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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1007723 No.1007723 [Reply] [Original]

A winner declared.

>> No.1007732

I actually use an original NES pad for my toploader. I like them much better. I don't know what people have against them, for me they hold perfectly in my hands and it feels much better than this 2nd version.

Maybe it's just a matter of habit.

>> No.1007751

my dog chewed mine all up ;___;

>> No.1007756

Every time I use my original controls on the NES, I feel like the buttons are very, very stiff compared to every controller that came after it. I don't remember if it was always like that or that it just became like that over time.

Rapidly striking buttons is now nearly impossible, I can't mash hard enough, fast enough.

>> No.1007763

>I don't know what people have against them
It's the square corners, for some people it pokes too much in their hands.
I personally prefer the dogbone.

>> No.1007781

Mah nigga. The dogbone controller is patrician as fuck.

>> No.1007798

not quite wide enough for me, my pinkie's hang over and get cramped after a while... I still use it for hours at a time so I'm not learning my lesson any time soon

>> No.1007803

they are stiff as fuck, everything else feels like baby shit in comparison

>> No.1007805
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sounds like u need pic related

>> No.1007849

Yeah, I always just use the original or the advantage. I've never had a problem with the original NES pad, it's probably one of my favorites. I l;ike it even more than the SNES controller.

>> No.1007851




While I do like the original square controller, my hands hurt like a bitch after using it.

The dog bone controller just feels right......and any controller on the NES feels pretty on. Well, minus that max controller where you slide the pad and hold down a direction. It's just awkward.

>> No.1007860

Dogbone is the superior choice

Does anyone know how do distinguish the dogbone from the third party knockoff that have come out recently? They look very similar, but the third party ones are really shit quality. I convinced a retro store to let me try out all ~8 they have in store, and each one had a different problem right out of the box. Some had a crappy dpad, some had soft buttons, or loose buttons, etc

>> No.1007865

The legit one will have nintendo's logo and copyright shit all over it?

>> No.1007868
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if the square nes controller is huwting youw poow widdle handsy wandsys

you might be a sweaty, tense, little spaz who can't even relax when playing a video game

>> No.1007870
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oh yea

>> No.1007873

some of us play difficult games rather than kirby all day

>> No.1007876


why do games being more difficult cause you to have a death grip on the controller, you arent actually in the game

>> No.1007884

I always used a reverse grip on this one with my thumbs underneath. I never had any problems, and using eight fingers was a lot faster than using two thumbs.

>> No.1007886


Sounds like something a casual would do.

>> No.1007889
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>mfw trying to hold the controller with thumbs underneath

>> No.1007894
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>not getting super intense with the controller through childhood and adolescence
>not getting glorious feels when it actually did something when the wii was new

>> No.1007908

yea, I remember the feeling of swinging the wiimote back at my face while playing that extreme truck game. felt good.

Rather than the time I swung the nes controller in time with mario jumping over a pit and pulled the whole nes 5 feet off the table and smashed into the floor

>> No.1007934

I didn't know any better. I didn't realize that it was "wrong" until I started helping my friends obliterate their games. If you learn Punch Out with the reverse grip, nothing can stop you.

>> No.1007937

if you use a 6 button controller with all 6 buttons on top you have to use your fingertips to hit the buttons instead of your thumbs

it is not at all strange or weird, both holding methods work perfectly, based on how many buttons you need to access

people who say only one or the other is correct are just garden variety morons

but thumbs underneath? thats fucking weird

im going to follow my own advice and assume it works, but ive never tried it

>> No.1007973
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While we're on the subject...

Anyone else remember that one kid who swore to god that, "You guys, for real I can hold the paddle upside down and be way better than any of you. Holding the paddle upside down is the only way!"?

>> No.1007984

No, because nobody I knew was stupid enough to call a gamepad/controller a paddle UNLESS IT WAS AN ATARI ROTARY CONTROLLER.

We only flipped the controllers around for handicap mode.

>> No.1007989

>be little
>get way into the game and pull the nintendo onto the floor
>drunk dad sees it happen
>he's a thoroughly depressed dude with anger problems
>"Might as well break it all then, you little shit!"
>He grabs the lil slugger
>"NO DAD, NO!"
>He smashes all of your games with your little league bat
>Start crying
>You're wearing a Harley Davidson shirt he bought you
>He yells at you to take it off because "Nobody fuckin' cries wearing that shirt god damn it"
>This is why I don't have Zelda II anymore
>TFW I don't really want to dig out my copy of Metroid (it still works) that bears the scars of this heinous bullshit to take a pic of to show you because it's too depressing.
>TFW that happened 21 years ago
>TFW there is no pic for this feel

>> No.1007992

It does look like a bone.

>> No.1008019

>"Nobody fuckin' cries wearing that shirt god damn it"
Your father was a principled man.

>> No.1008035

he was a haggard 'nam vet biker. either way, I learned respect real quick, and had a healthy character built. I loved him deeply, but some stories are still kinda hard though

sage for feels in /vr/. this aint muh blog

>> No.1008167

Only problem I have with the rectangle controller is the indentations on the buttons, both the concave buttons and the arrow indentation on the dpad dig into my other thumbs and it gets painful after a while.

>> No.1008174
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>> No.1008191

My AV Fami has these. Do the American versions have cables that are disgustingly short?

>> No.1008203

Famicom, AV famicom, and Super Famicom are all like that, the RF/AV cables and power cable are supposed to be very long instead. The Japs play video games with the console right next to them

>> No.1008253
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An Advantage appears

This advantage isn't really an Advantage but I've been real fascinated lately by how much the Famicom is an MSX knock off.

>> No.1008867

It's not a matter of the original being a bad controller. The dobgone is simply much better.

>> No.1008871

No I'm not gonna delete and edit. Nope.

>> No.1008886

>if you use a 6 button controller with all 6 buttons on top you have to use your fingertips to hit the buttons instead of your thumbs

Uh, no? I never had to do this.

>> No.1008935
File: 39 KB, 300x420, Parodius_MSX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of neat how many games showed up on MSX before FC. Pic related, Parodius was on the MSX before Famicom and even arcade. Kind of neat.

>> No.1008937
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Wouldn't a layout like this make more sense and be more comfortable?

>> No.1008939


>I like it even more than the SNES controller

Wow. To each their own I guess, but I cannot agree.

>> No.1008938

Dunno whether its cause of age but my dogbone feels very squishy in comparison to all my original controllers

>> No.1008956
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that would have been so much better

>> No.1008958

I use an adapter that allows me to use a Super Famicom controller when playing NES games.

Y = B
B = A

Works really well.

>> No.1008962


I use the controllers that came with my toploader for my AV Famicom as well, because the ones that came with it have the stupidly short cords. Fucking Japanese.

The Super Famicom controller is the same as the SNES controller, yeah?

>> No.1008963

No, but I did take the insides out of a SNES one and transplant it into the SFC one so I can have one with a decent length cord.

>> No.1009081

>Fucking Japanese.


>> No.1009105

Not really, considering I now have a controller with the Super Famicom colored buttons, but with a 6ft cord instead of a 3 foot cord.

>> No.1009168

>Super Famicom colored buttons
But you started with a superior US SNES controller with the concave Y and X. Pointless.

>> No.1009181


Yeah, no.

>> No.1009228

Yeah, yeah.

>> No.1009236

No. It's far superior, but that's not what the thread is about, so fuck off.

>> No.1009248

No, you.

>> No.1009249
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God, this sounds almost exactly like my childhood.

>> No.1009694
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>I don't know what people have against them, for me they hold perfectly in my hands and it feels much better than this 2nd version.

I think I see your disconnect.

>> No.1009742

The buttons are not stiff. it's actually how the c onductive membranes below the buttons are.
Pretty durable but in consequence they're pretty hard to push, leading to that feeling of stiffness.
It is a good thing though, because even if you had that same console over the years, those things don't gonna get ripped apart like many consoles from this actual generation (specially handhelds)

>> No.1009898

I think the square one is better. The way I hold it, the corners don't poke me, and my thumb goes comfortably over both buttons at once. I don't see how you can do that on the dogbone.

>> No.1009915
File: 15 KB, 300x352, 126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My dad wasn't a drunk and wasn't really abusive like that but I had a similar experience once.

>Be 12
>Having an N64 marathon few days, playing ten hours a day etc during summer
>Doing an all-nighter of Turok 2
>Dad walks into room in the morning looking pissed
>"You've been playing all night haven't you?!"
>"Uhhh... not /all/ night."
>He loses his shit and rips out the N64
>Rips the cords out and fucking SMASHES the N64 against the wall while screaming his head off
>Picks it up again and smashes it again
>And again
>And again
>And a-fucking-gain
>I'm not even looking anymore
>Bury my head in the pillow and hear screams and my beloved console being smashed the fuck around
>Calm after the storm
>He picks up the broken pieces and leaves
>Comes back into the room later and gives me more money than the N64 is worth
>Tells me that it's destroying my life and that I can spend the money on anything except video games
>implying a 12 year old wants anything but video games
>Don't say anything, feel like shit
>Two hours
>Go downstairs and look in the bin
>Trash has been taken out
>Go to communal dump for our street and actually rummage through the trash
>See the fucked up N64
>Pull it out and take it home
>Turok 2 bottom cartridge broken and stuck inside the N64
>Remove it
>Hook up the N64, power plug, television cords
>Turn it on
>It. Still. Fucking. Works. Motherfucking. Nintendium.
>Load up Mario Kart 64
>Check if all controller ports work fine by utilising battle mode
>They do
>The next day go out and buy Turok 2 with the money I received

Lel. If I still lived in my parents' house I'd take a picture of the N64 which still works to this day. It has a hole in its side and shit but it's still fine. Fucking incredible. My dad couldn't believe it.

And yeah... my dad had some emotional problems and could be a rage-a-holic but he was a good guy otherwise. D-don't judge him pls.

>> No.1009935

the recent /v/ like tendency of people using /vr/ as their blog is getting out of hand

>> No.1009942

>not liking greentext stories
He didn't start a whole fucking thread for it, autist.

>> No.1009949

no but this guy has >>1008710

>> No.1009968
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>> No.1009980

"good guys" don't do that to kids you fucking idiot. Stop standing up for your shitty dad and just accept it. You may "love" him because he's your dad but he's a piece of shit. The more you keep trying to justify his shit will only drag you down further and further until one day you're throwing your own kid's shit around

>> No.1013728

I would love the dogbone IF the A and B buttons angle down instead of up

>> No.1013736


Green text stories are one of the stupidest facets of 4chan culture and it would be nice to be rid of them so stories could be shared in a half-decent format, so no, you "deal with it."

>> No.1013739

10/10 and I have no problems with the dogbone now. I prefer it to the regular in every aspect except color.

>> No.1013748
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This was an honorable sage. I salute you, non-shitposter.

>> No.1013772

This. It's just an extension of ">my face when" i.e. people quoting themselves and not another person's posts. It's fucking stupid and needs to stop. I remember when >mfw got started and I never thought it would get this retarded.

>> No.1013814

You are like the worst little underaged entitled faggot ever aren't you. Every fucking post you make screams spoiled little shit, I don't know which princess is worse tbh both are tripfagging scum.

Dad bought kid console with his money, dad provides for anon, dad did not physically harm anon in that story. Dad was just misunderstood and probably didn't know much about video games. A bad dad would have beat anon senseless, your parents shouldnt wreck your shit but you should obey their rules. Over reaction well of course it was but. Sevenshit you are the worst entitled little faggot ever.

>> No.1013847

That was beautiful :')

>> No.1013886

Do not want. It has the same faulty start and select buttons as a SNES controller.

>> No.1013893
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I swear by my power grips.

>> No.1013932

Did Nintendo rip off Sega or did Sega rip off Nintendo?

>> No.1013943

A 3rd party company ripped off Sega.