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10117894 No.10117894 [Reply] [Original]

Where you team Bam or team Tony?

>> No.10117902

illusion of choice

>> No.10117907

team earthrockers

>> No.10117909

I got pissed when Bob got kicked off the team first

>> No.10117913 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 634x454, 442D35DF00000578-4874864-image-m-29_1505181161406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Bam the embodiment of early 2000s cringe? Epic sk8r + over the top personality + MTV fame + went to literally who fat alkie a decade later

>> No.10117917 [DELETED] 

People remember most of Jackass fondly. Guys like Wee Man and Steve O still make it their identity. Bam and the CKY segments seem to be the exception

>> No.10117934

bullying nerds was cool thing to do in 2005. and he had glasses, so he was NEEEEEEERD

>> No.10117943

why did that genre die?
it was so popular back then

>> No.10117960

they made too many of those games, they were mostly same stuff. but also the skating fad has gone from cool to lame, zoomers dont skate and hate any rock music, let alone punk. later games also got mixed reviews

>> No.10118032

team stop playing Tony Hawk games
seriously, this is the THPS game that turned me off the series for good

>> No.10118125

Skateboarding has less audience who don't skate themselves, compared to other sports which are viewed by people who might have never kicked a ball in their lives or whatever. Also when you see all the same skate tricks again and again, and the story of the game is 17th time in a row "newbie needs to make it to the pro and he/she gets to meet tony hawk", it gets kinda repetitive fast. Of course you can say they release same Call of Duty game every year too but shooting at others is more of a thrill I guess than trying to beat each others high score while skating.

>> No.10118918

Bam is literally me

>> No.10118920

We're in the timeline where Tony killed Bam so I'll go with Tony.

>> No.10119005

American Wasteland was the death of the series for me. I actually liked THUG2 more than 1.

>> No.10119118 [DELETED] 

Bam is the embodiment of tv clown being a person with major issues in real life.

I think it's sort of defense mechanism - people are escaping from their grim reality by doing le funny stuff, but then something really bad happens and you can't ignore it. Jokes don't work anymore and you don't know how to handle it the other way, in the end, the world gets another suicidal alcoholic.

>> No.10119137

Bam is based

Tony is smart yet cool, like a dignified Federer of skateboarding

It depends on how middle-class you are, which appeals to you the most.

>> No.10119175

Anyone who didn’t pick Tony was retarded

>> No.10119181 [DELETED] 

he was always an alkie, now he's a literal who meth head

>> No.10119395

>zoomers dont skate
Most of them, perhaps, but I do see the occasional groups of kids skateboarding down sidewalks, in their neighborhood.

>> No.10119507

I never liked Bam.

>> No.10119551

>zoomers dont skate
Try going outside sometime, there are more skateparks around than ever and they're usually busy.
Skateboarding just isn't pop culture anymore.

>> No.10119559

according to tony himself it was EA's skate and him/activision trying to compete with it that killed the series.

other factors include stagnation, neversoft being taken off the games to work on guitar hero (and later call of duty DLCs till they closed down after ghosts) and a skateboard controller that didn't really work.

skateboarding was always petty niche by nature of availability and only really died as a fad/trend with the tony hawk games for the most part since that was basically most people's insight into that world. there isn't a "monday night skateboarding" every week like there is for a more traditional sport like football and most people proabably are only vaguely aware of the X-games which isn't even just skateboarding in the first place.

at least call of duty cycles through time periods with their annual releases (WWII, cold war, modern warfare, future, etc.) to keep things somewhat fresh. most sports games nowadays could just be released as patches.

>> No.10119571

I just wanted better physics, specially clothes physics, better character maker, they could reuse all the other previous stages with better graphics for all I care. I don't want to play any skater, specially not Bam.

>> No.10119583 [DELETED] 
File: 1.86 MB, 1372x767, bam was never in thug 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bam's biggest problem was that he never grew up. ryan's death should've been a wake up call for him to get his act together but it only pushed him further into the pit to the point where he effectively alienated himself from all the people who were trying to help him.

meanwhile almost everyone he knew from jackass or skating has done something with their life and moved on.

>> No.10119720

>bam's biggest problem was that he never grew up.
summed up way too well

>> No.10119743
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>> No.10119784

shit i hope things get better anon.

>> No.10119891

Im so sorry

>> No.10119903

This does not make sense
>Proving Grounds is released a year before the first Skate.
>The franchise doesn't try to compete with Skate on any level
It's a pothead headcanon

>> No.10119916

>time periods
True. You could in theory set a skateboarding game 100 years in past or future, there was likely enough city infrastructure at the time so it could pass, even if you kinda require smooth asphalt or other flat surface. The future would likely be about hoverboards and facial recognition everywhere and shit but I don't know if such a running gag would be enough to hold the game together. Now when I'm writing this I recall there actually was a futuristic skating game which was about fighting a dystopic government.

>> No.10119927

Also people joked about EA releasing the same sports game every year since like 90s but it must have been profitable to release them or else they wouldn't do it. I imagine it isn't cheap to always pay for the current real life sportsmen to appear in these games with all the other stuff so they would not release it for fun.

>> No.10120029


>> No.10120136

The game I was thinking of was Shaun White's skateboarding game but I have played neither.

>> No.10120139

So was this the title that killed off the series or was that Wasteland?

>> No.10120202 [DELETED] 

all my friends emulated him and that's why they're reaching out now and can get the dick

>> No.10120630

It was Project 8 for me. Fuck that camera angle

>> No.10120665 [DELETED] 

>and can get the dick
are they gay or something

>> No.10120667

Dark Summit

>> No.10120706

Konami already gave up on yearly releases of PES, they rebranded it as eFootball and the game is pretty much a football gacha
Only EA still insists on releasing the same game for $60 every year

>> No.10120978

>The franchise doesn't try to compete with Skate on any level
pic related was their attempt at competing with skate.

>> No.10120982
File: 985 KB, 2550x3300, thride_highangle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.10121027

Tony hands down, bam is a junkie.

>> No.10121039

My mom wouldn't buy it because it had "use of alcohol" on the label

>> No.10121040

no it wasn't, the dumbass slowmo independent foot control shit they added was. Ride was just activision trying to capitalize on the plastic toy craze they started with guitar hero

>> No.10121731

It definitely isn't as big as it was in the 00s, which was when it was most popular mind you, but with YouTube channels like braille and revive it absolutely is still popular with zooms.

>> No.10122583

Wasteland was the last good game. THUG 2 is better than one.

>> No.10122663

thug1 > wasteland > thug2

>> No.10122687

>became the spitting image of the fat fuck he used to torment for ratings

>> No.10122708

hold up, I thought meth made you thin and gave you hollow cheeks? was it false advertisement?

>> No.10123449

he's also still drinking and doing other drugs anon.

meth made him go on a drug induced vision quest to see the inside of a black hole which prompted him to draw hieroglyphics on himself and harass neil degrass tyson on social media about what he saw.

>> No.10123491
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>> No.10123496


>> No.10123516
File: 48 KB, 600x600, latest (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's he drinking, cooking oil? I wonder if he can even skate anymore. I thought skaters were always lean since they burned all those calories skating all day? he looks like Bam Margarine now

>> No.10123521

>relatives look like each other
stop the presses

>> No.10124262

by the time of his appearances in i wanna say THPS4 or THUG2 bam had effectively stopped skating in active competitions and just stopped altogether when his MTV shows took off. that all said he started skating again. i don't know how successful he's been at it so far and i'm surprised that he hasn't killed himself doing it since he's 43 now. for comparison tony hawk retired from active competition in 2003 at around 35.

>he looks like his dad now.
phil has actually lost weight.

>> No.10124302

>just stopped altogether when his MTV shows took of
ok that explains it. no way you can be a fat fuck while skating, you need to be like Sammo Hung or something

>> No.10124319

They made this one and anyone who grew up alongside the series started to see that the only thing left for THPS was retarded story modes and feature creep, something that came to a head with Proving Ground, which in my opinion is the last real Tony Hawk game, but in my opinion is also complete shit. Series ran its course and I'm glad it died, it's not like they were going to make another good one.

>> No.10124368

Imagine wasting your time chit-chatting with fuckin' nobodies like Tony Hawk.