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10088317 No.10088317 [Reply] [Original]

This is the best dungeon in the game. I know a lot of people argue it's actually the forest temple, but I hate the music there, and I think climbing several floors up only to ride a stalactite back down is a superior gimmick than looping back to the central room several times. The boss is a fire breathing dragon too, which is obviously cool. I like phantom ganon more, but you can hardly argue that the dragon in a volcano sucks.

>> No.10088369

show us one magazine that agrees.

>> No.10088625

You already have a Zelda thread to talk abut whatever you like there. >>10079551
Go to it.

>> No.10088720

wrong topic there chief

>> No.10088754

>the forest temple, but I hate the music there,

Eh reh?

>> No.10089040 [DELETED] 

A Zelda thread's a Zelda thread regardless of the topic being discussed. There's no need to make multiple threads, of separate topics, for one fucking game. That's excessively pedantic and autistic. Move. >>10079551

>> No.10089224

stop being a faggot

>> No.10089241

Good luck with your jannie application. You're well on your way to working for free.

>> No.10089247

He's got the destroying actual discussion and contributing fuck all to the board part down.

>> No.10089256

It's a competent dungeon layout wise, but the aesthetic design is very monotonous. At least for me.

>> No.10089291
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>the forest temple, but I hate the music there
I am incredibly triggered right now

>> No.10089304

fire temple is alright, but it's just kind of boring. chore-like puzzles, boring minibosses, very repetitive environments, etc. the volvagia fight is cool and i like the hammer but the rest is pretty mediocre. the actual best dungeons are dodongo's and water temple.

>> No.10089310
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I think if I didn't like the Forest Temple music for some reason I would come to the same conclusion. Each adult link temple starts with the best and gets progressively worse, so as Fire Temple takes second place as soon as I could add a reason to knock GOAT forest temple down a notch it would be the obvious winner.

>> No.10089353

the walls are all volcanous rock, sure, but there's lots of elements, that other temples don't have, that resemble a sacred place of worship and reverence.
the music in the forest temple is very grating on the ears to hear just repeating over and over and over. I hate that music so much. the dungeon looks fine aesthetically and I like the poes gimmick, but that music is bad.
>the actual best dungeons are dodongo's and water temple.
interesting choices. Of course I think Fire Temple is the best one. but Water Temple is up there too, however it's of course bad due to the switching iron boots on and off 20 times throughout that dungeon. the pause menu hitches on original hardware when pulling it up and closing it out too, adding to that tedium.
>Each adult link temple starts with the best and gets progressively worse
I think it's like this because each temple begins with the gimmick unique to that dungeon, and progressing further into the dungeons causes them to break away from them by merit of not always being able to work them back in while varying it with new things.

The forest temple has a few cool things going on I don't give enough credit for. It has the chess board with holes to stow away in when it comes down. It has the platform that rotates with the ice switch and the center torch. It has the warping and unwarping hallways.

I prefer Fire Temple however because several of its rooms are hubs that breakaway to more rooms, I think that is the best way to design all Zelda games. It's a microcosm of the likes of Hyrule Field, to enter into a big room nearly imediately into the dungeon and have your pick of things, on the left there's a door and a higher door you summon a song block to reach. On the right side there's a fake wall a goron you freed will offer a hint to deal with those if you don't know the secret yet. Even on the Master Quest version of this area there's a block on a geyser here already.

>> No.10089374
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>his copy didnt have the chants

>> No.10089384

I love the style of the Fire Temple. It feels VERY dungeon like, with Gorons imprisoned, actual death happening behind doors, and the fact that you would outright die in the location without special magical gear, etc. I also love its traps, with the fire walls, false doors, etc. And the puzzles are very clever. I'm a very smart person, so when I got stumped on the fire-wall timer to open a chest, it got my attention.
I understand where OP is coming from, even though I still think Forest Temple is the best temple, Fire Temple is still an amazing temple. I even enjoy Islamic chants on the normal, too.

>> No.10089391

>I'm a very smart person
imagine saying this

>> No.10089402

imagine not

>> No.10089403

There's no need for multiple threads, separated into multiple topics, for a single fucking game made on repeat and I'll keep saying it until you get it through your thick autistic skull,

>> No.10089404

>interesting choices. Of course I think Fire Temple is the best one. but Water Temple is up there too, however it's of course bad due to the switching iron boots on and off 20 times throughout that dungeon. the pause menu hitches on original hardware when pulling it up and closing it out too, adding to that tedium.
that all changes when you learn how to use farore's wind, hookshot and keyskips to get around with ease. it's by far the most non-linear dungeon in the game and it has a very interesting design that's built to be abused. you can do stuff like get the longshot within about 5 minutes or beat it without the bow, and suddenly a lot of that tedium is erased because of how you can ignore different areas

>> No.10089409

>imagine not
that would make me uhh, let's see, not have asperger's.

>> No.10089418 [DELETED] 

Every time you post this, two more OoT threads are created. Floigan won. You lose.

>> No.10089427

This isn't /vg/. You can have more than one topic about the same series or even the same game here. Fuck outta here if you're going to continue hyperventilating about this.

>> No.10089428 [DELETED] 

Hope you and your Discord raiders get permabanned one day with your forced, unfunny meme.

>> No.10089436

>This isn't /vg/.
Never said it was. A Zelda thread's a Zelda thread regardless of the topic being discussed.
>You can have more than one topic about the same series or even the same game here.
There's no need for multiple threads, separated into multiple topics, for a single fucking game made on repeat. How many Recc threads do we need on a weekly basis or "Why did the Dreamcast/Gamecube fail"?

>> No.10089438

Only counting the main eight child/adult dungeons:
Shadow Temple>Jabbu Jabbus Belly>Fire Temple>Forest Temple>>Ganons Castle>>>>>Water Temple>>>>Spirit Temple>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Dodongo's lair>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Deku Tree.
Shadow temples boss sucks but the rest of the dungeon I love. I like fire temple more because of the atmosphere but I like the Forest Temple bosses more. Deku tree feels way too much like a tutorial dungeon for absolute newbs. Dodongo's lair is just boring.
I like Jabbu Jabbus Belly alot for some reason, I just have always enjoyed that portion of the game.

>> No.10089461

Fire temple's atmosphere is great and it scores points for feeling like a proper location as has been pointed out in this thread already, but it always felt a little too linear for me. There's also its biggest flaw - the gigantic waste of time that is waiting for every individual goron to be freed every time you get a key.

>> No.10089473

>>This isn't /vg/.
>Never said it was. A Zelda thread's a Zelda thread regardless of the topic being discussed.
The point is going way (miles beyond) over your head, then.
>How many Recc threads do we need on a weekly basis or "Why did the Dreamcast/Gamecube fail"?
That constant newfag shit sucks, but it's still allowed (minus spamming of the actual same thread). Annoys me when there are constant "What are you favorite Mega Man games" threads, too, but at least there's some game discussion, there. Discussing the Fire Temple is unique in itself, as well, and isn't general Zelda or even OoT discussion.

>> No.10089475

Spirit Temple for me.
Also JJB is severely underrated. One of my favorites in the game.

>> No.10089481

I somehow always miss the compass there

>> No.10089483
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>> No.10089487

JJB is trash in every way, stop contrarinisming so hard you're contrarinicooming all over a decent discussion.

>> No.10089491 [DELETED] 

What forced meme? Floigan isn't a forced meme. When's the last time a Floigan thread was even posted? You didn't want to talk about Floigan, you wanted to talk about "real" retro games, such as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. So now, you get to. Why does this upset you?

>> No.10089502

Fuck you it's good and Barinade is a great boss

>> No.10089519

I can tell by this single post alone that you have severe issues with body odour and how to maintain it.

>> No.10089556

I like the part of the game where you are doing the last child dungeon, Jabu Jabu's Belly, but I don't really like the dungeon or the boss. Killing the tenticles is very repetitive and only one offers almost a slight challenge increase when there's jellyfish inside, you dispatch them first though and it's just the same as the rest. I can appreatiate the idea/concept of doing several of them, and the tone of the dungeon, the atmosphere, however I find it not making up for the repetition of doing it several times. I think the most interesting part of the dungeon is throwing Ruto onto the platform, the game makes a point that 'why does she get the stone' ("Why her though?") and then she is kidnapped and you fight a giant Octo, I enjoyed that.

This part of the game though when you go to Zora Domain, and you figure out how to get inside the dungeon, and then you complete it and there's nothing standing between you and the temple of time door - I love that part, I can remember how exciting it was when I first played the game. You feel like you conquered the world. and then -you know what- transpires.

>> No.10089559

If haven't really played the fire temple until you play it with the original chanting soundtrack.

>> No.10089570

I think the chanting detracts from the already very good music.

>> No.10090538

what a terrible take

>> No.10090927

Have to agree, I finally played through the whole thing a year ago, I thought it was OK but this is where it really clicked for me. It's not the best game of all time or anything but I can respect it as a very good game.

>> No.10091339

>the gigantic waste of time that is waiting for every individual goron to be freed every time you get a key.
lmao this dude has been talking to the gorons all this time. you can just walk in, grab the key from the chest and leave them there to die.

>> No.10091612
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Temple of Shadows is best dungeon, period.
Jabu Jabu can suck a bag full of dicks.

>> No.10091632
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Based fire temple appreciator. But my fav will always be spirit temple.

>> No.10091738
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Big lol

Forest > Water > Spirit > Fire > Shadow

If Jabu Jabu's belly also counted it would still be above the Fire Temple

>> No.10091764

Mostly agree but shadow is definitely above fire dude, and probably above spirit too.

>> No.10091768

Nah, shadow is above water and thats it.

>> No.10091778

no I'm usually all for spooky levels and aesthetics but shadow temple is poorly designed, it's way too fucking linear and the lens of truth/hover boots are godawful gimmicks

>> No.10091817

>the best dungeon
Jabu's Belly obviously, because it's the least generic

>> No.10091837

waterlet filtered yet again

>> No.10091917

I'm not islamic, I don't care what color ganondorf's blood is, and the diamond mirror shield looks better than the crescent.

>> No.10091982

you are gay, you are a faggot, and your butthole is bulbous

>> No.10091986

you only like those things because you've been told to like them. that's why you're so concerned with my status in regard to liking them.

>> No.10091996

>i'm not the NPC, you are
the fact that you'd rather listen to a fucking slowed down shadow temple theme than the haunting 1.0 music with the soulful chants is says otherwise.
> that's why you're so concerned with my status in regard to liking them.
why do you talk like a robot? beep boop, you are concerned with being a faggot in regards to being gay

>> No.10092101

The real GOAT is Dodongo's Cavern. 10/10 atmosphere, wide variety of enemies and one of the best dungeon items. It also has a bunch of nifty stuff to find like the deku merchants, gossip stone, kokiri shield in a treasure chest, and even some areas you can come back to after beating the dungeon for optional skulltulas. The other dungeons are mediocre in comparison to Dodongo's with its tight design and bevy of optional content.

>> No.10092126

>haunting 1.0 music
thanks for conceding

>> No.10092132

if you weren't a soulless NPC you'd understand how the reverberating sounds combined with creepy chants are a lot more haunting than a shittier version of the shadow temple music.

>> No.10092387
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You have absolutely shit taste

>> No.10092391

>cool crescent moon vs ovaries
yeah, i'm thinking 1.0 is the way to go

>> No.10092402
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Theres nothing wrong with a linear dungeon to switch things up. The Shadow Temple is linear because it's supposed to be a descent unto the underworld, including a ride on Charons fairy near the end. The Shadow Temple is pure horror kino.

>> No.10092410

Underrated, Dodongos Cavern is the best kid dungeon and better than most of the adult ones.

>> No.10092428

oh yeah, 1.0 is just better, NPC, reverberation, yup. oh yeah.

>> No.10092435

dude if you want to like the ovary shield and slowed down shadow temple music, by all means, play any version you want. just know that you're retarded and you're building an identity around being a contrarian faggot for faggot's sake.

>> No.10092445

I have aspergers but I am very smart so it kind of evens out.

>> No.10092446

ice cavern is ridiculously underrated. it's short and sweet, and the music is amazing. also you can do some interesting stuff there with sequence breaks and/or buying the blue fire before you go there.

>> No.10092464

I forget about this unless it is the current topic of conversation

>> No.10092468

Ferry lmao

>> No.10092470

The ice brick puzzle is really cool. I feel like the Ice Cavern may have at one point in development been meant to be a much larger level.

>> No.10092490

I really love the aesthetic of the Spirit Temple plus the Desert Colossus and the Haunted Wasteland

>> No.10092495

I'm doing a minimalist run right now and I managed to beat spirit temple without lens of truth. Can you beat shadow without it too? Do you need it to actually hit bongo bongo or can you still hit his eye even when's his invisible?

>> No.10092505

Dodongo's is weird in that it's the most boring one first going through it, but it has some of the best setpieces and clever secrets of the lot.

>> No.10092509

>Dodongo's is weird in that it's the most boring one first going through i
I don't know why you think that at all. It has great pacing and every single room is something different. If you want a boring first time experience, that's Jabu or Fire Temple.

>> No.10092562

the hard part is making it to the boss, there's invisible platforms that move, there's an invisible hookshot point, there's invisible platforms on the way to the boss door. good luck

>> No.10092573

I have most of the dungeon memorized at this point, but I've never actually tried killing him without the lens so I don't know if you need it to beat him or not.

>> No.10092597

No way man, Dodongo's Cavern at first glance is just a big cave with puzzle room leading to puzzle room. Jabu Jabu is this insane labyrinth of meat corridors and gross organic enemies crawling from the walls. Growing up is knowing the Dodongo's vastly is superior, but there's no way you could think JJB is boring in your first run.

>> No.10092617

your memorization will prove futile when trying to land on the moving platforms.

the boss is the easiest thing, his hands are visible, you attack both to trigger him rushing toward you, aim for the empty spot between his clutched fists and it will hit his neck hole. then he will be come visible and stunned, sword strikes.

>> No.10092909

ackshually it won't because I'll be using arrows to tell where the platforms are.

>> No.10093080

I always get stuck in this dungeon for some reason.

>> No.10093091

>You already have a Zelda thread to talk abut whatever you like there. >>10079551
>Go to it.

>> No.10093206


>> No.10093214

I hate Jabu Jabu and want him to die.

>> No.10093240

What are the arguments against JJB again?

>> No.10093252

>one of the most annoying dungeons on a first playthrough
>one of the shortest and easiest dungeons on repeat playthroughs
>lame enemies (fucking bubbles?)
>80% of the content is just running between rooms killing slimes with the boomerang
>same gooey whale gut wall texture everywhere
>barely any side areas / optional stuff to find
>one of the lamest dungeon items that is immediately replaced by the hookshot an hour later
I could go on and on. Anyone who likes that shit is a fag.

>> No.10093262


>> No.10093279

>>one of the most annoying dungeons on a first playthrough
annoying, why?
>>one of the shortest and easiest dungeons on repeat playthroughs
short on repeat playthroughs a bad thing, why?
>>lame enemies (fucking bubbles?)
I also remember medusas, octoroks
>>80% of the content is just running between rooms killing slimes with the boomerang
I remember other stuff more, like the multi-layered floors and verticality.
>>same gooey whale gut wall texture everywhere
What did you expect, concrete walls? wooden rooms?
>>barely any side areas / optional stuff to find
I do remember at least one secret room that was cool to find.
>>one of the lamest dungeon items that is immediately replaced by the hookshot an hour later
You don't like the boomerang? weird.
>could go on and on
please do, what you listed so far doesn't seem like solid criticism. It's more like nitpicky rant and "I don't like thing.... just because!"

>> No.10093296

>I also remember medusas
There are no "medusas" in Jabu Jabu retard
>I remember other stuff more, like the multi-layered floors and verticality.
Lmao like the main room with a couple jellyfish, or the floor below it with a couple more jellyfish? Or perhaps the slime rooms with slimes, bubbles, and jellyfish?
>What did you expect, concrete walls? wooden rooms?
How about a good level?
>I do remember at least one secret room that was cool to find.
Oh yeah a single deku merchant that doesn't even sell anything useful. Very cool secret bud. Other dungeons have 10x more shit.
>You don't like the boomerang? weird.
No I don't, it's literally just a shittier version of the hookshot that gets replaced by the hookshot an hour later. You aren't very bright are you?
>what you listed so far doesn't seem like solid criticism.
You thought there were "medusas" and think a single deku merchant is a "cool secret room" so I think we're done here.

>> No.10093301

>There are no "medusas" in Jabu Jabu retard
>You thought there were "medusas"
Jellyfish and sea jellies are the informal common names given to the medusa-phase of certain gelatinous members of the subphylum Medusozoa
Yeah I think we're done dude.
Your "criticism" is laughable. You hate on JJB just because you do, you can't explain why.

>> No.10093303

>Jellyfish and sea jellies are the informal common names given to the medusa-phase of certain gelatinous members of the subphylum Medusozoa
But enough about you having crippling asperger's
>You hate on JJB just because you do, you can't explain why.
I already explained why, you just don't want to accept it because, again, you aren't very bright. You don't mind the fact the entire level has one texture, the fact there are barely any enemies, the fact that 80% of the level is busywork or the fact that you can beat it in all of 10 minutes. You love running around a fish's colon, and that's fine. Just don't pretend it's a good level.

>> No.10094095

there aren't bubbles in Jabu Jabu Belly neither

>> No.10094127

unless you're talking about "bubbles", the flying skull enemies, then no. but there are literal bubbles as enemies, and by far the lamest enemy in the entire game that can be killed with a fucking deku nut.

>> No.10094147 [DELETED] 

jabu fags are the fucking worst, man.

>> No.10094262

lol I forgot about the literal bubbles, yeah I meant the skull enemies

>> No.10094285

Forest Temple > Water Temple > Spirit Temple > Jabu Jabus Belly > Fire Temple > Shadow Temple > Dodongos Cavern > Ganons Castle > Deku Tree > Bottom of the Well > Ice Cavern

>> No.10094365

If you post this message again I'll make two Zelda threads.

>> No.10094407

I can live with that. I would switch out spirit and water though.

>> No.10094415

>deku tree, ice cavern, dodongo's, bottom of the well, fucking ganon's castle, all this kino in shit tier
>spirit and jabu near the top
awful taste

>> No.10094496

Nobody mentioned shit tier, they are all good just not the best

>> No.10094504

i just don't know how you could put fish belly level over shit like ganon's tower. no idea what you're smoking but you do you.

>> No.10094509

The only good thing about ganon ls castle is the bosse battles/escape sequence. Best boss in the game? Of course. The rest of the "dungeon" are just shitty scrapped leftovers lumped together

>> No.10094514

>The rest of the "dungeon" are just shitty scrapped leftovers lumped together
you get a bunch of themed rooms with unique challenges that you can do in any order you wish. then there's all the mininbosses on the staircase, the golden gauntlets, the secret deku merchant room with fairies, and yeah, the best boss. you can't possibly think that's cooler than a 10 minute escort mission where you fight fucking bubbles. kys contrarian retard.

>> No.10095587

>you get a bunch of themed rooms with unique challenges that you can do in any order you wish.
this is not a good thing, the brilliance of zelda dungeons lies on the exploration challenging your spatial orientation that you slowly master as you progressively unlock more and more of the space, it feels like you're building towards something and everything is part of a greater whole that was well thought out as unit. these rooms have none of that, no need to explore as you know right away all the places you gotta go, you can do things in any order so there's no proper sense of build up and scaling the difficulty from simpler challenges to harder ones, nothing you do in one room as any effect or sense of carry over to the others. They are obviously just a bunch of recycled leftovers thrown together as some of the rooms don't even accurately reflect their theme(ex: the "forest room" is wind themed from the beta wind temple and the "water room" is ice themed from the beta ice temple.

>then there's all the mininbosses on the staircase
wow, literally just repeated content, how wonderful!

>the golden gauntlets
completely uninteresting gimmick. just a couple of uses and you do nothing interesting with it, they may have as well have given you a special key instead of the gauntlet because mechanically there's virtually no difference: "stand in the context sensitive spot and press a button to open the path, that's it"

>the secret deku merchant room with fairies
trying to make a room of extra handholding some kind of major selling point of a dungeon, lol

>> No.10095647 [DELETED] 

You didn't know what a medusa was lol

>> No.10095887

>wall of redditspaced pseud babble
yeah nah, jabu jabu's colon is a terrible dungeon and you need to kill yourself.

>> No.10095901 [DELETED] 

Some of us have had sex, yes

>> No.10096097

Enemies are lame
Visuals are lame
Too much padding
Escort mission
Just time wastes everywhere
Not fun to explore

>> No.10096105

I just hate the reddit way of nitpicking lines from someone's arguments and writing a fucking wall of text about each one

>> No.10096150

it's a sign of low intelligence, yeah

>> No.10096270

OK, now a proper argument?
Explain? the other anon was complaining that it's too short.
The only thing that comes to mind is fighting these tentacle things with the boomerang, but they're unique enemies and it's only just a short part of the dungeon.
>Escort mission
Is it really? I mean yeah on paper it is, but in execution, Ruto acts more like an item you can carry around. An escort mission done right.
Protecting Zelda at the end of the game with the crumbling castle is more of a traditional escort mission (and it's still awesome)
>Just time wastes everywhere
How? examples? Again, the other anon complained that it's supposedl too short of a dungeon.
>Not fun to explore
I doubt of your idea of "fun" at this point, anon.

>> No.10096272 [DELETED] 

None of your personalities have had sex, anon.

>> No.10096274 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 383x348, 11C23BBE-882C-4A91-91CA-1B5E803F80CF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no u

>> No.10096278 [DELETED] 

You lost, you tried to sound smart by claiming that medusas aren't jellyfish, you were proven wrong (I didn't even type that shit, it was a wikipedia paste, lmao), and you retorted to sex (in an obvious projection manner, as you lack it).
Calmly take the L, you lost an internet argument but the good side is that it's anonymous.

>> No.10096291 [DELETED] 

>you tried to sound smart by claiming that medusas aren't jellyfish
ackshually you tried to "sound smart" by using the most autistic moniker for jellyfish possible and then expecting the opposing side to have a similarly severe case of asperger's
>abloo bloo etc.
you've said a lot here, but the gist of it is that jabu jabu's colon is a bad level

>> No.10096302 [DELETED] 

>ackshually you tried to "sound smart" by using the most autistic moniker for jellyfish possible
lol man, you're grasping at straws so hard right now, just take the L and move on.
>but the gist of it is that jabu jabu's colon is a bad level
great criticism, anon! you convinced me. Not.

>> No.10096317 [DELETED] 

what's it like having asperger's and also trying to talk like a nigger?

>> No.10096318 [DELETED] 

So yeah you aren't even talking about Zelda or video games anymore at this point.
How does it feel to be ugly, virgin and also lose internet arguments about video games?

>> No.10096327 [DELETED] 

Zelda? we abandoned that the minute you started sperging about the proper terminology for jellyfish (the ones that live in jabu jabu's inflamed colon). if you want to go back to talking about Jabu Jabu's Colon and discussing its myriad flaws, we can.

>> No.10096331 [DELETED] 

I'll remind you that you were the first one to sperg out about oceanic terminology, virgin-kun:
>There are no "medusas" in Jabu Jabu retard
>You thought there were "medusas" and think a single deku merchant is a "cool secret room" so I think we're done here.
You gave it extreme importance to a definition, only to get blown the fuck out by a Wikipedia paste, and you're still seething about it 24 hours later.
Who's the sperg lacking sexual life here?

>> No.10096346 [DELETED] 

look, i understand that you're upset, but like i said, if you want to talk about jabu and his inflamed colon and the various sea creatures than inhabit his inflamed colon, we can do that.

>> No.10096350 [DELETED] 

okay, but you promise you won't sperg out if I use terminology that's actually common but you ignore? Because you claim like you don't care, but you got really upset about it before and even said it wasn't worth talking to me because I used a "wrong" terminology that in the end was right.

>> No.10096357 [DELETED] 

>okay, but you promise you won't sperg out if I use terminology that's actually common but you ignore?
>Because you claim like you don't care
when was that? i care a lot.
>you got really upset about it before and even said it wasn't worth talking to me because I used a "wrong" terminology that in the end was right.
/vr/ is not one person, brother.

>> No.10096358 [DELETED] 

Whats it like to be teh edgyy boii?

Youre not cool for using the n word :) pathetic.

>> No.10096361 [DELETED] 

>/vr/ is not one person, brother.
anti-JJB niggers might as well be, they act like a brainless colony of... medusas...

>> No.10096369 [DELETED] 

>anti-JJB niggers
JJC* sorry

>> No.10096417

are the shaboms jabu's fart bubbles? are the tailparsans analbparasites?

>> No.10096436

So people who hate JJB are just infantile guys who never grew out of their gross humor phase?
>haha it sucks because it's... INSIDE A BODY! get it!? It's full of like, gross stuff! colon! farts! haha

>> No.10096453

This thread has taken an impressively retarded turn over the last day

>> No.10096454

it sucks for a lot of reasons, such as a small variety of shitty enemies that all do practically the same thing, one texture for the whole dungeon, braindead "puzzles" like having a random timer activate that challenges you to kill fart bubbles in 40s, a cunt fish girl that you have to lug around and talk to, a boring dungeon item that gets replaced immediately, and no interesting side content. the fact that it literally takes place in the inflamed colon of a fish that's suffering from a parasitic infection is just the cherry on top. the dungeon is a work of comedy.

>> No.10096483 [DELETED] 

>small variety of shitty enemies that all do practically the same thing
Do they? enemies all have different properties. Especially the medusas that electrify you if you touch them with the sword.
>one texture for the whole dungeon
Not really. The first sections (the mouth entrance) are more like straight red, then as you go further, white nerve-like textures are added, and then by the end of the dungeon it's more greenish. Also the whole textures are constantly moving since it's a live being, something unique to this dungeon.
>braindead "puzzles" like having a random timer activate that challenges you
Just admit you got filtered by a timer then.
> a cunt fish girl that you have to lug around and talk to
Would you prefer to wait for her instead of carrying her? Also talking to people in dungeons isn't a sin. Fire Temple has a lot of Gorons, you hate it for that?
>a boring dungeon item that gets replaced immediately
The boomerang is pretty cool and the way it can hit things doing a semi-circle trajectory is pretty unique, the later part of the dungeon even has switches and enemies you can only hit with the boomerang since they have a wall before them, you couldn't hit them with the slingshot or a hookshot. Not having fun with the boomerang? damn boy.
>and no interesting side content.
There's a number of skulltulas, like every other dungeon.
> the fact that it literally takes place in the inflamed colon
dude is this all you're gonna keep saying? "lol colon! get it? so gross haha!" what are you, 9?
Yeah, you're inside an organism. Never played Life Force? X-Multiply? I can only imagine how many kiddy jokes you would crack while playing these.
Seriously though, is this all JJB haters have? I expected a tougher battle.

>> No.10096494

Jabu Jabu's Belly is so bad it ruins threads about dungeons.

>> No.10096498

seething about Jabu Jabu ruins your life.

>> No.10096509 [DELETED] 
File: 110 KB, 570x418, Map_JabuJabu2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do they?
Biri, Shaboms, Tailparsans and Stingers all move slowly around trying to hit you. yeah, they're the same fucking thing with slightly different movement patterns.
>Not really.
yes faggot, really. pic related.
>Just admit you got filtered by a timer then.
filtered? you literally use two deku nuts and pop the entire group in 1 second. i wish something in this shit baby brain dungeon would filter me.
>Would you prefer to wait for her instead of carrying her?
hey, here's an idea, how about just not putting dumb shit in the dungeon to begin with? nothing about it is made better by having a fish cunt companion, get real.
>Fire Temple has a lot of Gorons, you hate it for that?
lmao have you been talking to the gorons this entire time? you can walk right past them. you don't even know this game.
>The boomerang is pretty cool and the way it can hit things doing a semi-circle trajectory is pretty unique
that might be cool if the mechanic was actually used more than 2 times in the entire game and it wasn't just hookshot: retard edition
>There's a number of skulltulas, like every other dungeon
lmao are you serious dude? a few skulltulas sitting in plain fucking sight is not "interesting side content" you disingenuous kyke. you even admit yourself, every dungeon has them. except the other dungeons also have tons of other things to find, jabu jabu's inflamed colon has nothing.
>dude is this all you're gonna keep saying? "lol colon! get it? so gross haha!" what are you, 9?
why not? you keep pretending that the dungeon isn't one whale gut texture, that the enemies aren't a total joke and that fucking skulltulas are "interesting side content", so why not? poo poo pee pee, my friend.

>> No.10096540 [DELETED] 

>yeah, they're the same fucking thing with slightly different movement patterns.
So you completely ignore the unique electric aspect of the medusas. You're just nitpicking and downplaying elements you prefer not to mention to favor your bias.
>yes faggot, really. pic related.
okay *post pics with different texture* also again completely ignoring what I said about the unique aspect of moving/pulsating walls/floor/ceiling.
> i wish something in this shit baby brain dungeon would filter me.
careful guys, we've got an ADULT HARDCORE GAMER over here. lol
Post your no-damage run.
>hey, here's an idea, how about just not putting dumb shit in the dungeon to begin with?
You sound like a guy who never had experiences with the opposite sex and gets nervous about interacting with them, even in virtual worlds.
>lmao have you been talking to the gorons this entire time?
You can't skip many of the dialogue in the Fire Temple, like the encounter with Darunia. So, you hate the Fire Temple too?
OK at this point I'm gonna have to ask, why are you comparing the boomerang to the hookshot? What kind of mental retardation do you have?
Because the boomerang, as I already said, does a semi-circle trajectory. Wouldn't it make more sense to compare the hookshot with another weapon that has a straight trajectory? Like the fairy bow or slingshot? Also the boomerang lets you grab stuff that's far away, like many heart pieces on Hyrule Field. Hating on the based boomerang is a sign of virginity.
>colon farts pee pee poo poo
absolute state of JJB rager

>> No.10096567 [DELETED] 

>unique electric aspect of the medusas
bro they aren't even the only enemy in the dungeon that can electrocute you, and it's just visual fluff. you get hit, you're stunned for a second, you move again. that's it. you're in absolute denial.
>what I said about the unique aspect of moving/pulsating walls/floor/ceiling.
you mean Jabu's colon muscles moving the poop towards the anus? yeah, nifty effect, too bad the entire dungeon is still orange and red fish gut texture.
>careful guys, we've got an ADULT HARDCORE GAMER over here. lol
first i'm getting filtered, then i tell you an easy way to beat the room in seconds flat and i'm an "adult hardcore gamer"? weak.
>You sound like a guy who never had experiences with the opposite sex and gets nervous about interacting with them, even in virtual worlds.
no u, have sex, etc.
>You can't skip many of the dialogue in the Fire Temple, like the encounter with Darunia
moving the goalposts again, Mr. Nose? you were talking about the goron prisoners (who you didn't even realize you could walk past after 25 years because of how low your IQ is), and now it's about Darunia? well, if i carried darunia around fire temple, i'd say it was a shit level too, yes.
>OK at this point I'm gonna have to ask, why are you comparing the boomerang to the hookshot? What kind of mental retardation do you have?
another low IQ moment. have you noticed that the child items have adult equivalents? the slingshot is analogous to the bow, the boomerang to the hookshot, etc. the boomerang is a ranged weapon with travel time for its "projectile" that retrieves distant things. the hookshot has the same function. if the boomerang's ability to curve were used throughout the game, it might actually be cool. instead it gets replaced immediately and is only used twice in the game.
>absolute state of JJB rager
JJC* rager

>> No.10096574 [DELETED] 

Ok, colon-kun. We aren't going to agree at this point. At the end of the day, you couldn't come up with a proper argument though, it's just "I don't like it" and when I counter-argument with things like unique enemies, unique moving textures or the fact you talk to NPCs in other dungeons too you just go "lalalal I can't hear you pee pee poo poo".
Have a nice day, and try having sex one day.
>no u
You were the one who projected and mentioned lack of sex in the first place. Of course I'm gonna make fun of that, khv.

>> No.10096610 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 416x277, medium-masha-and-the-bear-cartoonl-cartoon-poster-kids-poster-original-imafzk5ph38fxwzg.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, sorry man, you lost. i BTFO'd every single point you made. you don't even know the game well enough to realize that you don't have to talk to completely optional NPCs. it's worrying that you did this for 25 years and then try to tell me you aren't retarded. that is some low IQ shit, brother. regardless, you refuse to admit how limited the enemy variety is. you refuse to accept how repetitive the dungeon's visual design is, even when confronted with visual proof. you make dimwit arguments like saying skulltulas and a single deku merchant are "interesting side content". your cope status is red. worst of all, you're so angry that your best comeback to having your favorite dungeon officially rebranded as Jabu Jabu's Colon™ is to just recycle somebody else' one-off "have sex" comment for a dozen posts because you do, in fact, need to have sex. anyway, now that you've conceded, i think we've cleared everything up in regards to JJC and why it's a fundamentally bad dungeon. i won't respond again, but you will. good day!

>> No.10096641

Honestly, the best part of JJB is the journey there. The river/waterfall area is comfy, and it's fun to explore and solve the puzzles in Zora's Domain. OoT as a whole had excellent "pre-dungeon" segments.

>> No.10096649 [DELETED] 

>it's bad because... it's bad!!
You got BTFO with the medusa thing
>nooo aspergers!
>nooo have sex!
projection, and you really need the touch of a woman. Ugly guys like you don't deserve to suffer so much, even if you're a JJB rager.

>> No.10096672

Based, I love running around the fire temple with the hammer. The forest temple is god awful, not just the music but everything else about it too. Jabbu Jabbus Belly is fucking ugly.

>> No.10096678

>I know a lot of people argue it's actually the forest temple
Do they really? I can't stand the Forest Temple, it's mostly just annoying. Kino boss fight but the rest of the temple is meh.

>> No.10096685
File: 1000 KB, 770x1664, OoT_Malon_Artwork[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey, you're that ferry boy from the forest.

>> No.10096701

We get it, you're a pedo for child Ruto

>> No.10097313

What an autistic clusterfuck of a discussion. I just wanna say jabu jabu is a really creative dungeon and perfectly integrates story and gameplay without being annoying. That's something most other dungeon lacks.

Also Morpha was extremely lackluster compared to the kino that was Barinade

>> No.10097565

>a boring dungeon item that gets replaced immediately
Because the well and spirit temple as a child don't exist, right?

>> No.10098396

Ganondorf/Ganon > Twinrova > Barinade > Bongo Bongo > Phantom Ganon > King Dodongo > Volvagia > Queen Ghoma > Morpha

>> No.10099141

you don't use the boomerang in the well and the spirit temple has exactly one switch that can be activated with the boomerang. it's a joke.

>> No.10099195

>I'm not forced to use it so I just can't!

>> No.10099203

why are you purposely being retarded? yes, you can use it, but there aren't really any puzzles designed to use it with, and it offers few if any advantages over the slingshot for the encounters where you actually can use it. it's a redundant weapon that wasn't implemented well.

>> No.10099209

dude it's been 3 days already, let it go.
It's ok, you hate Jabu Jabu, that's understood. It's probably not the most popular of dungeons so you're not even alone in that (although I doubt most people are as autistic about hating it, but whatever). Hating on an iconic item like the boomerang and obsessing over it for so many days consecutively is a bit weird.

>> No.10099220

I use the boomerang in combat to stun enemies or kill small ones like keese and of course to retrieve items from a distance. I never saw it as a wasted item because I get plenty of use out of it. If you choose not to use it that isn't the game's fault.

>> No.10099241

>my heckin' iconic item!!!!
lol kill yourself queer

>> No.10099245

>If I add "heckin'" to what someone else said, then I win the argument!
This is how khv's think? I'm glad I'm not one.

>> No.10099247

>i choose to use a useless item even though there are better and faster alternatives for nearly every situation
it's the game's fault for not implementing the item well. if you want to eat paint chips and use an objectively bad item, go ahead. you'll still be retarded.

>> No.10099250

>If I add "heckin'" to what someone else said, then I win the argument!
this but unironically

>> No.10099257

I think JJB rager is just a falseflagger who doesn't even like OOT. Just a suggestion, stop giving him the attention he wants.

>> No.10099275

why are you talking to yourself? the dungeon is called Jabu Jabu's Colon, by the way

>> No.10099406

As cool as Bongo Bongo looks the battle is shit

>> No.10099439

>stuns enemies from further than deku nuts
>kills small enemies without using ammo
>retrieves items from a distance (what other child item even does this?)
There are plenty of upsides and I don't know why it makes you so mad.

>> No.10099481

you seem to have some kind of clinical retardation that makes you immune to logic, so i'll take one more stab at getting you to understand this concept by explaining it as simply as i can: the boomerang is a bad item because it is underused. the other child items are used numerous times throughout the game, but the boomerang is given to you halfway through the last child dungeon, and then the very first thing you acquire as an adult will likely be the hookshot -- an item which can "stun enemies further than a deku nut", kills enemies without ammo and retrieves things from a distance; none of which are even its main function. this makes the boomerang irrelevant. now you'll say "but you can't use the hookshot as a child!". that's true, except there are A) only two places in the whole game that you're required to use it outside of Jabu Jabu's Colon, and B) 99% of the places that you aren't required to use it will be places you can visit as either child or adult, e.g. grottos, the dodongo's cavern skulltulas, etc., where you can use the hookshot. in combat, it will almost always be faster and easier to use other items like the slingshot or bombs, and ammo isn't even a concern because the game literally drops what you need when you start to run out. there just aren't enough places where you're required to use it or gain an advantage by using it, ergo it is an underutilized and shitty item. if you can't accept this, i don't know what else to tell you.

>> No.10099612
File: 9 KB, 300x214, latest[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the dungeon is called Jabu Jabu's Colon, by the way

>> No.10099640

weird, must be a personalized copy.

>> No.10099646

Stop giving him attention, he's been posting here for days now.
To be honest, I don't mind seeing OPs' pic in the catalogue, it's always nice to see Zelda, but post something else, dont' reply to him.

>> No.10099714 [DELETED] 

>crying about the boomerang
>get blown the fuck out by a completely logical, factual argument for why it's garbage
>ignore it entirely and go back to acting like a gay child
Jabu Jabu's Rectum fans, everyone

>> No.10099805


>> No.10100274 [DELETED] 


>> No.10100442

>immune to logic
one of the more underrated super powers to be born with, if you ask me

>> No.10100594

Am i the only one who hated water temple? The iron boots are lame and they make everything so slow. Changing the level of water in the main room is annoying. The boss was cool tho.
5/10. Not the worst temple, but it follow the tradition that water levels are always the worsr part.

>> No.10100680

>I don't like so it sucks
you should breathe water

>> No.10100846

Stfu, best temple is Water

>> No.10101019

>The boss was cool tho
Morpha sucks and Dark Link is a good idea wrapped up in terrible execution.

>> No.10101032

>hates the forest temple music
Opinion invalidated, you have shit taste

>> No.10101257

the water temples in majora's mask and twilight princess are great

>> No.10103297

I wish more dungeons would properly integrate characters and storytelling the way jabu jabu, fire temple and spirit temple do

>> No.10103309

Carrying ruto was annoying as fuck. Fuck that.

>> No.10103319

I agree, spirit and jabu in particular were really good.

>> No.10103406

I wish the Hylian shield had the cross like it did in Zelda 1.
>Deku shield has an Irish druidic pagan symbol on it
>Hylian shield is for rank and file soldiers and has the Christian cross on it
>mirror shield is exotic and has an Islamic star and crescent on it that you looted from Saracens, Song of Roland style

>> No.10103802

It's a very good dungeon but I think the Water Temple is the best dungeon ever.

>> No.10105152

That's not Spirit Temple

>> No.10105610

It's a great memorable puzzle that that perfectly integrates story and gameplay. on a functional level ruto is nothing but an object

>> No.10105616

>integrates story and gameplay
you've said this like 4 times in the thread already, shut the fuck up you autistic faggot. it's boring and adds nothing to the game.

>> No.10105619

spirit temple is good but too linear to be GOATed like water temple

>> No.10106063

>The Great Deku Tree is the guardian deity of the Kokiri, his descendent gives you the green pearl in Wind Waker
>Jabu-Jabu is the guardian deity of the Zoras, his descendent gives you the blue pearl in Wind Waker
>Valoo gives you the red pearl in Wind Waker

The Gorons' guardian deity turned on them and Link has to kill it at the end of the Fire Temple

>> No.10106074

Another possibility I just thought of is that Volvagia was the deity of the Dodongos. When the Gorons arrived at death mountain they killed Volvagia and usurped the Dodongos

>> No.10106102

Forest Temple, Shadow Temple and Ganon Tower in no particular order.
Well, someone fixed the Forest Temple music, if you're interested.

>> No.10106308

I am very much not interested.

>> No.10107041

GOAT isn't a verb that's done to something. It stands for Greatest Of All Time and it simply describes what something is.

>> No.10107958

it's called slang, please stop having asperger's. thanks.

>> No.10107965

At least spell it all in lower-case like actual ignorant zoomers do if that's how you're trying to be perceived.

>> No.10108378


>> No.10108441

" No. "

>> No.10108647

Okay, hear this