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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3 KB, 285x80, Screenshot 2023-07-20 at 23-37-30 CDRomance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10083925 No.10083925 [Reply] [Original]

For me, it's CDRomance

>> No.10083991

It sucks it dosn't have all games though. I couldn't find the saturn version of the makaimura collection on it or pop 'n magic for the pc engine.

>> No.10083996

They're my go-to for pre-patched hacks and translations.

>> No.10084010

The owner frequents /vr/ so if you mention the games a couple more times, you'll end up seeing it uploaded in a few days.

>> No.10084021

Hi Spike. You rock. One of the only sites I turn adds back on for.

>> No.10084062

Wait, the owner is literally /ourguy/? If that's true I might allow ads on his site

>> No.10084082

>The owner frequents /vr/
can i ask 2 question
why my ip range banned on cdromance
and why he 403s tor nodes when im trying to get in
only vpn works

>> No.10084087

Fuck your faggot site and these brown-nosing cocksuckers.

>> No.10084104
File: 54 KB, 600x800, some-people-are-alive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful not to cut yourself on that edge, champ.

>> No.10084107

There are a few reason, they block some countries that generate a lot of traffic and literally zero ad reneuve. Can also be a country that spam copyright infringement letters

>> No.10084108

My go to is Myrient. It's real damn slow for big downloads but it makes up for it in the sheer size of its library and being free from ad bullshit most popular sites have. If it was sold in a store somewhere those fuckers have it. Still I do get the convenience of wanting prepatched stuff and good download speeds.

btw if you haven't found those yet this site has 'em

>> No.10084112

Anon. The only fag is you.

>> No.10084120

>literally zero ad reneuve
well that's a shame because i have home server acting as dns resolver that also blocks all ads for whole household. but anyone can do it. country has nothing to do with it

>> No.10084128

If only there was a library of files on the internet, an archive, if you will.

>> No.10084134

Pretty amazing website.

>> No.10084159

Even though I do this, it's good to have a website where I can eyeball the covers really quick to see if something picks my interest. What's the point of downloading 600gb+ of japanese saturn games if half of that it's mahjong crap.

>> No.10084169
File: 8 KB, 639x176, 1664796293232939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone on /vr/ recommended this site and it dunks on cdromance in every way. not only is it not blocking my ip range, but it works with rsync protocol, meaning i can download shit without ever opening browser, but from command line. just add variable and alias this shit

>> No.10084172

Spike is a nice guy and stays on top of all the new romhacks. Good site even if it doesn't have everything.

>> No.10084175

This is exactly why they blocked you lmao

>> No.10084178
File: 71 KB, 844x408, 1658865016309161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not the reason because you can print ads into terminal just fine. just like they printed that cute motd during connection
certainly doesnt stop ooboongu from printing ads either

>> No.10084753

incredibly based, that's where 90% of my collection came from

>> No.10084764

Good for prepatched fan translations but I just get most shit from archive

>> No.10084767

is that Synthetic Man from YouTube?

>> No.10084782

Awesome site. I use it all the time. Spike is a cool dude. The Baroque Saturn translation for example appeared on the site almost immediately after the translator released the patch.

>> No.10084805

Great website. Spike is not a virgin, anyone who says he is is an incel.

>> No.10084814

The guy who runs this, uses the Spike avatar, is probably one of the most chill dudes on the entire Internet.
My one, teensy tiny gripe, is that their catalog of JP abandonware is pitifully low. It's got Tsukihime, Azumanga RPG and... That's about it.
Between this and Myrient, downloading old games has never been easier.

>> No.10084835

I gotta say, they're over-doing their astroturfing here today.

Like just a little bit, you know.

A little tiny bit.

>> No.10084858

>people finding reasons to hate this
Some people just exist to shit on any thread and be the biggest contrarians possible. Site's based. I know it doesn't have everything, but the curation and random-ass selections are nice and keep things fresh.

>> No.10084916

Why they ban it for russian ip? Fucking homo cloudfire. It was banned long before Red Alert 4 started.

>> No.10084926
File: 52 KB, 1024x512, bigstock-Golden-Compact-Discs-Backgroun-457362385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the layout and it has a nice selection, but the archive is better for a couple of reasons, mainly that it has full rom sets as well as CHD's which take up way less space. Nice for beginners and I also like that it has pre-patched hacks and translations.

>> No.10084929

Forgot to add I am glad they added TurboGrafx-CD about a year ago, used to have to get those from another site and it was always annoying, I also like that the downloads are very quick through whatever server he's using, way faster than any of the other sites I've used

>> No.10084957 [DELETED] 


>> No.10084958
File: 113 KB, 853x1129, 23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just use a vpn..

>> No.10084974

Hell no ahahahahahah, ok im shut up

>> No.10084995 [DELETED] 

I unironically say that and look like that. What will you do now

>> No.10085201

That was fast

>> No.10085205

For me it's Vimm's Lair

>> No.10085306
File: 1.32 MB, 498x345, simpsons-shh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10085317

get fucked esl RETARD

>> No.10085332 [DELETED] 

lol I say this

>> No.10085335

>damned if you dont
>damned if you do
basically site would be blocked either way. okay fair enough, but why do you also block tor nodes with 403s?

>> No.10085369

I'm just an anon, but that's probably cloudflare doing it, cloudflare block tor everywhere

>> No.10085385

I only use it for translated games, i can't be assed to patch roms and shit

>> No.10085429

кaцaп дoлжeн cтpaдaть

>> No.10085916
File: 24 KB, 640x480, 1672856284759454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like CDBromance

>> No.10085972

My go-to for pre-patched roms since the iso-zone closed down.

>> No.10085980

it's 4chin what did you expect.

>> No.10085985

ESL might be the lamest insult ver invented by dumb americans. It reek of some inferiority complex. Can't wait for spanish to be the first language spoken in your shithole. Oh wait, it already is!

>> No.10085989

I know I didnt type and a e and a s in my post, muchacho!

>> No.10085993

The site has been slow in the past month for me, sometimes I get good dl speeds sometimes I get dial up speeds

>> No.10086001

CDRomance has descriptions, media, animated gifs, a comment section for each game, includes translations and most major hacks, and is organized by date so you see the latest shit. I go there first these days.

>> No.10086308

lol you still cant speak english properly

>> No.10086438

>The owner frequents /vr/

this looks to be true, just refreshed my page on cdromance and pop n magic for the pc engine has just been added its on the first page

also GGaleste 3 finally cracked!

to ownerAnon i thank you!, awesome site, its the layout i like over others, dont change a thing, and keep up the good work!

>> No.10086449

Why did you delete Brightis, Spike?

>> No.10086489

i still miss theisozone

>> No.10086567

If Spike actually does lurk here, thanks!
Now Joe from Gamesack is gonna delete my post and give me a warning.

>> No.10086624
File: 425 KB, 683x690, gameballsack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy needs to train his body

>> No.10086639

this guy needs to stop looking like the fucking missing link, what the fuck

>> No.10086658

how do you use rsync like that?

>> No.10086853

yeah Vimm's Lair is great, the only thing is that the gamecube games are compressed for dolphin in a weird format that isn't ISO files, so that's a shit because I play GC on a Wii

But for the rest of the system it's perfect.

>> No.10086913

Change the format option near the download button from .ciso to .nkit.iso for the format you need on GCN/Wii

>> No.10086935

but Nintendont only uses regular .iso

>> No.10086941

The nkit file format just removes the padding from a raw Gamecube iso. They work in Nintendont on Wii and Swiss on GCN.

>> No.10086946

its the best site Ive discovered in a long time.

>> No.10086969

It's surprising how fast download speeds are from this site.
Some of these that I tried recently are really cool.

>> No.10086993

they ban my ip for no reason and i cant download anything there.

>> No.10087058

by using rsync:// instead of https://
"rcp" i used there isnt actually rcp it's just alias for rsync -aAXvP which is standard flags you typically use when using rsync. but -A and -X probably placebo if you downloading from remote server. just use -avP that will preserve date and show progress

>> No.10087059
File: 287 KB, 1500x1500, 1689187625206535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He keeps putting a lot of useless or cringe hacks on there (including randomly prioritizing foreign language ones and priortizing EXTREMELY-minute QoL faggotry) and only occasionally puts the newest translations on there. It's annoying, since it defeats the purpose of trying to get "the best romhacks" and get prepatches. I know this because I use his site often, before you get offended at this criticism.

I've had to patch shit and post it here countless times to share here when this guy's reputation is that "he already has everything patched."

>> No.10087361

>It's surprising how fast download speeds are from this site.
This, I was pleasantly surprised when I got fiber. Same with Myrient.

(also to whoever runs it, I really appreciate the prepatched isos, undubs & shit)

>> No.10087410

Yeah spike is 100% a vrfag

>> No.10087419

What in the fuck is this dudes genetics holy shit, has he touched a gym or beef and vegetables in his life

>> No.10087681

I didn't know that, thanks!

>> No.10087728

what you need to understand is Spike and the many of the earliest users are all ESL go back through the comments and its alot of taco and hue speak

>> No.10088063
File: 87 KB, 765x219, exposed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, are you kidding? He's a white American just like your and me. His real name is Douglas.

>> No.10088072

Dougie Jones!

>> No.10088078

Dougie get two rides!

>> No.10088079

lol you did him dirty with that edit

>> No.10088203
File: 56 KB, 831x633, Doug_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf its real

>> No.10088215

Oh, ok. Could you upload Kao Challengers patched with Polish PC dubbing?

>> No.10088283

this and vimm's lair are my first go to's.

I fall back on archive.org when these fail me.

>> No.10089116

Does this mean he knows what the Doug button does?

>> No.10089151

haha and what other sites do we all use to get games for free illegally haha
I'm just wondering

>> No.10089154 [DELETED] 

wtf this is literally me

>> No.10089383

Then why does he keep pandering to the third world? Why does he keep uploading random commercial games (not even translations or hacks, I mean) that can be found everywhere? They clearly interest him, which is probably the reason, but they make the site unnecessarily bloated (especially since he's not uploading new prepatches regularly, almost always only hyped ones).

>> No.10089838

i wonder if he even tests his psp eboots for new ps1 translation patches. or just runs ps1 iso through psx2psp and forgets about it
pops emulator has this thing where you need popsloader homebrew to lower version of pops sometimes as often some gamse wont work on latest version. thats where vita is bad, because you cant change adrenaline version to have different pops in it

>> No.10089842

>almost always only hyped ones
this is so true. a new ps1 fantranslation was released very recently and I had to resort to a thread on 4chan for a prepatch

>> No.10090136

It's fantastic for getting pre-patched English translations and undubs.

>> No.10090142

oh no, how will i download a prepatched nes romhack at these speeds??

>> No.10090192

I wish I had a PSP or a Vita to share in your pain. As it stands, this is a whole other level of pain to know I will never have bought either one brand new

Moral of this story (for all of us, I mean) is to learn how to patch things yourself (including knowing what a CRC-32 and a particular rom's data relative to when a patch you want to apply was released) and what the patching tools are, besides making yourself aware of multiple places to download clean roms, patches, and prepatches. I'll continue to try to keep my own collection of roms available on this board, at least, since this place and its userbase is generally the coolest and most fun (and obviously benefits me greatly, too). I appreciate so much of what the CDRomance guy has done and does, but he's got a lot of flaws (like us all) and should not be overrated, like he constantly is on /vr/. Relying on a single source and never making any effort to teach yourself or preserve as much as what you enjoy as much as possible is pure zoomerville, whoever is reading this post.

Which fan translation, by the way?

>> No.10090314

I use romhustler but passed by there when it didn't have a rom, honestly I don't think the site you use to illegally get roms matters that much lol. they all do the same thing. like just use a search engine and get what works. well honestly emuparadise sucks but it fell in disuse wew good riddance

>> No.10090375

well I doubt he would manage to get the PAL version of Riven for the PS1 as a single file eboot to use on psp, but here goes

>> No.10090381 [DELETED] 

>oh no
>a sliver of positivity, sincerity, and earnestness
>stamp it down
>do I fit in yet, guize?

>> No.10090392


>> No.10090569

Which fan translation?

>> No.10091160

Holy shit you're telling me site owner actually one of us? Holy Based, if you seeing this my guy.. thanks a lot. I use cdromance and ziperto all the time.

>> No.10091164
File: 559 KB, 400x276, 1673033116403780.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn it

>> No.10091234

If you faggots keep talking about Archive, it's going to get hit with even more lawsuits and forced to shut down. Stupid cocksuckers. I've seriously begun to consider reporting romsets for removal, in an attempt to help keep a great website from being killed.

>> No.10091401 [DELETED] 

Where do I report impersonations?

>> No.10091468

Why not just torrent? Enjoy switching websites every 2 years lmao

>> No.10091689

haha, REd alert 4. LOL!

>> No.10091742

>implying torrent hosts don't get shut down

>> No.10091751

Kill yourself cancerous subhuman

>> No.10091756

Learn opsec, you stupid cunt.

>> No.10091761

the seeders and trackers never do

>> No.10091818

Correct me if I’m wrong but I doubt talking about it here will change much. You can find those ROMs through google searches or way more popular places like ROMS Megathread. As long as the FBI has the same intelligence as me when I was 8 they don’t need our help

>> No.10091835

So, what's the deal with russian gov being against this particular site? What content they were supposed to delete?

Or you could find GCN roms on emuparadise, however, you have to use specific methods to obtain them or find them even. Also, download speed is faster on emuparadise as far as I can tell and you can download several isos simultaneously. Still, thanks for letting know that there is such an option, and Vimm's Lair is simply the best when it comes to Wii roms or VC games, there is no better alternative unless you don't mind downloading the entire set from torrent sites.

>> No.10091851

The problem is that it's talked about everywhere. People espousing the wonders of piracy on Archive on places such as youtube, or apparently reddit. If motherfuckers could properly gatekeep the ignorant masses, good things would not be sued into oblivion. Outside of romsets, there are things that you can only get on Archive that have far more value than video games.

>> No.10091863

That’s fair enough a problem. ngl I kinda wish Archive didn’t have videos or software for its own sake. Everything else its kinda legally got a pretty good hold on, but like if someone puts a game or movie on archive its definetely so people can pirate it. I’m one of those people benefitting from all that of course, but I do feel bad the site’s always kinda doomed to get pulled into court by some company at some point

>> No.10091865
File: 160 KB, 512x728, PassionlipAF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly i'm thankful for cdromance.
i used to be that guy that would apply patches and reupload the games here for retards/lazy people just so we'd have decent threads.
its so cool seeing so many goemons translated now.

>> No.10091871

I appreciate what you do, Spike. Been using your site for years.

>> No.10091874

i remember this time, i am one of those retards who would constantly reply to you until you had patched my game. Thank you for your service.

>> No.10091884

In my time emulating retro stuff I’ve only had to patch games from cartridge consoles, so is patching disc games any harder or are you telling me there are people who can’t download two files and slap them together?

>> No.10091885

It’s not true that he browses /vr/, and I wouldn’t use his site unless you favor censorship.

>> No.10091886

Can you fucking morons stop putting beacons on these sites
You’re just asking for them to be shut down

>> No.10091895
File: 39 KB, 649x489, 1669646713819631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>slap them together?

>> No.10091901

Hy, not nintendo here. Are you downloading video games from this website?

>> No.10091910

Nope, it’s literally the same easy process. It’s not hard, but it does require a few extra steps.
Yes, Nintendo didn’t know about CDRomance before this thread with less than 100 hosts. We’ve sunk it! Hi Nintendo lawyers, sorry you had to learn about CDRomance this way. Do you have a learning disability? I’ll be a bit nicer if you do.

>> No.10091925

Why do you make up shit lol

>> No.10091926

Calm down you paranoid schizo. Nintendo is not going to see this thread. They don't even know how to brows the catalog on an anime shitpost board.
whats next, lizard indoctrinating schizos into flat earth to hide more land? The only thing worth hidding here is epstein island, or was.

>> No.10091932

hi workingDesigns, still mad that your un-workeddesigne hack is widly downloade from there? Enjoy your sjw audience, retard.

>> No.10091940

>uploads patches to remove feminist propaganda from video games
>suddenly he favors censorship
and let us not forget, it was your little shitty womenn club who forced him to remove all hentai games.

>> No.10091947

This is the one anon who is about to tell his peers in the progamerjourno email list, who are also happen to be in bed with nintendo pr, about this highly partirachy antiwomen website

>> No.10091969

god i tell you to kys everyday and yet you keep posting

>> No.10091973

>uploads patches to remove feminist propaganda from video games
Which games? I might have a look.

>> No.10091978

you just mad that nobody likes your sjw shit

>> No.10091991

>That’s fair enough a problem. ngl I kinda wish Archive didn’t have videos or software for its own sake. Everything else its kinda legally got a pretty good hold on, but like if someone puts a game or movie on archive its definetely so people can pirate it. I’m one of those people benefitting from all that of course, but I do feel bad the site’s always kinda doomed to get pulled into court by some company at some point
Archive is constantly being sued. There is a genuine chance that the site will be killed off, or worse - transferred to fucking copyright kikes as part of the lawsuit payment.

>> No.10092019

Please upload the 4:3 slowdown patched war of the lions. Only the slowdown fix is available.

>> No.10092182

It was sarcasm making fun of the other anon for believing this thread is going to somehow get CDRomance shut down.

>> No.10092198
File: 149 KB, 355x391, Screenshot 2023-07-23 at 20-42-21 CDRomance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s not true that he browses /vr/
Anon >>10083991 mentioned two games he couldn't find and those exact two games suddenly appeared on the site shortly after. There's no way it's just a coincidence

>> No.10092539
File: 1.28 MB, 443x288, Conker Strut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Baroque Saturn's English patch got updated with an ODE-compatible ISO
Thanks, Spike

>> No.10092570

It would be nice if they ever decide to start uploading Win98 / early XP era games already pre-patched with no-cd and bugfixes. I know there are websites that do this like MagiPack and The Collection Chamber, but they use installers and I really don't like that. Games should be portable, just unzip the folder and go, like that collection one anon once posted with Oni, Pariah,Neuro Hunter, etc. It's a double edge sword of course, because these type of PC games attract the typical retard that cries when a game doesn't work on their PCs or bitch that the AVG detected a virus on the no-cd.exe or whatever. Fuck 'em, disable the comments.

>> No.10092575

Based Spike.

>> No.10092584

i'm siding with the guy who clearly visits here instead of the anon who uses some blanket ass phrase to keep me from prepatched games

>> No.10092598
File: 20 KB, 560x407, OXzWNmv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meaning i can download shit without ever opening browser, but from command line. just add variable and alias this shit
Wow that really solves that problem I had. I definitely had such a problem that not having to download from a browser was the culprit.

>> No.10092630

No paranoia at all mate, it’s happened many times
You have Nintendo fanboys here that go and dob this shit in constantly

>> No.10092642

spike is there a reason you don't have many N64 titles on the site?

>> No.10092801

browser is bloated. sometimes i just want to download file without using graphics

>> No.10092808
File: 136 KB, 1164x981, 1689901941906466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you absolutely need that 400MB of RAM you're using to post here right now

>> No.10093072

>no Goldfinger 64

>> No.10093130


>> No.10093216


>> No.10093631

Let me guess, Ukrainian?

>> No.10093696 [DELETED] 


>> No.10093697

Spike is a legend
Was he on nicoblog too?

>> No.10093702 [DELETED] 

you'll never be a man either

>> No.10093707 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 800x450, average sega fan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'll never be a man either

>> No.10093757

>You have Nintendo fanboys here that go and dob this shit in constantly
Name one instance.

>> No.10093769

How many languages do you speak? Americans show plenty of hubris for a population that can't even speak English properly, or read above 5th grade level.

>> No.10093796

>How many languages do you speak?
haha the classic ESL cop out

>> No.10093804 [DELETED] 

haha epic own sister, have my updoot and reddit gold.

>> No.10093819 [DELETED] 

I thought you might have put the chud wojaks away out of shame after it was revealed what most of you look like. Do you rest your keyboard on your gunt or squash said gunt under your desk?

>> No.10093887

>Haha... ESL G-got 'iiiiiim
You didn't answer my question, hamburger country boy. Guess your reading comprehension is even worse than I thought.

>> No.10093892


I'm a fan of this guy:

Smaller collection, but he puts a lot of work into making games compatible with modern windows setups, and is really approachable in the comments if you have issues.

>> No.10093897

absolutely based

>> No.10093903


Recently discovered - the collection is really impressive.

>> No.10093907

I haven't seen that in a long time. Thanks for the link.

>> No.10093912

holy shit i had never heard of this or magipack, thank you.

>> No.10093915

I absolutely despise Ubuntu for that. Vile.

>> No.10093926

Cute site. The owner seems like a very friendly guy that just wants people to play games he finds cool easily.

Vimm's has been around forever but only in the past couple years has it become more of a no-intro/redump file site. Use to be their own files that weren't as good.

>> No.10093974

Stop getting insecure at being called an ESL, dumbass.

>> No.10094053

That's horrifying. Thank fuck I don't use Ubuntu.

Answer the damn question, you colossal faggot!

>> No.10094090 [DELETED] 

Imagine being this insecure and brown. Sad

>> No.10094104 [DELETED] 

Imagine only speaking a single language. How embarrassing.

Also, I have some bad news anon. I'm an American citizen.

>> No.10094107

He tests them all, he says so usually in the comments or description. He even uploads (or possibly creates?) eboots of games that have always famously not worked out had some kind of issue, but completely fixed and working. Like that hokuto no ken ps1 game, or the sheep dog and wolf one.

>> No.10094123

>but they use installers
Install them on VM, copy from there and put them in .zip!

>> No.10094125

Spike is cool but he was a total faggot for shutting down nitroblog unannounced a couple of years ago.

>> No.10094138

Nobody wants this except you

>> No.10094150

The most widely spoken language on earth, and you use it to browse this site, why would I want to learn anything else? Is it somehow virtuous to go out of my way to learn a language when statistically they are more likely to want to learn my language anyway?

>> No.10094164

I've been using ggn for 10 years.

>> No.10094168 [DELETED] 


this but unironically

>> No.10094216

What's that?

>> No.10094226


>> No.10094231 [DELETED] 

>I'm an American citizen
That's even more pathetic and gay that you're doing this, then.

>> No.10094371

Well, apart from the obvious advantages like more job opportunities, being more cultured, having access to other media and better communication, pirate sites in other languages almost never get taken down. That's a plus.

Nah man, I'm talking shit precisely because I got to experience the absolute retardation of the American population by living here. You guys live a life of delusions.

>> No.10094421

>I got to experience the absolute retardation of the American population by living here. You guys live a life of delusions
Most sheltered children are like this, it's why some of them go mental when they see what they believe in inequality. Humans were not meant to live like this.
For the sake of being on topic, the site is trash, anyone with sense uses the megathread. Never used it for hacks/translations.

>> No.10094431

You're quite right. It definitely was an eye opener.

Back on-topic. I use a combination of sites, depending on what I'm looking for. CDRomance is awesome as a website to browse for new content when boredom hits. Maybe not so much if you want something specific, but it hasn't failed me yet. For everything else, I just use the megathread.

>> No.10094435

I don't like custom repacks on principle, but he's got some games that are a bitch to run so I might try it out. Thanks anon.

>> No.10095163 [DELETED] 

>oh no
>le person le browses.....LE WEBSITE AS LE ME!!!? HECKIN BASED!
>chugs soey

>> No.10095193

He needs to develop some charisma. Dave really carried game sack.

>> No.10095274

archive.org has slow as shit download speeds for me

>> No.10095506 [DELETED] 

please take your ironic shitposting and fuck off straight to Reddit

>> No.10095521 [DELETED] 

Relax and get over your faggotry about internet nobodies browsing your Bangladeshi papyrus forum

>> No.10095583 [DELETED] 

Telling someone to relax while you post le epic green text irony is on brand

>> No.10095739

Pokemon romhacks are lacking, also I'd love to see more old PC games and other obscure shit

>> No.10095762

I too love 24kbps downloads. I’m trans btw

>> No.10095786

This. Vimm has a good collection but the download speed is simply unacceptable

>> No.10095837

>waahhhhh stop talking about my sekrit club

>> No.10095871

It's fine for cartridge games, but yeah they should really up it if they want to host ps2 and Ngc games.

>> No.10096035

He is 100% a massive faggot as well

>> No.10096050

you kinda have to be for your website to survive today's political climate. you're either "correct" or you risk being targeted by an angry mob. a kind of gay for pay if you will

>> No.10097002

I don't know if you're still around, but I patched it for you. Hope it works fine. I uploaded it to 1fichier.


>> No.10097060

Enjoy your bad dumps and bad .cue files

>> No.10097070
File: 125 KB, 1448x2048, F1yMHrvacAAkowD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've seriously begun to consider reporting romsets for removal, in an attempt to help keep a great website from being killed

Do you wanna keep $0¥ing out? Nintendo will never make you a real woman.

>> No.10097090
File: 10 KB, 578x506, links.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a fellow (e)links bro??

>> No.10097479

Thanks, I will!

>> No.10097485 [DELETED] 

I was reported for being an asshole

>> No.10097568 [DELETED] 


>> No.10097583

>Do you wanna keep $0¥ing out? Nintendo will never make you a real woman.
No, you stupid cunt. I don't want the premiere internet archive shut down because stupid cocksuckers keep going on and on about how you can pirate everything from Archive on youtube/reddit/facebook. I'd rather see romsets deleted instead of petrabytes of archived books, video and god knows what else.

>> No.10098356

Proving this point right here >>10087059 >>10089383 >>10090192

>> No.10098516
File: 54 KB, 900x675, 69CA7290-0B8F-476E-AFC2-79E5C6D0BAFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10098536

wtf is this real?

>> No.10098580

Probably not. Why would anything be real now?

>> No.10098591

don't you know the story of rutracker? the shorter version of it is that if you let out weakness once (ie submit to copyright claim once) the same company or other company will come after you again and again and with more and more claim until you die, because once you were a cuckboy who was okay with abuse instead of standing for your rights, it's really like prison rule
and that's why rutracker instead of submitting to copyright holders, decided to get banned in ruland instead, because that allowed them more freedom of speech

>> No.10098595

links is unironically good for text only articles. not only it gets rid of all the bloat and ads due to lack of js, it actually leaves just the text in very nice layout that's somehow better than viewing it in browser. in browsers i noticed you get a lot of wasted space when reading text articles

>> No.10098603

and you know what, if this picture is real>>10084958 then you get a very similar situation here. i still think it was handled wrong, he shoulda let himself get banned fair and square rather than getting scared and filtering ru ips. rkn wouldnt do shit to him except block the site for ruland and would save his reputation from bunch of angry russians in this thread, but that's beside the point
the point is, he decided to get banned instead of pulling the content because owner wasnt a cuck, and if he submits once, nothing will stop more abuse from more companies, because they will realize that this owner is compliant like a bitch boy he is, so they'll push more strikes

>> No.10099215

I used it as book reader once. don't remember how I got the text into .html or what format it was

>> No.10099338

Thank you based owner for my modest collection of SNES and PS1 ROMs. Stay cool, hope you're doing okay.

>> No.10099383

CDRomance is a very nice site, feels like the closest modern equivalent to Emuparadise we have.

I only wish that it had PC-98 roms and translations, and Japan-exclusive Windows game translations.

>> No.10099613
File: 264 KB, 1440x1142, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Windows game translations
Spike stopped doing those since he's had a lot of trouble getting them to work. PCs have very poor backwards compatibility with old windows games and the emulators for them are not braindead easy like consoles

>> No.10099645

for me it's archive.org

>> No.10099735

No clue what you guys are doing wrong with Vimm, I get 4-5MB/s downloading PSX isos which is plenty fast. Maybe it's because of memories of 2005 downloading ISOs at 350KB/s on DSL...

>> No.10099740

Good, hope pokefags get filtered, you have your containment websites and boards

>> No.10099817

I just browse the screenshots on MobyGames.
ROMs get deleted all the time, but they're also being idiots. They have an arbitrary DMCA exemption for the "legacy/retro" software, not anything else. They're just as likely to get a lawsuit from hosting Autodesk 3ds Max and Photoshop discs.

>> No.10099912
File: 77 KB, 640x539, 1681211212050458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based. i read fanfics if they're in html in links too
looks good on my retro monitor

>> No.10099927
File: 386 KB, 644x504, 1660901045015321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he should upload raw windows images. if it's 2d game from late 90s there is big chance it will work in vanilla wine

>> No.10099974

Sounds like a dating site for crossdressers

>> No.10099987

>looks good on my retro monitor
Fuck I miss my old monitor, it's been way better for work than anything not taking up most of my desk. Now we're 2 decades into the future and people went full retard when it comes to screen space management.

>> No.10100247

My heart goes out to spike, having to deal with retards in the comment section on a daily basis would drive anyone insane.

>> No.10100293

The third worlders in the comment section go crazy. HELLO SPIKE I AM FROM BRASIL I MESSAGE YOU ABOUT TRANSLATION…….

It’s funny because you can automatically smell a thirdie on here because they get asspained when you mention it and immediately go “yeah but how many language you speak sarr >:(“

>> No.10100314

Just rangeban all of Canada and Brazil. Problem solved.

>> No.10100324

Well? How many languages? One? How embarrassing.

Are you the same dude from yesterday? You were a barrel of fun man, but I'm just fucking with you. That comment section is filled with unbridled retardation and I truly feel for Spike.

>> No.10100326

No NTA just spend a lot of time on there and in the comment section. It’s a 50/50 of genuinely helpful commenters who are like hey there’s a new patch version, and the other half are just off the fucking rails retards asking for emulator help, demanding roms be posted, etc

>> No.10100341

Makes one wonder just how fucking lazy these people are. Finding roms in non-english sites is so fucking easy, it's honestly embarrassing.

>> No.10101573

it's funny isnt it. i called it "retro monitor" but the reality of the situation was that i lived long enough where the hardware i used suddenly from outdated became retro
i also figured it to keep 5:4 monitor because i mostly played retro pc games, and that saves me work on hunting stupid widescreen patches

>> No.10101771

kek of course that guy's a /vr/gin
He should consider replacing his Dreamcast GDIs with truncated ones configured to display GDemu cover art

>> No.10102192

Seems like the only retard here is you, putting compressed data on a dreamcast

>> No.10102260

why are you downloading isos over tor?

>> No.10102831

i'm not actually. cdromance guy was kind enough to not block direct downloads for ru ips, only the viewing of site, so if you can route the main site through proxy, downloads will go as normal without proxy
suppose he did trick rkn after all. they never mentioed any other url besides cdromance, never mentioned the cdn itself, heh

>> No.10104678

What UNDUBS are the best version of the game?

>> No.10104875

Generally yes.

>> No.10104919

Well I never called anyone here retarded and there's nothing wrong with truncated GDIs so seethe all you want about it gayboy

>> No.10106181


Name the games that benefit most from UNDUB

>> No.10106872

megaman ZX lol

>> No.10106912

Any game with a shit dub?
Why is this even a question?
Do you want a list with hundred of games?

>> No.10106927

If you ever decide to play Xenosaga, I'd recommend going with the undub of all three games. Not because of the voice acting, but because all three games were heavily censored in the US release. I'm not taking about panty shots or shit like that, but blood, dismemberment and removal of scenes completely. The trilogy got butchered badly, like Cartoon Network used to do in the 90s.

>> No.10107092

Is it just me or have they been removing some stuff
Vimms lair is the best site overall

>> No.10107105

If the download speeds were better it would be god tier

>> No.10108290

Some fine fellow had posted and shared a screenshot which had the catbox link for what looked like a really good rpg maker game they had made/played? This is a link to the webm of some gameplay, can help me identify?

>> No.10109380

Ever since they introduced the new UI everything has been buggy and slow.

>> No.10109457
File: 128 KB, 434x434, 1502130411555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say I get an ISO of a PAL release, will it work on my NTSC PS2? With, OPL, FMCB and what have you?
I just wanna play Forbidden Siren 2.

>> No.10109460

Can't say for sure but the opposite is true so I don't see why not

>> No.10109504

Do you realize Spike is not the only person uploading games to the site, right? CDRomance isn't just ONE person.

>> No.10109507
File: 279 KB, 640x407, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give it a shot.
Gee I sure would love to play the Azumanga Daioh GBA game.

>> No.10109520

Not op, but in my experience people who talk like you are some of the dumbest, least interesting people I know. They usually have one defining characteristic that is their personality, like a beard, or a car. And despite sharing the most common language, it can actually take longer to get them to understand things, than it would be in a broken foreign language to a bilingual person.

There's more to language than communication, learning a new one literally rewrites your brain.

I'm sure you're the exception, though.

>> No.10109532

I didn't know that actually, how else is helping Spike out?

>> No.10110143

Mr Jackpots is helping!

>> No.10111468

The Area 88 hack needs to be updated.

>> No.10111476

Of course

>> No.10112290

Tales of Eternia. But basically any ps1 game. Professional voice acting for video games didn’t exist and unless you had a large studio and budget you were stuck using people off the street or from the translation team.

>> No.10112312

What kind of game is this? Is it translated?

>> No.10112964

>like more job opportunities
The first thing that comes to mind is more ways to make Mr. Shekelberg more money?

>> No.10113026
File: 905 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's one of those anime-based games that at its core has nothing to do with the show. It's a card puzzle game where you have cards with stars on them and you gotta arrange the cards in your hand to form lines with the stars.

It's fun if you want to kill some time. Maybe it could use a translation for the Story Mode if anything to understand the rules and how to build your deck.

>> No.10113105
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x625, D9B37BBE-8937-40D6-9714-6507D650C87E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been using Vimm’s Lair for years with no issue and patch games manually from romhacking.net which works fine.

But fuck me if I can’t find 1.0 PC versions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas to play the Tightened mods on. Any help, /vr/os?

>> No.10113531

Typed "GTA III PC ISO" in DDG and found this: https://archive.org/details/grand-theft-auto-iii_202110
I'm sure you can find the other one using that same secret technique