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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10090663 No.10090663 [Reply] [Original]

>what if Mario 64?
>But what if we added awful precision platforming with an even worse camera than the original?

Fuck you for recommending this crap. All Mario 64 romhacks really are just shit aren't they? Completely miss the point of the original.

>> No.10090672

Filtered + no one asked

>> No.10090698

Never liked this romhack, the music is really grating too.

>> No.10090725

I think its novel in itself that someone actually was able to make a full Mario game, but yeah its extremely dated and is just full of pure jank platforming that the mario 64 camera and movement was just NOT meant for at all. So many pitfalls of death and climbing up tiny platforms with flip jumping and wall jumping tricks. Half the difficulty of it is fighting with the fucking camera.

>> No.10090797

Just play Star Revenge. Start with 1.

>> No.10090830 [DELETED] 


>> No.10090941

This hack is like 15 years old or some shit, made by a 12 year old and held together with duct tape, of course it isn't good. It's only notable for being the first of its kind, you can do far better now. Even the meme hacks shit all over it.

>> No.10091056

Exactly. What did you really expect OP.

>> No.10091083 [DELETED] 

Shut up irrational nigger

Btw original hardware is worthless goyslop

>> No.10091084

I haven't played any Mario 64 rom hacks to be honest. Prefer to just stick to the original game and 64 DS (which is great if you haven't played it yet btw)

>> No.10091086

Star Road is one of the first full scale ones and it honestly shows its age. The novelty of it existing at all was very impressive at the time, but there's much more balanced ones now.

>> No.10091092

play any of the recent star revenges, there definitly harder then sm64 but I feel they get closest to nintendo-style level design than star road ever did. I reccomend 5

>> No.10091094

it was cool at the time because it was insane that anyone could hack mario 64 and make custom shit like that. now it looks terrible because it's aged and better projects came along. most mario 64 romhacks are amateur. Peach's Fury 64 was good and I'm waiting for Return to Yoshi's Island by kaze because it looks crazy good now. The demo he made years ago looks and plays like dogshit though.

>> No.10091138

>mario 64 rom hacks
Holy cringe

>> No.10091450
File: 3.23 MB, 399x311, giphy-downsized-large.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaizo Mario is just as old and its amazing to this day. Its even better than boring bland original SMW.

>> No.10091531

>All Mario 64 romhacks really are just shit aren't they
Pretty much. Sure Star Road is outdated and yada yada but the modern ones are not particularly good either.
>inb4 Kaze
Kaze is a meme. He can do all sort of impressive technical stuff but his level design mostly ranges from mediocre to pure jank.

>> No.10092253

Kaizo hacks are the ultimate gay

>> No.10092359

I like it

>> No.10092367

>awful precision platforming
The one beach area star in Super Mario Sapphire that requires you to kinda triple jump at the wall at an angle and wall kick up to hit the timed switch keeps me from recommending the romhack to other people. The run up is a weird angle, wall jumps already can be finicky in SM64, and then if you aren't fast enough you gotta do it all over again.

>> No.10092497

Why? Its one autoscroller makes the entire games of SMW look like shit.

>> No.10092645

Mario 64 is one of the few games where I'd say playing hacks is essential, because the game itself just doesn't do that much with its mechanics compared to their potential.

>> No.10092668

For me it’s SM65

>> No.10092669

I couldn't beat the bonus level. That triple jump on a pillar is some ridiculous bullshit

>> No.10092942

I completely forgot about that hack until reading this. It wasn't a bad hack but that was fucking cancer

>> No.10092965

Are there any N64 rom hacks of SM64 that arent garbage? Last one I tried was Cream's Bandstand and it has a lot of the problems some of you mentioned, shitty camera and ridiculous wall jumps.

>> No.10092996

B3313 is probably the best one, truthfully. Its gimmick keeps it nicely within the confides of what the game engine can handle.
Yeah Kaze's various hacks have cool technical prowess but lackluster game design and often feel totally jank in practice when you get to playing them, like the game's struggling to exist. He has a massive issue with feature creep though, he's been working on his 'big' hack of various changing names for 10+ years with no release in sight. It could actually address these things but the main frames of reference people have are positively ancient.

>> No.10093000

>Are there any N64 rom hacks of SM64 that arent garbage?
I thought this was pretty fun
preview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ty0EZzXz6bI

>> No.10093005

Romhacks are like reading fanfiction, or buying fake sneakers or third party toys, and I'll never understand any of it.

>> No.10093007

>fake sneakers

>> No.10093040

>camera bad!
I immediately disregard anyone says if they complain about this.

>> No.10093232

This isn't like '3D platformer camera bad!' though, the camera's bad in this because it literally has the AI it did in the base game despite the brand new stages, expecting geometry that isn't there, getting blocked by 'nothing' and constantly swinging into walls and occasionally just going completely bonkers and panning into the void because of some code discrepacy, shit like that. Again, it's an EARLY hack, you were just told to deal with this when it came out, nobody knew a fix.

>> No.10093449

I've played it on my N64 I do have similar complaints about camera control but overall it's not the worse game I've played would like to see a remaster of the hack at some point

>> No.10093452

SM64 camera's not that bad
SM64 Star Road camera is absolutely that bad holy shit it fucking sucks

>> No.10093458

>would like to see a remaster of the hack at some point
It exists
It's easier for sure but I think it's overall still better than the original

>> No.10093469

Oh neat

>> No.10093470

Almost all these hacks are shit unfortunately (aside from the PC port). Same with the SMW ones. They're either a janky mess or punishingly hard as fuck throwing a million enemies at you for a "challenge". I love a good platforming or solving challenge, but shit just for the sake of shit is gay & lazy development.

The only real solid Mario hacks I've seen are some NSMB/U ones & a couple Galaxy ones. If you know any others that are actually legit I'd love to hear them tho.

>> No.10093474

>All romhacks really are just shit aren't they?

>> No.10093503
File: 64 KB, 900x900, kaze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just didn't get it

>> No.10093505

The Rom hacks existed because Galaxy was a hot piece of shite

>> No.10093558

Not sure why the other anon is so mad, the gif makes it look fun. I thought using the fish enemy as a platform was neat, too.

>> No.10093923 [DELETED] 

>ESL expressing his shitty, brown-skinned opinions

>> No.10093928 [DELETED] 

>be EOL
>be talentless paranoid bitch

>> No.10095343

what the fuck did he mean by fake sneakers?

>> No.10095348

It means he wants to pretend to be a white knight for a company to get (you)s

>> No.10095350

go back playing your favourite game mario is missing.

>> No.10095870

Why do people play rom hacks? Why not just play more actually original games instead? There are more games than you can count out there. Rom hacks are for autists and Mario 64 is possibly the most egregious example.

>> No.10095934

There aren't all that many platformers that play as well as Mario games, so it's not surprising people want more games like them with the same physics and everything. Same deal with Sonic hacks.

>> No.10096010

this romhack is complete dogshit. god it's ugly too.

>> No.10096034

Most are shit. B3313 is the only one I really liked, it's like playing those liminal spaces creepy pastas but there are so many levels getting to 100 stars is actually fun and not as random and glitchy as it initially seems.

>> No.10096058

Because hacks and mods are often better than the original. Doom, Quake, SMW, Mario 64, have all been surpassed by what fans have made.

>> No.10096096

The idea is neat but it's unplayable without save states

>> No.10097182

Yeah, if someone wants to make something like Freedom Planet or Spark the Electric Jester, then all power to them for making an original game, but using old assets and code as a starting base is what the original devs did anyways with sequels and I'd want more sequels, so romhacks provide a slice of that.

>> No.10097192

Dog Collab is cute

>> No.10098319

>fake sneakers

>> No.10098484
File: 26 KB, 525x384, I will beat you with 30 shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>find rad pair of sneakers online
>order that shit
>package arrives
>open that bad boy
>it's just a pair of cardboard cutouts sneakers

>> No.10098490
File: 300 KB, 690x800, mario brain jar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The camera is the primary villain of the game

>> No.10098493

They're like free expansion packs.

>> No.10098514

Romhacks tend to be hard because they are made by and for people who have played the original games since they were fetuses. Crazy difficulty and gimmicks also usually get more attention than normal hacks that try to be like sequels. If you want a SMW hack that feels official, with a reasonable difficulty level, try Plumber for All Seasons. It's an easy recommendation.

>> No.10098649
File: 15 KB, 320x224, 7614screenshot2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you never enjoyed a game so much that you finished it wanting more levels? Or more of a challenge? Or different characters?
Won't deny that most out there are shit, but there's plenty out there that are great and worth checking out if you enjoyed the originals

>> No.10098690

Why is it that i lag super hard with this romhack? Even with the camera fix hack? (which moves npcs around for no reason)

>> No.10098840
File: 2.22 MB, 512x448, MMU_Yo-YomanOmega.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's there to understand?
>people enjoy thing
>enjoy it enough to dream up their own scenarios
>enjoy it enough to turn those dreams into something tangible enough for others to experience (fanart, fanfics, remixes, original compositions, animations, patches/mods, hacks, fangames)
>people enjoy these dreams

>> No.10099372 [DELETED] 


>> No.10099378

did you have a stroke?

>> No.10099387

No, I'm fine.

>> No.10100610

Then name 35 hacks better than good original games. No Mario 3 back surpasses the original because the original is a good game. Mario 64 never was a good game which is why everyone tries to make hacks for it.

>> No.10101648 [DELETED] 

On the opposite end I'll never understand the hesitancy of trying a romhack or fan game. It's free expanded content and there's a lot of good stuff out there
What would company approval add to it?

>> No.10103812

guess im not up to the challenge since that doesnt look fun at all to me. like i'd be all YAY if I got past a section but watching that just really made me go ugh no thanks doesnt look fun. filtered oof

>> No.10103843

These batshit hacks are intentionally designed for save state use, so you could quickly retry a failed attempt. I don't bother with these hacks but they're a fascinating case of designing for the emulator generation

>> No.10103873
File: 58 KB, 1152x864, a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a hack where that odd door I saw in my dreams as a kid that takes me to the 4th floor and courses 16, 17 and 18. All hacks feel they are trying too hard.

>> No.10103930

This was fucking cool, this was the first complete hack game for Mario 64 and it was amazing the work put into it. Everyone went crazy over this, I love showing it to people!
But yeah I could never finish it cause it's dogshit.

>> No.10103938

>ALL romhacks really are just shit aren't they?

>> No.10104249

Which one should I play if I'm looking for something feels super polished like a commercial game release with a similar difficulty to the original game?

>> No.10104251

Because a lot of commercial game releases are similar to one another.
Rom hacks subvert that style of game design.

>> No.10104256

We have been recommending Star Revenge (series) a billion times over. It's higher quality and truer to the spirit of the original game than basically all the other hacks.

>> No.10104271

I've been hanging out in multiple SM64 rom hacking communities for the past year and reading this thread is sad. The vibe there is positive, but here, it's just angry. Angry without reason.

>> No.10104543

Because you're here and we all hate you

>> No.10104568

That's just most of 4chan in general. An anonymous board is going to attract largely people who're too angry and bitter to fit anywhere else.

>> No.10105473

This romhack is old at this point. It's really not a bad game at all, harder than SM64 for sure but you can't say it's crap. But romhacks have definitely become WAY more polished over time. Better sections, better presentation, lots of original mechanics. This game has just been annihilated by the competition over the last 15 years.

>> No.10105789

I thought the same thing. What I don’t understand is how someone could sink so much time and energy into making a full-game scale romhack and then completely stop giving a fuck when it comes to designing the levels or making them fun to play.

>> No.10105817

I beat the first kaizo mario without save states. I know a version exists with 5 lives but I didn't play that version.

>> No.10106024

oh, so i have to sift through a mountain of shit just to find a few decent things made by somebody that MAYBE had some degree of talent or luck? no thank you. i'll just wait for the next official release that actually goes through a QA committee. get a real job making real games, instead of playing in somebody else's sandbox with their toys, cowards.

>> No.10106082 [DELETED] 


>> No.10106220
File: 26 KB, 256x224, 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[GAME HERE] best romhacks
Literally less than a minute to find a thread of recommended SMW hacks on the SMWCentral lol

>> No.10106229
File: 257 KB, 1200x675, 2196a7296aa62a5d69847a578927f15d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No retard, you're supposed to leave it to other people to go scrounging through the pile. The best of the best is always the stuff people talk about and recommend. Word of mouth and shit.
The ROMhack General here is where I've first heard about most of the ones I played

>> No.10107202

people by and large have shit taste, especially the cowards that consume mods/romhacks.

>> No.10107237
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Whatever makes you feel better, El Retardo

>> No.10107328
File: 21 KB, 258x163, 1689740984920770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want more Mario 64
>Get the shit Sunshine
>Want more Mario World
>Get the soulless NSMB
>Want more classic Sonic
>Sonic 4
Quite a mystery as to why people go to romhacks

>> No.10107330

That boo never stops being funny.

>> No.10109127


>> No.10110243

why is this gif literally like 2 fps

>> No.10110270
File: 3.68 MB, 498x498, 1662964180480160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so whats the best full campaign romhack of Mario 64? Is Star Road fine by today's standards if youre actually competent at Mario 64 controls? Heck don't some of these work with decomps so you can just use second stick camera controls?

>> No.10110626

>Is Star Road fine by today's standards if youre actually competent at Mario 64 controls?
More than fine it's actually pretty good, just very janky.
>Ok, so whats the best full campaign romhack of Mario 64?
Star Revenge 6.25

>> No.10110913

the more outrageous part is that Mario 64 hacks rely on old piece of shit emulators inaccuracies and are thus unplayable on better more modern emulators, much less original hardware

>> No.10113160

You are an unpleasant person

>> No.10113167

Rom Hacks are Playable in Original Consoles