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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10053358 No.10053358 [Reply] [Original]

Let's have a thread about the Ganbare Goemon series.

>> No.10053365

are these the same characters from quest 64

>> No.10053419

I'm currently playing Goemon 3 on SNES, after playing the 4 Famicom games and the first 2 SNES games

My favourite remains the two action NES games, I'm in the Snow Child town in 3 and I'm a bit sick of the town formula (talking to people, going back & forth, and the layouts of towns and their surrounding are annoying to navigate)

>> No.10053420
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The first N64 game is one of my favorite games of all-time, there's just something about it, when it came out, and where I was in my life that all just combines into giving me comfy feelings of playing it Spring of 1998 again. I also prefer the soundtrack of it over Goemon's Great Adventure. Kai Highway, Tosa, and Zazen Town can't be beat. Just incredible audio quality for an N64 game, Konami absolutely killed it.

>> No.10053468

>the layouts of towns and their surrounding are annoying to navigate
Kek. I agree. Holy shit couldn't they design normal fucking towns?
I still like the game though.
>played the 4 famicom games
Damn you too had to suffer through Goemon Gaiden 1? What boring mess.
Newcomers should just skip it and go straight to Gaiden 2. Maybe read about Yae and Koban Neko in a wiki or something.

>> No.10053469

>haha the ending is underwhelming as a joke. It's funny because we aknowledge that the ending is underwhelming haha
Every fucking game

>> No.10053473
File: 127 KB, 768x1440, Ganbare Goemon Gaiden - Kieta Ougon Kiseru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Damn you too had to suffer through Goemon Gaiden 1? What boring mess.

I liked it actually, but combat was definitely one dimensional in that spells were hardly ever worth using.

>> No.10053493

The first Goemon RPG for the Famicom is ridiculously easy for an 8-bit RPG. It might be the only one I've ever played where you get overleveled just doing every fight you come across.

Anyway, this is one of my favorite game series and I consider it up there with Konami's best. My favorite is probably the first SNES game but GGA is amazing too. Legend Starring Goemon was an incredible oasis in the N64 game drought.

The 4 main Super Famicom games (including the original) have very well done fan translations. The translator pissed off the HG101 guy and got chased off Twitter for a bit when he sicced a bunch of goons on him unfortunately.

>> No.10053538


Peak Konami SNES music

>> No.10053620
File: 4 KB, 256x239, Ganbare! Goemon 3 - The Mecha Leg Hold of Jurokube Shishi (Japan) [T-En by DDSTranslation v3.0] [Add by Djungelurban v1.0] [Proper translation] [n]_010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaand 3 is done. I used a walkthrough for the item trading required for the last 3 plates, pulling a Link's Awakening style item trading when there is 10 times more NPCs in the game and the towns are a pain to navigate wasn't my idea of fun.
The mech fights weren't as messy as in 2, because at least you are allowed to shoot at enemies whenever you can rather than only when the game deems it okay, but as a result most of them were probably too easy...

I hope the towns in 4 aren't so bad

Great track yeah, I loved it

>> No.10053631

The entire soundtrack is great, probably the best one across the entire series. I get a sense of major nostalgic wistfulness whenever I hear the credits theme.

>> No.10053678

3 is probably the weakest of the 4 Super Famicom games. The town sections kind of bog it down. The 4th games plays much more like 2. It has some very funny references throughout the game that you'll no doubt recognize. The boss encounters are a bunch of mini games, most based on track and field type stuff and you'll either love them or hate them.

>> No.10053708

LOTMN on the snes is a lot of fun but it kind of bugs me how it's just nonstop action all the time even though you're in the middle of a town. I kinda just want to chill and enjoy the atmosphere without getting murdelated by some fishwife

>> No.10053738

>Kai Highway, Tosa, and Zazen can't be beat
Absolutely feel the same

Fun fact, Oedo Town's theme and Zazen are the same song. Just different instruments and speeds.



>> No.10053798
File: 58 KB, 1000x600, ichiro-mizuki-destacada-1000x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a video of a live performance of Aniki singing Ore Wa Impact/Double Impact.

>> No.10053815
File: 9 KB, 175x287, yae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my first exposure to japanese culture, it all seemed so weird and alien back then. Replaying Goemon in 2017 was really fun since I suddenly had context for everything, especially since I visited japan beforehand.

>> No.10053823

I remember reading a club nintendo magazine that mentioned the fact that Goemon calls the enemies "Okama", but didn't specify what okama means. I had a japanese gf at the time and she told me it meant fag, lel.

>> No.10053835

Kek yeah, it's an umbrella term for homos and transvestites, albeit the old-fashioned definition that is still obviously a man.

>> No.10053857
File: 283 KB, 640x400, Goemon_-_New_Age_Shutsudō!_-_(JP)_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's dead, Jim.

Pretty much every Goemon game except for one spinoff are old enough to be /vr/ material unless you count Konami whoring out the series to Pachinko, and they even tried to "reboot" it as a futuristic setting that looks like generic anime like picrel. (One of the cutscenes in the reboots even shows an old decayed Impact turning into a generic mecha). And that was after the PS2 "reboot" which stuck with the feudal Japanese theme but still changed the look to more generic anime.

Even some of the newer games were just ports/remakes of the original SNES titles, and all this was years before Konami basically left the game market for Pachinko.

The Metal Gear series has more of a life at Konami than this thing.

>> No.10053868

Konami can eat a dick, but not until they've put the Goemon games on Switch.

>> No.10053902

>japanlet mad he'll never get to play based pachinkino
that's what happens when you live in a secondary country

>> No.10053905
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>post yfw

>> No.10053912

I unironically prefer goe's classic kabuki outfit with the black afro and orange outfit as well as the other characters OG outfits. I never liked the current one and feel part of the reason people hate him is because his design is too wacky, going the Mario route wasn't a good idea

>> No.10053941

I've always wished there was some sort of sequel to Mystical Ninja. This game is peak comfiness and just one of my favorites. Everything from the soundtrack to graphics makes me very happy and brings me right back to childhood. It still holds up fairly well if you play it nowadays! Definitely we'll be replaying at some point in the future.

>> No.10054218
File: 1.97 MB, 2401x3011, 1646656715894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YFW Goemon makes his grand entrance in the Kabuki play 'Sanmon Gosan no Kiri'

>> No.10054228

>he thinks he's mad at funny ball game and not poor IP usage

>> No.10054263

The old look will always be the goat

>> No.10054362 [DELETED] 

ive just realized that Ebisumaru hasn't got a big nose and it's just part of his attire

>> No.10055414

A Goemon derivative game by former Konami devs was recently announced for the Switch.
Konami is so dead nowadays they finally forced themselves to at least localize a Power Pros, even though it's just a demo designed for e-sports.

>> No.10055451
File: 213 KB, 763x1084, FEJCKpFXwAMnBD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel to know that we almost got the PS2 Goemon game in English, to the point where the script except for one line had been fully translated and several gameplay/QoL tweaks had been made... but then it was cancelled and remained Japanese only?

>> No.10055459
File: 31 KB, 316x316, Ganbare_Goemon_Oedo_Daikaiten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried this PSX one out on a whim last week (Oedo Daikaiten) and it's pretty not that bad. It uses pre-rendered sprites from the N64 game's models instead of being fully 3D like Goemon's Great Adventure, and the town segments play more like the SNES games instead of Goemon's Great Adventure's little 3D areas so it feels like a pretty large downgrade even though it came out three years later. Weirder still is that even though the models have that mid 90's N64 model quality to them, Yae got a new costume and model, and still manages to look out of date a few months after the PS2 launched.

I also ended up getting pretty into /m/ related content a few years ago and it was pretty wild to get to the first Impact stage and hear Ichirou Mizuki singing the theme song. Because of course Ichirou Mizuki would be singing the theme song.

>> No.10055530

Goemon bros, I liked the first two games on the Super Nintendo a lot, but I wasn't attracted to the next two (maybe I'll give the 4th one a second shot). Based on that, are there other games in the series I should look for?

>> No.10055537

great adventure
dynamites arawaru
ooedo daikaten
maybe shin sedai if you're desperate for another game

>> No.10055563
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Thank you!

>> No.10055567
File: 3.90 MB, 640x350, Miss Impact.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10055571
File: 3.88 MB, 640x285, Super Impact.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10055586

Still think you should give the first N64 game a shot, both main N64 titles are better than any of the PS1 games in the series.

>> No.10055594
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>> No.10055612
File: 152 KB, 1920x1080, GLideN64_MYSTICAL_NINJA_062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is Ziggy doing in Goemon?

>> No.10055758

Is the PS2 one even good?

>> No.10055795

Victor Ireland saying SCEA blocked them releasing the game was the reason I got a 360 instead of a PS3. Well, that, and NeoGeo complaining that they had to release all their games as double features because SCEA wouldn’t authorize 2D games as anything but compilations.

>> No.10055813

That's a Mr. Saturn

>> No.10056008
File: 103 KB, 820x718, yae comf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yae is

>> No.10056592

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon on 64 and Goemon's Great Adventure (Mystical Ninja 2 if you're European) on 64 are must-plays. They are still the most influential both outside of and I think inside of Japan.

The first one on SNES is excellent, and most think the second one on it is even better (I like the first one more, myself). 3 is good and is also the meme game, considering the people it upsets. 4 is great, but get ready for either using a turbo controller or facing extremely-difficult bosses. Soreyuke Ebisumaru is a sort of puzzle game spinoff.

The DS game is supposedly really good. I haven't tried it yet, though.

The PS games vary in quality: Akogingu is decent, Oedo Daikaiten is supposedly better than that one, the New Generation reboot one is supposedly decent, but Kuru Kara Noi is said to be terrible (I've only played Akogingu, so far).

Dynamites on GBC is supposedly really good (I'm waiting for a translation to enjoy it maximally, but screwing around in it meanwhile is pretty fun).

The NES RPGs are kind of slow, but they have good humor and writing.

>> No.10056596

Also, the Game Boy Mystical Ninja game on that European Konami Collection is good (they play like the first two Goemon games on NES, which are both very mich arcade fun: GG2 is especially good). The Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon standalone game for Game Boy is very bad.

>> No.10056603

No but the graphic are similar. I wonder if they share the same engine?

>> No.10056606

Two completely different publishers and developers. They're just low quality, low poly early N64 games that have that certain aesthetic where devs new to SGI machines and CGI were going in blind. Notice how experienced devs like Square (FF7 specifically) and Rare never went through this weird early low poly phase

>> No.10056608
File: 1 KB, 184x208, Ninja_-_The_Legend_of_the_Mystical_Ninja_-_03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this leg characterization supposed to express someone being a poorly skilled person?

>> No.10056615
File: 7 KB, 256x239, Ganbare! Goemon - The Twinkling Journey - The Reason I became a Dancer (Japan) [T-En by DDSTranslation v3.0] [Add by Djungelurban v1.0] [n]_013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've beaten 4 now, it was good and I didn't mind the mini-game bosses (the final boss was pretty intense, and these things are hard for me since I broke my right wrist and it never fully recovered) though the Puyo Puyo clone wasn't very good due to how small the play area was

overall it's a shame that there are only 2 real bosses, considering one of the two is at the end of the first world right before the track&field mini game I wonder if they had planned to have a boss per world. Overall the game was fun but a lot of stages felt really short, in some cases it felt like they really did the bare minimum they could get away with.

One thing I hated was the controls, jumping with B and using the chain pipe with Y.. wtf were they thinking, thank fuck I could remap that to a shoulder button with emulation.
Also the chainpipes shoot diagonally when you don't press anything, and to make it shoot horizontally you have to hold the direction, that is so backwards and goes against any gamer logic.
Also I didn't like how easy it was to fall off the edge of platforms due to how the hit detection works, you really have to jump before the edge rather than AT the edge which also goes against platforming instincts; that couple with some jumps before tough to make kinda sucked.
Also in some of the Ebisumaru early stages I didn't get that you were supposed to come back to do some of the platforming in that stage using another character, so I kept trying and trying not understanding that it was almost impossible to pull with Ebisumaru because that was an early stage

that's it for the nitpicks. Pretty sure they ripped this gun/hand from Doom

>> No.10056619
File: 14 KB, 256x239, Ganbare! Goemon - The Twinkling Journey - The Reason I became a Dancer (Japan) [T-En by DDSTranslation v3.0] [Add by Djungelurban v1.0] [n]_015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ne thing I hated was the controls, jumping with B and using the chain pipe with Y

I mean jumping with B and using the chain pipe with X actually

also I found a pretty fun palette glitch, if you hold a charge on Yae's cannon and switch characters while holding that charge

>> No.10056635

It's just cartoony visual shorthand for someone running fast in Japanese media. The gag is he's actually not running very fast because his "legs" are just a prop.

>> No.10056663
File: 456 KB, 640x440, 1-Image2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Notice how experienced devs like Square (FF7 specifically) and Rare never went through this weird early low poly phase

Are you serious? There is a reason people joke that Cloud in the original FF7 had "Popeye arms". And a big part of why they avoided that was because they basically completely abandoned Nintendo in the 5th gen, and they heavily made use of the space on CDs to fill their biggest games with pre-rendered backgrounds so they could devote more polygons to the character models. Despite that, they still had their fair-share of early looking polygonal games on the PS1 such as Threads of Fate or Brave Fencer Musashi.

(and let's not forget Square's Final Fantasy tech demo on the N64 before they left Nintendo for Sony)

As for RARE, they also had quite their fair share of those on the N64. Blast Corps, Jet Force Gemini, Donkey Kong 64, even Banjo Kazooie if you take off the nostalgia filter.

>> No.10057647
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Checking out the GB Goemon and it's tons of fun until...

This shit right here. Gotta do some precise platforming in an entire dungeon when platforming isn't this perspective's forte, 3 lives (no way to get more), fall into the water = death; and fall once and you lose your speed upgrade meaning you can only make shorter jumps now; AND you have to find 4 hidden key items in the midst of it all.

>> No.10057796

>sarawareta Ebisumaru
>tons of fun
That game sucked way before i got to that part. But yeah that one part is mind-bogglingly bad, head-scratchingly bad, like did-someone-test-this bad.

>> No.10058662
File: 3.39 MB, 1354x1080, 3c815b43d9cd3bf305b342813682ba16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the right

>> No.10058846

Idk if anyone seen this yet but Good Feel is creating a goemon spiritual successor. They also worked on the last goemon game which was on the ds. I've never played this franchise before but it looks nice to get into because I love platformers. Too bad this one is exclusive in JP it seems. Really looks like a fun time to have. https://youtu.be/o36dy9atoSw

>> No.10058857

The fact the he's not going anywhere fast makes me think it's mocking his designtion as a ninja warrior.

>> No.10058886

>It's just cartoony visual shorthand for someone running fast in Japanese media
>in Japanese media
Mr Krabs walks like this though

>> No.10058913

This is a distinct version that looks more like hundred hand slap.

>> No.10059031

My dad works for Nintendo and he says both devs bought the engine along with the devkit from nintendo/SGI

>> No.10059503
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Beaten the first game boy now, I really enjoyed it, it felt like a simplified version of the NES ones and I was dying for more NES style Goemon action

Lot's of varied environments and they did a good job with the colours, lot's of different tracks which make good use of the game boy's stereo sound, lot's of bosses... only the water jumping stage sucked a lot (you really need to NOT die even once or else you lose the shoes, they should have at least added hidden shoes somewhere in that level; and when I realized I had to backtrack once I reached the end I thought I was going to die). The final boss was a bit shitty as well but there are 2 other bosses before that so it compensates

>> No.10061001

trying to keep a tiny, effeminate ninja from stealing his dumplings

>> No.10062132


>> No.10062903
