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File: 201 KB, 738x624, completed all scenarios.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1006457 No.1006457 [Reply] [Original]

Just completed my childhood game.

How did you feel when you completed that one game that you had all of your life but never beaten til later? Sim City is dated but it was fun enough where it didn't feel like a chore when it came to fixing horrible cities.

I'm not sure if the last thing on the list can be checked off as there isn't a time limit but I will do that one tomorrow anyway. It is basically the same map as the UFOs minus the UFOs themselves.

>> No.1006470
File: 40 KB, 337x462, 191702_15865_front[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last summer, or two summers ago I forget which I finally beat the most expensive game I ever bought.
Donky Kong 64.
As a kid I got stuck on the part where you need to play the original Donkey Kong for the Rare medal.
I was able to get it the first time I picked it up when I tried the last time.
I then finally got to King K. Rool. Wow, what an awful boss fight. Literally just have to memorize his patterns and attack when you're supposed to.
After beating it I felt like a heavy weight was lifted from my chest; I felt as if my life had meaning once again.
But what I really felt was shock that I only did ~65% of the game

>> No.1006502

A few years back, I managed to actually complete FF1 for the NES. It took a while going through so many random battles at a slow pace, having to reload a few times because I was ambushed by zombies/mindflayers/warmech (twice for him), but I certainly felt more accomplished once it was done.

The remakes don't really capture the harshness of the original. FF1 NES had a sort of battle of attrition feel when I was going through the dungeons, hoping I didn't run into too many difficult encounters or have to use too much magic, while in the newer ones I was just able to romp through pretty much everywhere and only worry about bosses (with the shrine ones being the only difficult bosses in the game).

>> No.1006512

Beat Banjo Kazooie this year, I had so much pent up rage for Gruntilda from childhood that it had made all of previous attempts fail.

It felt so good to see her stupid ass go down though.

>> No.1006525
File: 124 KB, 400x270, superghoulsnghosts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Mother Fucker.

This filthy Mother Fucker Right here.

I've had this game since I was five. I FINALLY beat it (with the Goddess Bracelet, no cheats) this year.

Half the time I spent playing the game was the first runthrough and the second runthrough to level 7-2. THe other half was getting through 7-2 with the Goddess Bracelet.

Incidentally, Sardius went down like a bitch.

But conquering this unforgiving bastard made every day playing video games, honing my skills and sharpening my reflexes, worth it.

>> No.1006548

Flamesonfire, is that you?

>> No.1006572

Super Mario World was the first game I can remember playing. It was the only real game I had when my dad first passed down his SNES to me. I still haven't beaten it because I was and still am terrible at video games. Especially Mario for reasons I don't quite get. I've gotten as far to the castle in Vanilla Dome but that's where I hit my wall.

Someday, though. Someday.

>> No.1006580
File: 223 KB, 300x385, Ultima_Underworld_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Terrible anti-climax.

Years ago I conquered the Abyss and assembled Garamon's bones only to be told that I needed to get the Key of Love from the mourning mage Judy to complete the tri-part key to confront the Slasher of Veils.

Unfortunately, I had shot Judy dead when she snuck up on me in the lava chamber back on level 6.

So I played it through again -- kind of fun, but with some huge flaws -- got the key, entered the Demon's lair and...

The end game is that you run away from him until you get spit out of the Abyss. That's it. Can't fight him, can't kill him...just run through this acid trip landscape until you lose him. Yawn.

>> No.1006601
File: 760 KB, 1000x1154, double_dragon_ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought it when I was about 8, finally beat it this year. It was slightly disappointing because it turns out the game re-fills your lives for the final battle. Made me wonder why I didn't beat it as a kid. Still, very satisfying.

>> No.1006603

Bowser is pretty easy in this game, so you've got that going for you. Mario World is still the only 2D Mario I've managed to beat.

>> No.1006605

>Unfortunately, I had shot Judy dead when she snuck up on me in the lava chamber back on level 6.

Dude... she's standing still, staring at the lava. Oh well, probably better she go join Tom anyway.

And yeah I beat UU a few weeks ago and the end sequence was pretty bullshit. Especially because you're expected to remember the text clue from the first level crystal ball to know how to escape. I mean, I wrote stuff down and everything but come ON, use your imaginations for fuck's sake. Oh wait you wasted it all on that retarded Cup of Wonder puzzle.

>> No.1006610
File: 276 KB, 500x497, 813H1BWZ78L.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a lot easier and a bit more fun when I replayed it with some other SMT experience under my belt. I remember this game being serious as shit when I was a kid too, playing it again after clearing SMT 1&2 makes it so cute in comparison.

>> No.1006612
File: 19 KB, 256x224, alex-kidd-in-miracle-world.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alex Kidd MW was my first console game ever, and I take to finish it. I remember that when I beat for the first time I've recorded the ending with my old vcr. And then I see that the game is pretty easy, I still play it sometimes trying to make a speed/no hit run.

>> No.1006613


*and I take too many years to finish it

>> No.1006629
File: 126 KB, 715x715, Pcw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't have many games when I was a kid. I did have this... mediocre game, though.

When I got a PS2 I stopped playing my PS1 altogether. I just ran through and beat this thing a couple weeks ago. As a child I could barely even get through the first few levels. Probably because I didn't try hard enough.

>> No.1006636

I feel like I could beat it given time, effort, and possible grinding for lives, but I just haven't had the time or drive to do it.

>> No.1006639

What is that game called? Looks interesting.

>> No.1006640

SimCity SNES

>> No.1006643
File: 404 KB, 1005x678, megadrive-genesis-revenge-super-shinobi-stage-8-10-FINAL-BOSS-ZEED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revenge of Shinobi
>dat labyrinth

>> No.1006787

Still haven't beaten Mission Impossible on NES and Rayman.

>> No.1006806
File: 56 KB, 640x480, kid-chameleon-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I swear, one day I'll go back and do Kid Chameleon, WITHOUT the boss warp.

>> No.1006825

I finally beat Final Fantasy IX last year.

When Melodies of Life started to play, I had to fight the tears.

>> No.1006840

Ive actually done this a few times...
but the time I remember it being the most satisfying was when I beat mega man 1, 2, and 3.
When I was about 6 or seven years old I used to rent mega man 1 and 2 all the time, because they were awesome. I owned mm3 at one point.. but for the life of me I never finished ANY of them.
Then years later I bought the mm collection on ps2. I vowed that same day to finally wrap up this shit. After staying up all night defeating them chronologically... I finally got to see the ending to mm3.. a game I had owned and loved for years but never actually beat. The sun was coming up.. it was summertime... it was a spiritual experience

>> No.1006868

I need to go beat super mario bros. Played the first 3 for years and never beat any of them.

>> No.1006893

I beat retrial on gameboy once. Got to see the rocket shop. It was awesome. Never have been able to get back to this point. I can usually do 80 to 100 lines but I've never seen the rocket shop again.

>> No.1006958

I still have to play that myself. Also planning to play both Demikids Light and Dark even though most people agree they are shit.

>> No.1007070
File: 22 KB, 620x400, george-zimmerman_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dude... she's standing still, staring at the lava.
That's not how I saw it.