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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10075140 No.10075140 [Reply] [Original]

People always talk shit about this game because you can't run and shoot at the same time. But it really is a unique gem, more people should give it a try.

>> No.10075197

Nah it sucks. If the game was exactly the same but on ps2 and you played as a dude no one would ever talk about it and rightly so

>> No.10075201

Wrong. Name one other game that has the same kind of design and gameplay.

>> No.10075205

i only know about this game's existence because of that swedish autist obsessed with asses.

>> No.10075210

No perv talk in this thread, please.

>> No.10075221

Combat mechanics are fun but you can't make a good game with that alone. You need a good level and enemy design for a game like P.N. 03, something it obviously lacks. Said that, if you set your expectations somewhat low, I think anyone could beat the game twice, one a regular run and a second one with the Papillon suit.

>> No.10075226

What's wrong with enemy and level design?

>> No.10075230

It's a score based shooter with shit controls and repetitive bland environments and enemies and it has no story. Bad game

>> No.10075235

Controls are good. Shooters don't need story.

>> No.10075282

The game cut off some corners. Levels are composed like classic RE or Dino Crisis games but in a linear way: a set of ordered rooms from start to finish. Each room has a specific set of enemies with specific starting positions. Your objective in each room is to destroy all of them without taking damage so when you exit the room you get a score. That score is a bunch of points you can use later on to buy suits, improvements and special moves. All of this sounds fine, is even pretty similar to Dino Crisis 2 but because it is a game composed of linear levels, devs recycled tons of rooms each level, including the enemies. This wouldn't be that bad but even at the endgame levels you will replay rooms that were present at the first level of the game, and you will fight the same enemies over and over again. Then you will think, "well, if the rooms and enemies are good I don't mind", the issue is that yeah, they are good rooms and enemies but only for the first levels, you expect like many other games, for example, MegaMan, that devs will spice up things later on: they may recycle enemies but the rooms are completely new and different or they put the same rooms but the enemies are different, that would be the expected situation but no, unless you find a complete different new room, things never change. And it doesn't help that suits get way more powerful, with a new suit you will destroy the same enemies in the same rooms but faster. That's why I mentioned the unlockable suit, that suit gives you everything except defense, you become a glass cannon and that finally spices things up.

Dunno, maybe devs wanted to make something like Dino Crisis 2, with a map you explore and key by key, you open up to find new areas and enemies, the backtracking justify the need to beat the same room more than once, and that also fits theme that Vanessa is infiltrating some military base, but nope, is a linear game with a ton of recycling.

>> No.10075286
File: 2.98 MB, 640x480, 1627285401336.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the quintessential 3D dodge-em-up

>> No.10075340
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It's funny you're mentioning the PS2 because the game really looks and feels like a PS2 launch title for some reason

>> No.10075342

It's definitely proto-bayonetta (pretty dancing woman in an action game) in that sense. I think it'd do gangbusters today if you made it a proper 3D shooter with dancing dodging mechanics like that with good animations.

>> No.10075343

Stop liking Gamecube exclusive 3rd party games.
And while you're at it, stop liking Nintendo.

>> No.10075348

99,99% of people didn't get that the game was designed like an old school shooter instead of a DMC clone. People thought it was a DMC clone and wanted it to play like it, instead, it's Space Invaders on 3D with a big ass.
Super fun game, but you need a retro mindset to enjoy it.

>> No.10075363

>you need a retro mindset to enjoy it
What does that even mean? I'm sure there's tons of people who enjoy SHMUPs and games released a decade earlier in general but don't think PN03 is very good

>> No.10075373

First time I see someone saying people expected it to be a DMC clone. When P.N 03 was released, DMC3 was already out? Because the first two games have an even more fixed camera than the third so after looking at some footage I don't think anyone would compare P.N 03 with DMC.
>Retro mindset
If suits were only cosmetics and the score system worked like ancient arcade games. The game cut off corners, and that's all. If anything, the game needed more polish

>> No.10075384

There's also tons of people who claim to enjoy shmups that use save states to "practice".
DMC came out earlier than PN03 yeah. I mostly mean people expected a more "normal" 3D action game, main beef normies had with this game was "I can't move while I shoot!"

>> No.10075393

>There's also tons of people who claim to enjoy shmups that use save states to "practice".
What are you getting at? What does it have to do with PN03. If I had to make anything out of your schizo ramblings I'd guess you're saying that if you don't like the game you're some sort of casual zoomer or something?

>> No.10075395

The controls are shit and this shit is nothing like shmups

>> No.10075408

I said DMC3, not the original one. But ok, I kinda agree only because it is the same argument people used to first person shooters and other games said about the original RE4 back in the day. Still, I don't remember any P.N 03 discussion back in the day, the first time I saw people discussing the game was around 2008 or 9.

>> No.10075413

>First time I see someone saying people expected it to be a DMC clone.
Reviews were complaining you couldn't run and gun at the same time. If they weren't expecting it to be DMC they were expecting it to be Max Payne or something.
>If suits were only cosmetics and the score system worked like ancient arcade games.
No idea what you mean by this. Plenty of arcade games had score-chaining systems similar to P.N.03 and powerups.

>> No.10075426

Something about this game makes it seem dead inside. Also
>Reused gamecube REmake Jill face model

>> No.10075427

>If they weren't expecting it to be DMC they were expecting it to be Max Payne or something
They were expecting appropriate controls in a game where you can backflip 4 meters into the air. Apparently the game was pretty low budget and rushed so I'm guessing they made it like that so they didn't have to program interesting enemies who wouldn't be too easy to fight if you could strafe while shooting

>> No.10075432

>They were expecting appropriate controls in a game where you can backflip 4 meters into the air.
Are you saying the only appropriate controls when you can backflip 4 meters is to be able to run and gun at the same time?

>> No.10075435

Stylish but dull nightshade is the superior slut em up

>> No.10075438

Yes, I remember playing the game at Walmart back when it was new and I was genuinely wondering if I was doing anything wrong because I couldn't move and shoot at the same time. There's a reason why the game is a critical and commercial failure

>> No.10075440


>> No.10075463

Do you also think games where you can't shoot and reload a weapon at the same time have inappropriate controls?

>> No.10075469

>A false equivalence or false equivalency is an informal fallacy in which an equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning. This fallacy is categorized as a fallacy of inconsistency. Colloquially, a false equivalence is often called "comparing apples and oranges."

>> No.10075475

I'm just trying to find out where you draw the line.

>> No.10075485

The point is PN03 was a critical and commercial failure because it wasn't very good

>> No.10075495

NTA, but I liked it, I should replay it though, it's been a while.
If the main criticism is "you can't move while shooting"; I don't think that's valid. It's like saying "why can't I move around freely through all the screen on Space Invaders?", the game is just designed that way.
If the criticism is "it needed more content/levels" well maybe, still fun. Old games had the same screens over and over and were still fun.

>> No.10075526

>If the main criticism
Maybe it was back in the day, but now the actual issues are more clear: recycles a ton of early game content, never spices things up until you beat the game and unlock the secret suits and the both the level and enemy design isn't that good. Basically, a good girl with some smooth animations and a set of pretty cool combat mechanics wasted on a game that was either lazy or unfinished depending on your perspective, I go with unfinished because PN 03 was part of the Capcom Five so probably had some trouble during development.

>> No.10075534

Ah well, it the criticism now is "I wish there was more content"; I guess I can agree... but it's still fun. The fact people want more content out of it is because the gameplay itself is good, if the gameplay was bad, nobody would even ask about more levels or enemy, right?
I'm glad over time people came to understand that you don't necessarily have to move while shooting, as long as the game is designed that way.

>> No.10075564

Yep, that's better. PN 03 is one of the games I wish it got a remake just to give it the content it deserves, because the gameplay, setting and the MC are fine.

>> No.10075572

>If the game was exactly the same but everything was different...
Shut up.

>> No.10075601

starting at 100 points
it loses 30 points for being a coomer game
it loses 30 points for the awful controls
it loses 5 points for being on the gamecube
it loses 5 points for boring enviorments
it loses 5 points because while you can't shoot and run you also can't take cover

If you don't want to masturbate then this game is terrible.

>> No.10075624

Why is this game coming up suddenly on both /vr/ and /v/ with that exact same OP image? Did an eceleb make a video about it?

>> No.10075635

God hand, but that’s way better, PN03s problem stems from camera issues and button mashing, if they had auto fire by default it would’ve been much better received

>> No.10075639

No, it’s one anon that’s been posting about it for half a year

>> No.10075650

The game is ASS!

>> No.10075663


>> No.10075683 [SPOILER] 
File: 16 KB, 250x208, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>player model is a man instead of a woman
>this means everything is different
You're just proving his point. No-one would give a shit about this game if it weren't GameCube exclusive & didn't have a coomer bait protagonist.

>> No.10075693

Search "Sybb" in b4k /v/ archives and /vr/ Desuarchives.

The QRD is he's a mentally-ill Sewde who was sexually molested by his mom and has an obsession with butts, namely Samus' and PN03's.

>> No.10075697

pn03 really is the gamecube's fantavision, except it never got a superior japan only follow up.

>> No.10075721

Women are graceful and move with elegant balance. It's a game about dancing and dodging, if it starred a man it simply wouldn't work.

>> No.10075885

>it loses 30 points for the awful controls
Get good.
>it loses 5 points for being on the gamecube
console warrior, your opinion is invalid.

>> No.10075993

I'm just trying to imagine how much more focus it'd take to do the hip swivel while shooting instead of just shooting, it's kinda silly.

>> No.10076045

>it's Space Invaders on 3D with a big ass.
Her ass is not big!