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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10093018 No.10093018 [Reply] [Original]

I think this is the best Sonic game. It's fun to replay, there's mastery of the mechanics and movement, different secrets and shortcuts, the story is pretty cool, the graphics are peak retro, the music is all bangers. I like the sandbox and open nature of the levels, exploring the hubworlds is fun. It's a really good game.

>> No.10093064

Just replayed it for the first time after 25 years, it's... alright. You're right about it having peak retro graphics. Never even realised it was designed to be autistically replayed RE style, but clearly it was because it's structured as one big gauntlet-level. It was too bad that Luigi's Mansion couldn't apply the lessons of both titles.

>> No.10093095

I actually agree and if you like the Yakuza series this is your first stop on figuring out why you like it. Same with Shenmue.

>> No.10093105

This is the game that taught me the word "linear". Every magazine was using that word to describe the sonic levels.
Overall I really liked the game, my favorite parts were the less linear hub worlds. As a huge sonic fan, I felt betrayed that Saturn didn't have any major Sonic game while PS and N64 were getting massive 3D platformers out the ass. But Dreamcast made up for it in the end. Thank you Sega.

>> No.10093194
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I really wish SEGA would go back to the style and direction of the Adventure games. The last game that felt even remotely close was probably Generations, and most of that was because of Jun Senoue.

>> No.10093261

Play Sonic 1 on 2 on the Mega Drive if you think Adventrash is any good.

>> No.10093352

>there's mastery of the mechanics and movement
AKA spamming the super jump button every second to jump over the shitty levels in 20 seconds.

>> No.10093473

I played them and enjoyed them but they weren't even a fraction as good as the Adventure games. There are better platformers on the Genesis

>> No.10093604
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Played them.
I like all 3

>> No.10093684

Isn't that just every Sonic game?

>> No.10093730

What I hate is the stupid '3d plane to 2d plane to 3d again' mechanic. What's wrong with just having it all be 3d? It just looks jarring and dumb and it's sad the last game that even was fully 3d in that regard was 06
Why were the mouths so fucked up?
>No s3&k
The one with the trash taste is you

>> No.10093734

*That sonic games have had from 2008 onwards

>> No.10093739

I played this after seeing Segafags meme about it being a great game for ages. It really just feels unfinished. Incredibly janky game, I guess you'd have to be in love with the IP to appreciate it.

>> No.10093740


>> No.10093759

It's seriously on par with those mediocre PS1 scotformers that people who grew up without an N64 pretend are good.

>> No.10093836
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I will not accept this Jersey Devil slander

>> No.10093849
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Better than Banjo and DK64

>> No.10093935

Pac-Man World was the bomb diggidy

>> No.10094008

Best is generous but it's fun and personally the better of the 3D games.
>Why were the mouths so fucked up?
It was probably the team's first attempt at 3D animation and Sonic isn't the easiest character to emote.

>> No.10094031

OP, I think it's time we admit... sonic was never good.

>> No.10094042

with the exception of SA and SA2

>> No.10094048

If it was sonic levels only it would have been the mario 64 for sega

>> No.10094049

I wish we got a other game that plays just like SA1 and SA2 doesn't count with all its changes

>> No.10094075

Fuck off Mario fanatic troll

>> No.10094078

I agree, these are cool games.
I think Sega did a better job transitioning Sonic from 2D into 3D than Nintendo did with Mario, at least initially.

>> No.10094080
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Why did they have to make dc/modern sonic so furrybait esque.
I mean look at him

>> No.10094086

sonic had a rough transition to 3D

>> No.10094110

STFU stupid Cuntbags

>> No.10094116

>I think Sega did a better job transitioning Sonic from 2D into 3D than Nintendo did with Mario

>> No.10094203

I agree but as a video game SM64 is still better. And even then in SA you have shit like Big the Cat. I'd say Knuckles too but the Knuckles stages sort of resemble Chaotix's structure so I can excuse that

>> No.10094241
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>> No.10094248

It's just a dumb meme calm down

>> No.10094261

How in the hell were there so many? What did they even do?

>> No.10094264

Who knows, Sega was always a mess.

>> No.10094283

Budget, because Dreamcast was supposed to be the biggest and best console ever. But what what actually happened is that they wasted too much money earlier than people cared about and then got smacked by the PS2 1.5 years later.

>> No.10094318

Because they're probably including the people who ported the thing to 7th gen consoles and PC. Nintendo does everything in house, so they wouldn't bother crediting staff for the Wii U and Switch ports.

>> No.10094331

How many of these "autistic fat child tries to rewrite history again" threads do you need to make every day?

>> No.10094352

Nope. It's specifically Dreamcast.

>> No.10094361

Which is a shame since the Dreamcast was a much better console than the PS2, and we've all watched Sony pull off the mask to reveal itself to be the AAA movie game abomination it always was deep down.

>> No.10094372

If we're specifically talking about programmers the number gets significantly smaller. That list includes producers, people who worked on the website, the band, people who produced the music etc. It was clearly a much bigger project than Mario 64. It would be like comparing a game for the Atari 2600 to a game made for the Super Nintendo.
Still really impressive how much a small team accomplished with Mario 64, though.

>> No.10094389

I disagree. I think Nintendo were absurdly smart and pretty ballsy with 3D Mario. They had already established some iconic elements like the fire flower, invincibility and getting smaller when hit and they got rid of that because they realized it didn't work for 3D, instead focusing on fully embracing jumping in a 3D space. The most clever thing Sonic did when going 3D was the homing attack to keep the player moving along quickly. Might've also overplayed their hand with going for quantity vs quality with multiple characters, story, cutscenes, chao garden.
I imagine Sonic is doing the more modern thing of just naming everyone in the company, both US and JP, including literal who from marketing while 64 was just the dev team.

>> No.10094460

I like Sonic and think this game is trash

>> No.10094471

Croc is actually good, unlike Sonic Adventure

>> No.10094476

It's not a good game. Croc is a funny meme to push on /vr/, this is not

>> No.10094527

The best 3D shitnik game is far worse than any other game.

Being a fanwanking shill isn't going to change that. If it was good like Mario people would have copied it by the millions, like Mario.

>> No.10094531

Tell me, why is Mario 64 more different than fucking fishing and baby daycure simulator in Adventure 1?

>> No.10094543

No? The fact they only needed the best of the best to make 64, is exactly why Sonic is dogshit. You faggots literally think more = better, because you're zoomers in a boomer board that likes bloat and dogshit instead of smaller, consisted, consistent, talented, professional, actually intelligent game devs to make a solid product with no fucking bullshit.

>> No.10094563
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>> No.10094564

>It would be like comparing a game for the Atari 2600 to a game made for the Super Nintendo.
In case you haven't noticed, Sega fags always compare Dreamcast to way weaker and older consoles, because they're creepy cunts. People ITT are comparing Croc (a last gen PS1 game made by a small team) to SA1 (a next gen game made by one of the biggest companies in the world with hundreds of people).

>> No.10094647

Why are you like this? All I said was that it makes sense they had a bigger team because Sonic Adventure was a bigger project. Not once did I say that it was better than Mario 64, or even that Team Sonic were successful. Not a zoomer, either. I'm old enough to remember a world without the internet and mobile phones being commonplace
We're not fighting, sir, go to bed.

>> No.10094709
File: 225 KB, 843x843, 286105054_10228229625626213_8601931721120783540_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this game, but it's kind of a mess on a technical level with glitches and weird controls. Mystic Ruins theme is amazing. Soni Adventure 2 is a better game though.

>> No.10095121

The anon who brought up Croc did so to call Sonic Adventure a bad game.

>> No.10095134

Why does the very first level of sa completely mog Mario 64 and sunshine?

>> No.10095137

This. Sonic 2 is best but all are good.

>> No.10095143

It's called variety you zoomer.

>> No.10095153

>incredibly janky
Not every platformer needs tight controls. I actually enjoy playing certain jank em ups. Like driving an old beat up truck where nothing works as it should you get enjoyment out of making that mess work.

>> No.10095187

>Not every platformer needs tight controls.

ones where you move fast do

>> No.10096702

The speed stages are so fun to replay despite being linear. Sonic's movement is just that good. No 3D Sonic game, fangame, or indie game has felt as good to play as this except for maybe SA2.

>> No.10097265

Kino music, takes me back to the school days, adds to a very unique atmosphere, very dreamlike and melancholic.

>> No.10098413

>What I hate is the stupid '3d plane to 2d plane to 3d again' mechanic
agreed. either make a fully 2d game, or make a fully 3d game. no reason to blend them. i mean, generations was sort of supposed to be alternating full stages of each, but the PROBLEM is that the 3d stages had forced 2d segments for reason, ruining the whole point.

>> No.10098425

the Piss2 ruined the industry

>> No.10098548
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peace be with you brother

>> No.10099429

What's the easiest way to play this on PC? Steam version sucks, right?

>> No.10099603

>tank controls in a platformer
Hard pass.

>> No.10099606

Mario did copy Sonic Adventure, hence Sunshine being a janky piece of shit.

>> No.10099609

Meant for >>10094527

>> No.10100050
File: 334 KB, 889x683, S6_New.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graphics are peak retro
I always thought the presentation, graphics, animation, style and all, are this game's weakest part, it's jut an attempt at realism that didn't really age as well, and the animations are just bad. It never does anything for me, except in like the Theme Park and the Highway stage I thought this game looks boring as shit, I pretty much think any PSX game with a modicum of effort has better style and execution. It has nothing on how stylized and well executed other games of the time like Crash or Spyro are. Not to mention I think Sonic and friends just living in the real world is lame. Sonic should live in a DB-esque word with weird futuristic buildings surrounded by lush nature where furries and humans coexist, or like in the OVA. And no I don't mean the DX version, that one's just a poor, halfassed conversion that just covers what artistic merit the original had in plastic.

Not wanna like shit on it or think it's worthless though, it's one o the first 6th gen games, so that's what the developers wanted to do at the time to showcase the DC's power, I get it. Plus the fantastic music kinda makes me forget this once I'm actually playing. Might be me never really vibing with Sonic in realistic environments, it's my least prefer Sonic art style.

>> No.10100076

And I'm glad they never did that shit ever again, fucking pissed me of in Nintendo.

>> No.10100642

SA1 is so much more sovl than SA2 it's not even funny. The whole backstory with Chaos and Tikal, Station Square, the E-102 gamma storyline ending, the ancient ruin. SA2 is utterly heartless.

>> No.10100912

And yet it's still better than Sonic Shitventure

>> No.10100918

>make shitty game
>but the cutscenes are soul!
Ok, but the game is shit so it don't matter

>> No.10101254

the easiest is to use the PC port yeah, it's a bit more complicated but not by much to install some mods, you can make it look like the dreamcast version.

>> No.10101329
File: 383 KB, 1200x900, D_NQ_NP_776344-MLB41610047160_052020-F[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is the game that taught me the word "linear".

>> No.10101336

When SA came out it was pretty fucking insane. It's been years since I played and it was the Japanese version on an imported DC and it had a bunch of pop up and I couldn't understand shit. I am no Sonic expert (and I'm certainly not a furry like most everyday Sonic fans), but it was way more exhilarating than the Genesis ones and shit on Mario 64. Now I wanna play SA 2 which I just skipped completely.

>> No.10102453


how so?

The only connection I can see is s0uL

>> No.10103283

It's called shit, faggot

>> No.10104030

I agree but Spark 3 is better I know that it isn't retro but still

>> No.10104840

>Sonic isn't the easiest character to emote.
He's made up of simplistic shapes, he's incredibly easy to emote. It's just clear that Sonic Team's animation department isn't the best at utilizing that.

>> No.10104852

Consistency > variety, at least for gameplay.

>> No.10104865

Consistency is the one thing Sonic lacks for some fucking reason. I still remember when Colors and Generations came out, everybody was praising the series, saying it made a comeback. Then Lost World comes out and it's a big brainfuck, but ok. No biggie. Then Sonic Boom topples the whole thing and it's somehow even worse than 06 because it's not only bad, it's boring.
Iizuka says Frontiers is the format they want to follow from here on out and I don't believe a word of it. They're gonna change it up again because that's what they always do. Every time something fails, they rewrite the book. Every time something works, they rewrite the book because they're a bunch of ADHD retards who can't iterate for shit.