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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 158 KB, 378x263, Pokémon_Snap_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10049568 No.10049568 [Reply] [Original]

Can we agree that this is one of the best rail shooters?
>enemies are charming and have personality
>unique environments
>you can interact in fun ways

>> No.10049573

It's the best Pokemon game

>> No.10049580

its comfy-core
wish all 151 pokemon were in the game

>> No.10049709

How did this series even die out? I was expecting one on the Gamecube at least.

>> No.10049719
File: 361 KB, 2560x1440, snap print.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can we agree that this is one of the best rail shooters?
Sure can. It's an extremely good rail shooter game and it looks phenomenal. Multiple levels with different paths and pokemon react in all kinds of different ways. Including EVOLVE via their environment, not battle EXP... that's fantastic.

>> No.10049729

I used to watch my cousin play this, I just played with his game boy because I was poor and still had a NES only

>> No.10049809
File: 1.98 MB, 370x272, snapp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it wasn't developed by Game Freak (The Pokemon Company). It was developed by HAL Laboratory.

>> No.10049812
File: 308 KB, 828x597, I WANT PICTURES OF POKEMON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10049824

Sadly animeslop. Would have been kino if it was based on the games and you were actually visiting the Kanto areas, it would be a great way to experience the world in a way you can't on a gameboy rpg.

>Viridian Forest
>Mt. Moon

>> No.10049828


>> No.10049832
File: 186 KB, 548x548, trainerchad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pokemon exist within a context, if you remove the context it loses something in the process

>> No.10049840

Function > form. Allowing the developers the freedom to design the levels without regard for what KANTOOOOOOOO had done previously is better

>> No.10049851

at that point just remove pokemon entirely and make a whole original universe with different animals/monsters. After all you don't wanna be held back by the preestablished conventions and you can 100% tailor the new critters to the format the game is going for:^)

>> No.10049872
File: 50 KB, 800x533, 1619930218660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at that point just remove pokemon entirely and make a whole original universe with different animals/monsters.
Not as marketable, then.

>> No.10049875

I took a second peek at that image after I posted it and instantly thought
>kodak, heh
>oh wait, I bet half this website have literally never seen that before
We're getting old. Digital cameras were already mass produced replacements since, what? 2000?

>> No.10049876
File: 90 KB, 327x250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Snap so much. It's such a good game.
Shame we never got the cut ghost trail map, and my fuckin boy never made it past the beta stage.

>> No.10049880

they really could have gotten so much more mileage out of those stadium 3d models. we could have had pokemon racing, pokemon fighting, pokemon board game...

>> No.10049884

For me it's Pokefloats, the best Smash stage

>> No.10049886
File: 234 KB, 789x831, cinnabar_island.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah yes, the expansive active volcano area in kanto, cinnabar island
they definitely should have either preserved this area just like the games or changed the entire franchise being used and remade new monsters to take pictures of
they really missed the mark with pokemon snap on this one........

>> No.10049890 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 1500x844, UTqQr3g5TFxFWCVwYacJVo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How we feeling about the new game, /vr/?

>> No.10049896 [DELETED] 

They made me wait too long, over 20 years for a new snap game, I'm not going to go buy it now in the slop era

>> No.10049910

yes investing the burned pokemon mansion would make for a kino stage, they could even sprinkle some portraits of blaine and mr fuji, clues about what happened to mewtwo, etc.
a volcano is not a significant or necessary part of the game

>b-b-but where are they gonna put growlithe and vulpix? surely they can only live in smoky mountains next to fucking lava, it's not like they live in grass fields or anything

>> No.10049925


>> No.10049938
File: 491 KB, 500x200, AAAH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how they could get a fire pokemon to evolve in a game that doesn't have exp?
Oh look! >>10049809

>> No.10049948

thanks for bringing attention to how idiotic that is. ill be sure to throw my bulbasaur against a tree to make it evolve

>> No.10049954

The most overrated Pokemon spinoff of all time. It's fucking shovelware.

>> No.10050047
File: 38 KB, 382x325, 1620321033454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you pollinate it with a magic powder you find on one of the rail-routes last time you were in that region taking pictures? I bet if you pollinate that growing plant-pokemon, it will grow and flower into something greater.

Or how about you break an electrical generator near a pikachu? Maybe all that superfluous energy will result in becoming a raichu?

Maybe you can use your pokeflute to lure an entire audience over to those Jigglypuffs >>10049872 and, with so many people listening to their singing, they grow in popularity along with their ego and become Wigglytuffs.


>> No.10050060
File: 67 KB, 289x265, elementalstones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if only there was already an item in universe that can trigger pokemon to evolve on contact...

god you people are so fucking pathetic. by all means enjoy your animeslop, I'm out of this thread

>> No.10050064

The devs were genius at masquerading a rail shooter as a cute photography game. I spent quite a lot of hours trying to beat each level's top score, also my cousin would compete with me for getting the best shot of individual monsters, only time she was competitive in any game

>> No.10050069

>want to evolve haunter
>chuck a ghost stone at it

>> No.10050072
File: 2.70 MB, 643x480, Pokemon Snap Intro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, its competitive nature was sublime. It really was a great video game and a phenomenal rail-shooter.

>> No.10050238

Anyone remember that facebook account of Professor Oak in the late 00s where he rated pictures Pokemon Snap style?
what's worse is that the final game had 63 Pokemon. Having Ekans anywhere even if it didn't do much would've made the game have 64 Pokemon.

>> No.10050247
File: 25 KB, 250x188, Pokemon_Snap_title_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's worse is that the final game had 63 Pokemon. Having Ekans anywhere even if it didn't do much would've made the game have 64 Pokemon.
Ouch, HAL.

>> No.10050257

Yeah I remember when I got a pic of a squirtle looking like he was sucking the other off and a similar pic of Charmander butt fucking another. Good times.

>> No.10050297

>over analyzing a game for children 25 years later
Peak tism. No child gave a fuck about any of this shit.

>> No.10050327 [DELETED] 

I like it. It's literally the same formula but with like 5 times more content. Exactly what I wanted.

>B-but you can't make the Pokemon evolve

Meaningless contrarian complaint that affects nothing. There are still way more ways to interact with the Pokemon than the original game.

>> No.10050367

Yeah that was going to be the schtick, that it's 64. And they fucked it up jfc

>> No.10050370 [DELETED] 

it's good but a lot less memorable overall

>> No.10050382

Except it's not a shooter, you don't fire guns at things.

>> No.10051105

Shoot is a verb relating to photography too, ESL-kun

>> No.10051108

You even "pull the trigger" when making your shots.

>> No.10051342

this. My only complain about the game is how short it is. Other than that, it's an amazing experience. Not even the sequel has the same charm.

>> No.10051542 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 640x460, 140117_p01_pic01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanted to like it, but it felt more repetitive and less exploratory. Part of the fun of the original was playing the same course and figuring out exactly how to trigger all of its secrets, while the newer one felt like the pokemon just come out and pose for you. As a result the newer courses felt less organic, and the fact that there were so many versions of the same course bugged me.

>> No.10051547

I always thought it would be funny to do a superhero photography game. Or a Harry Potter or D&D photography game or something.

>> No.10051676

y'all should check out Alba: A Wildlife Adventure, and also touch grass and play it for real

>> No.10051707 [DELETED] 

>It’s good but I have less memories of it overall
Fixed that comment for ya

>> No.10051992


>> No.10051997 [DELETED] 

It’s ok I guess but it feels like there’s something missing. I dont know how to explain it

>> No.10052504
File: 1.35 MB, 1280x1024, unknown7d20ac4201c05d5c6cd66bc1d9bc2492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always play the Shoot the Bullet, the Touhou Project photography game.

>> No.10052591 [DELETED] 

This is how pretty much every game released in the past 5-10 years feels to me.

>> No.10054334 [DELETED] 

Good fun, but not worth sticker price. I didn't need to pay that though so,

>> No.10054652

Well, there's Peace Walker's Date with Paz level.
There's the photo taking in Majora's Mask.
Surprised nobody mentioned Gekisha Boy yet, it's basically 2D Pokemon Snap.
But yeah, I think Snap is most impressive of this micro-genre, that it's not always on-rails.
I really like Snap, definitely a good game, would play if it wasn't Pokemon and was any other thing too. It is too short.

>> No.10054742

unplayable on emulator

>> No.10054758

this game always gave me a weird, depressive vibe

>> No.10054765

The Cave level is an arrangement of music from ALTTP.

>> No.10054867

fixed on mupen + parallel it's not 2010 anymore stop using project 64

>> No.10055026

My dad got it for me and at first I thought it was lame because I wanted the actual Pokémon rpg experience on n64 but then I grew to love it. The intro music is so peaceful. I can’t find my copy now though.

Did anyone ever do the thing where you could get your pictures printed on stickers?

Also I know it’s retro games but it’s the remake any good? I recently got a switch lite and got the new Zelda and Let’s Go Pikachu and I was extremely let down by Let’s Go

>> No.10056126
File: 767 KB, 500x271, gohan_sleep.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mainline sludge

>> No.10056150
File: 36 KB, 320x288, pokemon11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it may be the best pokemon game but is it the best pokemon GAME?

>> No.10056154

man I wonder if anybody got their hands on those Blockbuster machines.

>> No.10056180

I visited a retro store that had one, it wasn't on but the store owner showed off the bas relief rubber keychain and some of the credit cards bought at the blockbuster till and taken to the machine for redemption. My girlfriend has the photos and she's asleep right now but if she wakes soon I'll ask her to send them to me and I'll post them here.

Apparently the reason these got into the hands of collectors is because there were so many locations that it was logistically inevitable that some were overlooked. The Nintendo guys brought it into the store and never came back for it, so the blockbuster manager moved it into personal storage "in case they come for it". Yeah, sure dude lol

>> No.10056681 [DELETED] 

That was nice of you

>> No.10056727
File: 14 KB, 512x448, PokeTetrisUnlTitle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not Poke Tetris

>> No.10058382
File: 733 KB, 1899x1953, pokemon snap station stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the photo.

>> No.10059960

Remember when Todd was in the anime?

>> No.10060010

Learn English you fucking third world retard

>> No.10060307

are the pokemon snap cards worth anything?
I have two of them that I bought but never used because I wanted to take pictures of my best team on Pokemon Stadium (you could also print stuff from Pokemon Stadium). Sadly by the time I had what I wanted to print the machine was no longer at Blockbuster so I still ahve a bulba and squirtle cards. At least I learned the lesson that if you take too long to do something it might not exist later.

>> No.10060316
File: 446 KB, 808x614, LOOK OUT EVERYONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but for an entirely different reason

>> No.10060318

They'd be worth something to someone that has a station and is missing those cards, it'd be real hard to scope out a buyer though. You may be better off holding onto it as a childhood memento.

>> No.10060325

Its good, I wouldn’t say not one of the best 3d Rail shooters, but its not a huge genre so anything good is one of the best. Starfox 64, Panzer Dragoon 1,2 and 4 and Sin and Punishment all beat it. Its right there with Starfox 1, Starblade, Gamera and the S&P sequel.

>> No.10060417

People only put up with it because it’s Pokémon. It has extremely little value outside of that.

>> No.10060464

This applies to the entire franchise

>> No.10060467

Pokemon Snap is not a rail shooter.

>> No.10060481

Only if you're being anal about what "shooting" means. Just because it does not involve dealing or evading damage doesn't mean it isn't a rail shooter, it's just a very simple one.

>> No.10060490

You literally take shots and you're on a rail. How is it anything else?

>> No.10060537
File: 1.28 MB, 3072x1728, IMG_20221012_144042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, absolutely. Enough of them were made that there were TONS of the them on the market. Once in a while game stores will have one out on display. I'm pretty sure a few anons over on /vp/ also own them.

>> No.10060549

But we had one on Switch

>> No.10060578

If you have any doubt about the OP's intentions, remember that he referred to the Pokémon in the game as
It's a meme thread and you're just validating the OP. Might as well go to the Sonic Adventure thread and agree that people who complain about certain 3D cameras lack a sense of object permanence.

>> No.10060594

Some of them are enemies, they attack you. He's not incorrect.

>> No.10060637

Referring to the subjects as enemies isn't incorrect in the context of a rail shooter, you're the first poster to care about the apparently lazy word choice though so congratulations (?)

>> No.10060731

I would find it more appealing if we could swap gun... I mean lenses. Just imagine having a 300mm ready to fire.

>> No.10060782

Ironically, Snap does have more shooting options than most other rail shooters, with the pester ball, apple and the flute.

>> No.10060794

Do you consider Mew to be the final mayor of Pokemon Snap?

>> No.10060870

You have to open the Pokemon up and expose their weak points in order to take pictures of them. They're more clearly enemies in Snap than in most Pokemon titles.

>> No.10061096

Even if you can't get it running in a Nintendo 64 emulator, you should still be able to run the Virtual Console version in Dolphin.

>> No.10061105
File: 107 KB, 600x688, unknownac9989451ee49301599b1d7fd366519e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part of the game isn't even the photos, it's appling the shit out of every Pokemon you see.

>> No.10061119

I remember a very good birthday where I got this as a kid. I think it was the first 3D pokemon game if I'm not mistaken, which makes sense why they'd choose something very simple like a rail shooter to try out the transition with. I also remember being able to beat the whole thing in a few hours, which made me sad because I felt like I was just getting started.

>> No.10061274

Its good but a little too shallow and short.
Pretty much the perfect rental game, SF64 is the best rail shooter and one I sunk countless hours in due to the branching paths and extra challenges/secret bosses.

>> No.10061283

It's not working, aust

>> No.10061347

I had one for a long time until I got rid of it to make room for more full sized arcade machines. It's a neat conversation piece but the gimmick grows old. I think the one I used to own makes it to cons now occasionally.

>> No.10061568

To be fair, they've put a lot of care, time and resources into designing the characters. Character designs in video games are important, games with good gameplay but really boring and bland characters are simply less appealing.
In the end Snap is still a pretty good rail shooter, its sequel is also pretty darn good but not as solid as the original.

>> No.10062009

Shame how no rails was able to capture the same magic again

>> No.10062345
File: 946 KB, 500x285, snap bully also flute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great game. Fantastic score system when taking shots. FILLED with all kinds of secrets.

>> No.10063287

At that time there was only Kanto and Johto though

>> No.10063626

I only just learned this today, and yet I feel incredibly ripped off for some reason, with a game that came out when I was in middle school.

>> No.10063804

Gen 1 was the only time Pokemon was truly good. Cope and seethe, zoomoid.

>> No.10064563
File: 351 KB, 549x413, wGv7uxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pocket monsters Midori/Aka to Pokémon Stadium 2 streak was incredible. So many good spinoffs. Pkmn Pinball remains a masterpiece.

>> No.10064643

>Remember when Todd was in the anime?
When it aired on tv he was called Snap to tie in with the game. The default name for the character in the beta for the game was also Snap. But the final release of the game his default name as Todd. So the VHS/DVD release of the episode redubbed him as Todd.
So that episode has two versions, one where the character is named Todd and another Snap. I guess you can say his full name is Todd Snap.

>> No.10064645

Komm, susser Snap

>> No.10064719

It would make for a fantastic theme park attraction