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File: 221 KB, 1280x720, dk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10089707 No.10089707 [Reply] [Original]

>it's fun
>Kiddy basically IS Donkey Kong, controls the same, fills the same role
Any special reason why everyone lies about this game?

>> No.10089719

if you're a soi nostalgia reviewer you really only hit the first two levels before you decide what to say and the first two zones of DKC3 are the weakest levels of the entire franchise. It's easy to layer this argument by saying that DKC3 was made by the B-team and other whatevers.

Here are the facts
>DKC3 looks and sounds better than DKC1
>DKC3 even its worse levels are crafted better than DKC1
>DKC3 has plenty of its own charm
>DKC3 has plenty of DKC2 quality levels past the first two areas
>DKC3 is the second best game game of the DKC franchise.

>> No.10089721

>implying the only way you could be disappointed with this is if you were a zoomber "nostalgia reviewer"
I got this game on release and was disappointed with it.

>> No.10089725

Fucked if I know, I enjoy all three games. DKC3 has some good music.

>> No.10089731
File: 232 KB, 627x428, Funky_Kong_Artwork_-_Donkey_Kong_Country_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It should've been Dixie and Funky.
Yes. Funky should've been playable.
And no, not with the 3 design.
His design peaked in 2. My image.
Dixie and Funky are concerned and looking for their friends.

>> No.10089732

While Funky would have been absolutely KINO throwing the game down just because it was Kiddy instead is not fair.

>> No.10089752
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The presence of Kiddy and his undeniably worthless aesthetic hurts the game.
Enjoying DKC3 as a whole is done in spite of Kiddy.
And his japanese name, Dinky, was better anyway.

>> No.10089769

This makes no sense. What kind of relationship do Dixie and Funky have? Why would they be hanging out together? A teenage girl and some crusty older dude? Would Diddy be getting cucked?

>> No.10089772

>what kind of relationship do Dixie and Funky have?
He was a kong, she was a kong, can i make it any more obvious?

>> No.10089778

Dixie wants her boyfriend back and Donkey has been kidnapped twice now so the OG Chad, Funky Kong, joins the team.
our discussions today would be about how DKC3 is overrated because the first two areas are actually legitimately lackluster compared to the rest of the DKC series but everyone's been giving it a pass becaues Funky brought such a perfect 'tude.

>> No.10089792

>What kind of relationship do Dixie and Funky have?
Nigga what kind of relationship do Luke and Kenobi have.
Dixie and Funky at least have the experience of being in the whole of DKC2 together.
Band together and talk to a bunch of BEARS. Why the hell not.

>> No.10089809

>What kind of relationship do Dixie and Funky have
As opposed to having no relationship at all?
"Here Dixie, take this BRAT."

>> No.10089817

I feel like this is the way a perfect Romhack is made
go to Funky's and he's just like "a'ight I'm done babysitting. I'm joining you, Dixie"
and Kiddy take's Funky's place and Funky takes Kiddy's place.
Everytime you go for a ship upgrade it's just a screeching kiddie but you get to play all the levels with the too-cool attitude of Funky Kong as Dixie's partner

>> No.10089832

>>DKC3 looks and sounds better than DKC1
that's false. original composer was gone. they got him back for gba remake. so if you gonna make music argument you need to compare gba ost to the rest of the games

>> No.10089834


people totally HAVEN'T been unfairly trashing DKC3

>> No.10089850
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dkc3 was pretty fun. even the outdoor map oozes sovl. I think people trash it because dk3 returns to mostly horizontal levels whereas the people that love 2 love the vertical levels or the speed of diddy. All 3 games are excellent, so its bananas people hate on it, but I also doubt its many peoples favorite of the trilogy. 3 is polished, but the first two were pretty innovative.

>> No.10089868

bad example of rockface rumble

>> No.10089879

>he gives me GBA fartmusic
omg lmao I can't believe you're serious

>> No.10090095

i give you the original composer of dkc1 and 2

>> No.10090097

trying to work an instrument he can't play a decade after his career peak

>> No.10090106

It's not a bad game, it's just considered inferior to DKC2 for various reasons. I agree with these anons though >>10089719 >>10089725. Pretty much you are comparing two really great games at the end of the day. Entire trilogy is great, play them all if you can

>> No.10090112

>It's not a bad game
But that is the narrative, that this game was a failure and a mistake because "it should've had DK". When it's better than DKC1.

>> No.10090125

You will never be Donkey Kong. You are a twisted parody of Donkey Kong without charm, without history, just an unnatural insertion into the DK mythos. People mock you behind your back. They revile you. Meanwhile they go back and play the greatest of them all, DKC1.

>> No.10090126


It's too easy. They made the game not difficult at all for little kids

The game is a lot more fun and challenging if you use the code to be able to get over 100%.

>> No.10090151
File: 24 KB, 256x224, Ripsaw_Rage_DKC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GBA tracks, while good in a vacuum, are often a terrible fit for the tone of the game, too upbeat and catchy as opposed to Evelyn Fisher's atmospheric tunes. They're very similar to Wise's OST for Tropical Freeze, but there it works because TF is a significantly more cartoony and fast paced game.

I think the worst offender is this https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cspSA7IQ9Jo&t=13s&pp=ygUMZGtjMyBnYmEgb3N0 playing in Ripsaw Rage.

>> No.10090156

>original composer
Oh and I forgot to mention, this IS the original composer. DKC1 OST was composed by both Wise and Fischer. Then DKC2 was his solo work, and DKC3 was hers.

>> No.10090217

After the previous games I had Donkey fatigue.
If Kiddy basically is DK, why not just use DK instead of an unappealing mong?

>> No.10090272
File: 57 KB, 611x339, Screenshot 2023-07-23 204657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funky did try to molest her that one time

>> No.10090280

i mean. it's like the argument of positivism vs negativism. the dark brooding song in original dkc3 for this stage sets the tone of forest destruction. while the cheery tune in gba version sets the tone of lumberjacks just doing their job while whistling happy tunes

>> No.10090285

It's just another meme like Link to the Past being bad

>> No.10090294

too much burp sound effects, it's gross.

>> No.10090329

That level is in Mekanos, the industrial themed world. It's obvious that the idea is that Kremlins are destroying nature to fuel their machines. It's also a very tense level. The original music IS the intended one.

>> No.10090452

I got it on release and was pleasantly surprised after the huge disappointment that was DKC2.

>> No.10090456

then why same song played in other forest themed levels if this was intention. game didnt have stage specific songs, only theme specific. and in second world that cherry tune fits fine

>> No.10090508

Why shouldn't it? It's not like it doesn't fit in the other stages. Almost all songs in the game have a similar somber tone.
The GBA one, on the other hand, might be fine in the generic wood stages, but absolutely isn't in Ripsaw Rage.

>> No.10090540

The only liars are the people who say this game is good.

>> No.10090887

>>DKC3 looks and sounds better than DKC1
>>DKC3 even its worse levels are crafted better than DKC1

>> No.10091085

>Kiddy basically IS Donkey Kong, controls the same, fills the same role
I agree but that's why omitting donkey is so baffling

>> No.10091125

I think some of it people just dislike the style change but I can't blame a new team changing things up after 2 games. You could make an argument it's better than the first game since it's so simple but nobody who played them as a kid would ever admit it.

>> No.10091203

It's really bizarre how Kiddy mindbroke an entire generation so hard. I assume they're the same people who complain about baby Mario crying in SMW2, and I bet that they were on the brink of adolescence when they played these games, so having to play as literal toddlers filled them with irrational insecurity that still persist to this day. Let's also not forget that those were the years of "radical" platfomer mascots and DKC itself initially presented itself as "cool", dark and realistic.

Anyway Kiddy is objectively better than DK. He's faster, doesn't jump like a retard, has smaller hitboxes and holds the barrel in front of himself. Playing as DK in DKC1 was a pain so it's no surprise Rare abandoned him.

DKC3 is also supposed to be Dixie's game, and by having DK himself playable you can't realistically claim that she's the lead. The game has also a much more relaxed and lighthearted tone than the other games. It's literally just two kids going on an adventure with no real urgency, initial villain or precise objective beyond finding out what the older guys are up to, so again Kiddy is a much better fit than DK.

>> No.10091414

When is this? Post a youtube link or something I wanna see lol

>> No.10091587

turned the game off as soon as it gave me the "free roam" map and asked me to manually hunt down the next level i had to play

>> No.10091609

>Kiddy basically IS Donkey Kong
But hes not. Nobody likes when they remove your fan favourites and try to feed us new stars who are never going to get over.

>> No.10091760

The big baby trope is just offputting.

>> No.10091783

Simple as.

>> No.10091824
File: 169 KB, 900x480, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if we just make him brown like DK ? Is this to your liking ?

>> No.10091828

that was fun when i was a kid, there was secret stuff to find too

>> No.10091916

I don't like DKC3 (compared with the other DKC games), but it's nothing to do with Kiddy Kong for me. Yeah, he's not a great character, but it's not as if I loved Donkey Kong or Diddy Kong. For me it's the music, art design and most importantly the level design and overall gameplay that make it fall short.

>> No.10092058

the DKC games were more popular in japan that in america.

even DKC3 sold over a million in japan

>> No.10092078

i have dropped this game 3 times about halfway through
gonna start my 4th attempt soon, wish me luck

>> No.10092171
File: 629 KB, 649x759, Kiddy_Kong_from_DKC3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this will sell our game

>> No.10092179

Was there some specific reason why DK wasn't a playable character in DKC2 and 3?

>> No.10092187

Replay all of Kaos Kore and Krematoa to get your rose tinted goggles punched off your face and then come back for honest discussion

>> No.10092192

I think Japanese players just get it. Things like Kiddy Kong doesn't bother them as much.

>> No.10092206

>love the vertical levels or the speed of diddy
>speed of diddy
Nailed it. That's the reason i don't like 3 that much. It's so. Fucking. Slow. Bruh.

>> No.10092224

he was captured

>> No.10092293

The whole trilogy is amazing, and 3 is definitely the most fleshed out, but it's just missing the atmosphere of the first two, especially 2. Those first 2 felt like they were designed by a team, 3 feels like it was designed by a committee.

>> No.10092559

>Was there some specific reason why DK wasn't a playable character in DKC2 and 3?
His sprite was too big.

>> No.10094054

But like the other anon said, link?

>> No.10094060

>career peak
Do you actually believe in shit like this.
Do you also believe in astrology?
Time for the noose anon.

>> No.10094558
File: 350 KB, 1280x887, dkc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What were they thinking?

>> No.10094576

Completely forgot that a decent chunk of the advertising wasn't confident that a girl protagonist would sell well with boys so instead they bet their money on the diaper shitting freak ape

>> No.10094580

Old videogames ads were something else.

>> No.10094582
File: 66 KB, 500x665, D1esIBaWoAAZAyW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is why it should've been Dixie and Funky.

>> No.10094585
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>> No.10094601

Always took the middle of the road opinion about this game. Not as good as DKC2 but better than DKC1. None of the games are bad. But I can get why DKC3 upsets people because it's very different in tone.
It always caught my attention that the game over screen is Kiddy and Dixie being put in a fucking baby's crib. I know it's a kids game but this one really leans into it.

>> No.10094616

I don't like DKC3's atmosphere as much as 2's, but I wouldn't say I feel a lack of creativity's the issue, they're just doing a completely different thing from 2's that I don't enjoy as much. Early game is supposed to give the feeling of two kids carelessly wondering about the new continent and hoping they see DK and Diddy at some point but not being particularly worried. As the game progresses, the atmosphere in the levels becomes more tense, and the natural sceneries of the early game become less frequent, as if to make it clear that shit's more fucked up than it seems. It's definitely more subtle and not as memorable as 2's or even 1's but I still appreciate what they had going on

>> No.10094653

I never understood the hate towards 3. I had play and beat all the 3 games when I was a kid and again as adult and never felt anything odd about.

You have a tank and a fast playable character, just like in the first game, a great overworld map, a lot of stuff to find and to do. Find the golden coins and the DK medals worth the effort, discover Mama bird and Krematoa, the Bear Brothers quest. There so much stuff to do. And do all that stuff was fun.

2 was the best one, no doubt. But 3 is not that far away and it's better than 1.

>> No.10094673

>It's really bizarre how Kiddy mindbroke an entire generation so hard

Probably those people can't do the water rolling double jump.

>> No.10095050
File: 1.51 MB, 1710x900, Merry Bonus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still play 3 around Christmas time with the Merry cheat activated.

>> No.10095086

No one wants to play as some stupid ass baby

>> No.10095093

Impressive sk8r boi fan

>> No.10095095

How would you market Dixie? They could have just advertised the entire family or have Donkey Kong imprisoned as the poster.

>> No.10095097

I had this book growing up. My god it was good.

>> No.10095580

Ads at this era in history were very focused on being "kewl". It's honestly funny how Rare obviously didn't care about ads, and they just proceeded to make something lighthearted and family-friendly.

>> No.10095631

>How would you market Dixie?
Why would you have to?
The games were world famous by this point. Just show the fucking 3rd installment.

>> No.10095663

We can't forget about this gem either.


>> No.10095672
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>> No.10096387

He could jump on water and was easier to throw barrels/Dixie with

>> No.10096606
File: 1.01 MB, 1434x1688, 1608492039502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So make a water jumping better barrel thrower who isn't a fucking baby.

>> No.10096668

dats rayciss

>> No.10096958

DKC3 actually surpasses DKC2 in intelligent level design that not only challenges the player incrementally but does so without breaking the flow of optimal movement. If you trust them, it will work even if its your first playthrough. It's all up to challenge. In 2 there's a lot of open spaces and fucking around, it isnt as tight and it's actually easier. It has stupid gay secrets and way more obnoxious "bonus rooms." Nothing feels annoying about 3 except maybe the elephant rat section

People only like 2 more because muh grimdark, the music, not having to play the nigger kong amd because the renders have the most charm. DKC3 proves aesthetics matter and gameplay isnt everything

>> No.10097030

get help

>> No.10097114

>I never understood the hate towards 3

its a great game but it's kinda odd. you got the fat ugly baby kong and you have some weird level settings. like why does the first world take place in a woodmill?

>> No.10097130

If DKC3 were a DKC3 level, it would be called B-Team Blunder.

>> No.10097241

makes me want to be a forklift driver

>> No.10097296

To put this in perspective the A-Team was busy making DK64 which is critically acclaimed, universally beloved and one of the best games of all time according to literally fucking no-one.

>> No.10097297

They were making Banjo-Kazooie, retard.

>> No.10097304

He's cute. I liked him as a kid and I still like him now. Tough little baby in a onesie going on an adventure? Sounds fucking adorable to me.

>> No.10097319
File: 81 KB, 1056x548, Dixie Doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DKCK3 is not a bad game but it's not great either, I prefer it over DKC1 but man, some levels are annoying and tedious. not to mention the good ending is not as good as DKC2, this felt half backed.

Oh yeah and Pacifica is a mix bag of levels too

>> No.10097924
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>> No.10097932
File: 480 KB, 829x908, Kaos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the best boss in the game

>> No.10097942

ie. Funky Kong

>> No.10097952

Kiddy is better than Donkey because he holds the barrel in front of him and can skip across water. The crime of DKC3 is not having Diddy (the best Kong) in it. Donkey is unironically the worst Kong in his own franchise.

>> No.10097972
File: 309 KB, 1200x938, enchanted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Donkey's advantage over Kiddy is being able to ground slap.
On a side note, it would be pretty fun if Donkey and Diddy were modded into DKC3. Would have made an excellent New Game+
Pic unrelated. It's just my favorite render from DKC2

>> No.10097979

Game had that
>godly streamlined gameplay where you can play slow and steady or fast as fuck all the way
>32 bit-worthy graphics shit was gorgeous
>Insane music and audio quality
>Enough, satisfying challenge
>Cool overworld

Loved the fuck out of it as a kid, I'd 103% that almost every single day.

Also hearing that Mario 64 castle theme while my parents weren't able to buy me a N64 for years on end was pure torture

10/10 will give it a run again soon

>> No.10097985

>ground slap
Is there even a reason to use that besides getting random bunches of bananas? I only use it to slide around when a boss dies because I lost the coin toss to my friend playing Diddy.

>> No.10097997

It fucks up enemies you can't roll into or jump on, even when you don't have barrels. Doesn't do shit against zingers, though.

>> No.10098003

>have played this game a million times since it was released
>have never done that
brb rethinking my life

>> No.10098050

Most enemies can be jumped on or rolled into if not both, so it's rarely relevant anyways.

>> No.10098342

Heartwarming post

>> No.10098618
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>> No.10098630
File: 12 KB, 259x194, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of muppet babies. I hated muppet babies.

>> No.10098631

Game is good, people hate it because some youtuber said it's bad because it has a baby that cries when you lose and suddenly everyone starts parroting the same.
>>10089719 said everything good about it.

>> No.10098639

I disagree with >>10089719, DKC was far better than DKC3. DKC2 is better than DKC1 but not significantly. DKC2 >> DKC1 >>>>>>>>>> DKC3. DKC has many memorable levels but DKC3 is quite forgettable. It's one of the strongest examples of soul vs soulless you will find.

>> No.10098652

can tell you from experience that people have been hating on DKC3 for longer than youtube has existed. Saw it in magazines and on gamefaqs in the 90s and early 2000s. People just thought playing as a fat baby was stupid. I agree the games detractors are misguided; I'm just addressing your misperception that some youtube shithead is the only reason people hate on it.

>> No.10098654

I mean you could tell it was losing steam, but really? The overworld, the bears, and the bosses really made a strong impression, I thought. The race level, the giant barrel monster, and that giant underwater fuck you had to fight as engarde stick out to me immediately, and I haven't played the game in probably 22 years.

Personally I don't love any of them that much, but I don't see why dkc3 deserves a lot of flack. They're all pretty competent platformers with great music.

>> No.10098825

Having gotten DKC3 after the N64 and assuming it was much older left me very confused hearing that

And yeah the graphics are absolutely stunning

>> No.10098837
File: 11 KB, 201x251, 1683319300275930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Playing as crybaby on console for children makes grown adults and children hate the character and the game by extension
>Easily fixed, wasn't

>> No.10099121

I always thought David Wise was horribly overrated. He accidentally struck gold with limited sound chips back in the day and he's been doing nothing but trying to duplicate his success since then. "Oh, you guys like the atmospheric water/bramble themes? Gee willikers, I never imagined they'd be so well liked, but HERE'S 1000 REMIXES that you'll never get sick of, thanks for loving me so much!" He shat all over DKC3 GBA with his 'muh atmosphere' crap that doesn't even loop properly and hasn't made a fully original OST in a long time, he always has to remind us of his glory days a few times. The other composer made much better tunes and is more humble.

>> No.10099153

Is this supposed to be bad? It's a great ad

>> No.10099408

He who made Aquatic Ambience can not be overrated.

>> No.10099430

>everyone lies
Everyone calls it a decent but disappointing game compared to 2. Only mentally ill weirdos such as yourself dog it that hard or defend it as amazing. It's a pretty obvious straight-to-video B-team work, but it's still okay.

>> No.10099457

I think DKC2 literally raped you if genuinely believe any of that.

>> No.10099845

I typically go on rolling sprees because they're very addicting. It's why I like the first DKC over the second one because it gives you way more opportunities to do it.

>> No.10099861

Dixie Kong is really sexy

>> No.10099906


>> No.10101549

Funky tho. Instead of Kiddy.

>> No.10101884

Yeah I don't particularly like the warehouse levels but one of them introduces the elephant who can do more stuff than any animal buddy other than the spider.
The dock levels are gorgeous and Kiddy Kong can bounce on the water. The forest zone is really good.
You can see they were trying to do something they hadn't done before in every level, except the very first one I guess which lets you practice throwing each other and how the DK coins work.

>> No.10102161
File: 107 KB, 472x405, alsowherethehellisfinalbosstheme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a handful of decent melodies in there, like the new Stilt Village and Rockface Rumble. The problem is twofold: they're stuck on the GBA sound chip, and they have this horrendous like minute-long experimental ambient breaks as loop points (remember when Wise used the ambient noise as his "instruments" rather than just throwing it in there?).

>> No.10102168

Man i love dkc3. My favourite KANG type game

>> No.10102181

>I always thought David Wise was horribly overrated.
Ok, but which tunes were Graham Norgate, which were Robin Beanland, which were Grant Kirkhope, which were
Eveline Fischer and which were David Wise?

I believe Wise did a lot of NES tunes, and they were pretty cool, though often similar to each other.


>> No.10102306

Cobra Triangle music has been living in my head for decades now. My grandparents had it at their house and I was obsessed with it when I'd go visit.