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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1008481 No.1008481 [Reply] [Original]

You are tasked to create a new game for a 8-16 bit system.

What game's gameplay mechanics do you rip off?

>> No.1008491

I dunno Alundra?

>> No.1008498

Legend of Zelda, but not impossible.

>> No.1008529

Gauntlet with Roguelike elements.

>> No.1008538
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A game where you are a game sprite (a la Reboot the tv show), in a 2d world you hit up and down on the dpad to switch to different memory banks on the game cartridge you exist inside. It sort of breaks the fourth wall, as the sprites aren't trying to be anything, they are aware they are in a video game and how shallow their existence is, and they are truly aware of this, making off-color suicide jokes about when the player turns the power off.

You gotta travel between the different memory banks (i.e. levels) to finish the game, but you also have to change certain memory values in the game on different levels to access different areas and items. You change these values by talking to different NPCs that tell you how and where to go in-game to change these values. I guess the combat can be anything you want, it could be a jrpg-style game, though I prefer to think of it more as a sidescrolling beat-em-up/shoot-em-up with weapons and utilities, think Zelda 2 meets Metal Slug.

Stylistically, resembles Out of This World, but with a touch of Mega Man cartooniness. Also you know that VR training level at the very beginning of System shock 2? How everything looked like wireframe glowsticks? The main hub looks like that. Remember when Futurama went into the internet with those weird suits? All the characters and NPCs glow like that.

>> No.1008560

A game where you are alive in whatever suburb wherever. You alone have the ability to dig incredibly quickly, it's never explained in game, but everyone knows your name, Dig-man! Dig-man has giant metal claws on either hand, and never takes them off. You are the anti-hero, though despite this you live in a crappy house on the outskirts of this neighborhood, let's call it Crap-Town.

So Dig-man hates the denizens of Crap-town, and wants to destroy them all. The reason for this is the general ease of which they can fix the damages he causes. The game is 2d and the only motive is to take out all the houses in game. If you don't take out the police station first, you will get arrested and spend some time in jail. By the time you get out of jail, all the holes you dug are filled in and you have to start again. Since the citizens repair quickly, the only way to win is to undermine the police station and then the rest of the houses as quickly as possible. There isn't a time during the game when they repair, they do it constantly, but the police station takes a full day, so if you don't succeed within a day, you have to start from scratch. Before starting the mission to destroy everything in the town, you first have to dig into shops and research facilities to steal equipment necessary for your mission. Once you have all the necessary equipment, (such as a more powerful drill for certain houses, or an electric resistance suit for underground cables you might slice), you can attempt to take out every building in the time allotted, if you succeed, the game resets on a harder difficulty.

Made for NES
graphics are reminiscent of Mother, Bionic Commando, and Fester's Quest for good measure.

>> No.1008568

There's a top-down map for the overworld, but all the digging is side-scrolling, a lot like Dig-Dug, but no monsters, just a mess of electrical cables, impassable areas, sewer pipes, and other buried treasures

>> No.1008581
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>> No.1008587
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what game mechanic to rip off

>> No.1008596


Good platforming, good shooting, good game selection to take from, tons of good power up concepts, non-linear, and very replay-able.

>> No.1008598

they already made megaman, you are tasked with making your own game.
What is it?
Why is megaman relevant?

>> No.1008621

I've always wanted to make a movement/momentum-based game like Sonic but with a top-down perspective like the original Zelda. It seems like it could make an interesting and fun game, but then again, there would be no gravity like there is in Sonic, so it might not be as exciting. I am actually making a game based off this idea but i'm writing it for modern computers.

>> No.1008634

You asked what gameplay mechanics I would rip off not what game I would make.

>> No.1008646

I rip off "In The Hunt", the submarine shooter from the devs of Metal Slug

Except you're a tiny nanobot in blood, not water, fighting bacteria and viruses in the bloodstream. Each major organ is one of the stages, when you get to that organ the boss is some type of alien infection growing on it.


>> No.1008651

Well anyway I would use that style of game and do it in sword and sorcery with some rpg mechanics tossed in.

So think the sidescrolling part of Zelda II but with megaman pace, power ups, and fast quality game play.

>> No.1008652


Make a scrotum level where the numerous, swarming one hit kill enemies are spermatozoa

>> No.1008659

Dude, I was just thinkin' the same exact thing while playin' shmups the other day. That name sounds badass, too.

>> No.1008667
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That game reminds me of this label on FamiCase.


I see this as being either an Abadox or Recca clone. The former is most likely, as Recca is a masterpiece of NES programming that cannot be recreated.

>> No.1008684
File: 762 KB, 512x384, cadbobble.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes me think of this old... thing. I would totally play I game where I get to help the Bubble Bobble dinosaurs abort various webcomics.

>> No.1008712

I just had this idea. I was thinking that those Japanese programmers back in the day weren't paid a lot. They probably would vent about shit inside their game, given it was subtle enough, or hidden in the programming. What if the lead programmer, let's call him Takahiro Nagata, found out that his wife was cheating on him? He decides to create a level that's very symbolic of a birth canal, and the boss appears to be a fetus which is a caricature of the guy his wife was cheating with. Of course, it'd have to be subtle, no telling if those Nintendo fearing publishers would want something so edgy and grotesque.

>> No.1009467 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 128x112, Giygas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a creepy guy with a fu manchu mustache fucked Shigesato Itoi's wife.

>> No.1009491
File: 2 KB, 128x112, Giygas1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So his wife got fucked by a guy with a fu manchu mustache?

>> No.1009507

The thing is, Shigesato Itoi was so involved in every detail of the Giygas battle that it's pretty certain that was how he wanted the G to look.

I guess Shiggy's wife got fucked by Mr. Fu Manchu.

>> No.1009657

I wonder, how much fun was it to program games in assembly back then?

>> No.1009660

Earthbound i guess

>> No.1009667

fund it

>> No.1009695

Maybe a Monster Hunter or Alundra type of game. Seeing as computers may be able to store and create a hell of a lot more these days, it will be quite an expansive adventure game.

Lots of environments and dead temples to explore. Small puzzles revolving around combat or object puzzles.

Even though, it does sound like quite a mouthwash like game you've seen and heard before.

>> No.1010049

>Not creating your own 8-16 bit system

>> No.1010102

Nah, they literally hid messages in the game's code usually. Something like that would take far too much effort on their part, maybe not so much now since creating assets for a game is relatively easier, but in the 8-16 bit days, forget about it.
Check this out:

>> No.1010150
File: 4 KB, 154x160, 1357831811598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just all kinds of dandy.

>> No.1010189


there goes the rest of your afternoon

>> No.1010232

something with a combination of topdown and platform levels (like TMNT)

>> No.1010261

You play as a man, named Jackson.
He travels to different islands in search of treasure. The treasure depends on the theme of the Island. (i.e. say the island was themed with ice, the treasure would be an ice crystal or something). There are other pirates that hunt for the same treasure. But most aim for the ultimate prize, The Golden Beast. A sword of great power. The gameplay mechanics would be ripped from:

Kung Fu

So basicly It's Pirate Kung Fu.

>> No.1010265

I've always wanted a Zelda-esque game with a more sidescrolling.

Or, visa-versa, a Castlevania-feel top-down Action/Adventure.

Fuck yeah.

>> No.1010272

a bit more*

To elaborate, those dungeons in the GB Zeldas, as well as the encounters in Zelda 2 never felt right. The GB Zelda's sidescrolling dungeons were gimmicky (oh, we threw a Whomp in there, that makes it fun and Nintendo-y, right guys?). The encounters in Zelda 2 were bad, but I can't give them too much flak for it, because it was only the second game.

>> No.1010293 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 283x270, 1355513793522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bomb Jack (ZX Spectrum)
>......well if you havent heard it before you should
get it straight away you know the purple rain album
>well get all of them there all brilliant (they sound
even better on compact disc)

such a great album

>> No.1010297
File: 8 KB, 256x224, Bc_openr.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1010302

Those little sidescrolling bits were straight out of the original Zelda

>> No.1010326

Holy, I remember playing that game on my MSX as a kid. The title screen always reminded me of that one G.I. Joe toy car.

Cheers for the links, gonna scour through them.

>> No.1010723

Something like a Final Fight, but fantasy and RPG like. I just ripped off D&D didn't I....

>> No.1010740

Depends. I'm the programmer, right? (I am.) I'd rip off Street Fighter 2, because then all the burden is on the artists and designers to make a good game.

>> No.1010762

So basically Dragon's Crown, which just came out?

>> No.1010789
File: 7 KB, 239x137, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was not aware....

>> No.1014674

Fall down

Side-scrolling platformer that does not have upward jumping. All you can do is leap down, and you have a little gun to shoot enemies. You start at the "top" of the level and try to get to the bottom.

You have some ladders and stuff, but it's almost all falling down. It's not that bad though because you gracefully glide with a cape when you fall.

>> No.1016239

I would attempt a sandbox RPG similar to the TES Series.