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File: 28 KB, 666x666, dpad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10050714 No.10050714 [Reply] [Original]

Which controller has the best d-pad?

>> No.10050719
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>> No.10050727

Nintendo always knocks it out of the park. How do they do it?

>> No.10050732

Not the xbox, I can tell you that
It is a piece of shit, not sure how people like to use it as an arcade machine

>> No.10050738

I wore one out in a few months on Gun.Smoke.
The A and B buttons too.

>> No.10050740

Funny, because I have my old SNES controllers from my youth which still work and feel fine despite how much I beat the shit out of them.

>> No.10050745
File: 147 KB, 2000x2000, ps5 controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10050747
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And if you'll just indulge me for a moment, I saw a video of some dudes playing it, and they never noticed that if you hit A and B at the same time, it fires forward.
The arcade original had 3 buttons, left angle shot, right angle shot, and forward shot.
Also, the stages loop. You're supposed to gather up enough money to buy the wanted poster for the boss of the stage, then you fight whoever and move on to the next stage.
It's not the fat chick on the left side that sells guns, it's the guy further up on the right, he's the one that'll sell you the wanted poster for the first stage boss.

>> No.10050767
File: 182 KB, 1024x1024, xevious-1654365640857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so there may have been a bit of Xevious involved in me wearing out my pad.
(The trick here is to not be too perfect on any one enemy type. If you just wrek shop on one type of enemy the adaptive enemy AI starts throwing other shit at you that's harder, so just let the last 1 or 2 from every formation go. It can't detect you meta-fucking with it like that.)

>> No.10050789

The snes dpad arguably isn't even as good as the og nes pad. I'm sorry that's just a stupid fucking answer. And I like my snes a lot. It just isn't even arguably the best. I don't get that at all. And I would even love for it to be true. Could someone please explain? I genuinely want to know why the snes dpad is the best

>> No.10050795

you don't have to guy the posters, they can be discovered in stages, they are invisible and need to be shot at

>> No.10050812

Sensible people are sleeping in today I guess.
Genesis pad is the only correct answer.

>> No.10050843

Well fuck, and here I've been buying them like a chump.
I mean, I shoot all the barrels, where the hell are they?

>> No.10050889

Megadrive pad for sure, six button for me.

>> No.10050890

I thought they finally got the d-pad right with the Xbone controller, then proceeded to screw everything up with the obnoxiously clicky XSeries controller.

>> No.10050954
File: 201 KB, 1600x2048, sega-dreamcast-sega-dreamcast-controller-white-oem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The overall controller design isn't good, but the dpad on the Dreamcast ix my favorite of all time. Somehow the small yet slightly raised nature of it, is almost between a stick and pad in a way. I can do fighting game motions like Orochinagis and pretzels faster and more consistently on it than anything else.

>> No.10051009

DS1/2/3/4 (haven't tried 5 yet) are my favorites. SNES is also pretty gud.

>> No.10051078
File: 504 KB, 3548x2680, 74eced06-e77a-44f8-b5bf-f93e3d9c69d2_1.1f619046c1c64fec1c03ee5848e56ced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SNES, but better, with handles and more topography. Too bad it was underutilized.

>> No.10051089
File: 1.47 MB, 2655x1620, PlayStation-Vita-1101-FL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your controller, bro.

>> No.10051137
File: 58 KB, 500x396, 1666740057941675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The PSP2000 and 3000 models actually do have some of the better D Pads I've ever used, but it's been so long since I played on one that I couldn't describe why that is. I do remember that compared to the 1000 phat models, the D-Pad was slightly higher and seemed to offer more feedback while having great response.
Hell, I think that aside from the analog nub and the clicky shoulder buttons, the PSP might really be one of my favorite "controllers."

>> No.10051140

i feel like they are either good or theyre not. nes, snes, genesis, they were all perfectly fine and i cant say i ever really preferred one over the other. i only notice them when theyre bad.

>> No.10051143

Mega Drive has the best d-pad

>> No.10051158

Reminder that the pre-launch PS4 devkit prototypes shipped with a DualShock 4 that featured a Vita dpad
And you'll never own one of those controllers

>> No.10051192
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>> No.10051269

By patenting the objectively best design and holding onto it for quite some time, forcing every other console creator to legally have to create some kind of change to the design that could only make it worse.

>> No.10051275

>Which controller has the best d-pad?
actual retards>>10050890
shit board b8 thread again muh nes

>> No.10051571

Nah, the gap pinched my thumb sometimes

>> No.10051586
File: 2.22 MB, 4032x3024, 58020E61-721F-4D06-8365-47D4A504239F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo always does a great job with the Dpad, but it’s not the SNES controller that’s the best, it’s the Classic Controller. Almost perfect in every way.

>> No.10051596

Too soft and mushy, saturn is the best

>> No.10051810
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>> No.10051867

wrong, as someone who owns one, i had issues with fighting games while emulating playstation on the wii

>> No.10051886

Nah, its just you know fuck all about anything else and are not very into retro games or systems. Not your fault really, you just anted to belong to something and the whole fake as fuck nintendo retro thing was lying there

>> No.10051894

No it’s right, it’s got a perfect Dpad with the right amount of travel and clickiness, good size too. Sucks that you had issues using the controller in a non-standard way, but that was almost certainly not related to the controller. I love playing street fighter on mine for instance in the SNES classic since it’s compatible. Much better than the stock SNES controller.

>> No.10051932

Funny, for me it's hell on the thumb.

Something about the translucent plastic texture feels good.

For me it would probably have to be the NES or SNES followed by Genesis. The Saturn is excellent and feels the best but I have had them get busted and they *can* get mushy with long-term use.

>> No.10052156

ps4's d-pad is better. speedruners and tournament players still use the ds4

>> No.10052160

What about the input lag that shit has?

>> No.10052168

X-box controller is more popular and PS4 controller has the lowest input lag because of the modding scene.

>> No.10052170


>> No.10052172

They mod the controller?
Never heard of that

>> No.10052195

ps4, nintendlets will seethe but its the truth

>> No.10052412
File: 52 KB, 1000x780, 41C297PQC7L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favorite

>> No.10052421

Do Switch Joycons technically have a d-pad?

>> No.10052431

I guess I mean it's the same shit on the board, including the rubber.

>> No.10052439
File: 33 KB, 176x148, tgs_arrowed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

360 hands down, brand new ones didn't even register directions properly out of the box, sometimes ya get none, sometimes ya get diagonals

>> No.10052453
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>> No.10052501
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>> No.10052514

>How do they do it?
They ask for MY opinion before doing anything. lol Nintendo owes me so much.

>> No.10052517

Ah! My favorite /vr/ controller, since it came up in the 80s.

>> No.10052519

Casualfag opinion.
There are better ones around. The Hori Fighting Commander does the same style but superior.

>> No.10052569
File: 267 KB, 1600x1198, 1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. I got a genuine Treamcast just recently and the d-pad is excellent. It came off after a few hours but i just used some sticky tape to stick it back on and now it plays like a tream

>> No.10052627
File: 442 KB, 2560x2451, DS3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10052701

I think this thing looks cool, I guess they going for the original PlayStation add-on that was similar. The screen seems pretty small for todays standards, though. Also, I would think that anyone who really needs to play Dreamcast portably these days would be using a steam deck or something. Still neat

>> No.10052873
File: 309 KB, 640x662, we-are-killing-sony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10053167
File: 2.87 MB, 1826x1621, Yggdrasil NYИ with RHCP dpad YES heart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wider 8 way Vita with no false diagonals.

>> No.10053782

Is this thing really any good? I always just used a GameCube controller on wii for those games.

>> No.10053827

Keyboard with arrow keys

>> No.10054337

wasd or arrow keys?

>> No.10054384

For me it's the Sony pads that destroy my thumbs. An hour at most is all I can take playing fighting games on one, it sucks.

Do you mean the actual dpad came off that thing? What the fuck did they make it out of?

>> No.10054395
File: 2.55 MB, 3280x2520, N64-Controller-Gray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahem. N64 is better. More precise and less loose, while keeping the same shape. It's also a little more grippy. It's by far my favorite D-pad for a mix of precise/rotation use movements.

PS3 or any Playstation controller has the best compass direction d-pads, because they are nice full size buttons for each. Genesis 3-button has the best rotational d-pad, which makes it awesome for not precises compass directions, but for more analog movements like in SHMUPS.

>> No.10054443

Your cheeto-dusted negro fingers probably disintegrated it, as it would anything else
seek help
what the fuck are you smoking?
metal dome dpads are always trash, opinions invalid.
Absolutely Correct, It's like a SNES pad on steroids has improved shoulder buttons, beautifully ergonomic feels like a holding a stone polished by water o perfectly fit your hands, adds two analog sticks so now capable of playing 3d games. It was the last time Nintendo tried to put out a good all-around controller that featured a dpad, they've been smacking their lips and shuffling their feet backwards since and apparently haven't hit the wall.

>> No.10054467

Kk stfu

>> No.10054714

lol you replied to me, but... Which one is me? That was your error, replying to too many people at once. I can taste your tears of despair, since I can be anyone, your friendly neighbor or even your beloved girlfriend. Enjoy your confusion.

>> No.10054798
File: 37 KB, 400x400, console-ds-3d-model_D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a controller, but the og phat Nintendo DS has the single best d-pad of all fucking time for both form-factor and accuracy. It's perfect for almost any genre, from 2D fighters to 3D platformers. The only, ONLY issue anyone could ever have with it is that Nintendo retardedly put the system's power button right above it, which would either feel like a natural place for a Start/Select button or people would hit the power button unintentionally. The only thing more retarded than that is how Nintendo completely abandoned it after one fucking use of it in favour of the fucking simplistic + shaped d-pad they started using with the DSlite/Wii for cosmetic reasons.

>> No.10054804

Now, actually a controller, the Hori Pokken fightpad for the Wii U/Switch. Its d-pad is the only thing to ever come close to the phat DS's d-pad and if any of my friends want to play Street Fighter Third Strike at my house they insist on using the Switch's Pokken controllers. I was stupid lucky to discover the first one at EBGames on sale for $25, and then later find a second one brand new at a pawn shop for $20.

>> No.10054809
File: 242 KB, 2000x2000, 71ht2zsPbsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking captcha ate my image like a nigga stole my bike
This right here is the single best d-pad any game controller has ever had. It may look a little on the cheaper side, but my god, it is tear-jerkingly flawless.

>> No.10054810

I was pretty fond of these, too. The DS lite dpad was a big downgrade, they improved it with the DSi/3DS line but it was never the same

>> No.10054817

Ya, the 3DS definitely felt more like the phat DS's d-pad when it came to inputs, but it still has that shitty + shape. It was one of the first things I noticed when I got my 3DS in 2011, how its d-pad moved and clicked almost identically to the phat's. I guess Nintendo assumed the average consumer would find the phat DS's d-pad too "ugly".

>> No.10054826

Love the dpad, the only good one for these games on og hardware imo. Unfortunately the screen is dogshit on it. On another /vr/ note, the Saturn dpad is amazing for 3d DS games

>> No.10055254

Thank you for being the only one to recognize true greatness.

>> No.10055293

And about me? Won't I get a heartfelt thanks? Why only him?

>> No.10055342

You’re amazing, anon.

>> No.10055350

Thank you! Thank you! You're a great friend!

>> No.10055356

i wish they still made good Fighting Commanders

>> No.10055359
File: 151 KB, 1500x1031, saturnc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone saying square/hard edged d pads are good is lying

>> No.10055582

Between SNES, Saturn and Mega Drive model 2 pads

>> No.10055664

this whole controller is gay

>> No.10055915

Yes yes you need your multicolored pastel childrens toys. We know.

>> No.10056669

SNES has not been topped.
FPBP etc

>> No.10056736

It's just astounding to me how you're this mad about some video game shit.
Like nigga touch grass, fuckin' kike.

>> No.10056848

Be thankful I informed you of how shit your taste is, before you embarrass yourself elsewhere.

>> No.10057462

switch dpad is trash

>> No.10059048
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Still my favorite to this day. 6 face buttons>4 face buttons