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10098085 No.10098085 [Reply] [Original]

GTA 3: Does it hold up 21 years later?

>> No.10098101

as the best GTA, yes

>> No.10098152
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>> No.10098223


>> No.10098227

Shooting/combat can be a mess but can also be cheesed. Otherwise yeah it holds up great in many ways.

>> No.10098248

fpbp, i have always thought the 3d games just got progressively worse after this one. too much bloat. gta3 had the perfect amount of content.

>> No.10098421

*second best after GTA2

>> No.10098525


Yes. Oozes atmosphere. Fun missions. Good radio.

>> No.10098578

GTA3 is the coolest one. It has the best atmosphere. Everyone you interact with is cold and all the dialog is very straight to the point. The city is gloomy. You play as a silent criminal hiding out in a garage. It's serious, yet there is a lot of sharp-witted humor on the radio stations. DMA Design was a very small team when they made it, and in a way it acts as a send-off for the original games because you can still play it in top-down mode. It built all the clout for the games to come.
Vice City is officially when GTA took the absurd colorful route and became what it is today. Out of all the GTA games, GTA4 is the only one that truly made a leap as bold and innovative as GTA3.

>> No.10098628

it's better than Reddit City, it's better than 4: the movie game (and the worst 3D title in the series) and it's certainly better than 5
the only games 3 can't top is SA and maybe LCS

>> No.10098647

>SA better than VC
maybe in your dumb head

>> No.10098819

It’s better than that jigaboo San Andreas garbage

>> No.10098828

I like playing it but I will say that bailing out of vehicles is terrible. You always need to come to a complete stop to get out of them. Same as VC. I guess I got spoiled by 4 and 5

>> No.10098838

Maybe I'm misremembering but you can definitely bail from vehicles, you just need to be going fast to do it. If you're not going fast then you're forced to stop though, I do remember that.

>> No.10098916

>VChud still deluding himself into believing the SA is not the superior game because Muh Blacks
the 80's setting sucks ass btw

>> No.10098987

go back to /v/ retard troll faggot

>> No.10098998

only a /v/tard contrarian will claim /v/c is better than SA

>> No.10099057

It definitely holds up on its own merit:
>(for better or worse) revolutionised the 3rd person action/adventure game, spawned many competitor imitation games, and to this day is still enjoyably replayable or playable for the first time with few janky controls.
>Holds up well against its successors and competitors (how often do people talk about rockstar's similarly published state of emergency or the warriors, let alone play them despite being good games), and it outshines saints row across the board.
>Great soundtrack
>Good social critique of caricatures like Donald Love (trump) and how organised crime will always be a use/be used situation for anyone involved, and a wild ride story that makes logical sense (unlike SA where you escape a gang pre-game, come back to the city and rejoin a gang, are betrayed and chased out of the city again, amass an empire across state, only to go back to running a gang and having revenge).
>Arguably the best map of the PS2 games. Condensed but big enough to feel like a city, without the empty map filler in SA, or over-abundance of water (splitting the islands) which again is an illusion of map size in VC.

>> No.10099085

only a /v/tard would bring up race just because someone doesn't like SA, pathetic faggot kys

>> No.10099104

hate fuck each other

>> No.10099136

Second this.

>> No.10099540

see >>10098819
this is the average VChud

>> No.10099550

cry more sa nigger

>> No.10099557

>21 years later
I didn't need to hear that. I bought it on the release day and still have the disc somewhere.

>> No.10099561

VCucks will always be deemed contrarians and posers
SAlphas will always be deemed the ones with the better taste and opinions

>> No.10099575

enjoy your shit then, it was made just for the idiots like you.

>> No.10099585

>it was made just for the idiots
as opposed to the Le neon colored 80's faux nostalgia bait game?

>> No.10099592


>> No.10099597

gta3 was the last "true" gta game, i never said otherwise. but VC did everything fine, so you can forgive them. SA it's just a bad replica of VC, made from start to the end to sell it to the dumb burger teens. and the big empty map make it boring as fuck unless you're a n/wigga.

>> No.10099605

The exterior lights in the garage suggest to me theres no actual electricity running to this room, nor does claude have any actual control over those lights. So that TV, washer (and no dryer) and microwave suggest thats just there to make it feel more home-like to him. Catalina broke this man.

>> No.10099607
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I always forget the pic. Sorry everyone.

>> No.10099619

1000% yes except the shooting controls are so janky today that its a hard sell to anyone that dudnt experience it when it was new

>> No.10099635
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>VC did everything fine
no it didn't
worse map than 3 (too small and there is NOTHING on the second city)
worse protagonist than 3 (imaging being worse and unlikable than a mute MC)
worse story (no originality a blatant crime movies ripoff)
worse missions than 3 (fuck that boring ice cream mission)
worse atmosphere (from dark and depressing to the fake ass neon colored 80's bullshit)
worse radio (Reddit City removed the soulful radio music made by R*)

the only good things about Reddit City was introducing bikes and ''Pressing Issues'' podcast
everything else was shit or a downgrade from 3

>> No.10099641

SA could be good if they cut pseudo-RPG shit, removed boring minigames, made better radio and had one good city instead of three underwhelming ones.
LCS is worse than 3 too btw, due to the worse writing.

>> No.10099679

that bed is fucking enormous

>> No.10099718

>pseudo-RPG shit
you mean the greatest addition to GTA since the jump to 3D? IV removed it and look how it turned out to be the worst and most boring game in the series
>boring minigames
completely optional and adds a depth of immersion, much better than ''nothing do in'' Reddit City
>better radio
WCTR is pure comedy, and music radios like Lost Santos, Master Sounds and Radio X shits all over the music in Reddit City
>three underwhelming ones
Grove Street alone was better and had more soul than the entirety of Reddit City map

>> No.10099759

Yes, 3 is the only good GTA past the shift to 3D, because despite being a downgrade from 2, it still kept arcade roots.
>pseudo-RPG shit is the greatest addition to GTA since the jump to 3D
Kys, SA baby.

>> No.10099863

All the 3D era GTA games suck in retrospect. The only good GTA to thia day is IV.

>> No.10100162

>despite being a downgrade from 2
i was literally playing 2 this morning and it was trash, it's somehow worse than 1

>> No.10100206

Strangely enough ya it was good other than the music being a little stupid at times. They did a good job on it

>> No.10100241

I gave up on it and just went back to VC

>> No.10100354

3 is easily the worst 3D GTA