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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10108075 No.10108075 [Reply] [Original]

Discuss battletoads.

Favorite 'toad?
he's just so cool

Favorite stage?
>Arctic Caverns
Hard as balls but a nice change of pace compared to Turbo Tunnel

Favorite game?
>Battletoads GB
This shit saved my sanity on car trips

Favorite memory?
>beating BT&DD with my dad over a Saturday afternoon

>> No.10108092

Battletoads & Double Dragon was a sick crossover.

>> No.10108096

that rotating pillar at the end of the game was one of the most visually impressive effects I ever saw on a NES.

>> No.10108106

The new Dark Queen has a dump butt.

>> No.10108143
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what the FUCK was her problem?

>> No.10108225

Who refers their their own ass as a "garbage butt?" What a strange scene.

>> No.10108237

Battletoads Arcade is the best game, Pimple is my favorite toad.

>> No.10108786
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>> No.10108852 [DELETED] 
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This is now a dump truck brown girl crush video game thread

>> No.10108857 [DELETED] 

shut up orchidtard

>> No.10108909 [DELETED] 
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Lick my ass and my anus cuz its finally famous

>> No.10109693

>going from evil jessica rabbit to purple shego somehow makes her less sexy.
do they know how much porn of shego exists?

>> No.10109715

It's strange. They de-sexified her design, but still gave her a toonfag friendly design and had her bend over to spread her (clad) asscheeks as a taunt. There's probably more fetish fanfics based on the new design than there ever were of the original Dark Queen.

>> No.10109772
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>Comparing that shitty design to shego
that design is devoid of curves and sure hell didn't get much fanart either.

>> No.10109793

That's what you get when your game is developed by literal soi trannies and they attempt into humor

I mean, literally. Iirc one of the artists was drawing mermen swimming in soi for a hobby.
And now they are making new Mickey Mouse Illusion game for Switch.

>> No.10109803

Man, what would I give to be mercilessly dominated by these hips

>> No.10109837

Shit zoomer show

>> No.10110397
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>Favorite 'toad?

None in special.

>Favorite stage?

In battletoads and double dragon, stage 3 and the last stage.

>Favorite game?

battletoads and double dragon, in fact, is the only one i have beaten.

>Favorite memory?

The music of stage 3(sounds so 90s and i love it!) and when the dark queen firts appears is so arrogant but when defeated she cries(and i was like "i won this game!").

>> No.10110527
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I realize you're a woman but I really don't care
You're gonna have to tell the doctor you fell down the stairs
You're gonna need them sunglasses for them black eyes whore
I've been drinkin since breakfast, I don't care anymore!

>> No.10110528

Let me guess: you need more?

>> No.10110565
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yeah that part really was something else when I first saw it

>> No.10110684

Yo, the best Battletoads experience I ever had was playing the arcade version on Rare Replay with my homies. It was as awesome as the Dark Queen’s titties. 10/10, would 100% play again.

>> No.10110797
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battletoads had so much possibility.

it came out at a time where you had this interesting intersection of rock music/heavy metal, comic book heroes with exaggerated muscles, and this like...lord of the rings sensibility toward "worldbuilding". you can't even call it worldbuilding because it's not like they get too far into who the dark queen is, or even the battletoads. but would you really want them to?

don't know about you guys, but i've always been into GWAR. unironically. yeah you'd hear about them in beavis and butthead, or wherever else, but gwar kinda typified this aesthetic, and i think at some point battletoads came to a crossroads: they could've gone conker's bad fur day, or continue being more kid friendly. and i don't think it could've been kid friendly because there was too much rock n' roll embedded in the vibe, and kid friendly characters don't have spikes/studs. unless they're a bad guy in mario.

i'm pretty sure at this point if you made a bloody, ultra violent battletoads it would work. they missed their opportunity around the time of mortal kombat. imagine if we'd gotten a full-featured battletoads game around the MK2 era.

oh well.

>> No.10110835

But enough of Phineas and Ferb

>> No.10110840

>kick a rat with a spiked boot
>it goes clear through him with an exaggerated blood shower
Could have been kino, but sadly we're stuck with Saturday Morning Cartoon aesethetic

>> No.10110859

>i'm pretty sure at this point if you made a bloody, ultra violent battletoads it would work

Arcade Battletoads exist.
But it didn't work

>> No.10110861
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>i'm pretty sure at this point if you made a bloody, ultra violent battletoads it would work. they missed their opportunity around the time of mortal kombat. imagine if we'd gotten a full-featured battletoads game around the MK2 era.
Haha, yeah. That sure would be awesome.

>> No.10110864

>you can't even call it worldbuilding because it's not like they get too far into who the dark queen is, or even the battletoads. but would you really want them to?
When I was playing the game as a kid, that sort of light worldbuilding and how there's an entire unplayable Battletoad always made me feel like Battletoads on NES was a port of an arcade game which was adapted from a TV show I never saw. It wasn't until I was older that I realized it was just an original game on NES and up until then I thought it was this whole big franchise that was lost to time for just not being too popular.

>> No.10110865

yeah the arcade game exists, but it's generally considered incomplete isn't it? wasn't it a rushjob thanks to EA? that's why i tend to think of it as a half game

>> No.10110883

Still better than any other Toads game. Also the soundtrack is 10/10

>> No.10110954

It strange really…


>> No.10110975

The weirdest part about all this is that all the girls I've known in real life are into sexy female characters, and I'm even American. They either think sexy characters are cool or hot or just funny in some way, but they're into it and will even pick sexy female characters when given the choice between those and more modest or plain female characters. The women who are bothered about this stuff seem to only exist online and it's just all very strange to me.

>> No.10110978 [SPOILER] 

As a kid I had that one cousin that everyone has who is just the biggest lying sack of shit. The old "my dad works at Nintendo" type of dude.
Anyway, he kept calling me up one summer and telling me " DUDE MOM BOUGHT ME BATTLTOADS GAME FOR SUPER THAT HAS DOUBLE DRAGON GUYS IN IT!". Obviously I never believed him. Eventually he came to visit and brought the game with him... I never doubted him again.

>> No.10111267

The Battletoads are teenagers who got turned into toads.

>> No.10111323

Only in cartoon, which was obviously made for the kids so they can relate to the characters better.
In games, i believe, 'Toads always were just giant alien toads.

>> No.10111547

It worked on me. Tween me thought it was the coolest fucking shit ever.
I don't know, if you look at the details then yeah clearly there's somethings which are just off or incomplete (like Karnath randomly serving as the stage 2 boss, when the original plan was to have a much more fitting Santa parody as that levels boss, the Dark Queen not appearing as a boss beyond just being a hologram watching you fight one of her minions, the final stage being a relatively unsatisfying shmup-ish stage, and the ending feeling like it was just slapped on, complete with what looks to be unfinished art), but in the end it has plenty of gameplay and nothing comes across as blatantly broken.

>> No.10111557

>Favorite 'toad?
They literally have no personality other than Pimple being bigger than the others, sometimes.

>> No.10111563

Not sure if I based this on anything other than their appearances, moves, and voices, but Pimple seemed like he was the dumb jock, Rash the cool popular one, and Zitz as just the regular guy.

>> No.10111569

>which was obviously made for the kids so they can relate to the characters better.
Which was still always the stupidest mistaken concept cartoon producers ever had. It was absurd, kids in the 80s grew up on He-Man, G.I. Joe, Transformers, Ghostbusters, Galaxy Rangers, Thundercats, Jem, all of these shows were about ADULTS and kids had no problem whatsoever identifying with them and wanting to emulate them. Then somewhere in the 90s the tribe members who own every studio got the idea that what kids REALLY need was permanent infantilization so suddenly every cartoon was suddenly about kids, if not outright babies. I can't believe we raised a generation of kids on garbage like "Rugrats".

>> No.10111578

Women who spend their time complaining about videogames and women who actually play videogames are very far from being fully overlapping groups.

>> No.10111580
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The real question is: which of the FemToads is your favorite?

>> No.10111584

>he judges people off of their personality and not their appearance
Bro, you a weenie

>> No.10111586

Rash and Zitz are just palette swaps of each other.

>> No.10111603

Yeah and one is cooler than the other

>> No.10111670

It they didn't want the Dark Queen to have her massive boobs always on display, why didn't they just make the new Dark Queen the original one's little sister or something? Then you could have it both ways, have a DQ stand-in who isn't overtly sexy, but not transform the original design in a way which irritated fans

>> No.10111737

they have different moves and animations which is all that matters in an action game

>> No.10112036

>In games, i believe, 'Toads always were just giant alien toads.
In the Nintendo Power comic, the Toads were VR video game testers who got turned into their avatars and sucked into another universe.

>> No.10112119

>I can't believe we raised a generation of kids on garbage like "Rugrats".

Rugrats is still an infinitely better show than most of modern trash and some of the 90's shows with stock cartoon plots. But you can consider it a beginning of an end for children entertainment, I guess.

It was DIC which had that habit to acquire rights to popular IP and produce as many generic filler cartoon shows based on it as possible (like they did with Sonic, but at least we've got some classic memes out of it). Iirc Battletoads pilot was their too.

>> No.10112814

This was CERO meddling, that's different from western eunuch bullshit.
CERO didn't fucking exist in Japan in the 90s

>> No.10112815

ah, hit and miss artist.

>> No.10113267


>> No.10113278

do people actually like this game or do people just play it so they can say they beat battletoads?

>> No.10113298

The game has infinite continues, not even that challenging . You have no excuse. Work on your skill issue

>> No.10113310

I believe Battletoad NES to be the best game on the NES, by far, and I wish the meme about Battletoad never existed since people just think I'm joking when I talk about it being a favorite game of mine

>> No.10113339
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>Then somewhere in the 90s the tribe members who own every studio got the idea that what kids REALLY need was permanent infantilization so suddenly every cartoon was suddenly about kids

Well, maybe they've studied their target audience's interests before shifting from adventures of manly men to kiddy stuff? Because, you know, toys and merchandise won't sell themselves, you have to see what kids like.

>> No.10113397
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>Well, maybe they've studied their target audience's interests before shifting from adventures of manly men to kiddy stuff? Because, you know, toys and merchandise won't sell themselves, you have to see what kids like.

That wasn't the case for the most part. They began listening to the angry mom minority who would complain in the 80s and early 90s that children's Saturday morning cartoon block was all violence and no education. This eventually cascaded into adding little kids in shows like Zack in TMNT, as even more of an excuse to turn down the violence. Education segments eventually become a requirement of the Fox and NBC Saturday morning cartoon block thanks to the laws that were passed and enforced. I seriously doubt any stupid kid would pass up a Casey Jones over a Zack in TMNT.

Its surprising to see bare midriffs still in the 2000s cartoons but now even that has taken the chopping block. Now all cartoon characters are blobs of brown and black with fucked up proportions and crooked teeth. Welcome to the new world.

>> No.10113423

>Battletoads was an iseaki this entire time

>> No.10113442

Ah yes, soccer moms, the supervillains of real world. Always with a "care for the children".

In my country, we've got Fullmetal Alchemist shoved into earliest morning slot after 20 episodes because "it was too violent for kids to air in daytime".
Because you know, animated cartoon = for kids.

>> No.10113472

the original Battletoads? I fucking hate that game, it's terrible. If it was a proper beat em up I would have loved but it's just a sadistic platformer which quickly stops being fun after the first ten minutes or so.
But thankfully there is more than one Battletoads game. Battletoads/Double Dragon and Battletoads Arcade are pretty damn fun

>> No.10113486


Its a constant attack on masculinity and it always was. Even conservative soccer moms were dumb hippie liberals to the core. They only came off as Christian fundamentalist because they were brainwashed into it and the Christianity gave them the pre-excuse to "make change" and lord over their children. It was never about the children. It was an ego/power trip.

Early TMNT, he-man, and even Full Metal Alchemist showed examples of bravery and manliness for young boys and even girls. The standard was too high for these nutty mothers so they had to corrupt the hero myth. And now we have trash like Steven Universe to show boys how to be dependent on feminine instead of growing out of their dependency on their mother.

>> No.10114182

Were the remake devs a bunch of fags or something?

>> No.10114187

>You two can become a strong battletoad, jimmy!
lmao no he can't

>> No.10114201

but i thought rugrats was for all the family (jewish of course)

>> No.10115457

Yes. The answer is always Yes