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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10049970 No.10049970 [Reply] [Original]

I've been doing a 16-bit summer and I've already played all the SNES games I'm interested in. What Mega Drive games would you recommend playing during the summer?

>> No.10049994

Really? You were able to play every snes game you wanted in one summer? Was it 6 Bing games and one wahoo game and you called it good? Mega drive probably isn’t for you. Go to vs recommended wiki (not the fandom wikia one, the mirhaze or whatever it’s called one) and start there.

>> No.10050096

Try out Socket and dahna

>> No.10050334

>Was it 6 Bing games and one wahoo game and you called it good?
There are hardly 6 games actually worth playing on SNES, so it is no surprise that he went through them very quickly. OP, the Mega Drive is leagues beyond that Nintendo shit, you will be amazed. I highly suggest Streets of Rage 1, 2, and 3, Phantasy Star IV, Shining Force 2, Story of Thor, Soleil, Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Crue Ball, Devil Crush, Thunder Force IV, Kid Chameleon, Earthworm Jim 1 and 2, Aladdin, The Ooze, Toejam and Earl, Dynamite Headdy, Contra Hard Corps, Castlevania Bloodlines, Rocket Knight, Sparkster, there are honestly so many to choose from.

>> No.10050363

Socket has one of the worst pickup sounds I ever heard in a game.

>> No.10050371

Your top games for snes are only mario?
You should check the games for e.g. capcom, konami, and many others on that system too.
Go outside your comfort zone man.

>> No.10050376

This thread is atrocious, even by /vr/ bait standards.

>> No.10050379

Chelnov (nice spin on the arcade version)
Crusader of Centy
Dragon's Fury
Gain Ground
Samurai Shodown
Rocket Knight
Mega Twins
Comix Zone
Dr Robotnik
Sonic 2
Fatal Labyrinth
Fire Shark
Gauntlet IV
Herzog Zwei
Mickey Mania
Revenge of Shinobi
Two Crude Dudes
Ultimate Qix
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Zero Wing

>> No.10050384

It's not a bait thread, retard. I didn't badmouth your favorite console in the slightest.

>> No.10050389

>>Mega Drive
samefag Aussissy

>> No.10050390

So what are all the SNES games you played?

>> No.10050396

I felt like playing some laid back ones this year.
>DoReMi Fantasy
>Kirby Superstar
>Goof Troop
>Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse
>Magical Pop'n
>Tetris Attack
>Super Mario RPG
>Doki Doki Mario 2 on All Stars
Happy now, faggot?

>> No.10050401

I knew a girl named Lucy

>> No.10050404

The whole point is that this thread is worthless, you egotistical faggot. All you’re doing is listing games you’ve played and asking for recommendations. Kill yourself, you stupid pissant.

>> No.10050405


>> No.10050418

>All you’re doing is listing games you’ve played
because you just asked me too.....?
>and asking for recommendations
I don't see the issue here. Seems to me like you're just looking for any pathetic excuse to be angry at something.

>> No.10050430

Also how am I "egotistical"? lol

>> No.10050434

Why even bother replying to people like him? You got your recs, go play some games.

>> No.10050441

I've been trying but Kega is a pile of shit and crashes randomly every 10-15 minutes.

>> No.10050458

I'm probably due for a PSIV replay. I wonder how I should mix things up. Same with SoR and Dynamite Headdy. I never did beat Thunder Force IV.
I remember Crusader of Centy not clicking with me in the past. Maybe I should give it another chance. Gain Ground would be fun to revisit.
>recommending treasure games
Because idiots need to be put in their place.
I never had crashing issues with Kega. What are you running it on?

>> No.10050459
File: 170 KB, 640x892, 47763_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on this list, I recommend
>Magical Taruruuto-kun
>Dynamite Headdy or Ristar
>Pepenga Pengo
>After Burner II or After Burner 32X
>Castle of Illusion and World of Illusion
>Popful Mail
>Columns III or Pac-Mania
>Phantasy Star IV
>Sonic the Hedgehog 2

If you get a chance, definitely check out some SEGA CD and 32X games. The Genesis library is a lot bigger than most people realize. If you just want some fun summer-themed Genesis games, check out OutRun, Puggsy, or High Seas Havoc.

>> No.10050581

>I've already played all the SNES games I'm interested in
>in 40 days
that's sad if true

>> No.10050583

I'm apparently the only person on the face of the earth that has this problem so I'm not sure what my system specs will tell you.

>> No.10050689

I actually think this might be good advice. Because the genesis doesnt have big famous games like Mario and Zelda on it, outside of sonic. Most of the series on it aren't relevant anymore, so you have to be more open minded to try new (old) things with it. And it sounds possible that op was only interested in that type of game since they weren't interested in much of that library. That being said, op might just be loading games up in retroarch and it doesn't really matter or have any downsides if they only play two or three games for genesis.

>> No.10050961
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idk how many posters can forget this

>> No.10050982

Get good and play the following, or play the following while getting good at the same time (also works), and play them in this order:

Castlevania IV
Demon's Crest
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
DKC Trilogy
Super Adventure Island
Final Fight 2 and 3
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV
Batman Returns
Undercover Cops
Castlevania: Dracula X
True Lies (SNES version is better than Megadrive)
Wild Guns
Sunset Riders
Contra III
Pardious Da!
Pocky & Rocky (you should have gotten good enough by that point)

If you want more "laid back" things you should play the
Top Gear trilogy
and if you want more racing try
Lamborghini American Challenge
easy game but souful

or cinematic platformers like
Prince of Persia
Out of this World

and if that's still not laid back enough for you, the ultimate laid back experience is
Dragon Quest V and VI

now enjoy your summer and stop making shitty threads

>> No.10050984

I forgot about Super Gouls'n Ghosts at the bottom of the first list

and Super Famicom Wars for laid back

>> No.10051191

Retard, I don't want more SNES recommendations. I've moved on.

>> No.10051194

No you haven't, not with your babby library, you barely touched the console

>> No.10051202

>reading comprehension
Those were the LAID BACK SNES games I FELT LIKE playing this year. I don't give a shit about the rest of the library right now.

>> No.10051214

Yea bro he's gotta play fucking Donkey Kong the most popular game on the console

>> No.10051239

I don't give a shit about your faggot spoonfeed thread, go back to /v/

>> No.10051371

If you didn't give a shit about this thread, you wouldn't be posting here in the first place, you fucking dipshit.

>> No.10051397

Be nice if wayforward done programming a MWIV into SNES international version

>> No.10051416
File: 32 KB, 394x252, Mickey's_Ultimate_Challenge_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently this was the only SNES game they worked on.

>> No.10051763

Shinobi 3 is generally well liked.

>> No.10051993

Tendies lose their fucking minds if you dare to suggest you don't care for their 2.68 mhz bing wahoo machine and want to play Mega Drive instead.

>> No.10052006

Third party license an almost year ago.

>> No.10052089
File: 71 KB, 640x480, Splatterhouse-2-Intro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

splatterhouse 2. To me slashers horror movies and summers are comfy

>> No.10052095

Another lonely weekend, aust?

>> No.10052104
File: 163 KB, 463x655, Popful Mail cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We didn't forget, there's just better games... like Popful Mail