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File: 2.08 MB, 1207x1167, Castlevania-Box-Art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10050997 No.10050997 [Reply] [Original]

This game has no right to be so addicting as it is. Worse than crack.

>> No.10051001

Wait until you get to 3

>> No.10051006

love me wip
love me harts
love me holee wata
'ate medusas
'ate 'unchbacks
'ate draculas
simple as

>> No.10051019
File: 112 KB, 1024x576, Castlevania-64-retro-Reviews-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Castlevania 64 and I don't care if I'm the only one.

>> No.10051021

Make sure you play Super Castlevania IV dead last, because you will either love the whip control (ruining the other games) or absolutely fucking hate it since it trivializes the difficulty.

>> No.10051087


>> No.10051156

My brother.

>> No.10051245

I would not go as far as to say I love it, but I certainly enjoy this game. The camera is the only real weakness, the platforming is surprisingly solid for what was common at the time.
Such a shame this game's reputation is forever tarnished by that AVGN video. So many people will never play this game and just adopt his opinion as theirs.

>> No.10051337

I've played through the first one so many times. It's such a fun game.

>> No.10051463

I really liked Legacy of Darkness if that's any consolation, anons.

>> No.10051472


>> No.10052275

One of my absolute favorite series. The fucking music, simple addicting gameplay, the flavor. Just fucking trudging along and whippin shit

It's similar to DOOM where the gameplay is very simple but addicting and the music is super driving

>> No.10052383

I tried playing Dracula X again recently and still couldn't get into it, but I like Bloodlines and Super Castlevania IV. Still need to play the PS1 and DS titles. I did manage to beat the first game on its Easy Mode in the Japanese version, surprisingly.

>> No.10052407

Never played Castlevania. Where should I start and which games if any should I avoid? I have heard a lot of good about SOTN and a lot of bad about Simon's Quest.

>> No.10052413

SotN is probably the best and also one of the easiest. I say start there and then branch out to either the Classicvanias if you want more challenge or the Igavanias if you want more of the same

>> No.10052419

Start with CV 1 NES, try Simon's Quest and if You don't like it drop it, it's a different kind of game with Adventure elements. Play the rest in release order: Super Castlevania IV, Rondo of Blood, Bloodlines, Dracula X SNES and X68k (Chronicles on ps1), all great.
Optional, the GB games are fun, The Adventure is a bit rough but Belmont's Revenge is very good.
SOTN and the GBA/DS games are metroidvanias, different kind of games using the same lore as the classicvanias.

>> No.10053524

Start with the original, it's a great introduction to the series and is great even when compared to the later games. >>10052419 is right about the rest, but he forgot to mention Castlevania 3, which is also a really good game similar to the original.

>> No.10053562 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 355x539, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game has no right to be so addicting as it is. Worse than crack.
Have you ever tried crack then?
Cocaine-crack then?

>> No.10053843 [DELETED] 

What other form of crack is there? Anyway it's overrated and only lasts 15-20 minutes

>> No.10054238

About a few months ago I remembered having the anniversary collection and decided to just finally start playing them. At first I sort of hated them and even resorted to using save-states, which I normally never do. Now I fucking love them with Akumajo Densetsu being my absolute favorite and have 1CC'd nearly all of the classic games. Easily a new favorite series of mine.

Everyone calls the whip overpowered even though enemies get buffed the fuck up to compensate so even basic bitch skeletons take around three hits from a maxed out whip to even kill. I wouldn't say the whip control is that bad because of it but if OP hates it for anything it'll be the godawful enemy placements and level design starting in Block 6.

>> No.10054336

This is a pretty good recommendation to follow. As an alternative, if you go to Romhacking.Net there is usually some sort of retranslation or relocalization patch for nearly every game. Keep in mind these sometimes are mechanics changes so take some of them with a grain of salt.
>Akumajou Dracula FDS English translation with sprite fix
>Castlevania II hack that's customizable with optional changes because there's an obsessed Finnish fan out there
>Akumajou Densetsu English translation which is more balanced than US Castlevania III
>Classic Game Boy game hacks that make Christopher faster (not totally sold on this personally; consider playing the color versions regardless)
>Super Castlevania IV FastROM hack
>Rondo of Blood English translation
>SNES Dracula X sprite fixes
>Bloodlines mod to allow hardest difficulty without having to beat the game once
>Castlevania Chronicles knockback patch (Original X68000 really is better though)
>Circle of the Moon but cards are no longer random drops
The list goes on and on. Will never argue that any of these are the "purist" ways to play but they certainly add some features.

>> No.10056212

Go in release order. My advice for absolute must-plays are:
>C3 (JP)
>Harmony of Dissonance
>Aria of Sorrow
>Order of Ecclesia

If you liked C1/C3, try Chronicles and Belmont's Revenge (or C3 US if you really want a challenge). If you liked Rondo, try Bloodlines and Dracula X. If you liked Aria of Sorrow, try Portrait of Ruin.

>> No.10056924

Block 8 is the worst one in terms of level design. Even if you ignore the bridge, the stage itself is a slog that switches between basic enemies and instant-kill hazards with barely any thought.
CV3 US isn't less balanced per say, just differently so. It's ultimately a matter of preference more than anything, similarly to Ninja Gaiden 3 JP/US.

>> No.10056969

>It's ultimately a matter of preference more than anything

More like a matter of getting good

>> No.10057934
File: 51 KB, 1600x900, second run.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, made two runs of Simon's Quest, one with the bad and the best ending. This game is nowhere near as bad as people claim. Though after the fourth castle the game starts to feel a bit incomplete and admitedly castle 6 is very lacking lacking.. Bosses exist.

>> No.10058003
File: 1.37 MB, 2160x1080, naptime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dracula drinking a full glass of blood before fighting richter is animated properly
>alucard loudly says "WHAT?" if you manage to use transformations to get him stuck
>the fairy yells "OH NOOOOOO" if alucard dies in front of her
the level of detail in SotN has got the magic for me

>> No.10058283

>Alucard tosses peanuts in the air and has to catch them with his mouth
>in the underground caverns, some bodies of water are covered by ice that you break when you go into them
>apparently the bat familiar will confuse Alucard for a mate and follow him closely when he's transformed into a bat? The wiki might be bullshitting on this though.

>> No.10058291

That third one is absolutely true, hearts fly over its head and everything. It's cute.

>> No.10058381

I like the aesthetic and idea behind Simon's Quest. The game's look kinda makes me think of a technicolor Hammer horror film. Carmilla (the giant floating mask boss) is cool, too.
I'd love to see it get a remake.

>> No.10058454

There's a fan remake someone made called Chronicles 2 Simon's Quest iirc but it's not very good, mermen are random at the first bridge which means RNG deaths and the bosses are big retards that just walk at you nonstop. Most of it was made with Order of Ecclesia/Portrait of Ruin areas and enemies.

>> No.10059965

Yeah it's a fun short game.
Do you guys always go for the stunlock on Death?

>> No.10060321

I've heard that this one is good and the guy even added some new bosses. This feels more like those Genesis Sonic remakes Taxman worked on.

>> No.10060452

>that walking animation


>> No.10060664
File: 70 KB, 350x501, big-steppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10060672 [DELETED] 

Did he accidentally make the game shorter (even with the new content) by stripping out all the RPG elements?

>> No.10060924
File: 30 KB, 400x200, dbly53v-139549e2-47c0-4c13-ba9e-190543b072da.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking good

>> No.10061102
File: 105 KB, 720x720, Castlevania 2 ost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've played both these remakes, haven't finished Rebitten though. Going off of memory here:
>overworld geography is basically laid out the same in both remakes
>Rebitten adds money that can only be accessed by using a specific sub-weapon to break blocks (you can only hold one sub-weapon at a time, so you'll need to backtrack quite a few screens for it)
>both add boss fights to all the mansions
>CII overhauls most of the mansions
>Rebitten adds a new section to the end of the game I think it's literally just the CV1 stages
>dying in Rebitten sends you back to the last town you saved at, while CII has save points in the mansions (and also a live system like in SQ, I think)
>Simon has jump control in both, and can slide in CII.
They're both kinda janky. I think Chronicles II feels better to play, but the high invulnerability frames for the bosses was tedious. I'm not sure if they patched those out.

>> No.10061120

Good game

>> No.10061129

The original looks like he's walking briskly with long strides. The "upgrade" looks like he shit his pants and is awkwardly trying to shuffle away to find a place to wipe. Have you ever seen a person walk with that weird little knee bend before?

>forward head tilt
>shoulders spread wide
>little tiptoe steps
>bending knees with every step

Full caveman mode in that walk.

>> No.10061685

Yeah, I always thought the Belmonts looked constipated, not that they had already shat their pants. I'll take the original.

>> No.10061831

Seriously, it's like he's cowboy walking so the shit doesn't rub against the inside of his thighs.

>> No.10062448

played it for the first time a few months ago and was pleasantly surprised, expected it to be dogshit but it was pretty good

>> No.10062461

I never knew it was an option as a kid and today I just play the way I always used to (so, bring the triple-shot boomerang, as we called it then, to Death and hope for the best)

>> No.10062473

This looks pretty dubious to me, as of a few minutes in. Huge rooms in town to tediously stroll through, suspiciously high jump, dollars as currency for no reason, random dude making cute reference "joke", updated walk cycle on flat ground but not on stairs, bafflingly instantaneous transition from day to night, special care taken to make the forest brazier look bright at night but no attempt at actually lighting the area around it, player still spends the first chunk of the game robotically grinding... ehh maybe it's got good stuff later though, who knows.

>> No.10062539

Triple-Boomerang always felt like the "intended" way to fight him, since you get the Cross after the checkpoint and the Medusa-Knight hallway lets you throw it out and rack up hearts while getting closer to earning the upgrade. Something I really like about the first game is how the subweapon candles complement the stage and enemy design. Like how the Axe is placed before the Giant Bat in Stage 1, or the Stopwatch is before the Mummies in Stage 3.

>> No.10062551

yeah it's definitely not a replacement, as flawed as Simon's Quest may be, this fundamentaly changes too much. it might be ok as if you played the original too many times and have nothing else to play. and I just discovered that the dude put this on a paywall which definitely doesn't help in it's favor.

>> No.10062558
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>> No.10062757
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>> No.10062898


>> No.10062985

I still can't get past the mesusas on stage 2.

>> No.10063840

Stop to kill the first one, then just walk right past the rest. The secret with the Medusa Heads is that if they spawn while you're in the center of the screen you can just keep walking forward and they'll go right under you.

>> No.10064545

Thanks bro. Is there any way to get all the candles at the same time or are they just bait to slow the player down for the medusas?

>> No.10064582

I wouldn't worry about the candles, there are plenty of other opportunities to get hearts in safer environments.

>> No.10065043

Your standing whip attack will also destroy stuff that's on the ground, like the Fleamen, or Medusas, if you hit them while they're low.

>> No.10065061

Are some of the item and enemy spawns random?
It seems like in some places different things spawn.
Does that have anything to do with me or is it legit random?
I never had a NES as a kid, I'm kind of new to all this.

>> No.10065137

Subweapon placements in torches are the same every time, but yeah, enemies will sometimes randomly drop subweapons/items. As for enemy spawns, I don't think they're SUPPOSED to be random but you do get the occasional weird thing where a guy doesn't show up when he usually does or vice versa. It's usually pretty minor though.

>> No.10065201

Ohhhh... I get it, enemy spawns are hit-box based.
I found this one spot where if I drop off a ledge it doesn't spawn a phantom or whatever you call it, but if I jump the thing spawns and then I'm fucked.
Maybe that's the only one, I couldn't say, but it's just enough cheese to get me past that spot.

>> No.10067494


>> No.10067836

The same candle always has the same thing (small heart, big heart, subweapon); however you get a whip upgrade every X amount of candle hit, though the whip upgrade will only replace (small ?) hearts

and then, if you hit a candle that is supposed to spawn a subweapon WITH a subweapon, you'll get item II or item III. That's an important tip many people don't know about. Also works in CV3.

>> No.10067859

Anyone who says they hate it have never played it and are just parrotting faggots.

>> No.10067865

My first classic-style vania was Super IV, had a blast. Directly after that got my ass pounded in both RoB and Dracula X for a while getting used to the relative 'stiffness' or deliberateness of the jumping and the limited whip directions but it felt right; enemies didn't feel as cheeseable, e.g. whipping up from below a platform. Then played 3 and that pretty much remains my favorite

>> No.10067868

I've never pretended Dracula's Curse is inferior to Akumajou Densetsu and I won't start now.

>> No.10067874

C64 was one of the best CV experiences for me. Gameplay is kinda mediocre but that early 3D semi-horror atmosphere...

>> No.10068497
File: 521 KB, 853x1000, 1683817566281392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10068593

>and then, if you hit a candle that is supposed to spawn a subweapon WITH a subweapon, you'll get item II or item III. That's an important tip many people don't know about. Also works in CV3.
Holy shit, that's phenomenal. That's one way to reward good memory on repeat playthroughs.

>> No.10068902

I've started playing it seriously for the first time just earlier today. I mean I tried it in the past but due to a combination of poorly coded N64 emulator, bad pad and lack of skill I never made it past the simple jumps of the first level

Anyway, so far it's FUN but not being able to switch targets in combat kinda sucks; unless I'm missing something

>> No.10069040
File: 72 KB, 313x237, castleroid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is fun and they actually did a good at transposing Castlevania gameplay into 3D

>> No.10069050


>> No.10069070
File: 34 KB, 700x300, best-and-worst-castlevania-games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till you play the non-Nincel Castlevanias.

>> No.10069158
File: 16 KB, 700x300, best-and-worst-castlevania-games.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My bad, here is non controversial, non baiting, fixed version

>> No.10069174
File: 426 KB, 1024x676, 1664811326446078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Austa lost

>> No.10069345

The game auto-targets whatever's closest to you (sometimes usually maybe) and then sticks to it for a while (sometimes usually maybe). Honestly, the combat's a bit wonky but combat isn't what's going to kill you in C64, there's lots of healing items you can find and they're cheap from the G-man merchant guy.

>> No.10069396

yeah I was enjoying the game a lot but I just reached the nitrogen part, I was enjoying the game so much I was thinking of pulling an all nighter but now... NOPE time to go to bed.

>> No.10069531

I've never noticed this, I'll try it out on my next playthrough.

>> No.10069808

Yeah the Nitro Run is the worst part imo, but the game really picks up again after that.

>> No.10069987

Beat it in one day and never played it again.

>> No.10070765
File: 2.14 MB, 939x1896, Castlevania 64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was tons of fun, minus the nitro shit.

Fun fact: the intro is narrated by Resident Evil Chris

>> No.10070803

I don't see the msx game in the top worst 5, so both lists are dismissed

>> No.10071289
File: 148 KB, 640x1004, jetsetwilly_msx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, why should the only good (official) non-linear Castlevania game (or as they say, "Willyvania") be the top 5 worst list...?

>> No.10072572

>all those Villa screenshots
God, that level was so good. Lots of cutscenes but so much atmosphere in the environments I didn't even care.

>> No.10072713

>nitro is le bad

Man, not that I don't get it, but the nitro section is actually one of my favorites in the N64 games. The part where you have to thread between the gears and the possibility of cerberus dogs / skeleton motorists getting in the way is some of the tensest shit.

You know, meme or not, whenever I get to putting in even just a little bit of thought into a Top 5 for classicvanias, the Simon games, particularly these three, end up taking the topmost slots with probably only 3 being able to compete. They just really get to the point in terms of gameplay and game design in ways the others don't and tend to have my favorite take on the setting.

NTA, but don't worry too much about the auto-targeting. In my experience, you generally kind of just want to hit the closest enemy to you anyway. What you probably really want to focus on is to keep moving so enemies that are close to you don't catch you with a grab or strike while listening for telltale sounds of far off enemies prepping to spit a fireball at you.

>> No.10072985
File: 7 KB, 256x224, Akumajou Densetsu (J) [!].2023-06-23 22.27.00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CV3 JP is so much more fun than the US release that it isn't even funny.

>> No.10073190

Played 4 first, still my favorite Classicvania but I still love the others. Second favorite is Rondo which really perfected the deliberate physics and controls of the previous games.

>> No.10073210

Here's a rundown on which games you should play, and in which order:
>Castlevania 1
Great game, establishes most series conventions right from the get-go. Once you get used to the controls, it clicks brilliantly. Fine starting point.
>Castlevania 3
Like the first game, but expanded in every way. Multiple playable characters, multiple routes through the game. Difficulty is higher though, especially in the batshit American release. Music is insane, especially in the Japanese release which had an expansion chip. I recommend playing an English patch of the Japanese version.
>Super Castlevania 4
Returns to the first game's structure of just one path, just Simon Belmont. However the controls and difficulty are much friendlier, and Simon's whip is much more capable. The graphics are gorgeous, leaning into the retro horror style and utilizing a lot of 16-bit special effects. Some call it gimmicky, I call it kino. This is my favorite classic-style Castlevania.
>Rondo of Blood
This one goes full anime with the aesthetics and pulls back on SC4's expanded moves, instead refining the controls of 1 & 3. It's also closer to those games in challenge and is beloved among series fans for this + the controls. Thanks to being on TG-CD this one has CD quality music and voice acted cutscenes. It also has another playable character again, and while the main route through the game is shorter than ever, there are several optional levels basically making an entire second path through the game to make up for that.
Two playable characters, sort of like the Genesis equivalent to Castlevania 4 in being a linear action game with no frills and lots of setpieces and special effects. It has blood and gore like Nintendon't. Not quite essential, but pretty good.
(cont'd in reply)

>> No.10073232

>Symphony of the Night
This is a sequel to Rondo of Blood that's basically like Super Metroid but with swords + gothic horror + light RPG elements. The graphics and music are incredible as was the tradition for the series at this point. This is by far the easiest of any game I listed, even if you feel like you're getting your ass kicked early on just wait until your gear and stats are better and you'll be kicking ass. Despite this it's incredibly fun, partly because the many ways to break the game just add to the experience. This forms the other half of the term "Metroidvania", and from here on they made a bunch of Castlevania games in this style but non of them really topped this one. Though people do love Aria of Sorrow.

Now for the ones to avoid.
>Vampire Killer (MSX)
This is like a weird alternate version of Castlevania 1 where you have to find keys to escape through looping levels. Ambitious but terrible.
>Castlevania 2
Not as bad as Vampire Killer but still not good. Basically it's an open-world Castlevania game with towns and a day-night cycle, pretty novel for a sidescroller. But it's rather boring in practice and progression can be cryptic.
>Game Boy Castlevania games
They're fine...if all you have is a Game Boy.
>Dracula X
This is a mediocre SNES re-imagining of Rondo of Blood, with great 16-bit renditions of the music and a lot of the same sprites and storyline, but new (much worse) level designs. Now if they could fit Super Metroid on a SNES cartridge there's no reason they couldn't squeeze the real Rondo of Blood on there with the cutscenes removed. Boring as shit, don't bother.
>Castlevania 64 + Legacy of Darkness
Boooring as fuck. Legacy of Darkness is an expanded, updated re-release of Castlevania 64, but it doesn't really make the game good, just a little more tolerable. This game did have potential and it's too bad it turned out how it did.

>> No.10073242

The Castle Center is bad even if you don't take into account the nitro itself. In that level each individual section is nice, but they don't really form a cohesive all, it feels like such a mish mash of different things abruptly going from one to the other. Plus the structure with the backtracking and the way you're forced to re-fight the same enemies over and over is really annoying.

Then there is the shitty puzzle followed by the hardest boss of the game, after playing the game a second time with Carrie I still have no idea how the fuck you're supposed to dodge his ramming attack

Carrie has some cool levels, I really liked the Underground Waterway, but her charge shot breaks the game so much. I actually only realized she had one when I was fucking around waiting for the fountain platform to rise in the garden and I had more fun playing before that point when I didn't know about the charge

anyway I gotta play the game a third time because I missed both the not-Van-Helsing and the not-Jean-Reno bossfights

>> No.10073276
File: 1.14 MB, 512x480, CV3basedacrobat2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CV3 JP is so much more fun than the US release

It's the other way around once you get good. What the world really needs is the US version with JP music.

>> No.10073278

I've beaten both versions but didn't like US much at all. Grant's too shitty, everybody takes a trillion damage from everything, and the music isn't as good.

>> No.10073280

>Grant's too shitty

Grant has advantages in the US version as well.
In the Japanese version, you throw one knife, you're defenseless for as long as the knife remains on screen.
In the US version, getting a knife subweapon and being able to use it is a trivial task; once that happens you're able to throw knife AND still be able to attack while the knife is on screen. Not to mention his shanking has close combat rapid fire capabilities which are faster than in the JP version.

>> No.10073282

and if you're really into knife throwing, you can get item II/III for it in the US version which you can't in the JP version

>> No.10073289

Why is Super Castlevania IV in the worst ones? Whoever did that list is a massive faggot. Amazing music, great atmosphere, whip in eight directions I say masterpiece!
Now go to choke on cocks sissy fagget.

>> No.10073326

Agreed at general but
> Castlevania 2
Give it a go with fan patches and maybe a guide. It's okay.
> Legacy of Darkness
Good game till the Castle Center. Maybe 4 similar playthroughs is too much but definitely try it.

>> No.10073331

>I still have no idea how the fuck you're supposed to dodge his ramming attack
Jump out of the way once he turns towards you but before he tilts his head down, if you haven't jumped by the time his head tilts down you're fucked.
It's bait anon

>> No.10073359
File: 2.67 MB, 640x480, CV64_Grade_A_Action.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10073435

More is not always better.

>> No.10073446

Oh shit, that makes sense.
That'll make getting the pocket watch a lot easier.

>> No.10073471
File: 2.60 MB, 640x480, CV64_BOOOOM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10073805

I feel that some bosses were given better moves and arena designs in the U.S. version, and the Loop 2 exclusive enemies were a neat element. The JP version had better balance, better music, and didn't censor the rabbit enemies.

>> No.10073823
File: 2.77 MB, 640x480, CV64_Special2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: you don't need to use the key at all to get Special 2

The US version respects the amount of health enemies like knights or bone pillars have, compared to CV1 and other CV games; while in the Japanese version they have less HP. That and Dracula's final form and his tiny ass lasers in the JP version is really lame.

>> No.10073870
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I gave it a go last night and you're right OP, it is addicting. Stage 15 kicked my ass pretty hard but I'm looking forward to trying again tonight.

>> No.10073885

That special shortcut is neat, thanks anon

>> No.10073930
File: 398 KB, 1920x1080, castlevania-044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's it for CV64, I did this third playthrough on Hard and it doesn't make that big of a difference. The bossfights against Renon and Vincent were disappointing. Renon was basically Death+ and Vincent a shitty version of the vampire enemies that spams holy water in the end (kinda funny though to see the boss spam holy water against the player, feels like an apropriate revenge on the part of the franchise)

I had to grind money against common enemies (the vampires in The Castle Center) to raise 30k to fight Renon which kinda sucked. There is apparently an exploit to get the money from the crate in the arena over and over but apparently this doesn't work in v1.2... This got me thinking actually, do ALL items respawn when you reload your save in the previous revisions of the game? One thing that SUCKED was missing out on Power upgrades from candles because you saved after picking it up, coupled with the fact that reloading the save, even without dying, downgrades you....

Time for Legacy of Darkness I guess

>> No.10074023

How do you get that treasure chest at the front door of the castle there at the beginning?
I saw someone do it once and it looked like you just jump when you get to the door but I can't figure it out.

>> No.10074153

What game? What treasure chest?

>> No.10074156

CV4 tried to ruin Castlevania by turning the gameplay into Contra thanks to the Treasure faggot Yaiman who handled the programming of the game before getting the shaft by Konami and retreating to go develop at Trashure.

Not only that, a boring soundtrack, overly long with dire pacing, none of the boss battles are challenging, muddy ass visuals, lags out the ass, shit level design (Rotating Room)...

4 is simply garbage and babby's first/favourite Classicvania entry.

>> No.10074163

It’s both nothing like Contra and absurd you want them to make the same game over and over. I hate people like this. If you want to play the original do that. Especially now there’s so many rom hacks.

>> No.10074176

>Replying to australia-kun unironically

>> No.10074280

What Legacy of Darkness did to the Maze Garden is FUCKING HORRIBLE

I played through the original game three times but the supposed "upgraded" version managed to get me lost and adds MORE backtracking in the maze with shitty item puzzles

"Superior version in every way" my ass

>> No.10074612
File: 2.72 MB, 640x480, CVLoD_skipfight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10075143

>I had to grind money against common enemies (the vampires in The Castle Center) to raise 30k to fight Renon
This is why I skip him every time, I just cannot be bothered. Shame the boss is just Death again because his demon form has a really cool design.

>> No.10075156

I hard disagree on this one, in C64 you spend all your time in the maze running like a maniac and you don't have any time to appreciate it. The Cornell maze is something you can actually explore and enjoy.
lmao, that would have been nice to know on Hard Mode, that guy home runs you off the stage whenever he hits you on Hard

>> No.10075170

only thing that pisses me off about this game is the control scheme, feel like it would play much better if just the controls were modernized and everything else was left untouched.

>> No.10076224

I wish they made it so that you didn't have to stop to pick up every dropped item. I get making you do it for Subweapons, but there's no circumstances in which you wouldn't want more jewels or money, so why not just pick it up on contact?

>> No.10076338
File: 3.89 MB, 1810x1823, Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've beaten LoD now, great game overall and many of the new levels were great

I appreciate how they tried to fix the wrongs of the original game, for instance like you know how in most Castlevania games they give the player time to get used to the controls and only throw them in real platforming segments from the second stage onward? CV64 didn't give a fuck, the game starts, BOOM bossfight! Followed by platforming! You die there? Do the boss again!

The boat stage addition makes a great intro stage before all that happens.

However, I really dislike what they Castle Wall (having to climb one of the towers a second time, really?) and Villa (god what a mess).

Also the game's structure is less cohesive, it feels like you get teleported around from level to level with wild theme differences (I didn't know Egypt was in the middle of Transylvania); and it really lacks that Castlevania feel at times, it felt more like I was playing Tomb-vania

And finally the protagonist is OP as fuck. It's ridiculous how strong he is, so ridiculous the game ends up unfun because everything is a pushover. Reindhart and Carrie should have been unlocked from the start, and hard mode as well (is this game meant for people who know the original or is it not?).
So I really don't think it "replaces" the original, in fact many things feel like they're cooler to experience if you've been through the original.

Either way if you never played these two games because you've been memed into thinking they're shit, think again.

>> No.10076478

LoD's definitely the better game than C64, but I like C64's Towers more than LoD's (except for Execution, which I think is an improvement). Tower of Sorcery especially was a disappointment in visuals, the OG one was so vibrantly colored but in LoD they dulled everything. Cool montage btw.

>> No.10076484

Assuming this is emulated; how well did it emulate? Last time I tried project 64 it was still a total chore to deal with. It's actually the main thing keeping me from giving the 64 games a try

>> No.10076502

There may be better option, but I used mupen64plus and it emulated really well.

For >>10070765 I used LLE graphics and the only issue was that taking a screenshot would crash the game.

For >>10076338 I switched to GlideN64 graphics with x2 resolution and it was even better. No crashes this time when using screenshot key either.

The only issue I had is that I had trouble with segments that require precise walking with the analog stick (using a PS2 pad), but after switching the sensitivity to 80-90% it was perfect and even the rope walking in LOD was no trouble

>> No.10076531

Castlevania 2 Revamped is good too, it's just same game but like with QoL and graphics like Rondo of Blood

>> No.10076661

>Tower of Sorcery especially was a disappointment in visuals, the OG one was so vibrantly colored but in LoD they dulled everything. Cool montage btw.

Are you sure it wasn't just the difference in lightning due to the time of the day?

>> No.10076942
File: 2.78 MB, 640x480, CV_LoD_bait.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee, nice bait with the torch on top of the tower there... only to be met with platforms with no collision on all sides

>> No.10077137
File: 16 KB, 536x408, spectral-interlude.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't beaten the greatest non-linear Castlevania game of all time yet

What's your excuse?

>> No.10077145

You're the one recommending it, so there's a big chance it sucks, also spectroon.

>> No.10077339
File: 848 KB, 1440x1080, Castlevania - Legacy of Darkness (U) [!]-221226-044025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>However, I really dislike what they Castle Wall (having to climb one of the towers a second time, really?) and Villa (god what a mess).
Unlike with Cornell, Reinhardt and Carrie in LoD keep the these stages intact as they were in Cv64 and without the padded crap. This is why Reinhardt in LoD is my favourite way to replay N64Vania, as it keeps most of his original game's content while adding some of the improvements from LoD. Plus Reinhardt plays fucking great in LoD.

>> No.10077350

t. britfag
haha just joshing you, i'm sure it's alright

>> No.10077354

I decided to give the CV port a chance since I've seen you spam this multiple times. It plays like ass and the music is ear rape, as expected. Like I said to you on the other CV thread, it is cool someone managed to get it working at all, but it isn't fun to play.
What you're doing is on par with seriously recommending Temple OS as your main OS. It isn't funny. Please stop.

>> No.10077364

Good thing nobody fell for it except you

I watched a video and the boss fights played in a way that didn't fit Castlevania at all

>> No.10077386

Welcome to british computer game fanboys

>> No.10077413

Aussie reminds me of an old friend who never stopped bitching about Kula World/Roll Away, and that turned out to be great. Thought I might get lucky twice.
Yeah it's weird to see anyone obsessing over Spectrum. I only know two people who were old enough to own one when they were new, and they both admit that they've been made obsolete by modern tech. Which at the time would have been a Win 95 computer.

>> No.10077715

Tried SOTN its cool got filtered a bit

>> No.10077838

What filtered you?

>> No.10077852

Just not good at this type of game

>> No.10078032 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 382x551, trashure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't Symphony of the Night which killed Castlevania, it was the proto-Treasure members involved on Castlevania 4's team that did, by fucking with and dumbing down the core 8-bit Castlevania gameplay which Akamatsu had envisioned for the series as seen in great CVs such as 1 and 3. If Treasure had respected his wishes and stayed true to authentic Castlevania gameplay, the series would have never lost its way, degenerating over the years after the snowball started rolling with 4.

In summary: Fuck Trashure for ruining Castlevania.

>> No.10078047
File: 7 KB, 217x232, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it is just that my reaction time sucks or I am just dumb but I can only play the Japanese version since it seems way easier.

>> No.10078193

>it seems way easier
It is easier, you take less damage and certain enemies (knights, turrets, bosses) have their health nerfed. No shame in only playing the version you like but if you want to try US my advice is to make sure you're taking full advantage of your companions, Syfa is OP especially with Lightning.

>> No.10079026

I just finished a no-shop Reinhardt LoD run on Hard and it was definitely great, some real changes with Hard mode (unlike in CV64) and I like the changes to Reinhardt, in the original it was hard to tell which whip upgrade you were at and it was hard to gauge the distance of the whip, both things fixed in LoD

But there are still things I like better in the OG like the design of the Execution and Duel towers

>> No.10079341

I've played through a ton of Castlevanias and I honestly don't find 3 fun, even the japanese version. Some levels are just annoying to go through and the bosses tend to be really hard as Belmont but then you can just switch to Sypha in instagib them and it's massively unsatisfying. It's a damn shame because I do dig parts of it.

>> No.10080850

Just beat it, now this is stuck in my head

>> No.10081325


>> No.10081359

Reminder the correct CV3 soundtrack is here

>> No.10081374

Ahhh, the old "rubbing your socks on the carpet" walk, classic.

>> No.10081407

Holy shit I just started castlevania a couple of days ago. I made it past Frankenstein and his monkey and then save stated on my everdrive for later. Will be able to hop back in tomorrow. I can say it's a fun game so far but the controls are really not great in terms of comfort. It's got that stiff nes game feel. Moving around feels more like kid icarus instead of metroid. Just a silly example. I guess it's fun to hit things with your whip and cheese bosses with items. But so far it's only okay for me if I'm being completely honest. Maybe something will blow my tits off later

>> No.10081967

Just looking at the font alone tells you the guy is a shit artist

>> No.10083273

>nerfed sawtooth
It's SHIT.