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File: 1.59 MB, 1017x2835, OoT_Saria_Artwork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10114387 No.10114387 [Reply] [Original]

As a kid playing Ocarina of Time, I didn't really give a crap about Zelda. Saria was my girl.

>> No.10114390

ok pedo

>> No.10114446

man i remember back in the days when i first played OOT i had a crush on her and i even jerked off to her fan art one time, it's embarrassing thinking about it now i was a naive 21 years old adult

>> No.10114468

The English localization will always ruin her for me. In Japan, she refers to herself as Saria-chan in third-person, because it's a cute thing kids do. But in English they only translated it once, after she becomes a sage. Which makes it sound like Navi is saying it.

"Saria will always be your friend."

>> No.10114514

Saria is the pedo in this situation.

>> No.10114574

I've always thought the writing felt a little stiff and repetitive in OoT. Almost everyone speaks in the same simplified way. One thing I noticed is characters mostly use "because" to explain reasons for things, though for all I know, it's faithful to the original Japanese and OoT's script just isn't very complex to begin with. At the very least, later localizations beginning with Majora's Mask had more variety in speech patterns.

>> No.10114579

Thx for the compliment

>> No.10114601
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>> No.10114779

>In Japan, she refers to herself as Saria-chan in third-person
Doing a literal translation of that particular speech mannerism ends up sounding odd and confusing in English. You even said it yourself.

>> No.10114836

she's a child

>> No.10114990

She makes me wish i was a kid again

>> No.10114992

She is not, sadly. Read the lore.

>> No.10114994

Qt Fempedo

>> No.10115001

she's literally a child, I don't give a fuck about your limp-dicked pedo excuses like "ohhh but she's hundreds of years old!" the kokiri are children

>> No.10115006

Imagine being Saria, the only Kokiri who seemingly went through mental maturation, and you're stuck in a 10 year old body while living with a bunch of eternal children.

>> No.10115008

Bro, Young Link was the only kiddy of the forest.

>> No.10115013

We get it bro, you jack off to Midna and dogs.

>> No.10115019

Saria passed the Kokiri Harkness test.

>> No.10115025


>> No.10115034
File: 203 KB, 810x500, 1488580158383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saria's 100% adult, nubile body...

>> No.10115041

I wish i was as beautiful as her....

>> No.10115051


>> No.10115057
File: 77 KB, 378x460, 1412318617001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember joining an OoT-centered message board around 1999 when I was about 12 and meeting a bunch of people there. Saria was my favorite character, so when I met someone there with Saria as her screen name, I gravitated toward her. Turned out she was about a year younger than me, and of Korean descent. We ended up chatting a lot on AIM and later MSN Messenger, exchanged pics (yes, she was cute as shit), and overall just became really good friends well after the message board closed down. I remember once we hit our teens, we began talking about perverted shit we did (one time she told me how she bought a vibrator and went too hard with it and somehow hurt herself lol). Talking with her was always the highlight of my day, and my heart would always skip a beat when she logged in.

Sadly, just like in the game, this Saria and I just drifted apart. We began to pursue very different interests, and soon we had little to say to each other of interest. I believe the last time I talked to her was around 2012 or so. I don't have the heart to look her up again after all this time. I suppose this is the nature of growing up.

>> No.10115075

She wanted you to make a move.

>> No.10115128


She's got such a weird, boxy body. She's like a Dragonball character but without the charm. That artist sucked and the only decent-looking renditions of Ocarina of Time characters are those made by fans.

>> No.10115130

We did try it when we were still pretty young, but it didn't last more than a few months. I then confessed again years later when we were older, but she told know she didn't see me that way. Yeah, it sucked, and call me a cuck if you want, but I kept talking to her afterwards anyway because I genuinely enjoyed that she was open to talking about anything and everything.

>> No.10115143

And now I'm sad.

>> No.10115152

bad taste. OoT illustrations are kino because they are based on the models instead of the other way around. Toriyama on the other hand is a hack who can't draw anything other than Vegeta and spaghetti haired "females".

>> No.10115196

One time she sent me via mail a hand-written letter, along with a small handmade Ocarina made to resemble Saria's Fairy Ocarina from the game (it didn't actually work, though) and her copy of Kirby's Dreamland 2 since I mentioned once that I had yet to play it. I believe all three should still be in storage somewhere at my folks' house.

>> No.10115203

Oh, almost forgot. She said in her letter she was only lending the game to me, and she would one day come to get the game back.

>> No.10115253

le surprise box

>> No.10115273

This nigga is like 40 years old

>> No.10115347

i thought link was zelda for a long ass time, and i thought zelda was just some weird ass looking NPC. i didn't really follow the storylines most of the time, just fucked around. it was like a poor man's skyrim at the time.

>> No.10115360

>it was like a poor man's skyrim

>> No.10115373

I guess there is no fan patch undoing some or all the localization?

>> No.10115448

the kokiri are literally all children

>> No.10115485

Don't forget how the Composer Bros' dialogue always assume you've already met/are familiar with them. Irks me to no end.

It's only weird because THEY made it weird by being inconsistent. It's rage worthy for being unfaithful despite you're handwaving, but it's also rage-worthy for being vacillating.

I doubt it. Zelda fans don't really care about things such as patches (nobody except me mourned when Nintendo pulled the plug on TotK 1.0 digital to reward the pirates). I believe it's because much of the fanbase has been conditioned to take it when something goes wrong by the timeline kerfuffle, Tolkien, or good old-fashioned "it'll always work out!" American idealism. The overlap between D&D GM culture, unreliable narrator and the silent protagonist trope will be an interesting topic for ludology.

>> No.10115519
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>she would one day come to get the game back

>> No.10115571
File: 158 KB, 244x696, OoT_Saria_Model.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't like Toriyama's style all that much either but it's a superior version of the weird boxy body type this person was going for. Toriyama's weird boxy characters are cute and charming, whereas this person's look faintly uncanny in a way that nauseates every right-thinking person (which I understand excludes many Japanese people and most 4chan pedophiles).

And it doesn't matter what was based on what; it matters what's ugly and what's not. Saria's in-game model happens to be cute. But this crappy artist vertically squashed her nose and mouth so her face looks freaky, stretched her shoulders wider because in this person's headcanon Hyrule suffered an ancient magical testosterone spill that permanently altered the aquifer so every female character needs to look football-ready, and generally readjusted the proportions of her arms, hips, and torso so that she would also seem faintly simian.

If the artist HAD followed the models more closely, the official art would be somewhat better.

>> No.10115609

Okay, then. Let's try it.
>Saria knew...
>that you would leave the forest...
>someday, Link...
>Because you are different from
>Saria and my friends....
Personally, I think it makes her sound a bit nutty. Like a serial killer (or Tingle, now that I think about it lmao). But in the end, it's a matter of personal preference. People might even get used to it if they see it often enough (as with, say, certain "weird" anime tropes).

>> No.10115616

>tfw no marin gf

>> No.10115618

Malon Mog Both

>> No.10115635

You sound deranged, bro.

>> No.10115768

Found the guy who finds gainax trash deep.

>> No.10115858

Kys tranny

>> No.10115869

Having heard it used a lot in anime I like it in text form too. I can see why it would confuse normalfags thinking they're reading narration instead of dialogue.

>> No.10115882
File: 327 KB, 774x970, 1620153426944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brings up pedophiles out of no where
Can't people just enjoy a characters design without you projectors sexualizing them?
I swear cunts like you are the kind to pretend to hold leftist views just for the hope you get to sleep with chicks who hold those same views

>> No.10116090

saria sucked
the unnamed blonde npc kokiri girl was the bae

>> No.10116194

I'm not aware of one currently that does this, but I am planning on reworking Saria's dialogue more for my own work and this thread looks like it could me some ideas of how to go about this.

Saria's 'dialect' is something I don't think I have a good way to pull off in English on the whole. It barely even makes sense even in Japanese, the point where she excuses herself for speaking 'Kokiri' is weird given Link is supposed to have grown up with her, and trying to make her sound as cute, while still coming off as respectable, is something English isn't really as suited to.

>> No.10116223

Well if you ever wanted to get back in touch with her that would seem like a sweet way to do it.

>> No.10116294

go back to twitter and stay there, tourist faggot.