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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10033574 No.10033574 [Reply] [Original]

DOOM THREAD / RETRO FPS THREAD - Last thread: >>10016862 (Cross-thread)

Gameplay, WADs/Maps/Mods, Source Ports
All other 90s FPS welcome
~ Let's post like gentlemen ~


(or Quake, Duke, Marathon, Thief, Deus Ex)

Same thing, in video format:

IWADs and more (>6 GB): https://mediafire.com/file/wuniyrhsjjgq4y8
PortaDOOM: https://github.com/Kroc/PortaDOOM/releases
Quake Trilogy (2020-11): https://pastebin.com/Ucb11XhU
Downloads for various /vr/ shooters. (Includes Doom, Quake, Douk, Blood, and more):
More /vr/ shooters:
Doom Shovelware:
Fileplanet archives:
4CHAN DOSPACK + Win98 games (pre-configured):


Vanilla/Boom: https://www.doomworld.com/forum/4-wads-mods/
ZDoom: http://forum.zdoom.org/viewforum.php?f=19
/idgames: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/







OUR SRB2K SERVER (Kart Game in Doom), more info here:


>> No.10033580
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Rules: https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/9611263/#9611406

FORE/VR/ ALONE (new deadline : June 30th)
Rules: https://desuarchive.org/vr/thread/9890843/#9896579


=== NEWS ===
[6-28]CyClones&Necrodome re-released on Steam & GOG:

[6-27] Raytraced Descent port available.

[6-27] Doom 64 Complete Edition released. 2020 port levels on N64.

[6-25] HDoom Tech Demo 10 released. Doom 1 monsters complete.

[6-23] The Edge Of Time update

[6-23] Quake Mjolnir + Keep mod released

[6-22] SRB2Kart Server update:
>>10006105 (Cross-thread)

[6-22] Quake II Remaster announced
https://twitter.com/gematsu/status/1671811658904215552 (embed)

[6-22] Serious Sam Classic Super Patch update

[6-22] Doom64 EX+ update

[6-19] ROTT: Ludicrous Edition Demo released

[6-18] Anon backs up every D2RPG Comics:

=== PREVIOUS ===

>> No.10033604

I've got an announcement to make.
Since the closest thing to my waifu is already embodied in a custom weaponset, I WILL be destroying your maps with gameplay mod on first playthrough. Suckers

>> No.10033610

What's the mod?

>> No.10033614
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>> No.10033642

Probably HDoom

>> No.10033681
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map tested, is beatable

>> No.10033751

>no ammo left
Put more ammo on the map. As the map maker, you have a skewed experience since you know all the secrets and encounters ahead of time and can act in preparation.

>> No.10033809

What if it's a Tyson map with a secret Chainsore?

>> No.10033813
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Check the Arms section again dipshit.

>> No.10033865
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Man I really like how Plutonia actually makes the most efficient usage of Doom (2) assets and monsters. The best official content imho.

Hard to beat KDITD's impact in terms of the vibes, feel and the fact that it really is "THE Doom experience" but Plutonia and Plutonia-like wads to me really hammer home how versatile Doom's gameplay can really be.

>> No.10033981
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>> No.10033984

Plutonia The Way Casalis Did when?

>> No.10033992
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more like dumb lmao

>> No.10033997

Man, we really should make a Plutonia inspired project someday, right?

>> No.10034015 [DELETED] 

more like Floigan lmao

>> No.10034030
File: 2.63 MB, 540x403, allhell archvile trap.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plutonia gains reputation as the hardest and best official expansion for Doom
>inspires Plutonia 2 megawad in 2008 which is still to this considered one of the hardest ever, rivaled only by the likes of Sunlust
>some inexperienced dork releases megawad titled "Plutonia 3: Going to Surface"
>gains an infamous reputation among the community for being a piece of shit and sullying the good Plutonia name
>inspires a new series of joke wads like "Plutonia 4: Back to Your Hole," "Plutonia 7: Going to the Hell," and "TNT Threevilution"
>despite this, the mapper responsible for Plutonia 3 never gave up and continues to contribute to community projects and make maps to this day

How are SilverMiner's maps lately? Surely he's shown a lot of improvement by now, right?

>> No.10034057

more like dumb

>> No.10034058

ur too late lmao

>> No.10034075

That retard has mapped since 2009, and in 2017 his magnum opus was that shit.

>> No.10034190

Yeah man, that's actually a good idea.
I think we should call it 94 protons of /vr/.

>> No.10034218

What are some Doom wads with questing?

>> No.10034242

If only Doom had customizable backpacks like in Serious Sam that gave you a bunch of ammo when picked up.

>> No.10034245

i think actual plutonia "spiritual successor" wads are usually pretty lame, mostly because everyone thinks plutonia = hard, or worse, plutonia = revenants and blood textures. not to mention most people don't have the discipline to make smaller maps with conservative texture usage. i'd be down, as plutonia is definitely my favorite IWAD, but there'd have to be a long list of guidelines and stipulations to make the maps fun but still truly plutonia-esque instead of just 32 maps of revenant moshpits in massive TNT arena maps.

>> No.10034247

you can do it with zdoom

>> No.10034252

Being able to define how much a pickup gives you would be rad.

>> No.10034253
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>> No.10034257


>> No.10034259

>map maps
>balls map
>serious thinking
>serious 200p
>hdoom updated
>secret game( )play wad
>waifu monsters
>love ssg waifu(!)

>> No.10034274

"94 protons of /vr/" is a great name, man! it's gonna be our first plutonia-inspired wad, i'm so excited guys! it's gonna have the hardest maps just like in HFFM, what could possibly go wrong?

>> No.10034275

>combat harder behind bullshit mastermind

>> No.10034294

That's just basic decorate stuff.

>> No.10034309

why are the chaingun and pistol in the game. they're so ass

>> No.10034312

Chaingun is fun. Pistol is to make you work for the shotgun.

>> No.10034313
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>ammo super scarce couldn't kill all monsters in the 2 first levels
>basic life essence hidden in secrets
Is it supposed to be that hard? What the hell

>> No.10034315

>Chaingun is fun

that is the first time those words have been said in that order

>> No.10034325
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I'm one of a kind what can I say.

>> No.10034349

Hedon is more of a first person puzzle rpg than a boomer shooter so I guess it has to count

pound for pound the chaingun puts out more damage than the NORMAL shotgun
in the context of doom 1 the chaingun makes perfect sense, and it's still better to have equipped when exploring a map blind than the SSG because it can stunlock a surprise popup revenant

>> No.10034350

>chaingun is ass
Are you one of those retards who uses the SSG to kill enemies from the distance?

>> No.10034351

Yeah, I was joking. It is beatable, but not balanced.

>> No.10034354

Abysm, Ashes, Strife.

>> No.10034360

Cool, but without being locked to 2 engines.

>> No.10034371

Chaingun is a workhorse. It's really just the pistol which is useless, because there's precious little reason to ever use it once you have your chaingun, unless you're just being starved like crazy for ammo and can't afford any wasted bullets.

>> No.10034381

The chaingun has higher DPS than the shotgun.

>> No.10034391

>fighting enemies at a distance
Rookie mistake

>> No.10034398 [DELETED] 

Besides the fact that jannies banned me for a few days.
It felt good finally exposing who Spirit really is and kill the narrative.

Because you don't shoot the pistol and hold the button, you tap because single shot is always accurate and full damage.

>> No.10034403

>holding fire and not tapping

>> No.10034406
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>receive plasma gun
>receive a decent amount of cells but not enough that I'll use it outside of a fight where it is deemed necessary
>such scenario never happens
>map ends
>it was a waste
such is the life of a pistol starter

>> No.10034416
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>PSO-themed mod for a Sanic mod for a modified Doom engine


>> No.10034426
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>receive rockets
>never use them because there's no rocket launcher in first levels
>it was a waste

>> No.10034440

Looks like it's more meant to be referencing Phantasy Star Portable 2 : Infinite, which is PSU stuff.

>> No.10034447

It's a smoke-able form a heavy-duty painkiller basically. I think it can be made into a tea too? Very popular in Asia at one point. After that, people figured out you can make morphine, heroin, etc out of poppies and turned them into liquids, pills and powders. The newer forms are much more potent, making you feel super good and easing horrible physical/emotional pain, but are also extremely addictive. Poppie fields are quite the cash cow whether you are selling illegal drugs, or legal pharmaceuticals.

>> No.10034453
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>lurking on /vr/
>still posting pepe shit in 2023

>> No.10034458
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Pepe/apu have not gone anywhere you fool.

>> No.10034465 [DELETED] 

jannies didn't ban me for some reason this time.
All I pointed out was that ultimately fairweather and spirit are the same, united in their love for genital mutilation.
I might get banned for this post, though.

>> No.10034467

I assume it's mostly theatrics but I wouldn't be surprised if it was to make the mod a bit more spicier, since then you might as well just play the real deal. Though I trust that it's probably more fun than the abortion that is NGS.

>> No.10034493

>it's july
>according to cockblock it was going to be released somewhere in june
I'm going to assume he was referring to june next year

>> No.10034496

June 2094.

>> No.10034519

>mfw i'll be 101 years old in 2094
I guess I will never be able to play it then

>> No.10034532

Maybe you should just use the ammo you're given.

>> No.10034543
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I want to sodomize that thing with my shotgun.

>> No.10034547

Do you like playing with cheats?

>> No.10034559
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>costanzaposting in the current year

>> No.10034568

what are some Postal 2 mods that work with the last update?

>> No.10034574

More like poo'm, lmao

>> No.10034576 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10034581 [DELETED] 

>i don't know
thanks anon

>> No.10034583 [DELETED] 


>> No.10034587 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10034592

>costanzaposting in the current year

>> No.10034605 [DELETED] 

postal 2 is not retro, retard

>> No.10034612 [DELETED] 

I don't mean to alarm you, but it released in 2003. 4 years before the current cutoff.

>> No.10034613 [DELETED] 
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Anon, 2003 was 20 years ago.

>> No.10034614 [DELETED] 


>> No.10034617 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10034623 [DELETED] 

you're old, retard

>> No.10034625 [DELETED] 

Sorry anon. Postal Dude's fucking Doomguy, the Cacodemons, Ranger and Serious Sam all at the same time and there's nothing you can do to stop it.

>> No.10034626 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10034628

There are weapons in there that were introduced in those games, and the video description mentions PSP2:I so not really PSO short of some returning items.

>> No.10034634 [DELETED] 

>because some youtuber e-celeb told me that things before 2010 is now retro, crysis is also retro guys!
can we stop this absolute retarded meme?

>> No.10034636 [DELETED] 

>Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

>> No.10034640 [DELETED] 

>lurk more.gif

>> No.10034642
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>it's really just the pistol which is useless
I really like mods that make the pistol at least cool to use. I use the pistol for zombies and sometimes imps too when I play with 2048 Guns because the model and the sound are so meaty.

It also does shoot slightly faster which is a bonus.

>> No.10034643
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>> No.10034654 [DELETED] 

A single pistol shot always rolls with max damage, even in vanilla Doom? That’s news to me if true.
Adding to the fire here, Crysis is a 2007 release.

>> No.10034661

I like using the plasma so I look for reasons to spend cells.

>> No.10034663

Check decino's video on this later, he goes well in detail on how doom works with its weapons

>> No.10034678

Yeah he talks about it at the 4:40 mark in his weapon mechanics video. He makes no mention of max damage rolls though, just the accuracy.

>> No.10034682

>A single pistol shot always rolls with max damage, even in vanilla Doom?
That's not how it works. The damage is always random. What's not random, however, is the accuracy. First shot will always be accurate. Same with the chaingun, but with "first tap" instead.

>> No.10034691

Modern Warfare too...

>> No.10034715

Age is just a number. Just keep training your reflexes duh

>> No.10034716

This is how I thought it worked as well with the damage always being random, thanks for the clarification.
>server browser, dedicated servers, and leaning
Everything that was honestly really awful came with the second Modern Warfare. On a more positive note, Team Fortress 2 was also out in 2007 along with the other stuff from the Orange Box.

>> No.10034734
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>> No.10034738

Don't forget UT3 as well, some of those early 7th gen releases like TES4 as well sneak in by virtue of also having PC versions. That being said I'm still sort of wondering if ongoing online games launched before 2008 are fair game or not, that shit's like a Ship of Theseus kind of deal.

>> No.10034746
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When you have to kill the Cyberdemon who saved your ass multiple times

>> No.10034748
File: 82 KB, 640x480, sPzQWBY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TF2 style never clicked with me despite being obsessed with TFC. i hate the art style
i remember waiting religiously the first version of TF2 which assets seemed to have just been scrapped or sold its assets to some other project...

>> No.10034749 [DELETED] 

>2007 cutoff date
In your dreams, zoomie scum!
>if first-world hypocrites would just let Afghanistan be the largest source of legal opiates and THC and actually develop as a nation, Al-Quaeda/ISIS would not have a chance to entrench for so long and troll USA with another Vietnam withdrawal moment
This says alot about society . .
Pride month is over thankfully, also serving necromorphs isn't mandatory anymore according to SC
Best regards form a /gmad/ thread frequenter

>> No.10034765
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i don't remember if the vehicles were supposed to be playable

>> No.10034768

The 2007 cutoff date is not an opinion, it's a board rule you mongoloid.

Cyberdemons are too dangerous to let live. Mancubi are based for infighting though, because they spread their shots really well.

>> No.10034819

There's no need to waste cells where shells, bullets or rockets work just fine. There have to be situations where plasma use is obviously necessary, or there should be a butt ton of cells to incentive using them, otherwise the player will keep the ~200 cells they have in case there might be a better use for them later in the level. This is a common troupe. Cells are usually the rarest ammo type so players are cautious with its usage.

>> No.10034827
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>> No.10034831

The irony is that absolute nobody discuss about those games if it's not related to nintendo or some 80s-90s company. zoomers gets constantly hate here and they usually lurk on /v/ for that kind of shit. besides this is a 90s fps thread anyways so who fucking cares

>> No.10034859
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O,Zonia was a real treat. Didn't really understand the story but that doesn't matter great soundtrack, and fairly challenging. and the last map is where it peaked which is how it always should be imo. No wonder I won cacoward. Definitely deserves it.


>> No.10034894

It came out 2021. It's called Cydonia.

>> No.10034921
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>most loyal UV-maxxer

>> No.10034986

This. It’s also worth considering that we have no idea the circumstances with which >>10034406 are playing under let alone how well they’re playing.

>> No.10035025

not many players literally plays like you, I can be just lazy and just use the plasma gun to kill enemies in the most easiest way than just using some retarded tactics.

>> No.10035031

Equip the plasma when entering new areas or going through unknown teleporters. If the threat on the other side doesn't warrant using it then switch to something else. Otherwise you'll have the plasma at hand ready to take on any tough threats and stand your ground easier.

>> No.10035038
File: 15 KB, 567x396, W A V Y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>receive plasma gun in open area
>switch back to SSG/RL for now
>later, enter suspicious enclosed space
>switch to Plaz with a full stock of ammo
>mfw there's an ambush

>> No.10035039

Is there any way to play the D!ZONE maps? I downloaded all 2000 maps (the 3000 on the cd cover is a lie), 500 for doom and 1500 for doom2, but is there a easy way to load the all at the same time so i can just warp to the next level with the console or something?

>> No.10035045

Install hdoom

>> No.10035047


>> No.10035049
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>when he starts shooting you when you look away

>> No.10035076

>the only Unreal releases since the retro cutoff have been the Titan Pack DLC and the aborted early access game
Good morning I hate Epic.

>> No.10035089
File: 880 KB, 3840x2160, ad_paradise_2023-07-03_20-30-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just played ad_paradise. I'm not sure if it's an ironwail thing or if the map is just broken, but the platform you need to jump to here didn't work for me. I kept clipping through and it would teleport me back to the middle.
Also the indy secret was probably supposed to have a lift to get out, but that didn't work. And none of the surfaces could be used to climb out either, so I had to noclip again.

>> No.10035098 [DELETED] 
File: 497 KB, 1280x1100, Ddz4xyMV0AAbPBs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care zoom-zoom, Halo will never be retro and you know it.

Funny how TF2 was teased for years as a spriritual predecessor for both BF2 and ET, only to be released after them both and be nothing alike to either nor what it was hyped as for all this time...
I'm still upset it never came out in that iteration, same with Fortress Forever being just a remake of TFC

>> No.10035108

imps are too spongy

>> No.10035110
File: 96 KB, 351x426, 32424345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listen to the Ultimate Midi Pack
>"Music replacement for Ultimate Doom''
>90% of the midis sounds like dogshit and doesn't even fit the game's atmosphere
Geez, and I thought only bad doom maps could exist.

>> No.10035116

No one was previously talking about Halo and now you’ve inspired me to do so, good work. I’d rather see discussion about it’s combat encounters rather than what’s in CoD4 or FEAR.

>> No.10035118

Your ears are dogshit, shitdog, and don't even fit the atmosphere of the game you're playing. Change them as soon as possible.

>> No.10035120

>it's june 2094
>cockblock is about to release it on DW but dies of a heart attack

>> No.10035136 [DELETED] 

if you really like listening to that shit you must be some gay furfag kike who likes to shove dildos up his ass in real life

>> No.10035138

Have you tried not using the chaingun

>> No.10035143 [DELETED] 

>gay furfag kike who likes to shove dildos up his ass
Did you just call me joe-ilya???

>> No.10035170
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I like the needler a lot.

>> No.10035181

Waifu lead, have you made some progress of your map?

>> No.10035239

Did HFFM ever get a wide-hud mod?

>> No.10035273

No, it came before Boom ports started supporting them.

>> No.10035281 [DELETED] 

Just a reminder, the "tourist" calling people zoomies, this is the same retard who went to shit the quake 1 and 2 remasters thread at /v/.
He is also a dwterminator clone.

nope, but if someone does it, im in to play it again.

>> No.10035290
File: 199 KB, 1600x900, Super Shot-kun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>love ssg waifu
>gun love
>actual waifu
>super hell
>secret balls
>quite gay sounds

>> No.10035314

oh it sure came alright

>> No.10035386 [DELETED] 

You're making fun of Jews, but you're forgetting Doom was literally made by Jonathan Romero, and Jonathan Carmack.

>> No.10035406 [DELETED] 

I don't know about Carmack's exact heritage, but Romero is like a mix of Mexican (so Spaniard) and one of the Indian peoples from around Mexico. He could have maybe picked up Judaism somewhere, he's been married to like 26 different women, but I don't recall him ever mentioning anything like that.

>> No.10035413

>Lurk more
Anon. Postal 2 isn't even discussed that much here.

>> No.10035416 [DELETED] 

>romero and carmack
two aryan chads

>> No.10035423 [DELETED] 

shut up joe, you kike

>> No.10035424

I swear I've seen this trap done before but it was one of those little green altar things with a skull on it

>> No.10035454 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10035456

Then the player should get good until they don't run out of ammo.
I meticulously place just the right amount of ammo so the player can kill everything (yes even accounting for RNG)
Placing more beyond that is just tarnishing the ammo conservation aspect of the game, if you waste your rockets on groups of low tier enemies, that's ur fault

>> No.10035457

No, it IS your problem. Maybe you should discuss Postal 2 instead.
Spotlight's on you now. Tell us what your favorite weapon is, and what your favorite day is.

>> No.10035461 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10035469
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>Tell us what your favorite weapon is, and what your favorite day is.
He's doing an awful job at it so the beta shotgun and Thursday.

>> No.10035476
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, qjrE4yyfw5pEPvDbJDzhdNXM7mjt1tbr2kM3X28F6SraZgBkPdB9LKnmo2UCL5pQXBmc3HUTFPFSq7pXGBGC74Wtij4UrTAV5N4wEaJMV3exiMhusyRjAWQN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss playing MOHAAS online, it was pretty fun

>> No.10035479

I'm tied between the boomerang machete and the double barreled shotgun. Yes both weapons are hideously overpowered but god damn are they fun.
As for a day, I think I still enjoy Tuesday the most, besides the petition thing, being able to fuck around in the mall is always great.

>> No.10035485

Couldn't MBF21 do it ? A simple clone of a pickup with a custom value ?

>> No.10035489

I don't think MBF21 is capable of doing anything to the player's inventory aside from take ammo.

>> No.10035518

DeHackEd lets you define how much you get from weapon and ammo pickups, but I don't know about the Backpack.

>> No.10035524

It does, but only the base amount. Backpacks give you one of each of the small pickups.

>> No.10035674

Wow, i played the D!ZONe doom1 maps that start with the letter a and jesus do these maps suck. Half of them are mp maps the other half are huge maps with nothing interesting and maybe inescapable toxic pits. I think there is one map that i actually liked and finished

>> No.10035691

There's probably enough people here to arrange something like with cartin' and Sammin'

>> No.10035783
File: 55 KB, 332x227, unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No wonder I won cacoward.

>> No.10035816

The fuck I've never heard of this. Neat.

>> No.10036097

What's that one atmospheric map (or map set) that has the very creepy level with the four teleporters that send you to different time periods? I remember one of the zones is mostly blue and tech themed.

>> No.10036172
File: 275 KB, 647x641, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is done enough for testing if anyone wants to take a stab at it. I'll test it more tonight too.
I want to make the midi loop better too, so that'll be something I'll attempt. Though I have no idea what I'm doing in that regard.

>> No.10036179

Hell Ground by Eternal?

>> No.10036180

anybody knows in Project Brutality how the flying Arachnotron is called?
there is an option to block them from spawning but I dont know which one of the 3 extra variant spawns it is

>> No.10036182

Betty Boop! What a dish!

>> No.10036190

Seems to be the aracnorb

>> No.10036197


>> No.10036205

Anything for a fellow PB enjoyer.

>> No.10036278

That's the one, thanks!

>> No.10036296

apparently it is not in the list of variants you can block from spawning for some reason
not on the up to date PB 3.0 version I have downloaded the other day from Github

>> No.10036356
File: 200 KB, 299x721, 1326864484134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get berserk pack
>Punch an Imp
>It survives
i hate the damage variation in these games sometimes

>> No.10036379

Could you imagine the look on Doomguy's face after gibbing an imp for the first time with his fist?

>> No.10036431
File: 145 KB, 1602x1002, doom25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DBP59: Zeppelin Armada is out now!

>> No.10036493

anyone wanna tell me what they think about my layouts?

Requires doom2.wad and gz doom

>> No.10036520
File: 28 KB, 640x295, 1671549544829253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice

>> No.10036532

same here also the suicide bomber cracks me up

>> No.10036654
File: 65 KB, 200x252, 1539179301710.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of these guys again? It's nearly impossible to get hit by them.

>> No.10036675

play on nightmare and call me back in the morning

>> No.10036709
File: 79 KB, 800x800, 1673956177573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You put them into dark areas and corners, use as swift meatshields eating rockets for everyone, teleport them right into the face, dispatching them with a shortie shootie brings luscious joy, archvilles feel very comfy guarded by a wall of pinkies, and there is more... probably

>> No.10036712

unironically more effective suicide bombers (using doomguy's rockets) than lost souls because they're always moving towards the player whereas lost souls spend 80% of their existence chilling

>> No.10036765

to restrain your motion while fireballs and hitscanners attack you

>> No.10036792

They are great for locking you into enclosed traps. Their specialty is not their melee attack, but their relative speed and spongyness.
If you're looking for a threatening melee attack enemy, then lost souls are the way to go.

>> No.10036874


>> No.10036876


>> No.10036895
File: 1.87 MB, 750x750, 1639942113895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well If we consider Windows XP (which launched in 2001) to be a gaming platform (which we probably do since no one questions the legitimacy of old PC game threads on /vr/) then I guess Postal 2 is technically retro being that it is a 2003 release for a 2001 platform.

But then that does add credibility to the claim that Crysis is retro because it probably (sort of) runs on XP and was a 2007 release...

It's almost like this whole "retro" thing is subjective and difficult to quantify in a technical way.

>> No.10036918

Imagine if Halo stayed a Mac exclusive

>> No.10036929

>Inherit The Earh
>Hostile Takover
>Death Wish
it's a trilogy right?

>> No.10037019

>still using viglink

>> No.10037058


>> No.10037071

Yeah never download the shit off DBP, it's pretty slimy that somebody's making profit off of a load of people's work.

>> No.10037084

Huh, the download changed to dropbox now.

>> No.10037089
File: 13 KB, 128x128, h_manc4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Version 2 of Ass Massage for Fore/vr/ Alone, ceiling height is capped to prevent flying enemies from going too far vertically in ZDoom.

Remember; it's in MAP07, and must NOT be loaded with OTEX.

>> No.10037091
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>> No.10037102

I expect nothing else from 40oz.

>> No.10037149
File: 7 KB, 159x159, 1640813312949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek it really did, when I reloaded the site
real smooth

>> No.10037152
File: 27 KB, 535x457, 1682535466267970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enemy in blood jumps into water
>suddenly becomes ridiculously fast and zooms around like he's a pinball ball when he did neither on land

>> No.10037157

Well. Shame on 40oz if he was the one who initially chose to use the viglink thing, but at least it's dropbox now.

>> No.10037160
File: 79 KB, 124x158, cultist dab.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's his water now.

>> No.10037167

It's what he did for previous uploads of DBPs.

>> No.10037169
File: 11 KB, 476x411, 1441078642268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shame on him doubly so then.

>> No.10037192

I don't even have so much of a problem gaining some revenue from advertising, hosting websites isn't free, it's more the underhanded (and unsafe) bullshit which is viglink and similar.

>> No.10037232

blood is thicker that water you see

>> No.10037254
File: 147 KB, 675x950, Hellen-Gill-Beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you like getting your asshole raked apart by his claspers

>> No.10037265


>> No.10037410
File: 424 KB, 570x760, il_570xN.3390096376_p6hs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucking up the shells economy by pistoling everything I can even after getting the shotgun

>> No.10037430
File: 2.52 MB, 2560x1440, huhman in gay parry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ENOUGH - quake better
Today I finish Tar Shoobaloo
Pistol the zombies while boxing lone imps and demons

>> No.10037447

flatpak run org.zdoom.GZDoom -file DOOM2.wad modexample.pk3
Can't I just do this rather than using a launcher?

>> No.10037463

of course you could, doom was made to run from command line
doom2.wad goes in a separate -iwad argument though, not -file

>> No.10037471

flatpak run org.zdoom.GZDoom -iwad DOOM2.wad -file modexample1.pk3 modexample2.pk3
Is this correct?

>> No.10037498

why don't you try and find out? :)

>> No.10037501

should be, unless you need to be more specific with your file paths
you could also add some arguments to -file so you can add mapsets to the beginning of the load order without needing to edit the script:
-file $1 $2 $3 modexample1.pk3 modexample2.pk3
you'd launch the script like this:
./launch.sh btsx-e1a.wad btsx-e1b.wad
and it loads the map wads before your gameplay/cosmetic stuff, which is typically the right way to do it

>> No.10037515
File: 1.08 MB, 500x288, chainsawwwwwww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comb the area top to bottom looking for progression
>find nothing
>walk over a weapon i skipped since i didn`t need the ammo and it sits in the middle of a toxic pond with no suits
>platform lowers

>> No.10037523

good engine for a quake shooter but with sprites (or even models, who cares)?
unreal engine? cafu engine? what do you suggest? no unity please, no quakec please, no building my own engine please. (although the last one is certainly the best)

>> No.10037526

Unreal is fine. So is Unity. GZDoom too.

>> No.10037528

Map name?

>> No.10037530

already made quite a lot of shit with gzdoom, want to expand now and do something a bit more serious. bad thing is ill have to give it away for free since all assets will be ripped and crapped out from somewhere

>> No.10037538

should have pistol started

>> No.10037545

>already made quite a lot of shit with gzdoom
Then you're in the perfect position to continue. I'm not sure what your holdup is.

>> No.10037546
File: 2.31 MB, 1920x1080, ters_cath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shib7, seventh level from Ter Shibboleth. It's long frenchie title is 'Une Dechirure Dans Matiere'.

>> No.10037547

GZDoom, while awesome, is slightly limited once you start to go forward and think big.

>> No.10037554

>no quakec please
Why not? It's retardedly easy, and if you use FTE there basically aren't any restrictions.

>> No.10037560

it simply has a different feeling than doom. the way the engine behind it's written. i tried to recreate doom's movement (plus the jump) and failed miserably. also, id prefer sprites as im more used to them.

>> No.10037562
File: 3.92 MB, 580x326, 1579166328872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks a lot. One day I'll get tired of Doom wads and install Quake. But not today.

>> No.10037568

I'm not sure what you could possibly do differently that's "forward and big" compared to Strife on ye olde Doom, Death Strider, that one pokemon Doom wad from years back, any of the Doom roguelite mods, Cyberrunner, or literally any total conversion. Good luck I suppose.

>> No.10037571

TFW started playing quake for the first time on hard but after the first episode switched to normal because shamblers and the jumping monkeys are just too annoying

>> No.10037572

But if you want to make a 3D game, why do you want to use sprites?
For everything else GZD is serviceable, but if you are having troubles with 3D floors you should probably take it slower.

>> No.10037590
File: 1.11 MB, 1280x720, dsevi_shrine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah no rush, it'll be there for you.

>> No.10037598

wat dis

>> No.10037607
File: 1.65 MB, 1920x1080, dsevi03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heliopolis, Eviternity's map27. This is from map26.

>> No.10037614

is that background all actual models or what? I can't imagine this would run at all if they were. Anyone know what black magic was used here?

>> No.10037619

Doom's jumping can be emulated by decreasing gravity, increasing stepsize, and enabling mid-air stepping. Speed, including the faster diagonal running, can be fudged by making the server max speed higher than the client speeds (see: MALICE), though you can probably come to a better solution in FTE's expanded QC.
You can also do sprites via CSQC by having each client see a different facing angle relative to their position. Sprites are handled mostly the same way models are for animation and whatnot, so using them for monsters shouldn't be too hard.

>> No.10037625
File: 2.33 MB, 1920x1080, dsevi_26end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone know what black magic was used here?
Some dude who took their time using the OTEX pack.

>> No.10037636
File: 54 KB, 462x472, 2a4c45f215f6c2d49d5dd862ae652503_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sadly no. I tried during the weekend, but I just can't find a layout with encounters that I don't hate. I think I will still try to tinker on a layout I have now, but my focus now is on the beta and testing all maps to get a proper map order.
That still leaves the question of the secret map, that need a secret exit to get to that I planned to make, but unless someone wants to modify their map to add one, this problem will have to wait.

You visibly don't have your waifu planned as part of this finished layout, and I won't take maps submitted for the first time after June.

>> No.10037650

There were two map posted with secret exits (or at least two exits). The mikazuki map and one other I am forgetting right now.

>> No.10037656

Fine map. Can't say I enjoy no exit death pits, but meh.

>> No.10037662

I fucked up on this rule
>Your Waifu MUST be part of the playable area, and you CAN extend the playable area further than your Waifu
So feel free to exclude my boop map I suppose. She's a hurt sector.
I used her shape more for progression (up the legs, around the butt, teleport across the boobs, up to teleport across the eyes) but thats prolly not enough.
Anyway it's out there. Like I said I'll test and patch it up more anyway. Had a hard time with this map in general.

>> No.10037665
File: 1.15 MB, 1600x900, spasm0126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got a warning for not liking Halo
Is Alfred a janny now or something?
You are sure that you are playing this map with the proper version of AD mod installed?
In the LotLA secret there's a ladder right next to the broken elevator you entered it from, and the Sun Key platform not working is an obvious indicator that it's most likely the case of your problem
Just like in that tundra level, they're almost all just a bunch of cardboard-thin cutouts of texture-shaped brush models

>> No.10037667

I can tell it looks unique and inspired, and yet, I'm absolutely disinterested. It seems I have instilled inherent aversion for all things surrounded by commotion, and specifically for elevated egos of those in charge - which is not all rare. Pretty dumb but that's my feelings, I could be a competitive narcissist myself for what I know.

Better cleanse this with some obscure idgames vanilla crap for now.

>> No.10037682
File: 2.99 MB, 1920x1080, ter_rener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I'm dumb and got responses mixed up. It's a pretty mod with a mixed bag of tones and alright fights.

>> No.10037712
File: 50 KB, 462x465, 2a4c45f215f6c2d49d5dd862ae652503_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still have to try the Betty and Mikazuki maps, but if the latter has a secret exit, that's perfect.

You can see her, go along her sectors, she is clearly visible on the automap and even if she is too hot to touch, you are within the rules.

To anyone interested in the project, I need help testing the Filia map, as my notes for that map are as follows :
Too much spectres.
Viles in small hallways where you get stuck everywhere.
Have to trigger infighting 3 times in the same place.
No ammo
No health
Can't do it
Last map, I don't want to play it ever again.

I test maps in UV writing how many saves I made, and how many times I had to reload one of them and why. Then I go for a saveless run and try the lower difficulties, and roughly place the map on a "Early to Late Map" scale.
However, I can't finish this one. So if anybody interested in sharing their thoughts and notes on that map, feel free.

Chiaki-anon, while I dislike slaughter and hordes of monsters you have to weave through and I suck at Doom, I had fun beating your Pain/Knights room saveless, well done on that point.

>> No.10037721

The game is survival horror tier until you get to the dark carnival, then you can start blasting like a normal FPS

>> No.10037724

>I still have to try the Betty and Mikazuki maps, but if the latter has a secret exit, that's perfect.
The other map with the two exits isn't boop one, but I forgot which one had it. Post the list, I might remember, because I will be honest, Mikazuki map is map 31 level of diffculty
>Fillia map
Did you get the updated one with the increased ammo? Because yeah, the original map was balls hard, but the updated one is only bullshit in the archvile kitchen room.

>> No.10037725

Based on playtesting ive seen i think most experienced players actually are overly careful with ammo, and sadly miss out on using the most powerful weapons

>> No.10037728

The updated Filia map also has difficulty sets now so if UV is too hard, then try HMP

>> No.10037730
File: 298 KB, 500x375, ISHYGDDT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10037731
File: 299 KB, 520x329, eyes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultist jumps in water
>every shot phases through him
>forced to switch to the voodoo doll since it hits anyone on screen

>> No.10037732

talking about this one

>> No.10037734

quake engine doesnt have as much sprite support as doom though, there's no such thing as rotation frames

>> No.10037737

>you are within the rules
score. that's good to hear
thought i'd fucked up

>> No.10037747
File: 165 KB, 436x532, f0f344e9f013c2e047504168c251b3d1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the latest posted version, but if the KanColle map is harder than that I'm truly fucked then.

Saw that and will give it a shot later as per my testing rules, but given that most people will try UV first, I still try to beat all maps on UV.

Mapping shown in thread
Anon - Olga Discordia
Anon - Hatsune Miku
Anon - Alice (Touhou)
Anon - Shanalotte (Dark Souls 2)
Anon - Mordred (Fate/Apocrypha)
Anon - Goblin
Charcola - Purgatori

Map's In
Anon - Outis (Limbus Compagny) - Outism
EyeballTank - King Cai - Eto
GuyWithTeaCup - Toph - Dirty Foot Canyon
Hand-peeled - Madotsuki - Sleep Tight
Anon - Curly Brace - Robutt
Anon - Taihou (Azur Lane) - Red Boat
Anon - Merula (Hogwarts Mystery) - Can I Slither In?
Anon - Daina's Ass - Unnamed
Anon - Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa) - Trapped by the Ocean Scent
Anon - Shantae - Half-Genie in a Bottle
Metallia - Viscole Dotrish - The Amataya Inquisition
Accensus - Akasha Bloodriver (Rosario+Vampire) - Bloody Seasons
joe-ilya - Rainbow - Rainboom
Wumbol~1 - AK-15 (Girls Frontline) - Panacea
TimeGuardian - Maka Albarn (Soul Eater)
joe-ilya - Mancubus (HDoom) - Ass Massage
cormano - Maki Nishikino (Love Live) - A Daring!! Escape
Hege Cactus - Filia (Skullgirls) - Unnamed
Anon - Mikazuki (KanColle) - Crescent Moon Sortie

Anon - Madoka - Hope
Anon - Betty Boop - Unnamed

>> No.10037754

Don't know why the Madoka mapname was cut, but I got the complete name saved along with the post. If I fucked any name or credit, tell me.

>> No.10037758

I was thinking Boop-Oop-A-Doom.

>> No.10037792
File: 100 KB, 805x540, huhranger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>engine for quake shooter
>not quake
>actually want doom
>not using the doom engine, or gzdoom

>> No.10037796

I play probably 2/3rds of quake content on normal, and i've been playing since 1996. Not sure if I suck or it's just the newer content is harder these days.

>> No.10037801

>I test maps in UV writing how many saves I made, and how many times I had to reload one of them and why.
Post em, i want to see it.

>> No.10037802
File: 244 KB, 1920x1080, ravitexofficial-1569694167034482689-20220913_172707-img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck is "quake shooter"?
Anyway GZDoom should be fine for most FPS ideas one could have.

>> No.10037809

Inherently, no, but you can code that yourself in CSQC. It would be as easy as having a filename suffix or prefix denoting the rotation, and combining strings based on the angle of the monster relative to your view to load the correct image.
You'd have to do something similar in Unreal or whatever anyway.

>> No.10037825

reminds me of the courtyard in Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi

>> No.10037835

It was probably for arguing against board's rules, which is a no-no.

>> No.10037870

GZDoom is a joke.

>> No.10037879
File: 104 KB, 640x480, 1241316205056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't play Doom or any other FPS on PC with a controller. Unironically not my problem.

>> No.10037881

As I was writing a post that I can't remember the other map with two exits I was hit with an epiphany. The other map is the Leo map that's not getting in.

>> No.10037885

>playing fps on a controller
Only children,idiots and cheaters do this.

>> No.10037919

Damn, i kinda feel bad for the leo guy, got told his map sucks and that it wont make it into the megawad

>> No.10037926

probably a directinput/xinput thing, try switching in the options i've had this before
>carpal tunel
>shoulder impingement
>elbow tendonitis
excess mouse use is bad

>> No.10037931

It's not like it got shat on mercilessly, he got plenty of constructive criticism. And it literally did not pass the waifu requirement, the Leo was hidden behind a pretty obscure secret.

>> No.10037949

I stretch and work out.

>> No.10037950
File: 69 KB, 407x513, 85f832435e3e66fb97dc7dcefaae11e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His map is a bit repetitive with reused parts, but shows good texture use with a secondary reactor objective, and while I liked the secret, he made the same mistake as the Samus guy, and didn't use his waifu in his layout.

>> No.10038075

Kekeke, it's k, made me think of CGI Carrie Fischer from the end of Rogue One.
Also, per >>10037950, my Madoka sector art isn't actually traversable, but I can change that for the final version if you'd prefer. It wasn't in my plans, so I wanted to clarify.

>> No.10038128
File: 142 KB, 768x768, 96650448_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The first version was a bit too hard on UV, especially with lack of ammo in some parts, I probably have an updated version tomorrow that also tones down some of the achiville encounters and adding more ammo + fixing some suggestions some anons had (still unsure how one anon phased through the floor).

>> No.10038129

They are supposed to block you're path, same as the goats but without ranged pressure.

>> No.10038143

On a completely unrelated note, the op post links two threads back instead of the previous one.

>> No.10038180

>final boss of Fore/vr/ Alone
>fat ugly NTR bastard
>blow him up to prevent a fate worse than death and to live happily ever after

>> No.10038185

did you draw this?

>> No.10038196

If gamepads gave you a tangible advantage ("cheating"), then all the speedrunners would use them, but they don't.

>> No.10038203

In modern FPS, controllers get in built auto-aim that is often might as well be an aimbot.

>> No.10038220 [SPOILER] 
File: 704 KB, 680x510, func_receiver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you do.

>> No.10038228

It doesn't behave any differently for Doom or Quake, but just to argue, Doom has an auto-aim running at all times.

>> No.10038230

Doom's vertical autoaim exists because it doesn't have native vertical aiming.
Doom also doesn't have recoil and the need to compensate for it either, but doom isn't a modern FPS anyway.

>> No.10038317

Is Trench Foot ever going to get a full release?

>> No.10038345
File: 547 KB, 1804x1014, Screenshot_Trench Foot_20230702_001645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one moment, let me just ask my crystal ball
it says the possibility is possible

>> No.10038367

hehe use save the headache and use ds4 + hidhide

>> No.10038376
File: 1.25 MB, 1600x900, spasm0143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it was only a warning this time.

>> No.10038381

notice the lack of Trench Foot in any futuristic movie? yeah sounds about right

>> No.10038430 [SPOILER] 
File: 829 KB, 1460x971, postal2 goatse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so this map is really lost forever?

>> No.10038441
File: 1.55 MB, 2560x1440, youknowwhatitis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>always fun anon
Who could that be?
>waifu monsters
Isn't that what Hdoom is for?
>enough quake
Not true at all
>hexen hdoom
Ettin waifus anyone?

>> No.10038475

Is this good?

>> No.10038506
File: 46 KB, 544x580, Never HUH Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, yeah. Just got to avoid certain topics (sometimes, at least). It is what it is.

>> No.10038508
File: 360 KB, 577x650, 144_1522564668536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, it is nice to hear.

>> No.10038526
File: 3 KB, 321x281, 1675272317633088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10038530
File: 366 KB, 1874x832, Image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

back to it. time to tweak some areas im not feeling

>> No.10038542

anybody here uses Bullet Time X and is familiar with the settings?
I need some help

>> No.10038571

I thought the skeleton had a mohawk at first.

>> No.10038586

Hey organizer I wanted to ask you something: What's your favorite wad so far?
Did you like the curly wad?
Also no I'm not fixing the missing texture at the end. I'm too lazy.

>> No.10038593
File: 651 KB, 875x562, °0°.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10038595

What's the source of the eyeless sharp-toothed pinky sprite, the one that's frequently used in "horror" wads.

>> No.10038613
File: 270 KB, 1360x768, Screenshot_Doom_20230704_135408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very comfy so far.
I may have ran into a problem though. In the opening map, I walked past a guy standing in front of a door and entered an underground area and "turned a fuel pump". Then I talked to the guy outside and he said he was going to go to the tavern. But there's still an invisible wall blocking the door. I tried noclipping through the door but there was nothing to do in the building, maybe it wasn't activated. Do i have to restart?

>> No.10038631

have you found any good obscure vanilla crap

>> No.10038639

There was a weapon mod that might be fitting with this.

>> No.10038671
File: 261 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_Doom_20230704_232801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the wolf girl that appears at every intermission the reward you get at the end?

>> No.10038684

I was going to use some Samus sector art in the detailing faze. My screenshot was only a blocked out layout.

>> No.10038701
File: 1.11 MB, 1600x900, spasm0137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be careful. . .
You'll be dead!

>> No.10038716

Does any anon here have any fitting suggestions for a plasma rifle sound replacement for Fore/vr/ Alone? Preferably something from an anime.

>> No.10038759

gundam laser sounds

>> No.10038771

No, Korbo is not a reward.

>> No.10038775
File: 162 KB, 1274x720, orewa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10038786


>> No.10038804


>> No.10038809

(i know it's not anime, but steel)

>> No.10038838
File: 108 KB, 351x437, dd59b759f89b4be0231a8dc139970563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you manage to make a waifu map in the remaining time that isn't total shit with Metroid-like backtracking (I still don't see what "abilities" you want to give the player), I'll be impressed.

So far, the AK-15 map is my favorite, at no point I feel that I can't beat a trap or encounter, and nothing is over punishing. I feel the Madoka map is similar, but as it's unfinished, I will wait before judging (especially if the 3 keys secret turns out bullshit hard).

Yeah, some traversable art would be required, but even a more subtle approach like the Curly map works for me. Opening the center Madoka isn't your only option here.

>> No.10038858

>>10038759 >>10038775

DSPLASMA (Machine gun is less obnoxious)

https://youtu.be/pKpoc5BJRZ8 or https://youtu.be/oSPRuwoR1QI



>> No.10038862

That is fucking pefect

>> No.10038864

If you're gonna go with just a regular machine gun sound, go with the best one.

>> No.10038870

now I want a Gundam themed wad for Doom

>> No.10038872

What's the best midi editor for an idiot?
I wanna make this midi loop better.

>> No.10038875

is the samus anon aware of the
>Edit - Grid and Backdrop Setup - Show background image

>> No.10038876
File: 249 KB, 750x1000, post-image-989510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Opening the center Madoka isn't your only option here.
It's k, I had an idea in mind that pairs well with giving the player access to the center area, anyway. But that note about the Curly map is cute, I wasn't thinking about it that way.
Also, thanks for sharing your notes!
>stuck near the Manc lift
Fuck, that was originally a shitlift, so you could just wait for it to lower. Much appreciated.

>> No.10038915
File: 2.92 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230701_131145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I bother posting a map on Doomworld Wads and mods when the thread sinks straight away and then it never gets any more posts? I hate trannyworld.


>> No.10038917
File: 3.04 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230701_131319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10038929
File: 2.81 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_Doom_20230701_131122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10038941

frankly none of the warehouse encounters are intended to be lethal, only able to use the terrain to pester the player if they leave an area after hitting the switch. the ground floor was done last as basically window dressing and took the most time

Captain J made a retro anime soundpack for final doomer but they wouldn't really fit on vanilla weapons
Personally I like when a wad's sound patch has a meaty normal shotgun like equinox and strange aeons. Last time I watched trigun was 10 years ago or else I'd point out one I thought would be nice

>> No.10038943
File: 467 KB, 1280x720, 1688512009080849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fight just started
>dodging projectiles
>doing great
>ok gotta mop up the rest
>relax too much

>> No.10038947
File: 22 KB, 640x480, gundam happi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking based

If you need any more sound replacements, I recommend looking into Ultraman's sound effects.

How would that even be done?

>> No.10038987

I not opposed to the Newtype sound, but we already have the OH MY GAH that is more on point.

>> No.10039210
File: 20 KB, 244x312, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the blue key indicator uglier than the other two?

>> No.10039228

limited color palette maybe?

>> No.10039239
File: 38 KB, 1100x354, skulls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subtle racial commentary

>> No.10039242

Turms out my monitor was on reader mode, I may be stupid. When It's in reader mode the blue key indicator has a sepia tone inside the yes for some reason.

>> No.10039323

What about Polynesian and Amerindian skulls?

>> No.10039347

The dark blue range is much smaller than both the red and orange ranges. Not only that, but the dark blues are practically all the same value, making for a muddled image

>> No.10039376

I just kept bumping into the invisible wall until it let me in.

>> No.10039496

Okay, so maybe i just need to look harder for what to do in the building.

>> No.10039504

Man I just realized they're missing the whole bottom jaw.

>> No.10039543

Can you believe there was a point in modern times before Woof existed? How quaint

>> No.10039654

No one knows... Crazy.
I don't think they got turned into keys though. That would be weird.

>> No.10039672

Why does Ashes Afterglow have a huge amount of bugs? I got softlocked two-thirds of the way through the game and I just didn't have the strength to continue from that point onward. The weapon balance is also well and truly fucked.

I would like to ask whether the Uzi is equivalent to the chaingun in accuracy mechancis.

>> No.10039787 [DELETED] 

Why is doomworld filled with fucking trannies? Why do they all play pretend with the disgusting trannies and use their "preferred pronouns"? Why are you all such fucking faggots?

>> No.10039791 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 1660x404, image_2023-07-05_095402014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10039818 [DELETED] 

Ah yes playing the victim, and being an utter narcissist fucktard, typical for GID dipshits

>> No.10039858
File: 547 KB, 1920x1040, Image21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you package the OTEX pack so i can upload my alpha of my map without causing [missing textures] errors all day?

>> No.10039862 [DELETED] 

yup, then the other faggots there simp for them

>> No.10039926

Just tell everyone to load 2 wads at the same time.

>> No.10039942

What is this OTEX pack? Is it a texture wad? Can I use it for Quake?

>> No.10039946

It's a texture pack for doom.
I imagine you can use them for quake, but you'd need to convert them.

>> No.10040037

You want a real answer? That looks like a very mediocre wad. 10 of those get released every day on dw. I myself do lurk in all forums, but even I ignored this wad. It just does not interest me. I do not get paid for playing mediocre crap, so why would I do it?

In other words, continue making maps, get better, and eventually people will get interested. Also get better screenshots. You need to advertise your wads in positive light to get people hooked on them.

>> No.10040039



Unpolished alpha. Probably going to try and add some more spit and polish when I can, but it's good to get an opinion on general things so far. Also maybe there's some broken things that I never cought testing in zandronum.

>> No.10040048

Also I realized, that that is a gzdoom wad. Do not make your exclusive to gzdoom unless you go real crazy with it's features. Few slopes is not enough. Not all people use gzdoom. Even I use it just for really good stuff like Golden Souls, Elementalism etc. Non-detailed, bland gzdoom map is a giant red flag, that makes mapper look like a complete noob, that does not have a single idea what he is doing.

>> No.10040056

If you're doing this for some kind of recognition instead of for the love of it you're doing it wrong.

>> No.10040083

well lads, it happened at last

since Nugget has 800p support now, it has officially replaced every other ports I had in my Doom library

GZDoom is now relegated to its own package with Wadsmoosh, Compendium and a bunch of gameplay mods
I'd like to add Sentinel's Lexicon, too.. what's up with this compilation lately?
I tried it out back in 2019/2020 and both the moddb page and the zdoom forums topic are dead
I've seen that the github repo is relatively active and there are a lot of references to a "Rebuild" initiative
what gives?

>> No.10040096

Thanks. The only no-exit death pit now is Betty Boop herself.
I didn't get around to properly looping the midi. I'll look into it tomorrow, but if I don't get to it, I think I have this close to done.

midi - Goering, by Keith Little
mapname - Boop-Oop-a-Doom!

>> No.10040110

Fucked something up at the last minute. Fixed:
g'nite /doom/

>> No.10040131

how do y'all keep inspiration for making doom levels/content? I finished one set of maps a few months ago and have been just idly messing with a few intergers in Slade3 ever since, and not much else.

>> No.10040150
File: 8 KB, 178x170, Quake-Qtest1_Headgib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW /Violent Rumble v2.0/ is no longer updated

>> No.10040151 [DELETED] 

From two equally obnoxious users it's much preferable to secure the foothold of a special snowflake with cute lizard avatar, who made it into known doom review series with impressive singleman effort megawad, compared to some brutish slavic sperg making obscure gzdoom stalker mods. With whole community eyes directed at them, promotional jurors team simply took, not just safest, but actually reasonable route of action by disposing of a sperg's body, who to top it all, did all dirty job of shooting himself into head by posting most morally bankrupt thing i.e. encouraging suicide of another. Sadly no one brought these peculiarities of a part-time tard-wrangling job for gaming manchildren forum into terms of service for us to read.

>> No.10040159

>800p support
Cool. Better for more detailed wads such as new Sunder maps. Now I have reason to go from Woof to Nugget.

>> No.10040161
File: 193 KB, 1303x1547, d3test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know exactly how id went about making their bump mapped textures for Doom 3? I'm getting some decent results by handpainting height with gradients in GIMP and running that through Materialize to get some edge and AO data, but I'm wondering if there's a better way.
Doing some experimenting for a potential FTE engine project.

>> No.10040162

VRanon is busy, and I'm still doing my map but family emergency has me fallen behind by a lot.

>> No.10040172

keep in mind that currently it is available only when using a nightly build

>> No.10040217
File: 1.11 MB, 1600x900, spasm0148.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to ask him if the LC is gonna use the plasma ammo according to what the placeholder message suggested last time he provided an update - thanks for reminder I guess, if its not too late to ideabomb just now...

>> No.10040219

>playing Eviternity
>kill a Hellknight equipped with a machine gun and rocket launcher
>take a second to collect ammo and health in the area
>spot a switch behind the dead Hellknight
>a fucking Archvile
>instantly resurrects the giga-Hellknight
>get shot and die

>> No.10040243 [SPOILER] 
File: 1 KB, 192x200, [Funny HUUUH].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10040287

Woof or Nugget?

>> No.10040294

>You are sure that you are playing this map with the proper version of AD mod installed?
I saw later that there was a fix for the newest version of AD. But I was already done by then.

>> No.10040313
File: 3.77 MB, 1280x720, 1678682837045.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love the architecture and level design in the early areas of Hexen. Even/especially the first map, the Winnowing Hall. Everything just feels so SOLID. All those slow moving sliding stone slabs and large corners just give the whole place a really weighty feeling that lends itself to the atmosphere.

Are there any good/recommended Hexen wads/megapacks? Preferably with an emphasis on semi-outdoor areas/exploration like the first map and second hub? Not so much into the "endless temples" theme that dominates latter parts of the game.

>> No.10040315

Play French Meat level pack
Actual cock & ball torture ammo and armor wise
Cool levels though, I recommend cheat codes for anything above Lightly Broiled

>> No.10040319

I already did it was pretty comfy.
Inherit The Earth on well done felt way worse for some reason.

>> No.10040330

they made a french meat 2 which I haven't played because when I hear "french meat" my mind says things like "stingy" and "unfun"

>> No.10040337

well on top of it, it's now vacation themed with funny music but i loved it too.

>> No.10040339
File: 4 KB, 256x256, 1657524192703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Doom was a paletted game and had more oranges and reds than blue.

>> No.10040346
File: 1.19 MB, 1600x900, spasm0127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One very wierd/funny thing about that screencap being how that boulder actually passed thru me harmlessly on the first attempt when I didn't even noticed it was rolling, so after that anomaly occuring I've reloaded to a moment before the ball dropped, only to get killed by it at a double-take to photograph it before getting flattened as intended.

>> No.10040348

Those blues are very saturated (on my screen?), the tones could be more nuanced but I'm not complaining since I like Cacodemon's brightly glowing mouth

>> No.10040365 [SPOILER] 
File: 180 KB, 509x339, scary-skulls-and-bones-in-the-catacombs-of-paris-iii-picture-id951735168-311141070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inspired by catacomb layouts probably

>> No.10040383

reee why does my 3rd party screenshot capture not work with gzdoom
it's like it's preventing f12 from firing even though I've unboudn f12 in the game
video capture works, though

>> No.10040391
File: 1.55 MB, 3840x2160, biome-pritchard_2023-07-04_23-04-33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yesterday I played through biome-pritchard. A very action-packed map with non-stop combat. Though there wasn't much room to maneuver and I kept getting stuck on little objects. And in the snowy part, I dropped over 100 fps for some reason.

When I played I didn't even see the boulder because I was bashing the wall in the nook to see if there was anything there.

>> No.10040392

Why not remap the 3rd party program screenshot button?

>> No.10040394

Press use on it several more times and it clears out. Seems to just be a bug with the triggers.

>> No.10040396


>> No.10040398

I haven't had any issues with gzdoom colliding with my keybinds. might be an issue with however you bound it.

>> No.10040402

Have a few beers.
Walk around town.
Get into some shady places.
Go back home and sleep.
Wake up and procure a notebook to draw out a map of something that caught your interest if you remember anything you did yesterday.
Do the map in the editor?
Make map!

>> No.10040406

You just do it. Don't idly mess with integers, you make shapes.

>> No.10040415

Nugget if you want customizable HUD/FOV.
Woof if you want a slight edge in performance (negligible unless you're intending to run one of the crazier slaughter maps or you have an aging CPU).

>> No.10040416

Cause I use it for 20+ games and it works fine in everything except gzdoom.

>> No.10040481

Is this a RRP addon map?

>> No.10040492

doesn't matter

>> No.10040514

Doom but you can only move/turn in four directions like in legends of grimrock

>> No.10040515

Get to it anon.

>> No.10040516

it's arcane dimensions

>> No.10040518

Are there any VRmaps that currently make use of fire shells? I'm working on my map and I just don't think it's that fine to use the fire shells, especially in relatively enclosed spaces since it'll bounce off the wall or floor and then you catch fire, or it'll block your path and you should wait for it to go out before proceeding. It should burn you if you step on it, but the player themselves shouldn't catch fire.

>> No.10040530

Why would you suggest that? Nugget is Crispy with Boom/MBF support and higher resolution support, Woof is Crispy with Boom/MBF support with slightly less options but best performance. There is literally no reason to use the basic Crispy on 2023 as it does only support vanilla/limit removing wads, not even boom wads made since 1998. It played an important part in the development of source ports, but that was it.

>> No.10040531

Where do I get that? Sorry, I'm a retard.

>> No.10040532

Because anon is an indecisive jerk.

>> No.10040538
File: 100 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have created an approximation of the symbol of ultimate evil in trenchbroom. It still needs some work, who knew triangles could be so hard.

>> No.10040543

Rec me some map packs or TCS that my dog would enjoy watching me play.

>> No.10040552

Dog Jam for Quake.

>> No.10040579
File: 531 KB, 801x750, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't these highlighted shards show up in the bsp? The console doesn't even throw any errors about them.

>> No.10040583
File: 2.41 MB, 1920x1080, varietal_rumble_1_2023-07-05_05-44-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10040596
File: 3.92 MB, 640x360, ter_banebye.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seconding the comfiness of French Meat 1.
Not so comfy was trying that Bioshock-inspired mod: The first level ends with a werewolf cultist.
Looks cool. I'm off to finish SoE now that Ter is done. Afterwards I might look into this or just resume my Mjolnir playthrough.

>> No.10040628

Ok. I really have to complete Ter Shib 2 now, that video looks fun.

>> No.10040629


click on the latest workflow
then click on either the x86 or x64 artifact

(you probably need a GitHub account, but hey it's free)

>> No.10040642

Thank you, good sir.

>> No.10040646

>Not so comfy was trying that Bioshock-inspired mod: The first level ends with a werewolf cultist.
Rapture Released? maybe i'll try but yeah fuck Beasts

>> No.10040651

nvm it's just named Rapture i'm smooth brained

>> No.10040660

A New World

>> No.10040662
File: 387 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_Heretic_20230705_023744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you give a companion Power Armor, their weight capacity seems to increase, but they're still limited to their default amount.

>> No.10040680
File: 3.92 MB, 640x360, ter_biggestdickwizard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a very quaint set of maps that peaked in Paris for me. The best parts were when the level progression got interesting.
These wizards though, holy shit, oh my god. They have been terrifying to fight and actually took some figuring out. I still don't know the best way to deal with them beyond hoping there's some cover when they "hitscan slow" you.
Reminds me of Thief as well.
Yeup that's it. It was otherwise pretty good.
I don't want to get too into it but Bioshock itself had decent level design from what I recall.

>> No.10040683


>> No.10040693

Is there a proper way to move the player camera with zscript? i searched for some camera stuff in google but most of it seems to be intended for cutscene stuff not the actual player camera

>> No.10040701

What do you mean? Like making you look up or something?

>> No.10040706

They are admittedly a bit of a failure. They should do a little lunge forward when attacking imo.

>> No.10040728

They can be a bit of a problem when faced in large numbers while under pressure from ranged enemy types since they can soak up a decent amount of damage, plus you don't have the SSG to one-shot them in Doom 1.

>> No.10040729

Interesting map. The progression isn't always clear, like the red skull wall actually being a switch that opens a red wall somewhere else or the button that lowers the pillar into the first area, it should be more visible.
There is a softlock at the plasma archvile, if you fall down where the pillars is before grabbing the plasma, you can't get back up and are thus stuck.
The spider mastermind between the two cybers in the final arena was stuck and didn't do anything.
If you stand near the crusher, it becomes transparent when it lowers enough.
The third secret (?) is just a wall hatch that doesn't actually give you anything, why tag it a secret and why is it even there?
The computer map in the end is nice, but what's the point if you can't go back?
Like the ones in kdikdizd? Those gave a big spook.

>> No.10040735

had a dream someone did a marnie map for the waifu project

>> No.10040757


>> No.10040809
File: 1.06 MB, 1916x1080, CrescentMoonTrip_FiliaSliver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these maps are quite the... treat? to test.
Also Filia-anon please fix this if you do another revision.

>> No.10040824

Check the properties. Or delete them and copy the ones that do show.
Maybe they only show on easy or something.

>> No.10040825

Still less frustrating than a slime tho.

>> No.10040826

ok fixed that little tidbit
those HOMs arent from my map, right?
I also added 3 stimpacks

>> No.10040837

It could be you, anon.

>> No.10040850

any errors in the log?

>> No.10040851

Not a bleep.

>> No.10040857
File: 41 KB, 283x380, DoEq1mum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is by far my least favorite reoccurring enemy in the mod. It was only fun seeing him for the first time in DoE.

>> No.10040858

Do they show up if you lift them a little off the ground? I don't know if those armor shards are even affected by gravity, but I recall something about items in Quake maps sometimes falling through the floor if they're flush with it.

>> No.10040861

like turning the camera 45/90 degrees when pressing the arrow keys

>> No.10040863
File: 2.28 MB, 1920x1080, varietal_rumble_1_2023-07-05_08-00-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried that but it didn't work. It turns out the problem was them being flush with the wall. I moved them one grid unit over and it's a-okay now. I've seen this problem before, but the health vials on the right are also against the wall and are fine. Weird quirk I suppose.

>> No.10040869

Ew, why would you want to do that?
Anyway, you can grab keypresses and then e.g. try to use one of the setangle or setpitch-related functions.

>> No.10040871
File: 361 KB, 1770x1377, 1677042926981830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Ew, why would you want to do that?
Could be >>10040514 trying to make some sort of "Doom blobber" and I wholly support that.

>> No.10040874
File: 109 KB, 357x459, 0d2f23ed880cbb68ea7c36bc39c13f7f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries for you, HoMs are from the Mikazuki map and that makes it hard to test on anything but Zandronum.
I kinda hope you didn't add those stimpacks because I asked for help with testing your map. I'm not good at Doom so that's a huge part of why I think your map is so difficult.

>> No.10040887

Any good tutorials on how to make weapons using zscript?

>> No.10040890


>> No.10040897


Obviously it helps if you already know how to make a weapon in DECORATE because the basic principles stay the same.

>> No.10040905

Open up a mod you like with melee weapons and check out the code.

>> No.10040907
File: 1.17 MB, 1600x900, spasm0155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This map was overall a nice one despite those few problems, also it feels like a prelude of sorts to both Egyptoagula and Imhotep's Legacy

>> No.10040916
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, dsevi_riftwait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went right over my head that I can play that and Hexen with this mod too. I'm nearly at the finish line with Evi here.

>> No.10040920

A point-blank Ice Crossbow is your best friend against miniboss enemies in Drake, always save a couple just in case (and you need to shoot those wizards from up-close because they like to teleport in order to avoid projectiles)
Call me stupid by I forgot they got ported to AD before Alkaline
I also keep forgetting that AD Centurions use plasmaguns

>> No.10040921

How did you handle some of the more intense/slaughtery segments? Through abusing the spells, I guess?

>> No.10040937

>0 armor durability
Shiggy diggy

>> No.10040942

Modeled them out and baked the bumps onto flat planes, iirc. I know the monsters are sculpts that are baked down, and I'm pretty sure that's what they did for much of the textures. There are also texture -> bump converters if you want to make things a bit easier. At least give you a base.

>> No.10040945

Is it possible to play chex with DS?

>> No.10040950
File: 1.67 MB, 2560x1440, xmj21_ish_2023-07-05_23-34-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This xmasjam2021 has some really great maps in it, i like the tiny map concept.

>> No.10040954

You need the patch from here, but yes.

>> No.10040957

I don't see a hotbar on top so the madman might be playing flesh and steel but shields absorb over 1000 damage when you're not neutral and good aligned you don't have ranged aoe spells but you do have near infinite plasma because the battery recharge spell only costs a couple pips of mana

>> No.10040958
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, dsevi_venombros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A point-blank Ice Crossbow is your best friend against miniboss enemies in Drake, always save a couple just in case
It works wonders and oneshots all the other mini bosses except for that super evil wizard in the webm. He's resistant to them.
I'm actually going full unguh with Flesh and Steel. This was the hardest it's been so far on level 15 and the solution was three miniguns. It's been fun and passable and I'd imagine spells would make things run way smoother.
Oops, let me fix that.

>> No.10040963

>It works wonders and oneshots all the other mini bosses except for that super evil wizard in the webm. He's resistant to them.
The crossbow in Drake oneshots everything except "boss" monsters like Armagon, that particular skull wizard, I think the trogboss, the four horsemen, Bane, the Dark Lord, the DOE dragon, the Wyrm, etc.

>> No.10040984

Hey I saw that "not-MilleniumFalcon" in one of the Blue Monday mapjam levels, but where exactly did this model originates from?

>> No.10040994

I don't see a credit for it in xmj21_ish.txt
Perhaps it's his original work?

>> No.10040995

The hotbar isn't tied to F&S, since you can also bind weapons/items to it. The way to tell if it's F&S is the lack of mana bar.

>> No.10040996
File: 1.10 MB, 1600x900, spasm0160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hexen2 horsemen are in Drake
Fucking holy crap, please tell me of any map that lets you fight them with Quake weapons no matter how terrible it may be

>> No.10041003

Seconding this.

>> No.10041010
File: 1.84 MB, 1515x851, Four_Horsemen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not in use in any released Drake map (yet). They're in the code however and can be used. They can be killed with conventional weaponry. They're also somewhat bugged. Pestilence and Death can pretty consistently get stuck on corpses, gibbed or not. Pestilence gets unstuck much more consistently than Death. Death for some reason has enormous gaps between his attacks

>> No.10041041

>Pestilence and Death can pretty consistently get stuck on corpses, gibbed or not. Pestilence gets unstuck much more consistently than Death.
Maybe they were programmed to do something with dead bodies (make them explode, or ressurect corpses like Bane & Sham-vile already can do) and that's an unexpected side-effect of their coding?
Such a pity this mod never gotten a complete stable version like Quoth or the other newer and more popular ones did.

>> No.10041048

I wondered that too. The Keep guy is gonna do something with them, we'll see.
>Such a pity this mod never gotten a complete stable version like Quoth or the other newer and more popular ones did.
I get what you're saying but I gotta say it's stable enough. Definitely has lots of unused potential. Check out Unforgiven, Arcanum, etc.

>> No.10041073

tried coldpal.wad yet?

>> No.10041074

There's also /vr/'s own ctom and e1m5drake

>> No.10041076

>Sentinel's Lexicon
is it still a thing?

>> No.10041087

Yes and no. The discord is dead, but the pack itself was getting updates as recent as a few months ago.

>> No.10041092
File: 303 KB, 1858x1057, Screenshot_Doom_20230704_145055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dynamic lights look really cool when they're constrained to the palette (only the cage the torch is in is a lit sector here)
Are there any fake palette filters that are better than the built in GZDoom option?

>> No.10041106

I was using shallow water pools to give the player a way to douse themselves, as well as places to avoid corralling enemies if you're relying on the burning damage-over-time.

>> No.10041109

Any of you guys using Linux?

>> No.10041115

>Why won't these highlighted shards show up in the bsp?
I've had the BSP refuse to recompile because I had leaks in my map (during testing of course), which caused changes like placing items to not apply. I think -fast or -skip on one of the layers fixed it, but I can't recall offhand. You might also be able to just delete your BSP file and forcing a recompile, but I never actually tried that approach.

>> No.10041116

Yeah, what about it?
>inb4 "well you're a nerd"

>> No.10041123

Well, it happens. Game jank is often illusive.

>> No.10041125
File: 252 KB, 1920x1080, medieval_08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to buy quake 2 on steam and gog before Quakecon hits.
If the remaster is real off that korean rating shit, paired with the fact id merged all quake 2 expansions into the entire game, we are into the same scenario as Q1R

>> No.10041132

I want the equivalent of ironwail for Q2. The mod menu and build in level select are really convenient.

>> No.10041138
File: 1.15 MB, 1600x900, spasm0017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will play both back-to-back for a comparison eventually, thinking about doing the Contract Revoked and the extra maps first tho.
Downloading right now, apparently its unbeatable on Hard+ or something...
>also whatever rt23alk1_1 is supposed to be has been added to my backburner for now, knowing my luck it's gonna be updated just days after I beaten it like it happened with Dwell most likely

>> No.10041140

Pester spike to help yamagi and make them stop acting like retards, or have him help knightmare to finish kmQuake2 and reverse engineer oblivion off the linux dump file.

>> No.10041146
File: 367 KB, 2158x1682, d3test2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modeled them out and baked the bumps onto flat planes
huh... Seems a bit overkill for 2004 and that level of detail, but maybe I just find fucking about with a flat plane in 3D to be tedious. Baking monster sculpts makes more sense.
>There are also texture -> bump converters if you want to make things a bit easier. At least give you a base.
I can do that in Materialize, but the resulting heightmap is often difficult to rid of imperfections. Besides, the AO and and edge maps I can generate give me most of what I need to make a decent diffuse texture quickly.

>> No.10041161

>huh... Seems a bit overkill for 2004
Consider that most of the textures ar exist some variation of beveled cubes, extrusions, and pipes. It's pretty quick to knock out shapes like that.
I think things like rivets were added after the fact.
I looked into this ages ago, some of it might be getting conflated with idtech5

>> No.10041168

>ar exist
Are just

>> No.10041171
File: 1.47 MB, 1600x900, spasm0014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Than's apsp4 was never finnished
So that's why I couldn't find a download link for it for months...

>> No.10041182

Played all Doom1 D!zone maps until the letter B and i have: 5 good maps, 20 "fine" maps and 12 bad maps. Also 21 multiplayer maps but no one cares about those.
The "fine" maps range anywhere from "almost good" to "this feels like someone's first map but its not offensively bad".
I wonder if we could do some sort of community tune-up once im done with playing them, at least the good ones.

>> No.10041194

like the 1994 tune-up community project? that'd be cool.

>> No.10041195

Which were the good ones?

>> No.10041230

keep in mind even the good ones are still just decent, just goes to show how low quality this cd is. I dont know if any of the good wads have this issue but if you fall on a toxic pit make sure to noclip, they love death pits.

>> No.10041272

Deadline's up though.

>> No.10041281

Did DoomRunner work-out well for you? I might try some of those out from my Win98 system but I'll have to use ZDL.

>> No.10041282

e1m5drake will be a reaming with careless ammo use and zero secrets found, it's otherwise a rough fun time on skill 3.

>> No.10041302
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>> No.10041304

Im using doomrunner but im just trying one wad at a time so zdl should work just fine for you

>> No.10041328

Open the ZScript code of a weapon that you like in SLADE and use the wiki to learn what every single function does. I only have experience in DECORATE but from what I have glanced at, Zscript for actors is pretty much the same shit but more powerful and you don't have to use meme inventory tokens and states to do a fucking loop. And DECORATE itself is super easy to learn, if you already have the sprites you can easily learn how and make a weapon in an afternoon.

>> No.10041357

Anon you wild for this one

>> No.10041370

That actually seems kinda fun. Pick a map you think has promise and spruce it up. I'd keep vanilla compatibility tho.

>> No.10041371

>killing yourself by putting your neck in a noose and letting a grenade explode at your feet, knocking over the chair and ripping your legs off so you get strangulated through the weight of your torso

>> No.10041395

>chair as big as three people

>> No.10041408

I’m new to all this, but if I wanted backpacks to also give weapons (like if you pick up a backpack it gives you a super shotgun) would I have to do DeHack shenanigans?

>> No.10041420

I doubt this is possible at all with dehacked. Maybe MBF21 dehacked.

>> No.10041435

You could put linedef actions around the backpack that feed a voodoo doll the weapon, it's possible with vanilla.

>> No.10041458

He's just really short, only 5'12

>> No.10041478

Jamal Jones is such a chore, most of the stages are just different flavors of dull techbases

>> No.10041504


>> No.10041526
File: 30 KB, 600x600, FtxOR-TWAAAxqfF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since you guys are talking about my trash, here's one last very small update for MCM (the drake CTOM). I tinkered with the final fight again, because why not. This time it's just the map files, they can replace the old ones.


>> No.10041530

Really? It has a fair bit of city maps from what I've seen in the 1st episode.

>> No.10041535


>> No.10041540

I am up to 12 in chapter 2, and there was exactly one "city" stage that is mostly another tech base. Stage 12 is the start of the hell section, which is... a techbase with a different sky box.

>> No.10041547
File: 251 KB, 1000x791, olga-iodko-weksx-death-knight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the final fight is the most different, I figured it was a bit easy after that guy showed a screen from the end of the map with max health and those health packs still there
Just noticed this and oh no oh fuck I took that screen before I started the fight. I managed to grapple up there.
It was great before and after though so I'll check this updated fight later.

>> No.10041554

>I managed to grapple up there

>> No.10041565

We should protect DOOM's decorations from bullying. Their suicide attempts are reaching 41% rate, that's not good.

>> No.10041620

Ok when I ask you guys for something I expect you to put a little more effort in than you normally do because you're not helping. At all.
If you bothered to put more effort forwards maybe your maps would be better.

>> No.10041628

Is there a mod that crosses Quake and Blood, that's actually functional? I feel like I saw something that tried to replicate Blood deathmatch in quake a while ago, but I can't find it anymore.

>> No.10041648

That's just the usual ligma attitude.

>> No.10041660

But I make shit maps on purpose?(??)

>> No.10041685

lol fag

>> No.10041705
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>> No.10041720

Then state what you're fucking asking for.

>> No.10041721


>> No.10041725

Guaranteed replies.

>> No.10041731 [DELETED] 
File: 1.77 MB, 1981x1225, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do we stop this fucking retarded tranny from playing Quake? It's disgusting. And how do we murder all his fucking retarded simps too? Also tranny jannies fuck off and die somewhere.

>> No.10041741 [DELETED] 

Use that energy to focus on your own work.

>> No.10041753 [DELETED] 


>> No.10041761 [DELETED] 

By finding a hobby.

>> No.10041763 [DELETED] 

But I thought obsessing over things you dislike was considered the best hobby...

>> No.10041771 [DELETED] 

Farewell anon. It was nice knowing you.

>> No.10041776 [DELETED] 

I concur.

>> No.10041784
File: 625 KB, 1024x576, dsevi_killingblowframe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm nearly at the finish line with Evi here.
Mission accomplished.

>> No.10041789 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 500x561, 78dnm7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

""transgender"" does not exist, despite what many people have been lied to regarding the notion of ""Gender Identity"" bullshit. They don't all deserve to die, they can be fixed regarding their scrambled neurological and overall mental state. Fuck the ""Progress"" flag and the GID white cyan & pink flag. Such people are in need of healing from their grooming, or endocrine imbalance damage. If anything, the actual trannies are Transsexuals, and they are typically rare.

>> No.10041790 [DELETED] 


>> No.10041794

It's always pleasantly surprising to see the Wraith mugshot being used.

>> No.10041795

>testing a dzone map
>"holy shit this map sucks"
>midway through realize its actually a vanilla map and i warped to the wrong map

>> No.10041803
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>> No.10041805


>> No.10041808

E1M9 is a bit undercooked, I guess.

>> No.10041812

Anyone wanna kart?

>> No.10041819


>> No.10041826

I'm very tired, but I'll be there in about half an hour.

>> No.10041835

but that one doesn't suck

>> No.10041836

Does anyone have a habit of getting bored, and then deciding to load up random WADs and blast through the first level or two before stopping?

>> No.10041878

could anyone explain the difference in monster behaviour in quake compared to doom? in doom, we have sectors that stop sound propagation, monsters that "ambush", etc. what's the system in quake? thanks.

>> No.10041879

Completed all the C wads and none of them made it into the "good" tier

>> No.10041883
File: 1010 KB, 300x150, 1670589812046674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i asked this last thread but i didn't get a full answer so i'll ask again: is there a way to play custom wads made with doom builder via the gog version of DOOM 1/2 in DOSbox? i just really don't want to use a source port if i don't have to. i realize i'm retarded, but i've come to peace with it.

>> No.10041890
File: 39 KB, 194x191, DS wraithmug sweetpain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a cool find when I opened that 'addons' folder. It and Solomon's are both great. Also a nerdy layer of fun for me when playing on Flesh & Steel, when I'm back to a casting run I'll switch to Solomon.

>> No.10041903

Sound propagation is kinda just baked into a map by VIS. You can use detail brushes (depending on compiler and settings?) or brush entities (func_wall) to let sound through places it otherwise wouldn't, but you're normally better off just triggering monsters. Ambush flag works about the same I think.

>> No.10041908

Why does DSDA-Doom not display par times?

>> No.10041916

What's VIS?
I noticed if a monster sees me, and another hasn't yet, both of them will attack me.

>> No.10041926

A map compiling stage that determines and bakes in what parts of the map are visible from eachother for optimization and whatnot. Also does other little things like ambient sound.

>> No.10041939

Add the required parameters in your Dosbox config, vanilla wads only.

>> No.10041942

Cool, thanks. Might start using Trenchbroom and make some maps then, it's been years I've been saying this to myself, but I'm just too dumb to understand

>> No.10042008

>open up trenchbroom
>loads of configs, needs compiler, textures not found, game not found
my ass not found. well, i tried, i'm just too stupid

>> No.10042086

I read the last entries. You were right, I did like the last one. Though I'm slightly confused at why Time and Magic let her out just for her to get put back in. Just to do them that favor of letting them see each other or some nebulous future thing.

And if I'm getting this right, she is slowly changing over time. So Solomon sets the seal at 100 years to see her quicker, see if she's changed any more, or just as a reward for..."good" behavior.

Some proofread stuff. On line 975
countless of times -> countless times
a peace of mind -> peace of mind

And way back in the third entry, I kept forgetting, on line 849, I think this bit would read better if it said "That creature was not born, nor did she mutate."

>> No.10042103
File: 2.78 MB, 640x480, 1666068406177943.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys gotta use a more attention grabbing post

>> No.10042163

Hmm. Thanks for the reply.

>> No.10042170

I wonder if it was a leak thing since I haven't sealed my map yet. I'll consider that when it's all done anon. For now moving them away from the wall did the trick.

>> No.10042195
File: 1.87 MB, 265x303, 1673282524162691.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you
when you say vanilla, is there a setting i need to be using in doom builder to make a map "vanilla" or is it just a matter of not including anything except stock assets?

>> No.10042220

Doom in Doom format. Or Boom if for limit removing. That's about it.
Vanilla is just standard gameplay from the perspective of it being able to run on doom2.exe or Chocolate doom. BTSX is a vanilla mapset.

>> No.10042231

Vanilla means that the wad could run in the original engine (mostly) without going over any limitations the engine had.
Whether a map is vanilla-restricted or limit-removed is not a setting, but just a matter of the mapper respecting the static limits of the original doom2.exe.
Wads can be vanilla and still use custom assets, see BTSX.

>> No.10042232

>Or Boom if for limit removing
Stop, that's not what limit-removing means.

>> No.10042246
File: 94 KB, 307x300, 1674500699652911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay cool, i appreciate the help.

>> No.10042362

It's not that hard, just persist a bit until you understand the toolchain.
>What is VIS

>> No.10042394

I'll address that later. Thanks!
Originally it was so Solomon and BD could sort their shit out and work together. That felt kinda weak and too unrealistic, plus they technically already do that. So yes, you're right that it was just a favor. The powers that be knew that Solomon would have never let her out on his own. All four of them understand very well that she cannot change, ever. She is a danger to everyone, and always will be. There is no happily-ever-after ending here. Her fate will forever be to live inside the knife, blind to the surrounding world. Her only company is and always will be Solomon. So he takes it upon himself, at great risk to his wellbeing, to let her out every 100 or so years, because after hearing Time's words, Solomon finally accepts that he is fond of her and is causing even more suffering by forcefully keeping her inside the knife for all eternity. Letting her out to see Death is partially Solomon's way of making up for his selfish actions that he tries to believe are for the greater good. And they are. But that doesn't stop it from being a moral dilemma. At the end of the day, she cannot stay out, and he knows that. She knows it too. If she does, there is the risk that Solomon may get killed. He is the only fragment so far to have met the Black Death and lived. More importantly, the only one to give a shit about her. Even if she does not care for Solomon specifically, his demise would mean she would once again be alone, without Death by her side, roaming the galaxy with the Deathstrider and killing fragments, forever tormented. It is in her best interest that she stays sealed, even if she deeply desires freedom. She's smart enough to know it. And hate it for the same reason. But it is what it is.
I hope this at least makes some sense and clears up the confusion. Went over this post fifty times trying to address the points coherently.

>> No.10042425
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>it crashed the server
I'll put up the road sign with a proper post next time.

>> No.10042471

Not quite strict as you can mouse look, but I did come across this when looking to see if anyone had done similar in the past. The battles are randomly generated and take you to a different area to do the battle. https://www.doomworld.com/forum/topic/125587-phobian-odyssey-episode-1-doom-dungeon-crawler-for-nanowadmo-2021/

>> No.10042487

Player "sound" has nothing to do with VIS. When your weapon fires, you are flagged for 0.1 seconds (1 game logic frame) as a hostile entity to monsters. Every game logic frame every monster checks if there is a nearby hostile, and if it is in line of sight (if you're in touching distance the sight check is skipped). When a monster is alerted, they themselves are flagged, so any nearby monster that sees them is alerted to the player. They won't wake up this way if they have the "Ambush" spawnflag.
Anyways, the sight algorithm checks any solid geometry, regardless of whether it's func detail, func wall, etc.
So as far as i know you cant trick monsters into waking up like with joined sectors or sound tunnels in doom. But you can target them with a trigger, and that will wake them up.

>> No.10042503

That does clear it up, thanks.
If only she could be satisfied just killing demons like normal people. I almost figured the solution would be to recycle her soul into something different, but that'd be mostly the same as killing her, and probably just as undesirable to Bone Boy. What timeframe is all this taking place in, anyway? If there were others on the ship, it's fortunate they didn't happen to be anywhere near when she got out.

It is also interesting she calls him Solomon once in the knife's alt text but Death in the lore entries.

Something that also occurred to me, that I'm surprised Solomon didn't consider, he has the Big Bone Dad on the ship with him, and if he wasn't happy with Solomon's performance as a fragment, couldn't he just pull the plug on him and make a new one? But maybe that's not how it works.

>> No.10042508

That gif remains the coolest shit that anyone on earth has ever done.

>> No.10042536

>It is also interesting she calls him Solomon once in the knife's alt text but Death in the lore entries
Leftover that I missed. Will correct that mistake. Thanks for spotting it.

Haven't thought about it. Probably when everyone is conveniently away or something.

>second spoiler
Who? The mysterious traveller? If yes, he's just a fragment. Death doesn't have a master or an entity looming over him. Solomon IS Death. So is the merchant. Killing Solomongus for shamefur dispray would be literal suicide and at the very least makes no logical sense in the merchant's mind. Plus it goes against the neutrality doctrine.
That is also assuming the canonical merchant is the traveller. I intentionally never speak of the merchants outside their lore for that precise reason. I want the player to create their own headcanon in that regard.

>> No.10042579
File: 428 KB, 1271x708, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calling Boop-Oop-A-Doom final I think. Unless something game breaking is discovered.
Managed to make the midi repeat adequately. So that's in. Other fixes also in.
Music is "Goering" by Keith Little

>> No.10042585

Ahh, okay, for some reason I was thinking there was only one fragment allowed active at a time.

>> No.10042627
File: 869 KB, 609x963, davy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another video about a gzdoom mod ends up going WoAh WiLd ThAt ThE dOoM eNgInE iS cApAbLe Of ThIs
i understand you people more and more each day

>> No.10042657

You’re very traumatized by nu/v/. I was only asking out of curiosity. I want to transition entirely to Linux and I hear tbat although you can now play 99.9% of games modding them is a different story. I was able to get Bloodlines unofficial patch working on Pop!OS through winetricks though.

>> No.10042723

idgi what's wrong with liking something and enjoying it

>> No.10042745
File: 529 KB, 800x599, 1491290001000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalfaggots don't care about facts, only feelings. Try telling them that "MyHouse.pk3 is actually made in a custom game engine" and I guarantee their eyes glaze over immediately. (Actually, it would happen at "dot-pee-kay-three".)
Subtlety is dead, and nobody seems to have noticed.

>> No.10042770

Do I bother with Quake 3 or am I just going to get wrecked by boomers?

>> No.10042793

You are absolutely going to get destroyed if you go hang around public games. You need to have friends, bots, or oldfags will to play dumb for a while.

>> No.10042850
File: 67 KB, 504x720, Gabriella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to transition
Please don't do it.

>> No.10042875

just about every game discussed here has complete feature parity on linux
every relevant doom, quake, and build port is readily available (or at least feasible to compile) and there isn't anything platform-specific about mods for any of them

>> No.10042879
File: 53 KB, 738x738, 1682754397126250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ggs btw

>> No.10042889

woof 11.3 released

> direct aiming from crispy
> visplane rendering performance optimizations

>> No.10042978
File: 2.56 MB, 3840x2160, 16 unit light strips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally testing these out in FTE. Displacement is a bit off in a couple places, but that's fixable. It seems like just deluxemapping isn't sufficient for specularity, so I guess I need to figure out dynamic lighting.
Otherwise I'm impressed with FTE's texture handling. Looks like a level of detail on par with Quake 4 or even Wolfenstein 2009 is pretty feasible.

>> No.10042989

have any linux users found a better way to play custom blood content with nblood?

>> No.10043069
File: 24 KB, 564x438, nyaaaar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be fucking ancient
>jump on random public server in Q3A
>rack up kills really fast
>win round
>ask "am I playing against bots"
Please prove me wrong,
I need to get rekt in this game.

>> No.10043076

It really is like riding a bike. In my experience, even years of rust will fall off by the end of the session.

>> No.10043107

It's all command line unless you want to get your hands dirty with startgtk.game.cpp or use Raze.

>> No.10043143
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>> No.10043168

i'm fine with that, i just want to get this shit working.

>> No.10043212
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>> No.10043226

release it

>> No.10043228

When I was younger I thought games made on idtech3 were a satanist tool of the devil and your soul will be damned to hell if you play them.

>> No.10043237

This is all from memory but I believe the command line options would be nblood -usecwd -game_dir [dir of mod] -ini [ini filename]
So if you had the death wish mod in the nblood folder like this image you'd run with the following command: nblood -usecwd -game_dir ./dw/ -ini dw.ini

>> No.10043243

I suck tremendously at Quake and Quake 2. I was sort of good at UT but only at a distance. Q3A was the only game in my childhood that I managed to get results in.

>> No.10043245

thank you senpai, i love you.

>> No.10043287

20+ years ago it was amazing to see what Zdoom was capable of. Nobody then cared, that it was a custom engine. Chocolate/crispy didn't exist back then. Dosbox was still a babby, and not a relevant way to play Doom (and never was). Boom was seen as next step from vanilla, and Zdoom was seen as next step from Boom. Now they are seen as alternatives as Boom-ports have evolved, vanilla ports have been developed, and Zdoom has grown into bloated monstrosity of GZdoom. But back then it was different, it wasn't about alternatives. (Yes there were still vanilla and boom wads, but in some point of time 99,9% of players would play them with Zdoom, because it was the most definite source port for Windows instead of Dos.) So back then, when something different was made in Zdoom, it really was amazing that such could be done in Doom. Zdoom was Doom, not just alternative.

Now of course, at this point of time MyHouse is overrated and it doesn't even do anything that wasn't done since early days of GZdoom. But yes, I do understand the old guys who come back to Doom and still think that GZdoom equals Doom. Even I did keep a 10 year pause from Doom between 2005 and 2015.

T. Normalfag who has played Doom wads first time in 90s

>> No.10043323
File: 70 KB, 220x300, Zero_Suit_Samus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much time is left for me to finish my Metroid map? Is it until the 15th of this month?

>> No.10043346

Why is Doom gameplay funnier and more entertaining than Quake? Any mods/wads that fix this? I assume it's because the monsters are smarter and you can't just rush into them, or I have no fucking idea just enlighten me. Thanks

>> No.10043351

not the project lead but you know how to do this? >>10038875
If your map is not only playable and fun, but also has a visible sector recreation of her, i think it's good
also, here's a tip: the visibility of linedefs in the automap can be related to the heights of floor/ceiling sectors
so if you use diverse textures but the floors are all the same height, then the linedefs may not be visible

>> No.10043361

That's exactly what I did for my other 2 maps for this project, my layout was just blocked out, with detailing done for later.

>> No.10043365
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Doom isn't loaded with spongy grenade-spammers like Quake is.

>> No.10043368
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>> No.10043383

This is probably subjective, but i think quake's atmosphere is less 'cartoon violence' and more 'horror' than doom, so 'funny' doesn't fit with quake.
If you mean "fun" then I disagree.
2 rockets
also, ogre isn't any less fun than a chaingunner.
i will say doom enemies have more varied/interesting attacks, but most of the popular quote mods fix this with new enemies.

>> No.10043392
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Somewhere around next week, 15th being the absolute max. I'm currently testing maps to see if there's isn't any massive issues (like the Mikazuki giant HoM) and to get a beta with a first map order open to discussion.
I said I wouldn't take any more maps, but if you are done before my beta, I might take your map granted it's not a mess of bugs or balance and it's within the fucking rules.

If somebody is interested, I'll post more of my notes when pastebin stop being triggered by words.

>> No.10043402

I want to see what you think about the mancubus map. That map filters me hard, but seeing as I apparently had much better time with Fillia than you did, I am interested to see how you deal with it.

>> No.10043403

>If somebody is interested, I'll post more of my notes
please do, i want to see what you have to note about my map

>> No.10043410

what about rentry?

>> No.10043423

Are we the CancerMouse?

>> No.10043426

I meant that it just feels "better" to shoot in Doom. Maybe it's because we're restricted vertically? The enemies are dumber? Could the sprites influence our opinions?
Currently playing Dwell on Hard and having a lot of fun, don't get me wrong, but Doom has a certain charme over Quake which I can't really put my finger on it

>> No.10043432

Quake gets hilarious when the mod makes it so enemies go flying like in Travail/Treveil/Treeville.
>on “sponginess”
I have a bullshit theory that the aggressiveness of Quake enemies plays into this feeling of “sponginess” that some people genuinely experience. A fiend can die to shells in Quake in about the same time it takes to supershotgun a hellknight to death in Doom, but the hellknight is slow as fuck and isn’t flying around trying to rape your face.
Also at play is the bias many have towards Doom’s shotguns, and the vanilla Quake episodes keeping the soft targets out of 90% of the game.

>> No.10043448

>Doom shotguns
Yeah, Doom shotguns just feel better, I don't think anyone disagrees there. Quake shotguns (both) are actually good, and fit the gameplay, problem is they are a few steps down compared to its older brother's
Putting Doom shotgun in Quake would feel out of place, it's too slow, and the pace of the game is quite different. Also, shotguns in Q don't blast a wall of enemies like in Doom

>> No.10043452

Violent Rumble adds in Doom shotgun styles. It's fun.

>> No.10043460

What? There's no decorations/models in Trenchbroom for Quake? How the fuck do I add a tree? I have to make a fucking brush? What about a fucking barrel? Leaves and vines? I need to make a 1 unit brush? Lol I must be getting something wrong

>> No.10043463

no it doesn't, what do you mean

>> No.10043465

>Yeah, Doom shotguns just feel better, I don't think anyone disagrees there.
After many long hours in both I’ve concluded they’re both equally fun to use. Doom SSG bias leads to its own problems.
Does the option change the amount of shells fired or picked up as well?

>> No.10043467

The doom shotguns feel better than quake shotguns, but remember quake's shotgun is basically the pistol. Quake rockets and grenades are awesome.

>> No.10043479
File: 2.62 MB, 1920x1080, start_2023-07-06_07-38-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it does. I don't remember the impulse to activate it whenever.
Nope. Shells picked up the same, shells fired are the same. It feels reaaally fun on hard mode.
You just click and drag to create a brush. You can also activate the brush tool which is useful when making brushes at angles.
Some things in this tutorial series are outdated like the whole standard/valve format.
>How the fuck do I add a tree?
There are hacky ways to do it in vanilla Quake, but mods like Drake, Arcane Dimensions, and now Keep come with trees. Mods like Quoth and Violent Rumble have the point entity
Which you place in your map, and using its key value you would input the path to a tree.mdl like the ones in the aforementioned mods. I have more to say hang on.

>> No.10043483
File: 39 KB, 453x449, bb283eb8e6902c071f8fc6fd77db187e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for suggesting rentry, I thought that it needed an account.
Here are the notes for now : https://rentry.org/forevralone
I will update that as I keep testing maps, it's quite useful.

>> No.10043485

>but remember quake's shotgun is basically the pistol.
That doesn’t really fit. It takes about 8 shotgun hits to kill an ogre, 2 rockets to kill it. The shotgun deals about a quarter of damage compared to a direct rocket hit. Doom’s pistol is nowhere near that good.
It’s better to imagine Quake just not even bothering with an awful starter weapon that gets replaced by another weapon within seconds of starting a level.

>> No.10043486

cheers mate, please do go on.

>> No.10043493

>Nope. Shells picked up the same, shells fired are the same.
That also means you’ll be twice as ammo efficient with the “Doom shotgun” option over the regular shotguns. Only thing balancing that appears to be the shotgun RNG.

>> No.10043495
File: 444 KB, 1808x859, gsh_jungle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leaves and vines
Some guy a year and half ago or so did the wonderful thing of creating an entire mapping toolbox for leaves, vines, and trees.
Pic related. You create a brush, depending on if you want players to pass through it or not, you make the brush a func_illusionary or func_wall respectively. I'm really brushing over it all but if you want me to slow down say so.
If you want to stick to vanilla Quake + trees, all you have to do when using Trenchbroom is go to the Face tab, hit the + button, and add gsh_jungle.wad. The tree I mentioned within Drake, Arcane Dimensions, and Keep? It's nothing like this, it's the dead tree from Hexen 2.

>> No.10043504

thanks, i wanted to add some hanging corpses and more complex stuff that can't be really done with just brushes. gonna find some models now that i know it's possible

>> No.10043514
File: 7 KB, 350x350, Q2_Weapon_Super_Shotgun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better shotgun in your path

>> No.10043517
File: 518 KB, 1833x832, hanging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't do anything but tell you to give it a shot anon. It's fun, it feels balanced, it feels good. I stress again do it on hard, on nightmare the shotgun reload is so slow for both shotguns since it's Doom style that you're just fucked like UV -fast.
Here's an index of texture wads.
The Violent Rumble mega also has some unique texture wads not on quaddicted.
One of these somewhere has a specific vine texture, but I misremembered and gsh_jungle doesn't have vines. Soz anon.
Keep and Quoth having hanging corpses as models. Pic related. And one more post after this.

>> No.10043525

Doom is better than Quake in wads and mods management. I can't play Quake with my own mods while playing someone else's wads while using someone else's weapons, and that's just garbage.
Keep Mod, Alkaline, etc. tried to fix this by unifying stuff, but they're just making it worse
Example from the posts above: I can't play original Quake using the modifiers found in Violent Rumble (unless I make my own pak)

>> No.10043527
File: 520 KB, 1920x983, tershib.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it. The mappack Ter Shibboleth Drake Redux comes with its sourcemaps and source wads, and Paris.wad comes with lots of plants, vines, and some texture hanging corpses.
Pic related.
>I can't play original Quake using the modifiers found in Violent Rumble
Yes you can. Go to the console and type map e1m1. Or if you're using ironwail, singleplayer>levels>any Quake map, including id1 based custom maps.

>> No.10043531
File: 397 KB, 1428x2444, 9a03011c0999b664503d1c29189db801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another "final" update for the Fore/vr/ Alone Visco map. I said I was done, but this was prompted by something that was technically a bugfix. I THOUGHT I had taken precautions to prevent the backpack secret's switch from being triggered prematurely, but for some reason it still could be. The secret was still accessible that way, but it ruined the visual effect.
Since I was going to put out another update anyway, I did some double checking and testing to fix some difficulty flag and texture errors, fix some leftover placeholders, and other minor tweaks. It's not really worth replaying for anyone who played the last version on UV or HMP other than debug testing again, which would still be very appreciated.

As for the easy difficulties, the biggest change is the maze now being more populated like the higher difficulties, since it was probably very dull being so barren, and the encounters there are probably easy enough for anyone able to clear the later sections anyway.
Another notable change on Easy, this time to make things easier, is the rocket room revenant trap now giving the Rocket Launcher earlier in the room and using an open blue key as bait. That revenant is mostly just supposed to be a joke with the setup of the previous rooms, so I wanted to do a little to help prevent players of those difficulties from blowing themselves up on accident.

Since your notes mention demos, were you planning to include any for the complete wad? I meant to include a demo of mine, but I've never recorded one and forgot about it. It's probably too late to mandate it like you suggested for future projects, but if you want or need more for this one it's probably best to ask now.

>> No.10043538

>Yes you can.
Alright, great, but then what about if I want to play YOUR WAD with MY MODIFICATIONS or other weapons?

>> No.10043543

I was in the middle of a longer reply but then you posted this lol. Yeah, Quake is nowhere near as versatile as Doom with its modding, let alone mixing mods. Not even close.
>but then what about if I want to play YOUR WAD with MY MODIFICATIONS or other weapons?
Like you said, you would make a pak. If the mapper has given their map sources and they're not tied to any major mod, you can add to the map yourself with your modifications i.e. if I gave you a map made in Drake, and you wanted to add shit from Alkaline, good fucking luck. But if I gave you an id1 map (no mods) then it's so much easier.

>> No.10043548

and this is why doom>quake. /end

>> No.10043549

A lot of that stems from improvements the Doom community have made to the modding experience through source port features that you take for granted.
Quake is much better and more intuitive when it comes to loading mods of all kinds than Doom was. No merging the graphics yourself, no dehacked patching, just -game [modfolder] and it works.

>> No.10043551

Doom more like dumb lmao got em

>> No.10043554


>> No.10043558

For the record you can still play any id1 based map with Violent Rumble mods which is pretty sweet. Same with Arcane Dimensions' chaos mode.

>> No.10043563
File: 3.93 MB, 640x360, 1681092773938900.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't do anything but tell you to give it a shot anon
I’ve already played through VR on Nightmare and can confirm it’s a blast and nicely balanced the whole way through. I’m all about options, and there’s plenty of other modifiers in VR as well.

>> No.10043565

This extends to Quake 2 and Doom 3 as well. Vanilla maps will work with the few mods that exist for those games.

>> No.10043567

>I’ve already played through VR on Nightmare
With the Doom shotguns? Fucking hardcore. Also addendum: With Doom shotty mode small boxes of shells are worth 10, large are worth 20.

>> No.10043572
File: 153 KB, 426x542, 61f1766cda52fe334272cf0c1fc3ef1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I already have 2 out of 3 demos with the Taihou and Madotsuki maps, if you want to record one for yours that'll be great, else I'll just do it myself on maps I can beat reliably.

My demo frustration is more because I don't enjoy trying hundreds of approaches on a slaughtermap to see if I can find one that works when there's dozens of thing happening at the same time. I think the Chiaki Pain room works for me is because you can see what's happening, and have the clear goal to get the key and get out of there, plus the map has breathing moments before and after that. The Mancubus map for example is just chaos that I really don't enjoy, and would rather see a demo of it to try and recreate rather than countless attempts on my end on a strat that may not even be viable.

>> No.10043575

> With the Doom shotguns?
Nah just the regular Quake ones, I love em. In fact, “Doom shotguns” and some other modifiers sound like a great reason to replay it, much to the dismay of my custom Quake backlog.
>Also addendum: With Doom shotty mode small boxes of shells are worth 10, large are worth 20.
Oh fuck that’s real, real nice, and I would’ve been perfectly fine even if they didn’t want to cater to my ammotism.

>> No.10043579

What's a good vanillaish mapset that doesn't overstay it's welcome? Stuff like 10x10, Overboard, or Liminal Doom?

Just crawled my way through Moonblood and need a stronge palette cleanser.

>> No.10043583

Any of the DBPs, pretty much.

>> No.10043585

DBP Autumn.

>> No.10043587


>> No.10043596

>those mancubus map notes
I feel vindicated.

>> No.10043614
File: 3.93 MB, 960x540, Replay_2023-07-06_11-11-47.mkv.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because you're stuck trying to play quake like it's doom
you need to embrace the HUUH

>> No.10043624
File: 61 KB, 1098x376, Screenshot 2023-07-06 115005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried a solution with invisible walls to stop people from getting stuck but the first secret still requires you to fit in a corner so i would like someone to test this because i was never able to get stuck anywhere in my map so i might have to change that secret.
The sector with the armor bonus is now lifted to the ceiling and will lower with the rest of the wall after pressing the switch.
Fixed the gargoyle texture.
Also added another rocket box for the first big fight because why not.
The only point i have issue with is the height variation because i have no idea where/how i could add it to the beginning of the map without making it feel more cramped.

>> No.10043661

>HDoom Mancubus and Rainboom feedback
Dully noted, I'm working on de-dickening and de-slaughterfesting the maps, it's going to be only slaughterfest-y on co-op multiplayer.

>> No.10043669
File: 439 KB, 1586x836, NotGreatFixToAProblemASinglePersonHas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take my notes with a pinch a salt, as looking at my screenshots I only got stuck in the white starting room corners and those armor bonus, which you have fixed. I was more cautious of them going forward, and it didn't ruin any run I did.
Also the height thing seems to be a me problem, nobody seems to have minded that. I wasn't thinking of you adding high spaces like the red part of the scythe, but more like floor height variations like in pic.
Then again, I couldn't finish my map, so I'm in no place to complain about a detail of yours.
I also didn't notice that secret until your post, and I still had to look hard in the editor, damn that's a hidden secret switch.

>> No.10043671

Reverie is fun

>> No.10043685

Although I did intend to make a demo, I can't promise one now because of other things, and honestly I'm tired of speedrunning the map near daily for two weeks during testing. If nothing else I'd like to make sure it really is the final revision before recording one, so I'd want to wait until soon before the main wad is put together, when I've clearly gotten all the prerelease feedback I'll get.
If you end up recording one yourself I'd love to watch it to see a less familiar run of the map, but personally I'd prefer if you only included a demo in the final if you enjoyed it, or if you're just including all of them you can do.

>> No.10043689

>seamlessly ending a death knight with shells after lobbing two explosives into him
So satisfying, all of the time

>> No.10043705

You are actually the third person to complain about the height so i will see what i can do.

>> No.10043763

For me one of the main issues with quake is all the overlapping weapons. I almost never want to use the shotgun once I have the super shotgun (and never that either once I get the gibbing one with three barrels in arcane dimensions). Likewise with the nailgun and super nailgun.
The only meaningful differences within ammo types are between the grenade and rocket launcher, and the thunderbolt/plasma gun.

>> No.10043775

The regular shotgun has its purpose for being really good at picking off weak enemies at range, but the regular nailgun is wholly pointless once you get the super.

>> No.10043813

"same ammo better gun" is just an unfortunate Id-ism inherited from doom, same with shamblers arbitrarily being immune to splash damage

Community projects usually don't overstay their welcome because each mapper does their own thing in a vacuum and are under some pressure to respect the player's time because 30 minute long magnum opuses tend to stick out like a sore thumb. JPCP and the MAYhem series are really good, Community Chest series, even the later ones, are less fun and more for historical value

>> No.10043828

>Community projects usually don't overstay their welcome because each mapper does their own thing in a vacuum and are under some pressure to respect the player's time
I think this is why my favorite /vr/ project is 512. The maps are limited in scope and therefore fairly limited in size.
... I never beat 2048... I'll get to it eventually I swer.

>> No.10043837

>"same ammo better gun" is just an unfortunate Id-ism inherited from doom, same with shamblers arbitrarily being immune to splash damage
It’s also way worse in Doom. I’d imagine if one doesn’t like how the whole weapon roster is balanced in Quake then they should thoroughly dislike how Doom has its weapons balanced.

>> No.10043839

I fucking hate Shotgun starting that map on Nightmare.

>> No.10043842

>It’s also way worse in Doom
The plasma gun is technically less efficient than the BFG, but the nailgun and pistol have similar levels of uselessness compared to their multi-barreled brethren.

>> No.10043868

AD mod fucks with some hacks the more complex vanilla maps rely on to be more interresting IIRC, most of Terra levels has loads of game-stopping bugs when playing it in AD

>> No.10043874

That’s a sentiment most people have when shotgun starting classic Quake levels because it wasn’t as catered to as it was in Doom. They had more of a grasp on the episodic level progression this time around.
>The plasma gun is technically less efficient than the BFG
That is putting it way too lightly. The difference in what you can kill with 40 cells through the BFG and plasma gun is huge.

>> No.10043876

>itt nerds discussing about ammo usage in 30 years old games lmao

>> No.10043893

It depends on what you're shooting at. It's not worth it to try and plasma a Cyberdemon to death, but smaller singular enemies or small groups of enemies can be plasma'd for about the same cost as it would be to BFG them. The plasma is also good when you can't get in a monster's face.

>> No.10043895
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>> No.10043908
File: 1.10 MB, 1600x900, spasm0057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>same with shamblers arbitrarily being immune to splash damage
They get -50% dmg from all explosions, but you can still splash them to death (if you really need to get rid of all of your rockets I guess)
but the Eliminators from Quoth do function like that

>> No.10043913

Does anyone know the mod that adds the ability to send the projectiles back at enemies in doom, I had a mod on not sure which one and now I can't reproduce that effect.

>> No.10043915

>the nailgun and pistol have similar levels of uselessness
I use the Nailgun for spraying flak on distant crowds. Less likely to waste ammo on missed shots, coupled with more freedom to spray. Better for conserving ammo against Tarbabies, too, if you don't get the jump on them, for the same reason (economy flak storm). But I'm pretty stingy with my spikes when playing blind, so I'll admit that the Nailgun is only really useful with prior knowledge of the map.
>That’s a sentiment most people have when shotgun starting classic Quake levels
To be fair, some maps are improved with the difficulty of a Shotgun start. Offhand, I can think of actually liking E4M5 Shotgun start.
>it wasn’t as catered to as it was in Doom
Some Doom II maps feel horribly balanced for Pistol starting, IMO. The Focus and Refueling Base come to mind. I also despise Doom's E3M1, but I don't think that's strictly a weapons issue; I'm just reminded of Pistol'ing Cacos at the start.

>> No.10043916
File: 168 KB, 828x466, 3CB4DE6B-EFBA-4ABF-A38D-5E9399B4D8F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this not break room over room? Am I the dumb?

>> No.10043923

Why wouldn't you just send a rocket into a crowd?

>> No.10043930

>It’s not worth it to try and plasma a Cyberdemon to death, but smaller singular enemies or small groups of enemies can be plasma'd for about the same cost as it would be to BFG them.
Those small groups could also be perfect for rockets to conserve cells, or manageable enough with an SSG to conserve both cells and rockets. Custom maps are far more aware of the power gap and don’t pull a Doom 2 i.e. give you numerous chances at getting a BFG before you’re even halfway through the levels.

>> No.10043932

Unless you made a new one, the Madotsuki demo I made only works on the first version of the map, and will definitely desync at some point in the most recent version.

>> No.10043941

You can't get on top of the building, silly. The skybox just extends down to the ceiling to give the illusion of height. As a mapper, I really need to start using that trick instead of making buildings and cliffs at conspicuously-uniform heights.
>Why wouldn't you just send a rocket into a crowd?
I'm just assuming I have no other tools besides Nailgun and Super Nailgun, for argument's sake. Otherwise I'd be comfortable just peppering enemies with the single-barrel Shotgun from a billion miles away. Also, I tend to save Rockets for Rocket Jump experiments if I've never played a map before. (I'll gladly break that conservation, tho, if I see a juicy spot to pump Grenades into or the like.)

>> No.10043948

>the dumb
Maybe, although I neither understand how articles work

>> No.10044013

I get that the ceiling can look like the skybox due to a lack of texture. But if thats the case it looks like the ceiling got lowered and then the texture gets variation on all four sides thats doesn’t seem possible with vanilla Doom.

Like if I make a cube shape, I can texture the sides each with one texture not multiple textures unless I make sectors along the cube’s sides from it’s x-y coordinates.

In order to make texture variation on a side from the top down, I’d have to make sectors from a 3-d perspective. Which isn’t how doom works.

Or is it just a dummy sector?

>> No.10044023
File: 1.06 MB, 1851x832, Screenshot 2023-07-06 141806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally just lowering the F_Sky1 ceiling, and then lowering more wall there for "height variation". I was actually wrong about how I assumed BPRD did it; he really did just make almost the entire skybox one height and just made the starting house the right height to fit in it.
Also, before checking this, I actually had no idea there was a mix of tree objects and mid-textures making up the woods.

>> No.10044027
File: 122 KB, 640x480, doom40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can lower sky ceiling to different height and wall between them will be sky as well. It's specifically done to make buildings of different height.
However, it's still a ceiling and it will cut into anything that's supposed to be behind it.

I've got a screenshot at hand to showcase how it works, the sky in front of the long segment is lowered so tower seems taller. But you must not be able to walk around the long part.

>> No.10044034

Forgot to clarify, the red lines in that pic are where the ceiling meets those props. The rooftop moulding(?) and pipe-top vent both come from lowering the ceiling out of the skybox.

>> No.10044035
File: 135 KB, 640x480, doom37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, bad screenshot, here's one without lighting.

>> No.10044068

I was also assuming that BPRD didn’t make the skybox one height because the pillars and other structures later on look like they’re higher than the house

>> No.10044075

And now this picture confuses me again, I’ll just tool around in Doom Builder tonight to figure it out.

>> No.10044078

>the pillars and other structures later on look like they’re higher than the house
I checked those in-editor, too, and BPRD made REALLY good use of forced-perspective. Because yeah, those fit under/within the skybox height, too.

>> No.10044084
File: 1.05 MB, 1849x827, Screenshot 2023-07-06 143210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIsregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.10044092
File: 1.24 MB, 1920x1040, sky hack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how it looks in the editor. The grey upper texture between two skies is also drawn as a sky, any actual texture there is ignored.

>> No.10044160
File: 5 KB, 47x82, VILEQ2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Versions 3 of Ass Massage and Rainboom : https://files.catbox.moe/9jat2e.zip

Changes: In general, both maps have been heavily nerfed for higher enjoyability. Previous difficulty is retained for multiplayer only.
All of the project lead's notes have been taken care of.

>Ass Massage
-No longer a slaughterfest. (Only 123 enemies now)
-All but one revenant are replaced with hell knights and barons.

-Blue armor at the start is moved to be right in front of the player.
-Reduced the arch-viles from 6, to 3. Only 2 are in the trap now, and you have better cover.
-Removed a pain elemental from 4, to 3.
-Fixed the slime trails at the megasphere arena.
-Arachnotron turrets no longer respawn.
-Made purple switch more noticeable.

>> No.10044184
File: 301 KB, 1116x2048, meruwitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merula anon here. The blank midi is because GZDoom (at least 4.10.0) doesn't seem to recognize thing 14100, which should play the default midi with MUSINFO. To work around it I simply made the default midi silent and used 14101 as the default song which plays when starting the map. 14100 works with Nugget and Woof for some reason though but I went with that solution.
As for difficulty, that's fine. It's designed for pistol starts but if people want an easier time they can get there with continuous to look at the doomcute or play HMP. It's very possible to finish it with a pistol start on UV, and I've done it most times I've played it.
Also confirmed, GMOTA was one of my test mods and it's pretty fun to play with.

>> No.10044213

Why are you using MUSINFO and the dummy things for the default music? I'm genuinely confused, since you replaced the default lump with silence. Why not just replace the default lump with your default music, and just use MUSINFO for dynamic music changes?

>> No.10044230

I used MUSINFO because of the rocket secret, but when returning from the secret GZDoom doesn't recognize 14100 which should play the default music but doesn't, so I just made 14101 the default by placing it on the teleporter exit from the secret and also the start of the map as well as the secret arena. I've never really mapped before so if there's a better way to do it I'm all ears!

>> No.10044248

Manc map is now certainly more fitting of the map 7 slot. The MIDI is loud as fuck though.

>> No.10044250
File: 386 KB, 742x462, Screenshot 2023-05-27 134247.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when returning from the secret GZDoom doesn't recognize 14100 which should play the default music but doesn't
Ahhh, makes more sense now. I didn't think about switching back to the default music. Sorry if I sounded condescending or anything; I haven't beaten your map yet, so I was just genuinely confused. I still need to finish my own map...
That aside, I liked what little I did play so far, so kudos despite your relative freshness. And 10/10 waifu pick.

>> No.10044259

bake that bread, bigot

>> No.10044295

Finish Persona

>> No.10044307

Make your own thread, twink.

>> No.10044412

JPCP has like 4 magnum opus maps in a row, what are you on?

>> No.10044443


>> No.10044448


>> No.10044475
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>> No.10044480

Next thread is when 94 Protons releases.

>> No.10044481

I don't know, I still really, really like vanilla+expacs.

>> No.10044485

Based and Quakepilled. I heard that Adrian Carmack (who is not related to John Carmack btw) still plays Q1 during his free time. He plays on normal difficulty

>> No.10044493
File: 300 KB, 481x418, Shub-Tiggurath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He plays on normal difficulty
Couldn't be me. The fire rate on Nightmare is... Exhilarating!!

>> No.10044497

nightmare is trash though, do you play wiht modz?
i can't stand the machineguns ogres, and it's not about skills, its about having phun while playin

>> No.10044517

What's a good excuse to kitchen sink all enemies, all weapons and all themes in an fps, apart from "teleport system" bla bla aliens etc?

>> No.10044524

A childish creator god grows bored with the existence he oversees and throws all of his playthings together at once just for a laugh.

>> No.10044527

I'm partial to a Beyonder-like entity who-
Yeah okay nevermind, basically what that anon said. But I was gonna suggest that the Beyonder-analog is actually just the host of a "game show" for other, even more powerful Eldritch horrors observing the events from beyond the veil of the material world. They got buckets of Shoggoth popcorn and they place unseen wagers on their favorite "contestants". There are Elder God fangirls of Duke and Caleb.

>> No.10044529

Every level is a mission in a different part of the world, reinforce this with a mission briefing before each one

>> No.10044534

that's Quake 3 though
Ok but how to include aliens, old ancient times and future times? we still need that stupid teleporter thing

>> No.10044545

A Psychonauts type of deal: a specialist goes into different people's minds/dreams to uncover their secrets/help them psychologically

>> No.10044547

baking new thread

>> No.10044556
File: 86 KB, 688x1024, quake only friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's Quake 3 though
I've only ever played Quake 1. Sounds to me like you could crib elements from Quake 3 for a crossover excuse, then. Especially if the Eldritch game host makes a world out of pieces of the different settings, a la the Beyonder in Secret Wars. (Again, I don't know if Q3 already does this.)

>> No.10044574


See you there.

>> No.10044698
File: 439 KB, 1847x825, Screenshot 2023-07-06 184514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One more arena, and one secret fight.
I'll return to that shitty high school, soon. And this time I'll consult a fucking guide when I get lost.