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File: 57 KB, 1024x805, neo-geo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10053149 No.10053149 [Reply] [Original]

Greatest console system of all time.

>> No.10053168

Motherboard/daughterboard combo system encased in plastic.

>> No.10053173

How can it be the greatest console when no one owned one?

>> No.10053185

I don't think it needed a console, to me they will always be arcade games

>> No.10053193

Too many copy paste fighting games.

>> No.10053210

kof, metal slug the list goes on

>> No.10053214

>majority of its library is 2nd tier fighting games
Uhm, no.

>> No.10053216

certainly the most expensive

performant in a few respects

but mostly expensive

>> No.10053217
File: 661 KB, 1358x1901, 1688737187202359_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are better fighting games on the Saturn, second best console

>> No.10053369

It's not even a real console, and if you consider it to be one it gets stomped by the SFC and Megadrive in terms of number of actually great games you want to play.

>> No.10053394

it's more of a consolised arcade machine than a console but if we're going in that direction I guess you could say the same thing of the Dreamcast

>> No.10053595

And the master system, genesis, and ps1

>> No.10053596

Whats the best living room neogeo opshun?
Has to look pleasing, have decent emulation, etc.

>> No.10053613
File: 154 KB, 678x905, beesteee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

def in my top 5

>> No.10053650

Well, I think those are all a little different instead of being a direct arcade machine like neogeo is

>> No.10053657

Is that a real Neo Geo cab?

>> No.10053661

Only if you really really like fighters and sports games

>> No.10053683

Maybe it's a unico mvsx cab

>> No.10053707


>> No.10053742
File: 3.87 MB, 4289x3000, neo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do Neo Geo fans worship the AES when it's just the gimped version of the MVS?

>> No.10053749

Which one do you honestly expect people to have in their homes back in the day?

>> No.10053771


>> No.10053789

why should Neo Geo fans in 2023 care?
why not covet the arcade machine since it's the ultimate form of these games?

>> No.10053792

This is right.
Today? If you want an arcade machine in your home then sure. But for most people, even if they want hardware, the console is going to be easier for a whole lot of reasons.

>> No.10053793

not a console, its just a mame emulator in a plastic box than only plays snk games

>> No.10053821

That still doesn't explain the worship of the AES over the MVS. Capcom fans don't covet the CPS Changer over the Big Blues or Q Grand-AM. They don't care about what is practical for their home setup. They care about the ultimate experience.

>> No.10053824

AES looks cooler

>> No.10053838

the "ultimate experience" to the 99.9% of people who arent autistic manchildren means not having an ugly behemoth the size of a commercial copy machine in your living room

>> No.10053845


>> No.10053852

Please be realistic when reminiscing about this platform.

>> No.10053854

what do you even think the mvs is? its literally just a monitor and a shit tier control setup. with the aes you can use whatever monitor you want and whatever controller you want, while cutting down on 90% of the wasted space, not to mention how fucking gay you look having such a huge vidya game system in your home.

>> No.10053859

99.9% of Neo Geo fans are autistic manchildren.

>> No.10053869

If you're not going to use the AES controller you might as well just use an MVS supergun. (Or you could save money by using an AES controller on a supergun!)

>shit tier control set-up
LS-32 and LS-40 are shit tiers according to you? I smell a casual faggot.

There's really no good rational argument for the AES to be so venerated. People just worship it because of the perceived rarity and exclusivity of owning one.

>> No.10053882

I never saw a King of Fighters cabinet in person in the 90s. I frequented a lot of big arcades. Some of them had over 100 cabinets. No KOF until the 2000s. Always Samurai Shodown or Art of Fighting, occasional Fatal Fury Specials.

>> No.10053886

USA poster btw.
One of the big arcades was Just Games in Chicago, home of many big fighting game tournaments. No KOF cab in that arcade.

>> No.10054037

I remember renting one back in the day and being blown away. It made the Genesis and SNES look like antiques. Problem is the library was entirely arcade stuff, plus these things costed a fortune.

>> No.10054054

poorfag cope

>> No.10054058

Was anyone rich enough to have this as a kid? Can you please regale us with stories of your two happily married parents and you dad’s job at the business factory and your 1.5 siblings with your in ground pool and college fund?

The rest of us trailer park fucks were happy to get a Super Nintendo to call our own.

>> No.10054115

Going by the anecdotes I have read over the years rich families usually did not buy their kids expensive gaming systems. Or any system at all in many cases. They became PC gamers because their richfag parents could be convinced the PC was educational.

Also: remember that every system goes through a phase where they are sold on heavy discount when they get discontinued. Some few people probably bought their AES for about $200 in 95-96.

>> No.10054118

kids didnt have them. professionals in their 20s/30s at the time had them and they dont post here

>> No.10054123

Kids of video rental store owners had them.

>> No.10054702

I respect the collection, but you gotta get a full size neo geo arcade cabinet. The MVSX has a weird button design that is different from Neo Geo games. It also has a limited amount of games.

>> No.10055472

>the library was entirely arcade stuff
it is literally an arcade machine

>> No.10055760

>I never saw a King of Fighters cabinet in person in the 90s.
Same. I only ever saw Metal Slug 1/2/X, then later a couple SVC Chaos cabs before arcades all but disappeared in my area.

>> No.10056620

It's a real hot dog that's for sure

>> No.10056624

*snaps club*

>> No.10056627

Metal Slug cabs were everywhere in my area, there was a Metal Slug X cab at my local grocery store. If you didn't know about Metal Slug you were living under a rock.
But KOF? Just vague recollections of reading about it in game mags

>> No.10056629

I wouldn't even know if they were in adequate supply in the US to make it to clearance stock. Never heard about it happening. I boughtva Jaguar and Doom with paper route money and then sold it for like $100 less. So sorry now but I'd never guess it would magically become valuable again.

>> No.10056768
File: 673 KB, 1179x783, 1686170063591025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have about 4 working mvs boards though
with hylo i have the complete library
also a handful of cps1(2) games which is nice
the button layout at first doesnt seem to make sense
and it almost stopped me from buying it
but you can remap and have neocd layout
which is actually kinda comfy for certain titles
buttons arent the best but still far better than the 1up brand stuff
all the 1up cabs i got off craiglist = button\stick swaps
+jamma boards in a couple
it sounds wasteful but 60$ here 120$ is no big deal

>> No.10057340

We didnt wait 2023 or even 2013 to gey into AES
I had both, AES and SFC. AES was more impressive but the had more games and rpgs.
Got My AES in 94 for 120$ with FF Special.lol.

>> No.10057348

holy ESL

>> No.10057389

>a shit tier control setup
>shit tier
Fuck outta here you non-player.

>> No.10058169

I'm trying to figure out what goes into that large white box that looks like a copy machine. It's huge. It must have a bunch of empty space.

>> No.10058190

It definitely has the absolute best quality overall per library of any system. There's not a lot of shovel ware at all.

>> No.10058207

Almost everything that isn't ShamSho, Last Blade KoF, Metal Slug, is garbage or a garbage attempt at copying Sega/Namco fads.

>> No.10058223

I owned one. My dad gave me $600 to get school clothes and I blew it on this instead. I had samurai showdown 1 because this kid I knew, a real juicer, stole it for me for 50 bucks, otherwise I couldn't have afforded any games

>> No.10058412 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 1057x823, 20220911_205032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone doesn't know they released a jrpg based on Samurai Showdown. No idea about it's quality, I keep forgetting to emulate it whenever I'm thinking about which game to play next.

>> No.10060620

Imagine being a kid with a neo geo back in the day
"What kind of games does it have!?"
"Lots a fighting games !"
"Oh cool! Let's play street fighter 2!!"

>> No.10060632

Samsho was sick, world heroes was ok

>> No.10060636

SNK should have made a NEO-GEO duo that accepted both cartridges and cd's.

>> No.10062192

>$599 USD