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File: 66 KB, 256x358, Zelda_II_The_Adventure_of_Link_box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10095138 No.10095138 [Reply] [Original]

Zelda III when?

>> No.10095146

should be an isometric game

>> No.10095154
File: 30 KB, 576x432, joker unamused meme gis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>story is actually a legend of Zelda
>it isn't in the name

>> No.10095157
File: 2.90 MB, 3024x4032, zelda III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10095160
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>> No.10095181

Is Zelda 2 a Metroidvania Game?

>> No.10095191
File: 17 KB, 675x187, zelda-3-initial-release-date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10095231

we call them wily-likes

>> No.10095235

I always knew Link to the Past as Zelda III and I was surprised pretty recently to learn that there wasn't any III or 3 on either the cartridge, box, or title screen. I mean I looked at all those things as a kid but I guess I didn't ever consider this particular question while doing so.

>> No.10095256
File: 142 KB, 416x420, Link+no+Bouken+-+The+Legend+of+Zelda+2+(Japan)+(v1.1)-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's check the Japan box.

>> No.10095370
File: 143 KB, 640x318, rJcFo35_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With no hint of irony, I fully expect Zelda III to be a thing when the NES Mini gets re-released. They've gotta outdo Star Fox 2 somehow.

>> No.10095387


>> No.10095697

In this hypothetical...
>Zelda 1: top-down overworld and dungeon exploration and combat, using bombs to blow holes in walls, finding tools and weapons like bows & arrows, boomerangs, etc. to fight with and find new dungeons (raft, whistle)
>Zelda 2: overworld with random encounters, main fields and dungeons in 2D platforming gameplay
>Zelda 3: ????
What would the third game's genre be? Isometric platforming/fighting gameplay, maybe? Or maybe a tactics game with Link gathering an army of Hylian citizens to fight against the hordes of Ganon's army?

>> No.10096117
File: 757 B, 256x240, FDS_Zelda_II_Game_Over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the long-awaited Zelda 3 happens
>it takes place in the "Link died" timeline

>> No.10096125

No Zelda games are canon

>> No.10096147

some of them are Ganon though

>> No.10096228

When ARE we going to get a new 2D Zelda game? I hope that Nintendo doesn't just stick to the BotW style from here on out.

>> No.10096236
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>> No.10096660
File: 100 KB, 304x290, we already had link become a fairy so maybe the third party member could be the second zelda lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read that the early draft for the post-Z2 game that became A Link to the Past was a party system that included Link, Zelda, and a Spryte (which, now that I'm typing it out, sounds a lot like Secret of Mana).
I would just say, dig up all the unused NES/SNES-era concepts and make a game out that.

>> No.10096671

It's a Castlevoid game

>> No.10096752


I still have this poster that came with my launch SNES

>> No.10096803
File: 33 KB, 387x350, couldn't_find_a_pic_of_the_nes_zeldas_fighting_each_other.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Congratulations, "Hero." Years ago, you've saved the kingdom of Hyrule by destroying the evil Ganon and his forces. I, the one and only princess, will never forget that. However, it has rudely come to my attention that your true loyalty is in question. You have done the impossible and found the rest of the Triforce in order to awaken my namesake ancestor. For what purpose did you do this? To marry in to the Royal Family and rule as some great king? Right before my coronation as queen, no less? No. I will not have it. Not even from you. My family has come a long way in the generations since. Your Zelda is ancient history that deserved to be buried along with her father a long time ago. To make a woman so far removed from the times a queen should spell catastrophe. I will not sit down and give up my birthright so easily. Your recklessness has put Hyrule on the verge of certain doom. What were you expecting? You and Impa have a lot of explaining to do. Learn that there is a fine line between courageousness and stupidity. Due to your past actions, I am offering you a chance: abandon my ancestor, and come back to my side. You must know in your heart of hearts that it is the right thing to do. But if you still choose the hand of my ancestor, I will not hesitate to use my power to go to war over it in order to reunify my country my force. Choose wisely, Link.
Zelda III: Heir to the Throne

>> No.10096823

It still kinda fucks with me they actually called the game "The Legend of Zelda 2" in Japan. Its not called "Zelda no Densetsu" like every single other title in the series, just this one time they decided to localize the title of the game into another language within its own country of origin. And by the time this game had released over there, the first one was still months away from reaching the states, so this is actually the first game to carry the "The Legend of Zelda" title. I know this doesn't matter at all, but what the fuck did they mean by this?

>> No.10096890
File: 103 KB, 640x913, 22310_back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well the intro scroll does call it "Legend of Zelda" in the original FDS version which is direct translation. Not sure at what point they added "The" to the title.
What messes with me is that "the Hyrule fantasy" tagline got used in a few obscure early spots outside of the JP title screen, overseas even. Maybe they were still toying with making that the overall franchise title when they dropped "The Legend of" out of the EN name?

>> No.10096909

>To help you keep up with the action, Nintendo's exclusive Extended Playing Power means LINK is programmed to remember everything you find on your journey, so you never have to start your search empty-handed.
LINK confirmed to be a robot
the lore deepens...

>> No.10096959

Funny I didn't know that about Zelda 1, considering I have played the FDS version. Anyway, the Hyrule Fantasy thing was pretty on and off as a tagline even when the original had just come out. They probably were toying around with the idea, but then everyone just started referring to the game as Zelda and they decided to stick with the name that clearly stuck with people more. The thing on the Zelda 2 box just seems to me like more of a coincidence than anything. But they do seem to have been very undecisive with the names at the beginning of the series overall, because Zelda 2 also had inconsistency. As I said in >>10096823 they called it The Legend of Zelda 2 on the box and game, but the commercials call it Zelda no Densetsu 2, and there's inconsistency as to whether "Link no Bouken" or "The Legend of Zelda 2" was the subtitle.

Idk if you've heard the NPCs speak in the Japanese version, but taking both that and your post into consideration it seems all those fuckers are made of metal and wires on the inside

>> No.10098265


April 16, 2024

>> No.10098439
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Link journeying with his fiancee Zelda and their jelly friend sounds so comfy.

>> No.10098738

You know how OoT was very successful, and all the major entries took after it in one way or another for over a decade?

BotW was way, way more successful still. Expect nothing but retreads of that style for a good, long while.

>> No.10098750

I always did find it a bit weird how the implication is there's two Zeldas running around at the end of Zelda II, and evidently Link gets with the ancient one.

>> No.10098767 [DELETED] 
File: 186 KB, 365x500, legendoffloigan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming soon

>> No.10098783

>Link Between Worlds ~7m sold so far
>Link's Awakening remake ~6m sold so far
>BotW ~31m sold so far, TotK 10m sold IN THREE DAYS
I don't think Nintendo believes their fans actually like old school gameplay, their fans just pretend they do for fake social accreditation. Case in point, NSMB constantly gets ripped on for being "another Mario" like that isn't reason enough to play it. The same person that whines about this also owns "classically trained" NES pad apparel.
>Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda though!
Only sold quickly on release and quickly petered out. Yup, classic Zelda is dead.

>> No.10099192
File: 878 KB, 920x647, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But will it be FDS, NES, or both by region?
Tactics might work, the manual outright says that the awakening of Zelda means that "a great king will come," so you can have King Link and Queen Zelda, but seems too spinoffy.
Didn't you notice that Zelda II takes place in the "princess died" timeline branched from Zelda I?
Party system could also work and hasn't been done in the series before. Something not dissimilar to the canceled pre-Final Fantasy Seiken Densetsu might make sense.
Maybe Link can choose his side, or try to compromise or do his own thing? I don't know about an outright battle between the Zeldas given how significant Link and the Triforce is to them, but some kind of inner struggle over Hyrule can be interesting. What other conflict would there be if it's completely post-Ganon though?

Something I want to see addressed: the royal family's association with monsters. The king placed monsters to guard his palaces in Zelda II. The monsters in the first eight labyrinths are implied to be Zelda's keeping Ganon's army and other intruders out. What is their deal? This only vaguely came up again as subtext in OoT with the royal tomb ReDeads and the talk about Hyrule's bloodstained past. It has been completely swept under the rug since.

>> No.10100215

>The monsters in the first eight labyrinths are implied to be Zelda's keeping Ganon's army and other intruders out.
I always took it as the boss monsters specifically but yeah.

>> No.10101227

I dunno, if it ever existed, it probably got reworked into ALTTP and would be too unfinished to release
I'm not quite aware of some publicized Nintendo game that never released for the NES like Star Fox 2, but they have plenty of unlocalized NES games they could include with a minimum of efforts of actually translating them. If they can release the Kunio and Jajamaru collection and translate this amount of games, Nintendo could easily do the same

>> No.10101373

I wanna say if such a thing existed, it would've come up in the gigaleak, but then again, apparently what we got was just a portion of all there was, since apparently the dude involved was a Pokefag only really interested in Pokemon shit and everything else he got while he had access was incidental to that.

>> No.10101565
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>> No.10102738
File: 217 KB, 536x546, 1675729178359504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if you're real, or an AI-generated program that assesses each thread, or what.
But I just want to say: your music posts cheer me up, and I always look forward to the next one.
Thank you for being you, whoever you are. =)

>> No.10103539

>I always knew Link to the Past as Zelda III and I was surprised pretty recently to learn that there wasn't any III or 3 on either the cartridge, box, or title screen. I mean I looked at all those things as a kid but I guess I didn't ever consider this particular question while doing so.
the header for the ROM is ZELDA3

>> No.10103961
File: 100 KB, 640x370, OhY5z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't say about the headers, but Oracles of Seasons and Oracles of Ages have "Z7" and "Z8" in their product IDs, respectively.
I also found this: https://legendsoflocalization.com/about-zelda-iii-zelda-iv-and-zelda-64/
We can assume Majora's Mask is "6" but no one ever called it that, pretty sure.

>> No.10105086
File: 203 KB, 1176x657, zelda-ages-seasons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this mean the "classic" Zelda series ended at Oracles?

>> No.10105094 [DELETED] 


>> No.10105096


>> No.10105105

I mean, it basically did, yeah

>> No.10105378

Learn the next buzzword already.