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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 368 KB, 1261x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10069335 No.10069335 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Arcade games that NEED to be experienced on a proper cabinet.

>> No.10069343
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To have a proper Afterburner experience you need a flight stick and throttle handle. Have yet to play the Deluxe cab but it isn't my bucket list.

>> No.10069351

*is on my bucket list. Have played the upright cab a ton.

>> No.10069361

Fun game with great pixel art. Mine is the japanese version too. The side art is so much better than the dogshit art on the american cab.

>> No.10069369
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>> No.10069378
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>> No.10069381
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>> No.10069387
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>you will never ever ever get to play Galaxian3 as intended

>> No.10069397
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its your standard setup but to play with 4 friends simultaneously is just magical

>> No.10069426
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>> No.10069461

i concur. seeing the standup cab is always disappointing.

>> No.10069483

This was hot stuff for me at the skating rink.
It's not the same but I loved playing silent scope.

>> No.10069505

I'd always drive an my brother would take both guns. Dodging shit while also trying to shoot was a bit too much.

>> No.10069523
File: 152 KB, 490x237, 2spicy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last time I found one of these, I was with a friend, ready to roll, and then the pot in the accelerator didn't work. Fucking ruined it. Screw you, Lucky & Wild.
If you never played this machine with a friend when they existed very briefly as 1v1 cabinets at select game centers, then you can never truly understand it. This thing is beyond white whale now; It's just gone.

>> No.10069525
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Never again will we get to see something this absurd for an arcade cabinet. :(

>> No.10069534

(meant pic game, not L&W). 2Spicy was cool, just fuck you if you wanna find one

>> No.10069560
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they have one of these at the Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas. Definitely worth playing, but good luck getting good enough to clear the final stage.

>> No.10069569

Is this just the Galaxian 3 setup with a new layout? Reminds me of the OutRun2 SP DX machines they used to have at every GameWorks location.

>> No.10069728

>. This thing is beyond white whale now; It's just gone.
The US release was basically Gameworks exclusive, with few (if any) being sold elsewhere. However, Round1 seemingly needed to unload like 10-15 of them from their Japanese warehouse and shipped them to US locations. So you can occasionally find them at Round1 now.

>> No.10069745
File: 1.06 MB, 374x240, Sega Rally 3 Super Deluxe Video Racing Game - From BMI Gaming - Sega.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10069751
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You'd think this could be replicated with a motion rig these days but I haven't seen anyone do it

>> No.10070081
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I'll also add discs of tron just because it's the only arcade cabinet ive seen thats set up like an old photo booth

>> No.10070104

Lost World, and not just for the sit inside cabinet (though that is fun). It doesn't have a home port, and since it isn't a traditional "pull the trigger and the screen flashes white" type of lightgun game (it uses an array if infrared sensors positioned around the monitor), playing it in an emulator means you're stuck using a mouse or some shit.

>> No.10070125

Police Trainer was in the arcade of the Skyline Hotel and Casino in las vegas when i was a kid and it's the only place ive ever seen it

>> No.10070128
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k... does botching captcha take away the image for anyone else?

>> No.10070145

The arcade near me had a Lucky and Wild machine, but the guns were on cables instead of being attached. My friend and I did the same thing with me driving and him shooting both guns, but I had the cable across my line of sight since the gun was mounted on the left side of the steering column for some retarded reason. The weird hacked up cabinets you see in the wild are always interesting.

>> No.10070158

I've seen Police Trainer cabs, but I don't think I ever saw one of those big pedestal models. Seems like overkill for such a basic game.

>> No.10070197

Every 'big' arcade around here had a police trainer and that shitty egg shooting game for a while.

>> No.10070207

they must have been kinda cheap to purchase

>> No.10070256
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>> No.10070257

Greatest game of all time and it is TRAVESTY that Zwift etc have not made something like this for their cycling trainer games. Fucking give me a pedal game with 3D flight you retards there is money to be made

>> No.10070260

I own a police trainer arcade board, and you can tell just by looking at it that it was cheaply made. It's about half the size of a normal board and has a lot of weird cost-cutting features.

>> No.10070270
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G-LOC: Air Battle, R360 version

>> No.10070331

The issue is pedaling fast enough. It's way easier on an emulator when you can just button mash to fly faster. I never beat it IRL, but I beat it on 2nd try in MAME since it was so easy. Also helps if the player knows that pressing Start during the final level will bring up a map showing which orbs you don't have yet and where they are.
For anyone who likes the game, I highly recommend getting it in MAME with the cheats so you can turn on infinite time and just fly around and explore the levels at your leisure, and go places you normally would have no reason to go.

>> No.10070534
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Any of the Namco GunCon games. The home version without force feedback is a pale imitation.

>> No.10070734

The first video game I ever played was Thunder Blade on the deluxe cockpit, I was in preschool.
Also, FZero AX and Panic Park come to mind. Silent Scope. Lucky and Wild. Any of those ski/snowboard/skateboard games. Beach Head 2000. That Fist of the North Star game with the punching. My nickel arcade had most of those, I'm pretty fortunate.

>> No.10070737

Luckily.... 3 Machines still exist. Don't despair. It's not like it's completely Gone.

>> No.10070740

>Never again will we get to see something this absurd for an arcade cabinet. :(
What if I told you I know a collector who bought this machine used in the 2000s from an arcade that went out of business. And now has it sitting in a storage warehouse with a few other arcade machines, and he plays it occasionally.

>> No.10070743

>turn on infinite time and just fly around and explore the levels at your leisure, and go places you normally would have no reason to go.
shit I never thought of that, thanks anon. also good to know about the Start thing during the final level, I botched an attempt just trying to figure out where the last one was

>> No.10070750
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Nothing beats OutRun 2 on a full size motion cabinet.

>> No.10070837
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>> No.10070874

Do you come with the car?

>> No.10070878


I want to breed all 4 of them

>> No.10070890
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This one and the other one where you are a cop and have to use your body to dodge bullets from Konami as well.

>> No.10070964

Has anyone said Time Crisis? Because, Time Crisis.

>> No.10071040

Came here to post this. I'm a huge lightgun afficianado and I love how good Namco's home ports were, but there's just something about the Point Blank cabinet. When I walk up to this machine, I am an unbeaten god amongst men and I don't know why. I'm nowhere near as good at the home port.

>> No.10072307
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I said this in the arcade cabinet thread, but Crisis Zone must be played on the cabinet. Anything else is an inferior experience.

>> No.10072320

There are only two salary men tho.....oh I get it, you like white guys.

>> No.10072501

i see asteroids in the back, but any vector game, really. i played on a cabinet that had a crt inside but it was clearly a raster image and it just wasn't the same.

>> No.10072654

Is this because of the fuckhueg gun? You could probably say the same with Ghost Squad.

>> No.10072693

>you will never ever ever get to play Galaxian3 as intended
silly anon my local arcade was big enough in its heyday that it had it for awhile, played it and beat it with a full team

>> No.10072701

The answer is Deluxe cab games shooters, which are basically deluxe cabs anyway

>> No.10072762

I think I remember playing that once in the 2000s. Seems neat, but I imagine it would be a huge pain for an operator to maintain.

>> No.10072797

>Always wanted to visit Cedar Point's arcade
>Finally get to go last year
>It got converted into redemption game hell sometime back in the mid-late 10s
Hurts just a little

>> No.10072806

I think the last time I remember going to a big arcade when it was still an active arcade-arcade (and not a designated retro arcade or a redemption/glorified mobilegame cab wasteland) was in 2004. It's great that arcades have seen a revival through retro barcades, but it isn't quite the same as purely gaming arcades.

>> No.10072817

I've got Pinball PA within a couple hour's drive for me and honestly Round1 is a genuinely solid "modern" arcade or as close as you'll get to a modern Japanese game center, granted that's more of an insult to modern gamgd8nne centers

>> No.10072838

>It's great that arcades have seen a revival through retro barcades, but it isn't quite the same as purely gaming arcades.

My problem with barcades is that they only want to buy upright gaming cabinets. Maybe a few sit down driving games. They actively avoid any deluxe or super deluxe gaming cabinets that come up for sale. I was at a auction and a barcade owner was buying up lots of cabinets. But this really awesome super deluxe Sega Arcade cabinet with large cars that you sit inside came up for sale (if I had the space for it I would have bought it). The owner said "We have the space for it, but we would never put that in our barcade" and basically held up his nose at it. Extremely disappointing to see.

>> No.10072849
File: 815 KB, 868x1156, moneychangerodaiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I actually played on this cabinet on my trip to Tokyo last month. I took a picture of the coin changer in the background lol

>> No.10072885

Deluxe cabs are absurdly more expensive than uprights, require more than basic knowledge to fix, and take up space that could go to more people drinking. I don't like it either, but I understand

>> No.10072930

Yeah 3 arcade cab threads seems perfectly fine, it’s not like there’s anything good rn anyways.

>> No.10072939

Don't be short sighted. Deluxe cabs are massively eye catching and a draw to the general public. Why do you think places like Galloping Ghost arcade in the USA actively hunt for Deluxe machines and put them in the front of their arcade to make customers come in.

>> No.10072976

Gotta say every pic I see of Galloping Ghost makes it look claustrophobic as fuck, they need something like double the space for the amount of cabs they have, still planning on going sometime this year though

>> No.10072979

the other issue especially with moving things like afterburner or that skateboarding game is they don't mix well with drunks, lawsuit waiting to happen.

also someone spills beer in an afterburner that's gonna cost a hell of a lot more to replace than a joysitck.

>> No.10072981
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I will never play an R360 arcade game and it makes me depressed.

>> No.10073018

I had two or three in my area in the 90s but never played them because one turn would be like my entire allotment of tokens for the day

>> No.10073024

This but unironically. Arcade cabs are cool.

>> No.10073030

You gotta start somewhere anon. They found cheap property that was still close to the city, and slowly built up their business. They are still expanding. They are buying the buildings next to them and knocking down the walls to expand further. They started with 400 ish games and are now pushing almost 1000 games. Including a Deluxe Thunderblade, Cruisin USA, Sega R360, and many others.

They also have Galloping Ghost Pinball which is down the Street.

>> No.10073032

Galloping Ghost Arcade in Chicago has one. I think they are one of the last arcades in the world to have a working Sega R360. Although you do need to request an appointment ahead of time I believe. They like checking over the machine before a customer uses it.

>> No.10073047

Yes, it's VERY fucking cramped.

>> No.10073051

>Gotta say every pic I see of Galloping Ghost makes it look claustrophobic as fuck
Just like how old school arcades used to be back in the day.

>> No.10073057

There's a reason those kinds of arcades went the way of cocktail cabinets.

>> No.10073070

The hell they were, my arcades had ample room to move around even the largest marquee cabs and for a very brief time had these bizarre fucking mini-theater "cabinets", like they used actual CRT projectors onto something like a 70-90" screen, they got rid of them quick because more cabs meant more money

>> No.10073089

>cocktail cabinets.
Those died out in the 1980s. Arcades didn't want to give you chairs to sit down because too many kids would just sit there and not spend money. Uprights encouraged kids to spend money or leave.

>> No.10073092

Then you never truly have been to arcade in the middle of a busy city. Back at the peak of arcades, operators crammed their businesses full of arcades to maximize profit. More cabs meant more money. New games had crowds around them.

>> No.10073139

namco has done an absolutely horrible job preserving it's arcade legacy

they just release the same 8-12 golden age arcade games over and over

>> No.10073165
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It's nice that at least retro arcades/barcades are becoming popular, but what sucks is that they tend to have the same games and all very old ones. I mean, yeah, Pac-Man, Asteroids, Dig Dug, etc are great and I am glad they have those too, but it would be nice if they had some newer or more obscure cabinets as well from the later years when arcades were still popular. Many of them barely advance past the 80s, much less late 90s or early 00s.

And yes, it's even worse when an arcade is just turned into nothing but redemption games with gameplay about as deep as a Magnavox Odyssey with no batteries.

>> No.10073173

They had an r360 in a Timezone near me for a little bit when i was younger. It was something ridiculous like 15 dollars a go, where every other game was 60cents at the time.

>> No.10073181

>Space invaders
>a playchoice with punchout and smb
>a cocktail cab with a 100 in one
>Time Crisis 2
>Mortal Kombat 3
>the simpsons

This is the choice at any number of barcades here. Even other classics would be ok, but it's literally the same games everywhere.

>> No.10073206
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>Those died out in the 1980s. Arcades didn't want to give you chairs to sit down because too many kids would just sit there and not spend money. Uprights encouraged kids to spend money or leave.

I would assume that them taking up more space likely had a lot if not most of the reason they died off. Just about every arcade I have ever been to still had a few sit-down cabinets for racing or whatever, even a local barcade near me has like two or so of those, but I have literally never seen a single cocktail cabinet in person in my life. Sitting down for a racing game that makes you use pedals and a steering wheel makes sense, but it's not at all required to sit down to play a joystick-and-buttons game like space invaders. Plus how would you do simultaneous co-op if people have to sit at opposite ends of the cabinet without making it even bigger, heavier, and more expensive by making a giant cabinet with a giant screen so there is enough room for two people to sit on the same side? And that's still wasting the other sides that could be used as a table that way.

Cocktails made sense during the beginning when a bar might have like 2-3 cabinets in it and many people also used them as a table for their food/drink, and when 2-player usually meant taking turns so the screen could flip the image for player 2, not so much when you are a dedicated arcade and have dozens of cabinets and likely don't even serve food.

>> No.10073208

Come visit Florida. There's an arcade/bar here with nearly 80 different games. From old and popular classics like Asteroids, Burger Time, and Centipede, to old lesser known games like Kangaroo, Gorf, and Phoenix, to more recent games like Area 51, House of the Dead, and Tekken 3, to more current games like stuff from Raw Thrills. That's just one in my small town, there's even bigger arcades near the major cities.

>> No.10073235

>Plus how would you do simultaneous co-op if people have to sit at opposite ends of the cabinet without making it even bigger,
Depends on the cocktail cabinet. The few modern ones that still exist offer the ability to sit next to eachother, Or you can sit facing your opponent. So there's 4 joystick sets in total.

The screen will change depending on who is sitting where. The screen can even do split scree while fighting an opponent if both of them are facing against eachother.

>> No.10073239
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>> No.10073240

Last time I was down I seriously considered hitting up Arcade Odyssey as it's been years since I was last there but it was fairly out of the way and I only had two days to catch up with friends

>> No.10073271

fuck, i've been trying to remember this for fucking forever. For the longest time i only vaguely remember playing something in that setup when I was 6ish but could never remember the name, almost felt like I was misremembering something.

>> No.10073281

I saw this in vegas in the 90s but it was some large pink daycare arcade place for kids, this was the centerpiece

>> No.10073346
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NTA but cocktails died out because they were more of a specialty item. They weren't made in as large numbers compared to upright cabinets. You special ordered them from the factory. You could eat and drink while playing. Hence the name cocktail cabinet. They were most often used in restaurants, bars, cafes, clubs, doctor's office waiting rooms, etc. Places that didn't want a full size and tall upright cabinet. Something a little more discrete.

>> No.10073369
File: 68 KB, 800x530, sega world-VR1_Arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played this before sega world went bust.

>> No.10074110

I recently watched The Naked Director on Netflix which had some version of this full-scale model. It was most likely just a mock-up but was still cool to see it. Wonder how they did it.

>> No.10074386

Reminder that this game is post-apocalyptic, with the nuclear symbol that causes the islands to float and the large ass craters implying a nuclear war happened

>> No.10074660

I'm actually happy there's an arcade near me that has this, but it's a lot harder than I was expecting

>> No.10074685
File: 20 KB, 220x197, 220px-Out_Run.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outrun deluxe cab. The one with a moving cabinet like afterburner. "hydraulic motion simulator deluxe arcade cabinet" (from wikipedia).

>> No.10074720

Pretty sure he's talking about the fact that we're unlikely to have a ridiculously large, extravigant arcade cabinet like that made ever again, not that specific game.

>> No.10074820

>"hydraulic motion simulator deluxe arcade cabinet" (from wikipedia).
Wikipedia is dumb. It's not hydraulic. No liquids are involved at all. It uses electric motors to move the cabinet.

>> No.10074994

I appreciate sitting in a cabinet with steering wheel, adjustable seat with gear shift, it makes the experience of playing third person racing games that much more realistic

>> No.10074998

its disappointing this could have been done with a wii. Would need 3 wiimotes for 2 people but still..

>> No.10075063

>this could have been done with a wii.
Lucky and Wild came out in 1993

>> No.10075129

if you stuck your fingers out and it spun around like that could you get your little fingers cut off? Or at the very least smashed? That seems like a really dangerous machine to let children play on

>> No.10075141

There are a grid of sensors that cover the cockpit entrance. If you stick your arm out, then you can trigger the sensor and the whole ride immediately comes to a stop.

>> No.10075146

oh nice

>> No.10075193

I saw it happen before in the 90s. Whole thing stops and a loud buzzer is turned on. The attendant needs to hit a button to turn it off and reset the ride. So people are warned ahead of time not to stick their arms or legs out. There's also a big red button that you can hit inside the cockpit to stop the ride if you don't want to continue. You do not get your money back. So no kid wants to waste $5 to $7 dollars by goofing off and sticking their arm out.

>> No.10075203

I need to play this sometime just to hit the e-stop upside-down lol

>> No.10075317

Wiimote lightgun games are not lightgun games.

>> No.10075325
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Not “required” but..

>> No.10075376

Namco. Always the king.

>> No.10075592

Meh, the ports of Ghost Squad, HOTD, LA/NY etc were all fun with wiimote and I'm glad they made them. They could have made a fun port of L&W with waggle steeran and double wiimote shootan and I stand by that.

>> No.10076281
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>I recently watched The Naked Director on Netflix which had some version of this full-scale model. It was most likely just a mock-up but was still cool to see it. Wonder how they did it.

Great catch.

Namco didn't save any Ridge Racer Full Scales for their own video game museums or retro arcades. So for Naked Director, Bandai Namco helped rebuild the stage and used a a similar car. Fans asked repeatedly on social media if it was a real arcade machine. Bandai Namco did not answer fan questions if it's a real arcade machine or not.

However, fans analyzed the pictures and scenes in the show. They guessed that the one used for the episode is not an actual functional arcade machine. It's just a mockup. What's showing on the screen is just a pre-recorded video, and the actors sit in the car, and pretend they are controlling the game. Namco didn't rebuild the full game according arcade fan guesses.

>> No.10076302

>Namco. Always the king.
Namco tried to scrap that machine. But Japanese arcade fans actually saved most of that machine in the video. I've seen pictures of it sitting inside a warehouse.

>> No.10076309

There was actually a starsky and hutch game for ps2 or gamecube (I think the latter) with the same premise. One guy drives and shoots, another guy shoots.

I think it might have not been very good though. But I never played it. And art is subjective.

>> No.10076372

>Not “required” but..
For maximum enjoyment I would say the cabinet is required.

I would say the one flaw with that cabinet is that it's more fun with a friend. When you are alone you don't really feel like doing it.

>> No.10076773

Texas DFW has Free Play Arcade which usually has a pretty good selection of games you wouldn't see. I've seen stuff like Planet Harriers, SegaSonic and the Sailor Moon beat em up at the different locations.
There's also another barcade in the area which also has stuff like Lucky and Wild, Hang On, Pole Position II Sit down, and Afterburner Climax

>> No.10077557

There is still a (mostly working) full scale Ridge Racer. I saw it in 2019 in Blackpool, UK still set up. I believe a private collector approached the place and bought it to do it up, so hopefully it'll resurface at some point.

>> No.10077638

This one suffers on console more than 2 or 3 because of the smg vs pistol.

>> No.10077656

Last cocktail cabinet I saw was 2018 in a bar that closed down, Ms Pac Man. They were pretty uncommon even in the 90s. I could see them having a resurgence with cheap touchscreens and Android.

>> No.10078503
File: 146 KB, 1600x912, RRFS left outside to rust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is still a (mostly working) full scale Ridge Racer. I saw it in 2019 in Blackpool, UK still set up. I believe a private collector approached the place and bought it to do it up, so hopefully it'll resurface at some point

I hate to be the one to tell you this. Truly I hate to say it. But that private collector turned out to be a scammer. He told Blackpool he wanted to put the machine in a local video game museum. So Blackpool let him have it for free since they wanted to make space for new games anyway. The scammer ended up keeping the machine himself except he didn't have the space for it at his house. So he kept the car in his garage and the rest of the machine was left outside in his garden. The pieces left outside rusted and corroded badly due to weather and rain.

The scammer would invite arcade fans over to take pictures and they repeatedly offered to buy it from him, but he refused and would taunt them. It's only when the National Video Game Museum found out that the scammer used their Museum name to get the machine for free that the scammer began to panic. He was making social media news and didn't like the online attention.

He claimed it was just a big misunderstanding and finally sold the machine to some other well known arcade collectors in the UK. But it turns out that 80% of the machine had already been destroyed or scrapped by the time it was sold. Only the Car, the orange Ridge Racer Full Scale sign, and a few bits of the electronics survived since they were stored indoors. The entire stage, surround sound system, lights, projectors, and electrical system (the arcade machine had some pretty massive electrical transformer boxes hidden from view) were all destroyed. Apparently they all rusted outside and as final "f*ck you" the scammer had sold the rusted outdoor pieces to a scrap yard... only days before he sold it to the collectors. So now it's 80% destroyed. Can't be rebuilt to original condition with so much missing.

>> No.10078571

If no complete cabinets are known to exist, it's almost infinitely cheaper to park a real Miata in front of a screen.

>> No.10078580

It was on Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, and PC.
There was also a gimped version for GBA.

>> No.10078669

I think one or two still exist but are all in hands of private collectors. Arcade companies usually save at least 1 example of almost every arcade machine they make. So it's strange that Namco didn't save at least one.

>> No.10078680

I can imagine there’s a lot of asking players 1 & 4 to move their heads so the other two can see.

>> No.10078695

I found this the one time I went to round1 and I think something was broken on it so I could barely play it. Awesome artstyle but it's a shame that it didn't work.

>> No.10078808

Aren’t the full scale Ridge Racers essentially nonexistent at this point? There was the whole fiasco with the UK one but it ended up being mostly scrapped. Does he have any photos of it online?

>> No.10078854
File: 496 KB, 1888x479, fs5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all is lost.

>> No.10078856

>Aren’t the full scale Ridge Racers essentially nonexistent at this point?
In public arcades? Probably. I am not the anon you're replying to, but supposedly around 50 Ridge Racer Full Scales were made for the whole world. It was a small production run. During the 90s and 2000s, they would pop up in random places. Like malls, arcades, casinos, beach resorts, or even some airports. Anywhere tourists would visit. No one is 100% certain of all the places they existed. It was the 1990s....so no internet, no digital cameras, and hardly anyone carried film cameras unless it was a special occasion like a birthday. It was the dark ages. Its not like today where people take pictures of everything...even inside of random grocery stores. I doubt all 50 Ridge Racer Full Scale machines are gone. A few probably still in exist in private collections, but unless those owners come forward and share that info then no one will know.

Imagine it's 2005, and some random arcade wants to sell off their old Ridge Racer Full Scale. No one plays it anymore and it's taking up space. The owner wants to put new machines in its place. You are just some random dude with cash, and make an offer of a few thousand and they accept. You bring your moving truck and take it. Then shove it in your storage unit. That's it. No one else knows. No internet stories. No social media posts.

If I were a private collector, I would probably not share that I own one with the internet. It draws too much attention, and some collectors might become too pushy and might want to buy it from me.

>> No.10078907

Looks like ass right now, but at least maybe there's someone with enough autism for that one particular version of the game that it will eventually work well.

>> No.10078912

I think if a machine still exists, it wouldn't be a collector's hands. It would more likely be in some crusty-ass amusement park's storage shed, behind the remains of some broken down bumper cars.

Actually, has anyone tried to get in contact with Tilt and see if they still have one? That place had a fuckton of arcades shut down in the 90s, but still managed to keep a good chunk of their machines somewhere (when they re-launched as Tilt Studios, they had like 20 full-size Indy 500 machines that had been sitting in their storehouse for the past decade).

>> No.10078940

>in some crusty-ass amusement park's storage shed
Same logic might also apply to the storage room in any shopping mall that had one in a state of decline.

>> No.10079016

Not to mention it's gross as hell inside, always leave that place and end up with a cold a day later.

>> No.10079034

I bet a modern day arcade game that allowed you to roleplay as a road raging driver with a gun would probably make a decent amount of money.
Maybe have it set up where you have FOUR screens, each one covering a point of view that you could point your gun at and shoot other drivers with.
Wouldn't really need much of a plot, either. Just start the player driving through a street, and within 10 seconds, have at least one other car bump up against the player's car.

>> No.10079076
File: 870 KB, 1000x810, 1679009845846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe in the 1980s or 1990s when the arcade business was still booming, and arcade companies could afford to take risks. But these days I'm not sure. Everyone wants to play it safe now because the arcade industry is smaller now. Mega amusement centers like Dave and Busters, Round 1, etc are the major buyers of arcade machines in North America. And those places want machines that won't offend anyone.

I can't even remember the last time I saw realistic blood in an arcade game that wasn't something zombie related like House of the Dead. Even the latest Mission Impossible game has enemies that robots instead of Humans. Robots! Wtf. In a Mission Impossible game about spies, infiltration, and shoot outs? All the enemies are robots!

>> No.10079136

>Not to mention it's gross as hell inside, always leave that place and end up with a cold a day later.

Gross? It's just a basic building with arcade cabinets inside. It's not dirty or anything. You should just carry hand sanitizer with you, take a daily multi-vitamin, and don't touch your face with your hands after touching the games. That's how it always been with arcades.

>> No.10079146

Based. Crowding into a Lucky & Wild seat with my best bro was so much fun. It really makes you replicate the characters. Screaming "My car!" as the other player starts blasting through the windshield. 10/10 gaming experience, some of my greatest childhood memories.

>> No.10079162

As little kids, you could possibly fit 3 players onto that seat. A 3 player game for 2 tokens, not bad.

>> No.10079215

>I think I remember playing that once in the 2000s. Seems neat, but I imagine it would be a huge pain for an operator to maintain.
It's not really that big a deal to maintain. At most the boxing gloves would get worn out because people drop them and bang them on the ground. Not putting them back in the holder.

The machines that are a pain to maintain are generally anything that uses a projector for a screen, cabinets with moving parts like After Burner, light guns that have moving parts (because the public loves to drop or bang them), and anything that uses water. Yes there are arcade cabinets that use water.

>> No.10080334

>It would more likely be in some crusty-ass amusement park's storage shed, behind the remains of some broken down bumper cars.
This would not surprise me. Kinda sad that Ridge Racer Full Scale used to be one of the most popular machines in the world.

>Actually, has anyone tried to get in contact with Tilt and see if they still have one? That place had a fuckton of arcades shut down in the 90s, but still managed to keep a good chunk of their machines somewhere
About 10 years ago, Tilt near me was selling their older arcade machines. They even put for sale stickers on them. There ranged in value from several hundred to about 2K for the larger machines. People walked away with some good deals.

>(when they re-launched as Tilt Studios, they had like 20 full-size Indy 500 machines that had been sitting in their storehouse for the past decade).
Got any photos? Sounds awesome.

>> No.10080515

Oh you

>> No.10080539
File: 141 KB, 834x1080, The_First_Funky_Fighter_-_1993_-_Nakanihon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This taito awesome game

>> No.10080564
File: 594 KB, 644x600, 1664817356759094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sitting in Galaxy Force II in a dark room is a life altering experience

>> No.10080576

Holy shit I loved lucky and wild that same cabinet as op's pic. It was at our local movie theater

>> No.10080623

Not me. I i got the board and a rear projection TV, I just gotta set up the sensor array which apparently there are new work arounds for now a days instead of the actual sega ones.

>> No.10080630
File: 556 KB, 1587x793, 1677109399146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So mqny interest cabinets mad rivet the decades. I wouldn't even know where to find that cabinet. Does it even exist anymore?

>Sitting in Galaxy Force II in a dark room is a life altering experience
Sadly.... Many of these machines met a poor end. Abandoned outside and forgotten.

>> No.10080637

>So mqny interest cabinets mad rivet the decades. I wouldn't even know where to find that cabinet. Does it even exist anymore?
So many interesting cabinets made over the decades**. Stupid aurocorrect. I'm on the road right now.

>> No.10080647

You saved me the trouble of posting this. Definitely a unique one I dont see brought up hardly ever.

>> No.10081136
File: 292 KB, 1228x614, 1687798388494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in some crusty-ass amusement park's storage shed, behind the remains of some broken down bumper cars
Yup. Just like how they found some old Galaxy force arcade cabs recently in a storage warehouse for an amusement business.

10 points if you can spot what else is in the picture.

>> No.10081162

That's great, what's the workaround? I know the arcade game uses some fucky gun interface PCB in addition to the array.

>> No.10081207
File: 521 KB, 1024x768, 1669093367905684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the shit. I always played this when I had the chance. RIP Gameworks