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10054017 No.10054017 [Reply] [Original]

Did the Virtual Consoles had input lag? Both WII and WII U VCs?

>> No.10054032

the most lag comes from rendering picture on your display and bt gamepads

>> No.10054034

Everything has input lag unless you go back to like a 2600 or some original PCs. It’s just a matter of what you can live with and not be a baby about. But no matter what you play there’s way more than you think.


>> No.10054039

Input lag is bad. Real hardware or rebulit ports are better.

>> No.10054041

TV/Monitor is way more important than the emulator being used

>> No.10054043

Similar question, do emulators for old gens have good input lag reduction? I heard retroarch cores have but I really dont wanna bother with that ahit

>> No.10054048

Literally everything in existence has input lag
Quit listening to retards on this board and enjoy your games

>> No.10054051

Input lag breaks games.

>> No.10054059

yeah, but they all burn your cpu to make it barely noticeable

>> No.10054072

Anon don’t fuck around with input lag reduction and just play. It’s going to ruin you once you realize a lot of retro games have 50 or so ms of input lag built into the game engines. Especially stuff with lots of effects. This isn’t a worthwhile endeavor. Ignore the morons on here before you ruin yourself.

>> No.10054075

The reason you are getting so many semantic "everything has lag" arguments is because the issue is that emulators add ADDITIONAL input lag, not that the original hardware is 100% lag-free. People pulling the "everything has lag" argument are trying to lie by omission.

>> No.10054076

Your brain has input lag.

>> No.10054078

Emubabies crying

>> No.10054082

Didn't punch out on the nes mini have input lag that made the final fight much harder? How did they manage to fail a port so hard

>> No.10054084

No nes mini has less lag.

>> No.10054102

android emulators and tablets emu are the ones not that very good.

>> No.10054104

Runahead makes it so the emulator can have identical lag to the system being emulated.
But that won't reduce the lag coming from your OS, gamepad, or monitor.

The VCs both had lag.

>> No.10054124

Compared to Nes on a crt? That would be a impressive feat

>> No.10054128

>hear about input lag endlessly
>finally bite the bullet and buy a Genesis model 1
>get my hands on a Sony CRT out of a dumpster
>time to experience these games how they were truly meant to be
>hey wtf its exactly the same
I definitely like how the CRT displays the games, beats any filter for sure, but the input lag difference is immeasureable and anybody here that thinks otherwise should speak to a psychiatrist.

>> No.10054223

they do but i dont give a fuck because im playing 30 year old single player childrens games

>> No.10054229

Possibly the most autistic hang up in retrogaming, unless it's some kind of shit cheapo atgames console where everything is delayed by half a second, input lag is irrelevant.

>> No.10054361

It's a thing with PC applications and the way controllers work on windows, not just emulators.

>> No.10054381

The only time I've actually noticed input lag was when trying the PSP Wipeout games on PPSSPP. Twitchy games I'm deeply familiar with, with one of the worst emulators out there in terms of input lag.

>> No.10054706


>> No.10055071
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I don't really mind when it's not extreme amount of milliseconds. I always had computers on the slower side pirating the newest video games. Lag compensation is in my blood. I also don't mind low FPS when I smoke weed.. its a strange experience.

I heard in games like Mike Tyson Punchout input lag can fugg you up good because of muscle memory or some shit.

>> No.10055075

All of them.

No exceptions.

>> No.10055086

>with one of the worst emulators out there in terms of input lag.

That would explain why racing games on ppsspp feels so off

>> No.10055150
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"input lag" is a made up boomerism to cope about not being able to adapt. imagine playing the same game for 50 years and never having a unique experience.

>> No.10055156

Thats not imput lag. Its probably some sort of investigation. Probably ICE.

>> No.10055212

On the Wii, I think the GameCube controller ports directly communicated with the hardware so the only input delay would come from the software emulator and display if you used a digital display.

WiiU uses USB right? so unless it bypassed the OS there was definitely input delay in the entire chain.

>> No.10055321

>WiiU uses USB right?

IIRC all of it's controllers use Bluetooth, from Wiimotes (which use Bluetooth on Wii as well) to the WiiU Pro controller to the default WiiU Gamepad. The Gamepad used some proprietary WiFi connection for the video data, but IIRC it used bluetooth for the actual controller inputs.

I know there was some accessories for the Wii like a microphone for some of the music games that connected by USB, not sure if any WiiU accessories used USB outside of the Gamecube controller adapter.

>> No.10055343

What does the reddit frog have to do with that?

>> No.10055352

audio lag breaks rhythm games (and any game with audio cues) much worsely.

>> No.10055657

4 chan frog

>> No.10055696
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>> No.10055883

Fuck off, frog posting retard.