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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10050612 No.10050612 [Reply] [Original]

Mulgore Plains

>> No.10050619


>> No.10050640


Get goosebumps every time I hear Mulgore music or this

>> No.10050647
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For me, it's
>Hellfire Peninsula
>fly up into some random floating rock
>AFK while listening to The Offspring and watching the sky

>> No.10050759

best music and atmoshere to me are The Barrens(in vanilla). there is something so melancholic to wander those everstretching plains and hearing the soft and muffled orcish grunts and drums.

>> No.10050769

I've said this before, but the biggest video game fall from grace was Blizzard. Went from having the most heart in the industry to becoming a lifeless, soulless husk.

>> No.10051278

>I've said this before
And you were wrong then, too. Blizzard started as a soulless IP clone of another soulless IP. From the beginning they were destined to be nothing more than a money hungry piece of shit like Games Workshop. It was in their very DNA. They always played it safe and used whatever the most popular and cliche tropes they could steal. To make it worse, they injected forth wall breaks and pop fiction garbage into every game they made. Never one to take a risk, they also fused with the other shittiest company of all time, Activision so they could take full advantage of releasing the same shitty shooter over and over again. Once they realised they could charge you $15 a month to play zoomed in Warcraft 3 they never looked back. They even brought back expansion packs from their previous games so they can charge you over and over again for the same game.

>> No.10051279

have you seen my dog? :(

>> No.10051280

>turn around
>fel reaver


>> No.10051283

you had to be there

>> No.10051301

Blizzard may be soulless IP clones, but once upon a time they seemed to be at the absolute forefront of every single genre they touched, as if they had an entire R&D division working tirelessly night and day to refine every single element of every single thing they did. And this extended into the final products as a sort of difficult to pin down "soul" if you will.
Blizzard could have made just about anything and it would have been considered at least top 10 of all time in its genre, at least back when they were at their peak.

>> No.10051314

I both miss and regret the time(and money) i spent on this stupid game.

>> No.10051318

eleventh post best post

>> No.10051320

Yeah, part of me regrets it but the reality was I had a lot of social difficulties as a kid, and things probably wouldn't have shook out much different, if it wasn't WoW it was something else. Now when I go back I can't stand playing it (the dailies, god the fucking dailies), but my wife ended up playing as a kid also and it's something we bonded over on our first date. Blizzard is literally top 5 least soulful companies now, but I'm grateful in some ways for the time I spent with their games in the past.

>> No.10051321

Given the state of the world, I don’t regret it at all. Met so many cool and interesting people, and had a lot of fun playing a video game w a massive community. Now I do regret my logged CoD hours

>> No.10051332
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Reading John Staats Wow diary, that team definitely wasn’t soulless.

>> No.10051417
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This is now a retro MMO thread. For me, it’s the plains of Eregion just outside Moria.

>> No.10051430
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The shire always has the most nostalgic charm, however.

>> No.10051483

Everquest 2 player here. Yeah I know its not the OG everquest but its fun and I spend alot more time in it than you'd think. I love just walking around and doing repeatable quests over and over. I have 1 charactor above level 100 and ive been to and thru almost all of the games areas cept the newest one. I try playing newer mmo's and they dont click like this game does for me. Love it and will probably shed real tears the day it shuts down forever. Ive been in this world a LONG time and have been and see many amazing events.

>> No.10051486
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Minas Tirith is definitely one of, if not the largest cities I’ve ever seen in a game, let alone an MMO.

>> No.10051556
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I definitely would have tried EQ2 had I known anyone else playing it back in the day. I miss the days of the esoteric MMO that didn’t hold your hand.
Game has a pretty crazy housing system for 2007. Maybe FF14 is better nowadays, but can’t think of any contemporaries that did it better.

>> No.10051582
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I think you seem to miss the most important thing, the thing that kinda matters the most with videogames. And that's whether Blizzard ideas were uninspired or not, up to a certain point every game they made was one of the best-playing games in the industry at the time. ALL of them back in the day were played because they were so damn fun to play first and foremost.
Not retro but even SC2, the game that's the definition of shitting the bed in terms of story, is still to this day one of the best programmed, most responsive, best-feeling in the moment to moment RTS ever made with pathfinding that feels like it was programmed with black magic with how fucking buttery smooth and flawless it is. It's the one reason I can't go back to SC1. Just knowing that your melee units will actually get into a fight, attacking the first enemy they come into contact with without significantly impeding other melee units and your ranged units will find a target which can involve them shoving allies a bit to get into range.

>> No.10051590

>released 2010
Man my memories are bad, for years and years I remembered WoL releasing in 2008.

>> No.10051592

That LOTRO game lags like shit. Sometimes textures can't catch up etc.
The engine is just archaic and all kinds of fucked up. Also no European servers.

>> No.10051606

I dont care if anyone agrees with me or not everquest 2 has one of the best worlds to just go enjoy. I love wandering the cities and going thru regions and fighting enemies and crafting gear and just in general experiencing the world. Its such a beautiful world to me and hands down my favorite mmo to experience. I'd say go play thru it now if you havent. Its got a ton of expansion packs and content to enjoy. You can even delevel your charactors to redo areas and enjoy fights for loot if you want to grind for things. Idk its just one of those game worlds I play to experience a life in it and it does most of what I want for that.

>> No.10051610
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Evendim is the European server, there’s another progression one too for you people. Yes, the game lags like ass, but they just implemented a major fix for that in the last patch, finally, which did mostly work.

>> No.10051619

Is free to play feasible? I think I uninstalled it fast after realising you actually need membership or it's a waste of time.

>> No.10051620

This. I love C&C to death but Blizzard were just leagues ahead of Westwood in game design back then. They just made objectively better RTS games, even with SC1 having some of the worst pathfinding in existence.

>> No.10051621
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Nah, one MMO is enough for me, still exploring this one, honestly. EQ2 is better left in the past if you haven’t played it by now, kind of like Asheron’s Call for me. But I agree, it seemed so special for what is was back then.

>> No.10051627

Cool, glad to hear that.
Yeah, I was told the "European" server actually isn't in Europe heh.

>> No.10051629

You're a clueless fag. The amount of Soul put into Blizzard's pre Diablo 3 games is one the highest level. From game design, to graphics, to storytelling. Everything down to making sure the UI and menu art reflects the game world.

>> No.10051634

Yeah, the only reason I would want to play LOTRO is to explore and get lost in the world but I can't enjoy the world when the game stutters every 20 feet.

>> No.10051643

And then the main designer behind C&C Generals went to Blizzard became the main guy behind SC2. Which from a negative pov explains why both games have such a proclivity towards deathballing, but from a positive pov both games are really fun and responsive.

>> No.10051645
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It’s much better after the last patch, not going to pretend it’s where it should ideally be, though. Worth a shot again, I think, if you were put off before.

>> No.10051659
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I do believe that it is, in fact, in Europe. Still, I imagine you would have had issues regardless.

>> No.10051690
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The Last Homely House, another favorite.

>> No.10051693
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>> No.10051908

Always got to take a second to chill with Legolas and Gimli outside Lothlorien.

>> No.10051913
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Forgot pic

>> No.10051928
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Galadriel herself looks pretty good in this game, much better than the woman who portrayed her in the Amazon show.

>> No.10051953

free to play is alot harder but I did it for years before I finally got a membership (which helps alot) but yes free to play IS doable just alot more annoying and restrictive at times. But once you can start crafting decent ass bags to hold loot you get past some of the issues. I spent at least 7yrs as free to play and only 5 months ago did I finally get a membership so I can say I had one at least.

>> No.10051963

That's fair anon I can understand only wanting to play 1 mmo. I personally decided to stay with EQ2 out of all the mmos as my main and occasionally I play something else. What is your current mmo of choice?
Asherons call is one I missed on.

>> No.10052026
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I’m playing LOTRO now with a friend because like you, I like sandbox MMOs. As I get older, low fantasy appeals to me more than the crazy high-fantasy giant pauldron stuff that games like WoW do. LOTR just has some really great lore and the game uses it very well with an absolutely massive rendition of Middle Earth to explore.
It’s got some problems for sure, but I find it really enjoyable. I actually miss some of the more hardcore concepts that EQ2 has in this game. Doesn’t EQ have those really punishing corpse walks, for example? I actually think that’s a good feature.

>> No.10052047

All thats left are funservers or cucked official servers where you get banned for saying “fag”. I just wanna level with bros…

>> No.10052056

I like tirisfal glades

>> No.10052081
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Post some pics then. Let me see your favorite wow zones.

>> No.10052193
File: 232 KB, 1024x768, WoWScrnShot_070923_165810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tooling around with self hosting my own private server so I can just start playing the game again with bots and shit. These days it'll be more fun than playing with actual people for me.

I want to get a server going with individual progression, autobalance, and player bots. Would need some other mods too but those are the main ones. Individual progression seems really good with how it restores some vanilla/tbc difficulty (within reason considering azerothcore is wotlk-based) and even restores shit like ony40 and naxx40.

>> No.10052263
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>> No.10052284
File: 456 KB, 1920x1080, 8E4A913E-72A6-4E7A-A297-9F2D8CD79CC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks pretty, I like the orange glow and the architecture reminds me of Annuminas. Pic related. Post more if have them.
Captcha: PNSM8

>> No.10052296

Imagine becoming so jaded that the antithesis of the genre is the only thing appealing to you anymore. If you want to play an MMO completely by yourself, maybe it’s time to hang up the towel and admit that it’s not for you anymore. On a purely technical level, I’m impressed with your initiative, though.

>> No.10052307

The world ended in 2000
Y2K did happen

>> No.10052316

desu I genuinely enjoy WoW's core gameplay and world and I enjoy just going off and grinding random shit to be a fun passtime, but yeah being jaded is a good way of putting it. I got sick of putting up with idiots or losing progress from server shutdown or having to raid at autistic times. Most of the time when I fall off the wagon and go back to retail or play some private server I end up basically playing solo anyway and only grouping when I have to. At this point I'm not going to pretend like I play WoW for its community anymore.

Anyway, the set up for hosting your own server isn't too rough. Azerothcore has a really good non-programmer friendly tutorial on how to do it and I got it going first try without any trouble (although I've yet to install modules). This SQL database shit still kind of eludes me though, luckily it doesn't seem like you have to tool around in it too much.

>> No.10052332

That sounds like it would be incredibly depressing to play. At least program them to say racial slurs in general chat.

>> No.10052397

I would love to get a private server of wow or everquest 2 or lotr or anarchy online going. those are games ive put alot of time into over the years. it'd be fun to have a private server only I am on. tho I suppose i'd invite my one friend to play since he'd get a kick out of it.

where does one even go to learn how to setup something like that? It sounds pretty fun actually.

I havent died in forever but I think they got rid of having to go run to your corpse

>> No.10052487

There's some other open source WoW server projects but https://www.azerothcore.org/wiki/home is the guide I followed. There's a lot of preparation and set up to do so it can take a few hours, but there's no programming knowledge required at all if you just want to play stock or use other people's mods. Even if you don't really want to play it solo I think it might be fun to just make a gm account for yourself to dick around with commands.

>> No.10052496

It’s a good way to practice I bet.

>> No.10052679
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>no corpse run
Ah, understandable but kind of sad to see it go. I love LOTRO, but it does kind of hold your hand by not punishing you for death that much.

>> No.10052710
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You think that I could theoretically host a server for a few friends on an old C2D PC? I could probably use my main one, but I still need to find a use for this thing.

>> No.10052770

There's not much in the way of official system requirements so I can't really give a concrete answer, but I think a Core 2 Duo PC should be able to handle it on the CPU front if it's only for like a few dozen players. There are some optional settings to reduce CPU load that you can look into.

The only official requirements I'm aware of have to do with memory, they recommend 16GB of RAM as the minimum. The server will use up more memory depending on how much of the world (of warcraft) is loaded at once, and it tops out at about 11GB once everything is loaded, and there's no way to unload anything without a server reset from what I gather.
There's some options to reduce the RAM usage by only loading zones players have actually entered, which lets you get away with only having like 4-8GB of RAM if you're only keeping to a few zones per session.

I've also seen some people say a SSD is recommended but the entire thing runs off RAM when it's loaded so I don't know what they're thinking.

>> No.10052895

Ok but is LOTRO any fun to play?

>> No.10053036
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I think so, though I don’t think it will blow you away with anything revolutionary on the gameplay front. I think most of the classes are pretty rewarding to play and some are pretty unique. I’m playing a minstrel, which uses music (the most powerful force in LOTR) to do damage or heal depending on spec. It’s been fun learning the ballad/coda system that makes that work. I’ve also had success finding groups for on level content while leveling, like here in Annuminas where you help Aragorn reforge Narsil.

>> No.10053095
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We even completed the hardest boss fight that we’ve done so far, a couple of Ogres down here in Moria past this puzzle that basically one shot you if you don’t keep them separated. It was kind of hard without a tank, but we managed through careful threat management.

>> No.10053203

I would've loved to download sections of a MMO to play offline. I was poor. Maybe AI can rib you like a friend these days.

>> No.10053226


>> No.10053232

Looks comfy

>> No.10053243

I always wished WoW had gotten some kind of Diabloish, Phantasy Star Onlineish offline game equivalent. Like a lot of the charm for me is the big world and the dumb warcraft lore and everything. Ideal scenario for me back in the day would have been that once an expansion or the base game was no longer relevant, they made something from the assets available thst resembles the Orc campaign from Frozen Throne and lets you play through everything or atleast the major story quests, exploration, dungeons, with a character you make and a party/guild you slowly build up, outfitted with gear you get, picking classes. Offer a zoomed out RTS view for multiple unit controls and slightly modify encounters around being 1 player or a 4 player LAN set up with each player controls 10 units/characters in a raid and i feel like Bliz could have had a neat alternative series to continue both the Warcraft ip in a non mmo means, rope in those not playing WoW and make use of all the assets they already have access to. With a bit of modding, WoW could have became some real comfy mid to late 2000s era feeling western RPGs.

>> No.10053427

a private server is really the ultimate end and outcome of wow

>> No.10053436

>t. never played a single Blizzard game pre-2007

>> No.10053448

You definitely didn't grow up in the MMO golden era. It's a shame, someone like you will never have fun.

>> No.10053452

where do you download everything needed to play that without viruses? is it close to the real thing or is there custom things programmed into it?

>> No.10053743

It's really easy to install, the most difficult part is editing SQL tables. It's really no different from a quiet funserver, I tried warmane for a while and only met one (literal) boomer who wasn't a sweaty third worlder.

>> No.10053754
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Ah, I see. Not planning on making one anytime soon, but if the internet ever becomes too unusable, I may have to do so.

>> No.10054301

>I always wished WoW had gotten some kind of Diabloish, Phantasy Star Onlineish offline game equivalent.
So where you go in a lobby and do short sessions with a party?

>> No.10054313

Personally I don't get it. At least with some MMOs like SWTOR, 99% of the content is made for single-player with a story to experience and you're effectively just playing a regular RPG you connect to a sever for and occasionally do coop content (and even that's been effectively negated as now they give you powerful NPC bots to assist you there so new players can experience the old outdated content no one else wants to run), but WoW is built on the social interaction. If SWTOR ended its lifespan by giving everyone the files to play it offline forever, no one would complain. If WoW did, people would ask what's the point.

>> No.10054319

People act like bots today anyways, I don’t think I’d notice playing on a server of all bots, especially if they can run dungeons and raids too. Maybe that’s a le AI development down the road, not sure.

>> No.10054329

The point isn't how people act, it's that people are supposed to be there.

>> No.10054385
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This. Plus I disagree with the notion that people act like bots anyways. That’s something that autists say when they themselves act anti-socially.

>> No.10054391
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>> No.10054401
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>> No.10054579

Everything you need to set up a server up is either obtained from github, or it's some other legitimate software, so I wouldn't worry about viruses there. The only thing you really need to pirate is the 3.3.5a client you'll actually play on. They have their own client torrent hidden on their page somewhere but I can't find it right now, but that's also the kind of thing you can just google and pick any result that looks legit desu. Just download Warmane's WotLK client or something.

>> No.10054657

how i know youre underage kek

>> No.10054679
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For me it's fishing in Astranaar.

>> No.10054697
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>first character is nelf, doing questing
>in darkshore this friendly dwarf guy gets my attention, do his quest, hey fishing is actually pretty fun
>some time after you complete the quest he sends you a letter with some gifts
It was a magical game

>> No.10054708

I was thinking more like a traditional PC rpg like Diablo or Sacred, but still essentially just WoW, reworked to be either single player and with the option to be a LAN experience. Could be like Diablo with long play sessions in mind with your custom character or make your own full party/guild of custom characters, either you control or another player does, maybe also some pre-made adventures and "Hero" characters that can join your party either permanently or temporarily for dungeons/raids based on doing quests for them or showing your honor/prestige as a hero.

The orc campaign in Frozen Throne was already kinda proto-WoW so it could be done, just using the main engine from WoW. Raids and complex encounters would have to be reworked, but i think returning the RTS elements, zooming out and assigning orders/setting preset rotations of abilities and then using RTS mode to handle adds and AoE effects could work. Honestly, if WoW didn't exist, its kinda the direction i expect Warcraft to have gone after 3 as a type of RTS/RPG hybrid.

Obviously, as a long time player, im aware the social aspect was a big part, but there is still a lot of enjoyment to be had roaming Azeroth and its dumb lore and set pieces, especially if friends can join in, but not necessarily needing to be an MMO.

>> No.10054832
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>be horde
>training fishing
>reach 125
yep it's sun rock retreat time
>be alliance
>training fishing
>reach 125
yep it's also sun rock retreat time

>> No.10054951

these old mmo worlds are just beautiful. I can spend so much time just walking and exploring and hunting in some of them.

>> No.10055201
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>> No.10055202
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>> No.10055205


>> No.10055207
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>> No.10055209

>Mulgore Plains
>At least it was until I fucked everything up

>> No.10055225
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>> No.10055230
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Max comfy anon

>> No.10055376
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>mmos are completely fucking dead now

inb4 FFXIV as if that censored trashpile of a game counts

>> No.10055453

Comfy is always the answer and the only reason I even have turtle wow on my machine.

>> No.10055456

Man i gotta see if any of my old screenshots survived my old harddrive crash. Got a bunch from exploring out of bounds areas. One was up the side of the cliff of Scarlet Monastery that took you behind the plaguelands with a huge empty field and then a huge black crater underneath where the Stratholm dungeon should be. Zoomsters are into liminal space stuff, i feel like they would shit themselves over some of the bugged regions in WoW you were never supposed to be in.

>> No.10056013
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>> No.10056016
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>> No.10056019
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>> No.10056049

Hope you find them, post here if you do.

>> No.10056052
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Fuck forgot pic again

>> No.10056065

During classic they held a pvp tournament on the west side of the map. There is a way to hop the mountain path and you come out onto this massive black plain. Looks cool af, if I can find my pics from beta I’ll post.

>> No.10056078

Yep. Back in the day, in my guild we made that our kinda secret "guild meet up place" and one time we set up a big ally vs horde PVP fight in one of the off-limit void expanses on our server. Those areas really added charm to the game as true "secret areas" you were not supposed to be in, but looked so cool and abstract to come across. I recall one in Khaz Modan, one underneath Orgrimmar, the Plaguelands ones, some dungeon under the crypt outside Kharazan that I think was intended to be a dungeon until it was cut and I seem to recall another I came across, but cant remember where it was.

>> No.10056084

Thought you were fishing a certain fish, I learned until way later that there were specific fish and seasonal ones

>> No.10056105
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>> No.10056109
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>> No.10056161
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>> No.10056168

I take it you're playing lotro and are the last person on earth in it?

>> No.10056174
File: 548 KB, 1920x1080, 35F369E0-46BA-40F7-B159-27F4389D5665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has like 50k players last I checked around a year ago. A huge influx came in last year after they gave away tons of expansions etc for free.

>> No.10056209

a rings of power crosspromotion?

>> No.10056217

TBC was peak WoW, haters can go fuck themselves.

>> No.10056227
File: 609 KB, 1920x1080, 3430BACE-14F7-4ED5-9FF2-F3A813900876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankfully not, it had nothing to do with the show since they actually have rights to different material. They were definitely trying to capitalize on the “hype” of it though. They actually just did a promotion with MTGO, however, where they gave away some stuff to coincide with the release of the new set for that TCG.

>> No.10056267
File: 661 KB, 1920x1080, 557D9383-C8E9-462D-AB8F-C58A549D48F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bag End: Bilbo and Frodo Baggins’ house if anyone was curious.

>> No.10056272

that's good, might as well get something positive out of some fiascos

>> No.10056280 [DELETED] 

I’ve really been enjoying the game with my friends so far and the free content was nice,.It’s a solid game and great rendition of Middle Earth. It’s definitely got some problems though and isn’t for everyone. 50k players is solid, but it never attracted big numbers even at its peak. I usually always find people to play with, but finding a PUG for a raid on old content is very hard.

>> No.10056284
File: 354 KB, 1920x1080, 4357483B-9927-4ACA-9134-3E194755472E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

’ve really been enjoying the game with my friends so far and the free content was nice. It’s a solid game and great rendition of Middle Earth. It’s definitely got some problems though and isn’t for everyone. 50k players is solid, but it never attracted big numbers even at its peak. I usually always find people to play with, but finding a PUG for a raid on old content is very hard.

>> No.10056350

Yeah I don't think I found out about that until Classic. I think it was winter squids that were used in some BiS food buff recipe and you could make serious bank if you fished your ass off in the winter and waited a month or two to sell them after.

>> No.10056358

>oh cool a wow thread
>just some dipshit spamming hobbits with iphone filenames
Fuck off dude, make your own thread.

>> No.10057153
File: 5 KB, 64x64, Inv_misc_fish_23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did that, maybe it was just my server but the resulting profit was modest. I suppose too many guide reading faggots like me knew about it and flooded the summer market with squids.
The real money maker turned out to be nightfin, and as a faggot priest I get plenty of use myself.

>> No.10057206
File: 216 KB, 1920x1080, 81FF30AF-B382-4806-A593-2BC28BDE2A12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if anyone else would actually post pics like I asked them to do, you could see more WoW, you absolutely nasty person. You should be glad someone is posting to your dead board.

>> No.10057223
File: 530 KB, 1920x1080, A27A6651-FAC5-4CE8-A50C-9E15876C464D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch of hobbits because fuck you.

>> No.10057395

his posting of all those screenshots is awesome your hateful pile of shit. I dont see you posting any screenshots to the thread just being a shit posting underage and/or mentally underrage faggot that brings nothing to the table and as usual drags everyones good mood down. cant help but be exactly like you are in real life huh loser? your parents and family members hate when you come in the room cuz you suck all the fun out of it with your negative hateful energy and you thought you were gonna bring that to this thread like a fucking faggot loser with no friends or loved ones in his life. want to know whgy you sit alone in your room with nobody to talk to everyday? its posts like you made just now. it outs the hateful piece of shit you are underneath and people can sense your a loser not worth knowing or associateing with. Next time you dont like something posted in a thread be a man for once in your sad manchild life and just hide the thread and dont share your always irrelevant never important opinions. now run off to /b/ where the underage and/or mentally underage trolls shitpost and fagpost all day like homosexuals with no lives or friends. fucking geek the screenshots aree why this thread is so fucking awesome and i'd be posting all my old mmo screenshots if I had access to them atm. dont even replyt nobody cares what a fat stinky friendless kissless unloved unwanted virgin loser thinks.

>> No.10057425

As many have said, you clearly never experienced Blizzard pre-2007. They were the shit. No, their IPs weren’t 100% original, but what is? Everyone cared about gameplay, and besides practically defining the RTS genre, they had some of the best gameplay experiences ever. In the 90s and early 2000s, blizzard games were synonymous with quality and detail. Even WoW, despite what it has become, was so polished and immersive when it arrived that you couldn’t help but be impressed. That they’ve gone back to systematically rape their earlier games is itself a testament to how good those games were in the first place. Ironically, I’m enthusiastic about the Microsoft acquisition, since MS has shown some interest in faithfully reviving rts games. Hopefully they just split up the activision behemoth and let blizzard run as an independent subsidiary again, which seems to always have been the best setup for them. Also, fire all the trannies and women, but that’s a reach goal.

>> No.10057471
File: 487 KB, 1920x1080, 354597AE-8F2F-4E4A-BEA5-77E8F2502AA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon
I wish I could have experienced wow during the glory days, but I was slightly too young and didn’t have a job yet, and my parents weren’t about to pay for it. I spent most of my time back then playing garbage wow clones like Shaiya online lmao.

>> No.10057491
File: 430 KB, 1920x1080, E9D1EDCA-7AB0-451A-9039-D044145F4CBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10057516

>Find my old laptop.
>I played WoW on it from 2008 to 2010 before I got another, better laptop and then a PC
>Dig through hard drive.
>A single screenshot of me and my two draenei friends in Gnomeragon.
>Nameplates are off
>I no longer remember them.
I'm saddened I can never speak to them again, they're long gone from this game now. I only hope they are safe.

>> No.10057527
File: 445 KB, 1920x1080, 7C14BAF3-D29F-45E8-9797-4AF8226C0E40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that one hit me. I guess that’s why it’s a good idea to back your files up. I’m sure your friends are ok, though.

>> No.10057553

Shut the fuck up, dipshit. You have no right to just derail a thread with your own pet garbage. Make your own thread you fucking faggot, don't fucking take over someone else's. What is fucking wrong with you?

>> No.10057567
File: 583 KB, 1920x1080, 5A905E51-4A93-4979-B673-66140C179661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>derail a thread
It’s a retro MMO thread and I don’t see you contributing anything to it. This thread would be in the archive by now if I wasn’t bumping it. Why don’t you just post some actual wow screenshots? I’d love to see them. If you bothered to read the thread, you would see that I’ve gone out of my way to ask other anons about their favorite MMO’s like EQ2 and WoW. Why don’t you just discuss your favorite game instead of being so insufferable?

>> No.10057684

In the end, you were probably better off for it. WoW addiction was real, and I knew more than a few people who disappeared from real life for a year or more just for that game. One guy in hs quit all his clubs and activities and became a virtual shut-in until his parents intervened. Beautiful game, though, lots of artistry to appreciate.

This genuinely made me wistful.

>> No.10057692

because he's a child thats 30+yrs old and cant be a man and close the thread and instead purposely is trolling outside of /b/ and making low quality posts. He knows what he's doing and he keeps doing it thinking he's in the right becuase he grew up with no father to backhand him upside the head when he was an insufferable faggot in life. so now at 30+ he goes online shit posting and being an insufferable unlikeable unloveable loser that nobody associates with because being a loser online is all he has left sitting in his moomy and duhdies basement. he's just your typical mentally underage loser that cant be a man and hide the thread and instead has to drag it down to feel better for a nanosecond about his virginal no friend no loved family life. Just keep ignoring him and acting like he's not posting.

>> No.10057703

this one hit me anon. I have old photos from years ago in mmo adventures and I have no idea who the people are anymore. Some I havent seen online in game in years. It makes me sad when I think about it and how we're most likely never going to adventure together as a team again. That part always gets me

>> No.10057730

>It’s a retro MMO thread
Only because you hijacked it.
I'm with the other fag you should make your own thread. This was clearly a wow nostalgia thread.

>> No.10057852
File: 520 KB, 1768x929, WoWScrnShot_112320_023855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly, it looks like all my old, old screens are lost to time unless I can somehow get my old drive repaired, but here is one from not-retro times for the fuck of it on my other PC.

>> No.10057941
File: 427 KB, 1920x1080, B8BA8986-23F9-4CA4-A5AE-9C0262092E24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This was clearly a dead thread before you showed up
FTFY. it’d be on page 10 or worse by now since people like you refuse to post screenshots for the game this thread is allegedly about.
That’s a lot of fucking skeletons.

>> No.10058056

I feel you - except for the draenei bit, worst alliance race

>> No.10058147

I will never forget Elwynn forest

>> No.10058157

>I wish I could have experienced wow during the glory days, but I was slightly too young
I'm a 30yo boomer and it's still my fondest multiplayer gaming experience. Something about vanilla WoW was just so magical at the time.

>> No.10058334
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, 4C480438-C703-417B-9A70-B76ACE6C1528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10058360

My first experience with WoW:
>had WC2 as a kid
>friend in high-school tells me about WoW
>sounds cool, but never played an mmo before.
>at EB Games buying a used copy of P.N.0.3. At front counter they have WoW trial discs. What the hell, il give it a try.
>make undead warlock. Running around Tirisfal Glades. Pretty cool spooky place where you play as zombie man.
>oh fuck, are those other people playing?
>fighting enemies way above my level, of fuck these other players came over and helped me kill em
>stumble into Undercity, talk to random npc asking if i want to do something called Wailing Caverns, say yes, soon new chat menu has people asking to run all kinds of different dungeons
>bumble way onto zeppelin, oh fuck giant ass desert place.
>oh fuck, i can summon an imp, cool
>oh fuck, i have a pet roach i can summon that npc man gave me, cool
>other warlock whispers me asking if i want to go to this "wailing caverns place, sure.
>running across the Barrens, me, the other player, both of us with imps out and companion pets
>oh fuck, this is kinda like an rpg party
>3 other people join up, then its a REAL rpg party
>stumble around in big ass cavern place, no fucking clue what stats do, mouse clicking all my attacks, fun as fuck
>this is it, this is my drug now for the next 10+ years
>rope my other friend into start playing who also becomes an addict
>go to midnight launches for Burning Crusade and Wrath
>never actually played with my original friend who told me to play

>> No.10058437

Happy times. My friends roped me into signing up to an RP server before i had any clue what I was getting myself into. By the time I'm 60 I just accepted it and kinda embraced my role as Jamaican Troll Shaman.

Lots of fun times being 15yo and getting pseudo-groomed by some 30yo lesbian from Finland although at the time I had no idea what was going on and thought she ("he" was a male troll in-game) was just messing around when he would try and do sexual acts with me in the tents in barrens. Kek. I only realized it was super fucking weird when I was in my 20s and I actually thought about what the hell was going on and realized she was probably fingering herself while I awkwardly tried to RP my way out of her ("his") weird in-game advances.

Had fun in the RP guild just goofing around doing some raids, ended up getting into PvP and it was such a close-knit community that we kept facing the same enemies on the alliance every game and we both knew each other's names memorized.

>> No.10058493

Always wanted to play deeply on an RP server, but it was always just sex acts or fuckers playing house in Goldshire inn. I wanted a D&D type in character experience, but few ever bothered.

>> No.10058525
File: 589 KB, 1920x1080, 4D9E73EE-1B37-4872-8A6B-E74715B1A29B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roleplay is always hard to find, especially non-sexual like you say. I tried a good nwn2 persistent server once, and that was probably the best that I ever experienced. At least in LOTRO, they make you use a lore appropriate name and most of the player base is at least knowledgeable of the lore. Some will even stop to smoke some pipe weed with you.

>> No.10058558
File: 3.30 MB, 1919x1079, 1565738464061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WoW never really had much in the way of organic RP even on the RP servers.

In my experience Grobbulus in Classic was maybe one of the only times it felt like there was some serious server-wide RP efforts going on. Not so much on Horde, but there was a ton of themed guilds on Alliance. I remember there was this one Dwarf-only guild where everyone was required to be in-character 24/7 and they would keep a record of every time someone upset one of their guild members so they could go around yelling for reparations from them each week.

I think they let in some Mages/Warlocks/Druids eventually for raiding, but they had a special non-dwarf rank in the guild.

>> No.10058674
File: 229 KB, 872x1059, trite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moonguard for a long time had a coherent community with server events based around expacs. I had years of good rp but its all gone now due to the pc culture of today.

>> No.10058938

>that one about the multiboxing and reporting

Automated report systems were one of the worst things to happen to the internet (not just gaming desu). Being able to wrangle together 15-20 people into getting someone banned for a month for some arbitrary false reason until they finally get in contact with a human to actually review and repeal the ban is retarded.

>> No.10058958

I never had the mass muting issue in Moonguard, at least not in my time but mob rule was really fucking annoying to deal with.

>> No.10059397
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>> No.10059401
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>> No.10059823

the lengths people go for, just to not experience z**mers online is speaking volumes

>> No.10059846
File: 198 KB, 851x481, you just lost it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real game.

>> No.10059859
File: 246 KB, 1680x1050, wc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Changed Channel: [1. General - Wailing Caverns]

>> No.10059860

Reading the book mentioned by >>10051332 at the moment, they thought about doing that initially, but poo-poo'd it pretty quickly due to having to trust the client for anything at all, which would obviously lead to hacking, etc.
Fantastic book, Blizzard really did ooze soul back then. What's amazing is how they were just kinda winging it for so long. The author of the book was one of the interior/dungeon 3d designers, used to work in marketing in NYC but made quake maps in his spare time and that was his only vidya experience before getting hired by blizzard. So the first dungeon/building designs were made in Radiant, the map editor made by id. Eventually they switched to 3ds Max lol

>> No.10059869

I played alliance on a server called moon guard or something moon and thought all of wow was filled with role players. What a great experience, sadly not something that could be replicated for reasons that have been exhausted for over a decade.

>> No.10059894
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>> No.10059896
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>> No.10059905
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>> No.10059908
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>> No.10060114
File: 421 KB, 1600x606, mulgore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered why this screenshot said Sentinel Hill on the map.

>> No.10060126
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>> No.10060130
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>> No.10060132

This was during the classic beta, Asmongold had decided to kill Rexxar, and a group of us got together and prevented it. 3-4 rogues and like 15 people led by Sonydigital and we just unstealthed and ganged the tanks when they engaged. Vanilla WoW is the best.

>> No.10060136
File: 138 KB, 1920x1080, World of Warcraft 2019-11-09_22-50-55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10060140

Ironically blizzard couldn't even do classic right and decided to ruin it with as much retail stuff as possible after a short while. Playing on all the previous 1.12 private servers was much better.

>> No.10060186
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>> No.10060192
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>> No.10060196
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>> No.10060203
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>> No.10060428
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>> No.10060465
File: 466 KB, 1920x1080, 813570DF-2333-4254-A4A5-07E2A5B73148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lift is very charming, I like these landscape webms, do you have any more of them?

>> No.10060508

Yea but beta was awesome and the first 6-8 months legit felt like vanilla in a lot of ways. Not one to one for sure

>> No.10060681

Just the one sorry king

>> No.10060686

I get it, you STRONGLY prefer Bethesda and Origin systems games.

>> No.10060902
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>> No.10061078
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>> No.10061448

They also did nothing to botters and let them choke the economy to death. I specifically reported about a dozen different bots from early on and saw them 2 months in doing the same shit.

>> No.10061525

Yea there was an infamous video leaked where a guy somehow got into a farming guild where they were fly hacking in raids to get unlimited mats literally from day 1. The dude a huge, comprehensive video detailing all the ways and what mods they were using and Blizzard did nothing.

>> No.10061529
File: 186 KB, 1920x1080, World of Warcraft 2020-08-14_10-42-26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10062039


>> No.10062154
File: 419 KB, 1920x1080, B4209AD1-C36B-47F1-9F9D-CE1C1EF825FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s an epic screenshot.

>> No.10062159
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>> No.10062161
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>> No.10062236
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>> No.10062273
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>> No.10062454

>I just wanna level with bros…
Clearly not true so I'm not sure why you're lying to yourself about it. You are fully capable of doing that. What you want to do is say fag to random strangers.

>> No.10062919

I think you missed the point entirely. Can’t level w the bros if you wrong speak and get perma banned while some nerd is raging 24/7 about trump in the general chat whilst never receiving so much as a mute.

>> No.10063105
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>> No.10063108
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>> No.10063189
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>> No.10063412

come play Turtle Wow. Horde needs more. 6000+ players online at any given time

>> No.10063431

why turtle wow?

>> No.10063434

its probably the most populated vanilla private server. Also has its own mods, and has been going strong for 3+ years

>> No.10063452

but every couple of years there's a "most populated vanilla private server".
what happened to the other ones?

>> No.10063470

nobody is stopping you from paying $20 a month.

>> No.10063758

its not vanilla though. Its vanilla+ which is not Blizzlike. might as well play on a fun server. disengenous cunts...

>> No.10063787

are you okay?

>> No.10064326
File: 565 KB, 1920x1080, 49031DFC-38E5-403E-936B-A2BC2CD10936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10064329
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>> No.10064337
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>> No.10064382
File: 560 KB, 1920x1080, 7F02FA85-E3D5-4309-BD8B-B7BCC010C6A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll switch it up tomorrow and post screenshots from some MMOs other than LOTRO.

>> No.10065750
File: 334 KB, 1920x1080, FFC28FE0-1AA2-4808-B34C-92141545D7CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s try some Dungeons and Dragons Online today.

>> No.10065751
File: 467 KB, 1920x1080, 88794326-9B33-46D9-8C98-A2B8BF12DEEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10065754
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>> No.10065756
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>> No.10065757
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>> No.10065762
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>> No.10065790
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>> No.10065797

My /played is LITERAL weeks and I don’t regret a second of it

That magic was a product of the time

>> No.10065806
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I mean that’s only like 350 hours minimum, I’ve probably put that into most MMO’s that I’ve played. I think I have like 1500 hours in DDO currently.

>> No.10065816

[The Knicker]

>> No.10065842

Man you reminded me of a hustler on my server called “Squidsales” or something like that who was always spamming /2 with winter squid

>> No.10065853 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10065962
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>> No.10065970
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>> No.10066381
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This from the first p2p raid, the vault of night.

>> No.10066405

They've got their own mods yes, but nothing game ruining. It's not like you can still get to 60 overnight, there are no broken dungeon meta's like in Classic (WMMMM), at least, noone runs in like that, it adds new areas and races but doesn't mess with item scaling, levelling etc. The changes are minimal. They openly say this on their site - they aren't trying to fool you. Why are you so angry over nothing?

yeah? Did you mean to reply to someone else...

>> No.10066410

Empty - nobody else around (although LOTRO is pretty comfy if you can get a group together and play for a bit - I did this with GuildWars 2 during covid lockdown. Went from 1-80 with a group of 5 mates and did all base dungeons. Cost us nothing. Was pretty fun.

>> No.10066423
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I intentionally keep anybody out of most screenshots because I like landscapes. My DDO guild does raids multiple times per week, as do several others on the server, you can see the screenshot I posted of that >>10066405 LOTRO is easy to find PUGs to even for old content.

>> No.10066424

My boi
>Arwen's Musician
Doesn't even get a name. That's rough buddy.

>> No.10066427
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>> No.10066436
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>> No.10066442
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Yeah the wedding has like hundreds of NPC’s, even the ones without names lol. Really the only one who should be there who isn’t in game is Thranduil.

>> No.10066568
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>> No.10066589

This post is all I ever needed to know about the people who play there.

>> No.10066719

Shut the fuck up, this is exactly the attitude that ruined the server in the first place. You just wanna yell fag at people.

>> No.10066921
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>> No.10066925
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>> No.10066926
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>> No.10067269

I still miss vanilla barrens chat when the barrens comes up. There was something borderline magical about how stupid it was. Alliance players don't know.

>> No.10067542
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>> No.10067552

Me and a friend ruined an in-game wedding someone was having in Darkshore.(im assuming it was an RP server)

>> No.10067848

Ive been trying out chromiecraft. It's pretty decent but I wish it were a PVP realm, I want to be able to violently murder every belf I see for ruining the horde.

>> No.10068474
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>> No.10068538

It's a vanilla server with custom content. The content ranges from mediocre to decent, but nothing is too jarring. The most appealing aspects to me are the class, item and quality of life changes (mages able to summon a table for example).

The most surprising plus used to be an exceptionally friendly community, it felt like playing in the 2000's. 90% of players were patient, helpful and friendly. Unfortunately this isn't the case anymore - the server got a massive population influx of zoomers earlier this year, who are rude and selfish quite often. On top of that they opened the server for chinese players so they make up 17% of the population now and are not really great to interact with due to the language barrier.

It's still fun, though.

>> No.10068597


>> No.10068602

alliance never had an equivalent to barrens chat?

>> No.10068670

I got into the game just before BC was released, but I remember the Barrens chat—great stuff. Did everyone migrate to shattrath after that?

Nope. I remember Alliance chat was mostly in stormwind. Barrens just had the advantage of being such a huge zone that lots of players converged there.

>> No.10068721

Barrens chat even w classic re release was a shit show. It was /pol before it existed basically.

>> No.10068891

Alliance had Goldshire Inn sex orgies.

>> No.10069080

Shut up FAG

>> No.10069141

yeah I mean I always ended up playing mostly horde
not really my choice
I just never realized what it was like as alliance

>> No.10069147
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before I had I had found /b/ I found wow off topic forums first, they used to be quite similar

>> No.10069161

Yeah barrens is a really unique zone
>level range is like 10-40 and you get fucking sick of it after a while
>there's like 4 dungeons there
>everyone in the faction gets funneled there for quests so everyone experiences it unless you already know and are deliberately trying to avoid it
>there's a shitton of memeable quests
>even when you finish it you keep coming back because it's such a central travel hub for horde

Like there's no alliance zone that combines new players grinding, gullible players asking for quest help, mid level players that are getting stir crazy from walking around a savanna for the past week, high level players that are bored as fucking trying to get into a dungeon group, and max level players that happen to be in the zone because they're going to STV to gank or something and they want to shitpost while they're on the flightpath.

>> No.10069180

to a lesser extent hillsbrad foothills / arathi felt like that for both sides, lots of levelers and also the 60s fighting nonstop around southshore. Getting one shot by a bored skull was normal

>> No.10069215

Like I give a shit what some namefag wow noob thinks. Thanks for the reminder to filter you.

>> No.10069225

Yeah that was one of the most retarded zones in the game. It's a pvp quest zone that's 20-30 for horde but 30-40 for alliance. What could POSSIBLY go wrong? It's hard to tell if adding a BG queue in there made things better or worse.

>> No.10069271
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>> No.10069663
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>> No.10070012
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>> No.10070036


>> No.10070056

I joined and leveled a horde room because I had heard on any server barrens chat was legendary. It did not disappoint. I have a few theories on why but all that matters is a lot of memes and literally anything was open for discussion. Wild times.

>> No.10070061

Oh, I had a chuck norris mod that anytime I typed /chucknorris it would post a random joke out of 200 about chuck norris. If the chat ever went silent even for a moment I’d hit my macro and it would erupt! So much fucking fun

>> No.10070505
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Captcha: YNDPS

>> No.10070573

Bots pad sub numbers and since they grouped classic and retail it made retail look more alive to shareholders.

>> No.10070579

Stop pretending to be oppressed you whiny faggot

>> No.10070641

easy to sh1t on chuck norris jokes now 15 years after the fact, but those were better days

>> No.10070696

I think the story behind that is the kid was dying of cancer or some shit.

I'm glad he's dead.

>> No.10070706

I loved leveling in this game. Most people, well the vocal people, were interested in raiding. Fair enough, raiding is where you get all the cool gear people envy you about. While I like transmogging, I absolutely understand why you wouldn't want it in the game because your items reflect your progress.

But in the end after quitting around early Wrath and occasionally coming back to check the game out every time they put out an expansion... I just don't like endgame for WoW, and I don't think I ever will.
>Wait forever for the group to get together.
>Better hope you're not DPS because you could get benched just because you play a class you enjoy.
>Raid leaders not understanding how boss mechanics work.
>The token egirl of the guild has a curious amount of gear considering her knowledge of the game. And I think she's dating the GM? How interesting!
>>>>Loot council
I just hate the whole endgame culture in WoW. I've never liked it. Give me the all the fun questing zones and let me work on my professions.

>> No.10070718

>Ahab Wheathoof - The Old Rancher
>when tauren were nomads until a couple of years ago yet this guy manages to be a veteran rancher, wearing the latest country bumpkin chic from westfall complete with pitchfork
Bravo Metzen

>> No.10071891
File: 556 KB, 1920x1080, 2BDA7196-68B2-4BE3-9E47-3C36C308BC0B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some PUG I found for the The Vile Maw raid in Moria this morning.

>> No.10071938

Always funny those who complain about that shithole are subhuman immigrants from other sites shitholes

>> No.10072062
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>> No.10072602

That’s the one where you kill the tentacle monster thing from the movies right?

>> No.10072827
File: 287 KB, 1920x1080, 0843E3A2-2AB6-4C6B-9E9C-FA03EF48B43D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, there’s a sort of a pic of it here >>10060465
It’s called The watcher fwiw. Pic unrelated.

>> No.10072969
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>> No.10074180
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>> No.10074364 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10074370
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>> No.10074509

I'm always fascinated by the worlds that MMOs have but I'm always apprehensive over the gameplay and content they have, with only vanilla WoW being one I could really tolerate. Wish it was easier to set up a private server just to walk around in.

>> No.10074785

World of Warcraft is the plague of video games and always will be,

>> No.10074791

Try ffxi horizon it's dead simple to play.

>> No.10074808 [DELETED] 
File: 436 KB, 1920x1080, D294C246-6FA1-446F-BB79-55D47C2FC57F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I’m the resident LOTRO shill of this thread, so take it for what you will, but it seriously has one of the best worlds for exploration of any video game and I mean it. There’s thousands of square miles of handcrafted landscape to explore all across middle earth. It’s one of the few games to rival Daggerfall in size, except with handcrafted content. I’ve never had more fun exploring than in this game.

>> No.10074829
File: 436 KB, 1920x1080, 62CE763A-8171-474D-9EAE-CCAF15F33A89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I’m the resident LOTRO shill of this thread, so take it for what you will, but it seriously has one of the best worlds for exploration of any video game and I mean it. There’s thousands of square miles of handcrafted landscape to explore all across middle earth. It’s one of the few games to rival Daggerfall in size, except with handcrafted content. I’ve never had more fun exploring than in this game.

>> No.10075831
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>> No.10075891
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>> No.10076575

the consequences of its popularity suck, but it was something special at that moment in time

>> No.10076949
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>> No.10076962

i'll bite. my wife might be interested in this. i think you already replied to other anons once before on how to start or get into the game. can you link me to that?

>> No.10076979

Mulgore and Thunder Bluff were my favourite region and city by far. Ashenvale also had a very nice feeling to it.

>> No.10077024
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>i think you already replied to other anons once before on how to start or get into the game
Sorry I don’t remember that post and couldn’t find it. The best way to start the game is to pick a server based on your location. If you’re in the US, Arkenstone is the most popular, though it’s also popular with Australians late at night. Evendim is the European server. I play on Arkenstone, personally. There are also progression servers if you’re into that kind of thing, though I haven’t had too many problems finding groups for low level content.
I can link you to a video that discusses how the game works and an entire guide to leveling through all of the zones from lvl 1-140. It’s a two hour video, but is divided cleanly into various sections that can be consulted as needed. I would probably start there if you ever have questions.
All in all, you don’t really NEED a guide to get started. There’s a shit ton of free content, though if I missed anything important and you’re on my server, I’d be happy to help. Here’s that guide and let me know if you have any specific questions.

>> No.10077058
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Also, if you’re playing with two people, one of you should totally play either a hunter or captain so you can teleport the other player to your location. Very useful for getting around the world.

>> No.10078157
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Oh hey, LOTRO has a quest like this too, WoW obviosly did it first, though.

>> No.10078671
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>> No.10079039
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>> No.10079816
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>> No.10080735

I always loved Ashenvale and the surrounding Darkshore as well.

>> No.10080771

I don't really.
A product of its time? Sure, but it'll never be replicated. That natural goofiness the players brought to the game is nowhere near the same, and I feel more sad for the og developers and the longtime fans than anything. Something special was completely butchered in front of them and it didn't take a lot to do it. Quite horrifying honestly.

>> No.10080783

its censored sure, but even then, admins are willing to deal with passive aggressive little shits that cause drama. wish they made it easier to play with other peeps without needing discord though..

>> No.10081116

i quit ffxiv for wow classic recently and was pleasantly surprised that it's the antithesis of what ffxiv has become.

>> No.10081134

yeah, they're complete polar opposites in game design, to the point its too extreme for me. im long past wow though.

from what i hear from veteran players, early xiv was supposedly a lot more easygoing and relaxed compared to what it is now and it annoys me because i like that part of it a lot. im really annoyed its so heavily streamlined.

>> No.10081163

the moment cross class skills were removed it quit being fun for me and i have yet to play the latest expansion. it's a huge disappointment. i should have seen the writing on the walls years ago. clearly they continue doubling down on keeping the game as safe and inoffensive as possible. the fact i have to queue for every single god damn thing ruins my engagement. at least in classic wow i can fuck off and make mistakes with my build or get murdered by other players when risking my ass in certain zones. i can understand why XI remained the way it does and i'm fine with that, the game is about PvE all the way, but you would have expected XIV to departed somewhere and instead it only gets easier and easier over the years forcing me to do stupid currency turn ins eternally.

>> No.10081181

for me it's the blue mountains
the combination of the music with the ambience is just too good

>> No.10081202

yeah, i heard mixed complaints about the cross class skills. i levelled up all my classes because i found the game fun to play, only to find out that you unironically used to be rewarded with cross-class skills for doing so.
worse is that unlike WoW, if you want to try your hand levelling your class you're stuck doing dungeons the whole time. at least in WoW you could explore a huge world and level on your own terms.

I will say PvP in XIV is unironically quite fun to play, even if there is little reward. It was supposed to have been crap sometime back but I think its pretty cool. Would love if more of the PvP abilties were avialable for the earlier levels in class actions because there isn't as much strategy as there should be, despite the "Matsuno influence". Would make things like Savage and Coils more exciting imo without jumping into HW. Ah well.

>> No.10081210
File: 25 KB, 650x446, Silverpine_Forest_-night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mining copper and dodging son's of arugal at 3am

>> No.10081525

Same it's personal private wow servers all the way for me

>> No.10082391

How sad, have you tried other games instead of retreating? It would be a real shame if the genre wasn’t for you any more. And if it’s not, what is even the point of the solo server, you know?

>> No.10083105
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Spooky, kind of reminds of something from Alan Wake.

>> No.10083115
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>> No.10084061
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>> No.10084792

heh, accurate

>> No.10085304

Fuck off, solo servers are better, no one is worth playing with these days, they’re all either brain dead or snowflakes.

>> No.10085430

This is the way to go these day.
I have custom classic wow private server.
It has hundreds of bots running around, doing quests, pvping and joining lobbies. They even speak random shit in the chat and you can recruit them to your guild or ask them to join your party.

Code quality is so high that all the dungeons works the way they should and there are very few stability or bug issues. I have a party of 5, which of I control the tank and rest are bot controlled.

Can control them in the group and give them orders, on very deep level down to spells they use, they are pretty good taking care of them selves also, healers heal, dps ccs and deals damages, tanks tank. In the end they are pretty easy to control with the custom UI, which helps to control them on strategical level.

I have leveled the whole group to 60 and done every dungeon, and maxed every trade skill. Custom private server is good since now I do not need to no life it and just play few hours here and there, and then just shut it down when I do not need.

The best thing is if I want to invite friends I can and they can enter my little world and we can play it like the old days.

The private servers with bots gives the modern WoW community experience in the classic WoW, but at least you can play it when you want it and you can modify it to your liking.

>> No.10085438

This is the saddest thing that I have ever read. As a consummate MMO player myself, I never thought that I’d say this to anyone else, but touch grass my friend. I can’t imagine wanting to live in a pale facsimile of the glory days as opposed to just in the here and now. There are still large communities in your game and in others that are worth playing with, and they’re worse off for not having you a part of them.

>> No.10085468

Naah, all MMOs are massive time sinks if you want to keep up with other players. This allows me to do thinks in my own phase without giving modern Blizzard money and without forcing me to play games that I do not like. Playing this way actually allows me to touch even more grass.

I don't really give a damn about MMO communities these, since they have become trash with most of the MMOs.

These days I prefer to have most of my interactions in real life. Gaming I mostly do as a side task while I exercise or to keep contact with old friends.

>> No.10085491

you have to go back

>> No.10085709

Triggered libtard?

>> No.10086476
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>> No.10087014

You first

>> No.10087285

Fishing in Bay of the Storms...
Yep. They don't make them like they used to.

>> No.10087374

hon hon hon

>> No.10087589

You've convinced me. I'm downloading today, what server do I need to join? Do dwarves have good classes?

>> No.10087601

Can you help me get started? I'm downloading client now

>> No.10087780
File: 521 KB, 1920x1080, 6774072A-B9AF-4604-BAB3-16E618B7DBC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what server do I need to join
Depends on your location and preferences. I’m US East and the most popular server for that zone is Arkenstone. Evendim is the most popular for Euros, you’re free to pick whatever you want though. I’ll be more than happy to lend a hand if you’re in Arkenstone, however. I think that dwarves/Stout-Axes can play as any class except for beorning. Brawler, captain and champion and guardian are all popular dwarf classes.
Sure thing, you may want to look at some of that video first, any idea what class you want to play?

>> No.10087883

I'm signing up on Arkenstone now, I'm east coast too

>> No.10087915

Cool, you can message my lvl 15 Warden, Gelerond, once you get in game if you want to. I’ll be happy to help in one of the starting zones and try and help with starting gear.

>> No.10087918

Fwiw Hunter is often recommended as a good starting class due to movement speed buffs and good DPS, but you can play whatever you want. Captain is pretty unique to LOTRO, but somewhat complex. Minstrel was my first starting class and that was actually really fun. Just choose what you like. I would only advise against playing Warden for your first character since it’s so complicated, it might throw you off the game.

>> No.10087919

Just made a Dwarf Guardian named Sneeder. Might go hobbit for the starting zone tho

>> No.10087925

The shire is honestly the best starting zone, so not a bad choice. You can quest in whoever one you want though after the tutorial.

>> No.10087930

Is guardian an ok class to solo quest with?

>> No.10088025

LOTRO seems to actually be solid as shit, the mini map is faggot aids tho.

>> No.10088060

>TBC was peak WoW
It was so bad the game never recovered.

>> No.10088153

The game is good, the map definitely is not. It’s better in some zones, like newer areas. But older ones and the mini map are garbage.

>> No.10088298


>> No.10088418

Sneeder, off on his dank quest to mine Ered Luin for all the copper it has.

>> No.10088548
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>> No.10088554
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>> No.10088563
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Smh hasn't heard about dilator valley.

>> No.10089480

I’m glad you used 3 of our last remaining images for this.
So explain to me why it didn’t peak until years after TBC’s release.

>> No.10090054

You clearly never played WoW then. Classic and TBC were peak WoW and Wrath only started the downhill trend the game would take for years afterward.

>> No.10090940
File: 364 KB, 1920x1080, AE8D4167-B8E8-45E2-BBE9-59A3258021B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, we’re now the oldest thread on /vr/ now that the shitty MK thread is dead.

>> No.10090984
File: 406 KB, 1920x1080, 5D1657D5-AE27-4C2C-A88B-DB7B246994D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10090992

Although, for some reason, none of my posts are bumping the thread despite me not using sage. What sort of punishment is this, exactly?

>> No.10091073
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, 20220521183522_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10091075

Thread is perma-saged, no one can bump it. there was no reason to do this.

>> No.10091260
File: 352 KB, 1920x1080, 9356FF50-4F67-4499-BC7F-E66F1D5D97CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post a last image before the thread dies, thanks for locking this thread from bumps for no reason, you stupid fucking mods. Please go back to allowing bestiality and 600 OOT threads a day, it’s clearly a much better use of your time.

>> No.10091650

Good thread.
Probably saged because it wasn't Nintendo related, unfortunately, despite the obvious popularity of this thread.