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File: 29 KB, 264x352, slug3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10054829 No.10054829 [Reply] [Original]

Both the quality and difficulty of this game are massively overrated.

Quality (all with CPU overclock for no slowdown):
2 > 1 > 4 > X > 3

2 > X > 4 > 3 = 1

>> No.10054834

from now on im gonna call you ms2fag

>> No.10054838

OK. But beat the Metal Slug with no autofire, max difficulty, and 1CC. Do it just like pros players did back in the arcades.

>> No.10054847

>button mashing and carpal tunnel good!!
Retard moment

>> No.10054852

Pros are an invention by the media. They didn't exist back then, and don't exist now. If you see a supposed "tournament" going on, just know they're all paid actors.

But let's pretend they exist, for argument's sake. Then you would be wrong for using CPU overclock, because the fictional "pro" would use everything vanilla.

This is a Metal Slug thread now.

>> No.10054881
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It IS a Metal Slug thread!

>> No.10054882
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>Pros are an invention by the media. They didn't exist back then, and don't exist now.
I have already filed a lawsuit against you, anon.

>> No.10054889
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>> No.10054895
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I don't want to hear your whining.

Unless you can beat Metal Slug on one of these cabs, then you aren't a true Metal Slug pro champion.

>> No.10054897

When I was a kid, the MS3 machine got a bug where the countdown timer wouldnt start. This meant that the machine would wait forever for the next player to get back in the action. First time I saw that game being beat and it was amazing for me back in the day.

>> No.10054919

I don't remember X being that hard. It's probably the only one I could reliably 1CC in the arcade.

>> No.10054925

2 is much harder, X is just cheap poorly designed bullshit.

>> No.10054927

Don't you know that autofire breaks the balance of Metal Slug? It's the one game you shouldn't use autofire on. Lmao.

>> No.10054946

>Don't you know that autofire breaks the balance of Metal Slug?
you're a retard and haven't even cleared the games. Autofire is not even strong in Metal Slug as the cap is pretty low and it's even much lower with everything besides the pistol. Button mashing in general is a retarded """skill""" that just fucks up your hand/wrist, the buttons, and fatigues you for anything but a short play session.

>> No.10054969

1. Sounds like a personal problem. Stop having weak wrists. Go work out.

2. Autofire breaks Metal Slug because the pistol does the same damage per bullet as the Heavy Machine gun. With autofire turned on, you essentially are giving your character a free heavy machine gun for the entire game. Metal Slug (at least the original games) is the one franchise where you aren't supposed to use autofire if you want to show off your skill to viewers.

>> No.10055016

Heavy MG does way more dps than pistol you delusional retard. Pistol is only good against soldiers because they die in one hit regardless.

>> No.10055024

>getting rid of the slowdown
I'm always tempted to do this, but I want to be able to 1cc this at the arcade so I just put up with it. But holy fuck it's awful in some parts.

>> No.10055042

>Heavy MG does way more dps than pistol you delusional retard.
NOT with AUTOFIRE turned ON you idiot. That's the whole point of the post.

>> No.10055048

Do people not know this about Metal Slug? I'm surprised you need to explain it. This has been discussed to death on other gaming forums.

>> No.10055051

I was talking about with autofire you fucking retard. Heavy MG still does way more damage. Soldiers have basically 0 health so get one shot by anything. Pistol is trash against anything but soldiers.

>> No.10055070

>Quality (all with CPU overclock for no slowdown):
opinion discarded

>> No.10055096

Crippling slowdown and massive input lag GOOD!!

>> No.10055125

3 is just fantastic though, It feels like a full blown celebration of video games.

>> No.10055157

It's all one shallow spectacle. The actual level and boss design is trash compared to 1/2/4

>> No.10055208

You are just wrong. Do more research before responding. Fans have literally researched the damage values. The Pistol with autofire enabled does more damage than the HMG. Why are you so upset at the idea of the pistol doing more damage?

>> No.10055234

Because my grandpa died at the war, shot by a machine gun. And I always defended him: "Pa had to fight machine gunners, you know? Not your pew-pew pistols. What's that... A Glock? Cute! It's summertime and you're gonna play with your water gun. Wake me up when you bring something for the big boys lol!" And now you're telling me gramps died in vain? Fuck off! I'll never believe you!

>> No.10055506

Shut the fuck up retard. Playing the game it's blatantly obvious the pistol does less damage. Maybe they have the same "damage" value, but fire rate or DPS or after modifiers, Heavy MG absolutely 100% deals more damage and test it yourself by checking time to kill on any enemy with a reasonable health pool. Regardless, Heavy MG can shoot diagonally, is one of the weakest guns anyways, and the max fire cap for the pistol is pretty low anyways.

Autofire is a nonfactor and you are just a retard for fucking up your wrist by mashing like a spastic.

>> No.10055525

top kek

>> No.10055556

>With autofire turned on, you essentially are giving your character a free heavy machine gun for the entire game.
Not just that. You are getting a free heavy machine gun for the entire game with unlimited ammo you never have to worry about getting more ammo. With emulators there are different autofire settings too. You can crank autofire speed way up to make it the fastest gun in the entire game with no lag. Anyone who says autofire is balanced for Metal Slug is just crazy.

>> No.10055562

Jap superplayers call games with no autofire shit. There's a reason why they have all the top scores that you couldn't possibly get without autofire.

>> No.10055643

That's only modern Jap players. They are spoiled.

The old school Jap players who grew up in the arcade era don't complain about not having autofire. They sat in arcades after school and after work and just played for hours with pure raw skill on the arcade cabinets. No assistance from the computer.

>> No.10055693

I'm just glad the insufferable 2fag(s) are getting outed as the cheaters they are. If they tapped the button on their beloved holy grail's stage 5, they're realize how retarded it is to damn near pistol that entire stage without turbo. There's a reason X added a tank and extra weapons on that level.

>> No.10055719

He was supposed to look like a cobra eating an endless tower?

>> No.10055745

There is a max autofire cap and it's very low you fucking imbecile. Pistol even with autofire is trash DPS which you would fucking know IF YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING PLAYED THE GAMES

>> No.10055752

The quality and difficulty of this game are both appropriately rated.

>> No.10055774

Maybe I like shallow spectacle.

>> No.10055779

git gud

>> No.10055785

The final level of 3 is such a fucking insane sequence of events that I just can't hate it, even if it takes so long to clear. You can tell they really wanted to go nuts with it.

>> No.10055902

>so long to clear
It genuinely makes me tired. Almost all segments really drag on. The concept is fun, but couldn't they balance the length?

>> No.10055923


>coin muncher

>> No.10055959

>it's very low you fucking imbecile.
Lmao. You can pull off some crazy Turbo autofire shooting with Mame. Why are you lying to everyone?

>> No.10055973

>Why are you so upset at the idea of the pistol doing more damage?
He's probably a lurking YouTuber that releases 1CC videos on their channel, but he uses autofire. He enjoys all the praise from commentors. So someone saying autofire is bad in some games... triggers him personally.

>> No.10056034

Not on Metal Slug you retard. DPS even with max autofire is lower than Heavy MG.

The only people who support autofire are retarded old boomers with zero clears who just cope by telling themselves "well at least I mash muh buttons like a retard!!"

>> No.10056039

Interesting how 4 has made a turn around in opinion in recent years. People used to shit on it endlessly for being an asset recycled mugen game

>> No.10056067

>couldn't they balance the length?
They probably wanted to give non-autofirefags extreme pain for the hell of it, which is pretty based.

>> No.10056074

The same people who shit on it for using previous assets are the ones who basedfaced about literal copy-pasted Slug 1 bosses lazily thrown into Slug X.

4 uses a lot of old assets, but it arranges them in new and interesting ways to make a tightly paced experience with some pretty epic bossfights. 3 is just not particularly interesting and a lot of the content is in alternate paths that give zero incentive to take so no one ever bothers. Honestly if one Slug game could just cease to exist, it should definitely be 3.

>> No.10056132

Just tested frame-by-frame on the crabs, and while it's hard to tell the exact frame an enemy dies, but the pistol is at least 50% longer time to kill even with autofire. Anyone who says pistol and Heavy MG deal same damage is an absolute utter retard who hasn't played the games more than 30 minutes.

>> No.10056143

>Not on Metal Slug you retard. DPS even with max autofire is lower than Heavy MG.
Stop lying. There are literally videos on YouTube where people do side by side comparisons using autofire with timers in Metal slug. They are clearing entire sections and beating bosses faster with autofire turned on.

>> No.10056145

OK fool. What were you autofire settings? Post them so we can all laugh at you for not doing the test properly.

>> No.10056149

I've only seen the guy spamming these threads having that opinion. I've replayed months ago (PS2 port out of curiosity) and I still got bored by the 3rd stage. Also these threads are being posted on /v/ right now.

>> No.10056175

Your autofire settings are too low. Turn it up and you will see the difference.

>> No.10056191

ok so its just one schizo

>> No.10056192

15Hz. I think you can use 20Hz in some of the later games, but I'm almost positive it maxes out before then anyways. 30Hz just does nothing.

>> No.10056879


wtf is that an arcade with skyrim on it?
how does that even work lol

>> No.10057001

Only the first Metal Slug is good for a 1CC. The others all have glaring issues/general sloppy design.

>> No.10057109

>The others all have glaring issues/general sloppy design.
Such as? The only issue I see here is a skill issue from you.

>> No.10057131

Boring bulletsponge bosses, barely any actual Metal Slug usage. Terrible pacing in the case of Metal Slug 3.

>> No.10057141

Slug 3 is terrible, but 2/X doesn't really have any of those issues. You use a vehicle for nearly half the game, and the only bullet sponge boss is Rugname, and that's because you're meant to make smart usage of your grenades and farm lasers. Rugname is probably the best bossfight in the whole Slug series, and one of the best bosses in arcade/retro gaming in general.

You might enjoy Slug 4, the gameplay and pacing is similar to Slug 1.

>> No.10057152

Metal Slug 2's final boss is horrendous no matter how many times you pretend it's good.

>> No.10057160

No, it's really great. I hated it at first too, but everything about its design is deliberate. You will appreciate it more with experience, just keep at it. Definitely one of the best, most epic, most dynamic bosses in gaming.

>> No.10057161

Contra mogs (for boomers: it displays an almost insulting superiority) metal slug hard.

>> No.10057162
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This is getting Auster-kun tier of reposting

>> No.10057164

>Definitely one of the best, most epic, most dynamic bosses in gaming.
It's literally just a bulletsponge ceiling that randomly spawns bulletsponge enemies that randomly might help you. It's trash and completely unfair if you don't have a stockpile of bombs to instant kill the trash mobs.

>> No.10057178

You conserve your grenades throughout the stage, grab the Heavy MG by not letting the screen scroll, reach the final boss with 60-70 grenades and 200 Heavy MG, farm weapon drops (ideally laser) from phase 1 saucers while carefully monitoring its rough health, end phase 1 on the ledge of the building, spam grenades in two intervals upon the start of the final phase, prioritize the saucers and dodge like mad, can use grenades on enemy saucers sometimes or in some cases even get some massive damage with grenades from the ledge, and then you get the Slug and bring it up to the ledge to finish off the boss.

If everything is executed correctly, the fight goes very smoothly, but in a lot of cases you have to do a lot of crazy saucer laser dodging and make tough split second decisions.

>> No.10057184

I'm aware of how to beat the terrible boss, it just isn't well designed or remotely interesting in any way.

>> No.10057189

Skill issue and filtered. It's much, much more well designed and interesting than a boss in Slug 1 where you just spam grenades for five seconds and it's dead.

>> No.10057202

It's really not good.

>> No.10057213

>it's bad because I'm bad at the game
please just shut up if you are a shitter with nothing to add.

Multiple phases, tons of attacks, lot of strategy and preparation, on-the-fly decision making, very dynamic, epic scale, brutally challenging, great aesthetic. I really don't know what else you could want out of a bossfight.

>> No.10057219
File: 3.77 MB, 304x224, Metal Slug.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much more well designed and interesting than a boss in Slug 1 where you just spam grenades for five seconds and it's dead.
Metal Slug 1's final boss is actually mobile and well designed
It's bad because it requires you to stockpile bombs and spam them to avoid the game spawning RNG enemies. Basically the way to win is to prevent the boss from doing its whole gimmick. Which is obviously bad design.

>> No.10057227

A boss being boring as fuck has no relation to skill whatsoever, you fucking schizo. Rootmars as well as any boss in MS4 are more dynamic than hiding behind rebel goons and spending 50 HMG ammo on each mini UFO with the occasional boss laser "dodge" that telegraphs for 30 minutes prior.
Are you the same mongrel who's kvetching about autofire?

>> No.10057238

Metal Slug 1's final boss is good, but it's really the only boss in the game which is not trivialized by grenade spam. Also you just use the Slug; doing Slug 1's boss on foot is no more unreasonable than doing Slug 2's boss without grenades stockpiled.

>It's bad because it requires you to stockpile bombs and spam them to avoid the game spawning RNG enemies
RNG enemies? The enemies are the same, the RNG factor is in the weapons, but you farm those on the first phase ideally. You can't kill all the saucers on spawn with grenades alone on the final phase. You need to kill them after they come out, and then they drop weapons. Or eventually the saucers will leave after enough time, after you die, or a soldier/tank can shoot them down.

I don't really think you understand the strategy for 2's final boss. Really the only complaint could be about the RNG, but pretty much all deaths are still avoidable through proper decision making and good reactions, and you can mitigate a large part of the RNG by going into the final phase with a weapon already.

>> No.10057243

>Metal Slug 1's final boss is good, but it's really the only boss in the game which is not trivialized by grenade spam
The irony considering the only way to reliably beat the dogshit final boss in 2/X is with grenade spam.

>> No.10057247

The saucers are the main part of the boss you retard. They are unique to the final boss (at least in the superior 2 rather than romhack X) and its main form of attack, but it also has all the phase 1 attacks plus the laser attack to play around.

Metal Slug 4 has great bosses though, never denied that.

>> No.10057251

>final boss is a static object on the top of the screen that spawns enemies that randomly fire lasers
The epitome of trash boss design.

>> No.10057252

Not really... Only in speedruns do people grenade spam as it is extremely risky and inconsistent. You only throw grenades at beginning, then you use laser to take out the saucers, bombing any low-flying ones, damage it enough to spawn the Slug and finish it off. You can spam grenades the first phase, but it's not advised until you a) have a good weapon and b) have done enough bullet damage to give yourself at least a 20-30 grenade buffer for the final phase

>> No.10057260

What exactly compels you to defend this dogshit boss on two different video game boards despite being incapable of 1CCing the game?

>> No.10057265

The saucers are an extension of the boss you dumbass. It also adds a risk/reward of prioritizing the saucers for temporary safety and item drops vs. prioritizing the mothership to get more damage in and hurry the spawn of the Slug at the risk of getting overwhelmed with saucers.

I have no-miss clears of both of them. You are the one who doesn't even know basic strategies and cries like a baby that the boss is too hard.

>> No.10057269

>I have no-miss clears of both of them
Sure you do pal.

>> No.10057278

>main part of the boss
I really don't give a shit. They're just ammo waste.
Acquire timing skills.

>> No.10057282

Here comes the cope like clockwork. Here is a clip from my last failed run on X where I died on final boss. Only for the Slug 2/X final boss do you get intense moments like this.


If you see them as ammo waste, maybe that's why you are so bad at the boss. You have to balance between killing saucers and damaging mothership.

Rootmars boss is garbage by comparison. You literally just spend the entire fight jumping between two tiny squares and spamming i-frames nonstop.

>> No.10057290

Flying bulletsponges that randomly fire lasers is not well designed or intense, it's just lazy and bad design.

>> No.10057293

>Flying bulletsponges that randomly fire lasers is not well designed or intense, it's just lazy and bad design.
That is your opinion and it is one that is formed as a cope from lack of skill.

>> No.10057298

That's not even an opinion, it's objective fact that shit is both bad and lazy.

>> No.10057306

If they had less HP, they would be trivial. If they weren't random, you would quickly just find a cheese strat that works every time. So much of Slug is all about strategy and routing, it's good to have some elements of random design, especially for a final bossfight.

A skilled player can consistently do the final boss of Slug 2/X deathless so it really is just a skill issue. I used to have like a 20% deathless success rate on Rugname, now I would say it's like 70-80%. You just have to learn the game and improve.

>> No.10057309

They could try actually designing a final boss instead of a glorified enemy spawner.

>> No.10057559

>You literally just spend the entire fight jumping between two tiny squares and spamming i-frames
So it tests your platforming skills, pacing skills, knowledge of advanced techniques such as i-frames, endurance and strategic thinking while on the move all at once.

>> No.10057575

>pacing skills
??? ESL moment
>advanced technique
okay retard
>strategic thinking
you literally just jump back and forth between squares on clearly telegraphed attacks. There is no strategic thinking.
he is just a giant retarded bullet sponge unless you get RNG weapon drops (even worse RNG than 2 where you can farm drops in the earlier phase)

>> No.10057956

There's something wrong with your rom or the emulator version you are running if you don't notice the difference between 15hz and 30hz. Update your emulator and recheck the rom you using.

>> No.10057985

he's even posting it on /v/

>> No.10057989

Shut the fuck up retard. Metal Slug doesn't work with 30Hz and it doesn't even matter since the fire cap for the weapons are extremely low.

>> No.10058002

I've never played a Metal Slug game. After skimming this thread, I'm left with these impressions:
a) I should play some Metal Slug games sometime. They are probably pretty interesting.
b) I should never ever talk to anyone online about Metal Slug.

>> No.10058035

Post these videos then retard. I have tested it myself and Heavy MG kills enemies significantly faster. Pistol is only good against soldiers as they die in one hit to literally anything.

A really obvious way to test is stage 2 boss of MS3, the Heavy MG lowers the gravestones much, much faster than the pistol.

And even then, pistol can't shoot diagonally so is at a big disadvantage to the Heavy MG (which is already one of the weakest powerups), the pistol firerate cap is low (only around 12Hz), and autofire has basically zero effect on the Slugs or any other weapon as the firerate cap for these is extremely low.

>> No.10058039

Just type Metal Slug autofire test into YouTube. There are several videos as part of the results. Pick one and watch it.

>> No.10058040

arcade games in general attract some of the most antagonistic autists known to mankind, the flipside is that those same arcade fans are some of the easiest and most hilarious to rile up

>> No.10058043

Find an arcade cabinet of the old school Metal Slug if you can. Try it first at least. It's truly a fun experience

>> No.10058059

There's literally only one video you fucking retard and it's testing the trains in Metal Slug 2. The trains are a very poor test as that has almost nothing to do with damage, they get knocked back a certain amount by each projectile. That's literally the one section people always mention, and if you are not playing with autofire then you just mash and use a couple grenades and that's really all there is to it.

How mush is your brain to actually defend endlessly mashing a button like a spastic for hours on end? I just don't get the mentality.

Metal Slug is one of those games that really benefits from emulation to completely remove slowdown and enable autofire. much much better game that way, and feels like how the game was intended to be played.

>> No.10058063

also remember that 3 is definitely the worst one and not fun at all.

>> No.10058096


128 frames to kill with Heavy MG, 245 frames to kill with autofire pistol.

Now fuck off retard and stop spreading blatant lies that you would know are wrong if you played the game for even more than 20 minutes.

>> No.10058158

Dude your autofire speed settings are way too low. I've seen way faster.

>> No.10058163

>feels like how the game was intended to be played.
The original Metal Slug series was meant for arcades. If the developers wanted players to have autofire then they would have put it in. It's fine if you like autofire, but don't try to pretend you speak for SNK game developers.

>> No.10058172

>There's literally only one video you fucking retard and it's testing the trains in Metal Slug 2.
You must be not being using YouTube properly or the videos aren't available in your country.

>> No.10058186

Regarding the autofire debate. I will say there's a reason why the Japanese have two different rankings for games.

One ranking for autofire turned on.
Second ranking for autofire turned off.

You get a lot more respect from the Japanese if you do it with autofire turned on.

Autofire doesn't work well on older schmups because there is a sprite limit on screen. Those games are more about accuracy and timing.

Developers also have found ways to deal with autofire users to keep game balance. For example, some games increase increase HP of bosses.

>> No.10058208

Then post your comparison you retard fuck. That is literally at 20Hz, which is the highest the game even recognizes and well past the fire rate cap of 12Hz.

or you could just link it you braindead retard. Not that it even matters as it was tested here https://streamable.com/kwb445 and Heavy MG deals basically double the damage as the pistol.

>> No.10058213

Do you know what the word pacing means, you goddamn monkey? Timing your jumps and i-frames to avoid hits fits under that umbrella.
Go back.

>> No.10058217

That would be timing you ESL retard.

>> No.10058229

I love the retards ITT trying to act like there is some secret autofire setting that is somehow faster than 20Hz even though the pistol caps out at 12Hz and the game doesn't even recognize 30Hz autofire. But then there's zero proof of this whatsoever except for some supposed phantom youtube video that is banned in every country on Earth except Uzbekistan, but also can't be linked.

Just admit you're wrong clowns. It should be obvious to anyone playing the game pistol is weaker than Heavy MG. Pistol is good at taking out trash mobs because they have the actual lowest possible HP and die to literally anything. When the enemy has any health at all, the Heavy MG kills them roughly twice as fast while also having the ability to shoot diagonal.

>> No.10058290

incorrect. Button pressing fatigue pushes the player to other options and different management decisions in the span of few frames. the caveat is completely lost if turbo/macro eliminates the threshold a player meets that would normally result in incentive to change attacks or movement.

in many games turbo/macro are considered cheats because they are closed and dependent abilities on factors not every player has access too.

you really do run the risk of spoiling your own enjoyment if you bypass the moments where quickly timed taps under duress rewards you with clutch play epicness.

>> No.10058312

just dont obsess over 1cc autism and you'll be fine.

>> No.10058328

>in many games turbo/macro are considered cheats
Only by retarded old boomers with no clears like yourself.

Yes, please separate the runs so you only compete with other old retard boomers who love mashing the button like a spastic and can't even clear the game.

>> No.10058359

Different anon here. Are you even capable of clearing Metal Slug on Mac difficulty with 1CC with no autofire? What about a full run without getting hit? Because the more you type, the more it sounds like you are just lazy.

>> No.10058361

>lazy for not mashing like spastic all game
Lmfao, you're so fucking stupid it hurts.

And yes, I have no-miss cleared the games.

>> No.10058438

With or without autofire?

>> No.10058440

Always autofire, zero interest in ever playing anything without autofire.

>> No.10058452

Performing actions at a specific pace is exactly what I meant, you dumb nigger. Get flogged.

>> No.10058461

the term for that is timing, not pacing. you just sound like an ESL retard when you say pacing your actions instead of timing.

>> No.10058462

I feel like Autofire sort of takes a bit of the fun out of it, but I won't stop anyone from using it.

>> No.10058467

>Always autofire, zero interest in ever playing anything without autofire.
You didn't answer the question. The other anon was asking if you are even capable of 1CC clearing the game without autofire. If not, then autofire is a crutch and you lack skill.

>> No.10058472

I would never even bother attempting it because I don't play without autofire. I have no doubt it obviously would be harder, but not by any significant margin. I would rather do a level-8 deathless clear than a level-1 10CC clear without autofire. No autofire is just not fun and fucks your hand up.

>> No.10058496

Smashing the button 1 billion times in the shitty tunnel section of Metal Slug 2/X is not skill.

>> No.10058556

>Never played Metal Slug without autofire.
Bruh...this is just absurd. If you are going to call all of us shit then at least be skilled at what you do. Even the world record holders of Metal Slug runs use autofire, but they can clear the game without it too.

>> No.10058584

No actual players care at all about autofire outside of old retard boomers who can't even clear.

>> No.10058596

Git good you scrub

>> No.10058636

Let's be clear. You NEED autofire to clear. We don't.

>> No.10058658

More like you have zero clears and just use "muh autofire is cheating" as a cope.

>> No.10058671

>the second best game of the series
>worse than MS4
It's not funny. But speaking of underrated opinions MS7 is kinda good, the level design is worse and the game looks like a rom hack. But I love the mechanics that were introduced in the 6th game.

>> No.10058695

I had a friend who could clear X in the arcade in the early 2000s. Is X easier than 2 or something? (I never played 2)
Anyways this autofire thing sounds like cope to me

>> No.10058726

With enough practice and memorization, you can beat any arcade game. Your friend must have practiced a lot in secret before revealing his skill to you.

>> No.10058729

There are entire no hit 1cc clears on YouTube that don't use autofire. Cope and seethe more.

>> No.10058897

>because I don't play without autofire.
I don't think autofire is bad, but come on at least play the game without Autofire. That's just embarrassing that you never played the game on standard. Metal Slug isn't even a button masher game either.

>> No.10058961

It's not nearly as fun without autofire. You're not really missing anything except hand and wrist pain.

>> No.10059015

Sums it up

>> No.10059087

>You're not really missing anything except hand and wrist pain.
Unless you have personally have a health condition, then you are exaggerating massively. Metal Slug doesn't hurt your wrist. I've played it hundreds hundreds or thousands of times with no problem. The problem here is you've played the game with autofire first without ever normally experiencing the game without it. That is like playing a racing game with infinite boost turned on, or a shooting game with infinite ammo turned on. You don't play House of the Dead or other Lightgun games with infinite ammo turned. You are supposed to manage your bullets and reload when it's safe. Infinite ammo is not what the developers intended. You've completely spoiled yourself.

>> No.10059108


>> No.10059127

Literally no one cares about autofire and mashing is a shit mechanic in every single game its own. Now go actually clear the games you've played "thousands of times" you dumb shitter.

>> No.10059161

Don't forget that /vr/ has a higher population of oldies.
I used to play so much Diablo and Starcraft back in the day. Thousands upon thousands of clicks a day, also shmups at the arcades.
Now when I playing any high mouse click per second game or open up an oldie shmup on mame it's instant tendon pain.
I guess hands have a number of clicks they can withstand and after 30+ years of abuse they are completely deteriorated.
I see your point though, shooting really fast on arcades by pressing the button fast gave you a strong connection to the ship and the game itself, but nowadays I instantly just go check the autofire options whenever I encounter such mechanics.

>> No.10059170

One word:
If you don't know what I mean, you haven't played the game.

>> No.10059180

See >>10058059

>> No.10059224

when I would find one of these in the wild I would immediately go fetch at least 5 dollars in change, pull up a chair if it was at a pizza place or any kind of establishment where it was acceptable to do so, hunker down and play until the end credits roll. My friends/family always thought it was peculiar but to me it was pure bliss. spectators knew I was in it for the long haul because I would always queue up a handful of quarters up agains the glass. man I miss those days.

>> No.10059248

>Literally no one cares about autofire
YOU came into thread and started insulting everyone who didn't use autofire for Metal Slug. So clearly YOU care. To make matters worse, you told everyone you never played Metal Slug without autofire turned on. That's stupid. You sound stupid.
>Diablo and Starcraft
Now that is serious clicking. Diablo and SC doesn't mess around. Luckily Metal Slug doesn't require that level of commitment. It's more of a tapping game. Not a button master. Usually only needing to tap faster on bosses.

>I see your point though, shooting really fast on arcades by pressing the button fast gave you a strong connection to the ship and the game itself, but nowadays I instantly just go check the autofire options whenever I encounter such mechanics.
Yeah it's fine if it's an option. The original Metal Slug series never had it. This weirdo anon jumped into this thread and started insulting people who DON'T use autofire for Metal Slug. And he also said he never tried the game without it. He doesn't know what the game is without autofire. Totally bizarre autism on display.

For me it was a local 7-Eleven back when they still had arcade cabinets. I would buy slurpee, and drop 5 dollars on Metal Slug. Beat it several times with a crowd of kids watching and jumping in 2nd Player sometimes. You could chill at 7-Eleven for hours and the store wouldn't care. Now 7-Eleven has no arcade cabinets, and has no loitering policy. They want you out of the store as soon as possible. They don't even want you hanging out in front of the store. Times have changed.

>> No.10059263

>128 frames to kill with Heavy MG, 245 frames to kill with autofire pistol
There's something wrong with your autofire. I've seen it shoot faster.

Heres a video from YouTube where they do a comparison of different autofire settings and comparing them.

With autofire enabled you can clear things much faster. So it makes a difference in gameplay. It's not just a quality of life issue.

>> No.10059267


>> No.10059342

Do you just not read anything and continually argue in circles? This video was already addressed multiple times. See >>10058059

This is why you don't buy shitty ports that don't actually explain any of the options. Who knows what autofire frequency they are using. With emulator, you can set the exact timing, and go up to 20Hz (30Hz just doesn't work with Metal Slug's engine), although there is no difference past 12Hz.

>> No.10059349

Why are you comparing damage in a section that has nothing to do with damage? The pistol pushes the trains back faster than even the shotgun would because it has higher fire rate. Idiotic comparison posted out of context by a stupid fucking retard.

>> No.10059490

Are you the person constantly shilling 4 on here? Even if you think the game you like so much is despised for silly reasons, you aren't going to get anything out of baiting and getting so angry over other people's views. You're just going to attract the people that might not even care about Metal Slug, but just find it funny to rile you up. Just normally explain why you like 2 and 4 so much and there will be someone who sees your point.

Either way, for me, it's 5. I think it has some of the best stages and bosses along with great pacing, being just 5 missions long with neither of them wasting your time too much. It also has the most memorable stages due to the great visuals and soundtrack accompanying the already good stage design. I do think the slide should have been done completely differently, as it ranges from being useless to being harmful depending on the situation, and on higher difficulty levels some of the bosses take way too long to kill, which hurts the pacing quite a bit. I love the Stage 5 car section though, it doesn't overstay it's welcome and it's just really fun, but that's probably just me. I don't think the game would have benefitted from some of the other cut content being finished, as adding a bunch of new bosses into the final mission would have probably made it more tedious. I love how the Stone Turtle looks as much as anyone else, but I think it was cut for a reason. Shame that sunglasses guy went unused, though, he looks cool.

>> No.10060310

>This is why you don't buy shitty ports that don't actually explain any of the options. Who knows what autofire frequency they are using. With emulator, you can set the exact timing, and go up to 20Hz (30Hz just doesn't work with Metal Slug's engine), although there is no difference past 12Hz.
Ok Boomer. You need to realize there are multiple emulators and multiple rom versions of Metal Slug. Stop using using a limited emulator, and an old rom of Meta Slug.

>> No.10060331

Next time, just admit you have a limited vocabulary like the knuckle-dragging shortbus escapee you are instead of beating around the bush.
MS2's final boss is still shit.

>> No.10060348

>the pistol doesn't shoot faster with autofire!!! I can't get my emulator to shoot that fast. It's a lie!!
>uhhh...ok maybe it does shoot faster. But that proves nothing. I'm still right!! Waaaaaggghh.

>> No.10060359

This on MAME with mslug3.zip retard, same result with FB Neo as well. It functions how PCB would with mashing.

Just admit you are an ESL mutt and pacing is the wrong word there. Metal Slug 2's final boss is miles better than just jumping between two squares over and over.

Are you fucking stupid? This is comparing shitty port autofire, which who knows what frequency they are at. This is why you don't buy shitty ports that don't explain options; like "normal" might be level 3 on one port, 4 on another, 5 on the last. But on MAME you set the settings exactly as you want them. In MAME, you can set the autofire to 20Hz which is the max possible and how that test was performed.

>> No.10060371
File: 205 KB, 426x696, Stock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western cab
devs didn't intend for the game to be played on that

>> No.10060375

>I would always queue up a handful of quarters up agains the glass
oh so you were one of those assholes

>> No.10060382

I'm 38 and have carpal tunnel in both hands.
I'm using auto-fire.

>> No.10060387

There are controllers with dials that let you select the rate of auto-fire and you could slow it down to what you feel like is a natural tapping speed.
There is also a version of MAME that has this feature. Either shmupmame or wolfmame, can't remember.

>> No.10060392

That's what these geriatric boomer shitters don't get. Only in the west were these games designed as mindless quarter munchers. 99% of relevant arcade games were made by Japanese devs, and these games were oftentimes changed for a western release (sometimes easier, usually harder, almost always worse balance), and they were played without autofire and while standing up in the west, while Japanese cabs usually had autofire set up, larger monitors, the cabs were designed to sit and play, and players logged and shared optimal strategies for the game as a community effort.

So yes, in the west the arcade experience was just mindless button mashing, quarter stealing, poorly balanced garbage, but in Japan arcade gaming was seen more as an art form; a high expression of skill and the games were meant to be mastered with competing players pushing each other to new heights. This is why so many of those early arcade scores are still nowhere close to being surpassed despite so much time passing and the massive advantage of save states, rewind, and examining game code to get as much information as possible.

>> No.10060402

20Hz is the fastest the game is even capable of recognizing, so yes that is obviously going to be the fastest autofire rate, although 12Hz and 20Hz are identical in the later Slug games from testing. The issue is in ports, they will have autofire setting, but then don't tell you the frequency. it might be 5Hz, or 6Hz, or 8Hz, or 10Hz, or 12Hz, or 15Hz, or 20Hz, or it might be too high frequency that the game doesn't even detect all the inputs properly; who knows because you don't have control over the settings like you do when using the actual emulation software. Also different ports usually run at slightly different speeds anyways, so that is another factor if you are comparing one version to a different version.

Instead of acting like there is some phantom version of the game that has a different autofire cap or that there is some super secret method to have a higher autofire rate, how about you just test and record it for yourself? A test was already done on MAME with 20Hz autofire and it showed Heavy MG dealt roughly double the damage of max autofire pistol, which sounds pretty accurate for anyone who has actually played the game and is consistent with all gameplay footage available.

>> No.10060408
File: 131 KB, 1200x900, x551687813.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turbo mod kits started appearing in the mid-90s in Japan, and games started having it as option in the service menu around that time too.

Some players owned superguns with turbo functions and practiced at home before making their official run in the arcade.

>> No.10060420

>Only in the west were these games designed as mindless quarter munchers.
It was like that at every arcade. Including Japan. You are an idiot.

>> No.10060429

>I don't know how configure my emulator or use roms
Kek. Reading your post is funny. If you need help setting up an emulator correctly, then just go ask on gaming forums.

>> No.10060432

>let me just ignore the whole rest of the post and deny reality
Ok retard. The arcade scene in Japan vs. the west could not be more different.

>> No.10060435

Since it came out for the Neo Geo platform it was literally and specifically meant for both the arcade and home. And of course any developer at the time knew that a port to other consoles of the time (which all had easily available turbo controllers) would be very likely in the future.

>> No.10060437

>For example, some games increase increase HP of bosses.
Darius Gaiden is the only I can think of.
Other examples?

>> No.10060440

Can you read or are you just pretending to be retarded? I know how to configure my emulator, but these console/PC ports oftentimes are a hacky mess and who knows what the generic included "autofire" option does and there is no way to configure it. I've always advocated just playing in MAME or FB Neo over buying shitty ports.

>> No.10060446

Last night I played about 20 minutes of Galaga without autofire and this morning typing these posts I can still feel some pain in my right hand.
My hands just don't have the endurance anymore and I'm not going to use up the mileage I have left on them by not using autofire.
But I'm not going to pretend to anyone that I didn't use it if I mention a 1cc or score.

>> No.10060448

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.10060449

The Neo Geo was never initially designed to be sold for home consumers. If you know anything about SNK gaming history, then you would know the Neo Geo AES was designed to be a high end rental system. Something SNK could rent to rich clients like Companies for parties and corporate events. Clients who had money to burn. You aren't going to drag a huge Neo Geo MVS arcade cabinet up to the 37th floor of Japanese skyscraper for a 1 or 2 day party. But a Neo Geo AES works perfectly in that situation.

>> No.10060450

People using autofire aren't trying to hide it. Make it obvious, separate the runs, who cares. Let the geriatric boomer shitters have their own dumbass category where they can post their stage 3 game over runs.

>> No.10060453

>I know how to configure my emulator
Evidently not.

>> No.10060459

Japanese arcades aren't some "magical arcade wonderland" you weeb. They wanted your money just like any arcade. Stop talking. You don't know anything.

>> No.10060460

If by "configure my emulator" you mean "modify the game code of the ACA port", then sure..?

>> No.10060463

>People using autofire aren't trying to hide it. Make it obvious, separate the runs, who cares.
They already have seperate leader boards for autofire and non-autofire runs. Except you don't know this because you're a wannabe.

>> No.10060469

Depends on the game. Usually that's only on speedtroon communities or western scorekeeping. In Japan, they usually note it but don't usually separate it for most games.

>> No.10060474

I know all of that and by the time of Metal Slug 1's development the AES was being sold directly to consumers (although it was discontinued soon after the game was released).
You knew that too but you just had to jump at the slightest inclination to "ackshually" post.

Anyone working on the development of Metal Slug would have assumed a Saturn and/or Playstation port would be in the works soon if it wasn't already in the early stages at the same time as the Neo Geo version getting near completion.

There was also the Neo Geo CD version of the game, which would have been intended for home release right from the beginning.

>> No.10060484

>uh...I...uh...i...knew that too actually
Reading your post is cringy

>> No.10060489

>Usually that's only on speedtroon communities
There are literal Japanese leader boards you monkey.

>> No.10060491

No u.
Everything any arcade player from Japan from the time period says indicates it was an atmosphere of happy cooperation between players and arcade staff with people sharing tips and knowledge, and in some cases issues of Gamest being sold right there at the front of the arcade. Or players bringing it with them and passing it around.
Additionally, games were actually literally cheaper to play in Japan when you factor in the rows of old games that were 20 yen to play each.

>> No.10060494

That's a lot of words just to say
"I was wrong"

>> No.10060503

Literally not wrong since the thread of discussion here is whether Metal Slug was developed with the sole intention of being an arcade game.
By the time Metal Slug started development the AES was no longer a rental system and the Neo Geo CD was out.
I'll go ahead and say it was extremely likely that a Neo CD version of Metal Slug was planned right from the beginning before even a single line of code was written for the game.

>> No.10060518
File: 510 KB, 1889x1401, Wholesome Japanese arcade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh wholesome Japanese arcade weeb fantasy
HAHAHAHA. Thanks anon. I haven't laughed that hard in a while.

>> No.10060532

>muh yakuza bogeyman
Again, you have no idea what you're talking about. Seems like you get all your information from 4chan.

>> No.10060551

90% of Arcades were considered seedy in Japan and parents didn't want their kids going there. The weren't some magical Disneyland of family fun. You really need to do more research before putting Japanese arcades on a pedestal.

>> No.10060563
File: 208 KB, 1200x868, so seedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once again, you have no idea what you're talking about and get your information from memes or cherry-picked articles from Game Machine Magazine's international back section that anons uploaded to 4chan (ironically some of them were posted by me in the past).

>> No.10060569
File: 28 KB, 400x276, nw1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The weren't some magical Disneyland of family fun.

>> No.10060591

>parents didn't want their kids going there
And when was it said that anything being discussed here was limited to kids?
Arcades are primarily places for teenagers and young adults. Of course parents wouldn't want an 8 year old hanging out there unattended.
You're doing this stupid /vr/ thing where you assume everything to do with retro games targets little kids as the main audience and everyone here who played them must have been below ten years old at the time.

>> No.10060625

Those were only the corporate owned arcades and theme parks which did not make up the majority. And those only came much later. It's funny you try to bring up Neo Geo land too. It died because of lack of attendance and high cost.
The vast majority of arcades were still those independently owned seedy arcades you would see while walking down the street.

>> No.10060629

>Some fag who posts pictures of a tourist trap thinks all Jap arcades are like that.

>> No.10060671

You are posting the Japanese equivalent of a tourist trap. Literally the 1% of Arcades. Most arcades were NOT like that at all.

>> No.10060687

>dirty americans think every clean arcade is a tourist trap

>> No.10060890
File: 89 KB, 301x435, 1679787505675618.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metal Slug threads should be banned if it spawns this level of retardism.

>> No.10061036

I love how the Metal Slug autofire fag changed the subject, and moved the goal post 10 times during the entire thread. Truly a waste of time talking to these people.

>> No.10061146

Post three photos of so-called seedy Japanese arcades in the 90s that actually have evidence of being run-down and frequented by delinquents. Pro-tip: a teenager wearing a letterman jacket or chain wallet while smoking a cigarette isn't evidence of criminal activity.

I know you can't.

The talk about Japanese arcades in the 90s being "seedy" in publications of the time is the Japanese media massively overreacting and having a panic attack when a member of the Japanese silent generation saw a teenager with a hair color other than black and assumed it must be a den of drug dealers. Nothing more than a Japanese version of the satanic panic of the 80s.
In reality Japan was the safest country in the world in the 90s. That extended to arcades. Even the few that were Yakuza owned and operated.

>> No.10061150

There's dozens of people posting ITT schizo

>> No.10061172

this is sick. anyone have any more boss webms? machine gun guy boss always kicks my ass. same with all the final bosses.

>> No.10061216
File: 3.44 MB, 304x224, Metal Slug Allen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10061258

Anon here won't settle with anything less than the literal Citizen Kane of videogames to the point he forgot about fun.

>> No.10061269

Anon, hating the most popular game in a franchise won't make you interesting. Stop trying so hard to fit in.

>> No.10061316
File: 2.26 MB, 1200x672, image (55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aha damnn thanks! man these look so trivial! but I've fed these stupid machines a small fortune and didn't notice those boss patterns. being retarded is a tough gig sometimes.

>> No.10061317

I thought 2 WAS the most popular? Like megamans.

>> No.10061345

>There's dozens of people posting ITT schizo
There's a bunch of people but only one autofirefag insulting everyone. That's you. Your posting style is obvious.

>> No.10061351

Metal Slug 1 is the most difficult arcade game ever. Any other arcade clear is child's play by comparison.

>> No.10061391

>I'm gonna change the goal posts yet again and make more crazy and unnecessary demands.
Yawn. Keep beating up that strawman more. You are an expert at it.

>> No.10061392
File: 211 KB, 960x640, including this one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The vast majority of arcades were still those independently owned seedy arcades you would see while walking down the street.
Those independently owned arcades were still clean and harmless. Arcades in Japan were just never at the level of shadyness as arcades in the USA, and even those USA arcades have been exaggerated over the years. The arcades in the USA with the strongest players in the country were clean and well-lit places full of teen nerds and college students.

>> No.10061408

So you can't do it, then.
You insist on this reputation as if it's something everyone should just know but you haven't posted a scrap of evidence for it. You haven't even posted the articles from Game Machine talking about when arcade curfews were put into place because you just read posts from other more knowledgeable anons who go to original sources. Like me. And then once you get these ideas in your head you ironically start arguing with the same anons when they add additional nuance to the discussion that goes against the headcanon you had built up.
Highly ironic, really.

Metal Slug came out in 1996. Almost a full decade after the curfew laws in Japan went into effect that were part of a panic over the perceived seediness of arcades (which never actually existed, but old people always panic over new youth trends). Laws that were repealed and replaced with much more lenient versions by the time Metal Slug came around because it was found to be completely pointless and unnecessary and was doing a lot of damage to something that was one of the biggest booming business in the country in the early 90s.

>> No.10061430

>So you can't do it, then.
Yawn. Weak bait. Why should anyone meet your ridiculous demands without getting anything in return? You just change the subject whenever proven wrong as you've already done.

Tell you what. I'll play your game and post photos from my personal collection. But you have to make a tripcode username right NOW, and make a post saying:

"If anon posts the photos I asked, then I promise I front of everyone here (and the other autofire thread) that I will admit I'm fag loser who can't play Metal Slug properly and autofire sucks monkey balls."

Then attach a picture with your hand holding a /vr/ timestamp so we know your aren't a fake.

Then I might actually be motivated to participate. Otherwise I get nothing out of this. You'll just run away and not respond. I want proof of your failure.

>> No.10061435

>"If anon posts the photos I asked, then I promise in* front of everyone here (and the other autofire thread) that I will admit I'm fag loser who can't play Metal Slug properly and autofire sucks monkey balls."
Quick spelling correction so you can't worm your way out of it.

>> No.10061451

Oh snap. Anon just threw down the gauntlet.

>> No.10061454



>> No.10061487

>Tell you what. I'll play your game and post photos from my personal collection. But you have to make a tripcode username right NOW, and make a post saying:
>Then attach a picture with your hand holding a /vr/ timestamp so we know your aren't a fake.
Lmao. Watch him not respond or go quiet. Autismos never like showing themselves

>> No.10061560


>> No.10061569

>nothing stopping you from impersonating anon by making up a tripcode and replying to yourself

>> No.10061579
File: 193 KB, 2048x1535, 1937384246_luigi_chef_kiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely brilliant response *chef's kiss*. He must respond with a direct answer. Anything else is trash and weak. This is getting really good.

>> No.10061597

concession accepted
gg no re

>> No.10061626


Were waiting anon.

It's entertaining to read.

Stop samefagging and trying to find a way out of their challenge. Can you deliver or not?

>> No.10061642

That's a different anon than the autofire one. I don't even know what the argument is about now and I don't think you even know either lol

>> No.10061995

Love the art

>> No.10062127

Metal Slug 3 was when i stopped bothering with the franchise. The game literally overstayed its welcome.

>> No.10062327

MS4 isn't better than anything.

>> No.10062331

It has been 5 hours and the Anon still hasn't replied to this post with a tripname and picture. What a loser.

>> No.10062369

>dude I own the Slug games
what is this even supposed to prove? what a retarded argument and kill yourself samefagging retard

>> No.10063536

If I really killed myself, wouldn't you feel even a tiny bit of guilt or sadness? Are you that callous?

>> No.10064078

People always regurgitate this bs but never say what's bad about 4

>> No.10065103

The ultimate Metal Slug game is 4. The second best one is 5. The BEST best one though is 2. Ultimately, there is no Metal Slug game that's worse than 6, although 6 at least is somewhat better than 4. That said, all of them are ruined if you use either the on or off autofire setting. You need to use the semi-on setting or else you didn't play the true game

>> No.10065125
File: 815 KB, 1165x419, neo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two higher than one?
not sure if i agree with that anon
it might just be my nostalgia goggles but
the first entry is basically a perfect arcade game
easy for normies\women, cartoony but godtier graphics
not too long, not too hard; just right (L-LEWD)

i liked all of them
i guess 7 would be the "weakest" entry
i def would NOT be ranking 3 as the "worst"
ranking 2 over x is retarded as X is basically 2 with a fixed engine and some changes here and there
i mean, its not the SAME game but really?
what is your logic here?

explain yourself faggot

>> No.10065225


>> No.10065621

I think X is best viewed as an arrange only after you have totally mastered 2. But it's also an easier game, so that doesn't really make sense either. The main advantage of X is the ability to use Fixed Vulcan and rebind Slug Attack (allowing jump+shoot finally) in the AES version. There are a couple sections in X I like better as they spice up some sections of 2 that are fairly one note (pretty much only the second half of the stage 6 alien facility and most of stage 2 are better in X), but most changes are a downgrade or just baffling. Stage 1, 4, and 5 are a complete downgrade, 2 is an upgrade, 3 and 6 are neutral (some good changes, some bad).

The fat gimmick being forced into every level especially is extremely annoying, a lot of the new weapons just feel shitty to use or trivialize difficult sections, but also the grenade spam and other gimmicky shit like giant rocket wells or motorcycles flying at you constantly feel like a lazy way to add challenge. What's annoying is they trivialized most of the difficult sections of 2 just to add new difficulty in the form of these stupid gimmicks.

Obviously the main advantage is the slowdown being removed, but that's a nonfactor with emulation. Even X still has a good amount of slowdown, so your best bet is to just use CPU overclock to remove all slowdown whether from 2 or X, as the games all play much better that way.

>> No.10066028

Casual here. Could you say the differences between 2 and X are more felt by committed players? I personally don't feel more than the palette swaps and the "I" and "D" weapons. Oh, and less slowdown. There's also that well in stage 4 you mentioned; it was much simpler in 2 than X, the latter filled with all those missiles.

>> No.10066054

You notice a lot of the changes after you have mastered 2, but the games are largely similar, especially since casual players aren't really going to notice small differences in enemy spawns or layouts or weapons if they are just credit feeding through.

>> No.10066220

>emulatorfag is a cheating subhuman
Just the usual

>> No.10066240

>usualfag is a human subemulator
Just the cheating

>> No.10066906

I chuckled when I read this. I suspect anon isn't going to reply this post anymore. Or pull a "I'm not the anon you are replying to" card.

>> No.10067328


>> No.10068280


>> No.10069183

Sorry, but I'm not the anon you are replying to.