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10115216 No.10115216 [Reply] [Original]

All levels across all Sonic games can be fit into the following broad archetypes:

>Techno Base

prove me wrong (you can't)

>> No.10115228

Yeah, a pretty nice variety of settings overall that fit the theme of the game roughly being nature vs. technology.

>> No.10115232

Not retro, but I think Colors had some weird ass candy themed zone.

>> No.10115275
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>(you can't)
Obviously I can't because "nature" is ridiculously broad.

>> No.10115282
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>Inb4 "D-Doesn't count!"
>Inb4 "Space is nature!"

>> No.10115330

What are
>Sky Base (S1 8-bit)
>Crystal Egg (S2 8-bit)
>Wing Fortress (S2)
>Flying Battery (S&K)
>Music Plant (Advance 2)
>Toy Kingdom (Advance 3)

>> No.10115332

it's great, the one thing OP is missing is the special stages having a supernatural/psychedelic theme. that's the last element that makes it all gel together.

>> No.10115356

techno base
techno base
techno base
techno base

>> No.10115363

Music Plant and Toy Kingdom are not cities, they lack any proper buildings or structures. Crystal Egg also doesn't count as a base, as it's mostly harmless and formed out of crystals.

>> No.10115508

what makes Music Plant a city

>> No.10115513

Yes, music plant, obviously a city rep.
Anyway tropes don't really work anymore at least since Colors.

>> No.10115642

>classifying lava reef, ice cap, and mushroom hill all under "nature"

sorry, but fire levels, ice levels, and forest levels are different archetypes. this is just basic game knowledge. you're being overly broad.

>> No.10115671

There are a few other archetypes like carnival/casino, sky, snow, and space. Nature is a bit too broad as it can mean several different archetypes

>> No.10115695

Where's the
>Sky themed level

>> No.10115702

You could slim that list down a bit.
Ruins are just old cities, and factories are just techno bases with a function.
Hell, if you wanted to be even more reductionist, you could say they all take place in a physical space.

>> No.10115729

City, try looking at the background sometime
Nature obviously, though it could also be City if it's a ski resort or something
also Sky Sanctuary is Ruins, albeit falling under the Mystic subtheme along with Hidden Palace and other environments animated by magic or ancient tech

>> No.10115743

>Ruins are just old cities
no, they're environments that were at one point shaped by something like human intelligence but no longer are. that's an important distinction.
>factories are just techno bases with a function.
they're quite different. they're both agglomerations of capital, but one is built to produce something while the other is built to project power. you wouldn't consider a sweatshop and a castle to be the same thing even if they both had giant mechanical crushers lying around. these are completely different social functions.

>> No.10115773

Music zone in sonic advance 2 or 3
Special zone
"nature" is retardedly broad

>> No.10115797

>Stardust Speedway (CD)
good luck lmao

>> No.10115809

Yep, and the Earth is just a big ball covered in water and dirt

>> No.10115868

Knuckle like to dig dirt

>> No.10115962

Knuckle Bro swims like a hairy brick, tho

>> No.10116150

obviously, but as anon said and I'll have to agree it's too broad. Can I call them nature? Yes. But it's an inferior naming system due to its broadness. It doesn't convey SNOW. When I look at a level with snow, I'm awed by its snowness, in desert levels I'm awed by the deserts, none of this nuance is conveyed! I just can't stand the lack of nuance-ness in not recognizing them as deserts/snow/water levels; there is simply something about the biome that stand out, nay, inherently appeals to human nature.

>> No.10116171

music plant and toy kingdom were the first two i thought of. Sandolpolis is also on that list

>> No.10116187

Carnival Night
Spring Stadium
Twinkle Park
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Toy Kingdom

>> No.10116197

magic floating shapes
theme parks
construction zones
pumpkin hill

>> No.10116271

Sky Base
Sky Chase
Wing Fortress
Crystal Egg
Flying Battery
Collision Chaos
Marina Madness
Speed Slider
Pumpkin Hill
Hang Castle
Mystic Mansion
Digital Circuit
Mad Matrix
Cryptic Castle
GUN Fortress

>> No.10116276

>environments that were at one point shaped by something like human intelligence
That's a city, retard.
>one is built to produce something while the other is built to project power
That's a factory, retard.

Stop pretending this series has any variety. It's honestly fucking sad.

>> No.10116360
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Yeah, that and
>Airships (Sky Base, Wing Fortress, Flying Battery, Egg Carrier, Final Fortress, ect.)
>Beaches (Emerald Coast, Seaside Hill, Wave Ocean)
>Construction sites (Sonic 2 Death Egg, Launch Base, Planet Wisp, Titanic Monarch)
>Casinos (not even gonna try listing them all)
>Amusement Parks (Carnival Night, Spring Stadium, Speed Slider, Twinkle Park, Music Plant, Toy Kingdom)
>Highway levels (Speed Highway, Radical Highway, Lethal Highway, Crisis City, Empire City Day, Eternal Highway)
>Acid Trips (Pretty much every special stage in the series, most of Sonic CD and a few levels in Sonic Lost World)
Overall, your categories are reductive and wrong and you guzzle semen by the gallon.

>> No.10116362
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>Generally describes natural and man-made locations
>Thinks this doesn't apply to every game ever made

Name one game your criteria doesn't apply to (you can't)

>> No.10116367


>> No.10116463

Not really bro, DKC is like mostly jungles and shiznit, Mario is mostly brick castles

>> No.10117672

Mario has plenty of plains and some underwater sections before you get to the brick castle tho

>> No.10117684

All levels in Quake 2 can be fit into the following broad archetypes:
>techno base
>techno base
>techno base
>techno base

>> No.10117710

Quake 2 is techno based and BIG GUN pilled

>> No.10117719

>play Starcraft
>find alien-made locations

>> No.10118341
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>> No.10118494
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Techno Base

The point is how these terms are so incredibly vague they can be stretched to mean anything. You can conceivably argue that Marble Madness is a City or a Factory setting. You can argue that Tempest is a Nature setting. Stupid topic for pedantic idiots more concerned about posturing over having a meaningful conversation about games. Thread hidden.

>> No.10119071

Natural....not hard to figure out
Ancient civilization from before industry
Modern civilization, product of industry
Churner of industry
>>Techno Base
The source of evil

>> No.10119161
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>> No.10119169
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>Tetris is in a factory
You just make shit up all the time?

>> No.10119435

Oil rig
Spooky ass ethereal planes

Also, saying "nature" is bullshit, because that encompasses everything from green hill analogues, to mountain levels, to deserts. to caves, to ice caps, to volcanos. That's a lot of variety

>> No.10119437

The Advance games have a bunch of weirdo music and toy levels like a Rayman game too.

>> No.10119440

>box factory

>> No.10119462

I would say these are "city", obviously they're not cities but they are things in or around cities, the idea is that they represent normal human modern life
>Oil rig
Likewise, this is a different kind of factory, it represents industry

>> No.10119474

An oil rig is not a factory. I have to object.

>> No.10119503
File: 35 KB, 226x156, casino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Casino is c-
No. I will not entertain this foolishness ANY longer. Just walking around and you have these floating star blocks. What city has floating star blocks? There aren't even any people. Are we to assume Sonic is so small he fits in a casino machine that happens to be in a city? No, you can see Sonic jumping on Eggman!
This abomination cannot be called a city.

>> No.10119509

Doesn't SA2 have a level in an airforce base as well?

>> No.10119528

sure it is. even Mystic Cave is half-factory, half-nature because it's a mine.

>> No.10119531
File: 6 KB, 320x224, SonicCasinonight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might not be A city, but as you can see in the stage itself it is located right outside of a city with modern buildings looming in the background. And yes it might be some dreamland acid trip that is only thematic of an actual casino, but it is a game, and regardless it's theme is still that of something associated with civilization and urban life

>> No.10119832

How is wing fortress a “techno base”. It’s a giant, moving plane.

>> No.10120310

>Nature is anything without signs of civilization
>City is any active civilization
>Ruins is ant remnants of civilization
I mean if we're going that broad, no game has settings that don't fall into these archetypes.

>> No.10120385

Tetris is the classic argument for Intelligent Design, causing one to wonder how such patterns arose without any signs of civilization around it.

>> No.10120387

But Moscow was in the background.

>> No.10120465

>sonic turned from a ball physics platformer to a autistic flash knockoff all because IIzuka couldn’t program the physics in 3D
>Maekawa added insult to injury by making it edgy like his Japanese animes
Sonic team should’ve sticked to puyo

>> No.10120524

Oh, then by Casino logic it's City.

>> No.10120856

Ruins imply that it’s ruined and no longer functional, like Aquatic Ruin. Hydrocity is clearly still functioning with its rotating ropes, drainage systems (transition to act 2), and its wall movement mechanisms. It’s implied that it provides water to the rest of the island as well.
It’s not natural, it’s not a techno base since it’s primitive and purely analog technology, and no one lives there.
Also this list.

>> No.10120862

Doesn’t matter what the background is, that’s the background, not the foreground. There could be a city in the background of Angel Island Zone, but that doesn’t make Angel Island Zone anything other than Nature. Carnival Night Zone is not full of livable structures. Unless we’re talking about the Canoeing Carnies.

>> No.10120916

SA2 has like five levels on a military base because it reuses assets out the ass

>> No.10120920

But it's a carnival, a carnival is an entertainment set up for people, generally in or near cities.

I believe that is what OP was going for, general thematics. Why would there be a casino or a carnival anywhere other than where people live

>> No.10121045

it isn't on a city so it isn't a city, with that logic a village is a city because you can see a city at a distance, at most is a theme park but that still doesn't make it a city and from the looks of it is too far away.
using broad terms which encompass nearly every level concept made to remove the original aspects of each zone is flawed and is a bait based way to get anons to do conversation, even if it's unironically encouraging a good topic.

>> No.10121048

it wasn't intellgent design because tetronims changed over time on russia, at first they were similar to sprouts but they made the game too easy and boring so they removed blocks to the pieces, added more and made it have different ways to solve the puzzle, tetris modified the formula even more by removing even more blocks and a piece to make for a seamless experience as a game instead of a puzzle game with multiple solutions.
it's a reflection of evolution.

>> No.10121054

sonic adventure has classic game physics and sonic always had a shonen storyline since the first game, it's just that it remained untranslated by SoA.
hating on adventure is literally hating the gameplay and stories of the classic games on a fundamental level.

>> No.10121059

because it could be eggman autism where it tried to make sonic a ludopath.
or just simply him trying to make a place which is hard to pass through so he gets more time to do things, there aren't any people there and the place is so obtuse that i think that any normal person would die by entering on it.

>> No.10121062

commercial structures in a city are still part of a city.

>> No.10121071

this is true, hydrocity looks like a ruins level but it's actually a sewer level, which doesn't quite count as city or factory. congrats on finding the first real counterexample.

>> No.10121096

Think of it this way. You could say something is a horror themed level, and something like an abandoned psych ward might fall into that. You'd be arguing that there aren't actually any monsters in it so it can't be a horror stage, it's a medical stage technically. But we know the theme was creepiness.

OP could have painstakenly referred to these as "modern civilization levels" instead of "city levels" but I think it's more or less the same idea

>> No.10121124

the problem of this argument is that the casino is external to the city, they aren't ticket entrances, games which people could get into and more while not having the ambient of a carnival (unless your carnival has slot machines or looks like a casino, something which isn't a carnival at all), in comparison a psych ward has enclosed scenery and a feeling of creepiness by the feeling of abandonment, something that could be removed and follow the point of being a city themed stage.
OP is using broad terms to grab any concept while removing the things which make them different or the things which remove them from those broad themes.

>> No.10121127

the stage is a reflection of eggman narcissism, corrupytion and his development of traps for sonic rather than a carnival on the average extent.

>> No.10121146

usurery too.

>> No.10121234

Truly another commentary on dangers of the industrial revolution in Sonic games(who'd've expected?). Eggman's megalomania is so big he builds structures even if they are of no use to the city people. Technology that's not made to serve the people, but for people to serve technology. bravo.

>> No.10121280

>Why would there be a casino or a carnival anywhere other than where people live
In Sonic's case, it's because Eggman is a manchild who makes entire cities and theme parks solely for his amusement and nobody else's.

>> No.10121883
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That was indeed the point being made regarding the thread topic. The whole point of that criticism is clearly referring to posters stretching the criteria to fit their intentionally loose terms, and the fact you thought it was a serious post means you belong in this thread.

Pentominos are manufactured products, therefore so are tetrominos. Where are tetrominos manufactured? In a factory. Duuuh.

>> No.10122053

>the first
huh, well tell me what >>10115797 is already then!