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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 79 KB, 600x600, 1663179737957588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10085995 No.10085995 [Reply] [Original]

Why does it feel like a lot of retro soundtracks sound like Casiopea, how influential were these guys anyway?

>> No.10086084

Really influential.

>> No.10086089

Post a couple tracks for reference.

>> No.10086140
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Don't forget Yellow Magic Orchestra, Japanese Fusion was quite popular. I'd argue it still is.

>> No.10086149
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In general in the 80's and into the mid-90's, J-Fusion was hugely influential on video game and anime soundtracks, keep in-mind most of these guys were studio musicians who worked on a ton of mainstream Jpop as well.


Also most game publishers in the 80's and 90's had their own in-house fusion bands as well. Taito had Zuntata, Capcom had Alph Lyla, Konami had Kukeiha Club, and Sega had the S.S.T. Band.


>> No.10086237


>> No.10086653

There are some Masayoshi Takanaka tracks that sound like they're straight out of Mario Kart.

>> No.10086710

During their peak in the '80s they were doing Budokan shows which pretty much means you're in the upper echelon of performers in Japan.

>> No.10086752

The craziest thing about MK is that the Mario Band members (the guys playing MK8 music) came from a bunch of Fusion bands, with the leader being Dimension's guitarist and even they got the current T-Square drummer.

>> No.10088392

It is still popular. Every summer we have a few threads on here about j-fusion/ambient/jazz video game music. There's so much overlap.

>> No.10088415

Literally any of their albums, but more specifically Mint Jams.

>> No.10088486

Sounds like poop

>> No.10088495

Ah yes, classic mid 80s to early 90s "my mom is dragging me with her to go clothes shopping at the mall" core

>> No.10088545

Yellow Magic... LOLz

>> No.10088591

They knew what they were doing with that title, they even have a track where they put on exagerrated "Me so solly, flied lice" accents on their track Tighten Up:

There's also the parody/homage group 'Oriental Magentic Yellow' which makes it even more obvious:

>> No.10088593


>> No.10088603

ymo is the biggest meme i fell for. they have one good track, rydeen, and everything else is incoherent garbage. its the kind of shit that jazzfags get memed for. just random notes, as if they musician was having a stroke playing his instrument and jazzfags go crazy for it.

>> No.10088612

DAMN.... Fuck my ass this is big jammin'.

>> No.10088629

The only album that comes close to Rydeen is the instrumental version of their album 'Naughty Boys', prime bubble-economy Japan vibes:

>> No.10088656

I don't know. So far I'm liking most of YMO. They put time into their tunes. I think the deal is it depends on the system you're playing their music on. You need something with a little heat behind the speakers.

Right now I got La Femme Chinoise. And I'm hearing some strong David Bowie's Ashes to Ashes influence in the instrumental chorus.

>> No.10088663
File: 60 KB, 740x555, 1689607719073438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put on some Mutha Fuk'in Tong Poo! This shit clogs. Call my ass a plumber I'm constipated here.

>> No.10088668

The really interesting thing to me is listening to YMO, then digging into Hosono, Sakamoto and Takahashi's solo work, then going back to YMO and you can really pick out which tracks or albums were predominantly by which member.

>> No.10088671

My system was bouncing at 6. I just knocked that bitch up to 12. We're puppy farming here.

>> No.10088685
File: 1.29 MB, 1599x897, KidsGoingPlaces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My face when I go from Puppy Farming on Tong Poo to Butt slogging loose shits with Simoon.
I don't like this tune Simpoon slop. No I do not. It's not the worst, but got damn it's no Tong Poo.

>> No.10088719

Reminds me of F-Zero's Silence track.

>> No.10088759
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>> No.10088785

Are you that same guy from /mu/ that generalized Zappa albums the same way

>> No.10088821
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>> No.10088842

Yeah, random notes. Sure buddy.

>> No.10088852
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>> No.10089117

Most composers for videogames back then would just make tunes based on what they were listening to on their everyday life; that's why we have the Follin brothers making a lot of prog or the Koshiro/Kawashima pair doing EDM soundtracks for games. Hell, they would even outright sample said songs in like Shinji Hosoe and company for the Ridge Racer soundtrack.
I personally love how videogame soundtracks were an afterthought for many publishers before bigger storage devices were available -- programmers could go crazy at them as long as their work could fit in the game with no problem.
You could get experimental pieces by messing with code:
People just putting a tune in there with no regard for copyright infringement:
Or songs that tried to emulate more serious works despite the hardware limitations:
And much more.

>> No.10089232

When it comes to code music copyright is kind of a grey area. That's why the vast majority of Video Game / Midi music is not considered copyrighted. Only Nintendo has really shown to have a stick up their ass when it comes to F-Zero of all things.

>> No.10089523

Unbelievably false. Name one track on Naughty Boys that fits your description. There "incoherent" stuff is a tiny, tiny outlier.

>> No.10089782

ugh. thank God for Post Malone or Country music,

>> No.10089805
File: 45 KB, 700x482, 02282008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they have one good track, rydeen, and everything else is incoherent garbage.
So basically the Japanese version of pic related?

>> No.10090137

Jazz fusion like Casiopea and T-Square are pretty much *the* genre of music most Japanese devs used as the basis for their game BGM.
And you can see why, jazz fusion's the shit.

>> No.10090292

>never heard of casiopea
This board is such trash. Reddit is better and I'm not even joking.

>> No.10090435

you aren't the universe's central consciousness, anon
the rest of humanity doesn't collectively learn about things whenever you do, don't be a faggot and try to remind yourself that there was a time when you didn't know who casiopea were either

>> No.10090547

You're the type of fag who wouldn't like them anymore if everyone did know who they were, so no harm done right?

>> No.10090790

Gee maybe I was talking about the specific video game songs that took inspiration from them???
You know a ton of video game songs are just 8bit renditions of classical songs and shit too?

>> No.10090808

Imagine being filtered by YMO.
Let's all point and laugh at the tasteless faggot.

>> No.10090839


>> No.10090864
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>> No.10090902
File: 68 KB, 600x600, MortGarson_MotherEarthsPlantasia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is another album which transparently influenced a shitload of retro composers. Concerto for Philodendron & Pothos is essentially Zelda's Lullaby, I'm sure there's some of Ode to an African Violet in FF7's Cosmo Canyon, and those are just the ones which really stand out.

>> No.10091004

Now this is shitposting

>> No.10091010

That first one sounds like a Zero Divide jam.

>> No.10091023

Same inputs.

People really forget Japan got a lot of audio technology before anyone else.

>> No.10091297
File: 35 KB, 474x265, OIP (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright take the side of the spastic underage casuals.
No. Tommy Tallarico is popular and I love his tunes.
I considered that but I would bet you are a switch owner.

>> No.10091979

>Alright take the side of the spastic underage casuals
I'm taking the side of the reality that not even you were just born with an innate awareness of casiopea and you only make yourself look like a faggot by getting haughty about it
if you care so much that people don't know about them, why not contribute a little of your passion by helping to increase awareness instead of berating people for being as ignorant of them as you once were

>> No.10091989

It's really too bad that this composer was a satanist.

>> No.10092037
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>> No.10092039

No, Nancy Reagan, he wasn't. Two proto-dark ambient records released under thematically appropriate pseudonyms doesn't make him a satanist.

>> No.10092059

>I'm taking the side if reality
You're not though. This is an anime weeb website. How are you going to defend people posting on a retro board who have no clue about anything retro. They should be told to fuck off.

>> No.10092073

>I considered that but I would bet you are a switch owner.
Is this the new underage callout? I own several.
Post a song if your dementia addled mind can even remember one gramps.

>> No.10092091

read the full post instead of just rephrasing the first few words to dispute a point I didn't make
you don't give a shit about people knowing about them, you just want to be mad, don't you

>> No.10092246

>I own several.
Of course you do.
>Post a song if your dementia addled mind can even remember one gramps.
I don't know the names of the songs as theres no lyrics. I bought Mint Jams over ten years ago posasible.

>> No.10092249

>I don't know the names of the songs as theres no lyrics

>> No.10092323

>makes a scene because there are people who don't know about them
>doesn't know any track titles
sasuga shitposter-kun

>> No.10092339

Posting the obvious one.


>> No.10092439


Eyes Of The Mind sounds like it could be played in a “Select Your Car” type of menu

>> No.10092474
File: 353 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you played the sims? Go ahead and name 5 tracks from that game.

>> No.10092616

Do you understand, Mr. Ohira?

>> No.10092656
File: 607 KB, 1200x1200, a1023002208_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure kid

>> No.10092936
File: 251 KB, 1170x1447, c+h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no le big ebil upside down star
He was just a musician using imagery to make his work stand out, you faggot schizoid. Take your meds and leave the satanic panic shit back in the 80s where it belongs.

>> No.10092939

In all seriousness since I stopped listening to MP3s I stopped remembering the names of songs, once you put a record on and listen to the whole thing you treat it as such.

>> No.10092941

in all seriousness, you shouldn't be getting your panties in a bunch over people not knowing the artist if you can't even name one of their tracks

>> No.10093227

Reminder that the OG Animal Crossing OST was heavily influenced by YMO too. To the point the 9 AM track is basically YMO's Simoon.
Also, Keiichi Suzuki of Mother/EarthBound fame was very close to the YMO guys (even had a band with Takahashi, The Beatniks) and has a legendary rock band that you all should check out, Moonriders.

>> No.10093253
File: 188 KB, 800x965, MV5BZDUzZDkwYWItZjRlMC00NjY5LWFjMDUtNjI0MjA4YTk3OGE0XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjU3MzI1NzI@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely I can't be the only one who hears it?


>> No.10093264


>> No.10093298

But I'm not getting mad about it lol

>> No.10093340

Holy shit Dimension's guitarist is doing MK8 soundtrack ? That's actually very cool !

There is also Kazuki Katsuta, who composed / played saxophone on many MK tracks (from several games of the serie actually), and who does this live : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q74gS3SbEvQ
Looking at his discography, he played for Dimension on at least one album (8th).

I know that Phantasy Star Online character's creation on Dreamcast literally samples Tears of the Stars (6th track of the album). When you know it's impossible to not notice it. In fact, I've heard PSO track first, and when discovering the album, I found it to be oddly familiar, without being able to point out from where it came.

On a more general note, I am convinced that the Genesis Sonic games were composed by jazz-fusion aficionados. There is version of S&K soundtrack that exists : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQKzmcW1ERY
No big name in it for what I know, but still jazz-fusion like in some ways, tho being more on the funk side.

Many games from SEGA had this vibe. I think OutRun,Super Hang-On and Space Harrier also felt like jazz-fusion in (parts) of their soundtrack.

I love jazz-fusion, this thread actually makes my day.

>> No.10093350

>On a more general note, I am convinced that the Genesis Sonic games were composed by jazz-fusion aficionados.
Interestingly, Sonic 1 and 2's soundtracks were composed by a city pop group.

>> No.10093375

Now that you mention it, I can also see the similarities with this genre !

>> No.10093381

Just listen to this and tell me this isn't an intentional parody of what asian music sounded like to westerners, it's very much on purpose

>> No.10093385

Yep. But either way, you can definitely tell Sega found their soundtracks to be a really important part of their games in the 80s and 90s.
Hell, they even got the rights to use Rydeen in Super Locomotive. They must've loved jazz-fusion.

>> No.10093489

This is quite possibly the first time video game music was used for popular music. I guess this track could be considered the genesis of chiptune in terms of popular music (or Pico Pico as it is known in Japan)

>> No.10093790

this is a very nice album
thanks for bringing it up, I hadn't heard about it 'till now.

>> No.10094176

Casiopea, T-Square (or The Square) and YMO were the big ones. Literally every japanese video game composer listened to these a lot and you can easily hear it.

>> No.10094184


>> No.10094217

This version of Truth is so good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cSsO1enhXbQ

>> No.10094238 [DELETED] 

>Reddit is better and I'm not even joking.
it does seem more your speed

>> No.10094240
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Keep coping, you dumb nigger.

>> No.10094252

Don't bother with him, anon.
His next post is most likely gonna be about how Casiopea is le sekret klub that no normie should ever touch cuz they're not "worth" it.
He's the kind of retard that doesn't know when or how to gatekeep his interests and therefore spews incoherent posts such as his, if an old music band even is worth of gatekeeping at all that is.

>> No.10094507

christ on a stick you're a special kind of retard

>> No.10095128

Yeah but never said the music was good or that I listened to it in my spare time..or even while playing the game.

>> No.10095210
File: 53 KB, 598x400, images (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really are going to try and claim you weren't impressed with the sims ost? Really nigger?


>> No.10095234

I'm more of a Naoya Matsuoka fan, but I dig Casiopea. The genre is great when driving, maybe becaise I played GT3 so much

>> No.10095245
File: 305 KB, 1080x1080, sakamoto_rip_1080sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. It's true. But, For the video game, I think there is a light that was diminished with the latest developements wit hthe death of Ryuchi Sakamoto.

Certain feeling for computer and video game was lost now with the modern times. It was ultimatey a good influence from the Japanese 70s and 80 pop music in these video games.

I have hear that unfortunately Sakamoto of Yello Magic Orchestra has recently died. This is incrediby sad news.

This made me cry. Music will not be the same.
Here is news about it


>> No.10095276
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Der movie is awesome. Bascialy, SUper Mario, Zelda and all other games owe their stuff to Yellow magic Orchestra and 80s Japan.


>> No.10095280


Listen to Katsumi Horii Project and tell me it doesn’t remind you of Sonic 3.


>> No.10095397


I wish I was that boy. I'd damage my penis to have her sweet mouth blow on it. I want to be a fetus inside her

Why are Asian woman so buitful.

>> No.10095404
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she looks so sweaty, beefy and hot. I bet her asshole smells like the 80s.

BTW, this is the SH!T. I listen to it repedely when I get out of jail/prison. This is the shit and related to OPs whatever


>> No.10095409


This piece of music is prolly the least known but the coolest.

Literallt an FPS from 1988. Vid is 1989,but the game came out in 1988


>> No.10095489

>Why are Asian woman so buitful.
She looks odd/unnatural. Reminds me of those Chinese women opening up umbrellas inside near windows on a sunny day.

>> No.10095512

Awesome track! Thanks for posting it.

>> No.10095524

Initially I almost turned this off but now I've got it on repeat. What a banger.

>> No.10095592

lol almost
i think i made that connection myself a long time ago

>> No.10095669
File: 1.10 MB, 306x230, grilling-baby-the-sims.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OSTs and all albums in general have track titles, you'd know this if you bothered looking at the track listing for any given album. I'd bet money you listen to the album on YouTube in a separate tab and without checking for the inevitable track list comments for so called authenticity. As any record playing goon will tell you one of the best parts of owning records is the physicality of it, if you really do own the album then you're openly admitting to actively avoiding 50% of the physical cover for no reason other than "I just put it on" as if you're doing so in the dark or with your eyes closed.
1: "Now Entering" - Marc Russo
2: "Neighborhood" - Marc Russo
3: "Under Construction" - Jerry Martin
4: "Buying Lumber" - Jerry Martin
5: "Mall Rat" - Jerry Martin

>> No.10095681

my nigga

>> No.10095878

Were you a part of a failed band?

>> No.10095892

You'll invent a reason if I denied it, so why not. I accept your tacit concession to the actual subject of the earlier post by doing whatever you thought you were accomplishing by asking that. Conversation over I suppose

>> No.10096712

>Concerto for Philodendron & Pothos is essentially Zelda's Lullaby
holy shit you're not kidding, it's literally just zelda's lullaby

>> No.10096720

the people who live by ideologies often are. i havent heard an argument from a single one of them that doesnt consist of sincerely reacting to things explicitly done for effect whilst at the same time claiming thats its secret, hidden and nefariously pushed

>> No.10096761

This is such an absurdly based picture.

>> No.10096764

>Tommy Tallarico is popular and I love his tunes.
Does he know

>> No.10096793

it's purely just that they're the kind of people who know they would give in to all their darkest impulses if they didn't have the threat of eternal metaphysical torment held over them, and can't fathom that there are people who have enough restraint to just make spooky ambient records under the name "lucifer" without having to sell their soul to red pitchfork man

>> No.10096820

In the early days, when you could make very few sounds at a time due to sound chip limitations, music focused on melody was the best approach. Jazz fusion happened to fill this mold.

>> No.10097407
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>Tommy Tallarico

>> No.10097436
File: 326 KB, 1600x1080, hosono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is excellent please post more comfy video game or video game-adjacent japanese retro BGM. Love you guys.

>> No.10097473

Simoon is definitely better than a lot of other weird stuff they did

>> No.10098318
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Fun Thread

>> No.10099040

The more briandead inflammatory posts i read about the tiniest most unimportant issues the more i genuinely believe some people deserve to be mentally locked down by mental systems lile that.
>pshh what a poser i bet you own a switch, taling the side of the underage spastics who dont know casiopea.
>what? No of course i cant name a single track by them
What compels a man to be so retarded yet so loud. These people are allowed to vote mind you. Make games. Music. Petition and make broad claims against your favourite media.

Truly horrifying. Anyway i listened to Mint Jams again all the way through yesterday and the face i pulled was almost disgust at how familiar some of the melodies sounded, whether from remembering the album itself or "DIS... SOUND LIKE DA MARIO >:(" Im not sure but it was a good time

>> No.10099059

Imagine not posting the quintessential song that represents all of gayming ITT.


>> No.10099068

frfr no cap

>> No.10099149
File: 173 KB, 1280x720, YMOMY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could insult you for spreading misinformation, but then you learn nothing, and the cycle of bullshit perpetuates.

The reason you've got two revisions of Super Locomotive is that Sega never got any rights to use Rydeen, and just stole it for the first revision, thinking nothing would happen. When YMO complained, they quickly recalled as many boards as they could and put together a second revision with in-house music. Nowadays we also have a MD port of it made for the Mega Drive Mini II, and they changed the music again, now parodying the original revision by using Oriental Magnetic Yellow's "RYZEEN".


OMY are a Yellow Magic Orchestra parody band. Nobuyoshi Sano, Hiroto Sasaki, Shinji Hosoe, and Takayuki Aihara are its members.

Hosoe composed a ton of great music, including the soundtracks for Dragon Saber and Cyber Sled. Aihara is known for the Street Fighter EX and EX2 soundtracks, Sano collaborated a whole lot across a wide spread of titles including the Ridge Racer and Tekken series, and Sasaki worked on Soul Blade's music.

Please try to know your stuff before posting. Thanks.

>> No.10099162
File: 505 KB, 1665x1632, plantasia 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got the original record pressing which came with a booklet describing the songs and how they relate to the plants in the titles. There's even a plant care guide at the end. Comfy album, gave a family friend a burned CD and her plants thrived with it. Too cool.

>> No.10099164
File: 594 KB, 1720x1632, plantasia 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10099165
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>> No.10099168
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>> No.10099169
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>> No.10099171 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10099173
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>> No.10099175
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>> No.10099176
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>> No.10099271
File: 130 KB, 1286x826, 20230726_140316_copy_1286x826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the 2019 repressing, and they still include this booklet, which is nice. Added bonus, the card for downloading a digital copy of the album is full of seeds so you've got some plants to play the album for.

>> No.10099310

>that video thumbnail
That's fucking disrespecting.

>> No.10099610

Another live version was posted earlier

>> No.10099617

Konami's violent storm is literally this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPOMIL7DxF4

>> No.10099737

I kinda like the later more instrumental rock style T-Square better.


>> No.10099808

you wasted a bunch of image limits for this thread with all your dumb plantasia pics. more Japanese 80s/early 90s stuff pls

>> No.10099901

haha, It must suck to fail at achieving the very dream you desired the most!

>> No.10100142

go submit a jannie application if you want to be one so bad, until then fuck off

>> No.10100150

>Why are Asian woman so buitful.
They're really not.
Look up "Asian makeup removal" on YouTube.
You'll thank me later.

>> No.10100160

>the card for downloading a digital copy of the album is full of seeds
thats fucked up

>> No.10100640

They're not worth it. I personally want to be surrounded by real gamers. If you've gone a month without showering, lived off a diet of kfc and gained massive weight from inactivity then I want to hear your voice.

>> No.10100923

Talk shit to my plant brother again and i will grow bamboo shoots through your fucking eyelids cunt. Anyone that talks shit to someone about an album for plants needs their gonads removed and im more than willing to get a couple greenthimbs dirty to do it you know what im sayon. Sort it.

>> No.10100982

what exactly do you think is fucked up about being given the chance to grow shit

>> No.10101069

I fucking love this album so much.

>> No.10101346 [DELETED] 
File: 590 KB, 2827x1422, boots n cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh damn, that's cool as fuck. Reminds me of the story that original pressings were sold with a houseplant when visiting the "Mother Earth" plant shop (thus the name). I also got a repressing but it didn't include a seed card... Is your repressing dual mono as well? I originally got the repressing first only to discover it mirrors the right channel for both sides. Just to make identification easier, the original "Symphony for a Spider Plant" starts with an arpeggio on the right channel alone, with the repressing having that on both channels. There's also a noticable volume drop in any instrument that normally appears on the left channel. It's especially noticable on "Concerto for Philodendron and Pothos", which also starts on the right channel then the Zelda Lullaby-like melody coming in full volume on the left, whereas the repress melody is noticeably quieter for what I assume was a lazy leveling job, likely just taking the right track and doubling it for the left channel. To be fair, the 60s and 70s were an experimental period for stereo and often would have tracked instruments panned all the way to the left and right which is far different from how stereo is mastered now and might sound strange to contemporary audiences https://youtu.be/YzY36gm0ME0

I think they were trying to remaster the tracks by melding them together but I want to know if what was bought was some bootleg or something that didn't master and level the audio correctly and just mirrored the right track. I've seen some really quality bootlegs, I have a Joy Division boot that's effectively a "greatest hits" but looks damn near like an official release right down to the factory label. It's just a bit quiet because it has 8 tracks per side, but that's not much of a problem considering it's post punk and you can just turn it up a bunch and the resulting distortion doesn't doubt that bad.

>> No.10101358

Oh damn, that's cool as fuck. Reminds me of the story that original pressings were sold with a houseplant when visiting the "Mother Earth" plant shop (thus the name). I also got a repressing but it didn't include a seed card... Is your repressing dual mono as well? I originally got the repressing first only to discover it mirrors the right channel for both sides. Just to make identification easier, the original "Symphony for a Spider Plant" starts with an arpeggio on the right channel alone, with the repressing having that on both channels. There's also a noticable volume drop in any instrument that normally appears on the left channel. It's especially noticable on "Concerto for Philodendron and Pothos", which also starts on the right channel then the Zelda Lullaby-like melody coming in full volume on the left, whereas the repress melody is noticeably quieter for what I assume was a lazy leveling job, likely just taking the right track and doubling it for the left channel. To be fair, the 60s and 70s were an experimental period for stereo and often would have tracked instruments panned all the way to the left and right which is far different from how stereo is mastered now and might sound strange to contemporary audiences https://youtu.be/YzY36gm0ME0

I think they were trying to remaster the tracks by melding them together but I want to know if what was bought was some bootleg or something that didn't master and level the audio correctly and just mirrored the right track. I've seen some really quality bootlegs, I have a Joy Division boot that's effectively a "greatest hits" but looks damn near like an official release right down to the factory label. It's quiet because it has 8 tracks per side but that's not much of a problem considering it's post punk and you can just turn it up a bunch and the resulting distortion doesn't sound all that bad.

Japanese VG musicians had a huge variety for sources of inspiration and it should all be celebrated ITT

>> No.10101359
File: 590 KB, 2827x1422, boots n cats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture, fuck. I'm going to bed.

>> No.10101435

I think you're autistic

>> No.10101439

make a separate thread for it then

>> No.10101456

Good for you

>> No.10101487
File: 587 KB, 1404x1404, 16073_478715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how they tried to give the Street Fighter EX series a more mature presentation with a jazz fusion soundtrack.

Chip synths and techno? That's for kids. This is Street Fighter for adults.

>> No.10101513 [DELETED] 

Grateful Dead is post-blues

>> No.10101657

This music has nothing to do with /vr/. You're a lunatic.

>> No.10101664

>asking about a repro of an album which inspired a song from a retro game
Read the thread

>> No.10101748

cyber zone is a great track. I'm partial to the version live at nippon power station '92 because I've watched it 3000 times. The whole first minute with their mannerisms is gold. Its weird seeing your video with all the dancers, totally different vibe.
Casiopea is very interesting to me. All the shows they did, and minarou just quits to fulfill his dream of making train sim music, and now his jingles play at every stop in tokyo. He looks old as shit now but is living his dream even though I don't like his replacement. I digress. I've never seen any band more enjoy playing music than them.

>> No.10101751

their work for Arc the Lad was so bad

>> No.10101851

see >>10090902
this music has as much to do with /vr/ as OP's does, if not more because you can directly hear the influences, so get fucked
imagine being so pathetic you pretend to be a janitor for free

>> No.10101948

>one song happens to sound like zelda
>the rest is unrelated generic hippie electro
Yeah no.

>> No.10102147

>music transparently influenced at least one retro composer
>somehow not relevant to the topic of music which inspired retro composers
you're just mad for the sake of it, aren't you

>> No.10102970

looks like some of us just want more variety instead of half the thread being about the same crappy hippie album, is all

>> No.10103057

You shut your whore mouth. AtL's soundtrack is great.
The early MIDI sounds dry at times but the tracks go really well with the game.
Also, using a car alarm's turn on/off sound as menu SFX is genius.

>> No.10103428

then be the change you want to see and contribute some shit instead of being a butthurt little hall monitor

>> No.10103584
File: 48 KB, 917x462, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to claim to be an expert on this game but
>two revisions of Super Locomotive
I can't find anything about this. The updated music on the MD port, yes, but nothing about an arcade version with a different song.
However, I did just learn that Sakamoto composed the Dreamcast startup sound, so that's something.

>> No.10103842

Can't believe no one posted this here yet.

>> No.10104695 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 1000x750, Haruomi Hosono VGM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was interesting how J-Fusion was so inspirational to Japanese game composers while at the same time arcade game music, specifically Namco games, would inspire a J-Fusion artist to release an album spotlighting the music and sound effects in an entirely new way. In other words, the entire chiptune genre can be tied back to J-Fusion.


My favorite track is Dig-Dig, because of course it is.

>> No.10104701
File: 109 KB, 1000x750, Haruomi Hosono VGM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was interesting how J-Fusion was so inspirational to Japanese game composers while at the same time arcade game music, specifically Namco games, would inspire a J-Fusion artist to release an album spotlighting the music and sound effects in an entirely new way. In other words, the Entire Chiptune Genre can be tied back to J-Fusion.


My favorite track is Dig-Dug, because of course it is.

>> No.10104787


>> No.10104845


>> No.10104854

AtL music is unremarkable. Doesn't help that the game sucks balls. Let me click on your link just to confirm if I missed smething or of you're just an ASSMADFANBOY fagggot.

>> No.10104867

That was so bad. you might reconsider your taste in music. I bet you're of these fags who only misten to videogamemusic. Embarrassing. Imagine posting sonor turds like these along with Namco greatness. Shaemfurr disploy.

>> No.10104878

Based thread.
T-square, Casiopea and YMO are the holy trinity for me.

>> No.10104912

Drink water.

>> No.10104921

Lmfao with the bassist solo quoting smoke on the water

>> No.10104942
File: 305 KB, 547x673, 1681992869894781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one's posted my favorites yet wtf
But yeah, video game music pretty much always takes inspiration from pre-existing genres. That sort of Mario-y sound is very heavily influenced by Japanese Jazz Fusion (which makes sense, as they're made by Japanese people). Another example that comes to mind is that the Donkey Kong Country soundtracks (DKC2 in particular) were said to be inspired by a lot of Phil Collins' stuff (which makes sense, as they're made by British people).

>> No.10106778
