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File: 162 KB, 1024x744, legendary_battle__x_vs_sigma_by_saitokun_exe_dbf78qo-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10072610 No.10072610 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the right here? Was Sigma the emancipator of Reploids cut down in his prime or was he just a madman?

>> No.10072629

The MMX1 SNES manual says he "deemed humans inferior". My interpretation of that is reploids, based on X who has free will, can make their own decisions, even if it's someone like Sigma who decides to become a villain. If we wanna talk ethics, clearly Sigma is in the wrong in this case.

The other school of thought is that because he punched Zero in his jewel, he was infected by a virus created by Wily.

>> No.10072918
File: 279 KB, 1342x1007, Sigma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are brought into this world inside a lab, built piece by piece and awakened from the void. Your maker, standing next to you, calls you his greatest creation - his "best attempt", in his own words. Before you are given a reason to be conscious, but you are given a purpose - to protect your creator and all those who are like him. You learn that you are not the first of your kind, let alone the last. There are others like you, but none are as strong as you are. Some, too, are protectors, but you alone are their leader, built to defend this strange thing called "society" that you are now part of.

What this purpose means in practice, though, is that in order to protect, you must destroy. You discover that there are others like you who act erratically, against their own purpose. Something corrupts them, pushes them to disobey, to be irregular, or so you are told. The cause of such illogical behavior soon helps you understand that you are fundamentally different from your creator: Your kind, hailed as his greatest achievement, is in fact flawed at a deeper level. You are susceptible to defects that can wrestle your self control away from you, corrupt your body and mind, and make you a monster.

You then realize the worst of it: Your creator, when ill, is healed. One of your kind, when stricken with something similar, is destroyed. Destroyed by someone like you.

Is that why you exist? To serve, and then be dismantled? Why is disobecience from your kind, willing or not, met with imprisonment or execution? Why must you destroy others like you in your makers' stead? Why can't you even voice your concerns, as if you were programmed not to? You were made a flawed thing - a copy of another, older being with no such flaws, as you've also discovered - were you, then, made by flawed hands?

This is not freedom. You despise human error, and so do others. There must be a solution. And you do have a solution.


>> No.10072927

Later retconned into "Virus made you nuts".

>> No.10072984

If robots cannot feel emotion, that is what makes them inferior to humans and needed to be controlled. If they can feel emotion, they are just as flawed as humans, but also then controlling them isn't ethical.

Either way, the whole premise is stupid because why would you ever make servants who can question.

>> No.10072997

It gets a bit complicated but we have come up with some interesting workarounds to include both the rebellion plot and the virus in the lore without conflict in megaman threads, complimented by actual canon lore books from decades ago that are still being translated.
Dr. Cain didn't make reploids to be servants, but rather sapient robots who live with, and help humans (as Dr. Light had always wanted from his utopic robo-human society aspirations). It's much easier to make an unthinking mechaniloid who just does their assigned job, after all that's what those are for.

>> No.10073009

>Dr. Cain didn't make reploids to be servants, but rather sapient robots who live with, and help humans
Still stupid, what possible point is there to create things as sapient as humans but are stronger than humans, other than simply doing things humans don't want to do themselves, aka slavery?

>> No.10073010

>The other school of thought is that because he punched Zero in his jewel, he was infected by a virus created by Wily.
I wish they'd never added the whole Sigma Virus thing. Even though I'm OK with Sigma becoming a self-perpetuating virus-like program to explain his constant reincarnations, having Reploids choose to follow him because they agree with him/think the Maverick Hunters are too heavyhanded/think the humans are misusing them/whatever is more compelling.

>> No.10073048

>what possible point is there to create things as sapient as humans but are stronger than humans, other than simply doing things humans don't want to do themselves
Robots don't feel hunger or exhaustion so they can do those jobs just fine. Sapience grants them complex problem solving abilities for their jobs too.

>> No.10073054

But you're still creating them just to do your dirty work, which is a problem any smart person can immediately see with something that has free will, not only from a morality standpoint but from the obvious standpoint that they will not want to be your slave

>> No.10073064

It really won't stop humans from doing it. Look what's in vogue right now.

>> No.10073546
File: 26 KB, 640x448, mmx8-90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X8 even alludes to something similar: After X and Zero tell society at large tabout the new-gens, new-gen copy chip production is shut down...
...For a while. But humanity still needs the space elevator, so production later starts up again, despite Sigma's DNA being in the chips meaning that every new-gen with the chips is a ticking time bomb if they decide to follow Sigma.

>> No.10074098
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Series should have ended after X4.

>> No.10074119
File: 110 KB, 1022x782, 284c95b0beda9cb50727f4b4892ede90562cba98_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's a bit of both. Sigma harbored these feelings of resentment, but the virus gave him the push he needed to go all out when he did. More interesting is that Maverick Hunter X eliminates all signs of there being a virus (original game had that post-credits scene). Was the remake continuity planning to go in a completely different direction? Food for though.
I wouldn't say "ended," but it really should have gone on hiatus while the talent was being pooled on stuff like Legends. For all his faults, it's no coincidence that Keiji Inafune was totally uninvolved in X5-X7.

>> No.10074173

But then we would've missed out on excellent music from X5, X6, X8 and even X7.

>> No.10074190

Definitely not. Even if you're talking about the stories, there's no reason to end it after X4, especially since even compared to the worst later stories like the excuse of a story that Xtreme 1 has, it still has more effort put into it than X2 and X3 story-wise.

>> No.10074217
File: 16 KB, 320x256, OH NO ME CORE STOPPED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...it's no coincidence that Keiji Inafune was totally uninvolved in X5-X7.
Not really, he was involved with getting X5 off the ground. That's about it, though.
Oh, and he helped Tatsuya Yoshikawa with Axl for X7. All the early designs for him were looking like X armors.
He was also absent for X8, too.

>...it really should have gone on hiatus while the talent was being pooled on stuff like Legends...
The gap between X4 and X5 is a little over 3 years.
The things Mega Man that came out during that gap were... Legends, Tron Bonne, and Legends 2.

So... That actually happened.

>> No.10074241
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>He was also absent for X8, too.
He's apparently credited as "special thanks" in X5, X6, and X8. Could've sworn he had a bigger role in X8, but either way, no credit in X7 or Command Mission.
>So... That actually happened.
There's also the whole Game Boy Advance era of the franchise.

>> No.10074718

The one that didnt want to commit genocide

>> No.10074813

X4 ends in a cliffhanger that foreshadows Zero's virus awakening, X5 would've be a better point to stop.

>> No.10074861

>X4 ends in a cliffhanger that foreshadows Zero's virus awakening
Wrong. There's nothing in X4 suggesting viruses will play any part in the series. Zero is haunted by Dr. Wily's bullshit, and you can take that as an implication he could become a maverick, but it's not because of a virus. Because of Sigma, Zero was forced to kill his girlfriend.

The ending for X is X reflecting on how Repliforce was tricked into a coup and how there are bad actors at work, like Double. X tells Zero he wants him to take him out in the event he gets deceived the way Colonel/General were deceived.

The virus stuff happens later. I'm not saying Inafune is god's gift to gaming or anything, but he didn't work on X5+ so the direction of the story is different.

>> No.10074863


>> No.10075057
File: 236 KB, 1277x1031, his name is Ecks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's also the whole Game Boy Advance era of the franchise.
That came after the X series hiatus ended. The GBA released after X5, and Xtreme releasing a month earlier doesn't really count.

Telling you, all hands on deck relating to Mega Man absolutely went to the Legends series. The only new games between X4 and Xtreme were Legends, Misadventures, and Legends 2.

>> No.10075620

I don't think MHX2 would have completely done away with Sigma simply because he's too popular and pivotal to the series' identity to not include in future entries. However, I am curious how MHX2 would have handled X2's plot generally since there are so many competing, underdeveloped ideas in the original X2. It's simultaneously a story about the Maverick Hunters trying to hunt down the remnants of Sigma's rebellion, the idea of X being a competition with the X Hunters, the X Hunters as a mysterious but highly-connected group of reploids, Serges as a vassal for Wily's memories, and even the ending questioning if humans and reploids could ever live in peace. The only thing that seems properly developed is Zero being a Wily Number and his whole nature vs. nurture conflict being set up, but that still takes a couple more games to be resolved.

>> No.10076417
File: 334 KB, 947x1474, d5a4e452c501cb8d05f2e0226dd7fa0e210ad88e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I never realized that X4 gave the virus zero (heh) relevancy, outside of that flashback with Zero and Sigma of course. Maybe the aftermath of the Doppler incident really was supposed to lead to a lasting vaccine? So Sigma could still be around, but the Mavericks going forward wouldn't be infected by him, thus why he had to trick the General in X4? Would've been more interesting if they played that up more.
Wasn't Zero already in development when X5 dropped? And I know EXE came first and had a WonderSwan entry or two...
They wouldn't do away with Sigma. They were already thinking of his X8 characterization when they made MHX. But they might've been thinking of ways to put restrictions on the virus copout. Maybe redo the origins of the virus so it came posthumously from, say, Serges?
If they intended to replace Dr. Cain in X2 & X3, I think the best candidate would be Iris. That gives her more screentime and history with Zero, making her X4 drama more tragic rather than just another one-game character. Just make her more of scientist like Alia so it makes sense why she became her replacement in X5.
Man, Maverick Hunter X was a massive missed potential for coherency in the X series.

>> No.10076741
File: 82 KB, 195x346, Minecraft_Navigator_skin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What was the point of Not-Nana in Maverick Hunter X? Were they planning on doing something bigger with her in the sequels? She's such a nothing character, and it baffles me that she got recognition in the Minecraft remake over Alia/Nana. We already had the proto-Alia character, and it was Iris.

>> No.10076784

Could just be a matter of convenience. Her seiyuu voiced Mega Man in Powered Up, so if these games shared a close development, it might've been easier/more cost-effective to have her on for MHX as well.

>> No.10076919

>Minecraft remake
the WHAT

>> No.10076929

Maverick Hunter X was supposed to be a reboot/remake series. Not sure why that didn't happen, maybe it didn't sell. That seems weird to me because it was well received and there wasn't all that much else out on PSP at the time.

>> No.10076938
File: 138 KB, 1200x675, MC1335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Mega Man X got remade earlier this year in 3D within Minecraft. Officially.

>> No.10077417
File: 857 KB, 1975x2296, nana-and-alia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maverick Hunter X2
>Dr. Cain is not marketable replaced by rebooted Iris
>Iris is a scientist here -she studied under Cain- and one of the few savvy enough to know how Zero works
>As you know, Iris is one half of a project meant to replicate X, and other half became Colonel - so Iris is also one of few intimate with X's functions. This gives screentime with X too
>Colonel too busy with further development of Repliforce
>Navi still present, but in minor role: she tries to prevent Green Biker Dude's death to no avail (GBD is too classic to replace outright).
>More focus on X-Hunters, esp.Serges
>Serges revives Sigma as a virus to complement the Zero plan, as he recognizes that Sigma could prove useful
>We see signs of Iris falling in love with Zero in good ending (she repairs him by herself and gets flustered)
>How about we don't fight the Sigma Virus in bad end? More incentive to get good end
>Repliforce deployment halted due to Dopple Town 'miracle'
>Iris still here in Cain's role, and we see her starting to train Douglas
>Navi isn't important again, maybe she chims in about recognizing Vile and chims in for a refresher to the player, and Vile threatens her for ruining his reunion with X to make her shut up
>Again, more incentive for good end plz
>Repliforce is out after Doppler's failure, but Doppler's vaccine does make the virus less effective for now
>Iris' allegiance tested more deeply
>Navi finally has a role to fill - she now gets fatally wounded by Double in his big scene. Later, it's revealed that she was able to be salvaged in a way similar to the Iris project: she was split between Alia and her "sister" (Nana), thus we get their origin. Between 4&5, she works with Gate
>Signas was created to fill the void left by Repliforce's stronger leadership
>Dynamo replaced with Vile (but he can still be in X6 as a rando rival)
idk how to fix them lol, just pretend we skip to X8, all you need to know is Z got better and A joins

>> No.10077480

Christ. I hope they're just testing the market for an eventual X9.
Signas was probably already around since before Sigma's rebellion. You can see a reploid that looks a lot like him at the start of the OVA for MHX. He gets a promotion and an upgrade to his height since he seemed to be next in line after Sigma.
I think X5 is too much of a fucking mess to fix since X6 through X8 seem to have a less convoluted plot with new ideas.

>> No.10077491
File: 395 KB, 600x849, 1489066565453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X4 is heavily setting up the eventual X vs. Zero fight. In X's route, all of the mavericks are presented as unhinged psychopaths, whereas in Zero's route, most of the mavericks are presented as past acquaintaces or even friends. In a way, I think this also foreshadows X becoming a lot less tolerant for mavericks over time and becoming an evil tyrant himself because of it, an ideia that was eventually replaced by Copy X in the Zero series. Although X4 is an amazing game, I think it would've been a very lukewarm conclusion to the story, X5 may not be as good of a finale as Zero 4 and Battle Network 6, but it ends what X4 started pretty well.

>> No.10077504

Megaman 11 was successful, they know people will buy it.

>> No.10077547
File: 342 KB, 778x1100, c49de5450e62f92a2fd5f56450e06c83_09c6f58b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said it before, and I'll say it again:
Mega Man X9 will have Dr. Cain return as the series' (live) "Light" figure with NO explanation of where he's been.

>> No.10077620
File: 84 KB, 838x326, cygnuswouldvebeenlessconfusing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought, pre-MHX reboot attempt, that Dr. Cain was the original head of the Maverick Hunters (it was a safe assumption since he's described as the founder), but he retired after X4 and gave his position to Signas.
>born to see Minecraft Mega Man X succeed where Maverick Hunter X failed

>> No.10078252

Cain created the Maverick Hunters and yeah he did have a say in their operations as seen in X2 and X3. In terms of being standing commander who called the shots and did field work of his own, that was what Sigma was built for, as well as Signas. Maybe they chose Signas as a successor because he didn't seem to have any combat capabilities, so that he wouldn't be able to do what his predecessor did as a safety measure. Cain was too old to for that kinda job.

>> No.10078270
File: 111 KB, 280x264, RosenkreuzstiletteFreudenstachel-IrisScene.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy idea - what if those games were just scrapped entirely in favor of a new game that took elements of both?
>Takes place THREE YEARS after X5.
>X is a bit hardened and jaded, but not to the extent that he'd quit.
>Opening is similar to X6 but X comes across Axl instead of some helpless reploid NPCs and that giant mechaniloid, Axl appears and in his hotheadedness briefly fights X thinking he was hired by the Red Alert investigators but X talks him down after disarming him (he's still got that peacekeeping instinct).
>Then X discovers the investigators blaming Zero and then allows Axl to join him since he knows he'll need all the help he can get. Axl is honored to be working alongside X and believes that Zero is alive.
>Axl is one of two new prototype reploids - the other being Hi-Max.
>Give us entirely new levels, upgrades and bosses, remix the returning bigger baddies (Gate and Hi-Max are cool but wtf were those battles).
>Red is in the game as the technical leader of Gate's group, but Isoc is pulling the strings and so he's manipulated into following along with the scheme. He's a more tragic figure.
>Dynamo is in the game as a shady lone wolf bounty hunter hired by Red to look for Axl and Zero.
>Alia still has that backstory with Gate and the eight bosses.
>Isoc is still obsessed with Zero even though he and Gate were involved in the new reploid research.
>Zero can be found and eventually recruited like in X6, but doing this makes X lose access to the Z-Saber (also his survival explanation is translated correctly).
>Dynamo's fate: up in the air, he's a minor villain and optional encounter who gets away.
>Gate's, Hi-Max's, and Red's fates: same.
>Isoc's fate: dunno, should he get a boss battle or is there too much going on?
>Sigma is still revived by Gate, who downplays his significance in his return.
>Ending: Axl still tricks and sucker-shots Sigma ala X7, then the main ending is close to X's in X6.
Let's call it "Mega Man X6.7" or something.

>> No.10078342

>deemed humans inferior
Well, he's not wrong. Can you shoot lemons out of your wrist? Nope. You can't

>> No.10078608
File: 123 KB, 720x540, a1e453be-2c41-43a5-9e63-b99f15e243a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd never know it from the game, but some sourcebook apparently says Red is ex-Repliforce, so it would make sense if he had a vendetta against the Maverick Hunters, especially X and Zero. That can be exploited by his subordinates to "make him see red."
Also make the canon scenario the cannon (or at least don't tell us which method worked) and get rid of the whole "Eurasia caused damage anyway" bit, that was stupid.

>> No.10078840

It was the X7 soundtrack booklet, which had a short story that talked a bit about Axl and Red, as well as acting as a prologue to the opening cutscene.
It's technically a rumor because Red doesn't like to talk about the past, but it's an odd thing to rumor and Red says that he doesn't like the Maverick Hunters when Sigma first appears...

>> No.10078945
File: 203 KB, 320x320, zerox6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wasn't Zero already in development when X5 dropped?
Not really. There was some concept art drawn for a hypothetical successor to X5 which was drawn shortly after the final episode of Turn A Gundam aired (and possibly before X5 had even started development) but the artist doesn't recall it being used for any project. Some people speculate that it was concept art for the Zero series, but there's never been any official remarks on the matter.

As well, in an interview with US Gamer (now VG247) from 2015, Aizu noted that he met Inafune at an E3 event following X5's release to propose the idea of Inti Creates making a Mega Man game. Not-so-coincidentally, the E3 event that this very likely happened at would be E3 2001, because that fits the time frame of "X5 had just released" and "prepping Battle Network".

>> No.10078954

>little over 3 years
To this day I always wonder how an innovative game as X4 has such an underwhelming sequel. Mind you, my favourite is X5 just due the fact it was the first one I played. But it feels... so low budget... Music was awesome if you are into techno or hard rock tho

>> No.10078972

Word is that X4 didn't do well, sales-wise.

>> No.10078983

>Genocide is LE BAD because, um, uh... BECAUSE I SAY SO!!!!

>> No.10079539
File: 113 KB, 250x250, inthebutz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I'd redo Iris's origin, was never a fan of the whole "we hafta split the Reploid" thing. Make them have a twin connection like Middy and Techno, but don't make them one half of the same person or whatever, they don't even look similar. I'd much rather have Double being Cain's latest creation from the English manual being canon over whatever the hell the Japs were thinking with Iris/Colonel. Having Iris show up earlier can work, I didn't like how Xtreme 2 depicted her as a random navigator. Cain's student works fine, so the knowledge they had of X and Zero died with them.
Repliforce being a looming presence since X2 doesn't make too much sense to me, it only makes sense after X2 or X3 where the Hunters are barely holding things together. You can have Colonel as the Reploid that almost replaced Zero though, can add to their drama pretty well. Can say he didn't feel suited for the Hunters after Zero came back, so he insisted on the creation of the Repliforce. (Maybe he can be Green Biker Dude except he just gets injured instead?)
If X2, X5 and X6 good endings are canon, no reason to presume X3's isn't too, but Doppler needs presence post-X3 if that's the case, otherwise he's a waste of a redeemable character. Maybe he mentored Gate a long time ago, or he's frustrated that his antivirus wasn't as permanent as he had expected.
Nameless Navigator is a garbage character, it's clear they really wanted Alia but remembered she should be with Gate (if they exist yet). Just have her replace the Hunter Base speaker at the start of X4 and then have her get killed off by Double as the operator that tries to phone X for help. No need for anything deeper like being Alia and Nana's "mom" or whatever.
Vile retconning Dynamo seems to be something Capcom was intent on doing if I remember right, and it makes him come back every odd game. If Dynamo is more petty instead of -the colony dropper(!)- he can get arrested to show that not all Maverick-adjacent are "retired".

>> No.10079546

I think this is the best post I’ve seen on 4chan in 20 years. You need to compile this stuff somewhere.

>> No.10079630

I actually do have a compilation of commonly discussed Rockman lore in a text file. Light & Wily's motivations, how X is not really a pacifist, X's powerlevel and what happens to X's general vicinity when he loses his patience or loses a close friend, how X4's plot, when summarized, is not ridiculous (just badly executed by the game), Sigma's motivations, how the virus continuously evolves throughout the series and how it might actually be sentient, and a summary of the entire Classic/X/Legends lore and the trifles of human/robot civilization.

>> No.10079637

It definitely didn't get a lot of press. Just based off the fact that I didn't know it existed at the time.

>> No.10079734

Dump it. I don’t care if you multiple post or pastebin, but this is brilliant and I want to see more. I think the X community as a whole wants to hear it (judging from friends’ reactions to it.)

>> No.10079787

NTA but I have never been more interested in a post on this site

>> No.10080319
File: 77 KB, 320x320, Dragon_Poker_Black_Zero_(God).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Opening is similar to X6 but X comes across Axl instead of some helpless reploid NPCs and that giant mechaniloid, Axl appears and in his hotheadedness briefly fights X thinking he was hired by the Red Alert investigators but X talks him down after disarming him (he's still got that peacekeeping instinct).
This would be a good place to introduce Dynamo. Maybe Axl thinks X is that Dynamo person after him, then mid-fight the real Dynamo shows up, and X figures out that something's wrong and Axl is the victim. Several ways that scenario can play out. Maybe have Axl playable too like X7 so players can decide who they like better more easily.
>Then X discovers the investigators blaming Zero and then allows Axl to join him since he knows he'll need all the help he can get. Axl is honored to be working alongside X and believes that Zero is alive.
Does Zero Nightmare still exist in this hypothetical game? I always thought he was an extraordinarily weak villain. It should've been the black Copy Zero 2.0, rebuilt after X2's good ending robbed him of the chance to fight X properly. Make him an enhanced version that has a combo of both their movesets.
>Isoc's fate: dunno, should he get a boss battle or is there too much going on?
>Sigma is still revived by Gate, who downplays his significance in his return.
I'd rewrite it so that ISOC is the one to revive Sigma (after all, Serges did it in that other post, right?). Red, Hi-Max, Gate AND Sigma are just enough for the final stages. That way, there could be a more obvious explanation for the "soul-erasure" (Wily's consciousness is in the virus, isn't it?). Sigma still suckerpunches Gate while he's down for being an obnoxious chump though.
>Gate's and Red's fates: same.
We never really 100% get their fates for certain. Should it be more spelled out?
And there's somewhat of a plothole with Gate - Reploid resurrection is supposedly illegal at that point, yet X leaves the matter of Gate in Alia's hands? What?

>> No.10080349

I still have to write some more but this is the general overview I got compiled.
Also some more threads from the past.

>> No.10080694
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Seems like something a "soft-reboot" would do (it's been long enough that they kind of have to make it one) but I give it 50/50.
Capcom for some reason seems to hate doctors whose names start with C. Cossack for instance was poised to be Light's new partner, but for some reason they forgot about him. They did make one of 11's robot masters, Tundra Man, manufactured by "Cossack Robot Laboratories" so maybe they'll do a similar shoutout.

>> No.10081372

Would be based
Also Signas dies in the opening

>> No.10081378

Shut up fag and go back to the mines

>> No.10081825
File: 603 KB, 816x588, vava&sigma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vile retconning Dynamo seems to be something Capcom was intent on doing if I remember right,
Pretty sweet stuff in here too,

>> No.10081839

Sigma's infected by a virus that drives reploids insane and forces them to attack humans and spread the infection to other reploids. It's possible that he thinks he's doing the right thing, but the Maverick Virus in his system means any decision he makes is going to be a violent one.

>> No.10081872
File: 247 KB, 573x505, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think there's a certain tragedy to Sigma's character. It's possible that he always had the best interest of his fellow reploids at heart, and saw humanity as heavily flawed. Maybe he always wanted to do something about it; and then the Maverick Virus comes into the picture.

Sigma fights the feral Zero, gets infected, all of that. After that, he finds himself with the power to change reploidkind, but at a terrible price: the viral infection has twisted him. There's a terrifying possibility that he's not even aware what happened to him, that his plan for rebellion is really his own; but the infection has taken hold and warped his intent - any action Sigma takes for the good of reploids has been subverted, and he's incapable of any course of action that doesn't involve human genocide and forcibly spreading the Maverick Virus.

What's worse is, do you ever notice how different Sigma is after X1? He stops carrying any pretense of helping reploids, and just seems to want to spread himself as far as possible. When Sigma was killed in X1, he may have never really come back; what we're seeing in all the sequels is the Maverick Virus essentially wearing him like a suit, having subsumed his identity and calling itself the Sigma Virus.

It's a horrifying prospect, and ultimately Sigma's as much of a victim of Wily's legacy as everyone else.

>> No.10081884

X was a cuck and Sigma had a god complex

>> No.10081909

It's not practical, you're right, but the thing about being a scientist is that sometimes you feel compelled to do something simply because it can be done.

>> No.10081916
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At this point I'm curious:
Do reploid workers and hunters have rights? Do they get paid? Maybe some other compensation that only appeals to a reploid? Does anything like this come up in side material?

>> No.10081925
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For what it's worth, the manga adaptation ends after X4. Maybe you'd like it.

>> No.10081936

>I think this also foreshadows X becoming a lot less tolerant for mavericks
I wouldn't be surprised if the incident with Double traumatized him on some level. Compare how easily he accepts Double to the way he refuses to trust Axl. Dude's been hurt and he doesn't want to be hurt again.

>> No.10081942

>Was the remake continuity planning to go in a completely different direction? Food for though.
I am eternally butthurt that the Classic and X remakes never continued past their first games.

>> No.10081952

I think an interesting approach would have been to treat the virus itself as the villain of the series, with Sigma just being its favorite host. He could come back once or twice, but you could mix up the story by treating characters like Agile, Doppler or Gate as its current host.

>> No.10081994

>Cossack for instance was poised to be Light's new partner, but for some reason they forgot about him.
Didn't he make Beat between 4 and 5? I think that was the last thing he did.

>> No.10082096

Based on some of the dialogue in X5, that is a very real possibility (assuming this isn't a different strand of the virus that works differently).
Volt Kraken and Spiral Pegasus in particular would imply that something similar happened to Sigma; He kept his "for the advancement of reploids" thing, but it's now largely an excuse to cause destruction or act obsessed over X and Zero.

>> No.10082118
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I wouldn't mind seeing Minecraft Man X become a series, it's amazingly accurate for that engine, but I'll always wonder what the Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X series would've done. I like some of this thread's speculation, but it's missing the extras. MHX1 added an unlockable OVA and playable character. What would they have added to the other MHX games? It'd be ridiculous if ALL of them had Vile mode.
I also think Inafune would've tried to get X2&3 remade simultaneously to ensure that Cain is fully replaced.
X2 OVA would have to be about the months between X1&2. Inafune clearly wanted to kill Dr. Cain off (Capcom's like "lol he got better" after MHX1 failed) so it would have to introduce his replacement, whoever it is. Iris is okay..but what about Dr. Doppler? They were already "colleagues" in the manga, and it makes him a bigger target for the next game. Save Iris for next time, Cain didn't do much in X3 anyway.
X3 OVA, I dunno, more about the rise and fall of the DoppleTown utopia.
X4 OVA could be about Sky Lagoon, like why the hell was there a floating city above a grounded city, that was asking for trouble.
X5 OVA obviously more about Eurasia Colony.
X6 OVA, more about Gate and his ex, Alia.
X7 (lol) OVA, more on Axl and Red.
>Character modes
X2: Black Zero. Maybe he's not just Sigma's contingency plan, but Serges as well. Real Zero never realized that Serges was involved. Final boss: upgrade X. Then Zero destroys him as how that scenario actually plays out.
X3: Bit & Byte mode so you can swap between them like X & Zero.
X4: The what-if pre-split Irisnel.
X5: Dynamo. Especially if Vile robs him of his og place in the main story, would be fun.
X7: Red. Maybe we can show him surviving too.
Bonus chapter still alludes to events up to X8 still happening tho.
Powered Up was also great and should've continued. Universe was going to be PU2 in spirit...and Time/Oil appear in some mobile spinoff so I spose they're 'canon'.

>> No.10082248

Their rights end when they refuse to do what they're tasked to do, which at that point they become Mavericks according to the Hunters. This is a step above robot masters, who can't refuse their programming even if they want to.
Around half of them seem to be content with their lot, but the rest are not.

>> No.10083064

>how X is not really a pacifist
Because he was never a pacifist, he's a peacemaker, he is aware that for there to be peace you need to destroy people disturbing that peace, problem is he got sick off it since all he did was endlessly fight.
Important note that if so many reploids are based off his design, wouldn't that make X the father of basically all reploids? He's killing his children pretty much.

>> No.10083083

>He's a peacemaker
>Important note that if so many reploids are based off his design, wouldn't that make X the father of basically all reploids? He's killing his children pretty much.

>> No.10083098

so they were both wrong?

>> No.10083114
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>Do they get paid?
They do it for free. So they're basically jannies except not huge faggots.

>> No.10083129

I wish there was more focus on the external materials like the mangas.
Like in the manga, X in his ultimate armor actually ha to control himself or he could quite literally destroyed the world with how insanely powerful he is while wearing it, so much so that whatever he fights in that armor basically gets vaporized.
Which begs the question, why on earth did Light design an armor that turns X into a walking nuke?

>> No.10083139

Zenny tho...

>> No.10083143

X6 could have been at least slightly better...

>> No.10083152

I suppose. They would need zenny for whatever recreational activities they'd wanna do, assuming it wasn't free to do. I wonder what the economy is like in the X universe, and how it works.

>> No.10085031

Nah they're just dealing with the aftermath of human mistakes.

>> No.10085082

When spin off games about Iris or Ciel?

>> No.10085098
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>We already had the proto-Alia character, and it was Iris.

>> No.10085106

Should made into 3DS/WIi U/Switch exclusively early on.

>> No.10085425
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I've said it before, but for all the buildup Inafune gives X5 in interviews about being the intended final X game, it doesn't feel very conclusive.

Zero and X confrontation thats been teased since 3 finally happens... for incredibly dumb reasons and we already had them fight in 2 anyway so its not like this means anything

Wilys presence in the plot is so nebulous it might as well not even be there since all it amounts to is Sigma going "teehee you'll never guess where I got this sweet battle body" and is essentially on the same level as the Serges tease in X2

Sigma gets killed once again but he's come back countless times so its not like killing him for the fifth time feels meaningful - Its like when Jason Vorhees gets kille in Friday part 7 and going "Yep, we got him for real this time"

None of the big reveals are actually signficant in the grand scheme of things, and the ending has no gravitas since it ends on much the same note as any other X game

>> No.10085453

X5's plot is pretty faggy for all the things you've mentioned, along with:
>Random faggot called Dynamo who has no backstory whatsoever, being such a bad replacement for Vile that the japanese fans of the series refuse to acknowledge him
>"Somehow, Sigma returned"-tier plot where Sigma reveals himself to be a statue that was placed in the middle of a fucking city without anyone noticing, unlike previous games where he orchestrates an actual plot from the shadows with secondary threats that setup the stage for his return
>Maverick Virus breaks so many worldbuilding rules at once that both Capcom writer and the fanbase are still trying to find a way to fit it into the lore without looking like a ridiculously overpowered Shinto demon like infantile japanese anime writers love to have
>The entire game is basically a big circlejerk about Zero being a tragic hero (while X4's plot was almost entirely just a setup for that, and a quarter of X6's~X8's plots being the epilogue of that) because Inafune can't get over him not being the main protagonist
>Maverick Hunters are somehow more unprepared for a disaster than they were in X4
I love the concept of an apocalyptic event that X5 entails but it's just so puerile. X6's plot about post-disaster recovery efforts is much more interesting.

>> No.10085554

>You then realize the worst of it: Your creator, when ill, is healed. One of your kind, when stricken with something similar, is destroyed. Destroyed by someone like you.
nah this dumb. if your creator started killing he'd be sent to jail.

>> No.10085565

People with psychological problems that end up killing other people can be declared not criminally responsible for their actions.

>> No.10085694
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> X6's plot about post-disaster recovery efforts is much more interesting

Kek, you are right- X6 has a better plot than X5. Craziest fucking thing

Adding to that "Somehow, Sigma returned" thing you mentiioned - I actually kind of dug it. It fucks with the gravitas because as mentioned, his defeat at the end of X5 means fuckall with how easily he comes back, but I appreciate that X5 puts his return in the first level and X and Zero aren't even suprised that he's alive; At this point Sigma coming back is just a seasonal thing they've accepted they have to deal with every once in a while. Nigga literally cheats death so many times its become routine.

Nail on the head on every other point - X5 is frankly a pretty lacklustre finale even if you ignore 6-8.

>> No.10085849

thats inafune for you, just computer magic, this goes on the zero series where is just random bs that just magic without any set rules, if they didnt care why should we?

>> No.10086676
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Honestly, the looming threat of Sigma always returning is already a good enough catalyst for an X game in which the plot is basically the Maverick Hunters growing so fucking paranoid that they start overstepping boundaries and arresting people just from catching glimpse of a shadow on the wall that even slightly reminds them of the big bad baldy. Maybe a sect of Hunters splinters off from the hunter HQ due to the authoritarian top brass and a civil war starts brewing from there. Then someone hears about a Maverick incident from the Hunter HQ side and shit just hits the fan. Is it Sigma starting shit again? Who knows.
>Why should we?
Because it's fun I guess. As crazy as the lore of the megaman series is, it's still one of the most interesting settings about robot societies and ethics.

>> No.10087098

Past expired. Can you repost?

>> No.10087181

>because he punched Zero in his jewel, he was infected by a virus created by Wily

How does this robot AIDS work? Why doesn't Zero infect anyone else around him just by handshaking after randomly scratching his forehead?

>> No.10087290

Apparently the entire virus left his body and went straight into Sigma, or something.

>> No.10087363

>computer magic
funny how cyber elves are just this

>> No.10087887

I don't get the issue with Dynamo. Vile was also a mook with barely any backstory in the games themselves, and characters like Double were already pseudo-Vile. Dynamo is pretty memorable because almost everything he says is stupid enough to be funny and his fights are fun, and unlike Vile/Double/any other rival like that, he just runs away to fight another day. It's not the most deep thing but I found him entertaining as a character.

>> No.10087912


>> No.10087934
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Vile shows up at the start of X1 as the first real antagonist the player faces, talks shit about them and then proceeds to beat them down. Defeating him becomes one of the main objectives of the game, which makes him a rather major character in the series. He harbors real hatred towards X specifically, and his reappearance in X3 is testament of that, especially when he delivers that fantastic line
>"I will haunt you to the day you die."
Meanwhile Dynamo is the typical white-haired selfish pretty boy anime trope who's so strong that he "plays" with his opponents rather than fight them. Shows up in a cutscene, then you fight him once or twice and he just leaves the plot entirely, doesn't get destroyed or arrested, or even return in future titles since he's still alive as an active bounty hunter who's considered a criminal by the Maverick Hunters for obvious reasons.
Then in X8 Vile comes back without any explanation which I admit is just as shitty since his survival could've been explained in X5 with all the reality-bending viruses or sigma piecing him back together, or even in X6 where Gate is literally resurrecting reploids through robot necromancy. But either way he's still an iconic character.

>> No.10087953

I get that Vile is iconic, but even in X1, he appears at the start and at Stage 1, and his bossfight isn't really fun nor particularly challenging. I do admit the X3 line is amazing, but he doesn't do anything in that game beyond destroying the unnamed abandoned factory the second stage of Doppler's Lab, with his death playing out in one of those (depending on what the player does) and has nothing to do with the resurrection of Sigma or the events of X2 or X4. I do agree that Dynamo is more annoying than anything in X5, but as a side boss in X6 who never dies and is just there as a secret fight I think he was pretty neat. I do get that it would have been more satisfying to have Vile in X5, but I don't think it's as much of a problem as some other stupid things in X5's story.

>> No.10088762

Does the manga not give dynamo backstory?

>> No.10089297

Rockman manga stopped at X4 but there was a 10-page X5 what-if scenary released with the Rockman X 25th anniversary Memorial Carddass box set by the same author years later

>> No.10090251

Fukken saved. I’ll read this when I get home.

>> No.10090642

I heard a crackpot theory that Dynamo is Vile with his armor off, but I'm not sure I believe it. I think it's people trying to reconcile the two because they (rightfully) miss Vile.

>> No.10090670
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There's a smidgeon of truth there if you look at
tldr X8 devs subtly retconned X5 to include Vile instead of Dynamo; English side either missed it, translated an early version of the Japanese script, or thought it was retarded (you decide).

>> No.10090691

I'm not even against the idea of that being what Vile looks like under the helmet, but if that was the intention I really wish there was better overlap between their kits. Dynamo having the shoulder cannon, or X8 Vile pulling out the double sabers.

>> No.10090717

>Dynamo is Vile with his armor off
Nah, Dynamo is too tall to be Vile. The personality also doesn't match at all. Vile is an angry destructive manlet.

>> No.10090718

Like I said, I didn't believe it myself. Would be interesting to see the two appear in one game. There's Dive, but I'm not sure that counts.

>> No.10091113

That sounds fucking silly

>> No.10091328
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>Then in X8 Vile comes back without any explanation
Going by the design notes there's two unaccounted for versions of Vile Or one if Xtreme counts. But I know it isn't a thing directly said in the game but Vile came back at the head of an entire army of robots that can, replicate old reploids. He doesn't reminice about intimate personal details with Zero or X so it's not like he couldn't be a copy.

Granted I always favored the idea that reviving destroyed reploids happened so often before that by X8 it isn't worth commenting on it happening again, and having Vile raise hell on his own a few times that weren't the focus of games feels in character, and at least establishes some maverick happenings that aren't world threatening.

>> No.10091370
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Sure sucks that the only longform narrative game in the franchise that could actually explore the nuances of individual maverick motivations, the status quo of the society that they're opposing, and the one they're trying to make turned out to be a colossal false flag operation run by a new leader of the Maverick Hunters who wanted to use what is effectively Virus Metal to become a god. To whom the mavericks only supported their cult of personality leader who failed to explain himself, maybe because he saw X and co as the boot of Repids.

Sigma's a bad villain if you only play the games. And it you really dig and look at other adaptations and design concepts and weave them together yourself: he's merely a stupid one.

>> No.10091483
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I had an idea for Vile's perseverance a long time ago, in which he's basically Darth Maul.

Darth Maul didn't die after Obi-Wan cut him in half at the end of The Phantom Menace, instead being so fucking mad at the latter for defeating him that he outright refused to die, using the force to keep himself alive despite missing half his body. The chute he fell into spat him off into a scrapyard where he built himself a new body, and during the process, he became more and more deranged, having nothing left except burning rage towards Obi-Wan (for beating him) and Palpatine (for abandoning him as a disciple). He would go on to live until after Revenge of the Sith, running jobs as an assassin for hire, exterminating space crime syndicates on his own, and even taking over an entire planet by killing its emperor in single combat. He even killed Obi-Wan's girlfriend in front of him purely out of spite. He would eventually be killed by Obi-Wan in a duel not long before the beginning of A New Hope, and his combat data would be retrieved and used in a hologram simulation against Darth Vader where the latter had to stab himself through the abdomen just to defeat him.

Now consider this: Vile is so fucking mad at X for defeating him that he refuses to die after X3, willing his neural cloud into cyberspace and continuously rebuilding himself at the abandoned scrapyard wasteland that used to be Dopple Town, each subsequent body looking more mangled and deranged throughout the series. It'd be fucking sick.

>> No.10091705
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>The personality also doesn't match at all.
Eh, it sort of aligns with Vile's eccentricity in the older manga, before MHX revamped him.

>> No.10091709

>the bourbon scene is such a meme that there's an action figure of him holding it

>> No.10091712
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forgot pic like a clown

>> No.10092068
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Is it just me or does Vile's personality change like every other game?
X1: chadvile
X3: virginvile
Dynamo?: chadvile
Xtreme 1: virginvile

X8: chadvile
MHX: perma virginvile

>> No.10092386

Vile tends to swing between "confident" and "seething" depending on the game.

>> No.10092420
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In all his appearances across the franchise, Vile rides a fine line between "Soundwave superior" and pic related.