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10113627 No.10113627 [Reply] [Original]

So I want to play ONI but apparently there's 3 or 4 versions? What's the best way to play it?

>> No.10113631

PC, fanmade patch. The PS2 version is comedically dark - every other room is a pitch black void, even on max brightness.

>> No.10113640

PowerPC Macintosh, the flagship platform.

>> No.10113658

There's 2 fan patches. Anniversary and ONI X, which one is better?

>> No.10113871

ONI-X is a source port (the source code was leaked), less janky but doesn't support as many mods (like model swaps and custom maps). Anniversary is a patch/hack for the original binary.

I guess play ONI-X if you don't care about user content (there's really not much of it). Although both should be fine.

>> No.10113896
File: 69 KB, 1024x797, R (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played demo of the pc version back in a day and it looked fucking great.

>> No.10114001

Oni is a garbage game hyped by hipsters and posers because they saw the R* logo on it

>> No.10114354

Isn't it a Bungie game?

>> No.10114613

Playstation too

>> No.10114787

exceptionally retarded post even by imageboard standards

>> No.10114947

The true patrician choice.

>> No.10117326

Wack the homo frog!

>> No.10118897

Hack PS4

>> No.10119170

Why not GameCube marketing?

>> No.10120359

Only a true Bungie enjoyer plays on a PowerPC Mac, as the Lords Jones and Seropian intended.

>> No.10120376

I have the disk for pc for this still, i should reinstall. I remember when this came out, it reminded me of GitS, and ended up getting it.

>> No.10120402

Because Bungie was mac Developer.

>> No.10121138

A easy enough for home port.

>> No.10121440

The ps2 version is published by rock*