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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10080448 No.10080448 [Reply] [Original]

>most replayable rpg of all time
How did they do it?

>> No.10080453

Really, more than FFVII, FFVIII, all of the Ultima titles up until VIII?

>> No.10080464

Shittons of built variety
fun exploration because no shitty overworld
very little story getting in your way, although that's been getting worse with each entry

>> No.10080478

It was the first JRPG that didn't need a guide to beat it, just to be good at it

>> No.10080483

>hundreds of possible party members vs 8

>> No.10080487

>Bought soft drinks in Celadon City thinking I needed to feed them to Pokemon to keep them obedient
>Get surprised when the guard outside Saffron City lets me pass for one of the drinks
I miss those days of my youthful ignorance in playing Blue.

>> No.10080490

this pic better be a romhack of a gen 3 pokemon game or it isn't retro

>> No.10080503
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It's firered

>> No.10080513

>Pokemon/types/moves hacked into a game where they originally didn't exist yet

>> No.10080534

So the cut-off is gen 3 which also didn't exist at the time kanto was created?

>> No.10080551

I usually scoff when people call something a baby game but Pokemon is an actual baby game

>> No.10080563

skill issue

>> No.10080625

How is this even a serious question
Vey few jrpgs needa guide to see the credits
Shut the fuck up nigger
That's why the romhacks are essential

>> No.10080635

Still playing Crystal and FireRed to this day. All my favorite 3d franchises went to shit. Shinies and rare item hunting are a blast to me. Currently working on shiny trainer fly mew in yellow while I make teams for battle tower brackets and stadium 2 in Crystal. It's up there with wow and RuneScape for me only without bad updates ruining the game and my progress.

>> No.10080646

I have a hard time wanting to play another Pokémon game, none the less the same game twice now. There was only one RPG I've played 3+ times back to back.

>> No.10080652

Don't worry. As you'll grow older this will happen to you

>> No.10080709

is this radical red?

>> No.10080714

just regular Firered 898

>> No.10080719

The gen 5 ui is atrocious

>> No.10080741

FRLG isn't known to be a pretty game.

>> No.10080793

shiny hunting is indicative of mental illness

>> No.10080868

How old, I'm 36.

>> No.10080869

Did his playing RS alert you to that?

>> No.10080880

Once you stop consuming and start desiring. It sounds like you just play something to be 'done' with it. Rather than to enjoy it.

>> No.10080928
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If I wanted to be done with something I'd brute force games through save states. I've gotten to final bosses and got sent back to the title screen many times. I have zero desire playing Pokémon games I've never played because they don't do anything new or interesting from what other Pokémon games I've already played. It was fun at the time, now I've been there and done that.

>> No.10080935

Pokemon Diamond was so bad it killed my interest in Pokemon forever. Haven't played one since.

That said, probably have 1000+ hours in the old ones combined

>> No.10080939

God damn you are stupid.

>> No.10080946

I can see how you might draw that conclusion based on your argumentation. But it is a contradiction.

>> No.10080956

by that logic, why aren't you speedrunning Pokemon over and over to try and get the WR? you're just enjoying it? but you saw credits and then stopped. that's what someone who only plays games to be done with them would do

>> No.10080971
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>use pewter bulbasaur glitch to walk trough walls once
>go to celadon to buy drinks and unlock saffron
>can make almost any team I want with 0 badges

>> No.10080974

It isn't a contradiction. If I just wanted to consume video games and do it quickly I'd use time saving tools like save states and/or rewinds. Not play a single level for 15 hours even though I could use a save state or look up a password on the internet.

>> No.10081650

I tried playing White today. I can't do it bro, it's way too repetitive and babyish. Blue was amazing back in the day but the repetitiveness was apparent as early as RSE. The games are for 10-year olds. Glad it's still fresh for you though.

>> No.10081728

You're arguing with a pseud autist who is always right. The best thing to do is ignore.

>> No.10081848

>Pokemon Diamond was so bad it killed my interest in Pokemon
Same, I was excited to go out and buy Diamond on release day and it killed my interest in Pokemon for over a decade. But then around four years ago I ended up trying the gen 5 games and was pleasantly surprised at how fun they were. Then last year I tried Platinum thinking maybe I had just misrembered how bad gen 4 was or that Platinum specifically might've fixed some issues, but no, Sinnoh and the gen 4 mons were exactly as shitty as I remembered.

>> No.10081862
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Genwon/too-er here.
Pokemon had me by the balls for a few years. Then I thought I noticed the pattern: "there's always a third special edition version after the initial pair." I did get Crystal, and was annoyed I had to play off a tiny ass screen and they removed the great Super Game Boy functionality (I could've used Stadium 2 but the Transfer Pak kept getting loose and crashing the game in my experience). Then I waited for Emerald, and by that time my friends were already over Ruby/Sapphire. While waiting for Platinum I tried the remakes and was repulsed with how samey they made the games. Then they stopped doing "third versions" and the series lost me entirely. Then I entered a new friend circle who couldn't stop talking about Pokemon and I'm like, really?

>> No.10081868

It's really simple but fun.

>> No.10082064

No, I stopped reading after "shinies".

>> No.10082075

Battling. That's why fighting games are also popular. In pokemon you create and optimize a team just to battle others. If you try to legitimately create a team with proper IVs/EVs, you'll be spending hundreds of hours.

>> No.10082081
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enjoyed the games more with graphing calculator graphics

>> No.10082082

I've played at very least 1000 hours of the mainline Pokemon games in my life and have never once battled another person. It seems like the most retarded shit ever.

>> No.10082601
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No, that is just a dishonest argument to make. It's called a whataboutism.

>I don't want to be done with games because I could be done with them faster

It's as repetitive as you make it.

PVP is a whole other ballpark. I love the digimon v pokemon mod myself. Great shit with friends. But I'm more of a SP campaign guy. Mainly because I can't always get friends to play smogon with. People just inject my dude. pic related

purchasing things doesn't make you an interesting person

>> No.10082658

I wasn't necessarily talking about other people. Just like with fighting games, you can play alone. Even if you just want to "catch 'em all" you will spend a while battling.

>People just inject
That's for sure today. But back then you had to use a gameshark or some RNG voodoo. There wasn't an easy way to inject a valid maxed out pokemon into the games.

>> No.10083305

>It's as repetitive as you make it.
If you mean you enjoy the repetitiveness that's fair, otherwise you make no sense. It's extremely repetitive by design and there's no special way to play that changes that.

When you progress almost every trainer battle is no danger at all and you're just pressing your strongest attack mindlessly and moving on to the next trainer. There's no strategy other than a little PP conservation, sometimes.

When you're catching mons every zone has one or two that keep appearing 70-90% of the time, if you want the rare one it's literally grinding.

And then when you catch a new mon you have to grind it up by fighting wilds then putting it first in battles and switching, making every battle the same as just using your starter but longer, repeat for every mon you want to train up.

Then training for optimal natures, breed for egg moves, all that shit? I don't know anyone who ever had enough free time to do that, even as children.

Even NPCs, 90% of the time are a waste of time cause they say things intended for little children who've never played Pokemon like "Did you know keeping your Pokemon fully healed builds your friendship! Wow!"

So what you're left with is dozens of hours of incredibly mind numbing grind for just a few hours payoff of fun semi-competitive trainer battles fighting the gym leaders, elite 4, and other endgame trainers. It's more replayable than some JRPGs, I'll give you that, because it's more addictive, but it's as grindy and repetitive as anything in the genre.

>> No.10083334

NTA but let's be real, this is a role playing game, and it is one that succeeds at that more than most because of the lack of heavy narrative or character driven shit.

Pokemon succeeds at being a little world you can immerse yourself in. Finding rare Pokemon is grinding? It emulates the experience of hunting for a rare animal. This is not a game you play to test your reflexes or get rapid fire stimulation, it's a game you play to role play.

>> No.10083543

I have never played a Pokemon game or watched the anime, I only know some of the 'mon from memes and fanart that gets circulated on site. If I tried one of these games out, would I like it? I'm not going to connect on the level of nostalgia, so I'm wondering if you the think characters and gameplay would catch the attention of someone who enjoys rpgs and jrpgs, but who doesn't have any emotional investment in Pokemon as an IP.

>> No.10083551

What does enjoying rpgs even mean?

>> No.10083557

>wondering if you the think characters and gameplay would catch the attention of someone who enjoys rpgs and jrpgs
There is very little character or story in the OG games. Basically, you're a Link type silent protagonist who is just there to be your avatar, the main "plot" is just your adventure to become the best trainer, and there are B and C plots involving a rival, and a villain group that are pretty much on the side of just you exploring the world and getting to the end of the game

Gameplay wise, they're very much simplified jrpgs, it's all standard jrpg formula but very basic. I would say if you can appreciate a simple adventure, or have any fondness for monster collecting/raising in games you might enjoy it as you build a team and see them evolve into different forms and shit, but based just on a story/gameplay perspective there isn't a whole lot going on if you're say a fan of Final Fantasy or something

>> No.10083561

All pokemon games follow the same fucking formula. If you don't like the new ones you can't like the older ones. Also gen 4 is the best pokemon gen, literally every pokemon is soulful (lucario, darkrai, the 3 starters,...). Also try pokemon platinum, is a serious upgrade.

>> No.10083615

I respect your option champ but gen 2 being created as what they originally believed to be the end of the series and being able to implement the stuff they wanted to in gen 1 but couldn’t makes it the most soulful

if tajiri was the director then = soul
If not, nice try

>> No.10083638

Meh, Gen1+early episodes of the anime in combination created the most soul. Genetic experiments, hinting at alien origins but never going too into it, ghosts existing for real. This created a world of mystery that sucked you in as a kid, and got ruined a bit more with each new era.

>> No.10083639

What an idiotic take. Frankly. It's the most complex jrpg out there.

>> No.10083656
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Bro, it almost takes after Final Fantasy Legend. A monster race which can transform and has a limited number of slotted skills that have charges instead of MP and the transformations can come with their own weaknesses and resistances. That's literally only one of the three races that develop differently from one another. The game doesn't even utilize a standard experience point and leveling system for any of the three races.

>> No.10083657

Ho-oh in early anime means gen 2 should plug into your criteria, but I agree otherwise

kek I just remembered/realized that I forced my mom to watch mewtwo strikes back in theaters with me back in the day

>> No.10083659

>Frankly. It's the most complex jrpg out there.
How, there are no convoluted magic systems to learn, no unique game mechanics per character or "class". It's just basic rock paper scissors that isn't even always applicable since you can brute force/cheese shit anyway

>> No.10083664

I never really liked Pokémon. Everything in my childhood that was related to it had only to do with envy.

>> No.10084119


>> No.10084151

>just grind to level 99 bro
Practically a solution I suppose. Do we call this difficulty?

>> No.10084323

I have played almost every game in the series including spin-offs and holy shit are the mainline games kiddy garbage. I could only keep myself properly leveled by running around with a 6 mon team and no XP share, as soon as they force that shit on or you use less than 6 mons, any challenge disappears.
There is only an illusion of complexity due to the large set of moves (most of which are just the same or garbage) and later on abilities (most of which are useless). The IV system is a fun idea, until you realize that sweatlords cheat in full IV mons for competitive so it makes the entire system pointless as a system of variance for the mons. EVs are objectively worse than Gen 2s stat XP when you allow for IVs to be properly used.

My nostalgia is described as very light at best and imo you will, at most, be able to stomach 1 mainline game.
They range from bad to mediocre at best. There's a few good spin-offs, but this franchise really shows the power of marketing sinking its claws in people's identity.

>> No.10084346

Now, let me ask you a question. Do you typically enjoy jrpgs?

>> No.10084352

Yeah. Just very disillusioned with Pokémon as it really isn't a very good RPG at all. It is basically and RPG jack-of-all-trades, but this Jack isn't even average at any of them. Interestingly enough when it does want to do more story, it gets even worse.

>> No.10084656

It's literally the definition of a forced popularity furrybait Pokemon

>> No.10084884

>more than FFVII, FFVIII
Maybe those are better games per se, I don't know, it comes to personal tastes, but old pokemon games, I'd say the first four generations, are surely more replayable. More customization options in terms of team building, sequence breaking, much less story interruptions, better pacing. FF is just a "cinematic experience" when you compare it.

>> No.10085774

There's not really any build variety because the games are so insanely easy that you can just plow through it with anything. There are a lot of choices you can make but none of them matter, so they're not really interesting enough to be called choices. I'll never understand how people reply these games so much outside of randomizer mods and challenge runs.

>> No.10085825

The same could be said of any RPG. Just urn on the fast-forward and grind shit mobs until you're at max level
gg ez

>> No.10085889

Yeah. Which is why I don't buy it as argument. That's like saying MM doesn't have any variety because you can keep using metal blade.

>> No.10085894
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A buttload of rom hacks that multiples its replayability factor helps a lot.

>> No.10085951

Yeah except you don't have to grind to make Pokemon easy. That's the problem.

>> No.10085963

The same could be said for every rpg out there. I understand what you're tryign to say though. But it's a non-issue in the modern era of modifications and regulations. It's just no longer an issue. Simple as that.

>> No.10086042

That says a lot a about your home life

>> No.10086056

Instead of 5-10 typical jarpig characters, you have over 150 to chose from, with tens of thousands of move combinations

>> No.10086073

I recently bought and beat Let’s Go Pikachu thinking it would be another great remake of Gen 1 and it was a steaming pile of shit baby game not like Gen 1 & 2 or even FR/LG. Or even US/UM

Catching only and not battling isn’t too bad of an idea but with the Pokémon Go integration the fact that you can’t use the touch screen to do curve ball throws is beyond retarded. And the handholding, turning your rival into a nice guy and petting feeding Pikachu was just all too much. Ultra sun had feeding/petting stuff but you could totally ignore it or use it to get free status heals. What a piece of shit game. Not to mention they locked Mew behind a peripheral that can only ever be used once so buying a used one doesn’t work. Pure shit.

Also to the retard trying to say he’s trying to shiny hunt a trainer-fly glitch Mew in YELLOW is a complete fucking moron

>> No.10086086 [DELETED] 

Tomagotchi + turn based RPG + dog fighting is apparently a winning combo. Still can't belive they purple faced Jinx, racists.

>> No.10086095
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*Counters with Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters video games, SRW for NES, Gameboy, and SNES, and MD, and Phantasty Star 1 and PS2 remakes*

>> No.10086117

You made an uninformed purchase and decided not to refund it. Thanks for the blog.

>> No.10086206


>> No.10086217

Dude, all Pokemon games outside of the mainline are made for even younger kids. That's basically the reason they exist, so kids who couldn't even play rpgs could get in on the fun.

>> No.10086234

What is the actual most replayable RPG of all time? To my mind, it's Baldur's Gate II. And that's not even considering the huge amount of replayability added by the impressive mods out there.

>> No.10086326


>> No.10086401

Play more RPG's

Preferably ones on an actual console

>> No.10086412

It shouldn't matter on what locked-down system I play a game on. A games a game.

>> No.10086442

Keeping it /vr/
Chrono Trigger
Fallout 1
Fallout 2
TES II Daggerfall
TES III MORROWIND (when Beth introduced official support for mods in their games)
Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel.
Live A Live
Secret of Mana
Secret of Mana 2
The Black Onyx
Ys 1: The Vanished Omen
Ys 2: Ancient Ys
Ys 3
Breath of Fire 1
Breath of Fire 2
Breath of Fire 3
Shining in the Darkness
Shining Force CD

>> No.10086465

I'll add front mission 3, the game that basically had an entire second game as an alternate route

>> No.10086519

Fire Red has a constantly expanding "literally all content" patch/utilities. It's pretty cool.

>> No.10086528

>Secret of Mana
This game is horrible without a guide, therefor horrible itself

>> No.10086536

It's way too easy to be perfectly efficient at, though

>> No.10086757


>> No.10086846

Did anyone ever manage to backport the Physical/Special Split into Gen 3?

>> No.10086871

Yes it's called Omega ruby and alpha Sapphire

>> No.10086891

Fallout Tactics isn't really an RPG. It's more like a clone of Jagged Alliance 2.

>> No.10086920

Romancing SaGa 2. You can tackle the world in various ways and fight the heros in different orders outside of the first one, and some change depending on when you fight them or if certain events happen. None the less you only have five characters and you can only be proficient with so many weapons classes that you have access to, none the less magic. Then there is party building.

>> No.10087107

I meant for Fire Red/Leaf Green

>> No.10087137

Yes, literally every single romhack ever.

>> No.10087335

Pokemon is the epitome of mash A to win. Even though it has the potential to be SO much more than that. Pokemon competitive multiplayer is incredibly complex and layered. It takes a long time to master and understand. But pokemon single player is literally just mash A to win.

On top of that, the formula is incredibly stale at this point, and again, the concept has so much room for evolution that I just can't help but be disappointed with each entry I see now.

>> No.10087872

Training the wild pokemon you catch is so tedious, it takes forever. You fight wilds, they give no exp. You fight anything stronger, you have to split exp. These games honestly...suck. THERE I SAID IT

>> No.10087879
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>actually grinding
Real G's been using save editors since gen 3 to generate perfect iv mon.

>> No.10088451

Meant for >>10086528

>> No.10088475

>its not really an RPG
How so, being turn-based and naming player characters are not the only thing that makes an RPG an RPG.
>It a clone of Jagged Alliance 2
How so, Master Dummy? They take place neither in the same time era, nor the same damn universe.

>> No.10088484

Pokemon, ESPECIALLY Nowadays, its the COD of RPGs!

>> No.10088513

You're telling me you beat Spky Tiger without knowing what to do? I call bullshit, because even knowing what to do, it's one of the biggest broken pains in the ass I ever suffered through

>> No.10088530

Honestly, I hardly ever have to "out of my way" grind in retro Pokemon. Maybe a little bit to bump them up if they were particularly low, but most of it for me is done simply with traversing new areas and not avoiding battles with wilds or trainers

Though, I guess it might depend entirely on which Pokemon your team is made of and when/where you catch them, but grinding has never been a huge problem for me as most of my Pokemon level fairly organically.

>> No.10088562

If you play well, you don't need to do much training at all. Fighting each trainer one time is more than enough experience to beat the game with just about any team.
You would have to be REALLY bad at RPGs or a literal child to seriously struggle with a Pokemon game.

>> No.10088789

Yes, but why even bother unless you're hacking new moves in with it?

>> No.10088828

zoomers who grew up on gen 4 and 5 circlejerk over them and call the earlier gens shit, it's a neverending cycle

>> No.10088836

idk about the rest of the Ultimas but I tried Exodus for a few hours and it was an absolute chore

>> No.10089054

The most popular coomer bait mon was inspired by a furry artist.

>> No.10089081

This might be the most casual thing I have ever seen posted on this board.

>> No.10089090

Most people on this board beat rpgs for the first time on emulation. "I beat it when i was 4" is a lie.

>> No.10090523

You needed a guide to beat jrpgs? You know millions of kids beat their games without guides, right?

>> No.10090525

But you usually don't feel all those negatives until you've beaten the game 3+ times already.

>> No.10090562

There's a practically infinite amount of stuff to learn and understand. But creating a perfect pokemon doesn't amount to anything whatsoever since babies need to be able to beat the game by spamming the A button. That's where it gets retarded. I hated pokemon until I played rom hacks.

>> No.10090563
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Not him but the issue with pokemon games was that they were best when there was a sense of mystery. You had the most fun when you didn't know fuck all about it and there was things to learn, new creatures to discover, ect. But once you know that there's little reason to keep any of the beginning shitmons and hold out to lvl grind some elemental pokemon, it loses its magic.

You can't get that back even if you play a new pokemon version you never played before. We're just not those same kids anymore.

>> No.10090581

I agree, it was a desperate attempt by gamefreak to stay interesting.

>> No.10090582

It is until you agree on the "no items" rule.

>> No.10090596

>GameShark wasn't easy
You're just inputting numbers someone else discovered. It's that easy. It's not even like hacking with the zsnes where you're searching for the relevant variables.

>> No.10090785

There should have been effective ways to up the difficulty, I'll give you that.

>> No.10091750

I've never had the slightest interest in shiny Pokemon other than catching one at random and being like "oh, cool I guess". That being said, it's one of those little things that does go with part of the appeal of Pokemon that people don't get, which is just the aspect of collecting creatures. They're as much digital plushies as they are fighters in a party.

>> No.10091780
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Collecting pokemon is one thing but savescumming THOUSANDS of times to get a differently colored variant is taking it to an absurd extreme. I don't think the fleeting joy when you finally catch one is worth the amount of time this shit takes.
It's like those old fuckers who spend all of their time playing slots. But at least shiny hunters aren't wasting money.

>> No.10092215

You just don't understand, you just "Gotta Catch 'em All"(TM). You just have to.

>> No.10092543

I am looking to cheaply acquire some of my favorite old ds games to play on my ds. In this case I am looking for cheap bootleg copies to avoid spending a fortune on collectibles. I see tons of threads on the internet about how to avoid bootlegs, but not how to find them if you are looking to just play old games and dont care how authentic the copy is. Alternatively can I buy blank cards and copy nds files onto them using some sort of hardware?

>> No.10092664

Not every rpg is easy or even possible without grinding. What are you smoking

>> No.10094614

Just did a test. It took 20 minutes to level a Blitzle from 11 to 15 in Pinwheel Forest. That's optimal. These games suck, they're for little kids or stoners who can stand the grinding. There was a reason we got in the habit of only using the starter, with a couple choice catches mixed in to deal with specific threats. They are some of the grindiest games ever made.

>> No.10094629

Pokemon games are not among the grindiest games ever made lmao. Play any retro jrpg and find how dumb you are.

The people who say Pokemon is too easy have a point, anybody saying they're too hard or take too much grinding is trolling or majorly coping.

>> No.10094854

This is why I use pkhex to just give myself the pokemon I want to use in endgame and level them as I go through the game.

>> No.10094858

>The people who say Pokemon is too easy have a point
Well I mean, that's why people play the romhacks that make the trainers stronger and smarter so that you HAVE to maintain a good team. Some compensate for this to avoid grinding by making the game now built around Exp Share being turned on so you actually have a reason to have it turned on.

>> No.10094896

>Radical Red
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.10094918

Team building variety and easy to create self-imposed challenges on top of romhacks. Games needs speed up on at all time though

>> No.10095096

How does that solve the issue I spoke of?

>> No.10095113

Yes you dont play Pokemon for the Story

>> No.10095203

I get to use the pokemon I actually WANT to use instead of only keeping around shitmons until they're available?

>> No.10095207

Gen 7 was proof of that. It's a shame, I actually liked a lot of the mechanical changes in SuMo, it's just that it's fucking cutscene after cutscene.

>> No.10095209

>Not him but the issue with pokemon games was that they were best when there was a sense of mystery.
Well unless you're a smogonfag

>> No.10095295

So you improve the game only by making it shorter.

At least with stadium you got challenges.

>> No.10095303
File: 62 KB, 543x519, BE2F85AA-29DB-4F33-86E5-C419165C63E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the best difficulty rom hacks? Specifically for the ds games but im open to a good emerald hack perhaps,