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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 36 KB, 480x360, Safari Hunting 40th Anniversary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10068209 No.10068209 [Reply] [Original]

>not only the Family Computer's 40th Anniversary but also Sega's first home console thread
>Sega announces nothing, not even a website
How is this company still around, again? They could've prepared an SG-1000 (with the help of M2, of course).

Anyway, let's celebrate our favorite games from SEGA's first home gaming system: the Sega Game. What's your favorite? What're you going to play to celebrate? Pacar? Girl's Garden? Wonder Boy?

If the Famicom 40th Anniversary threads die down, you can post about that console in this thread, too. Console warring is for fags, anniversaries of cool game systems are for chads.

>> No.10068214

for me, it's Space Slalom

>> No.10068232

Sega doesn't care about the SG-1000 because there's no games on it they can lift for nostalgiabucks these days, and they don't care about their hardware legacy aside from how it can make them money now.

>> No.10068269

Literally nobody cares about the SG-1000, of course it will be ignored. I'm one of the biggest coomlector fags out there and I have exactly one SG-1000 game and I only bought it because it's Yuji Naka's first game.

The other anon is right. There's no games on it that anybody cares about. It's only the Mark III which has a handful of decent games and even that gets ignored.

>> No.10068306
File: 86 KB, 544x743, 44016_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried that, and it's pretty fun! Cool idea, but it does get pretty monotonous, at least on the easiest mode of "Rank D".

I also tried Safari Hunting for the first time. Not a great experience, but a cool idea.

Played through Pacar again. Obvious Pac-Man clone, but it's still interesting and fun. Just slightly innovative enough to make it feel unique

I played through a run of Girl's Garden, also. Very good game, and I'm surprised this wasn't ported or remade at all by them (I'm surprised many of these SG games weren't in general, but this seems like a really easy one to do).

A lot of this system's games seem really innovative. Perhaps if they had really popular arcade titles and a better controller (even one like the non-small Atari VCS one), we could have seen some really good Nintendo vs. Sega games back in the 80s. As it stands, early 80s Sega is just a bit underrated.

Also, I love that this system's gotten a bunch of MSX1 ports. I tried Knightmare on this many years ago, and though I'm terrible at shmups, this game is just filled with coolness and charm.

They could just market it as "the newest Mini console" or something. They could also make a Saturn Mini and bundle the best/most iconic SG-1000 games on it because it's the 40th anniversary (which would help promote a Saturn Mini, too).

Which game? I'm guessing Girl's Garden (because it always gets good press), but I'm just curious and having a good time.

>> No.10068401

>and they don't care about their hardware legacy aside from how it can make them money now
to be fair, that is how every publicly traded company works. if it doesn't increase stock prices for shareholders it doesn't matter to them.

>> No.10068398

>They could just market it as "the newest Mini console" or something.
Yeah but again, there's not enough nostalgiabucks in it. Only hardcore nerds care about the SG-1000, I don't even think Japanese really remember it much. Plus most of the games are pre-famicom jank so it'd be a pretty hard sell to most randos imo.

>> No.10068405

Sure, I didn't state otherwise. I think it's just especially true with their hardware legacy though: they haven't been in the hardware market for decades now, so there's not really a need to remind people of that aspect of their legacy.

>> No.10068613

>there's not really a need to remind people of that aspect of their legacy
Except something new to sell. What are they currently making that's popular, right now?

Also, they made the Astro City Mini (which was successful), and who the fuck besides hardcore arcade players know what that is?

>> No.10070363

>Taiwanese bootlegs are ports of extremely good computer games
Now that's what I call based.

>> No.10071565

Is it possible to play SG-1000 games on a Master System with a basic flash cart? From what I recall the Mark III was backwards-compatible but I'm not sure if the same holds true for the North American Master System.

>> No.10071610
File: 91 KB, 640x878, gulkave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best shmup on the SG-1000 and mogs any shmups developed for the Famican't.



>> No.10071715

nvm just tested myself and confirmed it is in-fact possible.

Sweet, no need to import a console from Japan.

>> No.10071842
File: 266 KB, 315x441, 1674071928574862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao even

>> No.10071896

Also works on a game gear.

>> No.10072110

>Literally nobody cares about the SG-1000, of course it will be ignored

colecovision fans care. same architecture so they've ported a lot of games to the coleco

admittedly, if you combine the coleco/sg-1000/msx1 libraries, its a very broad lineup of good games

>> No.10072467

damn, console war aside, this game looks sick

>> No.10073730

Very impressive, especially for the year.

>> No.10073747
File: 903 KB, 758x849, sg-1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont think the sg-1000 is for normies
its def not for everyone

it has much less gas than the famicom\nes
i still think a handful of the titles are endearing
i think its one of my favorite sega systems
but i grew up with the faggy gamegear

>> No.10073785
File: 1.14 MB, 2215x3057, TheBlackOnyx_SG1000_JP_Box~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's The Black Onyx.

>> No.10074159

The Castle is an underrated Willyvania and the best version is on the SG-1000.

>> No.10074410

It’s a good Castle-vania

>> No.10074957


>> No.10074961

Is it better than Castle Excellent though?

>> No.10075202

is there anything even worth playing on this? I keep trying to find stuff to play and come up empty handed.

>> No.10075260

I really, really like Penguin Land.
It justifies the SG's existence for me.

>> No.10075265

any reason to play it on here instead of the MSX?

>> No.10075279

wonder boy and ninja princess for me

>> No.10075309

It doesnt feel right playing sega games on non-sega hardware

>> No.10075439

lot of early sega arcade games

some very unique ports like wonderboy and sega pitfall 2

>> No.10075860

Give Girl's Garden a try. Seems gay, but the gameplay is pretty impressive and the graphics are really good (wait till you get to the bonus stage).

There's also one of the only home ports of Congo Bongo on here, which is at least interesting.

>> No.10075867

Pacar, Gulkave, and a lot of weird ports. I like a lot of the arcade ports, many weren't ported to any other system. I just wish more of the Australian tape software was archived.

>> No.10075916
File: 1.14 MB, 1210x1613, 234729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this game is fun

>> No.10076447

Flash cart or some homemade/Brazilian portable Master System? (Cool either way, but I wanna know)

>> No.10076646
File: 1.51 MB, 1080x1080, image-2021-12-11-11-10-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm using a Everdrive GG

>> No.10077309 [DELETED] 


>> No.10077437

Cool case mod

>> No.10078441

Welp, that explains it.

>> No.10079256 [DELETED] 


>> No.10079305

I wonder if the engine for this game was re-used for the amazing SMS R-Type port.

>> No.10079376 [DELETED] 

>How is this company still around, again?
gambing. sega/sammy merger kept them alive and profitable in the slot/pachinko manufacturing industry.

>> No.10079380

>How is this company still around, again?
gambling. sega/sammy merger kept them alive and profitable in the slots/pachinko manufacturing industry.

>> No.10079635

the only one i can remember is Sinbad Mystery. music gets stuck in my head

>> No.10080546

The system was very similar to the colecovision, to the point they made a clone that can play games for both systems.

>> No.10081380

>SG-1000 thread outlived the Famicom thread

We fucking did it Segachads.

>> No.10081886

I made it later than that one, to be fair. But it's great to to see the SEGA Computer Videogame get some love, still! Thanks for coming by, anon.

Like I said, bring Famicom 40th Anniversary discussion to this thread, now, anyone who wants to talk about it.

Meanwhile...is anyone aware of a conversion of specifically the MSX version of Congo Bongo to the SG-1000? It seems to be different than the official SG-1000 port. I briefly tried looking around smspower.org for one (since they a bunch of MSX-to-SG games hosted on there) but I could find nothing about that. Please link me there if you find this!

>> No.10081890
File: 27 KB, 1333x1197, logo_famicom_40th.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.10083353
File: 102 KB, 400x545, chacknpop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btfo's the shitty Nezz version

>> No.10083375

game fucking sucks anyway no matter how you play it.

>> No.10083384

cope moar, nintendildo

>> No.10083474
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 7446--zoom-909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have an SG-1000, but I did have a Coleco Adam as a kid. It came with Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom, which was a reboxed Zoom 909 ported from the very similar SG-1000. Not a great game or anything, but sometimes I play it out of nostalgia.

>> No.10083819

Is anyone familiar with homebrew development for the SG-1000?

>> No.10083832

redpill me on zaxxon

>> No.10083840

Always found the SG-1000 very interesting, it was one of the last consoles to really stick to the “arcade at home” experience until home-console game design changed to a more modern approach during the Famicom years. Favorites are probably stuff like Penguin Land, Golgo 13, Pacar, or Sinbad, basically stuff that goes for really simple but quirky arcade game concepts and just focus on nailing that. And while I don’t find them the most fun in 2023, those attempts to get a Nintendo-style game out of the hardware such as Wonder Boy and Black Onyx are pretty fascinating. I also love the few short tunes that you do hear throughout the library, for example I really love the nostalgic feel of the Drol theme or the catchiness of Zoom 909’s

>> No.10083846

Also just realized after posting I forgot to mention Gulkave, Gulkave fucking rocks

>> No.10084148

kek, another thread of auster falseflagging as a Sega fanboy just to vent about the company from Kyoto that lives rent free inside of him

>> No.10085000 [DELETED] 


>> No.10085019

Best Ikegami Tsushinki-developed game, blows the pants off the overrated Donkey Kong that people only give a shit about because it has Shitendo's name printed on it.

>> No.10085826

A lot of it happens on smspower.org. I know their MSX to SMS conversions are pretty cool, for one.

>> No.10085830

Also to the MSX(1). Speaking of which, I wish they would make some MSX-to-SMS conversions featuring the "double-cart secrets" of games like Gradius on MSX.

>> No.10085870

Yeah, playing stuff like Knightmare and Galaga was pretty nice.

>> No.10086593

Does anyone actually like the SG-1000 or are you all just contrarians?

>> No.10086619
File: 1.87 MB, 3780x2280, sg1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid ports of early/mid '80s arcade games
Quite a few high-quality original titles
Cute hardware design
What's not to like?

>> No.10086621

Give me your top 5 games. Hard mode: You can't say Girl's Garden.

>> No.10086629

how is it better than the MSX?

>> No.10086876

Have a top 10 instead

Chack 'n Pop
Zoom 909
Ninja Princess
Pop Flamer
Monaco GP
Safari Race
Sega Flipper
Hyper Sports

>> No.10086904

I feel like there’s more of an audience for that just because the games aren’t atari level. Who even buys atari shit besides boomers and gen x-ers?

>> No.10087043

That's not why people like Donkey Kong, you obsessed actual retard. Do people like Pac-Man because it's by Namco? Do people like Space Invaders because it's by Taito? It's only mentally ill Australians that like or hate things simply because of a brand.

>> No.10087613

Sindbad Mystery
Bomb Jack
Safari Race might be up here if it didn't have that shitty refueling mechanic.
Don't like girls garden that much honestly

>> No.10088053

I don't understand what this means, but I like this image of a cat face on a computer.

>> No.10088113

Not him, but can you give any reasons to like Donkey Kong? Controls feel clunky as shit, scoring is tedious and level design leaves much to be desired.

If it weren't for Nintendo's rabid cult following, it'd just be another forgotten arcade game which has aged extremely poorly.

But since DK stars "muh 'iconic' fat greasy plumber", you *have* to like it... Right...

>> No.10088158

This is not a forum or a discord server, italics regex does nothing here

>> No.10088607

Markdown is typically 2 pairs of asterisks.
1 pair of asterisks is just showing emphasis.

>> No.10089015

i'm developing an sg1000 game about shitposting on /vr/

>> No.10089225

Get ready for some Donkey Kong at home on your SG-1000.


>> No.10089338

I was going to give you a more detailed reason, but you're clearly also in some gay and bitter brand loyalist mindset, so for now I'm going to help you process the main and clear reason with the same questions (plus a couple more) I asked that tranny down under:

Do people like Pac-Man because it's by Namco? Do people like Space Invaders because it's by Taito? Do people like Contra because it's by Konami? Do people like Bomberman because it's by Hudson? Do people like Resident Evil because it's by Capcom?

Looks good, but how is it going to use those Colecovision numpad (since it's clearly a conversion of that version) for selecting the game mode? With a second controller like the SG conversion of Knightmare II uses (for the original's MSX keyboard controls)?

>> No.10091006 [DELETED] 


>> No.10091250

Going to port it to Colecovision and MSX

>> No.10093251

Any screens of it to share?

>> No.10093913
File: 366 KB, 876x1200, Cx-znZaWgAA-Iqm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To give you a longer answer, there was no established Nintendo fanbase when Donkey Kong, so stop with your gay bullshit and projection (which I guess just may be shitposting or samefagging by Aus-kun, but whatever). That's why things like pic related were such a big deal, since it was the first port of this game that was complete and had the best representation of its graphics, so far (I definitely would really like to see the CV version playable ported to SG1 sometime).

To give you an idea of how it became so popular and MADE Nintendo a household name, it has an exciting cast of different characters in cool and amusing cartoon graphics with lots of animation, it has a lot of gameplay and graphical variety along its four different levels (which was almost unheard of for arcade games up to that point), and most importantly, it expanded on arcade platformers in a big way (which before DK and some time after were called "ladder games"). Miyamoto called named the main character Jumpman because jumping was a major (and memorable) element of the gameplay, just like Pac-Man was named by Iwatani so to associate (and subliminally market) eating and maze games with this character.

It may be hard to understand why this and other old games still are enjoyed, if you're not old enough. Donkey Kong's jumping mechanics are primitive compared to later platformers like SMB and Sonic, but they're still distinct, easy to understand, and thus pretty likable and encouraging mastering. I don't even like the original Donkey Kong that much (I like DK Jr. much more), but some other games I like that have archaic but very clear gameplay and abstract-like graphics in them are Aldo's Adventure (which I played long before DK) and the much harder but also very cartoony Drol (which has an SG1 port). I wasn't old enough to experience the golden age of arcade games, myself, but I had fun playing games like this from the '80s on my grandmother's DOS computer in her study (room).

>> No.10093920

*playably ported/converted

>> No.10093940

You have issues, anon.
DK was popular as fuck in 1981, and there wasn't any "Nintendo fanbase", Super Mario Bros. didn't even exist yet.
If you feel the fame is "clunky" and the scoring is tedious, then it's a skill issue. It's a pretty fun arcade action game.

>> No.10094314

>DK was popular as fuck in 1981, and there wasn't any "Nintendo fanbase", Super Mario Bros. didn't even exist yet.
You misunderstood the point. People wouldn't care about Donkey Kong in current year if it weren't attached to Nintendo / the Mario franchise.
It sucked back then, but it sucks even harder today. Just because it was mildly successful with americans doesn't mean it was good.

Also, DK is objectively clunky, by definition.
>Inflexible jumping; Mario only jumps straight up or in a fixed arc
>Mario's sluggishness (especially noticeable when going up/down ladders)
>Falling kills you, ironic a game starring a guy called "Jumpman" can't survive a fall from a few meters...

Scoring DK is tedious because you'll spend so much time boringly milking jumping over trivial things such as barrels (or hammering them).

It's just a bad game, anon. Sorry if the Truth is upsetting for you.
If you wanna play a good Golden Age arcade scotformer, however, try Flicky.

>> No.10094341

>mildly popular
>try Flicky
Kek, Aus-kun samefagging and baiting again.

>> No.10095448


>> No.10096303 [DELETED] 


>> No.10096307

>auster desperately researching the SG-1000 just because he hates the Famicom and Nintendo so much.
It's kind of sad, pretending to be a fan of something in spite of another thing.
At least be genuine and stick to your speccy bongjank.

>> No.10096334

Pitfall 2 was fun on the SG-1000

>> No.10096420

>everyone showing interest in the SG-1000 is the boogeyman i cooked up to dispel any criticism of nintendo

Get a load of this Nintenschizo.

>> No.10096426
File: 24 KB, 290x400, ChampionBoxing_SG1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mogs the fuck out of Punchout

SGchads... we just keep winning.

>> No.10096428

Nah not everyone here, but this: >>10094314
it's auster.
I'm even saying that it'd be cool if the interest was genuine, but it's not. He only pretends to like it because of his schizo Nintendo hateboner.

>> No.10096430

samefag redditspacer.

>> No.10097331

>no pistons on this version
Thank fuck, those were the worst things about the original dankey kang.

>> No.10097505

>they developed an add-on because someone claimed the cardtriges looked like tombstones.

>> No.10098149 [DELETED] 


>> No.10099750

based, fuck Donkey Kong.
Nintendo was never good, hence why they had to bail from arcades and resort to appealing to plebian console niggers with trash like zelda.

>> No.10099754

What's the matter, auster? Ran out of a list of SG-1000 games you never played to bump this thread just to "own" the Famicom's 40th anniversary and now have to resort to keep posting about Nintendo?
Rent absolutely free dude, Nintendo lives inside of you.
At least you're being genuine, I'll give you that. Your hatred for nintendo is real, your love for sega is fake.

>> No.10100662 [DELETED] 


>> No.10101063
File: 1 KB, 256x192, dragon-wang2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spartan X on Famican't? No thanks, m8.

Dragon Wang on me Siggy? Sign me up.

>> No.10101195

Auster: [Spoiler]nintendo

>> No.10101326
File: 212 KB, 1600x1200, uranai-angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just wtf is this

>> No.10101364
File: 164 KB, 1024x768, 1686828070822735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in a SG-1000 thread

>> No.10101406
File: 258 KB, 871x955, IMG_6934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think its for the system with the keyboard though
kinda neat even as a paperweight
cute artwork

hustle chumy
ninja princess
almost any of the shmups
(galaga, star jacker, chop lifter)
soukoban (boxxy)
pitfall 2

i got into the sg-1000 with the sega mark iii and a preloaded brazillian flashcart
there are some other deepcuts but i would have to boot up and check

>> No.10101424
File: 274 KB, 2000x1500, sg1000_4417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't have a lot of games
>still release an add-on

>> No.10101431

they made it not only to save costs
but because the carts looked like "tombstones"

gotta admit the mycards were neat and way less faggy

>> No.10101517
File: 259 KB, 871x955, 1690431400409929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are those mini-cab games in the upper right?

>> No.10101553

Did it have the extra catacomb levels like the 5200 version did?

>> No.10101825

astro city V
astro city (original)
taito egret mini
neogeo mini dont buy that one though get the arcade stick instead - has better hdmi signal and is a decent stick

>> No.10102842

Nice failed spoiler tag, Nintendildo.

>> No.10102903

>letting everyone know that you were, indeed, australia-kun

>> No.10103651 [DELETED] 


>> No.10104057

>Don't like girls garden that much honestly
Yea, Girls Garden is pretty overrated.
The Konami game where you're in school and has Beatles music and you slam your ass on people to take their seat is way better.

>> No.10104076

Your mom uses Nintendildo when she thinks of me, Ausbro.

>> No.10104471

>there are some other deepcuts but i would have to boot up and check

do it faggit. DO IT

>> No.10105534 [DELETED] 


>> No.10106645


>> No.10107064
File: 74 KB, 960x720, pitfall2_sg1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but it did invent minecarts in scotformers (exclusive to the Sega version).

>> No.10107523 [DELETED] 


>> No.10108836

>SG-1000 runs the best home console port of Donkey Kong now

>> No.10109035

You got filtered didn’t you Patrick

>> No.10109160 [DELETED] 


>> No.10109208 [DELETED] 
File: 13 KB, 223x226, DA670B8F-E85C-49B3-84C5-9AD95B4F2297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
