic upside unless you happen to be extremely lucky, have a very specific skillset where you excel beyond most, or have parents well off enough to open doors for you.

>> No.10126989

In what universe are you "getting stable" with a high school diploma and then later in life being able to take out loans to go to college? What job are you doing? You'd have to join the military to have something like that be feasible.

>> No.10127462
File: 163 KB, 220x314, 0032CDD3-C131-41D1-A6CE-7B26B5F0259C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10127523

>Gen X counterculture

I never really found Aerosmith to be very 'gen x'. Yeah, the band was formed in the 1970's, but the lead singer is part of the baby boomer generation. I like the band, though.

>> No.10127650

No, you'll never take loans. Never. Stick with that mentality. Only break it in a life-or-death situation. Just be sure that life will always be hard, no matter the option, but it can be *less hard*. Tips I followed to stabilize myself:

1. Learn how to avoid "consoom". You don't need the latest and expensive shit, neither every little gadget you see around. Think about what you *really* need, search for the best (but safe) offers and choose cost-effective solutions. That includes vidya, rent and, perhaps, even moving to other cities.
2. Stop trying to live like dad, mom, uncle, your friend or Elon Musk. Each life has its own context, and you can't transpose every little action one person did to another and expect the same results. Advice and reflections are ok, but find what's different in your life and adapt to that.
3. Don't search for the best job yet, but for one that you can and accept to do, pays your way and, *most important*, don't take away your all your time and energy. Why? Because you'll need both to be ready to study, improve yourself, relax, and even take a better job.
4. One thing at a time. Do you think about family? Find a girl who wants to improve with yourself, instead of only sapping money. Kids are very expensive, wait a bit. When you both are more stable, you might have one child (at most, two, if things are real good).
5. Don't measure success with only money, but also happiness and personal satisfaction. Learn to enjoy free things, they exist. Surround yourself with few, but quality people, so you can share joy and experiences. All of these will improve your mental health, your creativity, broaden your horizons, and let you see opportunities where you didn't see before, guaranteeing you'll never be broke.

If I were to tl;dr everything: take everything slowly, humbly, from the beginning, as long as you keep improving yourself and your life.

I might be mocked or ignored, but these are heartful tips to anyone who is needing them.

>> No.10127914

Really, the issue with college and university is that it's not required or even a benefit for 90% of the jobs out there yet because you are in competition against every other worker attempting to secure a limited amount of jobs NOT having a college education still screws you over.

If a fast food place is hiring between two candidates, one who has a college degree and one who doesn't with everything else the same, they're going to pick the college degree over the other. The only way to compete is to yourself go get a useless degree so your resume will even be considered for an unrelated job while you hope you can worm your way into the field you want to be in.

The other part of this is colleges and universities know this and realize that when coupled with government loans, they can charge whatever they want for their courses because you're going to get funneled through one of them regardless. This makes a compounding issue where the colleges raise their prices due to the "demand," prompting the people to petition the government to give loans or financial assistance, which puts more money into the pool and allows them to continue to raise prices. It's a runaway game that can't be won unless the system fundamentally changes.

Personally, I think we're at the point where the simplest, easiest fix would be the establishment of a public school-like venture for colleges, similar to how we have public and private primary and secondary schools. It's asking for all the troubles that public schools bring, but their existence forces private institutions to compete against them because there's alternatives, forcing them to lower their rates to remain competitive. The end result is that anyone could get a government backed degree for a reasonable cost while private universities would have to compete more to keep their elite status.

>> No.10127917

I like how Aerosmith produced some decent Antifa anthems:


>> No.10127940

>they're going to pick the college degree over the other
Not always. If college formation is not required, then employers tend to pick the one who meets the minimum requirements. Overqualified people are more likely to be entitled, stubborn and rebellious. Employers don't like that. Of course, we're just talking statistics here, not something set in stone. Results may vary.

>> No.10127971

man i love the late 80s/early 90s overproduced aerosmith

>> No.10128257

Ty, its helping me.

>> No.10128305

How much do you pay to put a roof over your head? And what do you eat? Those are the two big issues here. A full time job often isn't enough to cover those. Or if it does, it only covers them and it means you can't afford medical insurance.

>> No.10128314

If you care the tiniest sliver of a dogturd about how popular bands were, you weren't alive in the 90's.
>t. was actually a teenager in the 90's
Bands were falling all over themselves to NOT be perceived as "popular" or "mainstream". Pearl Jam intentionally nuked their fame with No Code and Ticketmaster shit, while Cobain blew his own brains out to escape popularity. Those were the two "biggest" bands back then.

>> No.10128315

It depends. If you're obscenely overqualified, like you have a PhD in quantum mechanics and you're applying for a secretarial job they may not hire you because they'd be afraid you're using the gig as a stopgap and leave in a month. But if you're applying at a meat grinder like Wal-Mart or Amazon? They won't give a shit because everyone is expendable. There's no meaningful training or opportunity costs to them if you leave in a week so they'll hire you just the same.

>> No.10128320

>Gen X counterculture is really funny to revisit considering how invisible that generation has become
It's because they're the worst out of all of them, you see a lot of their flavour left over in certain millennials though.

>> No.10128336
File: 1.07 MB, 498x278, diezoomer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we did. We don't want to be involved in your retard shit. And we hope the Boomers and Millennials kill each other just so we don't have to deal with either of your crap. P.S. take the zoomers to the grave with you too.

>> No.10128340

That's that disaffected Gen X attitude, yeah. Success was considered "selling out" so it was a badge of honor to be an outsider. As a millennial who watched Gen X focused media, shows like Daria, as a little kid and enjoyed it back then, its actually kind of annoying to revisit because the perspective now comes off as spoiled and self-centered once you've lived as an adult in the current year and compare the statistics and economics of the early 90s that all those shows were acting like was awful.

>> No.10128346
File: 493 KB, 347x263, 3f37a24c39215523dd677777d29acc4e.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: retards arguing about which normie middle-management office space garbage mainstream chart topping band of mansion millionaires would best represent youthful rebellion.

>> No.10128348

>zoomer who misses the point completely
no, the point of that Daria shit was who the fuck cares how much fancy shit you own if you're still a retarded selfish asshole (as all our Boomer parents and teachers were). No amount of money can purchase any long-term, enduring happiness, so why waste time chasing that crap

>> No.10128365

>would best represent youthful rebellion.
would best represent youthful rebellion in a commercial video game*

>> No.10128369

It's funny that baby boomers got the reputation for being free love, make peace hippies because of Woodstock but people forget that Woodstock was in 1969. Only the oldest boomers would have been there. Most boomers were like 12 at the time.

>> No.10128752

Glad it could help you somehow.

I live in a 3rd-world country, so I don't know how to exactly translate into dollars, especially considering how property prices vary wildly depending on your place, even in the US. What I can contextualize about my experience is:

1. I have a college degree, but it took six years before I could fully utilize it in a job.
2. I incorporated many skills learned during my years as a teenager browsing the interwebs.
3. I left home and went to work into the countryside, gaining experience and decent pay.
4. I rented a small, very basic, but comfy place. I had only a single bed, my clothes, a refrigerator and stove for food, my TV and a laptop full of roms and work stuff. It wasn't a bunghole, it was clean, cheap and solved my needs.
5. About food, I take what my body needs, not my ego. So I go for cheap, but nutritional food. Sure, once or twice a week, I treat myself and my family a more expensive meal.
6. I've found myself a nice, hard-working girl. She's my partner, and I really mean it. We both help and support each other. I didn't choose a bimbo, and neither should you.
7. We stabilized a little and we had a side business. With time, I quit my job to fully focus on that. There are constant challenges and hardships, but we feel it's worth. We even have kids.
8. What I think it's most important: not living in a 1st-world country gave us, from birth, the notion that things aren't easy. There were no better times for my parents, neither for my grandparents. There were just "times". If they were or will be good or bad depend solely on you.

Genuinely hope this helps or, at least, satiate your curiosity.

>> No.10128893

this game predicted sjws in 1994

>> No.10128947

>Megadeth or Slayer
If the idea was about putting Heavy metal or trash metal, Metallica and Iron Maiden were more popular. And I say this as a big fan of Megadeth.