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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10109853 No.10109853 [Reply] [Original]

>tried to play Majora's Mask as a kid
>the timer stressed me out way too much
>days passed way too fast
>ended up giving up before the game even really started
>never even got out of deku form
>never went back to the game
>more than 20 years later
>just found out that the cycle when you're stuck as a deku scrub runs 3 times faster than normal
So apparently all the stress I felt from time moving super fast is exclusive to the opening of the game and time literally moves THREE TIMES SLOWER once you get free of the deku scrub form? WHY?
I think I'm going to give this game another try knowing this now, but I'm also curious... what misconceptions have you had about a game that kept you from playing it or enjoying it until you found out much later that you had completely misunderstood something about that game?

>> No.10109889

Not so much that it is slower by default, but that you learn the song to slow down time.

>> No.10109896

No, it's actually slower by default. The clock speed is tripled before you get out of deku form and it goes down to its normal speed for all other cycles after.

>> No.10109908

the song of time resets the cycle, but the scarecrow will tell you that you can play it backwards to slow down time. on N64 it runs at 1/3rd the time (3x slower) and on 3DS it runs 1/2 time (2x slower) but either way, the time only really impacts you when you're getting acclimated to the gameplay, there's really no issue playing through any of the content without even slowing the time, it's just a bit of a relief when you're unfamiliar with the gameplay, and you'll only really need to ever slow it down once when you're used to the game because the Stone Tower Temple is a lengthy dungeon, and if you try to obtain the 15 stray fairies in the dungeon you have to exit and reenter the dungeon a couple times, flipping it upside down and rightside up to access the locations of the fairies once you've set them up to be obtained accordingly.

the 3DS version doesn't just throw you under the bus through with less time, there's also save points in regular intervals, at the beginning of dungeons and such, so you needn't finish them in a single sitting. less time alotted but overall less stressful too imho.

>> No.10110112

So what was your misconception? It's an objective fact that the timer is retarded.

>> No.10110113

I never realized that.

>> No.10110130

Wow, a Zeldurr thread right as one got pushed off the board. Total coincidence I'm sure of it.

>> No.10110504

>paying $60 for a game with a time limit
do tendies really

>> No.10110507

OOT was probably my favorite game ever at the time, but as soon as I heard there's no adult link in the sequel I immediately wrote it off.

>> No.10110520
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But anon, if there were no available threads you can obsessively post in about how little interest their popular subjects hold for you, what use would this board be to the defective pretzel of projected insecurities that make up your ego?

>> No.10110830

>complain when there are multiple zelda threads
>complain when one zelda thread replaces another
Also I invited people to talk about any retro game they had misconceptions about. So what game would you like to speak on in this thread?

>> No.10110862

I thought Final Fantasy 6 was shit the first time I played it. I just finished it about 15 years later and now think it is the best one on the Snes. The start is just boring because there is no room for experimentation and you are railroaded too hard. It picks up about 10 hours in and then once it opens up a little further in it is great.

>> No.10110894

Sleep mode by just shutting the ds really helps too.
I'm a busy adult and I might only have a half hour to play.

>> No.10110921

when I was younger I played the demo of a pc game called raptor


When you died it showed a poor looping smoke animation and for some reason I was convinced that this was so laughably bad that the game was low budget and just not worth playing.

>> No.10110982

Reminds me of how I subconsciously avoided ALTTP for a while because I thought you had to play as a bunny for a significant amount of time. I honestly have no idea what gave me this impression, you really only have to walk a few feet as a bunny and if you grab the pearl from the next dungeon, you never see it again.

Also, FF8 was a very popular game in my household but the intro movie scared me away from playing it myself as a kid. The ominous music/imagery combined with Squall being graphically slashed in the face made me think it was a lot gorier and scarier than it is.

>> No.10111001

Yes, I remember that. I hated Majora’s Mask and took me a year to finally fully play it since I didn’t know english at the time and my idiot brother took the n64 to play smash and somehow returned one without a expansion pack.

I remember I already had a Gamecube with Smash and then after playing the Zelda Ocean level, I wanted to play again Majora’s Mask and I was able to finally go at least to woodfall. After that, I read everything from Gamefaqs and ruined my gameplay.

>> No.10111048

There are no games that I’ve avoided before that I’ve tried to play, later on. If I believe the game is shit, just by looking at the game cover and a couple screenshots, it is definitely going to be shit to me, if I played them.
No, I will not elaborate any further or tell you which games I’ve avoided. I will, however, mention that at least one of these games had a cult following due to it being a major title.

>> No.10111076

This makes sense when you realize there's very little to actually DO in that original 3-day cycle and if it ran on normal speed it would have just a lot of standing around doing nothing.

>> No.10111212

I legit closed Majora's Mask and got tied up for like 45 minutes to an hour, and then I noticed and remembered it and opened it back up to continue. Shit's a life saver, man.

>> No.10111317

>So apparently all the stress I felt from time moving super fast is exclusive to the opening of the game and time literally moves THREE TIMES SLOWER once you get free of the deku scrub form? WHY?

to scare off people that are about to stress themselves into having nonfun. knowing which players to scare off and which to retain is the art of game design.

>> No.10111327

the game actually gives you as much time as you want to beat it, the timer is just there to trick retards with animal brains into thinking that there is a time limit despite the fact that the player can reset the timer at any moment during gameplay. it worked on you, for example

>> No.10111334

i never realized that only the original cycle is faster. i always thought that it was always like that to justify playing the song of time backwards to slow things down. pretty cool.

probably that and the fact that you'd otherwise have to constantly reset as opposed to only really resetting after every dungeon.

but now you've got me thinking is it possible to do everything (dungeons + bomber's notebook) in a single 3-day cycle with no resets? i'm sure speedrunners probably have a few tricks here or there.

>> No.10111382

Even ignoring time constraints, I think there are a handful of things (masks or notebook completion) that overlap in time and require a separate "timeline" to get. I'm sure you can complete a surprisingly high amount of all that in one cycle though, with a good route and some speedrun tech/strats

>> No.10111403

Anyway yeah OP/anyone else put off by the timer: as long as you use the song to slow time when you reset, it's never gonna be a real time constraint. You just lose your arrows/bombs/rupees when you go back, but the latter you can deposit in a bank before the reset anyway, and the former 2 are easy to restock on
The day cycle is still very cool, but for better or for worse, it's not the spooky time crunch rush that a lot of us thought it was as kids

>> No.10111408

it's really not about the time allotted, it's about having a timer tick down reminding them that they could be playing better onscreen constantly. the game could be otherwise exactly the same but it would be better received if the timer was on the pause menu rather than always onscreen.

>> No.10111418

Yeah. Basically all you can do the first 3 days really is
>save the Great Fairy and obtain magic
>get the Moon Tear
>spit at Skull Kid

>> No.10111423

the game isn't about doing everything in one go, it's about getting as much stuff done as you're comfortable each session